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Success with Globalization -- ABAS Promotes the Application of ERP System in SMEs Worldwide
July 10, 2007

    HONG KONG, July 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Following a
series of events with the theme of "Worldwide ABAS --
success with globalization" held in Europe and US from
Mar to May, ABAS held a seminar with the same theme in Hong
Kong Scout Centre on 26th, June which attracted attendees
from electronic and plastic industry.

    Held by ABAS and its 48 partners in 26 countries via
exhibitions, seminars and customer forums worldwide, the
events aim at promoting the application of ERP system in
SMEs globally. This seminar invited Mr. Peter Forscht, COO
of ABAS Software Ag Ltd., and Mr. Vincent Lau, COO of ABAS
Business Solutions (PRC) Ltd. to introduce global ABAS ERP
application, ABAS' industry advantage, business prospect
and local support.

    As one of the founders of ABAS, Mr. Peter Forscht said:
"Since its foundation in Germany in 1980, ABAS has been
focusing on developing international market. During the past
few years, ABAS ERP has become one of the most successful
ERP softwares in international market. We serve customers
from automotive components, electronic, plastic, sofa
industries etc. With the development of international
trade, ABAS develops its business. In the past 4 years, the
installation of ABAS ERP has increased by 48.4%. In 2007,
our aim is to achieve an increase of 11%." 

    In the era of globalization, enterprises need to use
global resources extensively. As a multinational, ABAS
experiences in handling international projects. With the
success in international field, ABAS decided to help
customers manage scattered business operations in different
countries, integrate value chain, achieve business
objectives with ERP and ultimately promote the widespread
application of ERP system.

    In China, ABAS has been making its great effort to
promote the application of ERP system in SMEs. Mr. Vincent
Lau said: "We've been helping our customers and
manufacturers to plan and implement the interconnection and
integration of information systems between Mainland China
and Hong Kong, sort their internal progress to make it
accord with policies requirements since the release of new
policies on Processing Trade, which provide them with huge

    "Additionally, Chinese government released new
policies which reduce the tax-rebate of garment, toys,
papers, and plastics industries etc. on 19th, June, which
would impact manufacturers in these industries. From a
long-term perspective, based on the increasingly great
pressure on trade balance, cancellation of export
tax-rebate of most products will be a trend. Enterprises
should make early plans." 

    About ABAS

    ABAS Business Solutions (PRC) Ltd is a recognized
leader in delivering collaborative ERP solution. It was
founded in Hong Kong in 2003 and established branches in
Shenzhen and Shanghai afterward. It aims to provide
comprehensive ERP software and IT services from consulting
to software development & support to SMEs in China.
Now, we have over 1900 customers with 36000 users
worldwide. For details, please visit our website: 
http://www.abas-prc.com .

    For more information, please contact;

     Ms. Helen Fan
     Tel:   +755-3333-6322
     Email: Helen.fan@abas-prc.com

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