2007年07月03日 報道機関各位 2007年7月3日 エクスネット株式会社 ■ リリースの目的 ■ 弊社のペネトレーションサービスの特徴 ■ トライアル・ペネトレーションサービスの内容 ■ サービス導入の効果 ■ 標準販売価格 販売開始日 本年度販売目標 【エクスネット株式会社とは】 【本件の連絡先】 |
2007年07月03日 トロイカが運営する、中古車SNS&オークションサイト「トロイカ」がリニューアルした。 公式ブロガーとして「ストーリーテラー」というブロガーが自分の趣味や仕事にベストな車の選び方、カスタムの仕方などを公開していくコンテンツも追加。 「トロイカオークション」で落札された車両にはトロイカ2年間保証がオプションで付加でき、オークションで購入後のアフターケアも充実させ2年間保証には24時間365日ロードサービスも付いている。 mapと連動した最寄ショップにガソリンスタンドが加わり、ガソリン価格のランキングなどを公開していく予定。 今後map上にはあらゆる車に関するショップなどの情報を反映させてユーザーとショップを直接結びつける仕組みを強化し、今までのSNSの特徴であったPVによる広告収入に頼るビジネスモデルから脱却し、SNSとmapを連動させたテナント広告モデルの確立を目指すという。 |
2007年07月03日 2007年7月3日 報道関係各位 グルーヴプロモーション株式会社(旧 株式会社ナノプロ) ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ~1強時代到来 通期はシャープの独壇場~ 詳細はこちら⇒ http://www.marketing-research.jp/page/000228.html ■■概要■■
詳細はこちら⇒ http://www.marketing-research.jp/page/000228.html
◆単独首位のシャープ!! ◆通期出荷は4,700万台!! ◆通期投入は129機種!! ◆2007年度見込みは微増の4,800万台出荷!!
要約 表:携帯電話端末の半期別出荷台数推移(2005~2006年度) 1.市場概況 2.市場規模推移と予測(2006~2011年度) 3.端末メーカ各社の動向と今後の計画 4.海外メーカの動向 5.2006年度下期における市場投入端末 6.関連リンク
■■資料の仕様■■ ■■お申し込み方法■■ ■■グルーヴプロモーション株式会社について■■ 代表取締役:森田裕行 |
2007年07月03日 報道関係者各 動画ソリュ-ション企画・開発及びモバイル関連、WEB関連ソフトウェア開発の また、2007年7月7日(土)には、インターネットCM専用 ◆ 「 Pingoo β版 」(ピングー)とは◆
◆ サービス内容 ◆ 【Pingoo :ピングーの仕様 】 1.ダブルブレインについて
3.フューチャモバイルについて 以上 ●本件に関するお問い合わせ |
2007年07月03日 家を建てたい人、建てたいと思っている人のために、資金相談や設計相談、業者選びなどの相談に、無料で応じてくれる住まいのサポートセンター“すまいポート21”。同社では来る平成19年7月14日(土)、15日(日)に上戸祭店で、「健康住宅フェア」を開催することとなりました。 詳細につきましてはホームページをご覧ください。 参加費は無料です。 ■すまいポート21上戸祭店 |
2007年07月03日 ~首都圏への進出を検討しておられる九州の企業経営者の皆様へ~ □ 優秀な人材を採用したい 九州の企業経営者を人材採用の側面からサポートしてきた株式会社リクルートと **************************************************** お申込みは03-6419-4785まで。 |
2007年07月03日 弊社はこのたび企業の求人活動におけるまったく新しいツールをリリースいたし ました。我々が今回スタートさせたサービス「Joblet(ジョブレット)」はネットワーク配信型の求人広告という新たなモデルです。 既存の求人サービスの不透明さ、不確実性、オプションサービスの多さなどを疑い、シンプルに確実なサービスを、と考え開発してきましたので、ぜひ多くの企業の採用担当者の方にご利用いただければと考えております。 ○確実に効く!口コミ感覚の求人サービス 近年、人気のブログやウェブサイトは、情報提供において大きな役割を果たすようになっております。 ・積極的には転職を考えていない優秀な人材にまで求人情報が到達 ○パフォーマンス課金という新たな求人の形! 最小限のコストで採用活動を行っていただくため、
詳細のお問い合わせ、ご質問等ございましたら、どうぞお知らせください。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 ザ・プラント
The Plant について |
2007年07月03日 KUTTOKU広報です。 より便利に、より直間的に、 そして、よりクーポンへの近道を実現です。 KUTTOKUに”店名検索”が追加されました。 β版ということで、まだまだつめが甘いのですが、 よろしくお願いいたします。 さて、機能の説明です。 店名検索は、文字通り”店名”からクーポンを引っ張ってくる機能です。 さて、この店名というのがなかなかのくせものでして、 ぐるなびや、ホットペッパー.jpに掲載されている店舗主様は、 店名に、「キャッチフレーズ」+「店名」+「最寄駅名」+「最寄り出口名」 などを含めて登録されている模様です。 ここらへんの事情をうまく利用していただければ、 ”最寄駅”や”ジャンル”といった検索方法もできてしまいます。 例えば、 ”渋谷”と入力して、検索をかければ、渋谷駅周辺のお店が出てきます。 また、 ”らーめん”と入力すれば、ラーメン屋さんがずらっと出てくるわけです。 もちろん、ピンポイントで、店名を入力していただければ、 お店の情報を習得できますし、 チェーン店の場合は、お店がずらーっと出てきます。 こんなところにもお店があるんだみたいな発見もあったり!!! いろいろ試してみてください。 今回のリリースでは、ちょっとした遊び心を付け足してみました。 検索をしてくださればわかると思いますが、 「 ずるっ」っていう感覚の検索を楽しんでください。 これからも、 より便利に、より直間的に、 そして、より面白いものを作っていきます。 |
2007年07月03日 ■概要 本グランプリは、スポンサーから提供される商品の売上数量を集計し、第1位の店舗を「スポンサーグランプリ」受賞店舗として表彰するものです。 ●スポンサーグランプリの詳細について ■リアルコミュニケーションズとは?
Four Showcased Workforce Initiatives to Be Announced at Gala Dinner on July 9 in Bangkok, Thailand HONG KONG, July 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- (ISC)2(R) ("ISC-squared"), the non-profit global leader in educating and certifying information security professionals throughout their careers, today announced the honorees for its inaugural Asia-Pacific Information Security Leadership Achievements (ISLA) program. In addition to recognizing all honorees, (ISC)2 has chosen four distinguished workforce initiatives led by some of the honorees and will announce them at the ISLA Gala Dinner on July 9 in Bangkok, Thailand. Through ISLA, (ISC)2 is publicly recognizing the ongoing commitment by information security leaders throughout Asia-Pacific to build a highly qualified and ethical workforce. Part of (ISC)2's global Awards Program, ISLA aims to recognize the achievements of outstanding IT security professionals who have significantly contributed to the enhancement of the workforce by demonstrating a leadership role in an IT security workforce improvement initiative, program or project. Professional certification is not a requirement for nomination. Professionals were nominated in three distinct categories: -- Senior non-IT security professional (CIO, CFO, programme/project manager, etc.) -- Senior IT security professional (CSO, CISO, IT Security Manager or senior security manager with significant IT security management responsibilities) -- IT security practitioner who has distinguished him/herself for implementing and/or managing the implementation of a component of a security program The honorees are as follows: In the category of Senior Non-IT Security Professional: -- Dr. San-Cheng (Simon) Chang, CEO, Acer e-Enabling Data Center, Acer, Inc., Taiwan -- Mr M. Chella Namasivayam, Vice President - Information Technology and Administration, iGATE Global Solutions, India -- Mr Michael Gazeley, Managing Director, Network Box Corporation Limited, Hong Kong, China -- Mr Vishwas Patel, CEO, Avenues India Private Limited, India In the category of Senior IT Security Professional: -- Mr Mark Ames, CISSP, CISA, CISM, Director, ICT Risk, Australia -- Ms Sayaka Asano, CISSP, Consultant, Hewlett-Packard Japan, Ltd., Japan -- Professor Lynn Batten, Professor, Deakin University, Australia -- Mr Choichi Hasegawa, CISSP, Senior Security Specialist, Security Business Products Planning, Nihon Unisys, Ltd., Japan -- Mr Andy Ho, CISSP, CISA, CISM, Regional IT Security Manager, IBM Global Services, Hong Kong, China -- Professor Dato' Dr. Norbik Bashah Bin Idris, CISSP, Technical Director, SCAN Associates Berhad, Malaysia -- Mr Ammar Jaffri, Project Director, National Response Center for Cyber Crimes, Federal Investigation Agency, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan -- Mr Shoji Kawano, CISSP, Assistant Director, Security Service Dept., dit Co. Ltd., Japan -- Dr. Sung-Kwon Lee, CISSP, Vice President, Infosec Technologies Co, Ltd. and President of CISSP Korea Chapter, South Korea -- Professor Jian-Hua Li, Executive Deputy Dean, School of Information Security Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China -- Mr Mohd Adzman Musa, CISSP, Director, SV Solution Centric Sdn Bhd, Malaysia -- Dr. Aftab Rizvi, CISSP, Principal Consultant/Director, Risk Associates Pty Ltd., Australia -- Mr Kumpol Sontanarat, Director of IT Department, Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand -- Dr. Keith B. White, CISSP, Security Services Director, Asia Pacific, Alcatel-Lucent, Australia In the category of IT Security Practitioner: -- Mr Edward Farrell, SSCP, Systems Engineer, Data#3, Australia -- Mr Danny Wing-Chiu Ha, CISSP, CISA, CISM, CPM, FCRP, CRT, CF-ITIL, CT- CLE-Logistics, Chief Security and Risk Consultant, Auditor, Trainer and Director of CDS Consulting Ltd. (OneNet) and currently President of Institute of Crisis and Risk and Management (ICRM), Hong Kong, China -- Mr Dutsadee Israngkura, CISSP, IT Security Specialist, TISCO Information Technology, Thailand -- Mr Varin Khera, Senior Information Security Consultant, ACIS Professional Centre, Thailand -- Mr Siu Cheong (SC) Leung, CISSP, CISA, CBCP, Founding Chairperson of Professional Information Security Association (PISA), currently Senior Consultant of Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT), Hong Kong, China -- Mr Paul Martinuzzo, CISSP, IT Compliance Manager, Yarra Valley Water, Australia -- Mr Tomohide Okochi, CISSP, Deputy Manager, NTT Communications Corporation, Japan -- Mr Adnan Shahid, CISSP-ISSMP, ITIL, Head of IT Operations, Mobilink, Pakistan -- Mr Wo Sang Young, CISSP, CISA, CIFI, CHFI, CEH, Ex-Chairperson, Professional Information Security Association (PISA) and Security Consultant of SecuriTech Solutions (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, China Ed Zeitler, CISSP, executive director for (ISC)2, said, "We would like to congratulate all the honourees for the leadership and vision they possess that qualified them to receive ISLA recognition. In this is the inaugural year for ISLA, we are thrilled to have received an overwhelming number of nominations from various economies in Asia-Pacific, representing professionals with diverse backgrounds who've made significant accomplishments in the field of information security. We are honoured to recognise these talented and diligent individuals who are clearly making a difference in Asia-Pacific for securing information security for the public at large." The ISLA Nomination Review Committee, which determined the qualified nominees, consists of five members of the (ISC)2 Asian Advisory Board, a group of volunteer, senior-level information security professionals who advise (ISC)2 on local industry issues. ISLA recognizes all candidates who meet the criteria of the three categories. Additionally, the ISLA Nomination Review Committee elected to showcase individuals who have led an innovative or distinguishable IT security workforce improvement initiative. The criteria for selecting these initiatives were: -- The impact the initiative, program or project had on the business or organization -- How the initiative, program or project leveraged people, processes and technology for a successful implementation -- Innovative approaches to overcoming obstacles or how the initiative, program or project built a foundation for the future For details about the Nomination Review Committee, please visit https://www.isc2.org/cgi-bin/content.cgi?page=1239 . All honorees and the showcased workforce initiatives will be celebrated on stage at the ISLA Gala Dinner on 9 July 2007 at the Sheraton Grand Sukhumvit in Bangkok, Thailand. Concurrently, the (ISC)2 Security Leadership Event InformationSecurityAsia 2007: SecureAsia@Bangkok Conference will be held 10-11 July 2007 in the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. (ISC)2 Board members and renowned industry experts from the US and Asia-Pacific will discuss the most updated information security technologies and management strategies. For more information and to register for this event, please visit http://www.informationsecurityasia.com . About (ISC)2 The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc. ((ISC)2(R)) is the internationally recognized Gold Standard for certifying information security professionals. Founded in 1989, (ISC)2 has certified over 50,000 information security professionals in 129 countries. Based in Palm Harbor, Florida, USA, with offices in Vienna, Virginia, USA, London, Hong Kong and Tokyo, (ISC)2 issues the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP(R)) and related concentrations, Certification and Accreditation Professional (CAP(CM)), and Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP(R)) credentials to those meeting necessary competency requirements. The CISSP, CISSP-ISSEP(R), CISSP-ISSAP(R) and SSCP are among the first information technology credentials to meet the stringent requirements of ANSI/ISO/IEC Standard 17024, a global benchmark for assessing and certifying personnel. (ISC)2 also offers a continuing professional education program, portfolio of education products and services based upon (ISC)2's CBK(R), a taxonomy of information security topics and is responsible for the annual (ISC)2 Global Information Security Workforce Study. More information is available at http://www.isc2.org . (C) 2007, (ISC)2 Inc. (ISC)2, CISSP, SSCP, ISSAP, ISSEP and CBK are registered marks and CAP is a certification mark of (ISC)2, Inc. For more information, please contact: Kitty Chung (ISC)2 Asia-Pacific Tel: +852-3520-4001 Email: kchung@isc2.org
OSAKA, Japan and MIDLAND, Mich., July 3 /XInhua-PRNewswire / -- DAIKIN and Dow Corning Corporation have jointly developed a new product for fabric protection. The new Unidyne(TM) TG-5521 fabric treatment delivers the advantages of two complementary chemistries - the superior oil and water repellency of fluorine and the softness of silicone. Additionally, this combination of performance benefits is available in the new C6 fluorine platform, which enhances the product's environmental performance. DAIKIN and Dow Corning created an alliance in 2005 to develop new products that take advantage of the strong benefits of fluorine and silicone. Transitioning protective chemistry to improve environmental performance presented a natural focus. The alliance targeted a product with equal or better oil and water repellency when compared to traditional protective chemistry, an improved environmental footprint, and a luxurious feel. Customers conducting trials with the new product report that it succeeds in all respects. Mike Ladd, DAIKIN AMERICA's Unidyne brand business manager, commented, "People have had some success by mixing chemicals, but putting everything in one molecule gives better all-around performance where a soft hand is desired and allows the mill to concentrate on product quality and productivity. Customer reaction from trial runs has been very good." Tison Keel, vice president of Sales and Marketing for DAIKIN AMERICA, said, "DAIKIN and Dow Corning share the priority of creating sustainability and performance. This product offers a new way to solve an issue facing our customers every day. The specifications were simple - `Give us an environmentally improved product with traditional performance.' With the collaboration of great chemistries and great chemists, we achieved that." John Torgerson, business development manager for Dow Corning's Fluorine Program, said, "Dow Corning has a history of providing innovative solutions to help textile brands compete in the global marketplace. Working jointly with DAIKIN enables us to build on our strong silicon chemistry base and extend the range of solutions we can offer not only to textiles but also to the other industries we serve. This is the first of many market-leading developments we expect to come from these great scientists working together." The new Unidyne TG-5521 fabric treatment will be sold exclusively by DAIKIN and will be available worldwide. Production is scheduled to begin in early August 2007. Additional information and product samples can be obtained by contacting Mike Ladd by e-mail at ladd@daikin-america.com or telephone at +1 256 260 6342. More information about the technologies used to achieve this result will be shared in a presentation at the 4th European Silicon Days Conference, which will be held September 9-11, 2007, in Bath, England. About DAIKIN DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD., ( http://www.daikin.com ) is a leader in the fluorochemicals industry, offering more than 2,000 products, including gases, fluoropolymers, and elastomers, to customers worldwide. DAIKIN is committed to developing new uses for fluorochemicals in the years ahead, both in everyday products and advanced applications. With operations in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe, and North America, DAIKIN is positioned to meet the needs of an increasingly borderless business environment. DAIKIN AMERICA, INC. ( http://www.daikin-america.com ) is a wholly owned subsidiary of DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. DAIKIN AMERICA manufactures and sells Unidyne plus other fluorine-based products, including repellents, protectants, stain releases, fluoropolymers, and elastomers, to customers worldwide. DAIKIN and Unidyne are trademarks of DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. About Dow Corning Dow Corning ( http://www.dowcorning.com ) provides performance-enhancing solutions to serve the diverse needs of more than 25,000 customers worldwide. A global leader in silicon-based technology and innovation that offers more than 7,000 products and services, Dow Corning is equally owned by The Dow Chemical Company and Corning, Incorporated. More than half of Dow Corning's annual sales are outside the United States. Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. We help you invent the future is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. For more information, please contact: Nancy Collins AGP & Associates Tel: +1-989-839-5800 Email: collins@agp-inc.com
NEW YORK, July 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Starr International Company, Inc. ("SICO"), through its wholly-owned subsidiary Starr Investments Cayman I, Inc., acquired a substantial shareholding in Discovery Russian Realty Paveletskaya Project Limited, a real estate development company which will develop a mixed use complex in the Paveletskaya business area in Moscow. The development contemplates construction of four 11-story class A office buildings and an hotel of 170 rooms. Starr International Company, Inc ("SICO") is a non-regulated private investment company incorporated in Panama in 1943 and is chaired by Mr. Maurice R. Greenberg. SICO serves as a private financial services holding company with approximately USD$20 billion in assets world wide. These investments are made through direct investments, publicly traded securities and private equity funds with a focus on financial services, real estate, consumer products and services, retail and energy businesses. SICO remains as the single largest shareholder of American International Group, Inc. For more information, please contact: Sarah Lubman Brunswick Group Tel: +1-212-333-3810
Addition of Two Senior Research Analysts in New York Further Positions Pali Institutional Securities Business NEW YORK and LONDON, July 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Pali Capital, Inc., the US broker-dealer subsidiary of Pali Holdings, Inc. today announced the further expansion of its research team in the United States through the hiring of two senior analysts, covering the homebuilding and building products sector and Chinese gaming, internet and media equities, respectively. This expansion to coverage of homebuilding provides Pali with the capacity for insight into a critical indicator for the overall economy in the US. Expertise in China complements existing resources in Pali's London office. Coverage of these sectors in China is part of the broader effort by Pali to deepen its Asia and Pacific Rim business, which includes our anticipated approval by the Singapore Monetary Authority for Pali operations in Singapore for Q4 2007. The two new analysts in the US include Stephen East and Tian X. Hou. Stephen East (seast@palicapital.com) joins Pali as a Managing Director, Consumer Durables, covering the Homebuilding and Building Products equities. Mr. East has followed these sectors for fourteen years, most recently at Susquehana Financial Group and previously at Fiduciary Asset Management and A.G. Edwards. His industry experience includes more than six years at Monsanto, a diversified specialty chemicals company. Tian X. Hou (thou@palicapital.com) has also joined Pali as a Managing Director, China Technology covering equities. Ms. Hou has been following these sectors for three years at C.E. Unterberg, Towbin and previously worked as a strategist at Sanford C. Bernstein. Her industry experience includes owning and operating a business in China, advisory work for the Chinese central government, consulting for US companies entering China and as a Business Strategy Consultant at IBM. Brad C. Reifler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pali, commented: "Over the past 12 years we have carefully invested into areas that we believe are value-add to our institutional customer base, whether in terms of structured products, fixed income and, of course, research. These most recent additions to the research team demonstrate continued execution of our business plan. Stephen and Tian bring both industry and Wall Street experience to the table, providing credibility and serious insight for our customers." Mr. Reifler further stated: "Research is an important aspect to any institutional equities business. Without strength in this area, a firm is limited in terms of its overall contributions to the institutional client. We have invested strategically in this area for years." About Pali Pali, a global institutional securities firm and investment bank, has served an institutional money manager customer base from New York and London over the past 12 years. Pali has 5 US-based analysts and 12 based in London performing fundamental research on Europe and Asia equities and an event-driven research team. Headquartered in New York, with offices in Boston, Minneapolis and London, Pali provides clients with institutional brokerage, securities research, capital markets services and corporate finance advisory services. For more information, please contact: Hilary Bergman, Chief Administrative Officer, Pali Capital, Inc. T: (212) 259-2602 E: hbergman@palicapital.com Derrelle Janey, Executive Vice President Pali Capital, Inc. T: (212) 259-2627 E: djaney@palicapital.com Patrick Egan, Chief Operating Officer, Pali International, Inc. T: 44 20 7190 0805 E: Patrick. Egan@palii.com Special Note On Forward-Looking Statements This release contains "forward-looking" statements. Forward-looking statements include statements about our future and statements that are not historical facts. The forward-looking statements in this release pertain to the future development and expansion of our business. Forward-looking statements represent only our belief regarding future events, many of which by their nature are inherently uncertain. The use of these forward-looking statements does not infer that the results will be achieved. It is possible that the actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results indicated in these forward-looking statements. The information contained herein, including any expression of opinion, has been prepared for informational purposes only and is not an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument.
NEW YORK, July 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC announced today that it has filed a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a proposed initial public offering of its Class A shares representing Class A limited liability company interests. The firm intends to apply to list its Class A shares on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol OZM. Och-Ziff is a leading international, institutional alternative asset management firm and one of the largest alternative asset managers in the world. Goldman, Sachs & Co. and Lehman Brothers Inc. are serving as co-lead managers for the proposed offering. The offering will be made only by means of a prospectus. A copy of the prospectus relating to this offering, when available, may be obtained from the Prospectus Department of Goldman, Sachs & Co., 85 Broad Street, New York, New York 10004, fax number +1-212-902-9316 or email prospectus-ny@ny.email.gs.com; or Lehman Brothers Inc., c/o Broadridge, 1155 Long Island Avenue, Edgewood, New York 11717, fax number +1-631-254-7140. A registration statement relating to these securities has been filed with the SEC but has not yet become effective. These securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy these securities be accepted prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective. For more information, please contact: Steve Bruce or Chuck Dohrenwend The Abernathy MacGregor Group, for Och-Ziff Capital Management Group Tel: +1-212-371-5999
ST. LOUIS, July 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Citing the growing importance of the role chemicals are playing in advanced semiconductor applications, SAFC, a member of the Sigma-Aldrich Group (Nasdaq: SIAL), today unveiled the new identity of its SAFC Hitech brand following the acquisition of UK-based chemicals supplier, Epichem Limited. The company outlined its unique business proposition, offering a total supply chain partner capability with global sales and local service to deliver market-leading chemicals expertise to the silicon and compound semiconductor industries worldwide. (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20050215/CGSIGMAALLOGO) With the addition of Epichem's expertise and industry relationships, built up over the past 25 years, SAFC Hitech now offers a rich compound and silicon semiconductor skill set for the development, integration and large-scale manufacture of chemical vapor deposition precursors for conductive films, barrier layers, high-k dielectrics for advanced gate stacks, low-k dielectrics for inter-level dielectric layer (IDL) applications and specialty optical or surface modification coatings. "We acquired Epichem because of their unique understanding of advanced chemistries for the silicon and compound semiconductor markets," said Frank Wicks, President of SAFC. "This is a valuable extension of our own unique understanding of manufacturing production-scale high-purity chemicals, our global supply chain infrastructure and financial strength. Combined, we offer our customers access to chemicals expertise, close collaboration on the development of new materials and process integration schemes, and the ability to quickly scale-up to volume production levels. This unique business model accelerates technology progression and time-to-market, giving SAFC Hitech a strong competitive edge in serving the semiconductor industry." The role of chemistry in semiconductor manufacturing is rapidly evolving as the industry strives to keep pace with Moore's Law. The need for increased performance and smaller design rules brings greater complexity in device manufacturing, especially on the gate level where molecular chemistry is being applied. Going forward, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), chemical companies and Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs) will need to interface directly with one another to develop the best chemistries, process technologies and integration schemes for particular applications. "As we continue to find innovative materials for next generation technology nodes, the need for greater collaboration between process engineers, tool manufacturers and chemical companies becomes critical," said Barry Leese, President of SAFC Hitech. "What we will experience moving forward is an increased commitment to a turnkey approach through increasing levels of cooperation. This signals a change in the traditional business model. SAFC Hitech is well positioned to capitalize on this market opportunity, guiding customers successfully through the entire supply chain and production process, from research and development through pilot production to commercialization and materials disposal." SAFC Hitech will unveil its product roadmap for the silicon and compound semiconductor markets on July 17th at Semicon West 2007 in San Francisco, CA. Further information on the company can be found online at its new Web site -- http://www.safchitech.com About SAFC: SAFC is the custom manufacturing and services group within Sigma-Aldrich that focuses on high-purity inorganics for high technology applications, cell culture products and services for biopharmaceutical manufacturing, biochemical production and the manufacturing of complex, multi-step organic synthesis of APIs and key intermediates. SAFC has manufacturing facilities around the world dedicated to providing manufacturing services for companies requiring a reliable partner to produce their custom manufactured materials. SAFC has four operating segments -- SAFC Pharma, SAFC Supply Solutions, SAFC Biosciences, and SAFC Hitech -- and had annual sales of nearly $500 million in 2006. SAFC is one of the world's 10 largest fine chemical businesses. About Sigma-Aldrich: Sigma-Aldrich is a leading Life Science and High Technology company. Our biochemical and organic chemical products and kits are used in scientific and genomic research, biotechnology, pharmaceutical development, the diagnosis of disease and as key components in pharmaceutical and other high technology manufacturing. We have customers in life science companies, university and government institutions, hospitals and in industry. Over one million scientists and technologists use our products. Sigma-Aldrich operates in 36 countries and has 7,600 employees providing excellent service worldwide. We are committed to accelerating Customers' success through leadership in Life Science, High Technology and Service. For more information about Sigma-Aldrich, please visit our award-winning web site at http://www.sigma-aldrich.com. About SAFC Hitech: SAFC Hitech provides a unique chemistry service translating application understanding into performance materials worldwide. Through collaborative partnerships and an integrated approach from research and development, process development and scale up to commercial manufacturing, SAFC Hitech invests in innovation and manufacturing enabling current and future technology needs. Cautionary Statement: This release contains forward-looking statements relating to future performance, goals, strategic actions and initiatives and similar intentions and beliefs and other statements regarding the Companies' expectations, goals, beliefs, intentions and the like, which involve assumptions regarding the Companies' operations and conditions in the markets the Companies serve. The Companies do not undertake any obligation to update these forward-looking statements. For more information, please contact: Dr. Frank Wicks President SAFC Tel: +1-314-286-8008 Media Inquiries Mr. Mark Button Impress Public Relations Tel: +1-408-310-2168 Email: mark@impress-pr.com
NEW YORK, July 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Platts, the world's leading energy information provider and a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), today said it will further enhance its methodology for assessing the price of Dated Brent crude oil, the world's premier oil benchmark. Platts currently determines its Dated Brent assessment by tracking the most competitively priced of Brent, Forties, Oseberg and Ekofisk crudes produced in the North Sea. On June 7, 2007, Platts implemented a quality threshold of 0.6% sulfur for Forties crude oil to be considered in Platts' North Sea assessments. Today Platts is further enhancing the quality standard on Forties crude by introducing a "price de-escalator" that will adjust downward the price of oil delivered by a seller to a buyer at sulfur levels above 0.6%. Both actions were taken to ensure the integrity of the benchmark and to maintain the continuity of the assessment process reflecting consistent quality in crude oil grades. Today's action followed a constructive dialogue with oil industry participants about implementing a mechanism to deal with cases where the crude oil delivered contains sulfur exceeding the 0.6% quality parameter. "We believe the enhancements to our assessment methodology will help bring greater transparency to this complex market," said Dan Tanz, editorial vice president at Platts. "Platts consulted intensively with the industry over a period of weeks and considered a number of options to improve the workability of the quality standard. In the end the options narrowed to two: either remove Forties from the assessment process, or introduce a quality standard to contend with potential erratic price behaviour of the Forties blend. We chose the second option as we believe Forties serves the valuable purpose of providing a sufficient volume of crude to underpin the benchmark. We believe that greater volume underpinning a benchmark ensures wider market representation and an assessment reflective of market value." Dated Brent is used in spot and long-term contracts to value around 60% of the 85 million barrels of crude oil produced in global oil markets each day. According to a press release on June 7 by the Forties Pipeline System (FPS), the summer quality of Forties crude oil will be significantly downgraded as a result of field maintenance activities. FPS said the Forties crude blend beginning in August will contain a significantly higher percentage of Buzzard, a more sulfurous and heavier crude oil. Since sulfur is an impurity that lowers the value of a crude oil, this would result in a distortion in the value of the Dated Brent benchmark if left unaddressed. "Quality of crude oil and the need for standards have become an issue in the North Sea as new streams are blended into established benchmark grades," said Jorge Montepeque, Platts Global Director of Market Reports. "Platts is committed to delivering reports and assessments that are reflective of the market value of Dated Brent; and these methodology enhancements will help us do that." The price de-escalator, effective July 2, provides for an amount of $0.40 cents per barrel for every 0.1 degree of sulfur over the 0.6% quality threshold. The 40-cent de-escalator will be effective through calendar year 2007 unless there is a significant and sustained event in the crude oil market that would necessitate an interim review. Platts in September 2007 will initiate a consultation with the industry to determine the de-escalator mechanism for the 2008 period. A detailed "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) document on Platts' new quality standard for Forties crude and the de-escalator mechanism can be found at http://www.platts.com . About Platts Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals information and a top supplier of benchmark prices in the physical markets. With nearly a century of business experience, Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries. From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help them make better trading and investment decisions. Additional information is available at http://www.platts.com . About The McGraw-Hill Companies: Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . For more information, please contact: Kathleen Tanzy Tel: +1-212-904-2860 Email: kathleen_tanzy@platts.com Europe: Shiona Ramage Tel: +44-207-1766153 Email: Shiona_ramage@platts.com Asia: Casey Yew Tel: +65-653-06552 Email: Casey_yew@platts.com
Limelight Networks Japan Will Focus on Providing Limelight's Content Delivery Services to Japanese Media, Entertainment and E-commerce Customers and Partners TEMPE, Ariz., July 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Limelight Networks, a leading content delivery network for digital media, today announced it has established a wholly-owned Japanese subsidiary, Limelight Networks Japan, Inc., with headquarters located in Tokyo. Limelight Networks Japan is headed by Shinji Tsukamoto, president of the new firm, which will focus on providing Limelight's digital content delivery network (CDN) services to Japanese customers and partners. "There is a strong demand in Japan for the Internet distribution of video, music, games, social media and e-commerce," said David Hatfield, senior vice president of worldwide sales, marketing and services at Limelight Networks. "From our Japanese subsidiary, we will be able to deliver world-class customer service for Japanese media, entertainment and e-commerce companies that require real-time content delivery across multiple platforms and browsers to audiences of any size, and the ability to cost-effectively scale their capacity to accommodate high growth." "About 90 percent of Internet connections in Japan are now broadband, so leveraging a CDN to store and transport large files such as video, games and software downloads with high performance, reliability and cost effectiveness is critical for our customers," said Tsukamoto. "I am excited to be heading up Limelight Japan and look forward to addressing the market opportunities here for Limelight's leading solutions for rich media content delivery." Tsukamoto is a seasoned executive in the Japanese Internet media and advertising industry. Prior to joining Limelight, he was senior director of Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions. Before that, he held positions as executive director, president, and chief operating officer of Critical Path Japan. His 14-year career in the technology industry also includes management positions in the Internet business segment of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. About Limelight Networks Limelight Networks is a high-performance content delivery network for digital media, providing massively scalable, global delivery solutions for on-demand and live Internet distribution of video, music, games and social media. Limelight Networks' infrastructure is optimized for the large object sizes, large content libraries, and large audiences associated with compelling rich media content. Limelight is the content delivery network of choice for more than 700 of the world's top media companies, including Akimbo, Amazon Unbox(TM), Belo Interactive, Brightcove, "BuyMusic" @ Buy.com, DreamWorks, LLC, Facebook, FOXNews.com, IFILM, ITV Play, Metacafe, MSNBC.com, MySpace, NC Interactive, Valve Software, Radio Free Virgin and Xbox Live. For more information, visit http://www.llnw.com . For more information, please contact: Kristen Leon Waggener Edstrom Worldwide Tel: +1-415-547-7027 Email: kristenl@waggeneredstrom.com