

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。







《PRESS RELEASE》(2004.6.23)



税込価格は10,290円(本体価格 9,800円 消費税 490円)。
時発売する。税込価格は6,090円(本体価格 5,800円 消費税 290円)。旧版か


製 品 概 要

■製品名 :大戦略パーフェクト2.0
■税込価格:10,290円(本体価格 9,800円 消費税 490円)
■発売日 :平成16年6月25日(金)

■製品名 :大戦略パーフェクト2.0アップグレードキット
■税込価格:6,090円(本体価格 5,800円 消費税 290円)
■発売日 :平成16年6月25日(金)

・Windows XP/Me/2000/98日本語版
・1024×768ドット、16ビットHigh Color以上のカラー表示が可能な環境
(C)2003-2004 SystemSoft Alpha Corporation



偵察機「SR-71 ブラックバード」・爆撃機「XB-70 ヴァルキリー」・攻撃機
「A-12 アヴェンジャー」、ロシアのVTOL機「Yak-141 フリースタイル」・
戦闘機「S-37 ベルクート」など、大戦略シリーズ初登場の最新鋭機から、往
年の名空母「エンタープライズ」や「ミッドウェー」、主力戦車「M4 シャー








 報 道 資 料 __________________________

        ■ 広辞苑 + 類語辞典 ■
        ■ 広辞苑 + 現代用語の基礎知識 + 類語辞典 ■
            ~ 2004年7月16日(金)発売開始 ~

  報道関係者各位 --------------------------------------------
  -------------------------------------------- 2004年6月23日
  ------------------------------------------ 株式会社ジャングル


  現在発売中の『 デジタル類語辞典 第3版 シソーラス 』は、言葉を使用する
 そこで、ユーザーの強い要望にお応えし、「広辞苑 第五版 -図版付き」を同梱
 したものと「広辞苑 第五版 -図版付き」と「現代用語の基礎知識2004」を同梱



     □ ■ 類語辞典最大規模の収録語数22万語以上! ■ □

  「デジタル類語辞典 第3版 シソーラス」は日常的によく使用する語を中心

      □ ■ 類語を引いて、意味も調べられる…! ■ □

  ● 「広辞苑 第五版 -図版付き」

  ● 「現代用語の基礎知識2004」


  ■ 「広辞苑+現代用語の基礎知識+類語辞典」製品紹介ページ
  →< http://www.junglejapan.com/products/ruigo/ver3_koujien/index.html >


   →< http://www.junglejapan.com >

  ▼「デジタル類語辞典 第3版 シソーラス」製品紹介ページ
   → < http://www.junglejapan.com/ruigo/ver3/index.html >



   ・OS:Windows XP/2000/Me/98(SP1以上)
   ・CPU:Pentium 166MHz以上
    High Color(16ビット)以上表示可能なグラフィックボード



  ------------>>>>>> 標準価格:18.900円 (本体価格:18,000円)

  ------------>>>>>> 標準価格:19,950円 (本体価格:19,000円)

  ●動作環境:Windows XP/2000/Me/98(SP1以上)

 ━━ ■ ! 製品購入前の一般からのお問い合せ先 ! ■ ━━━

   ▼ 株式会社ジャングル
   ▼ TEL:03-5280-9261
   ▼ mailto:info@junglejapan.com



 ━━[ 記事ご掲載用画像データ ]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


   ▼ 記事用画像データ・ダウンロードページ
   ▼ < http://www.junglejapan.com/release/form.html >


 ━━[ 本リリースに関して報道からのお問い合せ先 ]━━━━━━

   ▼ 株式会社ジャングル 広報宛
   ▼ TEL:03-5280-9268
   ▼ FAX:03-5280-9267
   ▼ < pub@junglejapan.com >
   ▼ 〒101-0051
     東京都千代田区神田神保町1-13 CONVEX神保町8F


                     TEL 03-5772-3373 FAX 03-5772-3413
                      email info@m-dessin.co.jp

賃貸マンションを中心にリノベーション(再生)事業を行っている 株式会社メゾンドデッサン(東京都港区 代表取締役 岸田浩二)が、建築を専攻している学生や、インテリアデザイナー等を対象とした、リノベーションプロデューサー育成セミナーを開催します。7月7日(水)、東京都大田区でレクチャーを中心としたセミナーを開催し、7月10日(土)には実際に、リノベーション中の賃貸物件に赴き、現地にてプロデュースのポイント等も解説します。


【セミナー内容】 http://www.m-dessin.co.jp/event_1.html
■ 1) 7月7日(水)19:15~20:45 リノベーションプロデューサー育成セミナー
場所:Oomori StationBox ビル6F
交通:JR京浜東北線「大森」駅 徒歩1分

■ 2) 7月10日(土)13:00~ リノベーション現場(都内)見学会
  交通:西武新宿線「久米川」駅 徒歩1分

 講師 : (株)メゾンドデッサン 代表 岸田浩二





GMO・グローバルメディアオンライン株式会社(東証二部:証券コード9449 本社:
東京都渋谷区 資本金:33億1,113万円 代表取締役会長兼社長:熊谷正寿 URL:
http://www.gmo.jp 以下、GMO)は、平成16年6月14日にお知らせしました株式会社パワーフォーメーションの株式交換に関する基本契約書締結につきまして、本日(平成16年6月23日)開催の取締役会において、平成16年8月10日を期日とする株

サービスを“One Stop”で提供できる国内唯一の企業グループとして展開しておりま

(1) 株式交換の日程

グローバルメディアオライン株式会社 (完全親会社) =1
株式会社パワーフォーメーション (完全子会社) =0.003

(1)商号 グローバルメディアオンライン株式会社
(3)設立年月日 平成3年5月24日
(4)本店所在地 東京都渋谷区桜丘町26番1号
(5)代表者 熊谷 正寿
(6)資本金 3,311,130千円
(7)発行済株式数 28,364,394株
(8)株主資本 9,962,170千円(H15年12月期)
(9)総資産 11,803,920千円(H15年12月期)
(10)決算期 12月31日
(11)従業員 173名(H15年12月期)
(12)主要取引先 販売先:一般顧客他
(13)大株主及び議決権比率(比率10%以上) ?熊谷正寿事務所41.2% (H15年12月
(14)主要取引銀行 東京三菱銀行

(1)商号 株式会社パワーフォーメーション
(2)事業内容 広告代理店業(なお、現在は、株式会社サンプランニングの筆頭株主と
(3)設立年月日 平成3年3月19日
(4)本店所在地 東京都北区赤羽台3丁目24番8号
(5)代表者 横野 嘉男
(6)資本金 10,000千円※
(7)発行済株式数 200株※
(8)株主資本 ▲16,660千円(H16年1月期)※
(9)総資産 1,329千円(H16年1月期)
(10)決算期 1月31日
(11)従業員 取締役3名(H16年6月現在)
(12)主要取引先 販売先:一般顧客他
(13)大株主及び議決権比率(比率10%以上) 横野由紀雄(100.0%) (H16年6月
(14)主要取引銀行 三井住友銀行

資本関係 該当事項はありません。
人的関係 該当事項はありません。
取引関係 該当事項はありません。



(1)商号 株式会社サンプランニング
(2)事業内容 求人広告代理店業
(3)設立年月日 昭和53年3月30日
(4)本店所在地 東京都港区新橋6丁目15番9号
(5)代表者 横野 由紀雄
(6)資本金 50,000千円(H16年3月期)
(7)発行済株式数 100,000株
(8)株主資本 88,895千円(H16年3月期)
(9)総資産 2,354,186千円(H16年3月期)
(10)決算期 3月31日
(11)従業員 107名(H16年3月期)
(12)主要取引先 販売先:中小規模企業・病院・美容院など
(13)大株主及び議決権比率(比率10%以上) 株式会社パワーフォーメーション(67
%) (H16年6月)
(14)主要取引銀行 三井住友銀行
 資本関係 該当事項はありません。
 人的関係 該当事項はありません。
 取引関係 該当事項はありません。
売上高(千円) 4,403,497
営業利益(千円) 244,550
経常利益(千円) 210,830
当期純利益(千円) 15,614
1株当り当期純利益(円) 195.18
1株当り年間配当金(円) 100
1株当り株主資本(円) 1,056.30
売上高(千円) 3,888,901
営業利益(千円) 143,872
経常利益(千円) 126,752
当期純利益(千円) 126
1株当り当期純利益(円) 1.58
1株当り年間配当金(円) -
1株当り株主資本(円) 957.88
売上高(千円) 4,307,143
営業利益(千円) 253,368
経常利益(千円) 259,995
当期純利益(千円) 2,265
1株当り当期純利益(円) 22.66
1株当り年間配当金(円) -
1株当り株主資本(円) 889


(1)商号 変更ありません。
(2)事業内容 変更ありません。
(3)本店所在地 変更ありません。
(4)代表者 変更ありません。
(5)資本金 変更ありません。
(6)業績に与える影響 株式交換後の連結業績見通しにつきましては、状況を精査

グループ広報担当 園下・大谷
電話 03-5456-2695
FAX 03-3780-2611
E-mail pr@gmo.jp
URL http://www.gmo.jp

【グローバルメディアオンライン株式会社 会社概要】
会社名 グローバルメディアオンライン株式会社
<http://www.gmo.jp/> (東証二部 証券コード:9449)
所在地 東京都渋谷区桜丘町26番1号 セルリアンタワー
代表取締役会長兼社長 熊谷 正寿
事業内容 ■IxP(インターネットインフラ)関連事業
資本金 33億1,113万円
■GMO■ Global Media Online www.gmo.jp

Sir Ivan Launches PEACEMAN MUSIC Record Label
July 25, 2007

    NEW YORK, July 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sir Ivan,
international techno-pop and dance recording artist,
reality television star and philanthropist has launched his
own global internet record label PEACEMAN MUSIC.

    The label will feature brand new mixes of Sir Ivan's
three consecutive Billboard hits including
"Imagine" previously released on TommyBoy
Records, "San Francisco" previously released on
Jellybean Records and "Peace on Earth" previously
released on Artemis Records.  All three hits were produced
by two-time Grammy nominee Ernie Lake.

    PEACEMAN MUSIC will also make available an un-released
cover of Bob Dylan's "Blowin' In The Wind" with
fresh remixes by New York producer and DJ Eddie Baez.

    Fans can also celebrate the release of Sir Ivan's
highly anticipated new single "For What It's
Worth".  The rock-dance remake of the Buffalo
Springfield Classic, written by Stephen Stills, is as
timely today as it was in the 60's.  While Sir Ivan is
known for his trademark "technippy" music, techno
tracks with hippy lyrics, this new song is Sir Ivan's first
featuring live guitar.  Although it has a rock edge, house
music and progressive trance fans will appreciate the
remixes by dance music's finest -- Noel Sanger and Giuseppe
D.  "For What It's Worth" was produced by the
legendary FORD, a welcome addition to Sir Ivan's creative

    In addition to his music, Sir Ivan fans will see the
singer in a new light as he appears on the SciFi Channel's
second season reality series "Who Wants To Be A
Superhero?"  In the first episode -- premiering July
26, 2007 9:00 PM EST -- he can be seen as his superhero
alter-ego "Mr. Mitzvah".

    PEACEMAN MUSIC is run by Stefania Yanachkov, who
formerly ran Yoshitoshi Records for the world famous
DJ/Producer team Deep Dish.  Stefania will handle all
licensing worldwide for music compilations, commercials,
product branding, and motion picture soundtracks.  Sir
Ivan's 5-song catalog is available exclusively on PEACEMAN

    The releases will be available digitally on the
following dates:

    July 17, 2007:              iTunes






    July 19, 2007:              Beatport:    

    July 24 -- 31, 2007:        all IOTA distributed sites

    For further information on PEACEMAN MUSIC, email
stefania@blush-tonic.com.  To discover more about Sir
Ivan's story, check out http://www.sirivanmusic.com .

    For more information, please contact:  

    Rob Goldstone or
    David Wilson
    Oui 2 Public Relations
    Tel:   +1-212-541-5698
    Email: rob@oui2.com
    Web:   http://www.sirivanmusic.com 
Faced with the Changing Weather, People May Put Wind Power Into Greater Use
July 25, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, July 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. (SIEC)
announced that "Wind Power Shanghai 2007" will be
held in Shanghai from November 1 to November 3, 2007. The
exhibition will be jointly held by Chinese Renewable Energy
Industries Association (CREIA), Global Wind Energy Council
(GWEC), Chinese Wind Energy Association (CWEA) and Shanghai
International Exhibition Co., Ltd. (SIEC); and is believed
to be the most important event for China's wind power
industry in this year.

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061108114544-37.jpg )

    The exhibition will be attended by manufacturers of
wind turbine, providers of components and supporting
equipment for wind power generating facilities, as well as
wind power service providers. The exhibition has a
projected occupation area of 10,000 sq m. 7 world leading
wind turbine manufactures, namely Vestas, GE, Suzlon,
Nordex, Siemens, Repower, and Acciona, have signed
contracts to attend the exhibition. Internally famous wind
power enterprises such as Shanghai Electric, Windey, and
NGC also will be on the list of attendees; while Britain,
renowned for its rapidly developing off shore wind power,
will appear in the air as an international exposition
delegation. Enterprises providing supporting equipments
such as manufacturers of gears, fasteners, composite
material, lubricants, and electric enterprises are also
avid about attending the exhibition. Adding to the attendee
list, service enterprises related to wind power equipment
such as enterprises of authentication, wind measurement,
consultation, meteorology, operation, and investment also
will participate in this event. 

    During the event, the organizers will hold a
high-ranking forum which will be attended by approximately
400 people; a large number of wind power experts,
entrepreneurs, and governmental officials will be invited
to join the forum. Topics cover the status quo and
projection of wind power development at home and abroad,
policy and market, off shore wind power exploitation, wind
resource and meteorology, wind power generating
technologies, wind power network, wind power project
investment, et al. 

    The appeal of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions
is increasingly gaining ground; as a sort of clean and
efficient energy source, wind power has already shown great
potential in the facets of coping with weather change,
alleviating energy security pressure, meeting energy needs.
For the moment, global wind power generating capacity has
surpassed 70,000,000 KW, with a yearly market value of 12
billion euros (an equivalent to $14 billion). Although the
biggest wind power market is seen in Europe for the moment,
development in Asia, North America, and other regions is
also quite rapid. In 2006, the increase rate in China
scored as high as 65%.

    China is endowed with a bountiful pool of available
wind power resource measuring 1 billion KW (250 million KW
on land, 750 million KW offshore). According to the
objective set forth by China's wind power development plan,
countrywide wind power generating capacity will reach 50 and
300 million KW by 2010 and 2020. In the course of "11th
five-year plan" a total number of 30 large-scale wind
power projects with individual capacities of 100,000 KW
will be set up in China's wind power resource-rich regions,
namely the eastern coast, the northwest, north, and
northeast regions of China. 

    "Wind Power Shanghai 2007" will come as a
full-aspect, multi-level platform of information
communication, cooperation, and trade for China's
rapidly-developing wind power market and industry, and will
give impetus to the further prosperity of wind power causes
across the world and throughout China alike. 

    About Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

    Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. (SIEC) is
jointly invested in by Shanghai World Expo (Group) Co.,
Ltd. and the Council for the Promotion of International
Trade, Shanghai. The SIEC was founded on July 1st, 1984
with the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Trade &
Economic Cooperation and the People's Government of
Shanghai Municipality. 

    The SIEC is a full member of Union des Foires
Internationales (UFI). The SIEC has held 500 international
exhibitions of various themes and sizes. It also has
successfully held a number of solo exhibitions at national

"ELE/PT COMM CHINA" are among the first eight
exhibitions approved excellent by The Evaluation Committee
of Shanghai Conventional & Exhibition Industries.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Eelia Yao
     Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
     Tel:   +86-21-6279-2828 
     Fax:   +86-21-6545-5124
     Email: eelia@siec-ccpit.com; ricesong@siec-ccpit.com
Consumer Confidence Rebounds Slightly in July
July 25, 2007

As Stronger Outlook Offsets Weaker Current Conditions

    SHANGHAI, China, July 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua
Finance eziData China Consumer Confidence Index (CCCI) was
updated today, with the survey results showing a slight
rebound in Chinese consumer confidence in July, as a jump
in future expectations offset continued deterioration in
sentiment over current conditions.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200702151700.gif )

    The Index rose 0.4 point to 102.0 in July, but remained
slightly below the 102.2 reading in May.

    The relative stability in July resulted from a series
of sub-trends -- including steadily rising food prices,
rebounding housing prices and fluctuating stock market
prices -- that tended to counteract each other. 

    Under the support of the Xinhua Finance family, Xinhua
Finance eziData China Consumer Confidence Index is produced
monthly by eziData, a local provider of China consumer data,
and in association with Dr. Richard Curtin. Dr. Curtin is
Research Professor and Director of the Consumer Sentiment
Surveys at the University of Michigan's Institute of Social
Research. The survey this month was conducted through 1,546
telephone interviews from July 1 to July13. April 2007
survey results are set as the benchmark value of 100. More
on the survey methodology can be found in the accompanying

    Current conditions eased 1.2 points to 100.2 in July,
the second consecutive monthly decline, under the direct
influence of rising concern on consumer prices and lower
stock market returns. The decline was led by current
personal finances, which fell 4.6 points to 122.2. Despite
this, sentiment on whether it was a good time to buy
higher-cost durable goods like furniture and appliances
rose 2.1 points to its highest level in the four-month
history of the index. A rising desire to own a car was
offset by an even stronger increase in expectations for
higher gasoline prices.

    In contrast, future expectations rose by 1.3 points to
102.9 in July, led by gains in both the one-year business
outlook (3.1-point rise) and five-year business outlook
(3.5-point rise). On the other hand, expectations on
personal finance in one year fell for the second month in a
row (down 1.3 points), affected by the declining sentiment
on current personal finances.

    The gain in confidence in July was due largely to
improved sentiment among the youngest group surveyed, those
20-34 years old (+1.1 points). Sentiment among both
middle-aged (35-54 years old) and older (55-64 years old)
consumers, who tend to be more sensitive to changes in
food, housing and stock market prices, was basically

    The stability of overall sentiment for middle-aged and
older consumers masked differing trends based on a
combination of age and income. For older people who make
less than RMB 48,000 per year, the continued rise in
general prices, particularly for food, has had a strong
negative impact on their lives. However, for middle-aged
consumers who make more than RMB 48,000 per year, the drop
in current conditions was due largely to lower investment

    Regional Trends

    Consumer sentiment showed strong regional differences
in July. While sentiment in the northern and central parts
of East China declined by 1.3 and 1.6 points, respectively,
it climbed 1.1 and 2.9 points in the southern part of East
China and in Middle & West China. Changes in views on
food prices and house prices, as well as stock market
prices, have contributed to the above trends.

    In the northern part of East China, the decline was led
by a 2.1-point drop among older consumers and a 1.7-point
drop among the middle-aged. While overall sentiment among
the younger generation inched down only 0.4 point, a larger
drop was seen among those with lower incomes.

    Although current conditions in this region fell only
0.3 point, current personal finance (down 2.8 points) has
been severely undermined by rising prices and lower
investment returns. The decline was however offset by a
rise in durable purchase sentiment, which was probably due
to the fund flow back from stock market investment. The
expectations index, however, tumbled 1.9 points, led by
concern among the higher-income group that the recent
strong rise in housing prices might hurt longer term
conditions in the area, particularly in Beijing.

    The central part of East China showed a decline in
current conditions by 3.6 points -- led by a 6.8-point
plunge in current personal finance -- and in the future
outlook by 0.5 point. Sentiment among the middle aged fell
by 3.8 points, led by a plunge in sentiment among Shanghai
consumers. Confidence also dropped among the younger
generation, while sentiment among the oldest rebounded by
2.9 points after a 7.3-point drop in June.

    The decline in the current conditions in this region
was also a result of higher prices and lower investment
returns, which particularly affected the middle-aged
consumers. Interestingly, although home prices rose again,
consumers were somewhat indifferent as prices have been at
high levels in the area for quite some time. The future
outlook was not significantly affected by this factor.

    Similarly, the 2.8-point drop in current conditions in
the southern part of East China was also led by middle-aged
and older consumers. However, with the 10-year anniversary
of the return of Hong Kong to Mainland China being
celebrated during the month, neighboring southern China
turned more optimistic about the area's future, resulting
in a 3.2-point gain in the expectations index and so a
slight increase in overall sentiment. However, the more
buoyant outlook did not reach all consumers: confidence
among the older group, who are not as involved in economic
activities, showed a 9.4-point plunge in July.

    Middle & West China was the only region where both
current conditions and the future outlook increased in July
(by 1.9 points and 3.4 points, respectively). The latter was
led by an 8-point gain in five-year business outlook. At the
same time, trends within age groups tended to reconcile.
Sentiment for both young and middle-aged consumers rose
more than three points, while that of the older group
gained 1.8 points.

    In Middle & West China, the rise in current
conditions was also due largely to the rise in the large
durable purchase sentiment. More noteworthy was the sharp
gain in the future outlook -- this area had an advantage of
being at a lower level of development than the east, and its
people were filled with universal confidence on the future.
Although housing prices also continued to rise rapidly in
Middle & West China, and consumers say that current
homes are too expensive, the relatively lower prices
compared to other parts of the country caused consumers to
want to invest in the real estate market. Expectations of a
profitable return on housing investment contributed to the
rise in the overall outlook for the region.

    Trends in Major Cities

    Consumers in Beijing and Shanghai were less confident
in July than in June, while their counterparts in Guangzhou
were more optimistic.

    Sentiment among Beijing consumers plunged 4.2 points to
97.8, the lowest level in the index's history. Current
conditions (-2.0 points) and expectations (-5.4 points)
also dropped to their lowest level in four months.

    Sentiment on current household finances varied by
income group. For families making less than RMB 48,000 per
year, the sharp drop was probably due to rising consumer
prices. While sentiment on current finances among those
making more than RMB 48,000 per year remained relatively
stable, the five-year outlook on business conditions
declined sharply. Over the past four months, sentiment on
long term business conditions in the higher income group
has fluctuated significantly, reflecting uncertainly about
business conditions after the Olympics. Many expressed
concern that the current pre-Olympic economic boom,
particularly the run-up in local housing prices, will come
to an abrupt halt after Games end in August next year.

    Sentiment among Shanghai consumers dropped 4.4 points
in July, as a sharp 6.8-point decline in current conditions
more than erased the gains posted in the last two months.
The expectations index declined 3.1 points. The recent
fluctuations in the stock market, combined with the rise in
consumer prices, led to a sharp drop in the one-year outlook
for personal finances. Shanghai consumers also expressed
concern that high home prices would potentially weaken the
economic development of the area. In addition, after a long
period of ineffective government policies, Shanghai
consumers were less optimistic about future housing prices,
causing a drop in the five-year outlook for business

    In contrast to Beijing and Shanghai, Guangzhou
consumers were much more optimistic in July, with the
overall sentiment index gaining 4.0 points to 102.9.
Sentiment on current conditions rose a modest 0.4 point,
while future expectations jumped 6.0 points. Significant
rises were posted in both the one-year personal finance
outlook as well as the one-year and five-year business
outlooks, with no major differences between income groups.
As the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to
Mainland China may have posed a major impact on the above
changes in July, the survey result of August would help
further clarify the trends within this area.

                                    Apr.     May      Jun. 
                                    2007     2007     2007 
      ALL CHINA                      100    102.2    101.6 
      EAST CHINA                    99.8    102      102.1 
      EAST CHINA: NORTH            100.2    101.1    102.1 
      EAST CHINA: CENTRAL            100    101.5    102.1 
      EAST CHINA: SOUTH             99.4    103.2    102   
      MIDDLE & WEST CHINA          100.6    102.8   
100.2    103.1 
      Under RMB 48,000              95.5     97.1     95.8 
      Over RMB 48,000              105.2    106      106.4 
      20-34                        104.2    105.9    105.9 
      35-54                         96.4     99.2     98.3 
      55-64                         95.8     97.7     95.5 
      Current Index                  100    103.1    101.4 
      Expectations Index             100    101.7    101.6 
      Personal Finance:                                    
       Current                     123.8    129.2    126.8 
      Personal Finance:                                    
       Expected                    128.9    131.9    130.4 
      Business Condition: 1                                
       Year                        135.1    134.8    134.7 
      Business Condition: 5                                
       Years                         149    153.4    154.6 
      Durable Buying                                       
       Conditions                  103.4    105.1    103.4 
    INDEX OF SECTORS                                       
      Index of Stock                                       
       Investment                    100     99.8    100.1 
      Index of Real Estate           100     97.8     99.9 
      Index of Car Purchase          100    104.1    100.3 

    Selected Consumer Voices

    -- Meat is so expensive that we are eating vegetable
all day. Well, I'm 
       sure it's good to our health.
    -- I'm very confident about Chongqing's future. We
surely will outperform 
       Hong Kong in five years.
    -- Houses are so expensive today, but I have to prepare
for the future. If 
       I don't buy now I will never be able to afford it.

    For more information about Xinhua Finance eziData China
Consumer Confidence Index or to subscribe to the full survey
report, please contact us viainfo@eziData.com.

    Xinhua Finance eziData China Consumer Confidence Index
is produced in association with Dr. Richard Curtin,
Research Professor and Director of the Consumer Sentiment
Surveys at the Institute of Social Research, University of
Michigan.  The index is based on a monthly survey of around
1,500 Chinese households via stratified random sampling in
50 representative cities across East, Middle and West China
using the same methodology as is used by the University of
Michigan. All data is collected via computer assisted
telephone interviewing (CATI). Index of April 2007 survey
is set as the benchmark (100). 

    Notes to editors:
    About Xinhua Finance Limited 
    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial
information and media service provider and is listed on the
Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance's proprietary content platform,
comprising Indices, Ratings, Financial News, and Investor
Relations, serves financial institutions, corporations and
re-distributors worldwide.  Through its subsidiary Xinhua
Finance Media Limited (NASDAQ: XFML), Xinhua Finance
leverages its content across multiple distribution channels
in China including television, radio, newspaper, magazine
and outdoor media. Founded in November 1999, Xinhua Finance
is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and news bureaus
spanning 11 countries worldwide.   

    For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    About eziData
    eziData is a local provider of China consumer data,
serving both financial and consumer market participants. It
aims to serve global and local business professionals with
decision-making tools that relate to consumption in China
and conform to international standards. eziData's
comprehensive portfolio of high-quality consumer data
products, which includes a structured real-time databank,
delivers a broader and more insightful view of the market.
For more information, please visit http://www.eziData.com .

    For further information

    Xinhua Finance

     Ms Joy Tsang
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5999 / +86-136-2179-1577
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com 

     Mr. Scott Zhang
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5996
     Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com

    Taylor Rafferty (IR Contact)

     Mr. James Hawrylak
     Tel:   +81-3-5444-2730
     Email: james.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com
    United States
     Mr. John P. Dudzinsky
     Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
     Email: xinhuafinance@taylor-rafferty.com

Promote volunteerism in China Through the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
July 25, 2007

A Project Launched to Support Olympic Volunteerism as a
Resource for Development in China

    BEIJING, July 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -¨C A project was
launched today to strengthen volunteerism in China through
the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games by providing trainings to
Olympic volunteer leaders and organizing volunteer-led
environmental awareness campaigns.

http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/20061107113358-34-min.jpg )

    Entitled "Strengthening Volunteerism for
Development in China through the Beijing 2008 Olympic
Games", the US$1.4 million initiative is designed to
enhance the capacity of Olympics volunteers and through
this process, to demonstrate volunteerism as an effective
tool to achieve China's development targets.

    The project was signed today between the Beijing
Olympic Games Volunteer Work Coordination Group Office, the
Beijing Committee of the China Communist Youth League, and
the China International Center for Economic and Technical
Exchanges (CICETE) under the Ministry of the Commerce, the
UN Development Programme (UNDP) and UN Volunteers Programme

    "UN Volunteers is proud to be part of the 2008
Olympic volunteer effort," said Ad de Raad, Executive
Coordinator of UNV at the signing ceremony. "The world
will see the remarkable dedication of volunteers at the
Games next summer. Through this project with the Government
of China we are hoping to illustrate how the ingenuity,
solidarity and creativity of volunteers can contribute to
achieving the nation's development targets."

    The project is to conduct pre-games volunteer trainings
for a core group of 10,000 Olympic volunteer leaders,
managers and trainers in volunteer recruitment, management
and recognition. It will also launch volunteer campaigns to
raise environmental awareness in Beijing in support of the
"Green Olympics" concept with various activities
ranging from promoting energy efficiency and recycling to
educating school children on how to live more
environmentally sustainable lives.

    The 3-year project is also aiming at continuous efforts
in the post-games period by creating opportunities for
Olympic volunteers and committed citizens to volunteer in
several development fields.  Volunteers will be encouraged
to take on assignments in the areas of poverty alleviation,
health, education, gender equality and HIV/AIDS.

    "Harnessing the talents and determination of
Chinese citizens on a large scale through volunteerism
would have an enormous impact on the social and economic
development of the country," said Subinay Nandy, UNDP
Country Director in China. "It is our hope that we can
inspire Olympic volunteers to lead this effort and assert
volunteerism as a valuable tool towards achieving the
Millennium Development Goals and the Xiaokang

    UNDP fosters human development to empower women and men
to build better lives in China. As the UN's development
network, UNDP draws on a world of experience to assist
China in developing its own solutions to the country's
development challenges. Through partnerships and
innovation, UNDP works to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals and an equitable Xiao Kang society by
reducing poverty, strengthening the rule of law, promoting
environmental sustainability, and fighting HIV/AIDS.  

    For more information, please contact: 

     Ms. Zhang Wei
     Communications Officer
     UNDP China
     Tel:   +86-10-8532-0715
     Email: wei.zhang@undp.org

ANADIGICS Announces Second Quarter 2007 Results
July 25, 2007

Achieves Record Quarterly Net Sales of $53.9 million; up
8.7% sequentially and 37% From Year Ago Quarter
Delivers GAAP EPS of $0.03; Pro Forma Diluted EPS of $0.10
Expects Sequential Third Quarter Net Sales Growth of 10%;
GAAP Diluted EPS of $0.06 and Pro Forma Diluted EPS of

    WARREN, N.J., July 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    ANADIGICS, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD), a leading provider of
semiconductor solutions in the rapidly growing broadband
wireless and wireline communications markets, reported
record quarterly second quarter 2007 net sales of $53.9
million, an increase of 8.7% compared with net sales of
$49.6 million in the prior quarter, and an increase of 37%
compared to net sales of $39.3 million in the year ago

    Net income was $1.9 million, or $0.03 per share,
compared with net loss of $1.2 million, or $0.02 per share
in the prior quarter and net loss of $2.8 million, or $0.06
per share in the year ago quarter.  Pro forma income for the
second quarter 2007, which excludes non-cash stock
compensation expense, increased $2.0 million sequentially
to $5.7 million or $0.10 per diluted share.

    "We achieved significant milestones in the second
quarter with record revenue, led by our 3G portfolio with
revenue growth of 38% sequentially and 83% year-over-year,
and GAAP net income," said Dr. Bami Bastani, President
and Chief Executive Officer of ANADIGICS.  "ANADIGICS
is well positioned strategically in the three-mega trend
growth markets of 3G, WLAN and CATV to capitalize on our
strong market position to fuel our revenue growth and
financial performance." 

    As of June 30, 2007 cash and short and long-term
marketable securities totaled $181.1 million compared with
$179.2 million at March 31, 2007.   

    "Our resolve to accelerate our financial
performance through a strategically aligned product
portfolio and a balanced operating base is a testament of
our commitment to building shareholder value," said
Tom Shields, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer.  "Our financial leverage continues to
improve, which is expected to further strengthen our
financial results over the foreseeable future."  

    Outlook for the Third Quarter 2007

    Net sales for the third quarter 2007 are expected to
increase sequentially by approximately 10%.  Net sales at
this level would represent a 35% increase on a comparable
basis with third quarter 2006.  Net income per share on a
GAAP basis for the third quarter 2007 is expected to
approximate $0.06.  Pro forma diluted earnings per share,
excluding non-cash stock compensation expense, are expected
to increase sequentially to approximately $0.12.  The net
income and pro forma diluted earnings per share is based
upon an estimated diluted weighted average outstanding
common share count of 61.0 million.

    The statements regarding outlook are forward looking
and actual results may differ materially.  Please see safe
harbor statement at the end of the press release.

    This press release includes financial measures that are
not in accordance with GAAP, consisting of non-GAAP, or pro
forma, net income or loss and non-GAAP, or pro forma,
income or loss per share.  Management uses non-GAAP net
income or loss and non-GAAP income or loss per share to
evaluate the company's operating and financial performance
in light of business objectives and for planning purposes. 
ANADIGICS believes that these measures are useful to
investors because they enhance investors' ability to review
the company's business from the same perspective as the
company's management and facilitate comparisons of this
period's results with prior periods.  These non-GAAP
measures exclude charges related to equity-based
compensation and discontinued operations.  These financial
measures are not in accordance with GAAP and may differ
from non-GAAP methods of accounting and reporting used by
other companies.  The presentation of this additional
information should not be considered a substitute for net
loss or loss per share prepared in accordance with GAAP. 
Reconciliations of reported net loss and reported loss per
share to non-GAAP net income or loss and non-GAAP income or
loss per share, respectively, are included at the end of
this press release.

    Conference Call 

    ANADIGICS' senior management will conduct a conference
call today at 5:00 PM Eastern time.  A live audio Webcast
will be available at http://www.anadigics.com.  A recording
of the call will be available approximately two hours after
the end of the call on the ANADIGICS Web site or by dialing
(800) 839-2417 (available until July 31).

    Recent Highlights

    -- July 09, 2007 - ANADIGICS and Kunshan New and
Hi-Tech Industrial 
       Development Zone Break Ground for GaAs Wafer
Fabrication Facility in 

    -- June 27, 2007 - ANADIGICS' 3G Penta-band Power
Amplifier Slides Into 
       Samsung's Sleek Smartphone  Ultra-Thin, Stylish
Slider Handset SGH-I520 

    -- June 13, 2007 - Beceem Selects ANADIGICS Amplifiers
for Mobile WiMAX 
       ANADIGICS PAs Power Beceem's BCS200 Wave 2 Reference

    -- June 13, 2007 - ANADIGICS' New ZeroIC(TM) CDMA Power
       Compatible with QUALCOMM CDMA2000(TM) and 1xEVDO(TM)
Reference Designs

    -- June 12, 2007 - ANADIGICS Ships WCDMA PAs for
Huawei's Music Optimized 
       3G Handset ANADIGICS' AWT6279 PA Selected for
Stylish, Feature-Rich 
       U120 Mobile Phone 

    -- June 05, 2007 - ANADIGICS Powers Emerging Markets
CDMA450 3G Cell 
       Phones with Small and Efficient Linear PA

    -- May 22, 2007 - ANADIGICS Lights Up Samsung's Thin
Neon 3G Handset 

    -- May 21, 2007 - ANADIGICS Introduces New Integrated
1GHz RF Amplifier to 
       Enhance Tuner Performance in Cable Boxes and TVs 

    -- May 21, 2007 - ANADIGICS Announces the Appointment
of David Fellows to 
       the Company's Board of Directors

    -- May 16, 2007 - ANADIGICS' Power Amplifier Enables
Samsung's Ultra-Slim 
       3G EVDO Handset 

    -- May 15, 2007 - ANADIGICS' PA Equips Samsung's Ultra
MPEG4 Video 3G 

    -- May 14, 2007 - New ANADIGICS Linear EDGE Power Amp
Module Supports 
       Longer Broadband Data Transmit Times in 2.75G and 3G
Phones, PDAs, and 
       Wireless PC Cards

    -- May 10, 2007 - ANADIGICS Introduces First Complete
RF Front-End Chip 
       Set for DOCSIS(R) 3.0 Cable Modems

    -- May 09, 2007 - ANADIGICS Supplies 3G Power
Amplifiers for LG 
       Electronics' VX9400 TV Capable Phone 

    -- May 07, 2007 - ANADIGICS Powers LG Electronics
Stylish Shine 3G Mobile 

    About ANADIGICS, Inc.

    ANADIGICS, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD - News) is a leading
provider of semiconductor solutions in the rapidly growing
broadband wireless and wireline communications markets. The
Company's products include power amplifiers, tuner
integrated circuits, active splitters, line amplifiers, and
other components, which can be sold individually or packaged
as integrated radio frequency and front end modules.

    Safe Harbor Statement

    Except for historical information contained herein,
this press release contains projections and other
forward-looking statements (as that term is defined in the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended). These
projections and forward-looking statements reflect the
Company's current views with respect to future events and
financial performance and can generally be identified as
such because the context of the statement will include
words such as "believe", "anticipate",
"expect", or words of similar import. Similarly,
statements that describe our future plans, objectives,
estimates or goals are forward-looking statements. No
assurances can be given, however, that these events will
occur or that these projections will be achieved and actual
results and developments could differ materially from those
projected as a result of certain factors. Important factors
that could cause actual results and developments to be
materially different from those expressed or implied by
such projections and forward-looking statements include
those factors detailed from time to time in our reports
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
including the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 2006, and those discussed elsewhere

     Press Contact             Corporate Contact       
Investor Relations
     Chuck Manners             Jennifer Palella        
Thomas Shields
     Godfrey                   ANADIGICS, Inc.         
     40 N. Christian Street    141 Mt. Bethel Road      141
Mt. Bethel Road
     Lancaster, PA 17602       Warren, NJ  07059       
Warren, NJ  07059
     Tel: +1 717 393-3831      Tel: +1 908 668-5000    
Tel: +1 908 412-5995
     Fax: +1 717 393-1403      Fax: +1 908 412-5978        

     chuck@godfrey.com         jpalella@anadigics.com  

    Consolidated Statements of Operations
    (Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts,

                                      Three months ended  
Six months ended
                                       June 30,  July 1,  
June 30,  July 1, 
                                         2007     2006     
2007     2006
    Net sales                          $53,869  $39,348 
$103,442  $74,043
    Cost of sales                       34,963   28,237   
68,250   53,526
    Gross profit                        18,906   11,111   
35,192   20,517
    Research and development expenses   11,080    8,358   
20,818   16,364
    Selling and administrative        
     expenses                            7,482    5,678   
14,841   10,942
    Operating income (loss)                344   (2,925)   
 (467)  (6,789)
    Interest income                      2,198    1,567    
3,438    2,430
    Interest expense                      (655)  (1,287)  
(1,280)  (2,575)
    Other income                           -         21    
  -         21
    Income (loss) from continuing     
     operations                          1,887   (2,624)   
1,691   (6,913)
    Loss from discontinued operations 
     (1)                                   -       (163)   
 (965)    (511)
    Net income (loss)                   $1,887  $(2,787)   
 $726  $(7,424)
    Basic earnings (loss) per share
    Income (loss) from continuing     
     operations                          $0.03   $(0.06)   
$0.03   $(0.17)
    Loss from discontinued operations 
     (1)                                  $-       $-     
$(0.02)  $(0.01)
    Net income (loss)                    $0.03   $(0.06)   
$0.01   $(0.18)
    Diluted earnings (loss) per share
    Income (loss) from continuing     
     operations                          $0.03   $(0.06)   
$0.03   $(0.17)
    Loss from discontinued operations 
     (1)                                  $-       $-     
$(0.02)  $(0.01)
    Net income (loss)                    $0.03   $(0.06)   
$0.01   $(0.18)
    Basic shares outstanding            56,523   47,198   
52,419   42,184
    Diluted shares outstanding          59,604   47,198   
55,774   42,184
    Unaudited Reconciliation of GAAP to Pro Forma Non-GAAP
Financial Measures
    GAAP net income (loss)              $1,887  $(2,787)   
 $726  $(7,424)
    Stock compensation expense in     
     continuing operations
       Cost of sales                       851      375    
1,751      674
       Research and development          1,392      697    
2,892    1,265
       Selling, general and         
        administrative                   1,597      660    
3,073    1,205
    Loss from discontinued operations      -        163    
  965      511
    Pro forma net income (loss)         $5,727    $(892)  
$9,407  $(3,769)
    Pro forma earnings (loss) per     
     share  *
    Basic                                $0.10   $(0.02)   
$0.18   $(0.09)
    Diluted                              $0.10   $(0.02)   
$0.17   $(0.09)
    (*) Calculated using related GAAP shares outstanding.
    (1) The loss from discontinued operations reflects the
divestiture of Telcom Devices, Inc., effective April 2,

    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
    (Amounts in thousands)
                                        June 30, 2007  
December 31, 2006
    Assets                               (Unaudited)
    Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents              $43,575       
      Marketable securities                  128,755       
      Accounts receivable                     33,561       
      Inventory                               18,967       
      Prepaid expenses and other   
       current assets                          5,683       
      Assets of discontinued       
       operations (1)                             21       
    Total current assets                     230,562       

    Marketable securities                      8,811       
    Plant and equipment, net                  53,801       
    Goodwill and other intangibles, 
     net of amortization                       5,918       
    Other assets                               1,231       

    Liabilities and stockholders'   

    Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable                       $22,794       
      Accrued liabilities                      6,526       
      Capital lease obligations                  -         
      Liabilities of discontinued  
       operations (1)                            152       
    Total current liabilities                 29,472       

    Other long-term liabilities                3,298       
    Long-term debt                            38,000       
    Long-term capital lease         
     obligations                                 -         

    Stockholders' equity                     229,553       

    (1) The Company disposed of the assets of its
subsidiary, Telcom Devices, Inc. on April 2, 2007.  

    *The condensed balance sheet at December 31, 2006 has
been derived from the audited financial statements at such
date but does not include all the information and footnotes
required by U.S. generally accepted accounting principles
for complete financial statements.

    For more information, please contact:  

     Chuck Manners of Godfrey
     Tel:   +1-717-393-3831
     Fax:   +1-717-393-1403
     Email: chuck@godfrey.com

     Jennifer Palella
     ANADIGICS, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-908-668-5000
     Fax:   +1-908-412-5978
     Email: jpalella@anadigics.com

     Thomas Shields
     ANADIGICS, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-908-412-5995
     Email: tshields@anadigics.com
     Web:   http://www.anadigics.com

Gale International Selects Jones Lang LaSalle to Lease Northeast Asia Trade Tower in New Songdo City, South Korea
July 25, 2007

65-Story, $500 Million Building to be Signature Commercial
Building in International Business District and Korea's

    NEW YORK, July 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Gale
International today announced that Jones Lang LaSalle has
been selected as the exclusive leasing agent for the
Northeast Asia Trade Tower, the first commercial office
tower to be built in the International Business District in
New Songdo City, Incheon, South Korea.  The $500 million,
65-story, 1.3 million square feet Northeast Asia Trade
Tower (NEATT) will serve as New Songdo's signature
structure and, when completed, will stand as Korea's
tallest building. 

    Gale International selected Jones Lang LaSalle because
of its wealth of experience and expertise in office leasing
and sales worldwide, and its established presence throughout
Asia and Korea.  Jones Lang LaSalle will focus on attracting
high-level multinational corporations to New Songdo.  

    New Songdo, a $25 billion new city and international
business district, is being developed on 1,500 acres of
reclaimed land along Incheon's waterfront by Gale
International and POSCO E&C in a 70/30 joint venture.
Gale International is a premier international real estate
development and investment company headquartered in New

    Rising more than one thousand feet above the Yellow
Sea, the Northeast Asia Trade Tower will set the benchmark
in Northeast Asia for a globally oriented, 24-hour business
complex that offers a full complement of support services
and amenities. It will be home to leading international
corporations and financial institutions.  NEATT's retail
space will feature flagship boutiques of premier
international fashion names. More than 200 rooms on the top
20 floors have been designated for luxury hotel and extended
stay apartments. The spectacular skyscraper, designed by
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC and built by Daewoo
International Corporation and POSCO E&C, will feature
an observation deck with sweeping vistas of the
island-dotted Yellow Sea and nearby mountain peaks. 
Construction commenced February 2007 with completion
scheduled for 2009.

    Stanley C. Gale, Chairman and Managing Partner of Gale
International said, "We are striving to build an
international city and recognize the need for dynamic
partnerships with world-leading experts.  The unparalleled
expertise and services of Jones Lang LaSalle fit this goal

    John B. Hynes, III, Chief Executive Officer and
Managing Partner of Gale International said, "The
Northeast Asia Trade Tower is a premier property that
called for a premier real estate partner - we have that in
Jones Lang LaSalle." 

    Jeremy Sheldon, International Director and Head of
International Business at Jones Lang LaSalle said, "We
are honored to be involved in the development of New Songdo
City. This is a significant appointment for Jones Lang
LaSalle in Korea, regionally and globally, one that will
showcase the strength of our international platform and
depth of our real estate expertise."

    James Tyrrell, Managing Director, Korea at Jones Lang
LaSalle noted that Northeast Asia Trade Tower's top-notch
specifications, innovative design and high quality
facilities are very attractive to multinational
corporations. "We will leverage our global and
regional network to introduce and market this project to
our clients and prospects around the world. We expect
interest levels to be high, especially at this time when
the Korean real estate market is in a strong growth phase. 
There is a huge amount of international capital seeking real
estate investment opportunities in the region."  Jones
Lang LaSalle currently manages a wide range of office and
retail properties in Korea and NEATT will be the largest
assignment the firm has handled in recent years.  

    Songdo, "The Gateway to Northeast Asia," will
be the first new city in the world designed and planned as
an international business district.  It is the largest
private real estate venture in history.  Designated a Free
Economic Zone, Songdo will include fifty million square
feet of office space, thirty million square feet of
residential space, ten million square feet of retail, five
million square feet of hotel space and ten million square
feet of public space.  Every conceivable cultural and
recreational amenity will be available including a world
class hospital, an international preparatory school, a
Central Park, an art museum and a Jack Nicklaus golf

    This master-planned metropolis will be connected to the
Incheon International Airport, one of the world's busiest
airports, by a 7.4 mile highway bridge; and linked by
subway to Seoul, which is 35 miles to the southwest.  It is
estimated that when completed in 2014, Songdo will be home
to 65,000 people and that 300,000 will work there. 
Additional information can be accessed via
http://www.NewSongdoCity.com .

    Gale International is a premier international real
estate development and investment company headquartered in
New York with offices in Boston; Irvine, California; Seoul
and New Songdo, South Korea. It is dedicated to creating
environments where people thrive.  Commitment to quality
and integrity is its core principle.  

    Jones Lang LaSalle (NYSE: JLL), the only real estate
money management and services firm named to FORTUNE
magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" and
Forbes magazine's "400 Best Big Companies," has
approximately 160 offices worldwide and operates in more
than 450 cities in over 50 countries.  With 2006 revenue of
over USD2 billion, the company provides comprehensive
integrated real estate and investment management expertise
on a local, regional and global level to owner, occupier
and investor clients. Jones Lang LaSalle is an industry
leader in property and corporate facility management
services, with a portfolio of over 1 billion square feet
worldwide. In 2006, the firm completed Capital Market sales
and acquisitions, debt financing, and equity placements on
assets and portfolios valued at USD70.9 billion. LaSalle
Investment Management, the company's investment management
business, is one of the world's largest and most diverse
real estate money management firms, with approximately
USD44.3 billion of assets under management. For further
information, please visit our website,
http://www.joneslanglasalle.com . 

    Jones Lang LaSalle has over 45 years of experience in
Asia Pacific. With over 12,500 employees operating in more
than 60 offices in 13 countries across the region, the
company is positioned to partner with clients to provide
the quality advice needed for making quality decisions.   

    For more information, please contact: 

     International and U.S. Queries: 
      Mary Lou DiNardo
      Gale International
      Tel:   +1-212-909-0340
      Email: tkpr1@aol.com

     Domestic ROK Queries:
      Hyewon Chang of Gale International
      Tel:   +82-2-6260-3353
      Email: hwchang@galeintlkorea.com

      Jeremy Sheldon
      International Director
      Jones Lang LaSalle
      Tel:   +1-212-812-5967
      Email: jeremy.sheldon@am.jll.com

      James Tyrrell
      Managing Director
      Jones Lang LaSalle
      Tel:   +82-2-3704-8888
      Email: james.tyrrell@ap.jll.com

      Web:   http://www.NewSongdoCity.com
Liquidnet Sets Volume Records, Expands the Global Trading Community and Broadens Offerings With the Swift Integration of Miletus Trading
July 25, 2007

Liquidnet-Miletus integrated Supernatural(TM) Strategies
Deliver Market Impact Savings of Approximately 24 Cents Per

    NEW YORK, July 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Liquidnet, the top brokerage firm for global
trading(1), announced its second quarter 2007 results
today, posting record performance in the United States,
Europe, and Canada. In addition, the rapid integration with
Miletus Trading, an agency-only quantitative broker acquired
March 2007, has accrued immediate benefit to Liquidnet's
Membership by providing new program trading functionality.

    "It is especially gratifying to see our strategy
of building a single global institutional marketplace
progressing so quickly," said Seth Merrin, CEO of
Liquidnet. "We saw a nice increase in our average
daily liquidity and believe we will continue to benefit
from the greater global emphasis on achieving best
execution and the expanding spectrum of trading
opportunities presented by our Miletus acquisition."

    Liquidnet Europe led the firm's global growth for the
quarter, posting a record for principal traded with 7.5
billion pounds. Liquidnet Canada increased its average
daily liquidity 44 percent to nearly 127 million shares. 
And Liquidnet U.S. had a record day for trading volume on
April 26 with 90,757,700 shares; in addition, Members
crossed 50 one-million or greater trades in the quarter.

    Miletus Trading clients began benefiting from the first
Liquidnet/Miletus integrated product -- a set of hybrid
strategies that combine the two firms' functionalities.  It
has resulted in market impact savings of as much as 24 cents
per share.  This equates to portfolio-level performance
enhancement of approximately 3.12 cents per share, when
compared with Liquidnet's crossing rate of 13 percent. 

    Liquidnet (U.S.)

    In addition to a record day for trading volume and the
most million-share or greater trades in a quarter with 50,
Liquidnet expanded its liquidity pool to a record 3.28
billion shares, with two billion shares through the
negotiated pool and another 1.2 billion delivered to
Liquidnet H2O through the firms' 18 Streaming Liquidity
Partners.  Liquidnet also posted an average execution size
of more than 52,000, the highest in 20 quarters.  

    Average daily negotiated volume during the second
quarter (54.6 million shares,) was the second-highest ever
for the firm, behind a record Q1 2007 (56.8 million), and
represented a 17 percent increase year-over-year. 

    Liquidnet Europe 

    Liquidnet Europe's 7.5 billion pounds in principal
traded represents a 10 percent increase over last quarter's
6.8 billion pounds and a 90.72 percent rise from the same
period a year ago (3.9 billion pounds).  Total European
Principal Liquidity for the quarter was 567,310,417,726
pounds.  The number of member firms rose 11 percent over
last quarter to 71 from 64. 

    Liquidnet Canada

    Liquidnet Canada continued its aggressive rise since
its launch on October 14, 2006, recording a 44 percent
increase in average daily liquidity over last quarter (127
million shares vs. 88 million shares), a 24 percent
quarterly increase in average daily volume (505 thousand
shares vs. 407 thousand shares). 

    About Liquidnet

    Liquidnet is the top brokerage firm for global trading.
Liquidnet allows money management institutions to trade
large blocks of equities directly and anonymously with
significant price improvement and little-to-no market
impact. Liquidnet launched in 2001, and the company now
enables its Members to trade in 22 equity markets globally.
Liquidnet is headquartered in New York with offices in
London, Toronto, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sydney. Additional
company information is available online at
http://www.liquidnet.com .

    Liquidnet, Inc. is a member of the NASD/SIPC. Miletus
Trading, LLC is a member of NASD/SIPC.  Liquidnet Europe
Limited is regulated by the U.K. Financial Services
Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange.
Liquidnet Canada Inc. is regulated by the Ontario
Securities Commission and is a member of IDA/CIPF.
Liquidnet Asia Limited is in the process of applying to the
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission for the relevant
license / authorization to conduct regulated activities in
Hong Kong. Liquidnet Asia Limited is not currently
licensed, regulated or otherwise authorized by the Monetary
Authority of Singapore, and is not currently holding itself
out as operating a market in Singapore. Liquidnet Japan
Inc. is regulated by the Financial Services Agency of Japan
and is a member of JSDA/JIPF. Liquidnet Australia Pty Ltd.
is applying to the Australian Securities and Investments
Commission for the relevant license/authorization to
conduct regulated activities in Australia.

    1. According to Institutional Investor December 2006
issue. Includes brokerages with greater than $2.25 billion
in principal traded

    For more information, please contact:

     Jim Gorman 
     Liquidnet Corporate Communications 
     Tel:   +1-646-674-2145
     Email: jgorman@liquidnet.com
     Web:   http://www.liquidnet.com
Startech Environmental Project for Puerto Rico to Produce Methanol and Synthetic Fuels from Waste Processing
July 24, 2007

    WILTON, Conn., July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Startech
Environmental Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: STHK), a
fully reporting company, announced today that EnviroSafe
Industrial Services Corporation of Puerto Rico plans to
produce methanol and various synthetic fuels from the
wastes it will be processing in the Startech Plasma
Converter Systems in the EnviroSafe Recycling Facility in
Puerto Rico.

    Steve Landa, Startech VP, said, "The manufacturing
and production process for EnviroSafe's Converters has been
in progress, and the Company has received the scheduled
payments called for in the Contract that was previously
announced on May 24, 2007."  

    About Methanol

    Methanol, sometimes called methyl alcohol or wood
alcohol, is the simplest of all alcohols and is one of the
most ubiquitous and important of all industrial chemicals. 
It is an easily stored and transported fluid with an
international market in excess of five billion dollars per
year.  Methanol is used in the preparation of many
pharmaceutical industry products, food industry products
and as a basic building block in many chemical industry

    Methanol is the cheapest and most versatile liquid fuel
that can be made.  While more efficient than gasoline, it is
less flammable than gasoline: accidental fires can be
extinguished with water instead of spreading as a flaming
film.  When used as a fuel, it emits no sooty carbon or
sulfur compounds and is cleaner than gasoline.

    Recognizing certain limitations, diesel engines in
trucks, railroad locomotives, and ships can use methanol
for at least 85% of their total fuel.  Likewise, methanol
can even be used in automobiles such as racing cars where
performance and safety are the most important fuel
considerations.  In an accident at sea, there is no fire or
oil slick because the methanol dissolves in water.  It is
easy and safe to transport and distribute.

    About Synthetic Fuels

    Synthetic fuels, synthesis fuels or synfuels is a name
generally applied to alternative liquid fuels manufactured
from various hydrocarbon materials, even from certain
materials that may have been previously regarded as waste
products.  "Synfuels" is also a term often used
to refer to the so-called "higher alcohol fuels"
(fuels higher alcohol than methanol).

    About Startech -- The Environment and Energy Company

    Startech Environmental is an environment and energy
industry company engaged in the production and sale of its
innovative, proprietary plasma processing equipment known
as the Plasma Converter System(TM).  

    The Plasma Converter System safely and economically
destroys wastes, no matter how hazardous or lethal, and
turns most into useful and valuable products. In doing so,
the System protects the environment and helps to improve
the public health and safety. The System achieves
closed-loop elemental recycling to safely and irreversibly
destroy Municipal Solid Waste, organics and inorganics,
solids, liquids and gases, hazardous and non-hazardous
waste, industrial by-products and also items such as
"e-waste," medical waste, chemical industry waste
and other specialty wastes, while converting many of them
into useful commodity products that can include metals and
a synthesis-gas called Plasma Converted Gas (PCG)(TM).

    Among the many commercial uses for PCG, is its
potential use to produce "green electrical power"
and Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) fuels such as methanol and synthetic
higher-alcohol "alternative" fuels.  Hydrogen, for
use and sale, can also be separated and recovered from the
Startech PCG synthesis gas mixture.

    The Startech Plasma Converter is essentially a
manufacturing system that also produces commodity products
from feedstocks processed that were previously regarded as

    Startech regards all wastes, hazardous and
non-hazardous, as valuable renewable resources.
    Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements

    This press release contains forward-looking statements,
including statements regarding the Company's plans and
expectations regarding the development and
commercialization of its Plasma Converter(TM) technology. 
All forward-looking statements are subject to risk and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those projected.  Factors that could cause
such a difference include, without limitation, failure of
the customer to obtain appropriate financing for the
project, general risks associated with product development,
manufacturing, rapid technological change and competition as
well as other risks set forth in the Company's filings with
the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking
statements contained herein speak only as of the date of
this press release. The Company expressly disclaims any
obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates
or revisions to any such statement to reflect any change in
the Company's expectations or any change in events,
conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is

    For more information, please contact:

    Steve Landa 
    Startech Environmental Corporation
    Tel:   +1-888-807-9443, +1-203-762-2499 EXT 7 
    Email: sales@startech.net

Navini Announces Commercial Availability of 802.16e Mobile WiMAX(TM)
July 24, 2007

    RICHARDSON, Texas and PANAMA CITY, Panama, July 24
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Navini Networks today announced a
true milestone as it marks the first commercial
implementation of its 802.16e Mobile WiMAX(TM) software(1)
with beamforming.   The first deployment is in Panama City,
Panama, where operator Liberty Technologies has started
implementing Navini's software upgrade to convert their
network to 16e.

    "Navini has been a leader in personal broadband
for several years," explains Sai Subramanian, Vice
President, Product Management and Strategic Marketing,
Navini Networks.  "Some of the largest personal
broadband networks in the world already use Navini's
beamforming, which works extremely well to enhance service
delivery inside homes and offices.  We have been shipping
our Ripwave(R) MX8 16e hardware platform for over a year
and now the software is ready for commercial use.  Our
current customers can convert when they are ready and new
customers can deploy the 16e hardware and software starting
now.  We are very pleased with the results of our deployment
in Panama City -- which is an RF environment much harsher
than what the standards bodies have envisioned.  Being
commercial in the dense urban parts of Panama City proves
the robustness of the Navini solution."

    Navini's implementation of Mobile WiMAX(TM) with
beamforming technology is compliant with the IEEE
802.16e-2005 standard and ready for certification. Mobile
WiMAX promises broadband connectivity delivered anywhere,
anytime, combined with carrier economics that deliver a
viable business case.

    "We have now begun the process of upgrading our
pre-WiMAX network to Mobile WiMAX, and we already have
subscribers using the new software," said Samy Zayat,
Liberty's Chief Operating Officer.  "We have been
providing personal broadband services similar to Mobile
WiMAX using Navini's technology for a long time. WiMAX is a
standardization of what we have been operating for several
years. As we convert the rest of the network subscriber
modems already in customer service will be upgraded
over-the-air through a seamless software download." 
Liberty already has deployed a citywide network in Panama
City using Navini's pre-WiMAX technology, along with
WiMAX-capable base stations and subscriber devices in the
3.4 GHz frequency band.

    Navini will submit the Ripwave(R) MX base stations
supporting Mobile WiMAX(TM) for formal certification
testing by the WiMAX Forum once the certification labs are
open and available for 802.16e-based systems using these

    About Navini Networks:

    Navini Networks is the leader in providing portable,
plug-n-play broadband wireless access solutions, with the
largest commercial deployments in the world, over 70
commercial networks in 6 continents and strategic
partnerships with industry leaders.  Navini is the only
company that has the patented Smart Beamforming technology,
enabling personal broadband for the mass market today, with
a seamless upgrade to the Mobile WiMAX standard to deliver
Smart WiMAX. (Smart WiMAX is the combination of mobile
WiMAX with Smart Beamforming & MIMO).

    Navini's Ripwave(R) MX portable, zero-install(TM),
non-line-of-sight (NLOS) solution consists of customer
modems, base stations, and element management systems (EMS)
that run in the full range of spectrums with software
upgrades to the IEEE 802.16e standard. 

    Navini Networks is a principal member of the WiMAX
Forum and the IEEE 802.16e committee and is headquartered
in Richardson, Texas. http://www.navini.com

    About Liberty Technologies

    Established in 2002, Liberty Technologies Corp. is the
leader in wireless data communications in Panama, and the
first to deploy true NLOS technology in the region.  Its
product, branded Wisper, has been a clear success in the
Panamanian market and has shown the possibilities of the
WIMAX business model.  Furthermore, Liberty has applied the
portability feature of its product in many different service
scenarios, demonstrating the versatility of the model, from
fixed residential to hotspots and rentals.  The company is
now ready to enter the mobile WIMAX market, and will become
the first to deploy a true standard-compliant network in the

    (1) This software will be taken to WiMAX Forum
certification when the certification labs open 

    For more information, please contact: 

    Maryvonne Tubb 
    Navini Networks
    Tel:   +1-972-852-4247
    Email: mtubb@navini.com
Novarra to Provide Mobile Web Transformation Services to Yahoo!
July 24, 2007

    CHICAGO, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Novarra, the
leading provider of next-generation mobile Internet
platforms and services, announced today that Yahoo! has
selected Novarra's Vision(TM) server version 6.5 platform
to provide web transformation for Yahoo!'s oneSearch
service.  When a user clicks on a link to a Web site in a
Yahoo! oneSearch result, Novarra's Vision server platform
transforms the Web site for the mobile phone.  The Vision
platform provides a visually rich, fast and intuitive user
experience for Web sites, across mobile phones, browsers
and networks.  

    Novarra's Vision platform processes Web content to
deliver a full, rich Internet experience on mass-market and
high-tier handsets.  Built on open standards, the platform
supports all deployed and new industry handsets and WAP,
cHTML, and HTML browsers out of the box.  

    Commercially tested on hundreds of phones and browsers,
web sites are automatically adapted for optimal
presentation, usability and speed on handsets, supporting
unique capabilities such as screen size, memory, and CPU. 

    "We leverage our deep expertise of mobile networks
and handsets and offer robust, scalable platforms,"
said Jayanthi Rangarajan, CEO of Novarra. "Our
mass-market deployments across America, Europe and Asia
have proven consumer satisfaction and steady growth."

    Novarra is the leading provider of high performance
next-generation wireless platforms for operators and
content providers to create new internet-based services and
revenue streams. Novarra developed the industry's first
server-client architecture for web content transformation
and network optimisation designed for mass-market, high
volume mobile consumer deployments. Operators and content
providers select Novarra's open standards-based platforms
to deliver a superior mobile user experience for services
like full rich web, search, premium portals and
personalization.  Successful commercial deployments over 5
years on both 2.5G and 3G have established significant
consumer satisfaction and uptake. http://www.novarra.com / 

    Novarra and Vision are trademarks of Novarra, Inc. 

    Yahoo! and the Yahoo! logo are trademarks and/or
registered trademarks of Yahoo! Inc. 
    All other names are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

    Annie Woodhead
    Hotwire PR
    Tel:   +44-207-608-4664
    Email: annie.woodhead@hotwirepr.com

    Doug Haslam
    Topaz Partners
    Tel:   +1-781-404-2419
    Email: dhaslam@topazpartners.com
AFC Asian Cup 2007; ING to Reward the Most Valuable Player of the Tournament
July 24, 2007

    HONG KONG, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ING, Official
Sponsor of the 2007 AFC Asian Cup(TM), today announced that
as part of its sponsorship agreement, it will award
USD25,000 to the most valuable player of the 2007 AFC Asian
Cup(TM) tournament.  The player will be also honored with
the title which is given in memory of Abdullah Al Dabal,
the late AFC Executive Committee member from Saudi Arabia
who passed away in January this year.  The award is a
tribute to Al Dabal's achievements and commitment to Asian

http://xprnnews.xfn.info/ING/20070724/HK076926.htm )
    The official award will be chosen by a technical study
group coordinated by the Asian Football Confederation and
will be awarded immediately after the finals on 29 July in
Jakarta, Indonesia.  
    The player selected is deemed to be the athlete who
contributes the most to the tournament in terms of
consistency of play, ability to influence matches and
overall attitude.  The 2004 AFC Asian Cup(TM) tournament
saw Shunsuke Nakamura win the title. 
    The award is mirrored by an ING-organized competition
in which fans too can vote for their most valuable player
of the competition on http://www.ing-afc.com .  The fans
who vote for the player with the most votes will have their
names entered into a draw which will take place on 6 August.
 The winner will win an 18K gold football worth USD2,500.

    ING is a global financial institution of Dutch origin
offering banking, insurance and asset management to over 60
million private, corporate and institutional clients in more
than 50 countries.  With a diverse workforce of about
120,000 people, ING comprises a broad spectrum of prominent
companies that increasingly serve their clients under the
ING brand.

    For more information, please call: 

     Karen Williams
     Tel:   +852-3762-8236
     Email: karen.williams@ap.ing.com

     Tony Wong
     Tel:   +852-3762-8292
     Email: tony.wong@ap.ing.com
Eurail Group Applauds the Railteam Revolution
July 24, 2007

Best way to see Europe Gets Even Easier for Eurail
Passengers as High-Speed Rail Companies Ease Cross Border

    UTRECHT, Netherlands, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Eurail Group, the provider of Eurail Passes for flexible
rail travel around Europe since 1959, hails Railteam as a
revolution in European train travel. Formed in July 2007 to
ensure optimal coordination between high-speed routes
throughout Europe, Railteam is a partnership between
Europe's leading high-speed rail operators, currently DB
(Germany), SNCF (France), Eurostar (UK, France and
Belgium), NS Hispeed (Netherlands), OBB (Austria), SBB
(Switzerland) and SNCB (Belgium), as well as two of their
high-speed subsidiaries Thalys and Lyria.

    The full range of Eurail Passes, including the new
single country National Passes[1], are accepted on board
all the participating high-speed networks[2] except
Eurostar, a Eurail Bonus Partner that offers significant
discounts to Eurail Pass holders. Much like airline
partnerships, a principal benefit of the new Railteam
alliance will be improved services for international
cross-border routes providing a stress-free experience from
booking to arrival.

    Railteam spokesman, Gunnar Meyer, explains that,
"Railteam's aim is to offer travellers seamless
high-speed train travel across international borders in
Western Europe." Consequently, "Eurail
passengers, as international travellers, will benefit
immediately from the first services of Railteam."

    Asides from multi-lingual information in stations and
onboard trains, connections will also be smoother, with
improved co-ordination of departure and arrival times.
Furthermore, if passengers miss their connection because of
a late running service, Railteam will ensure they are on the
next available train.

    Rene de Groot, Eurail Group Managing Director, said
"Railteam is a most welcome step toward the seamless
internationalization of rail travel in Europe and toward
becoming even more competitive with low-cost air carriers
-- and that's not only good for Eurail customers, it's good
for the environment."

    Indeed, trains emit far less CO2 into the atmosphere
than flying to the same destinations, and high-speed trains
are most efficient, with only a tenth to a quarter of
aircraft emissions.

    Apart from the high-speed rail network, which is
growing rapidly and expects 25 million international
travellers by the year 2010, Europe's traditional trains
include some excellent local and scenic trains allowing
travellers to soak up the stunning scenery and passing
landscapes at a more relaxed pace.

    The EURAIL Group comprises 27 railways and shipping
lines, as well as several bonus partners. See
http://www.EurailGroup.com .

    (1) Available for Benelux, Croatia, Denmark, Ireland,
Italy, Portugal

    (2) In some cases compulsory reservations may apply

    Railteam information: http://www.railteam.eu

    For more information, please contact:

     Rachel Young 
     Eurail Group
     Tel:   +31-64-8300-533
     Email: pressinfo@eurail.nl

WuXi PharmaTech Appoints Deepak Hegde as VP of Formulation Development Services
July 24, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- WuXi
PharmaTech, China's leading supplier of pharmaceutical
R&D outsourcing services announced today the
appointment of Dr. Deepak Hegde as Vice President of
Formulation Development Services.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611271812.jpg

    Before joining WuXi PharmaTech, Dr. Hegde served as
General Manager of Drug Delivery Research Lab at USV Ltd,
one of the largest Indian generic pharmaceutical companies.
 In this position, Dr. Hedge oversaw the development and
registration of formulations to be exported to the American
and European markets.  His undertakings at USV Ltd involved
closely collaborating with the US-FDA on Abbreviated New
Drug Applicant (ANDA) products and EMEA for the Product
Dossiers for the European markets.

    Prior to joining USV Ltd, Dr. Hegde worked in Sandoz
(the generic arm of Novartis).  At Sandoz, he implemented
cutting-edge drug development technology transfers from
Novartis development sites in India to Novartis commercial
launch sites in Austria, Bangladesh, and South Africa.

    Dr. Hegde's formulation and commercial manufacturing
acumen, coupled with his operation experience makes him a
valuable strategic addition to WuXi PharmaTech's rapidly
growing Pharmaceutical Development Services (PDS) division.
 In his new role as Vice President of Formulation
Development Services, Dr. Hegde will oversee the company's
growing portfolio of formulation based service offerings. 
Dr. Hegde will report directly to Dr. Ge Li, Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of WuXi PharmaTech.

    "I am excited to welcome Dr. Hegde to WuXi
PharmaTech.  His strong and diverse industrial and
operational background will be a great asset to our growing
PDS division," commented Dr. Ge Li, Chairman and CEO of
WuXi PharmaTech.

    Dr. Hegde received his Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from
the University of Mumbai (formerly the University of Bombay)
before going on to receive a Master of Pharmacy in
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry from Banaras Hindu
University.  He returned to University of Mumbai to earn a
Ph.D. in Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics in 1996, and
has most recently received a Master of Financial Management
from Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research. 
Dr. Hegde is a lifetime member of the Indian Pharmaceutical
    About WuXi PharmaTech Co., Ltd.

    Founded in 2000, Shanghai-based WuXi PharmaTech is
China's leading drug R&D service company. As a
research-driven and customer-focused company, WuXi
PharmaTech offers global pharmaceutical and
biopharmaceutical companies a diverse, value-added, and
fully integrated portfolio of outsourcing services ranging
from discovery chemistry, and process chemistry to service
biology, bioanalytical chemistry, and large scale GMP
manufacturing. WuXi PharmaTech assists its global partners
in shortening the cycle and lowering the cost of drug
discovery and development by providing cost-effective and
efficient outsourcing solutions that save our clients both
time and money. Currently, our customer list consists of 9
of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in the world. For
more information, please visit: 
http://www.wuxipharmatech.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Sherry Shao
     Tel:   +86-21-5046-4002
     Email: pr@pharmatechs.com

Arrow Asia Received Asia Best Distributor Gold Award by NXP
July 24, 2007

    HONG KONG, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Asia
Pac Ltd., a business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:
ARW) announced that it received the "Asia Best
Distributor Gold Award" by NXP.  This is an annual
award by NXP to recognize the outstanding achievement of
distributors in Asia Pacific.  The award measurement
criteria are based on the sales revenue achievement,
business growth and engagement level.  

    TL Chow, Distribution Channel, Senior Director, NXP
said, "Arrow has been a long-lasting partner to NXP. 
We appreciate the continuous commitment and support by the
Arrow team across the whole Asia region.  And this award is
a way to recognize the great contributions by Arrow team and
we look forward to further growing our business with Arrow
in the Asia region."

    "We are proud to receive this award by NXP for the
first time.  It is a clear testament of the great success of
the partnership with NXP across all countries where we
operate in Asia," said Tim Wang, vice president,
supplier marketing and asset management, Arrow Asia Pac
Ltd.  "This success is based on cooperation and
dedication by both the NXP and Arrow teams.  We will
continue to build on our strengths in extensive market
reach and deep understanding of the local market and
further develop NXP business in the region."

     In addition to the gold award, Arrow Asia also
received 2 awards from NXP in recognition of Arrow's high
performance in achieving volume units and sales revenue in
GA and multi-market semiconductor product segments.

    About Arrow Asia Pac

    A business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW),
Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia Pacific's leading electronic
component distributors. In addition to its regional
headquarters in Hong Kong, Arrow Asia Pac operates 50 sales
offices, four primary distribution centers and 12 local
warehousing facilities in eleven countries/territories
across Asia.

    Providing a full range of semiconductors, passive,
electromechanical and connector products from over 60
leading international suppliers, Arrow Asia Pac serves more
than 10,000 original equipment and contract manufacturers
and commercial customers in Asia Pacific.  Visit us at
http://www.arrowasia.com .
    About NXP 

    NXP is a top 10 semiconductor company founded by
Philips more than 50 years ago. Headquartered in Europe,
the company has 37,000 employees working in 26 countries
across the world. NXP creates semiconductors, system
solutions and software that deliver better sensory
experiences in mobile phones, personal media players, TVs,
set-top boxes, identification applications, cars and a wide
range of other electronic devices. News from NXP is located
at http://www.nxp.com/ .

    Media Contact:	
    Ray Leung
     Marketing Communications Director 
     Arrow Asia Pac Ltd.
     Tel:   +852-2484-2484		
     Email: marcom.asia@arrowasia.com

    Grace Kung
     Marketing Communications Manager
     Tel:   +852-2484-2682
     Email: grace.kung@arrowasia.com
New National Efforts to Prevent Interpersonal Violence: World Health Organization Reports Significant Progress
July 24, 2007

    GENEVA, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Governments
around the world are taking new and stronger measures to
quell interpersonal violence and its life-long health
consequences, a new World Health Organization (WHO) report
shows. This week in Scotland, two hundred of the world's
leading experts in preventing violence gather for
"Milestones 2007", to assess the advances that
have been made, identify strategies for further expanding
these, and advocate for increased investment by
international development partners. 
In the context of "Milestones 2007", the WHO
report documents progress in countries since 2002. Some of
the many highlighted national achievements include:- 

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51.jpg )

     -- Brazil has published its first national report on
violence and 
        health and has completed a national inventory of
over 300 violence 
        prevention programmes;
     -- Malaysia has released its first national report on
violence and 
        health, developed one-stop crisis centres for
victims of child 
        maltreatment, and created services for survivors of
        partner and sexual violence in all government
        throughout the country;
     -- Mexico has published its first national report on
violence and 
        health and established a national centre for the
prevention of 
        violence and injuries within the Ministry of
     -- Mozambique has developed surveillance systems
recording details 
        of violence-related deaths and injuries and has
assessed the 
        number and quality of medico-legal services for
victims of 
        sexual violence; and
     -- The United Kingdom has published its first national
report on 
        violence and health, created the Violence Reduction
Unit within 
        the Scottish Executive, and has promoted the work
of the Cardiff 
        Violence Crime Task Group as a model for community
        partnerships nationwide. 

    "With an improved understanding about what works
to prevent violence in families and communities, the
violence prevention field has reached a critical turning
point", notes Dr Catherine Le Gales-Camus, WHO
Assistant Director-General for Noncommunicable Diseases and
Mental Health. "Milestones 2007 is an opportunity to
draw lessons from the good work being done in many
countries and define ways to scale up implementation in
countries around the world." 

    Increased efforts to scale up violence prevention come
when health policy makers and practitioners begin to fully
understand the long-term consequences of violence. 

    For instance, a 2004 WHO study reported that the
lifetime impacts of child sexual abuse account for

     -- 6% of cases of depression; 
     -- 6% of alcohol abuse/dependence; 
     -- 6% of illicit drug abuse/dependence; 
     -- 8% of suicide attempts; 10% of panic disorders; and

     -- 27% of post traumatic stress disorders. 

    Other studies have also linked child physical abuse,
intimate partner violence and sexual violence to excessive
smoking, eating disorders, and high-risk sexual behaviour,
which in turn are associated with some of the leading
causes of death including HIV/AIDS, cancers and
cardiovascular disorders. 

    "Globally, the greatest challenge to scaling up
violence prevention efforts remains a lack of investment in
scientific, large-scale outcome evaluation studies,
especially from low- and middle-income countries, where
both the burden of violence and the cost of failure to
invest in effective prevention are highest", notes Dr
Etienne Krug, Director of WHO's Department of Violence and
Injury Prevention. "With those studies in hand, we
would be well placed to scale up and globalize

    Milestones 2007, is being hosted for the World Health
Organization by the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit in
Kincardine, Scotland, United Kingdom, from 17-19 July 2007.
It is the third in a series of meetings marking the
anniversary of the launch of the landmark World report on
violence and health released by WHO in 2002. 

    The report demonstrated the extent of the impact of
violence. In 2002 (the latest year for which global
estimates are available) an estimated 1.6 million people
lost their lives to violence; more than 90% of those deaths
are concentrated in low- and middle-income countries.
Physical, sexual and psychological abuse undermines the
health and well-being of many millions of people in all
countries on a daily basis. Suicide and homicide are the
5th and 6th leading causes of death in people aged 15-44
years. Between three and seven million adolescents and
young adults receive hospital treatment each year for a
violence-related injury. 

    "For the Violence Reduction Unit, the World report
on violence and health was a revelation, in that it offered
an innovative approach to the traditional methods of
policing violent crime," notes Detective
Superintendent John Carnochan, Head of the Scottish
Violence Reduction Unit. "We are pleased to host
Milestones 2007, and to share our experiences and learn
from others". 

    Evidence shows that a major proportion of
violence-related death and suffering is avoidable through
investment in positive approaches such as 

     -- parent training; 
     -- home visitation services; 
     -- reducing alcohol availability and access to
     -- helping high-risk adolescents to complete
     -- changing cultural norms that condone the use of
violence; and 
     -- providing adequate emergency medical care. 

    Cost-effectiveness studies show that most of these
strategies are less expensive to implement than paying the
costs of responding to violence. 

    In addition to showcasing some of the significant
violence prevention work underway around the world,
Milestones 2007 will serve as a platform for discussing
scaled-up country implementation of these recommendations,
and efforts to measure effectiveness using the outcomes
that really matter -- such as rates for violence-related
deaths, non-fatal injuries and other violence-related
health conditions.

    To read the report, entitled "Third Milestones of
a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention 2007", see: 

    All press releases, fact sheets and other WHO media
material may be found at: http://www.who.int . 

    For further information, please contact:

    Laura Sminkey
    Technical Officer
    WHO, Geneva
    Tel:    +41-22-791-4547
    Mobile: +41-79-249-3520
    Email:  sminkeyl@who.int 
FAO and WHO Urge All Countries to be More Vigilant About Food Safety
July 24, 2007

Recent Food Scares Prove Weaknesses in Food Safety Systems
Around the World

    ROME and GENEVA, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World
Health Organization (WHO) are urging all countries to
strengthen their food safety systems and to be far more
vigilant with food producers and traders. 

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51.jpg )

    Recent food safety incidents, like the discovery of the
industrial chemical melamine in animal and fish feed, or the
unauthorized use of certain veterinary drugs in intense
aquaculture, can affect health and often lead to rejections
of food products in international trade. 

    Such food safety incidents are often caused by lack of
knowledge of food safety requirements and of their
implications, or by the illegal or fraudulent use of
ingredients including unauthorised food additives or
veterinary drugs. 

    During the last 12 months, an average of up to 200 food
safety incidents per month have been investigated by WHO and
FAO to determine their public health impact. Information
about food safety incidents of international significance
was shared with countries through the International Food
Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN).

    "Food safety is an issue for every country and
ultimately every food consumer. All countries can benefit
from taking stronger measures to fill safety gaps in the
sometimes considerable journey food takes from the farm to
the table," said Dr Jorgen Schlundt, Director of WHO's
Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases. 

    "Countries are only able to keep their shares in
globalized food markets and the trust of consumers if they
apply internationally agreed food quality and safety
standards," said Ezzeddine Boutrif, Director of FAO's
Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division. "Consumers
have a right to be informed about potential hazards in food
and to be protected against them." 

    Inadequate food safety systems

    Weak food safety systems can lead to a higher incidence
of food safety problems and diseases caused by
micro-organisms such as Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter,
and Listeria, by residues of agricultural chemicals
(pesticides, veterinary drugs, etc) and by the use of
unauthorized food additives. Diarrhoeal diseases alone, due
mainly to unsafe food and water, kill 1.8 million children
every year.

    Food production systems in developing countries are
facing a series of challenges: population growth and
urbanization, changing dietary patterns, intensification
and industrialization of food and agricultural production.
Climate conditions, poor sanitation and weak public
infrastructure compound these difficulties. Food safety
legislation in many developing countries is often
incomplete or obsolete or not in line with international
requirements. Responsibility for food safety and control
tends to be dispersed across many institutions.
Laboratories lack essential equipment and supplies. 

    Many developed countries are in similar situations with
fragmented food safety systems that often do not include or
cover primary production where many food safety issues
originate. For example the spread in recent years of new
Salmonella strains in poultry originated in developed
countries and was spread globally through trade. 

    In order to ensure safe food production for their own
consumers and to meet international sanitary and
phytosanitary requirements for food exports, national food
safety authorities should be more vigilant. Producers and
traders should be held accountable for safe food production
throughout the food chain. 

    The rules of the World Trade Organization stipulate
that developed countries help exporting developing
countries to achieve the necessary high level of food
safety for international trade. This assistance should
contribute to building or strengthening integrated national
food safety systems covering the entire food chain. This
often requires long-term multi-billion dollar investments
and technical advice. 

    FAO and WHO Activities in Support of Food Safety

    FAO and WHO are supporting national governments to
improve the institutional set up and the performance of
food inspection, enforcement, laboratory analysis and
diagnosis, certification, food-borne disease surveillance,
emergency preparedness and response. They also provide
scientific advice on many food safety issues such as food
additives, chemical and microbiological contaminants, and
agro-chemical residues. 

    The Codex Alimentarius Commission established by FAO
and WHO develops science and risk based food safety
standards that are a reference in international trade and a
model for countries to use in their legislation. The
application of these standards and guidelines would ensure
food safety and consumer protection.

    All press releases, fact sheets and other WHO media
material may be found at: http://www.who.int .

    For further information, please contact:

    Erwin Northoff
    Media Relations
    Tel:    +39-06-570-53105
    Mobile: +39-348-252-3616
    Email: erwin.northoff@fao.org

    Christine McNab
    Communications Department
    Tel:    +41-22-791-4688
    Mobile: +41-79-254-6815
    Email:  mcnabc@who.int 

UN Food Standards Commission Meets
July 24, 2007

Safer Infant Formula, Hygienic Egg Production on the Agenda

    ROME and GENEVA, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- New
measures to ensure safer infant powdered formula and
hygienic egg production will be discussed by the Codex
Alimentarius Commission (CAC), which opens a 6-day meeting
today attended by representatives from more than 100

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51.jpg )

    The Codex Commission, in its annual session, is
considering the adoption of several food safety and quality
standards that countries depend on to safeguard the health
of consumers, improve food quality and ensure fair
practices in food trade. The Commission is a body jointly
set up by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
and the World Health Organization (WHO). 

    More nutritious infant formula 

    Codex will reconsider the 1981 standard on infant
formula, which was based on scientific knowledge from the

    The revised standard for infant formulae and those for
special medical purposes is based on the latest scientific
understanding of the composition of breast milk. 

     "It is important to support breastfeeding and
promote its benefits to infants and young children,"
said Dr Jorgen Schlundt, director of the WHO department of
food safety, zoonoses and food-borne diseases.
"However, in some instances, breastfeeding is either
not possible or not appropriate. In these cases, one of the
dietary options is the use of powdered formulae".

     "Powdered infant formula is not a sterile product
and can be contaminated with life threatening
bacteria," said Dr Schlundt. "It is extremely
important that these formulae are safe and properly
labeled. The proposed standard will help save many infant
lives in countries around the world."

    Eggs and egg products

    The Codex Commission will also be looking at a revised
code of hygienic practice for eggs and egg products. They
are a major source of food for people in all countries and
there is significant international trade in these products.

    However, eggs and egg products are a significant
contributor to salmonellosis -- a major food borne disease
worldwide. Adoption of the revised code would improve
countries' capacity to produce safer product. 

    Making wine safer

    Another draft code up for adoption would prevent or
reduce Ochratoxin A contamination in wine. Ochratoxin A is
a mycotoxin known to be toxic to the kidneys. The code
would address all measures that have been proven to prevent
and reduce contamination of wine across the production

    Regional Codex standards 

    The Codex meeting will also consider new quality
standards for three regional food products from the Middle
East. Draft codes would, if adopted, set standards for
canned tehina, a sesame seed paste, and hummus with tehina
- a sesame seed and chickpea mixture common throughout the
region. Another standard would apply to canned ful
medammes, a popular broad-bean dish.

    Technical assistance 

    The FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund supported some 34
developing countries to attend the Codex Commission. 

    "FAO and WHO support the efforts of developing
countries to strengthen their national food safety systems
to protect local consumers and to take advantage of
international food trade opportunities. They also enable
developing countries to participate more effectively in
Codex work," said Ezzeddine Boutrif, Chief of the FAO
Food Quality and Standards Service.

    FAO and WHO will launch a Framework for the Provision
of Scientific Advice and will also present the Global
Initiative for Food related Scientific Advice (GIFSA)
during the meeting.

    The 30th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
runs from 2 to 7 July.

    More information about the meeting can be found at: 
    http://www.codexalimentarius.net/web/index_en.jsp .

    All press releases, fact sheets and other WHO media
material may be found at http://www.who.int . 

    For more information, please contact:

    John Riddle
    Information Officer
    Tel:    +39-06-570-53259
    Mobile: +39-348-257-2921
    Email:  John.Riddle@fao.org

    Francoise Fontannaz
    Communication and Advocacy Officer
    Mobile: +41-79-794-0006
    Email:  Fontannnazf@who.int
Special Olympics athletes and police officers from across America to carry the torch to stops throughout the Nation's Capital
July 24, 2007

    WASHINGTON, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --

    What:       The Flame of Hope(TM) for the 2007 Special
Olympics World
                Summer Games will make its only U.S. visit
to Washington, DC,
                where the flame will light the torch that
will be carried in
                the global Law Enforcement Torch Run(R) --
a signature event
                honoring the Special Olympics movement.
Following a ceremony
                at the White House hosted by President and
Mrs. Bush, the
                torch will be carried to stops throughout
the city before
                continuing its global journey to the 2007
World Summer Games
                Opening Ceremony in Shanghai on 2 October. 
Involving hundreds
                of runners and spectators, this promises to
be one of the most
                inspiring and visually interesting events
of the summer,
                taking place on the anniversary of the
Americans with
                Disabilities Act, signed into law by
President George H.W.
                Bush in 1990.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20040302/LNTU017LOGO )

    When:       Thursday, July 26, 2007

    Where:      The running of the Flame of Hope will begin
at 12:15 p.m.
                Photo opportunities for the day include
(times approximate):

      9:30 a.m.  Law Enforcement Torch Run Breakfast
Reception (Hay Adams
                 Hotel, 16th and H Streets NW) Speakers to
include Special
                 Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver and other
      11:45 a.m. White House Ceremony
                 ***Credentialed media interested in
attending the White House
                 ceremony must contact the White House
Office of Media Affairs
                 at 202-456-6238.***
      12:15 p.m. Runners Depart from South Lawn of White
House to National
      12:40 p.m. U.S. Department of Health and Human
                 (200 Independence Ave. SW)
      12:55 p.m. Photo opportunity at U.S. Capitol (Capitol
Reflecting Pool
      1:20 p.m.  Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
                 (Judiciary Square, 5th and F Streets NW)
      2:00 p.m.  Torch Run concludes at the Embassy of the
People's Republic
                 of China.   Welcome Ceremony and Reception
to follow.
                 (2300 Connecticut Avenue N.W.)
                 ***For invitations, please contact Wei
Xin, Press Office for
                 the Chinese Embassy at +1 (202)

    Background: With the logistical support of DHL, the
Global Partner of the
                Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run
for the 2007
                Special Olympics World Summer Games, the
Flame of Hope was lit
                June 29 at the Acropolis in Athens using
only the rays of the
                sun, and then departed Greece to begin a
22,000 mile journey
                across five continents. Carried by members
of the global law
                enforcement community and Special Olympics
athletes, more than
                5,000 people around the world will
participate in this
                celebration of the Special Olympics
movement and the courage
                of its athletes.

                After departing Washington, DC, the Flame
of Hope will travel
                to Seoul, Tokyo, Sydney, Beijing, Hong Kong
and Macau. The Law
                Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics
is a pivotal event
                in the lead up to the 2007 Special Olympics
World Summer

                Video b-roll will be made available via
satellite with
                coordinates provided later this week.

    For more information, please contact:

     Sarah Cody 
     Special Olympics International
     Tel:   +1-202-651-0405
     Email: scody@specialolympics.org

     Christie Parell 
     the White House
     Tel:   +1-202-456-6238 
FTSE to Announce Annual Country Classification Review
July 24, 2007

    LONDON, July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Leading index
provider, FTSE Group ("FTSE"), will announce the
results of its annual country classification review before
European markets open on Thursday 20th September. The
review will examine progress made by a series of
international markets and will decide whether to make any
changes to the status of countries on FTSE's Watch List.
Countries currently on FTSE's Watch List for possible
promotion or demotion include China (A shares), Greece,
Hungary, Israel, Pakistan, Poland, South Korea and Taiwan.

    FTSE's Policy Group, which oversees the market
classification review, will make the final decision on any
promotions or demotions between categories. The Policy
Group will base its decisions on information provided to
FTSE from its ongoing liaison with stock exchanges since
the last review in September 2006 and recommendations from
FTSE's country classification committee which analyses
these matters in detail. The Policy Group will look for
compliance from each market on a series of criteria which
covers management of Regulatory Environment, Custody and
Settlement arrangements, and the efficiency of the Dealing
Landscape and Derivatives market.

    International investors assign equity markets to
Developed or Emerging status for the purpose of risk
management and asset allocation, so the need for these
designations to remain up-to-date is imperative. FTSE is
the only index provider with a transparent, regular and
consistent review of market designation, and as such is
widely regarded by investors, traders and exchanges as the
leading indicator of market status.

    Full details of the country classification process, and
the current status of all 48 international markets currently
included in the flagship FTSE Global Equity Index Series
(GEIS) can be found at http://www.ftse.com/country .

    If you are not a member of the press, please contact
your local Client Services team.

    Notes to Editors: 

    About FTSE Group

    FTSE Group is a world-leader in the creation and
management of indexes. With offices in Beijing, London,
Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Madrid, Paris, New York, San
Francisco, Boston, Shanghai and Tokyo, FTSE Group services
clients in 77 countries worldwide. It calculates and
manages the FTSE Global Equity Index Series, which includes
world-recognized indexes ranging from the FTSE All-World
Index, the FTSE4Good series and the FTSEurofirst Index
series, as well as domestic indexes such as the prestigious
FTSE 100. The company has collaborative arrangements with
the Athens, AMEX, Cyprus, Euronext, Johannesburg London,
Madrid, NASDAQ and Taiwan exchanges, as well as Nomura
Securities, Hang Seng and Xinhua Finance of China. FTSE
also has a collaborative agreement with Dow Jones Indexes
to develop a single sector classification system for global

    FTSE indexes are used extensively by investors
world-wide for investment analysis, performance
measurement, asset allocation, portfolio hedging and for
creating a wide range of index tracking funds. Independent
committees of senior fund managers, derivatives experts,
actuaries and other experienced practitioners review all
changes to the indexes to ensure that they are made
objectively and without bias. Real-time FTSE indexes are
calculated on systems managed by Reuters. Prices and FX
rates used are supplied by Reuters.

    For more information, please contact:

    Hong Kong
     Meredith Blakemore
     Tel:   +852-2230-5801

     Sandra Steel or Sabrina Bhangoo
     Tel:   +44-207-866-1821

    New York
     Jill Shea 
     Tel:   +1-212-648-6166
     Email: media@ftse.com

American Standard Announces Agreement to Sell Bath and Kitchen Business to Bain Capital for $1.755 Billion
July 24, 2007

    PISCATAWAY, N.J., July 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
American Standard Companies Inc. (NYSE: ASD) today
announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to sell
the company's worldwide Bath and Kitchen products business
to funds advised by Bain Capital Partners, LLC, a leading
global private investment firm, for $1.755 billion in cash.

    Upon completion of the sale, Bain Capital will acquire
all of American Standard's Bath and Kitchen business with
2006 annual sales of $2.4 billion, 26,000 employees and 54
production facilities in 23 countries worldwide.  The
business manufactures and markets industry-leading products
under brand names such as American Standard(R), Ideal
Standard(R), Armitage Shanks(R), Porcher(R), Jado(R),
Ceramica Dolomite(R) and Vidima(R).

    The sale closing is expected to occur early in the
fourth quarter. The company intends to use proceeds of the
sale primarily to repurchase common stock and reduce debt
to keep the company at investment-grade standards. The sale
is subject to normal regulatory approvals and customary
closing conditions.  Shareholder approval is not required.
The buyer has secured firm financing commitments. 

    On Feb. 1, 2007, American Standard announced plans to
separate its three businesses by selling Bath and Kitchen,
spinning off Vehicle Control Systems and retaining its
largest business, Air Conditioning Systems and Services. 
Today's announcement is the final step needed for
completion of those plans following the spinoff of Vehicle
Control Systems as an independent publicly traded company
to be known as WABCO, which is scheduled for July 31 at
11:59 p.m. EDT.  In March, the company sold Venesta
Washroom Systems, which was part of Bath and Kitchen. 
Combined with Venesta, proceeds for the sale of Bath and
Kitchen total $1.92 billion.

    Following the spinoff and the sale, American Standard
Companies will change its name to Trane. Trane is the
flagship brand of its global Air Conditioning Systems and
Services business, which last year generated sales of $6.8
billion.  Trane will retain the American Standard brand
name for its heating, ventilating and air conditioning
(HVAC) and related products, while the newly formed Bath
and Kitchen business will retain the name for its markets. 

    "This is a major milestone in our plan to separate
American Standard into three focused, better understood
companies," said Fred Poses, American Standard
chairman and CEO.  "We believe that Bain Capital's
all-cash offer provides excellent value for our
shareowners.  Bath and Kitchen is a global market leader,
with size, global reach and organizational talent.  It has
a rich history and a great future for its customers,
employees and new owners."  

    "This is a market-leading global company with a
wonderful heritage, a strong portfolio of brands, deep
customer relationships and an experienced management
team," said Steve Barnes, a managing director at Bain
Capital based in Boston. "We look forward to
supporting the management team and dedicated employees in
realizing the company's full potential through continued
operational improvements, further enhancing and leveraging
its strong family of brands, and accelerating growth,"
added Walid Sarkis, a London-based managing director at Bain

    American Standard Companies is completing plans to spin
off WABCO.  Regular trading of WABCO's common stock (WBC) is
set to begin Aug. 1 on the New York Stock Exchange.  It is
currently traded on a "when issued" basis.
    American Standard's financial advisor for the Bath and
Kitchen sale is Lazard.  Its legal counsel is Skadden Arps.
 For Bain Capital, Bank of America, N.A. and Credit Suisse
provided financing, Lehman Brothers acted as financial
advisors, Kirkland & Ellis LLP served as legal counsel,
and PricewaterhouseCoopers provided transaction advisory


    American Standard is an $11.2 billion global
manufacturer with market-leading positions in three
businesses: air conditioning systems and services, sold
under the Trane(R) and American Standard(R) brands for
commercial, institutional and residential buildings; bath
and kitchen products, sold under such brands as American
Standard(R) and Ideal Standard(R); and vehicle control
systems, including electronic braking and air suspension
systems, sold under the WABCO(R) name to the world's
leading manufacturers of heavy-duty trucks, buses, SUVs and
luxury cars. The company employs approximately 62,000 people
and has manufacturing operations in 28 countries.  American
Standard is included in both the S&P 500 and the Dow
Jones Sustainability North America Index, which recognizes
the top 20 percent of leaders in corporate sustainability
in North America.  


    Bain Capital ( http://www.baincapital.com ) is a global
private investment firm that manages several pools of
capital including private equity, high-yield assets,
mezzanine capital and public equity with approximately $50
billion in assets under management. Since its inception in
1984, Bain Capital has made private equity investments and
add-on acquisitions in over 240 companies around the world,
including such leading companies as Dunkin' Brands, Sealy,
Toys "R" Us, Michaels Stores, Burger King,
SigmaKalon, Bombardier Recreational Products, Samsonite,
Sensata Technologies and Staples.  Headquartered in Boston,
Bain Capital has offices in New York, London, Munich, Hong
Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo.

    Comments in this news release contain certain
forward-looking statements, which are based on management's
good faith expectations and belief concerning future
developments.  Forward-looking statements can be identified
by the use of words such as "believe,"
"expect," "plans,"
"strategy," "prospects,"
"estimate," "project,"
"anticipate," "intends" and other words
of similar meaning.  Actual results may differ materially
from these expectations.  American Standard does not
undertake any obligation to update such forward-looking

    Additional information is available at
http://www.americanstandard.com .  

    For more information, please contact:

     Skip Colcord
     American Standard
     Tel:   +1-732-980-3065
     Email: hcolcord@americanstandard.com

     Shelly London
     American Standard
     Tel:   +1-732-980-6175
     Email: slondon@americanstandard.com


     Bruce Fisher
     American Standard
     Tel:   +1-732-980-6095
     Email: bfisher@americanstandard.com

     Alex Stanton
     Stanton Crenshaw Communications
     Tel:   +1-212-780-0701
     Email: alex@stantoncrenshaw.com

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