

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。









 お客さま相談室 フリーダイヤル 0120-369-744

(※ 商品画像は関連資料を参照してください。)


森永乳業、エスキモー「PARM チョコレート&チョコレートアイスクリームバー」を発売

エスキモー「PARM(パルム) チョコレート&チョコレートアイスクリームバー」


 森永乳業ではこのたび、なめらかな口当たりとコクのある味わいが特長のアイスクリームバー、エスキモー「PARM(パルム)」シリーズよりエスキモー「PARM(パルム) チョコレート&チョコレートアイスクリームバー」を8月27日(月)から全国にて新発売いたします。



<<エスキモー「PARM(パルム) チョコレート&チョコレートアイスクリームバー」>>


<<エスキモー「PARM(パルム) チョコレートアイスクリームバー」>>

<<エスキモー「PARM(パルム) バニラアイスクリームバー」>>











 <森永乳業ホームページ> http://www.morinagamilk.co.jp

以 上


SBI Robo、株式銘柄検索サービス「E* Search」の機能を大幅強化

株式銘柄検索サービス「E* Search」における機能大幅アップグレードのお知らせ

 SBIホールディングス(URL:http://www.sbigroup.co.jp)子会社で次世代金融サービスの開発を行っているSBI Robo株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表者:渡部 薫、URL:http://www.sbirobo.com、以下「SBIRobo」)は、株式銘柄検索サービス「E*Search」(URL:http://www.sbifinance.jp/)の機能を大幅にアップグレード致しました。気になる言葉からの連想検索を実現し、株式銘柄へ紐づくキーワードを30万語から300万語以上へと増加させることで、従来の10倍以上のキーワードから株式銘柄が探せるようになっております。



 連想検索とは、例えば「王貞治」で検索した場合、従来のE*Search だと検索結果は0件でしたが、サービス拡張後では「王貞治」? 「野球」? 「ソフトバンクホークス」? 「ソフトバンク」(銘柄)と検索エンジンが連想して銘柄に紐付けしていきます。それぞれの紐づく言葉は言葉の出現頻度や時期、その関連性の強さを独自のアルゴリズムで計算して結果を返す仕組みとなっています。またこの処理プロセスを全自動化する銘柄サーチロボット(ソフトウェア)を開発致しました。



<「E*Search 」について>
 今回のサービスアップグレード(E*Search 3Million):2007年8月10日(金)
 特 長:

画面イメージ:(検索結果ページ) ※添付資料をご参照ください。


以 上
















品揃えが豊富、老舗ならではの安心感 好きなブランドが入っている、アフターサービスやトラブル時の対処が丁寧・・・など


昔ながらの品の良さ、これぞ百貨店、という雰囲気がいい。 歴史と信頼、デパ地下がすき…など

買いたい品物が揃ってる。 行きやすいところにある。昔から利用していて使いやすい・・・など


庶民的でかつ商品の選択股が多い 駅と直結しているので行きやすいです。




近い・親しみやすい 食材がいい、子供服のブランドが多い。高級すぎない。





百貨店の利用頻度別では、百貨店の利用頻度が高いほど、“ある”人の割合が多い傾向にあった。 週に1回以上利用している人は21.2%と2割を超えている。



インターワイヤード株式会社  DIMSDRIVE事務局(ディムスドライブ事務局)
TEL  :03-5463-8256
E-mail: timely@dims.ne


『第一次産業ネット』を運営する株式会社 Life Lab(所在地:東京都新宿区 代表:西田裕紀 以下:Life Lab)が、農業に特化した新たな就農支援サイト『agri life』をスタートしました。

『第一次産業ネット』 http://sangyo.net
『agri life』 http://agri-life.jp/


そこでLife Labが、平成19年度農林水産省補助事業としてスタートしたのが、就農情報サイト「agri life」です。

同サイトは、これまで農林漁業への就業支援サイト「第一次産業ネット」を運営するLife Labによる、新たな農業専門の就職支援サービス。同サービスでは「第一次産業ネット」でのノウハウを元に、就農者の将来の独立までみすえた就農プロセスを、全くの農業未経験者に対してもわかりやすく提示します。

サイト上には、agri Lifeが提示する就農プロセスにご賛同頂いた農業法人の情報を掲載。


将来的にはagri Lifeが農業の魅力を高め、農業従事者の育成に貢献していけるよう、サービスの向上に努めてまいります。

 ■会社名  株式会社 Life Lab
 ■代表者  西田 裕紀
 ■所在地  〒169-0072東京都新宿区大久保2-7-1 大久保フジビル7F
 ■TEL    03-6903-4646
 ■FAX     03-6903-4647
 ■URL     http://www.life-lab.co.jp/
 ■Email   info@life-lab.co.jp
 ■事業内容 インターネット事業、広告事業、WEB広告制作業務

 ■会社名 株式会社 Life Lab
 ■担当者 山田
 ■TEL  03-6903-4646
 ■FAX 03-6903-4647
 ■Email info@agri-life.jp
 ■URL   http://agri-life.jp/
洗濯代行サービス「Deli Wash(デリウォッシュ)」


株式会社創楽(所在地:東京都杉並区 代表取締役社長 廣川 哲也)は、洗濯代行サービス「Deli Wash(デリウォッシュ)」にて、コンビニでの集荷受付サービスを開始致しました。全国のコンビニエンスストアにて、24時間いつでも洗濯代行のお申込みが頂けます。

「Deli Wash」:http://www.deliwash.com/

「Deli Wash」は、アメリカで生活に密着したサービスとして普及した洗濯代行サービスです。洗濯が面倒と感じる方や、1人暮らしで家事を行う方、共働きなど忙しく生活する方を洗濯の負担から解放するサービスとして、本年6月よりサービスを開始致しました。

一度に6~8kg(1~2人暮らしの約1~2週間分に相当)が入る専用ランドリーバッグにTシャツや靴下など水洗いと乾燥が可能な洗濯物を詰め込み、Deli Wash店頭や電話・ネット・FAX等で集荷の申込みをするだけで、洗濯・乾燥・たたみまで行います。一回の利用は1,600円から。安価で、かつ安心して利用できる家事代行サービスとして、単身者を中心に多くの方にご利用頂いております。

この度、「Deli Wash」では、新たにコンビニエンスストアでの24時間集荷受付サービスを開始致しました。

現在、Deli Washのお申込みは店頭での直接受付か専用BOXでの受付、また電話・ネット・FAX等での自宅への集荷の申込みという形式でしたが、コンビニエンスストアでの集荷受付サービスを開始したことにより、24時間いつでもサービスの申込みが可能となりました。

対応コンビニは「ヤマト運輸宅急便店頭受取りサービス窓口店」として設定されているセブンイレブン・ファミリーマートなどの各店舗。コンビニでの申込みは2回目以降の利用から対応する形となり、Deli Washを一度利用すると送られてくる発送伝票と共に、洗濯物を詰めた専用ランドリーバッグを店頭に持って行くだけとなります。申込時は宅急便の着払い扱いとなり、料金は洗濯後の受取時に支払う形式です。


<「Deli Wash」洗濯代行サービスの概要> 



  Dエリア :当日受付で5日後以降



「Deli Wash」の洗濯代行サービスは、インターネットからも申込が可能です。また、衣類への瑕疵には損害賠償保険にて対応する他、「1顧客の洗濯物は、必ず1台の機械で洗濯乾燥」、「見られたくない洗濯物を入れる、専用洗濯ネットでプライバシーを保護」、「洗濯機・乾燥機は利用後アルコール除菌」という、安心と清潔にも配慮したサービスとなっております。


株式会社創楽は、「Deli Wash」を通じて「洗濯から開放される生活」サポートする

 ■会社名   株式会社創楽
 ■代表者   代表取締役社長 廣川 哲也
 ■資本金   900万円
 ■設 立   2007年2月
 ■所在地   東京都新宿区西新宿1-26-2新宿野村ビル32F
 ■TEL    03-5322-2891
 ■FAX    03-5322-2929
 ■URL    http://www.deliwash.com/
 ■Email    info@deliwash.com
 ■事業内容  洗濯代行サービス「Deli Wash」の運営

 ■会社名   株式会社創楽
 ■担当者   廣川 哲也
 ■TEL    03-5322-2891
 ■FAX    03-5322-2929
 ■Email    info@deliwash.com

味自慢! 胸焼けのしない旨いカレー









カレー館 百年屋
E-mail hyakunenya@daiki-h.co.jp
URL   http://www.daiki-h.co.jp/curry/

株式会社ダイキホールディングス 飲食事業部
〒630-8113 奈良市法蓮町417-1-101
TEL 0742-35-5151  FAX 0742-35-3987
E-mail info@daiki-h.co.jp
URL   http://www.daiki-h.co.jp


 30の大阪発祥のモノ、コト、ビジネスを紹介した文庫本『はじまりは大阪にあり』(井上理津子 著)が、2007年9月10日にちくま文庫(株式会社筑摩書房 東京都台東区)から刊行され、現在、全国の書店で販売されています。
 発行所 :筑摩書房
 著  者 :井上理津子
 発行日 :2007年9月10日
 価  格 :840円(税別)
 参  考 :http://www.chikumashobo.co.jp/product/9784480423634/
≪井上理津子 プロフィール≫

TEL 090-3872-0876  FAX 06-6856-2899
MAIL rinoue@mb.infoweb.ne.jp










wattwatt.com: Making an Electrifying Difference to Climate Change
October 03, 2007

    GENEVA, Oct. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Electricity is a
form of energy that we often take for granted -- in our
homes, hospitals, offices and factories. But certain ways
of generating electricity can be major contributors to
climate change. By using less electricity, using it more
efficiently, using it more responsibly and looking for new
or improved ways to generate it. We can all make a

    wattwatt.com is a Web 2.0 social network website that
brings together people of all ages and nationalities
interested in making a difference. It provides the means
for more direct public involvement in helping identify
priorities for consumers, industry and governments, and in
finding the solutions -- technical or behavioral -- for
increasing electrical energy efficiency.

    Supported by the IEC, a not-for-profit,
non-governmental organization, responsible for setting the
world's electrical energy efficiency standards,
wattwatt.com will facilitate the sharing of experiences,
ideas and provide an open debate on one of the biggest
challenges facing mankind.

    With the IEC's support, wattwatt.com puts consumers and
technology experts in touch, thereby highlighting where new
standards could be improved or created, in areas such as
electrical appliances, standby power and lighting

    care4it: The Global Challenge for Schools

    As one of first major initiatives, wattwatt.com is
calling on the world's school children for help. care4it is
the challenge organized by wattwatt.com and the IEC, with
the support of the International Energy Agency (IEA), a
leading organization that advises its member governments on
energy policy.

    care4it calls on schools around the world to submit
their ideas for improving electrical energy efficiency. The
winning school will receive a US$10,000 cash prize and the
chance to see their idea brought to reality. Prizes of
US$3,000 and US$2,000 will be awarded for second and third
place, respectively. Detailed entry information is
available on wattwatt.com and the deadline for entries is
Friday 28 March 2008. The winners will be announced in June

    Commenting on the initiative, IEC General Secretary
Ronnie Amit said: "This global challenge for schools
will not only tap into the young minds around the world,
but it will also help raise the awareness of the critical
role played by electricity in our daily lives. A
competition like this aims to get children involved
creatively in proposing solutions for using electricity
more efficiently or developing devices to use it
differently, so helping modify the behaviour that will help
mitigate the effects of climate change."

    Nigel Jollands, Senior Policy Advisor at the IEA's
Energy Efficiency and Environment Division said:
"energy efficiency is an essential part of a
sustainable energy future. We all need to play our part in
using energy wisely. The care4it competition is an
excellent effort to reach out to students -- our energy
managers of the future."
    More information on care4it can be found at

    About wattwatt.com

    wattwatt.com (a play on the words 'what' and 'Watt' )
is a newly launched community on electrical energy
efficiency. It is becoming a reference centre for the
individual who is interested in and sensitive to electrical
energy efficiency and the environment and who wants to share
their ideas and benefit from what others have to tell. It is
supported by the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC), a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization (see
below), while the platform was developed by Lausanne-based

    About the IEC ( http://www.iec.ch )

    The IEC is the world's leading organization that
prepares and publishes International Standards for all
electrical, electronic and related technologies --
collectively known as "electrotechnology". IEC
standards cover a vast range of technologies from power
generation, transmission and distribution to home
appliances and office equipment, semiconductors, fibre
optics, batteries, solar energy, nanotechnology and marine
energy to mention just a few. Wherever you find electricity
and electronics, you find the IEC supporting safety and
performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency
and renewable energies. The IEC also manages conformity
assessment schemes that certify whether equipment, systems
or components conform to its International Standards.

    About the IEA ( http://www.iea.org )

    The International Energy Agency (IEA) acts as energy
policy advisor to 26 Member countries in their effort to
ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for their
citizens. Founded during the oil crisis of 1973-74, the
IEA's initial role was to co-ordinate measures in times of
oil supply emergencies. As energy markets have changed, so
has the IEA. Its mandate has broadened to incorporate the
"Three E's" of balanced energy policy making:
energy security, economic development and environmental
protection. Current work focuses on climate change
policies, market reform, energy technology collaboration
and outreach to the rest of the world, especially major
producers and consumers of energy like China, India, Russia
and the OPEC countries.

    Internet: http://www.presseportal.ch

    For more information, please contact:

     Jonathan Buck
     Tel:   +41-22-919-02-65
     Email: jjb@iec.ch
Canadian Solar Wins U.S. Contract
October 03, 2007

    JIANGSU, China, Oct. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian
Solar Inc. ("the Company," "CSI," or
"we") announced on Oct. 2 that it has signed a
contract in the United States of America, an important
market for the Company given the expectations for growth.

    Under the agreement CSI will supply American Capital
Energy of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, with its high quality
CS5A solar modules for installations at the Crystal Rock
Pure Water bottling facility. This project, located in
Watertown, Connecticut will convert a commercial roof space
into a private power generation site featuring a 300KW
grid-connected solar power system.

    Dr. Shawn Qu, Chairman and CEO of Canadian Solar Inc.
commented: "This latest contract is an important step
for us as it demonstrates that we can realize commercially
viable projects in price-competitive markets like the U.S.
Solar power is quickly gaining momentum with American
corporations and communities. Our sales team has been
leveraging our European leadership position to raise
awareness in the U.S. We are energized and will look to use
this win to capitalize on other existing and developing
opportunities in the U.S. and broader North American

    About Canadian Solar Inc. 

    Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a
vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar
module and custom-designed solar application products
serving worldwide customers. CSI is incorporated in Canada
and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China.
Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar
power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a
major global provider of solar power products for a wide
range of applications. For more information, please visit

    About American Capital Energy

    American Capital Energy provides full-service solar
energy project integration and installation for large
commercial enterprises. The company is committed to
furthering the utilization of solar energy by America's
most forward thinking companies by offering customized
turnkey solar systems designed for long term performance
and verifiable return on investment. American Capital
Energy is run by solar project professionals with decades
of combined experience in project development and deep
knowledge in the solar industry. For more on American
Capital Energy, please visit


     In Jiangsu, P.R. China                    In the U.S.
     Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer         David
     Canadian Solar Inc.                       The Ruth
     Phone: +86-512-62696755                   Phone:

    Safe Harbor/Forward-Looking Statements

    Certain statements in this press release including
statements regarding expected future financial and industry
growth are forward-looking statements that involve a number
of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results
to differ materially. These statements are made under the
"Safe Harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases,
you can identify forward-looking statements by such terms
as "believes," "expects,"
"anticipates," "intends,"
"estimates," the negative of these terms, or
other comparable terminology. Factors that could cause
actual results to differ include general business and
economic conditions and the state of the solar industry;
governmental support for the deployment of solar power;
future shortage or availability of the supply of
high-purity silicon; demand for end-use products by
consumers and inventory levels of such products in the
supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers,
including customers of our silicon materials sales; changes
in demand from major markets such as Germany; changes in
customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity
utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and
declines in average selling price; delays in new product
introduction; continued success in technological
innovations and delivery of products with the features
customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or
capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange
rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described
in the Company's SEC filings, including its annual report
on Form 20-F originally filed on May 29, 2007 and its
registration statement on Form F-1 originally filed on
October 23, 2006, as amended. Although the Company believes
that the expectations reflected in the forward looking
statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future
results, level of activity, performance, or achievements.
You should not place undue reliance on these
forward-looking statements. All information provided in
this press release is as of today's date, unless otherwise
stated, and CSI undertakes no duty to update such
information, except as required under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

    In Jiangsu, P.R. China: 
     Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer
     Canadian Solar Inc.
     Tel:   +86-512-62696755
     Email: ir@csisolar.com

    In the U.S.: 
     David Pasquale 
     The Ruth Group
     Tel:   +1-646-536-7006
     Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com
Yucheng Technologies Limited Announces Appointment of Lawrence Yeung, Former Head of Information Technologies at the United Nations, as an Independent Director
October 03, 2007

    BEIJING, Oct. 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
Yucheng Technologies Limited (Nasdaq: YTEC), a leading IT
and outsourced service provider to the Chinese banking
industry, today announced that the Board has appointed Mr.
Lawrence Yeung, former Head of Information Technologies at
the United Nations to replace Mr. Michael (Tao) Huang, who
resigned from its Board of Directors and Audit Committee on
September 17, 2007. Over more than 20 years before his
retirement, Mr. Yeung established a successful track record
as an information technology innovator and director of
information systems and technologies at the United Nations
and the United Nations Development Programme. Mr. Yeung was
responsible for implementing global information and
communications systems in over 145 country offices,
including acclaimed global safety and security systems. In
addition to overseeing the UN's vast internal information
systems, Mr. Yeung's assisted member and developing
countries around the world in the application of
information systems and technologies. Mr. Yeung also served
extensively on the UN's financial, personnel and procurement
committees, and oversaw the award of contracts and
subsequent project implementations. An Australian citizen,
Mr. Yeung is an accomplished graduate of computer science
and electronic engineering from the University of Sydney
and the University of New South Wales.

    Mr. Chih T. Cheung, Chairman of Yucheng's Board,
stated: "We are pleased and excited that Mr. Lawrence
Yeung has accepted our invitation to be an independent
board member and Audit Committee member of Yucheng. We
believe that his many experiences in large scale
information and communications systems and his prior
governance and oversight roles, will strengthen our Board
on many levels. We welcome him and look forward to his many

    About Yucheng Technologies Limited 

    Yucheng Technologies Limited (YTEC) is a leading IT and
outsourced service provider to the Chinese banking industry.
Headquartered in Beijing, China, Yucheng has more than 1,200
employees and has established an extensive footprint to
serve its banking clients nationwide with nine subsidiaries
and representative offices located in Shanghai, Guangzhou,
Xi'an, Xiamen, Zhengzhou, Kunming, Nanjing, Changsha and
Chengdu. Yucheng provides a comprehensive suite of IT
solutions and services to Chinese banks including 1) system
integration and IT consulting, 2) solutions and software
platform, and 3) outsourced operations. Yucheng counts 13
out of the 15 top banks in China as its customers, and is
especially strong in banking channel management IT
solutions and services, such as web banking and call
centers, and risk/performance management solution
consulting and implementation service. It is also rapidly
becoming one of the leading third party providers of POS
merchant acquiring services.

    Safe Harbor Statement

    This press release includes forward-looking statements
made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve risks
and uncertainties. Forward looking statements are statements
that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements
generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking
terminology, such as "may," "will,"
"expect," "intend,"
"estimate," "anticipate,"
"believe," "project" or
"continue" or the negative thereof or other
similar words. Such forward- looking statements, based upon
the current beliefs and expectations of Yucheng's
management, are subject to risks and uncertainties, which
could cause actual results to differ from the forward
looking statements. The following factors, among others,
could cause actual results to differ from those set forth
in the forward-looking statements: current dependence on
the PRC banking industry demand for the products and
services of Yucheng; competition from other service
providers in the PRC and international consulting firms;
the ability to update and expand product and service
offerings; retention and hiring of qualified employees;
protection of intellectual property; creating and
maintaining quality product offerings; operating a business
in the PRC with its changing economic and regulatory
environment; and the other relevant risks detailed in
Yucheng filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. The information set forth herein should be read
in light of such risks. Yucheng assumes no obligation to
update the information contained in this press release.

    For more information, please contact:

    In Beijing, China
     Ms. Wei Peng
     Investor Relations, Yucheng Technologies Ltd.
     Tel:   +86-10-64420533
     Email: pengwei@yuchengtech.com

    In the U.S.A.
     Mr. Jim Preissler
     Director, Yucheng Technologies Ltd.
     Tel:   +1-646-383-4832
     Email: jim@yuchengtech.com

Platts Announces Finalists for the 9th Annual Global Energy Awards
October 03, 2007

    NEW YORK, Oct. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Platts and principal sponsor Capgemini, along with
co-sponsor Bracewell & Giuliani LLP, today announce the
finalists for the 2007 Platts Global Energy Awards. 
Established in 1999, the Platts Global Energy Awards
recognize innovation, leadership, and superior performance
in over a dozen categories spanning the entire energy
spectrum. This year three new awards will be featured;
Green Energy Innovator of the Year, Energy Efficiency
Initiative of the Year, and Risk Management Innovator of
the Year. 

    "Each of this year's finalists is to be
congratulated for their important contributions as
innovators and exemplary performers in their respective
industry categories," said Platts President Victoria
Chu Pao. "We look forward to announcing the winners of
the Platts Global Energy Awards at the upcoming Gala. And in
recognition of the importance of energy's role in climate
change, we're pleased to be showcasing awards for Green
Energy Innovator of the Year and Energy Efficiency
Initiative of the Year in this year's competition." 

    Finalists in 16 categories were chosen from a list of
just under 200 nominees by a panel of judges including
former national regulators, past and present heads of major
energy companies, leading academics and international energy
experts,. The Energy Company of the Year, based on
performance criteria beyond financials, will be selected
from this overall list of finalists. Last year's Energy
Company of the Year winner was Iberdrola of Spain, whose
CEO, Ignacio Sanchez Galan also won CEO of the Year. 

    Winners of the 2007 Platts Global Energy Awards will be
announced at a gala celebration on Thursday, November 29,
2007 at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. Each year
more than 500 senior energy executives from around the
world gather to attend the black-tie awards ceremony. The
ceremony is also co-sponsored by Standard and Poor's,
Panasonic Computer Solutions Company, and Spectra Energy. 

    In advance of the awards dinner, the inaugural Platts
Lecture will be presented by Mr. Gene Sperling, former
White House National Economic Advisor and former Director
of the USA's National Economic Council, who will address
the implications of climate change for the global energy
industry in a lecture entitled "Climate, Energy and
the Climate for Energy." Other notable global industry
executives will join the discussion on how this topic
relates to their segment of the energy world. The Platts
Lecture, sponsored by R.W. Beck and PACCAR, will take place
on November 29, 2007 at the Digital Sandbox, located at 55
Broad Street in New York, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 
Additional sponsorships are still available for the Platts
Lecture. Contact Vicki Peterson at
vicki_peterson@platts.com or at 970-461-1090 for more

    Accredited media may attend both events as Platts'
guests with advance registration. Television cameras are

    To make a reservation to attend the Platts Global
Energy Awards and Platts Lecture, go to
http://www.globalenergyawards.com .  For additional
information about attending the events contact Robin Mason
at 631-642-2600 or robin_mason@platts.com. 

    The finalists in each category are as follows:
    CEO of the Year
    Antonio Brufau - Repsol YPF 
    David Crane - NRG
    Douglas L. Foshee - El Paso Corporation
    Fulvio Conti - Enel SpA
    Gregory H. Boyce - Peabody Energy
    J. Wayne Leonard - Entergy Corporation
    Jim Rogers - Duke Energy
    Joseph L. Welch - ITC Holdings
    Lewis Hay, III - FPL Group
    Michael G. Morris - American Electric Power
    Mohamed H. Al-Mady - SABIC
    Mr. Fu Chengyu - China National Offshore Oil
Corporation (CNOOC) 
    Steve Malcolm - Williams

    Commercial Technology of the Year
    Black & Veatch
    Entergy Nuclear Operations/GE-Hitachi
    Shell Global Solutions International B.V. and Criterion
Catalysts & 
    Site Controls
    Community Development Program of the Year
    Attock Refinery Limited
    Colorado Springs Utilities
    Duke Energy
    Entergy Corporation
    Kansas City Power & Light (KCP&L)
    MidAmerican Energy Company
    Pearl Group Management, LLC
    Reliance Energy Limited (REL)
    Union Fenosa
    Xcel Energy

    Downstream Business of the Year
    Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL)
    Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
    Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC)
    Valero Energy Corporation

    Energy Company of the Year
     (all finalist companies are also a finalist for this
top award of the 

    Energy Efficiency Initiative of the Year
    Broward County School District
    CoalTek, Inc
    ELI Argentina
    Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)
    Southern California Edison (SCE)
    Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited - Ontario's Smart
    Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited - Peaksaver
    Union Fenosa

    Energy Transporter of the Year 
    California ISO
    ITC Holdings Corp.
    Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P.
    Northern Natural Gas Company (NNG)

    Engineering Project of the Year
    Black & Veatch - Samra Power Project 
    Black & Veatch - Shidongkou Power Station    
    Burns & McDonnell   
    Entergy Corporation
    Nexen, Inc.
    ENR Energy Construction Project of the Year 
    Alpha Petroleum Services
    Bechtel Power Corporation
    DTE/Detroit Edison/Washington Group International/Riley
    MidAmerican Energy Company
    Northeast Utilities
    San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)
    Southern California Edison (SCE)
    Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
    Washington Group International - DTE Energy's Enrico
Fermi Nuclear Power 
    Zachry Construction Corporation (ZCC) & Black &

    Green Energy Innovator of the Year
    ACCIONA Energia
    American Electric Power (AEP)
    Applied Materials, Inc.
    California ISO
    Morgan Stanley
    Reliance Energy Limited (REL)
    UOP Renewable Energy & Chemicals
    Hydrocarbon Producer of the Year
    Chesapeake Energy Corporation
    China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)
    Nexen, Inc.
    Peabody Energy
    Repsol YPF

    Industry Leadership Award
    Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
    Arch Coal
    California ISO
    Camara de Comercilizacao de Energia Electrica - CCEE
(Chamber of Electric 
     Energy Commercialization)
    Comverge, Inc
    Energy Curtailment Specialists, Inc.
    ITC Holdings Corp.
    Peabody Energy
    STP Nuclear Operating Company
    Xcel Energy

    Lifetime Achievement Award
    Bob McGehee - Progress Energy
    Lord Ronald Oxburgh - Climate Change Capital
    Robert G. Jones - Tennessee Valley Authority/Browns
Ferry Nuclear Power 
    Robert L. Parker - Parker Drilling Company
    William Macaulay - First Reserve Corporation

    Marketing Campaign of the Year
    API SpA
    E Wie Einfach/E.ON 
    Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
    Petron Corporation
    Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
    Power Company of the Year
    Entergy Corporation
    Integrys Energy Group
    MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company 
    NRG Energy, Inc.
    Tenaga Nasional Berhard (TNB)

    Rising Star Award
    AED Oil Limited 
    AES Andres
    Blue Source
    CoalTek, Inc
    Energy Curtailment Specialists, Inc.
    Jamshoro Joint Venture Limited
    Stream Energy
    World Energy Solutions, Inc. 
    Risk Management Innovator of the Year
    Caesar Systems
    Constellation Energy
    OpenLink Financial
    Towers Perrin
    Triple Point Technology
    Fast Facts about the Platts Global Energy Awards:
    -- Platts receives around 200 nominations each year 

    -- This year's nominations have come from 27
       Argentina, Australia, Bermuda, Brazil, Bulgaria,
Canada, China, 
       Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India,
Italy, Malaysia, 
       Netherlands, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Russian
Federation, Saudi 
       Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain,
Switzerland, the 
       UK, the UAE, and the USA

    -- Platts is proud to count former OPEC energy
ministers, national 
       regulators, former heads of major energy companies
and leading 
       economists, academics and legislators among its
judges, past and 

    -- Each category in the awards has 4-6 key criteria
against which the 
       judges will evaluate each nomination. 

    -- The Platts Global Energy Awards have been described
by past entrants 
       and winners as both the "World Series" and
"Academy Awards" of energy.

    -- This is the fifth year in a row that Capgemini is
the principal
       sponsor of the Platts Global Energy Awards; this is
the second
       consecutive year that Bracewell & Giuliani LLP
is a co-sponsor.

    Capgemini is one of the world's foremost providers of
Consulting, Technology and Outsourcing services, enables
its clients to transform and perform through technologies.
Capgemini provides its clients with insights and
capabilities that boost their freedom to achieve superior
results through a unique way of working, which it calls the
Collaborative Business Experience. Capgemini reported 2006
global revenues of EUR 7.7 billion (approximately US$10
billion) and employs more than 80,000 people worldwide.
More information is available at
http://www.us.capgemini.com .

    For information on the co-sponsors, go to:

    Lead sponsor of the Platts Lecture, R. W. Beck, Inc.
(rwbeck.com), is a technically based business consulting
firm providing engineering, economic, financial and
planning solutions for the energy, water and solid waste
industries. Integrating business and financial acumen with
technical and engineering expertise, R. W. Beck works as
trusted advisors providing insights that positively impact
municipal utilities, public and private sector agencies,
the financial community and other industry partners.
Founded 65 years ago, R. W. Beck has more than 550
employees with 27 offices in the U.S. and one in Singapore.

    About Platts: 

    Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:
MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals
information. With nearly a century of business experience,
Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries.
From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural
gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical,
shipping, and metals industries. Platts' real-time news,
pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets
operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk
managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts
to help them make better trading and investment decisions.
Additional information is available at
http://www.platts.com . 
    About The McGraw-Hill Companies: 

    Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP)
is a leading global information services provider meeting
worldwide needs in the financial services, education and
business information markets through leading brands such as
Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek
and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more
than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3
billion. Additional information is available at
http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Kathleen Tanzy 
     Tel:   +1-212-904-2860
     Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com   

     Asia: Casey Yew
     Tel:   +65-653-06552

     Europe: Shiona Ramage
     Tel:   +44-207-1766153
MEDIA ADVISORY: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Trailer
October 03, 2007

Warner Bros. Pictures is pleased to offer exciting new
footage from the highly anticipated 2008 worldwide release
of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

    Johnny Depp and Tim Burton join forces again in a
big-screen adaptation of Stephen Sondheim's award-winning
musical thriller "Sweeney Todd." Depp stars in
the title role as a man unjustly sent to prison who vows
revenge, not only for that cruel punishment, but for the
devastating consequences of what happened to his wife and
daughter. When he returns to reopen his barber shop,
Sweeney Todd becomes the Demon Barber of Fleet Street who
"shaved the heads of gentlemen who never thereafter
were heard from again." Joining Depp is Helena Bonham
Carter as Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney's amorous accomplice, who
creates diabolical meat pies. The cast also includes Alan
Rickman, who portrays the evil Judge Turpin, who sends
Sweeney to prison and Timothy Spall as the Judge's wicked
associate Beadle Bamford and Sacha Baron Cohen is a rival
barber, the flamboyant Signor Adolfo Pirelli.

    The Parkes/MacDonald and Zanuck Company production is
based on a musical by Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler
from an adaptation of Christopher Bond's play.  Music and
lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.


    Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
    will be distributed worldwide beginning January 2008.



    1st Feed:
    Date:  4th October 2007
    Time:  2300-2315 GMT

    2nd Feed:
    Date:  5th October 2007
    Time:  0500-0515 GMT

    Satellite:  Eutelsat W1 TXP B4 CH-2
    Downlink Frequency:  11088.5 V
    FEC:   3/4
    Symbol:  5.632
    Color:   PAL
    Uplink:  Arqiva Winchester -- UKI-WIN3 +44 (0) 1962

    Also available at BT Tower ABQH3


    1st Feed:
    Date:  4th October 2007
    Time:  2300-2315 GMT

    2nd Feed:
    Date:  5th October 2007
    Time: 0500-0515 GMT

    Satellite:   IS-2/08C CH 4  Orb Loc: 169' E; (formally
    Downlink Freq:: 3901Mhz Horizontal;
    FEC: 3/4;
    Symbol Rate (Ms/s): 30.80;
    Virtual Channel: 4; Network Id: 1;
    Color:   NTSC
    Uplink:  PAS NAPA +707.253.9466


    1st Feed:
    Date:  4th October 2007
    Time:  2300-2315 GMT

    2nd Feed:
    Date:  5th October 2007
    Time:  0900-0915 GMT

    Satellite:  IS-9/10C CH7 Orb Loc: 58'W (formally PAS
    Downlink Freq:: 3880Mhz Horizontal;
    FEC: 7/8; Symbol Rate (Ms/s): 27.69;
    Virtual Channel: 7;
    Network Id: 5002;
    Color:   NTSC
    Uplink:  PAS NAPA +707.253.9466

    If you have any questions,  please contact:

     Black Diamond Media
     Tel:   +1-310-451-5500
     Email: info@blackdiamondmedia.com   
Mylan Completes Acquisition of Generics Business of Merck KGaA
October 03, 2007

PITTSBURGH, Oct. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Mylan (NYSE: MYL) announced today that it has completed
its acquisition of Merck KGaA's generics business
("Merck Generics") to become one of the largest
quality generics and specialty pharmaceuticals companies in
the world.  Mylan and Merck KGaA initially announced the
signing of a definitive agreement under which Mylan would
acquire Merck Generics for EUR 4.9 billion ($6.8 billion)
in an all-cash transaction on May 12, 2007. 

    Robert J. Coury, Mylan's Vice Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer said, "The new Mylan now has all of
the critical attributes we need to ensure future success
and deliver powerful growth.  We have enhanced scale and
stability, a truly global reach, vertical and horizontal
integration, and breadth and depth in our management team. 
Most importantly, we have a common purpose and dedication to
executing on our strategy and delivering superior
shareholder returns."

    The new Mylan is the third largest generic company
worldwide, employs more than 11,000 people and has a global
presence in more than 90 countries.  Mylan's broad product
offering now includes more than 570 products and the
world's second largest portfolio of active pharmaceutical
ingredients (APIs) with 126 U.S. drug master files (DMFs). 
Mylan has a powerful global pipeline with more than 255
applications or dossiers pending regulatory approval.   The
new Mylan will benefit from substantial operational
efficiencies and economies of scale from increased sales
volumes and its vertically and horizontally integrated
platform.  Dey, Mylan's specialty pharmaceuticals business,
brings additional exciting and diversified opportunities
through its existing strengths in the respiratory arena.

    Mr. Coury continued, "The scale of the new Mylan
is evident in every area of our business: we have scale in
our geographic reach, scale in R&D, scale in
manufacturing, scale in API, scale in our combined product
portfolio, and scale in our global commercial footprint. 
We will leverage this scale to drive operational
efficiencies and extract synergies from our combined
company, while attracting exciting new opportunities.  We
have also created an extremely well-balanced and
diversified company, with significantly reduced risks
related to any one particular market or product. 
Importantly, we will also ensure that we retain the
qualities that customers around the world have come to
expect from both Mylan and Merck Generics. 

    "The Merck Generics business is even stronger than
we expected and, through the integration planning, we have
confirmed that we truly share a common culture and values
centered on quality, integrity, reliability and service.  I
am thrilled to welcome Merck Generics nearly 5,000 employees
to the new and expanded Mylan family.  After months of
careful preparation, we have hit the ground running with
the integration of our businesses and I am delighted that
we will be operating as a single, integrated company from
day one."

    Mylan also announced today that the company will change
its name from Mylan Laboratories Inc. to Mylan Inc. to
better reflect the broader scope of its business.  The
Company also confirmed that it has changed its financial
year to begin reporting on a calendar year basis.

    Investor Day on October 3

    Mylan will provide more details on its go-forward
strategy and its financial outlook during its Investor Day
in New York, New York, on October 3, 2007.  The agenda will
include presentations delivered by each of Mylan's global
regional heads and several members of Mylan's senior
management team.  The presentations will be available live
via webcast beginning at 8:30 a.m. ET. 

    To access the live webcast, go to Mylan's Web site at
www.mylan.com and click on the webcast icon at least 15
minutes before the event is scheduled to begin to register
and download or install any necessary audio software. A
replay of the webcast will be available on
http://www.mylan.com until November 2, 2007.

    About Mylan

    Mylan Inc. is one of the world's leading quality
generic and specialty pharmaceutical companies. The Company
offers one of the industry's broadest and highest quality
product portfolios, a robust product pipeline and a global
commercial footprint through operations in more than 90
countries.  Through its controlling interest in Matrix
Laboratories Limited, Mylan has direct access to one of the
largest active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturers
in the world.  Dey L.P., Mylan's fully integrated specialty
business, provides the Company with innovative and
diversified opportunities in the respiratory and allergy
therapeutic areas.  

    For more information about Mylan, please visit
http://www.mylan.com .
    Forward-Looking Statements

    This press release contains statements that constitute
"forward-looking statements", including with
regard to Mylan's future success, the anticipated benefits
of operational efficiencies and leverage, and expected
product and other opportunities.  These statements are made
pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Because such
statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties,
actual future results may differ materially from those
expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. 
Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences
include, but are not limited to: challenges and costs
relating to integration of the two businesses; the effect
of any changes in customer and supplier relationships and
customer purchasing patterns; the impact and effects of
legal or regulatory proceedings, actions or changes;
general market perception of the transaction; the ability
to attract and retain key personnel; changes in economic
and financial conditions of the Company's business;
uncertainties and matters beyond the control of management;
and the other risks detailed in the Form 10-Q for the
quarter ended June 30, 2007 and the other periodic reports
filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  The Company undertakes no obligation to update
these statements for revisions or changes after the date of
this release. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Kris King, 
     Mylan Inc.
     Tel:   +1-724-514-1800

     Nina Devlin or Cindy Leggett-Flynn,
     Brunswick Group
     Tel:  +1-212-333-3810

Mylan Appoints Heather Bresch as Chief Operating Officer
October 03, 2007

Promoted from Head of North America

    PITTSBURGH, Oct. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Mylan Inc.
(NYSE: MYL) today announced the appointment of Heather
Bresch as Chief Operating Officer.  Ms. Bresch served
previously as Head of North America and Chief Integration
Officer.  As Chief Operation Officer, Ms. Bresch will be
responsible for Mylan's global commercial and technical
operations, strategic planning, business development and
international affairs, which includes development of
Mylan's antiretroviral (ARV) franchise.  She will also
continue to oversee the integration of Mylan's recent
acquisition of Merck Generics.

    Ms. Bresch has spent fifteen years with Mylan in
various positions of increasing responsibility throughout
the company.  Most recently, as Head of North America, she
had responsibility for Mylan's operations including Mylan
Pharmaceuticals, Mylan Technologies, and UDL Laboratories. 
Prior to this, she served as Senior Vice President of
Strategic Development in the Office of the CEO.

    In her role as Chief Integration Officer, in addition
to leading the integration team working with Merck
Generics, Ms. Bresch has overseen the successful
integration of Matrix Laboratories, in which Mylan took a
controlling stake earlier this year. 

    Ms. Bresch has been the only non-CEO to serve as
Chairman of the Generic Pharmaceutical Association (GPhA),
serving an unprecedented two consecutive terms, and is
widely acknowledged in the industry for playing a critical
role in the passage of the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act,
a Congressional revision to the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984
that focused on ensuring consumers' access to affordable

    Mylan's Vice Chairman and CEO Robert J. Coury
commented:  "At this stage in Mylan's history, it is
imperative that we have a Chief Operating Officer in place
that knows our company, is a leader in the industry and has
the experience and energy required to execute on the
opportunities of the new Mylan.  Heather is uniquely
qualified for this challenging position, given her in-depth
knowledge of Mylan, Matrix and Merck Generics and her strong
relationships with management and employees across those
organizations as a result of leading the integration
efforts.  She has played an instrumental role in Mylan's
strategic development over the last several years, and will
continue to be a key driver of the Company's future

    Ms. Bresch earned an MBA and an undergraduate degree in
international studies and political science from West
Virginia University. 

    Mylan Inc. is one of the world's leading quality
generic and specialty pharmaceutical companies. The Company
offers one of the industry's broadest and highest quality
product portfolios, a robust product pipeline and a global
commercial footprint through operations in more than 90
countries.  Through its controlling interest in Matrix
Laboratories Limited, Mylan has direct access to one of the
largest active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturers
in the world.   Dey L.P., Mylan's fully integrated specialty
business, provides the Company with innovative and
diversified opportunities in the respiratory and allergy
therapeutic areas.  

    For more information about Mylan, please visit
http://www.mylan.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Kris King, 
     Mylan Inc.
     Tel:  +1-724-514-1800
Mylan Appoints Rajiv Malik as Executive Vice President, Head of Global Technical Operations
October 03, 2007

    PITTSBURGH, Oct. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Mylan Inc.
(NYSE: MYL) today announced the appointment of Rajiv Malik
as Executive Vice President in charge of Global Technical
Operations.  Mr. Malik has served in a similar capacity for
Mylan since the Company acquired a controlling stake in
Matrix Laboratories Limited (Matrix), where he is Chief
Executive Officer, in January 2007.  

    As Head of Global Technical Operations, Mr. Malik will
oversee the Company's global research and development
(R&D) centers and manufacturing and distribution units,
with responsibility for enhancing and rationalizing Mylan's
global supply chain and expanded product pipeline, as well
as leveraging Matrix, one of the world's largest suppliers
of active pharmaceutical ingredients, across the enlarged

    Mr. Malik has worked more than 24 years in the global
generic pharmaceutical industry.  In addition to his role
at Mylan, Mr. Malik currently serves as Managing Director
and Chief Executive Officer of Matrix.   Prior to joining
Matrix in 2005, he was Head of Global Development and
Regulatory at Sandoz.  He started his career in R&D at
Ranbaxy Laboratories, rising to Head of Generics R&D. 

    Mylan's Vice Chairman and CEO Robert J. Coury
commented, "Rajiv has been an invaluable addition to
the Mylan management team since joining us in January. 
Since the close of the Matrix transaction, he has truly
proven his capabilities and has been instrumental in the
successful integration of Matrix.  Rajiv has built an
outstanding operational infrastructure that will allow us
to capitalize on the efficiencies, synergies and sourcing
opportunities we see from bringing together all three

    Mr. Malik earned his master's degree in pharmaceutical
technology from Punjab University and has more than 60
process patents to his credit. 

    Mylan Inc. is one of the world's leading quality
generic and specialty pharmaceutical companies. The Company
offers one of the industry's broadest and highest quality
product portfolios, a robust product pipeline and a global
commercial footprint through operations in more than 90
countries.  Through its controlling interest in Matrix
Laboratories Limited, Mylan has direct access to one of the
largest active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturers
in the world.   Dey L.P., Mylan's fully integrated specialty
business, provides the Company with innovative and
diversified opportunities in the respiratory and allergy
therapeutic areas.  

    For more information about Mylan, please visit
http://www.mylan.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Kris King, 
     Mylan Inc.
     Tel:  +1-724-514-1800
Datalogics Releases .NET Interface for the Adobe(R) PDF Library(TM)
October 03, 2007

    CHICAGO, Oct. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Datalogics, a
leading provider of PDF technologies and key channel for
Adobe PDF toolkits, today announced the immediate
availability of a .NET interface for the Adobe PDF Library.
This interface will enable application developers to more
effectively integrate Adobe's powerful PDF Library API into
their .NET environments, giving them access to a broad range
of robust functionality, while taking advantage of the
efficiencies and software development features available
from the Microsoft(R) .NET Framework.

    "We've seen strong interest in .NET with notable
growth over the past year or so," remarked Kevin
McNeill, VP Operations.  "Prior to this release, .NET
developers were left with a difficult choice: write their
own custom wrapper around the Adobe PDF Library -- a
nontrivial task -- or select a third-party PDF technology
that happened to have some sort of .NET support. Providing
this .NET interface as part of our distribution of the
Adobe PDF Library allows software application vendors to
focus on their core competencies while relying on proven,
scalable, future-proof PDF technology from the source of
PDF, Adobe."

    In addition to the new .NET interface to the Library, a
major update to the Datalogics Java interface has also been
released.  This interface exposes the underlying API as a
set of Java classes to developers who wish to integrate the
PDF Library into their Java applications. Both interfaces
will be packaged as part of Datalogics standard
distribution of the Adobe PDF Library. 

    Contact Datalogics directly for more information on
licensing, pricing and other technical information.

    About the Adobe PDF Library

    The Adobe PDF Library is a developer toolkit which
allows third-party developers to support the PDF format
within their own applications. Developers can build
powerful Adobe PDF solutions in desktop environments as
well as a wide range of server platforms, using the same
core technology with which Adobe Systems, Inc. builds its
Acrobat family of products. The toolkit provides access to
a broad range of functionality; full compatibility with the
latest PDF specification; consistent, reliable support on a
broad range of platforms; as well as high-performance,
scalable optimized PDF processing.  Included as part of the
Library distribution are the Datalogics(R) Enhancements(TM)
(DLE), a set of modules which include various performance
improvements and optimizations; enhanced functionality in
the areas of graphics processing, watermarking and
programmatic printing; and language interfaces for .NET and
Java developers.

    About Datalogics

    Datalogics, Inc., an Adobe Portfolio Company and a
leading provider of innovative document technologies, has
dedicated over 40 years to delivering the highest quality
software technologies and services which meet the most
demanding customer needs. Datalogics is the source for
Adobe PDF technologies. A solid background, partnerships
with key firms, and a loyal customer base ensure that
Datalogics is positioned to meet customer requirements now
and into the future.

    For more information, visit: http://www.datalogics.com

    (C)2007 Datalogics, Inc.

    Datalogics and the Datalogics logo are registered
trademarks of Datalogics, Inc.

    Adobe and Adobe PDF Library are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. in the US and
other countries. 

    Other company and brand, product and service names are
for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders. Data is
subject to change without notice.

    For more information, please contact:

     Nicole Wojciechowski, Marketing Manager 
     Datalogics, Inc.
     Tel:  +1-312-853-8200

Standards-Based Active RFID Products From Savi Certified by Governments of Taiwan, Malaysia and Chile
October 03, 2007

New Approvals for Use Further Substantiate Growing Global
Penetration of Savi's ISO Standards-based Products and
Networks for the Supply Chain

    CHICAGO, Oct. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Savi Technology,
a Lockheed Martin company (NYSE: LMT) and leading provider
of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-based total asset
management solutions, today announced that official
regulatory bodies in Taiwan, Malaysia and Chile have
approved the use of Savi's active RFID tags and readers.
The certifications pave the way for further global
expansion of Savi's active RFID networks, which
automatically monitor the location, security and
environment of cargo containers. 

    ( Logo: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20060629/SFTH024LOGO )

    "Businesses in Taiwan, Malaysia and Chile
recognize the economic and strategic value of standardized
RFID, and certification facilitates our ability to help
make the supply chains there more efficient and
secure," said Fraser Jennings, Savi's vice president
of Standards and Regulatory Activities. "International
recognition of ISO 18000-7 means customers can deploy a
single active RFID platform globally, which translates into
lower deployment costs, greater flexibility in designing
active RFID networks, and a higher return on

    Savi products are now approved for use in more than 50
countries located throughout all major trading regions
worldwide. The Savi hardware is based on the ISO 18000-7
standard for battery-powered RFID devices operating in the
433 MHz radio frequency.

    Approvals were sought in Taiwan, Malaysia and Chile as
part of Savi Networks' plans to expand its RFID-based
infrastructure to strategic supply chain locations in Asia,
Europe, and North and South America. Savi Networks, a joint
venture between Savi Technology and Hutchison Port
Holdings, is already deploying Savi SR-650 readers and Savi
SP-652 signposts at the Port of Kaohsiung in Taiwan as part
of its growing global network and SaviTrak(TM) information
services. In Malaysia, Savi Networks is expanding its
monitoring network at the Westports Malaysia Port in Port
Klang, where Savi readers will cover gates while signposts
will monitor rail traffic. 

    These product approvals also facilitate the deployment
of systems from Savi Technology IP licensing partners
participating in the Savi ISO 18000-7 licensing program.
For more information on Savi licensing, contact

    Savi Technology is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT), with headquarters in Mountain
View, Calif., and offices in Washington D.C., London,
Singapore and Melbourne. For more information, visit
http://www.savi.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Mark Nelson
     Savi Technology
     Tel:   +1-650-316-4872
     Email: mnelson@savi.com

     Patrick O'Boyle
     Savi Technology
     Tel:   +1-650-316-4988
     Email: poboyle@savi.com
Filtrona Fibertec Ningbo, China Plant Celebrates Expansion
October 02, 2007

    RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Filtrona
Fibertec, a division of Filtrona plc, developer of
fiber-based capillary technology and manufacturer of custom
fluid handling components, celebrated the completion of the
recent expansion of its plant in Ningbo, China with a Grand
Opening celebration.  

    ( Logo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20061127/DCM011LOGO )

    The expansion includes an increase of more than double
the size of production floor space and an expanded
analytical laboratory to support the technical service
needs of the regional customer base.  The plant is located
in Ningbo (Zhejiang Province near Shanghai) and its first
phase was completed in 2005.  Construction for the
expansion commenced in late 2006 and was complete by mid

    Filtrona Fibertec designs, develops, and manufactures
bonded fiber fluid control components serving a variety of
industrial and consumer markets including writing
instruments, medical diagnostics, inkjet printing systems,
and household products.  

    The Grand Opening celebration was well attended by
customers, high level dignitaries from both government and
business, and the company's senior executives, including
Filtrona plc Chief Executive Mark Harper and Filtrona
Fibertec President Russ Rogers.  Highlights of the
celebration included speeches by the Ningbo Economic
Technical Development group and Filtrona management,
followed by the traditional ribbon cutting ceremony and
fireworks display.   

    With the phase one manufacturing space already near
full utilization, this expansion provides needed room for
Filtrona Fibertec's regional growth and for two other
divisions of Filtrona plc -- Filtrona Extrusions and Moss
Plastic Parts.  "The Filtrona Fibertec expansion
provides the infrastructure and support services from which
a number of our businesses will launch their new commercial
growth efforts in China and the Asia region", said
Mark Harper . 

    During the celebration event, the plant was also
recognized for achieving ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001, and
OHSAS 18001 certifications for quality management,
environmental compliance and health & safety systems,
by BSI Management Systems, the world's leading
international standards testing, registration and
certification organization. 

    Filtrona Fibertec is announcing this expansion along
with ongoing upgrades and capital investment in both the
Richmond, Virginia (USA) and Reinbek, Germany facilities. 
"This expansion is a key part of Filtrona Fibertec's
commitment to a 3 region growth strategy supporting our
customers globally, and we will continue to invest in the
resources needed to support this growth and our
customers", said Russ Rogers.   

    "We continue to be excited at the many new
business development opportunities in the global market and
will continue to support the growth objectives of our
customers in the region with this new facility", said
Dirk Kemper, Filtrona Fibertec's Executive Vice President
-- Global Sales.  

    Based in Richmond, Virginia USA, Filtrona Fibertec (
http://www.filtronafibertec.com ) is a leading manufacturer
of customized bonded fiber components for fluid and vapor
handling used in consumer, medical and industrial products.
Filtrona Fibertec has manufacturing locations in North
America, Europe and Asia and is a division of Filtrona plc,
a global specialty plastic and fiber products supplier based
in the United Kingdom with 37 manufacturing facilities and
5,600 employees.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Jeff Shugart
     Tel:   +1-804-518-1014
     Email: JeffShugart@Filtrona.com

ZigBee Unveils Comprehensive New Features
October 02, 2007

More Interoperable Choices Creates ZigBee Networks with
Numerous Strengths

    SAN RAMON, Calif., Oct. 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
ZigBee(R) Alliance, a global ecosystem of companies
creating wireless solutions for use in utility, commercial
building and consumer applications, today announced it has
approved comprehensive new features for the ZigBee
specification giving more choices to manufacturers as they
design ZigBee products.  These new features significantly
expand the capabilities of ZigBee, further strengthening
its leadership position as the global standard for
wirelessly connecting dramatically different devices into a
single, easy to install and use network.

    "The market for wireless sensor networking
technology is growing significantly, enabled by a number of
factors, one of which is the continuing development of
standards such as ZigBee," said Sam Lucero, senior
analyst with ABI Research.  "ZigBee addresses the
largest cross-section of WSN market segments, and the new
features announced today will further enhance ZigBee's
suitability for use in the largest commercial WSN

    The ZigBee specification offers all the wide-ranging
features released in 2006, and adds new features, giving
manufacturers greater flexibility when designing innovative
ZigBee products.  The original set of features published in
2006 is now known as the ZigBee Feature Set.  An expanded
set of features known as ZigBee PRO maximizes all the
capabilities of ZigBee and facilitates ease-of-use and
advanced support for larger networks.  These features
expand product development options available to
manufacturers. The newly released Feature Sets are designed
to interoperate with each other, ensuring long-term use and
stability.  Highlights of the expanded ZigBee PRO Feature
Set include:

    -- Network Scalability -- Improved support for larger
networks offering
       more management, flexibility, performance choices  

    -- Fragmentation -- New ability to divide longer
messages and enable
       interaction with other protocols and systems 

    -- Frequency Agility -- Networks dynamically change
channels should
       interference occur

    -- Automated Device Address Management -- Optimized for
large networks
       with added network management and configuration

    -- Group Addressing -- Offers additional traffic
optimization needed for
       large networks

    -- Wireless Commissioning -- Enhanced with secure
wireless commissioning

    -- Centralized Data Collection -- Tuned specifically to
       information flow in large networks

    "The new features of ZigBee will dramatically
expand its capabilities and lead to new meaningful products
from companies around the world," said Eddy Odjik, vice
president of standardization at Philips.  "Philips is a
supporter of ZigBee and has played a role in developing
ZigBee into a unique, versatile wireless technology that
will simplify many people's lives in the coming

    In addition to its original capabilities, the ZigBee
Feature Set also gains optional use of the Frequency
Agility and Fragmentation features described above.  A full
list of capabilities for both Feature Sets along with a
side-by-side comparison can be found
Access to the updated ZigBee specification is available
immediately for all members. Free public availability of
the new features is scheduled for early 2008.  

    "ZigBee now gives unparalleled choices for
companies looking for the right low-power, low-cost
wireless networking standard," said Bob Heile,
chairman of the ZigBee Alliance.  "These new features
make ZigBee stronger and play a key role in expanding
ZigBee's value as a key part of innovative AMI programs for
utility companies around the world.  No other technology can
wirelessly connect an exterior utility meter to an interior
home automation network or building control networks as
efficiently and effectively as ZigBee."

    With the addition of these additional features to the
ZigBee specification, the Alliance is shifting its
attention to development efforts facilitating the
deployment of the technology for energy management and
efficiency, specifically in areas like public application
profiles for advance metering infrastructure (AMI).  Public
application profiles enable end-to-end, multi-vendor
interoperable solutions in markets such as AMI, home
automation, commercial building automation and

    ZigBee uses self-organizing and self-healing mesh
networking to enable robust communications over the
globally available 2.4 GHz frequency, with 868/915 MHz
technology available in select countries.  ZigBee networks
offer superb interference immunity and capabilities to host
thousands of devices. With ultra low-power requirements,
ZigBee devices run on regular batteries for years,
eliminating the need for wiring to a power source and
offering unparalleled maintenance convenience and
installation flexibility.  

    The ZigBee Alliance has multi-market and global appeal
along with steadily growing membership. Today, more than
225 companies from 28 countries spanning six continents are
Alliance members.  ZigBee is a volunteer driven Alliance
relying upon the support of its members to develop the
standard and public profiles.  Manufacturers now represent
50 percent of the membership, up from 37 percent in 2006. 
Organizations seeking immediate access to the enhanced
ZigBee standard, or assistance with developing products
based on ZigBee can join the Alliance by visiting

    ZigBee: Wireless Control That Simply Works

    The ZigBee Alliance is an association of companies
working together to enable reliable, cost effective,
low-power, wirelessly networked, monitoring and control
products based on an open global standard.  The ZigBee
Alliance membership comprises technology providers and
manufacturers worldwide.  Membership is open to all. 
Additional information can be found at

    For more information, please contact:

     Kevin Schader 
     ZigBee Alliance
     Tel:   +1-925-275-6672
     Email: kschader@inventures.com

     Earlene Tang 
     Tel:   +1-714-662-5115
     Email: etang@golinharris.com
International Survey Shows People Over Forty Ignore Risk of Blindness
October 02, 2007

    -- Global Advocacy Groups Launch Joint Effort to
Preserve Eyesight
       of Millions At-Risk for Glaucoma

    LONDON, Oct. 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Results of a new
international survey reveal that eye exams are being
ignored by many aged over 40. Only two fifths of
respondents had visited an eye specialist in the last year
to have their eyes checked, even though twice as many
people feared going blind compared to heart disease or
early death. The survey showed that awareness of glaucoma
was extremely low. A total of 40 percent of people surveyed
were unaware that glaucoma is linked to blindness, even
though it is the second leading cause of blindness. World
wide, approximately 6.7 million people are blind from
glaucoma, with almost 70 million affected by the

    The survey was launched today as part of the All Eyes
on Glaucoma(TM) campaign, a global initiative sponsored by
Pfizer Ophthalmics and supported by the World Glaucoma
Association (WGA) and the World Glaucoma Patient
Association (WGPA) to educate people over age 40 on how to
preserve their vision and recognize their risk of
developing glaucoma. There are a number of types of
glaucoma, the majority of which have high eye pressure and
cause vision loss. They cause irreversible damage to the
optic nerve and the eye damage develops over many years.
Lowering eye pressure can prevent or slow the progression
of glaucoma. Treatments are available to decrease eye

    By 2020, the number of people with glaucoma is expected
to rise to 80 million due to the rapidly growing aging
population.(3) The earlier glaucoma is detected, the
greater the potential of limiting the economic impact of
the disease by using appropriate treatment.(4)

    "Glaucoma is not just a disease of the elderly.
Now is the time to change the public mindset about
glaucoma," said Scott Christensen, President of the
World Glaucoma Patient Association and President and Chief
Executive Officer of The Glaucoma Foundation. "People
over the age of 40 need to make eye health a priority by
having a complete eye examination every two years to ensure
detection of glaucoma before any vision loss is

    Less than half surveyed have undergone an eye pressure
check. This proportion did not increase in the older age
groups, even though the risk of glaucoma increases with
age. This was in contrast to blood pressure, where more
respondents discussed blood pressure with their physician
in the older age groups.

    "Accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment of
glaucoma can prevent damage to the optic nerve and preserve
healthy vision, which is why check-ups are so
important," said Professor Roger Hitchings, Professor
of Ophthalmology, University College London and Consultant
Ophthalmic Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital. "Everyone
should proactively assess their risk of glaucoma with an eye
specialist. A complete eye exam for glaucoma will include an
eye pressure check, an optic nerve assessment and visual
field examination."

    All Eyes on Glaucoma Resources

    One of the key components of the All Eyes on Glaucoma
initiative is a new, informative website,
http://www.AllEyesOnGlaucoma.com , where people can learn
the proper steps to protect their vision, including the
completion of an "Am I At Risk?" questionnaire
and download tools including the "Conversation
Starter" which can be taken to their eye specialist.
Visitors will also be directed to local glaucoma
organizations in their area for questions and support

    About the International Survey

    A multi-country survey of individuals aged 40 and above
was conducted by the GfK Group. The survey included 4,352
people (2,020 males and 2,332 females) in seven countries
including Australia, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, the
United Kingdom and the United States.

    Notes to Editors:

    About Glaucoma:

    Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases. The two most
common forms are:
    -- Open-angle glaucoma - when the pressure in the eye
increases over time
       due to poor drainage of the aqueous humour.
    -- Angle-closure glaucoma - when the iris is too close
to the drainage
       canal (trabecular meshwork).

    Anyone can develop glaucoma, but the risk becomes
greater as you age. People who are more likely to develop
    -- Have high eye pressure(5)
    -- Are markedly nearsighted(5)
    -- Have a family history of glaucoma(5)
    -- Are of African descent (open-angle glaucoma)(5)
    -- Are of Asian descent (angle-closure glaucoma)(1)
    -- Have high blood pressure(6)

    The only modifiable glaucoma risk factor is high eye
pressure, also known as intraocular pressure (IOP). This is
the leading cause of glaucoma, although it is possible to
develop the condition without it. Due to the build-up of
natural fluid produced by the eye, high eye pressure causes
permanent damage to the optic nerve, the "cable"
used by the eye to communicate to the brain.(7) High eye
pressure may exist without noticeable symptoms so many
people do not know they have it if their vision is not
checked regularly.(8) In fact, people may not notice vision
loss until 40 percent or more of their optic nerve has been
damaged.(8) IOP is an easily identifiable risk factor,
however people who fall within the normal IOP range may
still be at risk for glaucoma.

    About the World Glaucoma Association and the World
Glaucoma Patient Association

    Both the WGA and WGPA exist to better the lives of
glaucoma patients around the world. The WGA attempts to
optimize the quality of glaucoma science and care through
communication and cooperation among national and regional
Glaucoma Societies, with companies involved with glaucoma,
glaucoma patient organizations and many others in the
glaucoma community, and by the enhancement of glaucoma
management by ophthalmologists around the world. The WGPA
works globally to encourage the establishment of and
cooperation among national Glaucoma Patient Associations
worldwide. The group serves as an umbrella organization to
provide useful information to individuals, health care
providers and support groups that are devoting their
efforts to the fight against glaucoma.

    About Pfizer Ophthalmics

    Pfizer Ophthalmics, a division of Pfizer Inc, is
committed to preserving sight and eliminating preventable
blindness. Pfizer Ophthalmics discovers, develops and
provides leading treatments in ophthalmology to support
patients who are at risk of blindness or suffering from
vision impairment, and to serve the health care
professionals who treat them.

    (1). World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World
Health Organization. In Focus, Nov. 1 2004
    (2). Congdon NG, Friedman DS, Lietman T. Important
Causes of Visual Impairment in the World Today. JAMA. 2003;
290: 2057-2060.
    (3). Quigley HA, Broman AT. The number of people with
glaucoma worldwide in 2010 and 2020. Br J Ophthalmol 2006;
90: 262-267
    (4). Lee PP, Walt JG, Doyle JJ et al. A multicenter,
retrospective pilot study of resource use and costs
associated with severity of disease in glaucoma. Arch
Ophthalmol 2006; 124(1): 12-19
    (5). The Glaucoma Foundation. Who's At Risk? Available
http://www.glaucomafoundation.org/Risk.htm . Accessed on
August 24, 2007.
    (6). U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Guarding
Against Glaucoma. Available at:
http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/995_glaucoma.html .
Accessed on August 24, 2007.
    (7). The Glaucoma Foundation. About Glaucoma. Available
http://www.glaucomafoundation.org/about_glaucoma.htm .
Accessed on August 24, 2007.
    (8). Distelhorts JS, Hughes GM. Open angle glaucoma.
American Family Physician. 2003; 67(9): 1937-1944

    For more information, please contact: 

     Tara Breen
     Resolute Communications
     Tel:   +44-(0)-20-7615-1350
     Email: Tara.Breen@resolutecommunications.com

     Ainsley Munce
     Resolute Communications
     Tel:   +44-(0)-20-7357-8187
     Email: Ainsley.Munce@resolutecommunications.com
Tiens Biotech Group (USA) Appoints New Auditing Firm
October 02, 2007

    NEW YORK, Oct. 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Tiens Biotech
Group (USA), Inc. ("the Company" or
"Tiens"), (Amex: TBV), www.tiens-bio.com, today
announced that the audit committee of its Board of
Directors had appointed Grobstein, Horwath & Company
LLP ("GH&C") as its independent auditor
effective September 26, 2007.  GH&C replaces Moore
Stephens  Wurth Frazer & Torbet LLP
("MSWF&T") which had previously served as the
Company's audit firm of record. 

    The appointment of GH&C was made after
consideration and approval by the audit committee and  was
not the result of any disagreement between Tiens and
MSWF&T on any matter of accounting principles or
practice, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope
or practice.

    About Grobstein, Horwath & Company LLP.

    Grobstein, Horwath & Company LLP (GH&C) was
founded in 1966. GH&C is a member firm of Horwath
International. Horwath International is among the top ten
largest accounting networks worldwide. GH&C has
extensive experience in working with companies in the
People's Republic of China which are listed in the United
States.  Also, Horwath International's extensive network
presence in Greater China, including Hong Kong, enhances
GH&C's ability to better serve its China based

    About Tiens Biotech Group (USA), Inc.

    Tiens Biotech Group (USA), Inc. (Amex: TBV) conducts
its business operations from Tianjin, People's Republic of
China. Tiens primarily engages in the research,
development, manufacturing, and marketing of nutrition
supplement products, including wellness products and
dietary nutrition supplement products, and personal care

    Tiens derives its revenues principally from product
sales to affiliated companies in China and internationally
in 63 countries.  Since its establishment, Tiens has
developed and produced 35 nutrition supplements, which
include wellness products and dietary nutrition
supplements.  Tiens develops its products at its own
product research and development center, which employs
highly qualified professionals in the fields of
pharmacology, biology, chemistry and fine chemistry. Tiens
has obtained all required certificates and approvals from
government regulatory agencies to manufacture and sell its
products in China. 

    In China, Tiens conducts the marketing and sales of its
products through its affiliated company, Tianshi
Engineering.  Tianshi Engineering markets and sells Tiens'
products in China through chain stores, domestic affiliated
companies, and its 105 branches. Outside of China, Tiens
sells its products to affiliated companies in 63 countries
who in turn sell through an extensive direct sales force,
or multi-level marketing sales force.  The Company's direct
sales marketing program is subject to governmental
regulation in each of these countries.  

    Certain statements in this press release constitute
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning
of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section
21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.  Such
forward-looking statements are not necessarily indicative
of future financial results, and may involve known and
unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may
cause the actual results, performance or achievements of
the Company, to be materially different from any future
results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied
by such forward-looking statements. The Company's future
operating results are dependent upon many factors,
including but not limited to the Company's ability to: (i)
obtain sufficient capital or a strategic business
arrangement to fund its expansion plans; (ii) build the
management and human resources and infrastructure necessary
to support the growth of its business; (iii) competitive
factors and developments beyond the Company's control; (iv)
whether Tianshi Engineering, the Company's affiliate which
sells its products in China, obtains a direct selling
license in China; and (v) other risk factors discussed in
the Company's periodic filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission which are available for review at
http://www.sec.gov under "Search for Company

    For more information, please contact:

     Investor Relations for Tiens Biotech Group (USA),
     Tel:   +86-22-8213-7915
     Fax:   +86-22-8213-7667
     Email: investor@tiens-bio.com

     Carl Hymans 
     G. S. Schwartz & Co.
     Tel:   +1-212-725-4500
     Fax:   +1-212-725-9188
     Email: carlh@schwartz.com

Canadian Solar and China's Luoyang Polysilicon Company Complete the First BIPV Solar Glass Roof System in Henan Province
October 02, 2007

    JIANGSU, China, Oct. 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian
Solar Inc. ("the Company," "CSI," or
"we") (Nasdaq: CSIQ) today announced that it has
completed the first BIPV solar glass roof system, with
glass-on-glass solar modules, in Henan Province in
collaboration with China's Luoyang Polysilicon Company. CSI
was the sole supplier of the solar glass technology, the
specialty BIPV modules, and acted as the integrator of the
complete solar power system.  

    The BIPV solar glass system, covering approximately 293
square meters of roof space, was installed on the
three-story building in Luoyang of Henan Province, which
houses the Research Department of Luoyang Polysilicon and
the China National Silicon Materials Engineering Research
Center. This research center facility is designed and built
by ENFI engineering group, a leading design institute for
polysilicon production plants and the majority owner of
Luoyang Polysilicon, currently the largest polysilicon
manufacturer in China. The project was financially
sponsored by the Technology Development Fund of Luoyang
Municipality Government.  

    In August 2007, China's National Development &
Reform Commission (NDRC) published its national development
strategy for renewable energy. According to this strategy,
China targets to install 300 MW cumulative solar generation
capacity by 2010 and 1.8 GW by 2020. 

    Mr. Guohong He, Deputy General Manager of China Luoyang
Polysilicon commented: "CSI is a world class PV module
maker and lived up to its reputation as a leader in
specialty solar module products.  We are pleased with the
superior workmanship CSI demonstrated in the BIPV solar
glass roof system. The project has successfully passed our
performance tests. We look forward to opportunities to
collaborate with CSI in many other areas of solar
applications, given the recent announcement by China's
National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC) of its
national development strategy for renewable energy.  We are
confident that China will be a major solar power market in
the near future."

    Dr. Shawn Qu, Chairman and CEO of Canadian Solar Inc.
commented: "BIPV combines solar technology with
architecture, which is a fast growing area of solar
applications. This is a perfect area for us given CSI's
years of experience in specialty solar modules and
customized solar system design.  We are able to take an
unusable space and transform it into an environmentally
friendly, energy generating, cost saving structure.  The
completion of this project marks one of many potential
high-profile, showcase projects, which the two companies
expect to pursue together."  

    About ENFI engineering Group and China Luoyang

    ENFI Engineering Group is a leading engineering design
company for industrial building and manufacturing
facilities. ENFI is the majority shareholder of Luoyang
Polysilicon, which is the largest polysilicon producer in
China. Luoyang Polysilicon currently has a nameplate
capacity of 1000 MT and plan to increase its polysilicon
production capacity to 3000 MT by the summer of 2008.

    About Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) 

    Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a
vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar
module and custom-designed solar application products
serving worldwide customers. CSI is incorporated in Canada
and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China.
Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar
power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a
major global provider of solar power products for a wide
range of applications. For more information, please visit


    In Jiangsu, P.R. China                   In the U.S.   
    Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer        David Pasquale
    Canadian Solar Inc.                      The Ruth Group
    Phone: +86-512-62696755                  Phone:

    Safe Harbor/Forward-Looking Statements

    Certain statements in this press release including
statements regarding expected future financial and industry
growth are forward-looking statements that involve a number
of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results
to differ materially. These statements are made under the
"Safe Harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases,
you can identify forward-looking statements by such terms
as "believes," "expects,"
"anticipates," "intends,"
"estimates," the negative of these terms, or
other comparable terminology. Factors that could cause
actual results to differ include general business and
economic conditions and the state of the solar industry;
governmental support for the deployment of solar power;
future shortage or availability of the supply of
high-purity silicon; demand for end-use products by
consumers and inventory levels of such products in the
supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers,
including customers of our silicon materials sales; changes
in demand from major markets such as Germany; changes in
customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity
utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and
declines in average selling price; delays in new product
introduction; continued success in technological
innovations and delivery of products with the features
customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or
capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange
rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described
in the Company's SEC filings, including its annual report
on Form 20-F originally filed on May 29, 2007 and its
registration statement on Form F-1 originally filed on
October 23, 2006, as amended. Although the Company believes
that the expectations reflected in the forward looking
statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future
results, level of activity, performance, or achievements.
You should not place undue reliance on these
forward-looking statements. All information provided in
this press release is as of today's date, unless otherwise
stated, and CSI undertakes no duty to update such
information, except as required under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

    In Jiangsu, P.R. China, 
     Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer 
     Canadian Solar Inc. 
     Tel:   +86-512-62696755
     Email: ir@csisolar.com

    In the U.S., 
     David Pasquale 
     The Ruth Group
     Tel:   +1-646-536-7006
     Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com
Greenline Financial Technologies Adds FAST and API Support to VeriFIX(R) 4.5
October 02, 2007

    CHICAGO, Oct. 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Leading
electronic trading solutions provider, Greenline Financial
Technologies Inc., announced today the release of the
latest version of its FIX Protocol Testing Suite --
VeriFIX(R) 4.5.  VeriFIX(R) is the most comprehensive
electronic trading regression and performance testing
system available in the marketplace today.   

    VeriFIX(R) is a financial protocol testing application
that reduces costs associated with the development and
deployment of electronic trading systems.  The feature-rich
testing suite can test and emulate all types of customers
including FCMs, trading firms, ECNs, brokerage houses, and
exchanges.  VeriFIX(R) provides an intuitive interface for
simple system testing as well as a robust framework for the
simple design and rapid execution of interactive tests.

    VeriFIX(R) 4.5 supports FAST 1.1 as well as the FIX 5.0
specification.  Positive and negative FAST scenarios can be
created using VeriFIX's standard protocol definition and
scenario editor.  VeriFIX(R) integrates directly with FAST
.XML template configurations, which define the
encoding/decoding rules.  

    An API has been added in VeriFIX(R) 4.5 that allows
users to remotely run scenarios, configure sessions, and
retrieve FIX message and scenario output.  This API can be
used by external test harness applications to drive a
series of tests and retrieve output.  Common actions such
as sending messages, resetting sequence numbers, changing
system variables, and playing scenarios can be requested by
third parties based on VeriFIX's API message specification. 

    The new version of VeriFIX(R) allows users to create
comprehensive multi-counterparty scenarios from production
logs.  It can replay not just the sending of messages, but
also the receiving and validating of responses. 
Synchronization functionality enables users to replay the
logs at any speed as well as manage order of executions
from multiple FIX sessions.  

    VeriFIX(R) 4.5 also contains a new comparison engine
that allows users to compare the FIX message logs across
multiple test runs in an intelligent manner.  The Log
Comparison Viewer provides a visual comparison between two
sets of FIX message logs, allowing the user to specify
inclusion/exclusion rules, reordering rules, and
synchronization options.  The release also includes an
optimized database for maintaining scenario results in real
time and generating custom reports for distribution to

    Braden Janowski, CEO of Greenline Financial
Technologies, said of the new release, "The VeriFIX(R)
4.5 release illustrates Greenline's continued commitment to
innovation in the FIX testing space.  By enabling support
for FAST encoded FIX, VeriFIX(R) 4.5 aggregates the testing
functions for both order entry and market data paths.  We
believe this integration is essential for the FIX community
as it rapidly adopts FAST for market data messaging." 

    About Greenline Financial Technologies

    Greenline Financial Technologies, Inc. (
http://www.greenlinetech.com ) specializes in providing
systemic innovation to the US and international financial
services industry. Greenline emerged with the advent of the
global electronic marketplace and has since distinguished
itself as an industry leader in custom enterprise
development for the world's premier financial institutions.
Greenline brings a wealth of industry knowledge to every
project and delivers technological performance with
dedication, expertise, and savvy. Greenline's flagship
product, VeriFIX(R), is recognized throughout the financial
services industry as the most robust and feature-rich FIX
testing and simulation tool available on the market.
Greenline complements VeriFIX(R) with tools to assist
companies throughout the certification and client support
phases of their FIX initiatives.  Greenline Financial
Technologies is a Member of FIX Protocol Limited -- North

    For more information, please contact:

     Tim Wilcox 
     Tel:   +1-312-235-5603
     Email: twilcox@greenlinetech.com 

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