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K2 blackmarket(TM) Site Offers Code and Project Sharing
November 29, 2007

    REDMOND, Wash., Nov. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- K2
blackmarket(TM), a code- and solution-sharing community
space, is live on K2Underground.com.

    K2 blackmarket contains a wide variety of K2(R)
user-submitted content, such as process samples, forms, Web
parts, code snippets and other items. Any registered user
can access this content and submit new items. 

    Groups of community members can also collaborate on a
project and publish the result of that collaboration to the
site so the rest of the community can consume the work.

    "The cache of valuable information on K2
blackmarket will continue to grow in the coming weeks and
months and years," says Chris Geier, K2 evangelism
program manager. "Sharing projects and code with other
members of the community can greatly enhance the learning
experience and reduce the learning curve that is inherently
part of getting to know new technologies." 

    K2 blackmarket instructional videos walk users through
the process of submitting content; and projects are clearly
labeled and categorized for easy navigation.

    "K2 blackmarket lets new K2 users see how other
people are using the software, and seasoned K2 veterans can
use what others have created to enhance their own
projects," Geier says. "It's also a place to show
off the great work that our community is churning out with
K2 and surrounding technologies."

    K2 blackpearl, the centerpiece of the new K2 platform,
was released in August, and it has been downloaded by more
than 300 customers and partners. The K2 software platform
extends business process management capabilities to equip
technical and business users with tools to design,
assemble, execute, monitor and optimize process-driven
applications -- dynamic business applications.

    K2 software is built on the Microsoft platform and
integrates with Microsoft technologies -- including
SharePoint and Office -- to provide end users a familiar
work environment and experience.

    About K2

    K2-based solutions are deployed by a growing number of
the global Fortune 100. K2 is a division of SourceCode
Technology Holdings, Inc. based in Redmond, Washington, and
has offices all over the world. 

    Copyright (C) 2007. SourceCode Technology Holdings,
Inc. All rights reserved. Patents pending. Source Code, K2
and K2 blackmarket are registered trademarks or trademarks
of Source Code Technology Holdings, Inc. in the United
States and/or other countries. The names of actual
companies and products mentioned herein may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Chris Tomeo
     Tel:   +1-303-482-2189
     Email: ctomeo@k2.com
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