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International Survey Shows People Over Forty Ignore Risk of Blindness
October 02, 2007

    -- Global Advocacy Groups Launch Joint Effort to
Preserve Eyesight
       of Millions At-Risk for Glaucoma

    LONDON, Oct. 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Results of a new
international survey reveal that eye exams are being
ignored by many aged over 40. Only two fifths of
respondents had visited an eye specialist in the last year
to have their eyes checked, even though twice as many
people feared going blind compared to heart disease or
early death. The survey showed that awareness of glaucoma
was extremely low. A total of 40 percent of people surveyed
were unaware that glaucoma is linked to blindness, even
though it is the second leading cause of blindness. World
wide, approximately 6.7 million people are blind from
glaucoma, with almost 70 million affected by the

    The survey was launched today as part of the All Eyes
on Glaucoma(TM) campaign, a global initiative sponsored by
Pfizer Ophthalmics and supported by the World Glaucoma
Association (WGA) and the World Glaucoma Patient
Association (WGPA) to educate people over age 40 on how to
preserve their vision and recognize their risk of
developing glaucoma. There are a number of types of
glaucoma, the majority of which have high eye pressure and
cause vision loss. They cause irreversible damage to the
optic nerve and the eye damage develops over many years.
Lowering eye pressure can prevent or slow the progression
of glaucoma. Treatments are available to decrease eye

    By 2020, the number of people with glaucoma is expected
to rise to 80 million due to the rapidly growing aging
population.(3) The earlier glaucoma is detected, the
greater the potential of limiting the economic impact of
the disease by using appropriate treatment.(4)

    "Glaucoma is not just a disease of the elderly.
Now is the time to change the public mindset about
glaucoma," said Scott Christensen, President of the
World Glaucoma Patient Association and President and Chief
Executive Officer of The Glaucoma Foundation. "People
over the age of 40 need to make eye health a priority by
having a complete eye examination every two years to ensure
detection of glaucoma before any vision loss is

    Less than half surveyed have undergone an eye pressure
check. This proportion did not increase in the older age
groups, even though the risk of glaucoma increases with
age. This was in contrast to blood pressure, where more
respondents discussed blood pressure with their physician
in the older age groups.

    "Accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment of
glaucoma can prevent damage to the optic nerve and preserve
healthy vision, which is why check-ups are so
important," said Professor Roger Hitchings, Professor
of Ophthalmology, University College London and Consultant
Ophthalmic Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital. "Everyone
should proactively assess their risk of glaucoma with an eye
specialist. A complete eye exam for glaucoma will include an
eye pressure check, an optic nerve assessment and visual
field examination."

    All Eyes on Glaucoma Resources

    One of the key components of the All Eyes on Glaucoma
initiative is a new, informative website,
http://www.AllEyesOnGlaucoma.com , where people can learn
the proper steps to protect their vision, including the
completion of an "Am I At Risk?" questionnaire
and download tools including the "Conversation
Starter" which can be taken to their eye specialist.
Visitors will also be directed to local glaucoma
organizations in their area for questions and support

    About the International Survey

    A multi-country survey of individuals aged 40 and above
was conducted by the GfK Group. The survey included 4,352
people (2,020 males and 2,332 females) in seven countries
including Australia, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, the
United Kingdom and the United States.

    Notes to Editors:

    About Glaucoma:

    Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases. The two most
common forms are:
    -- Open-angle glaucoma - when the pressure in the eye
increases over time
       due to poor drainage of the aqueous humour.
    -- Angle-closure glaucoma - when the iris is too close
to the drainage
       canal (trabecular meshwork).

    Anyone can develop glaucoma, but the risk becomes
greater as you age. People who are more likely to develop
    -- Have high eye pressure(5)
    -- Are markedly nearsighted(5)
    -- Have a family history of glaucoma(5)
    -- Are of African descent (open-angle glaucoma)(5)
    -- Are of Asian descent (angle-closure glaucoma)(1)
    -- Have high blood pressure(6)

    The only modifiable glaucoma risk factor is high eye
pressure, also known as intraocular pressure (IOP). This is
the leading cause of glaucoma, although it is possible to
develop the condition without it. Due to the build-up of
natural fluid produced by the eye, high eye pressure causes
permanent damage to the optic nerve, the "cable"
used by the eye to communicate to the brain.(7) High eye
pressure may exist without noticeable symptoms so many
people do not know they have it if their vision is not
checked regularly.(8) In fact, people may not notice vision
loss until 40 percent or more of their optic nerve has been
damaged.(8) IOP is an easily identifiable risk factor,
however people who fall within the normal IOP range may
still be at risk for glaucoma.

    About the World Glaucoma Association and the World
Glaucoma Patient Association

    Both the WGA and WGPA exist to better the lives of
glaucoma patients around the world. The WGA attempts to
optimize the quality of glaucoma science and care through
communication and cooperation among national and regional
Glaucoma Societies, with companies involved with glaucoma,
glaucoma patient organizations and many others in the
glaucoma community, and by the enhancement of glaucoma
management by ophthalmologists around the world. The WGPA
works globally to encourage the establishment of and
cooperation among national Glaucoma Patient Associations
worldwide. The group serves as an umbrella organization to
provide useful information to individuals, health care
providers and support groups that are devoting their
efforts to the fight against glaucoma.

    About Pfizer Ophthalmics

    Pfizer Ophthalmics, a division of Pfizer Inc, is
committed to preserving sight and eliminating preventable
blindness. Pfizer Ophthalmics discovers, develops and
provides leading treatments in ophthalmology to support
patients who are at risk of blindness or suffering from
vision impairment, and to serve the health care
professionals who treat them.

    (1). World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World
Health Organization. In Focus, Nov. 1 2004
    (2). Congdon NG, Friedman DS, Lietman T. Important
Causes of Visual Impairment in the World Today. JAMA. 2003;
290: 2057-2060.
    (3). Quigley HA, Broman AT. The number of people with
glaucoma worldwide in 2010 and 2020. Br J Ophthalmol 2006;
90: 262-267
    (4). Lee PP, Walt JG, Doyle JJ et al. A multicenter,
retrospective pilot study of resource use and costs
associated with severity of disease in glaucoma. Arch
Ophthalmol 2006; 124(1): 12-19
    (5). The Glaucoma Foundation. Who's At Risk? Available
http://www.glaucomafoundation.org/Risk.htm . Accessed on
August 24, 2007.
    (6). U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Guarding
Against Glaucoma. Available at:
http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/995_glaucoma.html .
Accessed on August 24, 2007.
    (7). The Glaucoma Foundation. About Glaucoma. Available
http://www.glaucomafoundation.org/about_glaucoma.htm .
Accessed on August 24, 2007.
    (8). Distelhorts JS, Hughes GM. Open angle glaucoma.
American Family Physician. 2003; 67(9): 1937-1944

    For more information, please contact: 

     Tara Breen
     Resolute Communications
     Tel:   +44-(0)-20-7615-1350
     Email: Tara.Breen@resolutecommunications.com

     Ainsley Munce
     Resolute Communications
     Tel:   +44-(0)-20-7357-8187
     Email: Ainsley.Munce@resolutecommunications.com
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