swissinfo Special - Climate Change
September 21, 2007
BERN, Switzerland, Sept. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Climate change is leaving its mark on Switzerland - glaciers are melting, the alpine permafrost is thawing, flooding is threatening towns and agricultural areas and the weather is becoming ever more unpredictable. swissinfo explores the background, effects of climate change and what can be done through examining three key areas - research, energy and tourism. Swiss climate research and work in computer-simulated climate models are considered to be among the best in the world. swissinfo talks to scientists about their work in Switzerland, visits a Swiss researcher studying glaciers at Spitzbergen University in Norway and spends time with climate scientists at the Swiss Camp in Greenland. The energy section of the dossier deals with Swiss energy policy, prospects and the different types of energy produced in Switzerland. It also looks at innovative new technology, which is aimed at being environmentally friendly, improving energy efficiency and reducing consumption. Tourism is affected by climate change too, with Switzerland's mountain and skiing areas particularly hard hit. swissinfo has been finding out how these areas are coping and what strategies they have for dealing with the changing climate. Also featured in the special are videos, audio, photo galleries, diagrams and animated graphics as well as a quiz and a selection of useful links. http://www.swissinfo.org/eng/specials/climate_warming/index.html?siteSect=22060 swissinfo is an enterprise of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) with a mandate to serve an international public. The news and information platform www.swissinfo.ch offers the latest information on Switzerland in the form of articles, pictures, videos and audio. Its emphasis is on politics, the economy, science, culture and Swiss society. Contact: swissinfo E-Mail: contact_swissinfo@swissinfo.ch Website: www.swissinfo.ch
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