三省堂オーディオブック『聞く聖書』シリーズ ダウンロード販売開始 |
OnGen USEN MUSIC SERVER http://www.ongen.net
三省堂は、創業125周年を迎えた2006年に、新しい読書スタイルを楽しむ『聞く教科書』シリーズ(高等学校世界史等)を皮切りに“三省堂オーディオブック”の刊行を始めました。2006年末に発売した第二弾企画『大学入試センター試験 英語リスニング模擬試験』シリーズ、『SelfBooks』シリーズに続き、第三弾企画として2007年8月に、日本聖書協会発行 新共同訳聖書 精選版『聞く聖書』シリーズ(全19巻)を発刊しました。
ミュージックオンライン株式会社 三省堂担当
消費者発信型メディア(CGM)に評価される 通販カタログ会社サイトランキング |
【総合順位】 順位は下記のとおりです。
順位 総合得点 企業名
1位 69.46 セシール
2位 69.15 DHC
3位 68.87 フェリシモ
4位 68.17 ディノス
5位 60.92 千趣会
6位 58.57 アスクル
7位 55.72 ファンケル
8位 53.05 ニッセン
9位 38.12 ベルーナ
10位 36.44 ムトウ
平均 57.85
ブログ、ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス(SNS:Social Networking Service)、口コミサイト等、消費者発信型メディア(CGM:Consumer Generated Media)と呼ばれるサービスがここ数年で急速に普及し、個人の消費行動に大きな影響を与えております。
ブログやSNSなど他のサイトからリンクを貼ってもらいやすい 仕掛けになっているかの評価
(※)SMO・・・・Social Media Optimization の略。
※RSS(Rich Site Summary)・・ニュースやブログなどのウェブサイトの更新情報を簡単にまとめ配信するための文書フォーマット。RSSリーダーやRSSリーダーが組み込まれたブラウザを使うことによって情報を得ることができる。ユーザーにとっては、興味のある最新情報が自動的に集まってくるため簡単にチェックすることができ、情報収集に余念のないブロガー(ブログの書き手)にとって必須の機能となっている。
TEL:03-3542-5006 FAX:03-3542-8130
■設 立:2000年1月4日
■代表者:代表取締役社長 杉山 剛太
担当:ゴールネット株式会社 長友
TEL:03-3542-5006 / FAX:03-3542-8130
オンライン広告専門マンチングサイト 「オンライン広告.com」トップページ大幅リニューアル |
名 称:株式会社ベレコム
本社住所:東京都豊島区北大塚2-8-11 プログレスヒルズ5階
資 本 金 :1,000万円
電 話:03-5907-5556
株式会社ベレコム マルチメディア事業部
世界で一つのメモリアルギフトを販売するサイト 『シンデレラストーリー』オープン! |
代表者:代表取締役 横井孝治
所在地:大阪市北区扇町6-28 メビック扇町510号
TEL:06-4302-5517 Fax:06-6337-4758
ブック型・折りたたみクリスマスツリー『ハッピークリスマス』新発売 |
ツリーの展示は、箱を開いて立てるだけ、机上でも展示でき、閉じればすぐに収納。場所を取らず、持ち運びも簡単! 装飾品は、光ファイバー照明、全ての装飾が施されており、音楽も流れます。内側は鏡張りで、クリスマスツリーの立体感を引き立てます。
小サイズ FC-S1.
外形寸法:(FC-S1)小型サイズ たて34cm・よこ23cm・あつさ5.8cm・重さ1.5Kg
中サイズ FC-M1.
外形寸法:(FC-M1)中型サイズ たて47cm・よこ27cm・あつさ6.0cm・重さ2.3Kg
大サイズ FC-L1.
定外形寸法:(FC-L1)大型サイズ たて60cm・よこ32cm・あつさ6.3cm・重さ3.0Kg
材 質: 箱、・・・・・・木質系ボール紙、紙貼
株式会社 レイアックス
〒183-0022 東京都府中市宮西町2-13-301
TEL 042-333-0189
FAX 042-333-0037
URL http://rayax.jp
商品URL http://rayax.jp/h/index.html
株式会社レイアックス ハッピークリスマス事業部
E-mail try@rayax.jp
TEL 042-333-0189
FAX 042-333-0037
『ミステティック ミスパリ』 セカンドライフに出店! |
2階フロアに続く階段を上がると、エレガントな邸宅をイメージした『エステティック ミスパリ』のサロン。
当社では、セカンドライフ(R)内のサロンをお客様との新しいコミュニケーションスペースと考え、バーチャルな世界における『エステティック ミスパリ』のブランドイメージの訴求、サロンにまつわる様々な情報を発信してまいります。
「セカンドライフ」(Second Life(R))は、米国Linden Lab社が運営する、インターネット上に構築された3D仮想空間です。
「Tokyo ZERO 番地」とは、株式会社SUN が運営するセカンドライフ(R)内の総合エンターテイメント型モールです。本モール最大の特徴は、日本国内で初めてバーチャル世界とリアル世界を融合する電子商取引サービスです。
「Tokyo ZERO 番地」内のショッピングモールで「アバター」が、商品を購入すると実際の商品が届けられるサービスが実現し、仮想空間で実際に買い物を楽しむことが出来ます。
(URL: http://secondlifejapan.co.jp/ )
担当:広報宣伝部 平山(ヒラヤマ)・角(カド)
TEL :03-3568-2389
FAX :03-3568-2517
男のエステ『ダンディハウス』 セカンドライフに出店! |
「セカンドライフ」(Second Life(R))は、米国Linden Lab社が運営する、インターネット上に構築された3D仮想空間です。世界的には1千万人を超える人々が、アバターと呼ばれる自分の分身を使ってバーチャルな世界で生活し、様々なコミュニティを形成しています。
「Tokyo ZERO 番地」とは、株式会社SUNが運営するセカンドライフ(R)内の総合エンターテイメント型モールです。本モール最大の特徴は、日本国内で初めてバーチャル世界とリアル世界を融合する電子商取引サービスです。
「Tokyo ZERO 番地」内のショッピングモールで「アバター」が、商品を購入すると実際の商品が届けられるサービスが実現し、仮想空間で実際に買い物を楽しむことが出来ます。
(URL: http://secondlifejapan.co.jp/ )
担当: 広報宣伝部 平山(ヒラヤマ)・角(カド)
TEL : 03-3568-2389
FAX : 03-3568-2517
URL : http://www.dandy-house.co.jp/
「骨伝導」+「マイクロスピーカー」 耳で音が踊る新感覚イヤーホン販売受付開始 |
「製品情報」 http://www.goldendance.co.jp/product/index.html
ゴールデンダンス株式会社は、骨伝導(bone conduction)研究と関連製品の開発を行い、骨伝導の技術を採用したステレオヘッドホン「オーディオボーン」「オーディオボーン アクア」等、数種類の骨伝導製品を既に販売し、多くの方にご利用いただいております。
「骨伝導の仕組み」 http://www.goldendance.co.jp/boneconduct/index.html
この度発売する新商品『オーディオボーン バリウス』は、「骨伝導」+「マイクロスピーカー」の合体という、通常のイヤーホンでは体感できない、「音が耳の中で踊る」新感覚イヤーホンとなっており、新発想の体感振動Woofer Earphoneで、ヘビーな音楽や体感型ゲームに最適なアイテムです。
『オーディオボーン バリウス』概要
骨伝導スピーカー インピーダンス 8Ω
最大入力 50mW
周波数帯域 50Hz~10KHz
出力音圧レベル 89dB/mW
マイクロスピーカー インピーダンス 16~32Ω
最大入力 40mW
周波数帯域 16Hz~22kHz
出力音圧レベル 106dB/mW
・コードの長さ:120cm 3.5Φステレオプラグ
■価格 9,800円(税込)
■会社名 ゴールデンダンス株式会社
■代表者 代表取締役 中谷 明子
■資本金 2,400万円
■設 立 2002年1月
■所在地 〒536-0001 大阪市城東区古市3-22-19
■TEL 06-4255-3030
■FAX 06-4255-3036
■URL http://www.goldendance.co.jp/
■Email office@goldendance.co.jp
■会社名 ゴールデンダンス株式会社
■担当者 営業部 森本 憲一
■TEL 06-4255-3030
■FAX 06-4255-3036
■Email office@goldendance.jp
「大人が変われば、子どもも変わる」運動へ取り組み開始(泉州広告社) |
泉州広告株式会社 メディアコンテンツ事業部 小倉嘉夫
TEL:072-437-3005 FAX:072-430-2365
カロリーを気にせず食べられる本格パスタ 新発売! |
「ローカロ生活 こんにゃくパスタ」の麺は、わずか18kcalと低カロリーに抑える事に成功しました。表面はマットに仕上がりタリアテッレのような平ぺったい形で通常のパスタと見た目もほとんど変わらない本格的な麺に仕上がりました。
●「ローカロ生活 こんにゃくパスタ」紹介
●商品概要( http://www.lowcalo.com/shopping/item0076.html )
商品名:ローカロ生活 こんにゃくパスタ3種詰合せ
荷姿:3種×5食 15食入り
エネルギー:18kcal たん白質:1.4g 脂質:0.9g 糖質:1.8g
食物繊維:3.9g ナトリウム:6mg
エネルギー:86kcal たん白質:4.0g 脂質:6.2g 糖質:3.2g
食物繊維:1.0g ナトリウム:704mg
エネルギー:50kcal たん白質:1.7g 脂質:2.0g 糖質:5.7g
食物繊維:1.3g ナトリウム:960mg
エネルギー:29kcal たん白質:1.4g 脂質:1.1g 糖質:3.0g
食物繊維:0.8g ナトリウム:790mg
●ローカロ生活とは?( http://www.lowcalo.com/shopping/ )
おかげさまで、2005年3月からの販売開始以来、累計2,000万食の販売実績を 達成したローカロ生活シリーズ。その開発コンセプトは、『無理せず、気にせず、味わいながら、楽しめるローカロリーな食生活』をより多くのみなさまへ提案することです。また、このコンセプトを満たすために、一定の基準、すなわち
会 社 名 :株式会社アイケイ
住 所 :〒453-0809 愛知県名古屋市中村区上米野4丁目20番
担 当 者 :ファン・マーケティングチーム 横井雅人(ヨコイマサト)
E-Mail : lowcalomaster@lowcalo.com
URL : http://www.ai-kei.co.jp/
TEL : 052-459-5131
FAX : 052-459-5160
「タレントのケータイイメージランキング」調査 |
「モバイルリサーチ」 http://www.mobile-research.jp/
ネットエイジア株式会社 http://www.netasia.co.jp/
------ タレントのケータイイメージランキング2007 ------
ケータイが最も似合うと思う男性タレントでは、トップが「木村拓哉 (キムタク)」2位が「妻夫木聡」となっている。両者で全体回答の30%を占め、3位以下とは大きな差となっている。「木村拓哉」はケータイのメーカーCM、「妻夫木聡」もケータイキャリアのCMに出演していることが大きく影響していそうだ。3位以下も「長瀬智也」「亀梨和也」「速水もこみち」とケータイのCMキャラクター組が並んでいる。
マーケティング事業本部 担当:境野(サカイノ)
Tel:03-3589-3255 Fax: 03-3589-3256
人気ラジオドラマ『HOTEL MAUSU』シリーズが ケータイ向けオーディオブックで配信開始! |
MBJプラットフォームからケータイ電子書店への供給、ならびに自社ケータイ向けオーディオブックサイト「音の本棚」にて、10月12日(金)より順次配信を開始いたしました。対応機種はNTTドコモ 902iX以降ならびに702i以降の着うたフル対応機種となります。(※2)
(※1 オーディオブック・・・書籍の朗読など音声により楽しむコンテンツ)
◆『HOTEL MAUSU』シリーズとは
2004年よりラジオ関西で放送され、ファンイベントも開催されるなど絶大な支持を得ていました。後に、フィフスアベニューより『Voice Station ~HOTEL MAUSU~』として全5巻のCDシリーズとしてリリースされ、ドラマとフリートークが楽しめる作品となっています。
★只今、『HOTEL MAUSU Ⅰ』にてオープニング1話無料配信中!
■配信サイト 【その他、順次展開予定】
アクセス方法 :iMENU>メニュー/検索>コミック/書籍>小説>音の本棚
○『サウンドストーリー』(JVCエンターテイメント運営) iモード公式サイト
アクセス方法 :iMENU>メニュー/検索>コミック/書籍>小説>サウンドストーリー
・単品価格 :150コイン(税込157円相)/1ファイル
≪※2 対応機種≫
・702i シリーズ…P702iD
・703i シリーズ…D703i / SO703i / SH703i / P703i / N703iμ / F703i /N703iD
・704i シリーズ…D704i / SO704i / SH704i / P704i / N704iμ / F704i/L704i
・902i シリーズ…N902iX / P902iS
・903i シリーズ…P903i / N903i / F903i / D903i / SH903i / SO903i /F903iX /P903iX
P903iTV / D903iTV / SH903iTV / SO903iTV
・904i シリーズ…P904i / N904i / F904i / D904i / SH904i
(他キャリア、PCでの配信は順次展開予定 2007/10/15現在)
● 株式会社モバイルブック・ジェーピー 会社概要 ●
電子書籍流通の取次ぎサービスを行うプラットフォーム事業のほか、大手出版各社が共同運営する『電子文庫パブリ』を展開しています。また、携帯電話向けオーディオブック専門サイト『音の本棚』(NTTドコモ/iモード公式サイト)電子書籍配信サイト『どこでも読書』(NTTドコモ/iモード公式サイト、au WIN端末向/EZweb公式サイト、ソフトバンク公式サイト)、『つや缶あり』(au WIN端末向け/EZweb公式サイト、ソフトバンク公式サイト)および、PC/PDA向け電子書籍配信サイト『PDABOOK.JP』を運営しています。
(担当:プラットフォーム事業本部 川島)
東京都千代田区神田神保町2-6-4 九段プラザビル2F
TEL:03-5210-2303 FAX:03-5210-2304
京都在学中に京都通をめざす『大学生向け京都通検定』 |
NPO法人京都文化維持推進協会 竹内理事長は、「この検定を機に京都の大学生が京都文化に触れ、他県の学生に京都の情報を発信して欲しい。京都の知識・情報される京都wikiがその一助になればと考える。学生生活中に触れた京都の文化が、長く広く継承されればと思う」と話しています。
URL :http://www.kyoto-wiki.com/
開 設 :2007年7月21日
概 要:
特 徴:
愛京家倶楽部 http://www.aikyoka-club.com/
■会社名 NPO法人京都文化維持推進協会
■代表者 理事長 竹内 基
■設 立
■所在地 〒641-8491 京都府京都市伏見区深草直違橋11-138
■TEL 075-641-8491
■FAX 075-621-4522
■URL http://www.kyoto-wiki.com/
■Email info@kyoto-wiki.com
■会社名 NPO法人京都文化維持推進協会
■担当者 理事長 竹内
■TEL 075-641-8491
■FAX 075-621-4522
■Email info@kyoto-wiki.com
手作り雑貨販売サイト『かしこまりっ!本舗』 新たにアーティスト5名参加! |
『かしこまりっ!本舗』 http://kashikomari.jp
・オールハンドメイド革小物「Hanabusa Leather」
・蜻蛉玉工房「Bottega Cielo」
・版画を使ったオリジナルアクセサリー「tiny azure」
東京都中野区新井3-36-21 マノワールISHIDA302
TEL/FAX: 03-3389-5045
社用mobile: 090-9850-4039
MAIL: order@kashikomari.jp

LONDON, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Data from two observational studies of over 470,000 patients taking statins in routine clinical practice investigating the incidence of cardiovascular events in patients taking CRESTOR(TM) (rosuvastatin) and other statins were presented today at the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 10th Annual European Congress in Dublin. The results from one study with a median duration of therapy of eleven months suggest that patients taking CRESTOR (mean dose 11mg) had significantly fewer cardiovascular events compared to patients taking simvastatin (mean dose 22mg) and pravastatin (mean dose 34mg) and a favourable trend towards fewer cardiovascular events compared to patients taking atorvastatin (mean dose 17mg). The results from the other study showed that CRESTOR users had a similar incidence of cardiovascular events to users of other statins at a median duration of therapy of 100 days, however amongst patients who were on statin therapy for nine months or longer the incidence of events was significantly lower in CRESTOR users. These studies have limitations typical of observational research. "These pharmacoepidemiological studies add to the extensive knowledge we have gathered through the CRESTOR clinical trials program, which continues to show that CRESTOR offers outstanding effects on lowering LDL-C with the additional benefit of raising HDL-C," said Elisabeth Bjork, CRESTOR Medical Science Director at AstraZeneca. The first study conducted in the Netherlands, compared the differences in incidences of hospitalisations for cardiovascular events -- including fatal and non-fatal ischaemic heart disease and stroke- between users of selected statins (rosuvastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin, pravastatin). 76,147 statin-naive patients from the PHARMO Institute database, who had not experienced cardiovascular events in the preceding year were followed for up to two years, with a median duration of therapy of eleven months. In this study, the incidence of hospitalisation for cardiovascular events was significantly lower (28%, RR 0.72 (95 percent CI 0.56-0.94)) in patients taking CRESTOR compared with those taking other statins (simvastatin, atorvastatin, or pravastatin). Mean statin doses were CRESTOR 11mg, atorvastatin 17mg, simvastatin 22mg, and pravastatin 34mg. When individually compared to other statin groups, the incidence of cardiovascular events in CRESTOR users was: -- 40% lower than pravastatin users (0.60 (95%CI 0.45-0.80)) significant -- 29% lower than simvastatin users (0.71 (95%CI 0.54-0.94)) significant -- 17% lower than atorvastatin users (0.83 (95%CI 0.63-1.10)) not significant The second study conducted in the US, assessed real world effectiveness of statins by comparing the incidence of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events (hospital cardiovascular death, heart attack, unstable angina, coronary revascularization, stroke, and carotid revascularization) in users of CRESTOR versus users of other statins. 395,039 statin-naive patients from the Thomson Healthcare's MarketScan research database were followed for up to two years and four months, with a median duration of therapy of 100 days. Mean dose of CRESTOR was 11 mg and was lower than the other statins. In this study, CRESTOR patients had a similar incidence of cardiovascular events to patients taking other statins for 90 days or more, or for 180 days or more (greater than or equal to 90 days exposure, HR=0.97, (95 percent CI=0.86-1.09); greater than or equal to 180 days, HR=0.91, (95 percent CI=0.78-1.06)). However, when patients remained on therapy for at least nine months, patients taking CRESTOR had a significantly lower incidence of cardiovascular events (20% lower, HR 0.80 (95 percent CI 0.64-1.00)) than patients taking other statins. CRESTOR is indicated for the treatment of lipid disorders. CRESTOR has now received regulatory approvals in more than 90 countries. More than 11 million patients have been prescribed CRESTOR worldwide. Data from clinical trials(1) and marketed use(2),(3) show that the safety profile for CRESTOR is in line with other marketed statins. CRESTOR should be used according to the prescribing information, which contains recommendations for initiating and titrating therapy according to individual patient profiles. In most countries, the usual recommended starting dose of CRESTOR is 10mg. About AstraZeneca AstraZeneca is a major international healthcare business engaged in the research, development, manufacture and marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals and the supply of healthcare services. It is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies with healthcare sales of USD26.47 billion and leading positions in sales of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience, respiratory, oncology and infection products. AstraZeneca is listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (Global) as well as the FTSE4 Good Index. For more information about AstraZeneca, please visit: http://www.astrazeneca.com This press release has been made available on worldwide press communication media for the benefit of correspondents writing for the medical professional press. Differing national legislation, codes of practice, medical practice etc mean that you should contact your local AZ press office to obtain information designed for use in your country. In particular this press release has not been prepared for use in the USA. For further information please visit: http://www.AstraZenecaPressOffice.com (1) Shepherd J, Vidt DG et al. Safety of rosuvastatin: update on 16,876 rosuvastatin-treated patients in a multinational clinical trial program. Cardiology 2007 107:433-43 (2) McAfee AT, Ming EE, Seeger JD et al. The comparative safety of rosuvastatin: a retrospective matched cohort study in over 48,000 initiators of statin therapy. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2006 15:444-53 (3) Goettsch WG, Heintjes EM, Kastelein JJ et al. Results from a rosuvastatin historical cohort study in more than 45,000 Dutch statin users, a PHARMO study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2006 15:435-43. For more information, please contact: Ben Strutt, Global PR Manager Cardiovascular Therapy Area, AstraZeneca Phone: +44-(0)-1625-230076 Mobile: +44-(0)-7919-565990 Email: ben.strutt@astrazeneca.com

Move significantly expands Nike's global leadership in football BEAVERTON, Ore., Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- NIKE, Inc. (NYSE: NKE) today announced that it has reached agreement on an all-cash offer to acquire Umbro plc, a leading United Kingdom-based global football (soccer) brand with more than 70 years of experience in the world's No. 1 sport and the world's biggest football market. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/19990818/NIKELOGO ) The Board of Directors of Umbro plc, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange, has unanimously recommended that shareholders accept the offer of 193.06 pence, which together with the declared dividend values the company at approximately $582 million (285 million pounds sterling), or approximately $4.00 (195 pence) per share. "Umbro is a brand with a powerful heritage and deep experience in the world's most popular sport and the world's biggest football market," said Nike, Inc. President and CEO Mark Parker. "With its close links to The Football Association and the England team, Umbro's future is even stronger than its past. This dynamic alignment of Umbro and Nike, with our complementary strengths and numerous ways to segment and grow the market, will lead the game at every level throughout the world. We are fully committed to helping Umbro reach its full potential, and we are delighted that Umbro's board is unanimous in its support of our offer." The acquisition will significantly expand Nike's global leadership in football, a key growth category for the company. Since the early 1990s, Nike has grown its football revenues from about $40 million to approximately $1.5 billion and established brand leadership in the sport. Umbro sells products directly or through licensees in more than 90 countries and has sports marketing relationships with many top football players, teams and leagues, including the England national team. Umbro's 2006 annual revenues were approximately $276 million (149.5 million pounds). Umbro reports that if licensed sales were translated to direct sales based on wholesale cost, total wholesale equivalent sales were approximately $755 million (409.4 million pounds). Commenting on the agreement, Umbro CEO Steve Makin said, "This is an excellent deal for all our stakeholders: it provides great value for shareholders and exciting prospects for our colleagues, partners and customers around the world. We will be a stronger and better business as part of Nike and this deal will allow us to accelerate our existing growth strategy by leveraging Nike's global resources and expertise. We look forward to taking Umbro to new levels with Nike's support." Brian Barwick, CEO of The Football Association, said: "The FA has enjoyed an excellent partnership with Umbro for more than 20 years. We are delighted that the proposed acquisition will allow us to continue our strong historical relationship with Umbro while benefiting from the marketing expertise and financial strength of Nike. Nike has provided firm assurances that The FA relationship with Umbro will be protected and enhanced, and we look forward to working closely with both companies moving forward." Nike intends to operate Umbro as a stand-alone affiliate brand, with a focus on accelerating the brand's existing growth strategy. Similar to other brands in Nike's portfolio, Umbro will benefit from Nike's product research, design and development expertise, and supply chain and distribution resources. Umbro will join a strong and growing Nike portfolio of affiliate brands, including Converse, which was acquired by Nike in 2003, Cole Haan and Hurley International. Converse exemplifies Nike's track record of acquiring and growing complementary brands. Since acquiring Converse in 2003, revenue has grown at a compound rate of 22 percent, and in fiscal 2007 Converse revenues grew over 20 percent to surpass $550 million. The brand has benefited from Nike product design and brand management expertise. Nike's portfolio of other businesses is contributing more than $2 billion in revenue today, and is targeted to contribute 25 percent of the company's revenue growth by fiscal 2011. To discuss these developments with analysts and investors, the company will hold a conference call Tuesday, October 23, at 3 pm ET. U.S. Locations: (877) 407-0778 International Locations: (201) 689-8565 The call also will be webcast live at http://www.NikeBiz.com/invest. If you are unable to participate in the conference call or would like to access a replay of the call, it will be available beginning October 23, 2007, through October 30, 2007. From U.S. locations, dial (877) 660-6853 and enter account number 286, conference number 259716 when instructed to do so. From international locations, dial (201) 612-7415. A replay of the call also will be available at http://www.NikeBiz.com/invest . FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Investor Contact Pamela Catlett (503) 671-4589 Media Contacts US: Alan Marks, Director of Media Relations: 503 671 2673 UK: Charlie Brooks, UK Head of Corporate Communications, +44 (0)207 432 6390 About NIKE, Inc. NIKE, Inc. based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Wholly owned Nike subsidiaries include Converse Inc., which designs, markets and distributes athletic footwear, apparel and accessories; NIKE Bauer Hockey Inc., a leading designer and distributor of hockey equipment; Cole Haan, a leading designer and marketer of luxury shoes, handbags, accessories and coats; Hurley International LLC, which designs, markets and distributes action sports and youth lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories and Exeter Brands Group LLC, which designs and markets athletic footwear and apparel for the value retail channel. For further information about Nike visit http://www.nikebiz.com . This announcement is not intended to and does not constitute or form any part of an offer or invitation to sell or subscribe for or purchase any securities or solicitation any vote or approval in any jurisdiction pursuant to the acquisition of Umbro plc or otherwise. The distribution of this announcement in jurisdictions other than the UK and the US may be restricted by law and therefore any persons who are subject to the laws of any jurisdiction other than the UK and US should inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable requirements. For more information, please contact: Investor contact: Pamela Catlett Tel: +1-503-671-4589 Media contact: US - Alan Marks Director of Media Relations Tel: +1-503-671-2673 UK - Charlie Brooks UK Head of Corporate Communications Tel: +44-207-432-6390

Long Life, Low Cost Satellite Solution Delivers Supply Chain and Logistics Tracking for Military, Government and Commercial Markets ATLANTA, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Numerex (Nasdaq: NMRX), a leading single-source provider of solutions and networks for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications, today announced the commercial release of the OrbitOne SX1 solution, a breakthrough in satellite-based asset monitoring and tracking technology. Operating on Globalstar's Low Earth Orbit (LEO) simplex satellite data network, the OrbitOne SX1 provides GPS visibility, event monitoring and asset management data on a near global basis. Developed by Orbit One Communications, Numerex's recently acquired satellite solutions business, the SX1 is one of the smallest satellite communication devices in the industry with a footprint of only 7.25 x 3.25 x 1 inch (184 x 83 x 25 mm) and weighs a mere 13 ounces (369g). Delivering up to seven years of uninterrupted service on a field-replaceable battery, or operating on line power, the SX1 provides mission critical reliability under the harshest environmental conditions. Certified and manufactured to exceed IP68, NEMA 6P, and MILSTD 810 environmental specifications, the highly-ruggedized device can be installed, activated and operational in less than one minute. For systems integrators the SX1 provides a reliable and open data architecture compatible with virtually any legacy supply chain, logistics or tracking application making it the ideal choice for the security, management and tracking of military, government or commercial assets such as inter-modal shipping containers, trailers, buoys, or barges. The OrbitOne solution is also capable of providing global supply chain logistics visibility, resulting in reduced demurrage, increased security and minimized fleet downtime. "We are very excited about the launch of OrbitOne SX1, which we believe is a ground-breaking achievement. The solution provides our military, commercial and government clients with true visibility of their mobile assets nearly anywhere in the world - we think of it as Global RFID," comments Stratton Nicolaides, chairman and CEO of Numerex. "For large scale and global deployment OrbitOne offers one of the most cost-effective solutions available and complements our existing cellular tracking and monitoring platforms. The solution also extends our global reach and positions Numerex to offer our military, commercial, and government customers a broader range of device and network communication options." Originally developed and deployed for the military and disaster response communities, the SX1 expands the satellite and cellular network services that are monitored and managed through the company's TAV (Total Asset Visibility) application. This comprehensive tracking and monitoring solution provides secure mapping, display, and management tools for tens of thousands of global assets from any internet connection worldwide. In the next few months Numerex intends to introduce an accompanying portfolio of sensor options to meet customer demands for additional real-time security and intelligent monitoring. Orbit One Communications, the developer of the SX1 and TAV Software, was recently acquired by Numerex. The company is a recognized leader in satellite tracking solutions that offer visibility and event monitoring for emergency management, global supply chain logistics, and field asset and personnel tracking. Orbit One is the supplier of satellite tracking solutions to DHS-FEMA, the American Red Cross and prime contractors to federal and state agencies for disaster and emergency response operations. The SX1 is commercially available now through Orbit One Communications LLC, a wholly-owned Numerex subsidiary, with a multi-year warranty to end users, systems integrators and value added resellers. For additional product information or demo kits, please visit Orbit One at www.nmrx.com or contact Scott Rosenzweig at 406-922-3333 or Gradey Caldwell at 770-485-2526. Email: info@orbit-one.com For a live demo of the OrbitOne SX1 please visit Numerex in booth #1525 at CTIA Wireless IT, October 23-25, 2007. About Numerex Numerex Corp. (Nasdaq: NMRX) is a leading single source provider of solutions and network services for machine-to-machine (M2M) applications. Numerex's platforms for asset tracking, intelligent monitoring and security include a portfolio of monitoring devices and technologies, on-demand cellular and satellite networks, and a full suite of back-office support services. Numerex enables customers to bring M2M solutions to market faster and with greater flexibility. The company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. For additional information, visit http://www.nmrx.com . "Statements contained in this press release concerning Numerex that are not historical fact are "forward-looking" statements and involve important risks and uncertainties. Such risks and uncertainties, which are detailed in Numerex's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, could cause Numerex's results to differ materially from current expectations as expressed in this press release." For more information, please contact: Marketing and Press: Chuck Horne, Numerex Corp. Tel: +1-770-485-2548 Investor Relations: Alan Catherall Numerex Corp. Tel: +1-770-485-2523 Brett Maas Hayden Communications Tel: +1-646-536-7331

HSINCHU, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the "Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO) today announced that it will showcase its new leading LCD technologies and a suite of TFT-LCD products ranging from 1.9-inch to 65-inch during FPD International 2007 in Yokohama, Japan, to be held from October 24 to October 26, 2007. The AUO exhibit will include in-cell multi-touch panel technologies, the world's thinnest mobile device panel, 5000:1 ultra-high static contrast ratio AMVA technology, larger than 42-inch Full HD 120Hz LCD TV panels, and a series of notebook PC panels with white LED backlight. AUO's Technologies Displayed at FPD International 2007 During the exhibition, AUO's showcase area will include three sections: "TV Technology", "Small/Medium Sized Technology", and "One-Stop Shop". TV Technology Section - panel design to meet the emerging market trends of thinner, lighter features; power-saving features; and concerns for environmental protection AUO will showcase its 20mm 32-inch LCD TV panel. AUO significantly reduced the module thickness (up to 40%) and weight (up to 30%), while maintaining its original brightness. This was accomplished without changing the amount of CCFL used for the backlight. AUO will also demonstrate its latest eco-LCD TV technology. This technology optimizes and improves the CCFL backlight design, and at the same time saves energy and helps protect the environment. AUO's 32-inch LCD TV panel, as an example, reduces power consumption by up to 50%. Small/Medium Sized Technology Section - panel designs to meet the market trends of human-interface and system integration AUO will demonstrate its two newly-launched 4.3-inch multi-touch panel technologies with in-cell design, which integrate touch function features into the TFT-LCD manufacturing process without adding an additional glass and thus, are able to retain a thickness of 2.2mm- thinner than conventional touch panel applications. AUO's other human-interface device technologies will also be demonstrated, including a 7-inch 2D/3D dual-image car display, which is able to display both 2D and 3D images in different directions simultaneously. With this 2D/3D dual-image function, drivers could be restricted to watch only relevant information such as GPS navigation, while a front-seat passenger could play 3D games. Two additional breakthrough technologies will be introduced. One is the world's thinnest reported 1.9-inch mobile device TFT-LCD at 0.69mm, with a weight of 2.2 grams and 400-nit high brightness. This technology implements the latest breakthroughs in glass thinning technology. A second breakthrough is AUO's 2.2-inch mobile device display with mobile industry processor interface (MIPI), featuring high-speed data transmission functions and efficient power-management systems. MIPI is regarded as the development platform for smartphone applications. One-Stop Shop - a full line-up of products demonstrating AUO's capability of providing a full-range of panel sizes and wide diversity of TFT-LCDs -- From 42- to 65-inch LCD TV panel products, which have implemented Full HD 120Hz technology -- Larger-than-20" wide-format desktop PC Monitor products, which continue the "MoniTV" concept and can be applied to home TV by implementing LCD TV technologies -- Extra-light, ultra-thin (143g and 2.0mm) 13.3-inch Notebook PC panel with white LED backlight 42-inch public information display equipped with slim bezel design During the 3-day FPD International 2007 exhibition, AUO will be demonstrating its latest technologies and products. For more information, please visit AUO.com AUO Technology & Product Highlights LCD TV Display Technology Technology Panel Size Features Third generation 46" FHD 5000:1 ultra high static AMVA technology contrast ratio, of high 550-nit brightness, low color washout Eco-LCD TV 32" WXGA Power-saving of up to 50%, Technology 500-nit brightness, high contrast ratio of 3,000:1 Ultra-slim and 32" WXGA Thickness of 20mm, to extra-light LCD maintain original brightness TV technology and significantly reduce module thickness without changing the amount of CCFL used for the backlight. High dynamic 46"FHD RGB 3-in-1 LED, NTSC 105%, contrast APE high dynamic contrast ratio technology of 10,000:1 Small/Medium Sized Display Technology Technology Panel Size Features In-Cell Multi- 4.3" Thickness of 2.2mm, Touch panel prototype of charge-sensing technologies and voltage-sensing Glass thinning 1.9" 0.69mm thick, 2.2g weight technology 2D/3D dual- 7" Able to display both 2D image car and 3D images in different display directions simultaneously. technology With this 2D/3D dual-image function, drivers could be restricted to watch only relevant information such as GPS navigation, while a front-seat passenger could play 3D games. AMVA-mobile 2.4" VGA high resolution, high technology contrast ratio of 3500:1, high 500-nit brightness One Stop Shop Applications Panel Size Features LCD TVs 42"- 65"FHD Full HD 120Hz technology with fast response time Desktop PC 26" CCFL backlight, 102% NTSC Monitors 20" - 26" MoniTV products with HiColor technology of 92% NTSC, a complete product for work and entertainment Notebook PCs 13.3" The world's thinnest (2.0mm) extra-light (143g) 12.1"-15.4" White LED backlight, thinner, lighter, and environmental-protection designs Public 42" Slim bezel design Information Display ABOUT AU OPTRONICS AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO") is one of the top three largest manufacturers* of large-size thin film transistor liquid crystal display panels ("TFT-LCD"), with approximately 20.2%* of global market share with revenues of NT$293.1billion (US$9.0bn)* in 2006. TFT-LCD technology is currently the most widely used flat panel display technology. Targeted for 40"+ sized LCD TV panels, AUO's new generation (7.5-generation) fabrication facility production started mass production in the fourth quarter of 2006. The Company currently operates one 7.5-generation, two 6th-generation, four 5th-generation, one 4th-generation, and four 3.5-generation TFT- LCD fabs, in addition to eight module assembly facilities and the AUO Technology Center specializes in new technology platform and new product development. AUO is one of few top-tier TFT-LCD manufacturers capable of offering a wide range of small- to large- size (1.5"-65") TFT-LCD panels, which enables it to offer a broad and diversified product portfolio. * DisplaySearch 2Q2007 WW Large-Area TFT-LCD Shipment Report dated Aug 7, 2007. This data is used as reference only and AUO does not make any endorsement or representation in connection therewith. 2006 year end revenue converted by an exchange rate of NTD32.59:USD1. Safe Harbour Notice AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the "Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO), one of the worldwide top three manufacturers of large-size TFT-LCD panels, today announced the above news. Except for statements in respect of historical matters, the statements contained in this Release are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements were based on our management's expectations, projections and beliefs at the time regarding matters including, among other things, future revenues and costs, financial performance, technology changes, capacity, utilization rates, yields, process and geographical diversification, future expansion plans and business strategy. Such forward looking statements are subject to a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties that can cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including risks related to the flat panel display industry, the TFT-LCD market, acceptance and demand for our products, technological and development risks, competitive factors, and other risks described in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in our Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on July 2nd, 2007. For more information, please contact: Rose Lee, Corporate Communications Dept AU Optronics Corp Tel: +886-3-5008899 x3204 Fax: +886-3-5772730 Email: rose.lee@auo.com Yawen Hsiao, Corporate Communications Dept. AU Optronics Corp. Tel: +886-3-5008899 x3211 Fax: +886-3-5772730 Email: yawen.hsiao@auo.com

PARIS, Oct. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Spain is the third large industrialised country to be placed on negative watchlist by Coface in 2007. Indeed, Spain presents a risk of contagion of the property crisis and seems similar to the situation in the US and UK, placed on negative watchlist by Coface in April and July respectively. Among emerging European countries, the A4 rating for Romania has also been placed on negative watchlist. The Romanian currency is proving to be the most in danger among emerging countries and makes its economy vulnerable to a crisis of confidence. The increase in private sector debt gives reason to fear a deterioration of company payment behaviour. Spain vulnerable to a risk of contagion of the American property crisis The household debt rate is reaching proportions comparable to that of the UK and US (130%, 163% and 138% of disposable income respectively). Corporate investment, also heavily in debt, will suffer from the credit squeeze too. Spanish growth should slow down and fall to 2.9% in 2008, compared to 3.8% this year, notably due to the fall in housing investment, which significantly contributes to growth and employment, and the deceleration of household consumption from 3.2% to 2.7%. Payment behaviours, which have been satisfactory until now, risk deteriorating. Small and medium-sized firms linked to housing markets (finishings, estate agents, manufacturers and distributors of domestic materials and equipment), and who have recently grown in number, often find themselves in debt and exposed to slackening growth. Spain is the third industrialised country to be placed on negative watchlist by Coface since the beginning of the year. "Spain is sharing the dangerous cocktail of real estate bubble and household overindebtedness with the US and UK" explains Yves Zlotowski, Chief economist for Coface. The US and UK remain on negative watchlist Coface is keeping the US on negative watchlist, having placed it on the list on April 10. Coface had thus highlighted the signs of American economic slowdown, property market difficulties, as well as the credit squeeze and their possible impact on the financial soundness of businesses. With the situation in the UK showing strong similarities to that in the US, Coface is keeping the country on negative watchlist, where it was placed on July 10. In our opinion, the American slowdown could extend into 2008. If global payment behaviours remain good, some companies, notably those financed by LBOs, could be weakened, all the more so if they are faced with a "credit crunch". A deceleration is also looming over the UK. Retail trade and other closely related sectors are the most vulnerable. Exchange rate risk in Romania Romania is particularly severely hit by the financial crisis set off in the US this summer: the leu has fallen significantly. It is the most vulnerable currency among all the emerging countries. The vulnerability to a confidence crisis is particularly strong as the current deficit is at a level which is difficult to maintain (14% of GDP predicted for this year). Rapidly rising corporate debt is worrying. Companies would be seriously weakened in the case of a currency drop or a downturn in activity. Finally, disagreements at the highest level of State have slowed down the speed of reforms, including those relating to governance. About Coface Coface, rated AA+ by Fitch Ratings, AA by S&P and Aa3 by Moody's, is a subsidiary of Natixis whose share capital (Tier 1) was 11.6 billion euros end June 2007. Coface's mission is to facilitate global business-to-business trade by offering its 105.000 customers four product lines to fully or partly outsource trade relationship management and to finance and protect their receivables: credit insurance, company information and ratings, receivables management and factoring. Coface alsooffers, in France, management of government export guarantees. Thanks to the worldwide local service delivered by 6,000 staff in 64 countries, over 45% of the world's 500 largest corporate groups are already customers of Coface. http://www.coface.com Country rating methodology The Country @ rating assigned by Coface reflects the average level of short-term non-payment risk associated with companies in a particular country. It reflects the extent to which a country's economic, financial, and political outlook influences financial commitments of local companies. Ratings are based on twofold expertise developed by Coface: -- macroeconomic expertise in assessing country risk based on a battery of macroeconomic financial and political indicators -- microeconomic expertise that draws on Coface databases covering 44 million companies worldwide and 50 years experience with payment in trade flows it guarantees. 7 families of risk are combined in order to determine an overall rating for each of the 154 countries monitored. Coface ranks country ratings on seven risk levels, A1, A2, A3, A4, B, C and D, in the order of increasing risk. The seven risk families are: -- Growth vulnerability -- Foreign currency liquidity crisis -- External over indebtedness -- Sovereign financial vulnerability -- Banking sector's fragilities -- Geopolitical and Governance vulnerabilities -- Company payment behaviour. Specific information on each country is available at http://www.cofacerating.com For more information, please contact: Qingqing Wang / Chloe Yao Tel: +86-21-6288-0008 Email: qingqing_wang@coface.com chloe_yao@coface.com

2007年11月01日 この度、オーム社より「セカンドライフ仮想空間のリアルなビジネス活用」(定価1,600円税別)を出版しました。 この本は、セカンドライフ参入会社10社(インテリジェンス、EMIミュージック・ジャパン、ツカサグループ、ユーキャン、日活、オリックス不動産、野村證券、セシール、エイチ・アイ・エス、三菱鉛筆)と参入支援会社8社(アクロス・ザ・ライン、アドプレイン、Amatel、エスキュービズム、V-business、ライフオン3D,レゾナント・ソリューション、籠谷千穂)の取材(インタビュー)に基づいて作成しましたので、企業の生の声を聴くことができます。 また出版記念を込めて、11月1日(木)の00:00より23:59までにアマゾンより書籍をお買い上げの方、全員にもれなく下記の3つのプレゼントをさせていただきます。 プレゼント1.著者の永島蓮汰郎が「セカンドライフは始まりに過ぎない。 プレゼント2.、もう一人の著者である木下裕司が作成した最新レポート プレゼント3.監修者の田渕裕哉の「セカンドライフの役割とビジネスアイデア」というテーマで語った有料セミナーでの音声ファイル(約40分) アマゾンキャンペーンはコチラ ⇒ http://www.siawaseowner.com/slamazonkyanpen2/ 田渕 裕哉、永島 蓮汰郎、木下 裕司 |

2007年11月01日 ビーアイエムコンサルティング株式会社 次世代型コミュニティサイトとして2005年1月に 1.ユーザー同士(C2C)がお互いの知識を自由に交換し、 2.個人情報を基本的に不要とし、いたづら・迷惑・非合法な 3.ユニークな「教えます掲示板」及び「教えてもよい 4.従来のキーワード検索をサブとし、メインの検索に 5.パソコン非ユーザーに配慮した、携帯電話だけでも 6.広告スポンサー究極のニーズである自社の商品/ 7.日本のみならず、世界を視野に英語表示切替機能及び 8.従来の趣味性の強いSNSから脱却した「ナレッジの 尚、以上のコミュニティサイトの運営以外に、このソフトを [URL] お問合せ先] |

2007年11月01日 =================================== 業界初!WEBサイトを最短3日で現金買取するサービス =================================== 株式会社ライフライン(本社:福岡県、代表:小野はるみ)は、11月1日より~「WEBサイトを最短3日で現金買取する“サイト買取.jp」サービスを開始致します。
一人目は「サイト鑑定士」 二人目は「サイトエージェント」 三人目は「サイトプロデューサー」
弊社のコンセプトは「WEB上のエコロジー」 そんなでっかいことをこつこつと目指している会社です。
1, 会社名 株式会社ライフライン

2007年11月01日 週末の11月3、4日、新宿御苑で開催されるライフスタイルフォーラムに出店します。 ライフスタイルフォーラムは、「地球と共生するくらしかた」がテーマの1年に1回のイベントで、オーガニックコットンのベビー服を扱う yuga にピッタリのイベントです。秋や冬にぴったりのオーガニックコットンのスカーフやショールも出品しますので、是非、気持ちのよい新宿御苑へ足を運んでください。 会場の新宿御苑では、緑の中に広がった50以上の展示や販売をはじめとしたブースや10以上のフォーラムが自分と環境や地球温暖化との関係をじっくりみつめるきっかけを提供します。自分の中で、または友人や恋人や家族と、これからのライフスタイルについて考えていくための場です。 初日の3日は、気候予測のプロである西岡秀三氏と藤野純氏一が登場して、温室効果ガスを70%減らした未来は可能だと感じさせてくれます。環境ジャーナリストでもある丹羽順子さんのナビゲートで、ゆるやかに未来の社会とそこに至る道のりを考えていくトークセッションです。 4日の日曜日には、1992年の地球サミットで「伝説のスピーチ」を発して以来「行動することで世界は変わる」と信じ、国際的に活動を展開してきたセヴァン・スズキさん。 皆さんのご来場をお待ちしております。 ゜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゜・*:.。. <この件に関するお問い合わせ先>―――――――――――――― *★*----------*★*----------*★*----------*★*----------*★*----------*★* <⌒T⌒> オーガニックコットンのベビー服 *★*----------*★*----------*★*----------*★*----------*★*----------*★* |

2007年11月01日 モバイルリサーチ(http://www.mobile-research.jp/)を展開するネットエイジア株式会社(http://www.netasia.co.jp/)(本社/東京都港区、代表取締役:三清 慎一郎、以下ネットエイジア)では、「若手ビジネスマンの転職実態」に関する自主調査をモバイルリサーチ(携帯電話によるインターネットリサーチ)により実施しました。 <<ネットエイジアリサーチ(http://www.mobile-research.jp/)調査結果>> ◆ 転職活動に際して、ネットの転職媒体を利用したのは34.3% ◆ 転職先を選ぶポイントは、「職種」「勤務時間」「給与」・・・現実重視 ◆ 転職期間中の応募社数と内定社数 ◆ ビジネスマンが考えるベンチャー観は? ◆ ベンチャーを就職先に考えたときの「魅力と不安」 ネットエイジアモバイルリサーチ(http://www.mobile-research.jp/)会員機種カテゴリー(一部紹介) <本件についてのお問い合わせ> |

2007年11月01日 インターネットラジオWEBスカポンタンはほぼ毎日更新です。 |