

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。






 不動産投資から開発事業まで幅広いサービスを提供する不動産マーチャントバンキング企業、株式会社ニューシティコーポレーション(本社:東京都港区六本木、代表取締役社長 原 史郎、以下ニューシティコーポレーション)は、本年1月17日、株式会社丸広百貨店より旧東飯能店舗ビルを取得いたしました。



< 概 要 >
 所在地 :埼玉県飯能市栄町24-4 他
 交 通 :西武池袋線、JR八高線「東飯能」駅 徒歩1分
 建物構造:SRC造 地上8階地下2階

*回取得した丸広百貨店 旧東飯能店舗ビル
 (※ 関連資料を参照してください。)


 社 名:株式会社ニューシティコーポレーション
 所在地:東京都港区六本木1-6-1 泉ガ-デンタワー29階
 設 立:2000年7月7日
 代表取締役:会長兼最高経営責任者 フランク・S・オレル
       社長 原 史郎

日立システムアンドサービス、偽サイト誘導などを防止するアプライアンスサーバーを販売インターネットアドレスの改ざんによる偽サイト誘導を防止するアプライアンスサーバ 「Infoblox(インフォブロックス)シリーズ」の販売を開始  株式会社日立システムアンドサービス(東京都港区、執行役社長 中村 博行、以下「日立システム」)は、米国Infoblox社のDNS/DHCPアプライアンスサーバ「Infobloxシリーズ」を1月23日から販売します。  インターネットでホームページや業務システムへアクセスするには、入力したドメイン名をIPアドレスに変換し URL(*1)を確定するDNS(*2)サーバや、各端末へIPアドレスの割り振りを行うDHCP(*3)サーバが必要です。これらのサーバは、一般的に汎用のPCサーバなどで構築されていることが多いため、信頼性や運用性、セキュリティの強化が課題となっています。  今回、発売する「Infobloxシリーズ」は、Web用に特化した独自のオペレーティングシステムと専用のソフトウェアで動作するアプライアンスサーバです。DNSサーバとDHCPサーバの機能を1台で動作させることが可能で、また、拠点に分散して設置した場合でもセンターから集中管理できます。さらに、扱い易い管理画面を採用しているので操作も簡単です。信頼性では、1台が故障しても継続して動作する構成を構築でき、ノンストップな運用設計が可能となっています。「Infobloxシリーズ」を導入することで、DNSサーバ機能では、ドメイン名のIPアドレスを改ざんして偽サイトへ誘導するファーミング攻撃の防止や大量のパケットを送りつけてサーバ機能を麻痺させるDoS攻撃(*4)の影響を防ぐことができます。DHCPサーバ機能では、MACアドレス(*5)を登録することで不正な端末の接続を防止することができます。  日立システムは、「Infobloxシリーズ」の販売に伴い、同製品の一次代理店である東京エレクトロン デバイス株式会社(神奈川県横浜市、取締役社長 砂川 俊昭)と販売契約を締結し、大規模構成のお客様でも安心して導入できるように「Infobloxシリーズ」の技術支援及び24時間体制の保守サービスを提供します。 日立システムは、これまで蓄積してきたDNS/DHCPサーバの構築経験を生かし、「Infobloxシリーズ」でのDNS/DHCPサーバの構築を展開します。さらに、自社製品「オープンネット・ガード」のMACアドレス管理機能との連携により、社内への持込パソコンの防止や不正接続検知などの端末管理機能を強化し、内部統制ソリューションの基盤として提供していきます。これらにより、「Infobloxシリーズ」関連で、今後、2年間で5億円の販売を目標としています。 ■Infobloxシリーズの特長 1.専用アプライアンス機器による高信頼性と安定性を実現します。  2.独自のオペレーションシステムとソフトウェアでセキュリティに強い製品です。  3.複数のInfobloxサーバをグリッド機能により集中管理が可能です。  4.Infobloxサーバ間の通信に暗号化通信を採用、通信情報を保護します。  5.ソフトウェアのアップデートを自動化することで常に最新の環境を保つことができます。  6.「オープンネット・ガード」MACアドレス管理機能と連携することで端末管理を支援します。   *1 URL(Uniform Resource Locator):ホームページの場所情報  *2 DNS(Domain Name System):ドメイン名をIPアドレスに変換するシステム  *3 DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):IPアドレスを端末に配信するプロトコル  *4 DoS(Denial of Services)攻撃:大量のパケットを送りつけてサービスを麻痺させる攻撃  *5 MAC(Media Access Control)アドレス:端末がネットワーク上で使用する固有な番号 ■シリーズ構成 ・IB-550   小規模拠点向け ・IB-1050  中規模拠点向け ・IB-1550  大規模拠点向け ・IB-1552  データセンター向け・電源ユニット冗長化 ■「Infobloxシリーズ」 標準価格(税込価格) IB-550 1,160,000円~(税込) ■「Infobloxシリーズ」のご紹介 URL  http://www.hitachi-system.co.jp/infoblox/index.html ■東京エレクトロン デバイス株式会社(CN事業本部)について 東京エレクトロン デバイス株式会社は、ネットワーク設計やコンピュータシステムおよびネットワーク関連機器を幅広く取り扱う技術商社です。世界の最先端テクノロジーをいち早くキャッチするマーケティング機能を国内外に持ち、米国Infoblox社の一次代理店として製品の販売、保守を行います。 ■商品名称等に関する表示 記載している会社名、製品名は、各社の商標または登録商標です。 ● 関連リンク(株)日立システムアンドサービス ホームページ








 ※ 添付資料 参照

 ※ 添付資料 参照

ボシュロム・ジャパン、遠近両用ソフトコンタクトレンズ「メダリストマルチフォーカル」を発売 次世代型・遠近両用2週間交換ソフトコンタクト 「ボシュロムメダリストマルチフォーカル」新発売 40代からも、ずっとコンタクトで。 手元から遠くまで、楽に自然に見える快適な生活を。  コンタクトレンズをはじめとするアイケア製品の総合メーカー、ボシュロム・ジャパン株式会社(東京都品川区南大井6-26-2 大森ベルポートB館 代表取締役社長:井上隆久)は2007年1月22日より遠近両用2週間交換ソフトコンタクト「ボシュロムメダリストマルチフォーカル」を全国で発売します。  40代で感じる初期の老眼から年齢と共に進行した老眼まで、幅広い年代にお使いいただける次世代型・遠近両用ソフトコンタクトレンズ「メダリストマルチフォーカル」は、コンタクトレンズを手放すことのできない世代の方々にこれまでと変わらない利便性とライフスタイルを提供します。 40代から感じる視力の衰えに、新しい遠近両用2週間ソフトコンタクト 「ボシュロムメダリストマルチフォーカル」  40歳を過ぎた頃から訪れる手元が見づらくなる現象いわゆる「老眼」は、視力の良い悪いとは関係なく年齢と共に誰にでも起こる避けることのできない現象です。  「メダリストマルチフォーカル」は、手元用から遠く用の度数が境目なく変化する次世代型のマルチフォーカル構造を採用し、装用開始から短期間で慣れ易く、手元から遠くまで楽に自然な見え方が得られる遠近両用ソフトコンタクトレンズです。  40代で感じる初期の老眼から年齢と共に進行した老眼まで、幅広い年代にお使いいただける次世代型・遠近両用ソフトコンタクトレンズ「メダリストマルチフォーカル」は、コンタクトレンズを手放すことのできない世代の方々にこれまでと変わらない利便性とライフスタイルを提供します。 「ボシュロムメダリストマルチフォーカル」3つの特長  バイフォーカルから「マルチフォーカル」へ 累進構造の次世代型レンズデザイン  従来の遠近両用(バイフォーカル)コンタクトレンズは、遠近の度数が隣接しているため、見え方に違和感があったり、慣れるまでに時間がかかるといったことがありました。  メダリストマルチフォーカルは、手元用の度数から周辺に向かいだんだんと遠く用の度数へと境目なく自然に変化する 構造を採用することにより、装用開始から短期間で慣れ易く自然な見え方が得られます。 うるおい感が持続するレンズ素材  一定の水分量を安定して保つ低含水、汚れがつきにくく乾燥しにくい非イオン性の素材を採用。  涙の質や量が低下してくる40代からの瞳にもうるおいが長時間続きます。 手元が見づらくても扱いやすく  取扱い時にレンズが見やすいブルーカラーを採用。(装用時に目の色が変わって見えることはありません)また、指の上でも形がやさしく安定するため毎日のつけはずしが簡単に行えます。  非イオン性のレンズ素材  レンズがマイナスイオンを帯びていないので、プラスイオンである汚れをひき寄せにくくなっています。 【老眼のしくみ】  人間の目は、近くを見る時・遠くを見る時で水晶体(眼球内のレンズ)の厚さを自動的に調節して見たいものにピントを合わせる機能を持っていますが、年齢と共に水晶体が硬くなったり、それを支える毛様体筋の働きが低下したりして、近くにピントを合わせることができなくなるのが老眼です。  新聞などを約30cm以上離さないと見えにくい場合は老眼の可能性があります。老眼は一般的には40歳を過ぎたころから起こりますが、個人差があり、早い人では30代半ばから始まります。 新製品概要 製品名:   ボシュロムメダリストマルチフォーカル          医療機器承認番号:16000BZY00048000 品 目:    遠近両用2週間交換ソフトコンタクト パッケージ: 1箱レンズ6枚入り/片眼約3ヵ月分 販売価格:  オープン価格 取り扱い:   全国の眼科施設、コンタクトレンズ専門店、眼鏡店等 発売日:    2007年1月22日(メーカー出荷開始) 発売エリア: 全国 ※一部施設での先行発売(2006年10月より)を経て全国発売を開始 お問い合わせ先  ボシュロムお客様相談室: 0120-132490  http://www.medalist.jp 150年の歴史を持つ総合アイケアカンパニー 「ボシュロム」  1853年米国ニューヨーク州に設立されたボシュロム社は、1971年に世界で初めてソフトコンタクトレンズを製品化したアイケアのリーディングカンパニーです。その後も使い捨てタイプのコンタクトレンズや、煮沸不要1ボトルタイプのケア用品など、多様化するユーザーのニーズに合わせた様々な製品を送り出してきました。  現在では、サプリメントや眼科用医薬品、眼内レンズ・眼科手術機器などの領域においても眼科医やユーザーからの高い支持を受け、世界100以上の国々においてビジネスを展開するグローバル企業に成長。“確かな視界で快適な暮らしを”をスローガンに世界中の人々の目の健康に貢献しています。 http://www.bausch.co.jp/company/  ※詳細は参考資料を参照 ● 関連リンク ボシュロム・ジャパン(株) ホームページ










Canadian Solar Reports Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting, Files 20-F
June 29, 2007

    JIANGSU, China, June 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian
Solar Inc. ("the Company", or "CSI")
(Nasdaq: CSIQ) today reported results from the Company's
first annual meeting held today at The Westin Bund Center
    Approval of two items under consideration was announced
at the annual meting:

    1. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA, Ltd. was reappointed
as the auditors of 
       the Company and the directors of the Company were
authorized to fix the 
       auditor's remuneration; 

    2. Five directors were re-elected to the Company's
board of directors: 
       Shawn (Xiaohua) Qu, CSI's Chairman, President and
Chief Executive 
       Officer; Bing Zhu, CSI's Director and Chief
Financial Officer; and 
       directors Arthur Chien, Lars-Eric Johansson, and
Robert McDermott.

    The Company noted it filed audited financial results
for 2006 and filed its annual report on Form 20-F,
including audited 2006 financial statements, with the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on May
29, 2007.
    Dr. Shawn Qu, CEO of CSI, commented, "2006 was a
year of impressive growth and achievement for CSI.  We
expanded our customer base and market penetration.  We
entered important new geographic markets.  We also secured
the financing to support our continued growth through a
well received IPO on the NASDAQ market.  Throughout the
year our team relied on industry experience that continues
to differentiate CSI.  We clearly understand the market and
we know how to build a world leader.  The numerous positive
developments underway that position CSI for continued
growth and success give us confidence in our outlook for
2007 and beyond." 
    About Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) 
    Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a
vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar
module and customer-designed solar application products
serving worldwide customers.  CSI is incorporated in Canada
and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China. 
Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar
power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a
major global provider of solar power products for a wide
range of applications.  For more information, please visit
http://www.csisolar.com .

    Safe Harbor/Forward-Looking Statements
    Certain statements in this press release including
statements regarding expected future financial and industry
growth are forward-looking statements that involve a number
of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results
to differ materially.  These statements are made under the
"Safe Harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  In some cases,
you can identify forward-looking statements by such terms
as "believes," "expects,"
"anticipates," "intends,"
"estimates," the negative of these terms, or
other comparable terminology. Factors that could cause
actual results to differ include general business and
economic conditions and the state of the solar industry;
governmental support for the deployment of solar power;
future shortage or availability of the supply of
high-purity silicon; demand for end-use products by
consumers and inventory levels of such products in the
supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers,
including customers of our silicon materials sales; changes
in demand from major markets such as Germany; changes in
customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity
utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and
declines in average selling price; delays in new product
introduction; continued success in technological
innovations and delivery of products with the features
customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or
capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange
rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described
in the Company's SEC filings, including its registration
statement on Form F-1 originally filed on October 23, 2006,
as amended. Although the Company believes that the
expectations reflected in the forward looking statements
are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future results, level
of activity, performance, or achievements.  You should not
place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. 
All information provided in this press release is as of
today's date, unless otherwise stated, and CSI undertakes
no duty to update such information, except as required
under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

    In Jiangsu, P.R. China
     Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer 
     Canadian Solar Inc.
     Tel:   +86-512-6269-6755
     Email: ir@csisolar.com

    In the U.S.
     David Pasquale
     The Ruth Group
     Tel:   +1-646-536-7006
     Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com
KongZhong Corporation Announces Cooperation Agreement with MSN China on Mobile Messenger 3.0 June 29, 2007 BEIJING, June 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- KongZhong Corporation (Nasdaq: KONG), one of China's leading providers of wireless value-added services (WVAS) and a wireless media company providing news, content and mobile advertising services through its wireless Internet sites, today announced its agreement to cooperate with MSN Network Communications Technology Company Limited ("MSN China"), a Microsoft joint venture in China, on Mobile Messenger 3.0. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/20061108202413-56.gif ) Under the cooperation agreement with MSN China, KongZhong will be the sole content provider in China for the information channel and mobile games channel of Mobile Messenger 3.0, which is being officially launched in China on June 29, 2007. Mobile Messenger 3.0 is the mobile phone version of Microsoft's popular instant-messaging application, Windows Live Messenger. KongZhong will pay MSN China a fixed fee per channel. The cooperation period is for one year. Mr. Nick Yang, KongZhong's President, said, "This cooperation agreement is win-win for KongZhong and MSN China. We operate a leading wireless Internet portal, Kong.net, and are a leading developer of mobile games. Our cooperation with MSN China will enable Mobile Messenger 3.0 users to enjoy the first-class information services provided by Kong.net and experience the top-quality mobile games developed by KongZhong. We expect that greater dissemination of our services through Mobile Messenger 3.0, one of the leaders in its field, will bring increased traffic to Kong.net." About KongZhong KongZhong Corporation is one of China's leading providers of wireless value-added services and a wireless media company providing news, content and mobile advertising services through its wireless Internet sites. The Company delivers wireless value-added services to consumers in China through multiple technology platforms including wireless application protocol (WAP), multimedia messaging service (MMS), JAVATM, short messaging service (SMS), interactive voice response (IVR), and color ring-back tone (CRBT). The Company also operates two wireless Internet sites, Kong.net and Ko.cn, which enable users to access media, entertainment and community content directly from their mobile phones. Safe Harbor Statement This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the launching of Mobile Messenger 3.0, KongZhong sponsorship of the Mobile Messenger 3.0 news channel and mobile games channel, and the prospects for, and benefits of, cooperation between KongZhong Corporation and MSN China. Although such statements are based on our own information and information from other sources we believe to be reliable, you should not place undue reliance on them. These statements involve risks and uncertainties, and actual market trends and our results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements for a variety of reasons. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, competitive pressure in China's wireless value-added services, wireless Internet and mobile advertising markets and the effect of such pressure on prices; changes in technology, consumer demand and usage preferences in these markets; the state of and any change in our relationship with China's telecommunications operators; our dependence on the networks and billing systems of the telecommunications operators for our performance; changes in the regulations or policies of the Ministry of Information Industry or other relevant government authorities or the telecommunications operators; and changes in political, economic, legal and social conditions in China, including the Chinese government's policies with respect to economic growth, foreign exchange, foreign investment and entry by foreign companies into China's telecommunications market. For additional discussion of these risks and uncertainties and other factors, please see the documents we file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this press release. For more information, please contact: Investor Contact: Sam Sun Chief Financial Officer Tel: +86-10-8857-6000 Fax: +86-10-8857-5891 Email: ir@kongzhong.com Media Contact: Xiaohu Wang Manager Tel: +86-10-8857-6000 Fax: +86-10-8857-5900 Email: xiaohu@kongzhong.com
Canadian Solar Reiterates 2Q07 & FY07 Guidance, Reports Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting, Files 20-F
June 29, 2007

    JIANGSU, China, June 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Solar
Inc. ("the Company", or "CSI") (Nasdaq:
CSIQ) today reported results from the company's first annual
meeting held today at The Westin Bund Center Shanghai.  

    Approval of two items under consideration was announced
at the annual meting:

    1. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA, Ltd. was reappointed
as the auditors of 
       the Company and the directors of the Company were
authorized to fix 
       the auditor's remuneration; 

    2. Five directors were re-elected to the company's
board of directors: 
       Shawn (Xiaohua) Qu, CSI's Chairman, President and
Chief Executive 
       Officer; Bing Zhu, CSI's Director and Chief
Financial Officer; and 
       directors Arthur Chien, Lars-Eric Johansson, and
Robert McDermott.

    Management reiterated its prior guidance for the second
quarter and full year 2007.  Based on current market
conditions and our order backlog and production capacity,
the Company expects net revenues for the second quarter of
2007 to be in the range of $55 million to $58 million from
pure solar module sales. In addition, the management also
expects to realize certain silicon materials sales to its
long-term traditional supply chain partners. The management
expects the Q2 to be operational profitable on a non-GAAP
basis by excluding share based compensation and other
non-cash items. Blended average solar cell cost is expected
to decrease in Q2 compared with Q1, with additional cost
reductions through 2007.

    For the full year 2007 the company expectsits net
revenues will range from approximately $220 million to $230
million, with gross margin in the range of 13% to 15%, and
share based compensation of approximately $8.1 million, or
$ 0.30per diluted share.

    Finally, the company noted it filed audited financial
results for 2006 and filed its annual report on Form 20-F,
including audited 2006 financial statements, with the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on
schedule on May 29, 2007.

    Dr. Shawn Qu, CEO of CSI, commented, "2006 was a
year of impressive growth and achievement for CSI.  We
expanded our customer base and market penetration.  We
entered important new geographic markets.  We also secured
the financing to support our continued growth through a
well received IPO on the world's top NASDAQ market.  CSI is
a leader and is now among other prominent leaders in the
public eye.  Throughout the year our team relied on
industry experience that continues to differentiate CSI. 
We clearly understand the market and we know how to build a
world leader.  The numerous positive developments underway
that position CSI for continued growth and success give us
confidence in our outlook for 2007 and beyond." 

    About Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) 

    Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a
vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar
module and customer-designed solar application products
serving worldwide customers.  CSI is incorporated in Canada
and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China. 
Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar
power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a
major global provider of solar power products for a wide
range of applications.  For more information, please visit
http://www.csisolar.com .

    Safe Harbor/Forward-Looking Statements

    Certain statements in this press release including
statements regarding expected future financial and industry
growth are forward-looking statements that involve a number
of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results
to differ materially. These statements are made under the
"Safe Harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases,
you can identify forward-looking statements by such terms
as "believes," "expects,"
"anticipates," "intends,"
"estimates," the negative of these terms, or
other comparable terminology. Factors that could cause
actual results to differ include general business and
economic conditions and the state of the solar industry;
governmental support for the deployment of solar power;
future shortage or availability of the supply of
high-purity silicon; demand for end-use products by
consumers and inventory levels of such products in the
supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers,
including customers of our silicon materials sales; changes
in demand from major markets such as Germany; changes in
customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity
utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and
declines in average selling price; delays in new product
introduction; continued success in technological
innovations and delivery of products with the features
customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or
capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange
rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described
in the Company's SEC filings, including its registration
statement on Form F-1 originally filed on October 23, 2006,
as amended. Although the Company believes that the
expectations reflected in the forward looking statements
are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future results, level
of activity, performance, or achievements. You should not
place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.
All information provided in this press release is as of
today's date, unless otherwise stated, and CSI undertakes
no duty to update such information, except as required
under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

     In Jiangsu, P.R. China: 
      Bing Zhu
      Chief Financial Officer 
      Canadian Solar Inc.
      Tel:   +86-512-62696755
      Email: ir@csisolar.com

     In the U.S.: 
      David Pasquale 
      The Ruth Group
      Tel:   +1-646-536-7006
      Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com
AUO Board of Directors Appoints Vice Chairman Mr. H.B. Chen as CEO, Dr. L.J. Chen as President & COO
June 29, 2007

    HSINCHU, Taiwan, June 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/
-- AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE:
AUO) today held its Board meeting, at which the Board
appointed Vice Chairman Mr. H.B. (Hsuan-Bin) Chen as Chief
Executive Officer and Dr. L.J. (Lai-Juh) Chen as President
& Chief Operation Officer, effective September 1, 2007.
 It also announced that Dr. Hui Hsiung, currently Executive
VP of AUO, will resign effective September 1, 2007 to be
the President of Qisda Corporation*, while continuing as a
member of AUO's Board of Directors.

    Mr. K.Y. Lee has been re-elected as Chairman of the
Company since the Board meeting on June 13, 2007.  Mr. Lee
is in a continuing effort to create a world-class company
to the ultimate benefit of shareholders, through
supervising the management team and enhancing AUO's
corporate governance. Under Chairman Mr. Lee's leadership,
AUO has been proceeding talent cultivation, significant
organizational transformation and restructuring in a
planned way, so as to meet the ever-changing market needs. 
In addition, AUO has experienced two mergers over the past
six years, which expedited its professional managers to
have extraordinary and intensive leadership training. The
new management team will undertake the operation and
continue to define the company's new landscape for next
move.  The Board of Directors today unanimously approved
all the above resolutions in the meeting.

    Mr. H.B. Chen is currently the President and COO of
AUO, and was elected Vice-Chairman by the Board of
Directors on June 13, 2007.  After becoming the CEO of AUO,
Mr. Chen will be responsible for the company's mid- to
long-term strategic planning and execution as well as
customer and business partner relations.  In addition, Mr.
Chen will lead the management team and report to the Board
of Directors directly.

    Dr. L.J. Chen, 44, currently serves as Sr. VP & GM
of Global Manufacturing of AUO.  After becoming the
President and COO of AUO, he will be responsible for the
company's corporate strategies and overall business
operation.  Dr. Chen joined Acer Display Technology, Inc.,
(a predecessor of AUO, established in 1996) in 1999 and
served as Director of Acer Display's Fab 1.  After AUO was
formed in a merger in 2001, he became Associate VP, heading
LCD Fabs at AUO's Hsinchu site.  In early 2003, he was in
charge of Desktop Display Business Unit.  Over his career
span, Dr. Chen invented approximately 30 patents in Taiwan
and 40 patents in the U.S.  As part of his previous roles,
Dr. Chen served in a variety of areas such as R&D,
manufacturing, sales and marketing, which consistently
demonstrated his leadership, acute judgment and business
acumen to be President, and he has developed extraordinary
expertise in leading AUO.

    Dr. LJ Chen holds a doctoral degree in Chemical
Engineering from National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan
and an Executive MBA degree in International Management at
Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona, U.S.A.

     * BenQ Corporation is scheduled to change its name to
Qisda Corporation 
       on September 1, 2007.

    About AU Optronics

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO") is one of the top
three largest manufacturers* of large-size thin film
transistor liquid crystal display panels
("TFT-LCD"), with approximately 20.1%* of global
market share with revenues of NT$293.1billion (US$9.0bn)*
in 2006.  TFT-LCD technology is currently the most widely
used flat panel display technology.  Targeted for 40"+
sized LCD TV panels, AUO's new generation (7.5-generation)
fabrication facility production started mass production in
the fourth quarter of 2006.  The Company currently operates
one 7.5-generation, two 6th-generation, four 5th-generation,
one 4th-generation, and four 3.5-generation TFT- LCD fabs,
in addition to eight module assembly facilities and the AUO
Technology Center specializes in new technology platform and
new product development.  AUO is one of few top-tier TFT-LCD
manufacturers capable of offering a wide range of small- to
large- size (1.5"-65") TFT-LCD panels, which
enables it to offer a broad and diversified product

     * DisplaySearch 1Q2007 WW Large-Area TFT-LCD Shipment
Report dated May 5,
       2007.  This data is used as reference only and AUO
does not make any 
       endorsement or representation in connection
therewith. 2006 year end 
       revenue converted by an exchange rate of

    Safe Harbour Notice 

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the
"Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO), the world's
third largest manufacturer of large-size TFT-LCD panels,
today announced the above news.  Except for statements in
respect of historical matters, the statements contained in
this Release are "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange
Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements were based on
our management's expectations, projections and beliefs at
the time regarding matters including, among other things,
future revenues and costs, financial performance,
technology changes, capacity, utilization rates, yields,
process and geographical diversification, future expansion
plans and business strategy. Such forward looking
statements are subject to a number of known and unknown
risks and uncertainties that can cause actual results to
differ materially from those expressed or implied by such
statements, including risks related to the flat panel
display industry, the TFT-LCD market, acceptance and demand
for our products, technological and development risks,
competitive factors, and other risks described in the
section entitled "Risk Factors" in our Form 20-F
filed with the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission on June 1st, 2006.

    For more information, please contact:

    Rose Lee
    Tel:   +886-3-5008899 ext 3204
    Fax:   +886-3-5772730
    Email: rose.lee@auo.com

    Yawen Hsiao
    Tel:   +886-3-5008899 ext 3211
    Fax:   +886-3-5772730
    Email: yawen.hsiao@auo.com

    Web site:  http://www.auo.com 

AVANCIS Gets Clearance to Build New CIS Module Facility
June 29, 2007

    BERLIN, June 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The European
Commission Directorate General (DG) for Competition
recently announced that AVANCIS, a joint venture between
Shell and Saint-Gobain, can receive a tax allowance and a
direct grant from the Federal State of Saxony.

    AVANCIS will erect a new facility for the production of
photovoltaic modules in the town of Torgau in Saxony. The
production process is based on advanced CIS technology as
developed at the AVANCIS R&D centre in Munich. CIS
modules contain very thin layers of copper, indium and
selenium to convert sunlight directly into electricity. The
annual capacity of the plant will initially be 20 megawatts
peak (MWp), with a scope for rapid expansion.

    AVANCIS combines Shell CIS technology expertise, aided
by eight years of commercial manufacturing at the Camarillo
plant in California, with Saint-Gobain's knowledge in glass
processing and production of building materials. AVANCIS
CIS modules will be available from 2008 onwards.

    Invest in Germany advised the project partners from the
early stage of the process. Germany's federal investment
promotion agency provided assistance not only in navigating
the possibilities for investment incentives at different
governmental levels, but also in finding potential partners
such as consultancy firms.

    Ulrike Handtke, Head of the Department Project Services
at Invest in Germany, whose team handles questions
pertaining to financing, noted that the decision of AVANCIS
to build in eastern Germany shows that incentives are one of
many significant factors that work in the investor's favor
in eastern Germany:

    "Getting this financing was one of the key
elements in the investment decision of AVANCIS. With the
current decision of DG Competition, AVANCIS can take
advantage of the moderate wage costs, stellar
infrastructure, and highly qualified workers that make
Germany an outstanding investment location."

    Invest in Germany is the official investment promotion
agency of Germany. Its mandate is to assist and advise
international companies about investment opportunities in
Germany. Invest in Germany provides comprehensive support
from site selection to the implementation of investment

    For more information, please contact:
     Eva Henkel
     Invest in Germany
     Tel:   +49-30-200099-173
     Fax:   +49-30-200099-111
     Email: henkel@invest-in-germany.com
     Web:   http://www.invest-in-germany.com
Business Plays a Vital Role in Building a Harmonious Society
June 29, 2007

A UN Conference to Promote Corporate Social Responsibility
in China

    BEIJING, June 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- An
International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) and corporate citizenship was held today in Beijing,
featuring over 500 prominent business leaders, government
representatives, civil society leaders and academia. 

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107113358-34.jpg )

    Jointly organized by the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) and the China Enterprise Confederation
(CEC), the event provided a unique platform to exchange
experiences between domestic and multinational companies
operating in China and showcase the powerful contributions
that businesses can make in building a harmonious society
through the integration of the Principles of the United
Nations Global Compact into the company's strategic vision
and operating practices.

    "The forum will provide participants with
practical direction and tools to improve their organization
and its contributions to building a harmonious
society," said Zhang Yanning, Executive President of
CEC at the opening ceremony. 

    Highly refined and solutions-oriented, this event was
an opportunity for peer-to-peer interactions and exchanges
on pragmatic solutions and operational toolkits for
challenges and dilemmas facing the corporate community in
China, such as CSR as a tool to enhanced business
performance and competitiveness, CSR from a branding
perspective, how to integrate CSR into corporate
strategies, and the practical meaning of responsible
corporate citizenship.

    "Business, trade and investment are essential
pillars of peace and prosperity. As a major component of
society, business has a vital role and a clear
responsibility to help address the world's most pressing
challenges and improve lives of the poor, said Khalid
Malik, UN Resident Coordination and Resident Representative
in China during the open ceremony.

    Malik stressed that this year marks the midway point in
the efforts to fulfill the Millennium Development Goals,
adopted by world leaders six years ago to rid the world of
poverty, and to promote human dignity, equality, peace and
environmental sustainability by 2015. 

    "The Millennium Development Goals can not be
achieved without the private sector participation," he

    This CSR conference in Beijing was a prepatory meeting
for the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit to be held on 5-6
July in Geneva, Switzerland, which is expected to be the
largest and most significant global event on the topic of
leadership and corporate citizenship. 

    "The leaders' summit would drive home the message
that adhering to its core human rights, labour, environment
and anti-corruption issues would better position
corporations and organizations in navigating the challenges
of globalization. Today, more than 4,000 companies from over
120 countries have participated in the Global Compact --
including 116 companies from China," said Malik. 

    More than 80 Chinese business leaders will participate
in the Leaders Summit, which is the largest group for
Chinese business to take part in a high-level global CSR

    UNDP fosters human development to empower women and men
to build better lives in China. As the UN's development
network, UNDP draws on a world of experience to assist
China in developing its own solutions to the country's
development challenges. Through partnerships and
innovation, UNDP works to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals and an equitable Xiao Kang society by
reducing poverty, strengthening the rule of law, promoting
environmental sustainability, and fighting HIV/AIDS.  

    For more information, please contact: 

     Ms. Zhang Wei
     Communications Officer
     UNDP China
     Tel:   +86-10-8532-0715
     Email: wei.zhang@undp.org

Xinhua Finance/MNI China Business Survey: Climate Worse
June 29, 2007

    SHANGHAI, June 29 .Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance
(TSE Mothers: 9399) and Market News International (MNI), a
part of the news service line of Xinhua Finance, today
announced the June Xinhua Finance/MNI China Business
Sentiment Survey. The results of the survey show a second
consecutive month of deteriorating conditions for Chinese
businesses, as companies face increasingly difficult
conditions and scale back production growth as new orders
slow and demand pressures mount for inputs and skilled

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif

    Key indexes in the survey fell for the second
consecutive month, as companies reported being hit by the
rising yuan, government efforts to slow credit growth and
difficulties in obtaining skilled workers and raw materials
at a good price. 

    While most of the survey indexes remained well in
positive territory, key indexes showed a continuing
slowdown from the successive record results experienced in
surveys until May this year. 

    Prior to the May survey, results suggested an
increasingly sharp upswing in sentiment amid a broad
reacceleration in economic activity in China following a
moderate slowdown in the second half of last year. 

    The monthly survey was conducted June 11-26 and comes
amid rising interest rates and other measures imposed by
the government to slow what some say is an overheating

    Since its inception in January, 2005, the survey has
accurately tracked and predicted overall Chinese economic
conditions, providing important intelligence ahead of
government data. The survey has been especially important
in indicating turnarounds in the economy, such as last
summer's slowdown or the pickup in activity seen since last

    To receive a full version of the survey, or to find out
more about Xinhua Finance and Market News International,
please contact us via mni@xinhuafinance.com .

    Notes to Editors:
    About Xinhua Finance Limited 
    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial
information and media service provider and is listed on the
Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through five focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News, Investor Relations, and Distribution. Founded in
November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai,
with offices and news bureaus spanning 11 countries

    For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    About Market News International

    Market News International (MNI), a Xinhua Finance
company ( http://www.xinhuafinance.com ), is a financial
news and information company dedicated to the global fixed
income and foreign exchange markets.  MNI joined the Xinhua
Finance family in March 2004, bringing its niche expertise
and extensive distribution network.  Headquartered in New
York, MNI has news bureaus and offices throughout the US,
Europe and Asia.

    With more than twenty years of history, MNI is a fully
accredited news agency providing focused, timely, relevant
and critical intelligence for market professionals.  Its
press credentials are accepted by all operations of the
U.S. Government, including the White House, the Federal
Reserve, both houses of Congress, all major agencies and
cabinet departments, all similar government operations in
the G-7 countries, as well as by supranational
organizations such as the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund.

    For more information, please contact:
    Xinhua Finance
    Hong Kong/Shanghai
    Ms. Joy Tsang
    Tel:   +852-3196-3983, +852-9486-4364,
    Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

    Mr. Scott Zhang
    Tel:   +86-21-6113-5996
    Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com
    Taylor Rafferty (Media/IR Contact)
    Mr. James Hawrylak
    Tel:   +81-3-5733-2621
    Email: James.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com

    United States
    Mr. John Dudzinsky
    Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
    Email: John.Dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com 

    Faisal Kanth
    Tel:   +44-20-7614-2900
    Email: Faisal.Kanth@taylor-rafferty.co.uk
Big success for German films at the 10th Shanghai International Film Festival June 29, 2007 SHANGHAI, China, June 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- This year's Shanghai International Film Festival (June 16 ¨C- 24) was again a huge success for the German film world. ACCORDING TO PLAN, the second film by Franziska Meletzky, won the Golden Jin Jue Award for Best Feature Film as well as the Award for Best Actress for the four leading ladies Kirsten Bock, Christina Schorn, Corina Harfouch and Dagmar Manzel. This is the second year running that a German film has won the first prize in Shanghai. Last year, FOUR MINUTES by Chris Krauss also received the Jin Jue Award. Another German winner at this year's festival was SHADOW CHILD by Hans Hege. The film received the Award for Best Film at the International Student Short Film Exhibition and Competition. But the rewards weren't the only success for German films. The FOCUS GERMANY section of the festival proved extremely popular with audiences, film professionals and the media. At the opening ceremony on June 18, many journalists took the opportunity to interview FOCUS GERMANY director Anno Saul and actress Tanja Wenzel (WHERE IS FRED?) as well as Joseph Vilsmaier and Dana Vavrova (THE LAST TRAIN), Julia von Heinz (NOTHING ELSE MATTERS) and Florian Opitz (THE BIG SELLOUT). The German Films reception held at the German Consulate the same day saw more than 250 guests from the Chinese and German film industries in attendance. The event, at a wonderful location, was one of the highlights of this year's Shanghai International Film Festival. One day following the event, the producers of WHERE IS FRED? inked an agreement with distributor Beijing Time Entertainment International for the Chinese theatrical release. More than 20 high-ranking German film industry professionals, including directors, producers, actors and world sales representatives, attended the Shanghai Film Festival to present their films and to meet with local producers, distributors and filmmakers. Among other appointments, they met with Chinese director Wang Quan'an, winner of the Golden Bear at this year's Berlin Film Festival, and other Chinese producers and distributors at a lunch organised by German Films, the industry association in charge of promoting German films worldwide. The Shanghai Film Market, held from June 17 to June 19, gave the four participating German sales companies, Action Concept, Bavaria Film International, The Match Factory and Telepool, the opportunity to meet with their clients and present their films. After this huge success, German Films is eagerly looking forward to next year's Shanghai International Film Festival! For more information, please contact: German Films Mariette Rissenbeek Email: rissenbeek@german-films.de CMM Intelligence Anke Redl Email: anke@cmmintelligence.com Christine Howald Email: christine@cmmintelligence.com
Guava Technologies Enters International Clinical Market with ISO13485 Certification for Design and Manufacture of Medical Devices June 29, 2007 Understanding AIDS one cell at a time HAYWARD, Calif., June 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Guava Technologies, Inc. today announced that it was successfully audited to the requirements of ISO13485:2003 by BSI Management Systems. With this certification, the company will redouble efforts on medical devices for the international market, covering a variety of therapy areas, beginning with HIV/AIDS. "We are proud to receive this international recognition," said Lawrence Bruder, President and CEO, Guava Technologies. "It's a clear indication of our ability to consistently meet regulatory and customer requirements for medical devices, and reflects our intense commitment to the highest possible standards for design, development, manufacture, and service for all of our products." "ISO certification was the first step in our initiatives to deliver quality medical devices to the global healthcare community," continued Mr. Bruder. "We can now focus on international commercialization of our new CD4 T-cell System for monitoring treatment of HIV/AIDS. We designed the system to be highly accessible to both developed and developing countries, and hope it will prove useful in fighting the global AIDS pandemic." "We have always been committed to stringent quality standards, and are equally committed to having a positive impact on people's lives," said Todd Christian, VP Commercial Operations, Guava Technologies. "By achieving ISO certification, we can more fully leverage our patented technologies and expertise to improve the health and well-being of people around the world, beginning with the millions living with HIV." ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 157 countries, and ISO 13485 is an internationally recognized standard to establish the quality management systems applicable to manufacturers of medical devices. It is harmonized to FDA 21 CFR part 820. About Guava Technologies: Guava Technologies, Inc. ( http://www.guavatechnologies.com ) is a private biotechnology and medical device company that designs, develops, and delivers easy-to-use, on-demand, benchtop cell analysis systems. All systems provide absolute cell counts and offer user-friendly, assay-specific analysis software to minimize time between hypothesis and results/conclusion. Ideal for a broad range of medical and biomedical applications, Guava(R) systems and reagents help scientists around the world understand life one cell at a time. Guava, the Guava Technologies Logo, and all other trademarks are the property of Guava Technologies, Inc. For more information, please contact: Lisa English Communications Director Guava Technologies, Inc. Tel: +1-510-576-1394 Email: lenglish@guavatechnologies.com
HSBC Joins Townsend Analytics' Global Multi-Broker Network
June 28, 2007

HSBC gains sponsored institutional order flow from both
firms' international clients

    CHICAGO and LONDON, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --

    Townsend Analytics ( http://www.townsendanalytics.com
), a leading provider of multi-broker, multi-asset,
multi-currency, and multi-route electronic trading
solutions for the global capital markets, has added HSBC to
its global multi-broker network. 

    Clients of both HSBC and Townsend are now able to route
order flow directly to HSBC's Block, Program & Direct
Market Access (DMA) trading desks in 25 countries, which
provide client access to over 130 cash and derivative
exchanges globally, with a strong focus on Asian, European,
Middle East and other Emerging markets.

    Kevin Bourne, Global Head of Execution Trading for
HSBC, comments that "We are pleased to be part of the
Townsend Analytics network.  Townsend's full-featured
RealTick EMS also provides the ability to send managed
orders to HSBC's sales trading desk for more efficient

    "We are proud that such a leader in electronic
trading as HSBC has joined our global connectivity
network," comments Michel Finzi, Global head of sales,
account management and marketing for Townsend Analytics. 
"This further delivers on our mission to provide our
clients with an ever-growing range of markets and asset
classes, and a greater choice of execution venues
throughout the world."

    As part of the integration, Townsend has also certified
order flow with HSBC to their internal OMS via FIX,
providing for seamless reporting of trade executions.  The
new multi-broker link with HSBC supports multiple order
types, including market orders, limit orders, cancels,
cancel/replace, unsolicited cancels, trade busts, and
Good-til-Cancels (GTCs).

    About RealTick 

    RealTick, created by Townsend Analytics, is the
electronic trading industry's premier multi-asset,
multi-broker, and multi-route direct-access trading
platform. RealTick delivers real-time market data, news and
analytics; sophisticated trading tools; unrivaled access to
brokers, exchanges and ECNs; and risk management tools to
institutions, broker-dealers and individual investors.
RealTick's advanced technical design is supported by
state-of-the-art data centers and a redundant network for
market data and orders. For more information, visit
http://www.realtick.com .

    *RealTick is a registered trademark of Townsend
Analytics, Ltd.

    About Townsend Analytics 

    Townsend Analytics has been changing the way the world
trades since 1985. The Chicago-based company created many
technology innovations that are now considered standards in
the financial services industry. These include the first
real-time financial software under Microsoft Windows(R);
the first product to provide real-time streaming data over
the Internet; the first integrated solution for NASDAQ
trading rooms; and the first Windows-based direct-access
trading solution. Townsend Analytics also developed
Archipelago and the Archipelago Exchange, the nation's
first all-electronic, fully open exchange. The firm has
engineered direct-access solutions for money managers,
asset managers, hedge funds and mutual funds worldwide. The
firm's four main lines of business include Trading Services,
Content Services, Exchange Services, and Risk Management
Services.  Townsend Analytics, Ltd. is a wholly owned,
independently-operated subsidiary of Lehman Brothers.  For
more information, visit http://www.taltrade.com .

    About HSBC

    HSBC Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets (CIBM)
provides tailored financial products and services to major
government, corporate and institutional clients. Within
client-focused business lines, Global Banking and Global
Markets, CIBM offers a full range of capabilities,
including foreign exchange, fixed income, equities,
derivatives, risk advisory, corporate and investment
banking, equity sales and trading, and equity and debt
capital markets. For more information on CIBM, please visit
http://www.hsbcnet.com .

    HSBC Holdings plc

    HSBC Holdings plc serves over 125 million customers
worldwide through some 10,000 offices in 82 countries and
territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the
Americas, the Middle East and Africa. With assets of USD
1,861 billion at 31 December 2006, HSBC is one of the
world's largest banking and financial services
organisations. HSBC is marketed worldwide as `the world's
local bank'.

    For more information, please contact:

     Anne Aldrich
     Tel:   +1-312-787-1642
     Email: annea1@covad.net

     Todd Swearingen
     Townsend Analytics
     Tel:   +1-312-442-8656
     Email: tswearingen@taltrade.com

     Charles Clarke
     Corporate Communications Manager, HSBC
     Tel:   +44-20-7991-3878
     Email: charles.w.clarke@hsbcib.com
AVIATION WEEK Hosts Industry's Premier Aviation Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul Event, October 17-18, 2007 in Shanghai June 28, 2007 NEW YORK, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Top airline and government officials, maintenance and safety experts from all over Asia and around the globe will convene during AVIATION WEEK's annual MRO Asia Conference & Exhibition, to be held October 17-18, 2007 at the Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center in Shanghai, China. Now in its seventh year, the event will explore the future of aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) through a series of management-level discussions. MRO Asia will also host an exhibition hall with more than 75 MRO product and services suppliers featuring the latest in service and technology. The event is expected to draw nearly 2,000 industry professionals and government executives. MRO Asia's theme is "Low Cost/High Quality: Is it Sustainable?" During two days of intensive sessions and workshops, industry leaders will discuss the high-quality maintenance services that Asia provides, often with a large low-cost workforce. The event will examine the challenges of continuous improvements in capacity, performance and quality while controlling costs. The agenda includes more than 25 speakers addressing a wide scope of topics ranging from safety management systems to joint ventures and value chain optimization, as well as a forecast for the region through 2016. The event will also feature keynote presentations by Xu ChaoQun, Deputy Director Flight Standards, Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and He Li, Vice President, Air China. "AVIATION WEEK has an audience of 1.2 million professionals worldwide, with the largest audience in Asia of any aerospace media organization," said Tom Henricks, President, AVIATION WEEK. "We are delighted to serve these customers by bringing MRO Asia 2007 to Shanghai this year, to explore the latest developments in all facets of operations, business, technology and safety," Henricks added. MRO Asia is presented by AVIATION WEEK, the largest multimedia information and services provider to the global aviation, aerospace and defense industries. Additional information and online registration for MRO Asia 2007 is available at http://www.aviationweek.com/conferences , or by calling +1 212-904-4483 or 1-800-240-7645. MRO is produced by AVIATION WEEK Conferences & Exhibitions and Overhaul & Maintenance, in association with Civil Aviation Administration of China, China Aviation Supplies Imp. & Exp. Group Corp., and International Aviation Group. The International Air Transport Association is the event's international partner. Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Goodrich, Honeywell, and Pratt & Whitney are gold sponsors. Silver level sponsors are HEICO Aerospace, KLM Engineering & Maintenance/AFI Industries, Sargent and Shell Aviation. Bronze level sponsors are Airbus and United Services. Airline support is provided by Air China. About AVIATION WEEK AVIATION WEEK, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, is the largest multimedia information and services provider to the global aviation, aerospace and defense industries, and includes the publications Aviation Week & Space Technology, Defense Technology International, Business & Commercial Aviation, Overhaul & Maintenance, ShowNews, Aviation Daily, The Weekly of Business Aviation, Aerospace Daily & Defense Report and the World Aerospace Database. The group's web portal, http://www.aviationweek.com/, offers the industry's most reliable news, information, intelligence and features, and its Aviation Week Intelligence Network (AWIN) at http://www.aviationweek.com/awin is the industry's most integrated business tool for managers, business developers, buyers and technical professionals across the entire aviation and aerospace field. The group also produces 12 major conferences and exhibitions in the MRO, defense and programs sectors. Information is available at http://www.aviationweek.com/conferences . About The McGraw-Hill Companies Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands including Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . For more information, please contact: U.S. Contacts: Patricia Walsh Tel: +1-212-512-3364 / +1-646-673-6640 Email: Patricia_walsh@mcgraw-hill.com Angelica Carey Tel: +1-917-691-5334 Email: acarey123@mac.com Asia Contact: Echo Jia International Aviation Group-China Aviation Media Group Tel: +86-10-6481-5507 Fax: +86-10-6491-8417 Mobile: +86-135-2131-9540 Email: jialiy@aviationnow.com.cn
World Council of Optometry Awards ACUVUE(R) ADVANCE(TM), ACUVUE(R) OASYS(TM) Brands With Global Seal of Acceptance for UV Absorbing Contact Lenses
June 28, 2007

Contact Lenses Meet Highest Standard for Contact Lens UV

    BOSTON, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Johnson &
Johnson Vision Care, Inc., today announced that its
HYDRACLEAR(TM) PLUS Brand Contact Lenses are the first
contact lenses to receive the World Council of Optometry's
(WCO) Global Seal of Acceptance for Ultraviolet Absorbing
Contact Lenses.  The announcement was made at the annual
meeting of the American Optometric Association in Boston.

    ( Photo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070628/CLTH019 )

    "In awarding the Global Seal of Acceptance, the
World Council of Optometry Global Commission on Ophthalmic
Standards (WCO GCOS), which provides independent evaluation
of ophthalmic related products, has determined that the
ACUVUE ADVANCE and ACUVUE OASYS brands meet established,
recognized and accepted standards that are adopted by the
WCO GCOS," said WCO President Robert Chappell.
"These include published standards of International
Standards Organization (ISO) and American National
Standards Institute (ANSI)."

    The ISO and ANSI standards classify UV-blocking contact
lenses into two groups based on the lens' absorptive
capacity at its minimum thickness.  Class 2 UV-blockers
must absorb at least 70 percent of UVA and more than 95
percent of UVB radiation. Class 1 UV-blockers must absorb a
minimum of 90 percent UVA and at least 99 percent UVB
radiation.  Only products that meet these standards may
claim to be UV blocking.  All three lenses previously
received the American Optometric Association (AOA) Seal of
Acceptance for Ultraviolet Absorbers/Blockers.

    "Not all contact lens lines offer UV protection,
and, of those that do, not all provide similar absorption
levels," explains Cristina Schnider, OD, Director,
Medical Affairs, VISTAKON(R), Division of Johnson &
Johnson Vision Care Inc. "All ACUVUE(R) Brand Contact
Lenses offer effective UV-blocking, and among contact lens
ACUVUE OASYS with more than 90 percent of UVA rays and 99
percent of UVB rays blocked(+)(*) are the only lenses to
achieve Class I UV blocking status." 

    Experts say the effects of UV radiation are cumulative
and can do irreversible harm to all structures of the eye
and surrounding tissue that are left unprotected or
under-protected.  Certain conditions, such as age-related
cataract, may not manifest for years at which point the
damage is already done and it is too late to reverse the
effects of the sun.  "That's why it is important to
get maximum protection beginning in childhood,"
advises Dr. Schnider. "The most complete measure of UV
protection can be achieved with a combination of
UV-absorbing sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, and
UV-blocking contact lenses."

    Because they cover the entire cornea and limbus,
UV-blocking contact lenses offer an added level of
protection when worn with UV blocking sunglasses.  While
many sunglasses block UV rays that enter through the
lenses, most do not prevent unfiltered rays from reaching
the eyes through the sides, as well as the top, and/or
bottom of the glasses. Due to their inability to block
these peripheral rays, some sunglasses block as little as
50 percent of all UV radiation from reaching the eyes.

    "It is just as important to block these peripheral
UV rays," warns Dr. Schnider. "UV-blocking contact
lenses provide added protection by effectively blocking
sunlight that may enter the cornea from the top, bottom, or
sides of the glasses."  Although UV-blocking contact
lenses provide important added protection for patients,
they should not be viewed as a stand-alone solution.
Contact lenses should always be worn in conjunction with
high-quality UV-blocking sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat
for maximum UV protection for the eyes.

    ACUVUE(R) ADVANCE(TM) Brand Contact Lenses with
ACUVUE(R) OASYS(TM) Brand Contact Lenses with
HYDRACLEAR(TM) PLUS are indicated for daily wear vision
correction. ACUVUE OASYS may also be worn for up to 6
consecutive nights/7 days of extended wear as recommended
by an eye care professional.

    Contact lenses should not be worn for longer periods
than recommended by an eye care professional. As with all
contact lenses, eye problems, including corneal ulcers, can
develop. Some wearers may also experience mild irritation,
itching or discomfort. Lenses should not be worn if the
wearer has an eye infection or experiences eye discomfort,
excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye
problems.  If these conditions occur, the wearer should
contact their eye care professional. Consult the patient
information guide available from your doctor for complete
information. For further information, talk to your eye care
professional or call +1-800-843-2020 or visit
http://www.acuvue.com .

    About The World Council of Optometry

    WCO is an international organization dedicated to the
enhancement and development of eye and vision care
worldwide. Representing over 200,000 optometrists from 75
member organizations in 41 countries, WCO serves as a forum
for optometric organizations to respond to public health
needs and opportunities around the world. The WCO is a
member of the International Agency for the Prevention of
Blindness and maintains official relations with the World
Health Organization.

    Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Inc. 

    The VISTAKON division of Johnson & Johnson Vision
Care, Inc. specializes in disposable contact lenses which
it markets under such brand names as ACUVUE(R), ACUVUE(R)

VISTAKON(R) are trademarks of Johnson & Johnson Vision
Care, Inc.

    (+) Helps protect against transmission of harmful UV
radiation to the cornea and into the eye.

    (*) WARNING: UV-absorbing contact lenses are NOT
substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear such as
UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not
completely cover the eye and surrounding area. You should
continue to use UV-absorbing eyewear as directed. NOTE:
Long term exposure to UV radiation is one of the risk
factors associated with cataracts. Exposure is based on a
number of factors such as environmental conditions
(altitude, geography, cloud cover) and personal factors
(extent and nature of outdoor activities). UV-Blocking
contact lenses help provide protection against harmful UV
radiation. However, clinical studies have not been done to
demonstrate that wearing UV-Blocking contact lenses reduces
the risk of developing cataracts or other eye disorders.
Consult your eye care practitioner for more information.

    For more information, please contact:

     Gary Esterow
     Tel:   +1-908-216-5200
     Email: gester1@visus.jnj.com

     Katie Shapiro
     Rpr Communications 
     Tel:   +1-212-317-1462
     Email: katie.shapiro@rprny.com

Xinhua Finance Grants Scholarships to Students of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics June 28, 2007 SHANGHAI, China, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire / -- Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL"; TSE Mothers: 9399; OTC ADRs: XHFNY), China's premier financial information and media service provider, yesterday granted the Xinhua Finance Scholarship to three postgraduates at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics ("SUFE"). The Xinhua Finance Scholarship was established with the aim of supporting Chinese college students who demonstrate moral fortitude, scholastic achievement and financial need as they complete their studies. In attendance at the awards ceremony were Xinhua Finance COO Mr. Daniel Connell, Asia Managing Director Mr. Andrew Miller, Deputy Party Secretary of SUFE Professor Sun Hai-ming, Assistant Dean of School of Finance Professor Zhou Ji-zhong, as well as scores of students of SUFE. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif ) In a formal address delivered at the ceremony, Mr. Connell praised Shanghai University of Finance and Economics for the spirit of education and advancement which it fosters. He said, "Shanghai University of Finance and Economics is a top financial academy with a rich history and under the direct supervision of China's Ministry of Education. We are delighted to provide scholarship to students at this highly respected university, which has cultivated generations of talent in China and made tremendous contributions to China's overall economic development. Since our founding in 1999, Xinhua Finance has worked diligently to introduce China's financial information and services that meet the internationally-proven standards, thereby enhancing market transparency and efficiency. Now, it is our great pleasure to be able to join hands with Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in this humble effort to foster talent and promote progress within China's financial market." Professor Sun Hai-ming expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the granting of the Xinhua Finance Scholarship on their campus. He said, "It is commendable that Xinhua Finance, a pioneer in China's financial information and media industries, has offered its generous support to education in China while continually expanding its businesses. This scholarship does not just allow students of character, merit and financial need the peace of mind to immerse themselves in their coursework, it encourage their continued passion for learning and public service." As a financial information company, Xinhua Finance is thoroughly aware of the importance of information, knowledge and talent. Accordingly, as it promotes the development of China's financial markets, it also heeds the call for good corporate citizenship, in effect contributing to the nurturing of talent for the Chinese market. With origin tracing back to 1917, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) is a highly prestigious institute of higher learning in China and a widely recognized source of outstanding economists and business managers. SUFE has developed an educational model that emphasizes the cultivation of expertise and professionalism in finance, economics and management that is global-mined, broad-based and pragmatically-oriented. Currently under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of China, SUFE is committed to fulfilling its mission as an advanced centre for research and academia. About the companies Xinhua Finance Limited Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial information and media service provider and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors through five focused and complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial News, Investor Relations, and Distribution. Founded in November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide. Form the management team is focused on continuing to deliver strong financial performance as they move forward on the corporate governance front. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . For more information, please contact: Xinhua Finance Joy Tsang, Director of Corporate Communications Tel: +86-21-6113-5999; +86-136-2179-1577 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com
Visa Confirms Global FIFA Relationship
June 28, 2007

-- New Global Sponsorship Links One of the World's Leading
Payment Brands and the World's Leading Sport

/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Visa International and FIFA (Federation Internationale
de Football Association) today confirmed that Visa has
become a FIFA Partner with global rights to a broad range
of FIFA activities, including the 2010 and 2014 FIFA World
Cups(TM) and the FIFA Women's World Cups.

    Based on a settlement agreement between the parties,
the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York,
dismissed MasterCard Worldwide's suit against FIFA on June
21. This paved the way for the Visa-FIFA contract to be
implemented. Through this new relationship, Visa has access
to FIFA competitions, special events and development
programs worldwide, and becomes the sixth and final top
tier FIFA Partner.

    This sponsorship delivers on Visa's strategy of
associating with some of the world's best brands. Visa's
global partnerships provide Visa cardholders and members
with programs that touch multiple facets of their daily
lives, whether it's the aspirational aspects of the Olympic
Games, family entertainment associated with the Walt Disney
Company, or the passion associated with football.

    Visa's rights in FIFA's Payment Services product
category begin with this year's FIFA Under-20 World Cup in
Canada and will run through the 2014 FIFA World Cup. As a
FIFA Partner, Visa will have a higher level of association
with these and other properties than previous category
sponsors have had in the past. Visa will have rights to a
broad range of activities including exclusive marketing
assets, competitions, special events and development
programs. Visa and FIFA will work together globally to
create exclusive Visa programs at a host of FIFA events.

    "We look forward to activating our FIFA
partnership. With Visa's broad experience and successful
sponsorship of major properties such as the Olympic Games
and Rugby World Cup, we know firsthand how valuable a
global sporting property can be in driving business,"
said John Elkins, executive vice president at Visa
International. "With this partnership, Visa will work
with our network of over 20,000 Visa financial institutions
to deliver incremental value to our cardholders and

    "I am pleased to have all our six FIFA Partners on
board and that we can now focus our attention and energy
towards ensuring the staging of world-class football
competitions as well as to using the power of the sport to
tackle some major social issues," said FIFA President
Joseph S. Blatter. "Visa has the requisite breadth and
social commitment to support us in our endeavours and we
look forward to a rewarding partnership." 

    Visa's first FIFA World Cup(TM) as a FIFA Partner will
be the 2010 tournament in South Africa and Visa will
develop a suite of programs to continue expanding merchant
acceptance, building member bank relationships, and growing
tourism in that country. "We're tremendously excited
about working with our partners in South Africa in the
run-up to the 2010 FIFA World Cup," said Elkins.
"South Africa is a key location for Visa and there is
great potential for us to work together with FIFA to leave
behind a positive legacy following the 2010 event." 

    Over the eight-year period of its FIFA Partnership,
Visa will be able to engage in the marketing of FIFA events
and competitions such as the FIFA World Cup(TM), the FIFA
Women's World Cup, FIFA Confederations Cup, the FIFA Club
World Cup, the FIFA U-20 World Cup, the FIFA U-17 World
Cup, the FIFA Interactive World Cup, the FIFA Beach Soccer
World Cup, the FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup, FIFA U-17
Women's World Cup and the FIFA Futsal World Cup. Visa will
also be working with FIFA to explore the possibility of
fostering and promoting visually impaired football, drawing
upon Visa's long-standing involvement with Paralympic

    About Visa

    Visa connects cardholders, merchants and financial
institutions through the world's largest electronic
payments network. Visa products allow buyers and sellers to
conduct commerce with ease and confidence in both the
physical and virtual worlds. Visa is committed to the
sustained growth of electronic payment systems to support
the needs of all stakeholders and to drive economic growth.
Visa products currently generate more than US$4.6 trillion
in sales volume worldwide. Visa enjoys unsurpassed
acceptance around the world. In addition, Visa/PLUS is one
of the world's largest global ATM networks, offering cash
access in local currency in over 170 countries. For more
information, visit http://www.corporate.visa.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Michael Sherman
     Visa International
     Tel:   +1-650-432-3923
     Email: globalmedia@visa.com

     Sabine Middlemass
     Visa International
     Tel:   +1-650-432-8307
     Email: globalmedia@visa.com

     Sujit Jasani
     Visa International
     Tel:   +44-207-300-6159
     Email: sujit.jasani@bm.com
Discovery Channel's SECRETS OF EGYPT'S LOST QUEEN Reveals First
June 28, 2007

-- Discovery Quest Funds Creation of the First-Ever Ancient
DNA Test Laboratory in Egypt -

    CAIRO, Egypt, June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of
Antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawass announced and unveiled today,
in an international press conference at Cairo's Egyptian
Museum, a 3,500-year-old mummy now positively identified as
Hatshepsut, one of history's few female pharaohs.  Using
computed tomography (CT) scanning and ongoing DNA testing,
Dr. Hawass solved the mystery of what happened to one of
ancient Egypt's most powerful and successful rulers.  Dr.
Hawass's odyssey of archeological and scientific adventure
has been documented in Discovery Channel's SECRETS OF
EGYPT'S LOST QUEEN, which premieres worldwide Sunday, July
15, 2007, at 9 PM (ET/PT).

    (Photo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200706281521.jpg )

    The investigative journey of Dr. Hawass and his team
leads them through the massive crypts beneath Egypt and
into the depths of the Egyptian Museum.  Using knowledge of
royal Egyptian mummification and clues from two known tombs
linked to Hatshepsut, the team narrows their search for
Hatshepsut to just four mummies from thousands of
unidentified corpses.  

    CT scanning allows the scientists to link distinct
physical traits of the four mummies to those of
Hatshepsut's known relatives.  The search further narrows
to two possibilities -- both from the tomb of Hatshepsut's
wet nurse -- but the final clue lies within a canopic box
inscribed with the female pharaoh's name.  A scan of the
box finds a tooth that, when measured, perfectly matches a
missing upper molar in one of the two mummies.

    "SECRETS OF EGYPT'S LOST QUEEN brings archeology
alive for viewers.  Only Discovery Channel can provide a
context for and continually immerse viewers in these
important moments of scientific discovery," said Jane
Root, president and general manager, Discovery Channel and
The Science Channel.  "We are proud to be part of this
significant find, and commend Dr. Hawass and his team for
their hard work and dedication."

    Applied Biosystems, the leading global provider of DNA
analysis technologies, and Discovery Quest, Discovery
Channel's initiative to support the scientific community's
work, enabled the construction of and equipment for the
first-ever ancient DNA testing facility located in the
Cairo Museum in Egypt.  The DNA testing facility will not
only be used to extract and compare nuclear and
mitochondrial DNA of the Hatshepsut mummy and mummies from
her family, but will be used by scientists to examine
future finds in Egypt and attempt to clarify familial
relationships among the royal families.  The Discovery
Quest fund reaffirms Discovery Channel's commitment to
support groundbreaking research and inventions that change
our world.

    "Through Discovery Quest, Discovery Channel is at
the forefront of the most significant scientific
discoveries of our time," said Steve Burns, executive
vice president, Discovery Quest, and chief science editor. 
"The Discovery Quest program strives not only to make
these discoveries accessible for viewers, but also to make
what we hope is a positive, lasting impression on
scientific research by providing valuable resources for
equipment and research expeditions."

    Equipment from Siemens Medical Solutions allowed
scientists to conduct detailed computed tomography scanning
of each of the mummies.  By using their technology in a
project like SECRETS OF EGYPT'S LOST QUEEN, archeologists
were able to go beneath the wrappings and fragile bodies of
some of Egypt's greatest pharaohs without damaging them.

    More powerful than Cleopatra or Nefertiti, Hatshepsut
stole the throne from her young stepson, dressed herself as
a man and in an unprecedented move declared herself pharaoh.
 Though her power stretched across Egypt and her reign was
prosperous, Hatshepsut's legacy was systematically erased
from Egyptian history-historical records were destroyed,
monuments torn down and her corpse removed from her
tomb-and her death is shrouded in mystery.

    SECRETS OF EGYPT'S LOST QUEEN is produced for Discovery
Channel by Brando Quilici Productions.  Brando Quilici is
the executive producer for Brando Quilici Productions. 
Allan Butler is the executive producer for Discovery
    Global premiere dates for SECRETS OF EGYPT'S LOST
    US                   July 15 at 9:00 PM (ET/PT)
    Asia                 July 15 at 9:00 PM
    Australia/NZ         July 15 at 7:30 PM
    Latin America        July 15 at 9:00 PM (local time
                         Buenos Aires, Caracas, Mexico
City, Miami and 
                         Santiago)/8 PM (Bogota time)
    UK                   July 17 at 8:00 PM
    Taiwan               July 22 at 9:00 PM
    India                August 19
    Italy                October 20 at 9:00 PM
    Japan                August TBD
    China                August TBD 
    Europe/Middle East   Autumn 2007 

    About Discovery Communications 

    Discovery Communications is the number-one nonfiction
media company reaching more than 1.5 billion cumulative
subscribers in over 170 countries. Through TV and digital
media, Discovery's 100-plus worldwide networks include
Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, The Science Channel,
Discovery Health and Discovery HD Theater. Discovery
Communications is owned by Discovery Holding Co. (Nasdaq:
DISCA, DISCB), Advance/Newhouse Communications and John S.
Hendricks, Discovery's founder and chairman. For more
information please visit http://www.discovery.com . 

    For photos and more information please log on to
Flander Oy Acquires Mobile Testing Business of China Hexin Group
June 28, 2007

E. J. McKay Acts as Financial Adviser to Flander Oy in the

    BEIJING, China, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Flander
Oy today announced the signing of a definitive agreement to
acquire 100% of the mobile testing business of Beijing Hexin
Digital Technology Limited. Helsinki based Flander is a
telecommunication software development and testing company
with a strong presence among leading global mobile OEMs.
Hexin is a leading Chinese software and mobile testing
service provider based in Beijing. 

    The transaction, which extends Flander's global
footprint from northern Europe to China and allows Hexin to
focus on its core software development business, is
representative of the kind of work E. J. McKay is engaged
in, that of "advising a highly selective group of key
clients in their significant cross-border transactions that
create measurable synergy and transform the economics of the
impacted industry," commented James Z. Li, Managing
Director of E. J. McKay.   

    About Flander Oy

    With its head office in Helsinki, Finland, and
footprints in multiple European locations, Flander is a
leading international provider of mobile software testing
and development services. Flander's customers include top
tier mobile handset manufacturers, independent software
vendors, mobile operations and service providers. The firm
is consistently ranked as among the finest mobile testing
and software service providers by global mobile OEMs. 

    About Hexin Group

    Founded in 1998, Beijing Hexin Digital Technology Ltd.
is a software service company based in Beijing, China. The
divesture of the mobile testing businesses represents a
strategic decision by the firm to focus its resources on
its core software development businesses. 

    About E. J. McKay

    E. J. McKay is a Shanghai based investment banking
group specialized in structuring complex cross-border
mergers & acquisitions and merchant banking
transactions. With a presence in 17 countries and 23 major
financial centers around the world and a dedicated focus on
China, the firm advises transactions both inbound and
outbound, representing clients both local and

    For further information, please contact:

    Keith Lee
    Tel:   +86-21-5109-6266
    Email: keith.lee@ejmckay.com 

    Web: http://www.ejmckay.com , http://www.ejmckay.net

International Experts Meet to Discuss Health Threats Due to Global Warming
June 28, 2007

    KUALA LUMPUR, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
International experts will meet here from 2 to 5 July to
discuss the threat to health posed by global warming in the
Asia Pacific region. With global mean temperature forecast
to increase by as much as six degrees Celsius by the end of
the century, delegates will be urged to take steps now to
face the problem.

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51.jpg )

    A recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO)
estimated that climate change directly or indirectly
contributes to about 77 000 deaths annually in Asia and the
Pacific -- about half of the world total attributed to
climate change

    Dr Shigeru Omi, WHO Regional Director for the Western
Pacific, warned: "We have now reached a critical stage
in which global warming has already seriously impacted lives
and health, and this problem will pose an even greater
threat to mankind in coming decades if we fail to act

    Among the potential effects of global warming would be
the appearance of mosquitoes where they were previously
absent, with the accompanying threat of malaria and dengue
fever.  Some regions might be at risk of reduced rainfall,
causing a shortage of fresh water and introducing the
danger of waterborne diseases.  Millions of people could be
at risk of malnutrition and hunger if arable lands become

    Representatives will also be told that the increasing
frequency of summer heat waves in temperate zones (Europe
in 2003 and Asia in 2004), and typhoons, hurricanes and
floods throughout the world are signs of changing weather
and climate patterns.

    The workshop, which is being organized by WHO Regional
Offices for South-East Asia and the Western Pacific, in
collaboration with WHO headquarters in Geneva, will be
attended by representatives of 14 countries, as well as by
WHO partners in the environmental field.

    The workshop will be held at the Parkroyal Kuala Lumpur
Hotel.  Key findings from this workshop will be shared at
the forthcoming ministerial meeting on environment and
health in Bangkok on 8 and 9 August, attended by Ministers
of Health and Environment from 14 countries in the
South-East and East Asia regions.

    For more information, please contact:

     Dr Hisashi Ogawa
     WHO Regional Adviser in Healthy Settings and
     Tel:   +632-528-9886
     Email: ogawah@wpro.who.int
Hans Janssen, Former IT Director of Telegraaf Media Groep, Joins WoodWing Board
June 28, 2007

    ZAANDAM, the Netherlands, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/
-- WoodWing Software has named publishing industry veteran
Hans Janssen to the position of CEO effective August 1, as
the company expands its board to meet the demands of a
rapidly growing customer base.

    "With the tremendous growth we've been
experiencing, this will allow us to continue to provide
outstanding service to our customers, while at the same
time continuing to develop our products to meet future
challenges," said Erik Schut, President of WoodWing
Software. "We have very ambitious growth objectives,
and this will help us achieve them. The new board lineup
will allow me to concentrate on product development and
technology, while Hans focuses on business

    "Hans' experience will be invaluable for us,"
Schut said. "Hans has extensive knowledge of the
newspaper industry and IT, and that's going to allow us to
continue our expansion around the world. He's a great
addition to our team."

    Janssen is no stranger to WoodWing. He helped found the
company along with Schut and several other technology
experts who had been working together at Mediasystemen in
the 1990s.

    For the past several years, Janssen has been working as
Director of IT for Telegraaf Media Groep. Seeing the growth
at WoodWing, though, he decided to become more actively
involved with the day-to-day operations of the company he
helped create.

    "I've been very impressed with the way in which
WoodWing has become one of the leading players in the
publishing technology industry," Janssen said.
"This is one of the fastest-growing technology
companies in the country. I can't wait to get

    Janssen brings along more than 20 years of experience
in the publishing industry. He was the technical director
for Mediasystemen. He joined Telegraaf Media Groep in 2001
where he developed the IT strategy. For the past four
years, he's been the managing director of Telegraaf Media
ICT, Telegraaf Media Groep's internal IT supplier.

    About WoodWing

    WoodWing Software specializes in innovative and
flexible editorial solutions that help efficiently produce
print and online publications. The company's flagship
product, Smart Connection Enterprise has been engineered
from the ground up utilizing the latest technologies
offered by the Internet age. WoodWing has offices in The
Netherlands, Kuala Lumpur and the US. Customers are served
through select partners.

    Hans Janssen's photograph

    For more information, please contact:

     Gerard van den Akker
     Email: pr@woodwing.com
Metaldyne Officially Opens Plant in Suzhou, China June 28, 2007 New Facility Will Serve the China Market SUZHOU, China, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Metaldyne officially opened its plant in Suzhou, China, last week marking the first operation for the company in that country. Metaldyne invested $10 million in the project and expects revenues of more than $100 million when the plant reaches full capacity in a few years. With Metaldyne's expected growth in China, the company will make a decision on a second plant by the end of the year, according to Metaldyne Chairman and CEO Tim Leuliette. "We will invest $30-$50 million in China over the next five years," Leuliette said. "We see great growth opportunity here. In 2006 China represented 0 percent of our revenue. By 2012 it will represent 6-7 percent." That growth is incremental to Metaldyne's growth in other parts of the world. "There is significant customer interest in Metaldyne's product localization plans in China and we already have a diverse customer base scheduled to launch soon after the plant opens," said Jim Hudak, vice president, sales and engineering - Asia. "We are in discussions with other customers in China and are selectively determining where to put our investment dollars." Located 46 miles (75 kilometers) northwest of Shanghai, the 92,000-sq.-ft. (8547-sq.-m.) plant will manufacture crankshaft damper assemblies, knuckle and control arm assemblies, aluminum diecast valve bodies and powder metal products. Current OEM customers include Beijing Benz DaimlerChrysler, Chery, Dongfeng-Peugeot-Citroen, Shanghai General Motors and Soueast (pronounced Southeast) Motors. The facility currently has 54 employees and is expected to grow to 97 by the end of this year. At full capacity it will employ 350-400 people. "We are committed to establishing operations wherever our customers need us and to make certain all our facilities have access to our company's resources worldwide," said JoAnne Ryan, vice president and general manager of Metaldyne China Operation. "The Suzhou operation will coordinate its activities with other Metaldyne plant to ensure an integrated understanding of our customers' needs and demands globally." Suzhou is currently launching several products for the China market. -- Crankshaft dampers for the Buick Regal, GL8 and Firstland and the Dongfeng Peugeot 307 and 206 as well as the Dongfeng Citroen Picasso, Elysee and ZX Fukang. -- Transmission bodies for several Chevrolet and Buick products -- Front and rear knuckle assemblies for the Chrysler Sebring -- Brake module assemblies and lower control arm assemblies for Soueast Motors (pronounced Southeast) -- Front brake corner modules and lower control arm assemblies for the Chrysler Town and Country and Voyager. In addition, the suspension system Suzhou provides for the Chrysler minivan is one of the first aluminum systems produced in China, which led other OEMs to pursue aluminum suspension designs with Metaldyne. "We pride ourselves on the innovation of our employees," Leuliette said. "We know our business and financial success is driven by their collective strength, talent and knowledge ... so we empower and encourage them to bring their innovative ideas forward." The Suzhou facility is located in The China-Singapore cooperative Suzhou Industrial Park, one of the most successful industrial parks in China. For more information, please contact: Asahi Tec - Metaldyne Marge Sorge Tel: +1-734-207-6597 Asahi Tec - Metaldyne Tammera Hallums Tel: +1-734-207-6713 Jennifer Lee The Millerschin Group Tel: +1-248-276-1970
Hib Vaccine: A Critical Ally in Asia's Effort to Reduce Child Deaths
June 28, 2007

     - New Study Shows Hib Vaccine Protects Children From
       Burden of Life-Threatening Pneumonia and Meningitis

     - Study Shows Hib Vaccine Could Prevent About 1/3 of
       Cases of Bacterial Pneumonia, the Leading Infectious
Cause of Death 
       in Asian Children 
     - Findings Confirm Burden of Hib Pneumonia and
Meningitis Grossly 
       Underestimated in Asia 
     - More Asian Countries now Planning Introduction of
Hib Vaccine, 
       Others Still Considering This Option 
    DHAKA, Bangladesh, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A new
study from Bangladesh published online today in The
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal shows that routinely
vaccinating infants against H. influenzae type b (Hib), a
bacterium that causes deadly Hib pneumonia and meningitis,
could save hundreds of thousands of children in Asia.
Results showed that routine immunization of infants with a
Hib conjugate vaccine prevented over one-third of 
life-threatening pneumonia cases and approximately 90% of
Hib meningitis cases. A similar impact would be expected in
other parts of the region. 

    Although countries in Asia with high mortality rates
have long known that pneumonia and meningitis are a
significant concern, many assumed that Hib was not a major
cause. This vaccine study builds the evidence of the real
burden of Hib pneumonia and meningitis as has been shown in
other studies in Chile and Indonesia, that is that the
proportion of pneumonia and meningitis prevented by the Hib
conjugate vaccine is significantly higher than what can be
detected through routine surveillance. 

    "There has been an ongoing disagreement about the
total burden of Hib pneumonia and meningitis in Asia, but
our findings provide evidence challenging the commonly held
notion that these diseases are rare in Asia," said Dr
Abdullah Baqui, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA.
"Our research shows that routine Hib vaccination is a
feasible and highly effective way of preventing death
related to Hib pneumonia and meningitis and could save the
lives of a significant number of Asian children who die
under the age of five." 

    "Bangladesh views Hib vaccine as an integral tool
in our mission to improve child survival in
Bangladesh," said Dr. Md. Abdul Quader Mian, Deputy
Director EPI and Programme Manager Child Health & LCC,
Ministry of Health, Bangladesh. This study supports the
conclusion of the consultative workshop organized in June
2006 by WHO around the introduction of the Hib vaccine into

    The study was conducted by researchers from
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research,
Bangladesh (ICDDR, B), Dhaka Shishu Hospital and John
Hopkins University. The vaccine used in the study replaced
the routine diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) vaccine
with a DTP-Hib combination. The combination vaccine did not
require additional injections or visits to benefit from the
expanded protection. Bangladesh recently applied for funding
from the GAVI Alliance to introduce a DTP-Hepatitis B-Hib
"pentavalent" combination which they hope to
introduce into the routine childhood immunization program
in 2008. 

    Despite a growing body of evidence, only 26% of the
world's children live in countries with access to Hib
vaccine. This means hundreds of thousands of children in
Asian countries are currently not benefiting from this
simple, life-saving vaccine. However, Bangladesh, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Bhutan have reviewed available
evidence and made the decision to introduce Hib vaccine and
applied for support from the GAVI Alliance.  

    "We are delighted that so many Asian countries are
preparing to introduce the Hib vaccine and protect their
children against Hib pneumonia and Hib meningitis"
said Julian Lob-Levyt, Executive Secretary of the GAVI
Alliance. "This is a clear indication of these
governments' commitment to reduce child mortality." 

    The WHO recommends that all countries adopt Hib vaccine
into routine child immunization programs. They estimate that
Hib globally is responsible for 400,000 deaths each year in
children under five years of age and around 3 million cases
of serious illness resulting in long term consequences such
as deafness, learning disabilities, paralysis and mental

    "This simple, life-saving vaccine can prevent Hib
pneumonia and meningitis in children, often called the
'invisible cause of forgotten child killers' in Asia,"
said Dr. Kent R. Hill, Assistant Administrator, Global
Health. "Immunization programs, including Hib, are an
essential component of USAID's strategy to prevent
life-threatening childhood infections. These data are clear
-- Hib vaccine is an important addition to immunization
programs through out Asia. Supply studies tell us quality
manufacturers from developing countries are coming into the
market very soon and prices for this vaccine will be coming
down in the very near future. Now is the time for
additional Asian countries to make this important addition
to the EPI programs. I commend the GAVI Alliance and the
countries of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka
and Bhutan for moving quickly to reduce needless Hib
related child deaths. 
    Notes to Editors 
    Study Facts 
    -- This was a case-control study in a birth cohort of
       68,000 children aged less than two years in Dhaka. 
    -- Children were randomly assigned DTP-Hib vs. DTP
    -- Cases, children confirmed as having pneumonia or
meningitis, were 
       compared with controls, children with similar
characteristics who 
       did not have these diseases 
    -- Each case was matched with four community-based
controls on age, 
       sex, season and distance; each case was also matched
with two 
       hospital controls 
    -- Vaccination status in the cases and controls was
compared, in order 
       to determine vaccine effectiveness 
    -- The study aimed to help Bangladesh to estimate the
effectiveness of 
       Hib vaccine in preventing bacterial meningitis and
X-ray confirmed 
    -- All pneumonia cases were confirmed by X-ray
according to the WHO 
       methodology; all Hib meningitis and probable
bacterial meningitis 
       were confirmed by laboratory tests 
    -- The preventable fraction of X-ray confirmed
pneumonia using 
       community and hospital controls respectively, was
34% and 44% 
    -- The preventable fraction of confirmed Hib meningitis
using community 
       and hospital controls was 89% and 93% respectively 
    -- The protocol was reviewed and approved by ICDDR, B
and Dhaka Shishu 
       Hospitals' Research and Ethics Committees. 
    -- The study was funded by the Urban Primary Health
Care Project 
        (UPHCP) of the Government of Bangladesh, Asian
Development Bank, 
       the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and 
       the National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) of the
USA. Technical 
       assistance was provided by WHO. 
    Hib Pneumonia and Hib Meningitis 
    The Hib bacterium is the leading cause of meningitis in
children and one of two major causes of severe childhood
bacterial pneumonia. Pneumonia and meningitis caused by
other bacteria such as pneumococcus and meningococcus
(which causes meningitis only) will not be prevented by Hib
vaccine, but vaccines for these diseases will be available
in the near future. 

    For further information on the study partners, Hib
pneumonia and meningitis or to arrange an interview with an
expert, please contact: 

     Dr. Serguei Diorditsa
     Medical Officer 
     Immunization and Vaccine Development
     World Health Organization Bangladesh
     Office:  +880-2-989-9540
     Email:   diorditsas@searo.who.int

     Lois Privor-Dumm, MIBS
     Director, Communications Strategy
     The Hib Initiative
     Mobile:  +1-484-354-8054
     Email:   lprivord@jhsph.edu
     Website: www.hibaction.org

     Ruth Landy
     Senior Programme Officer, Advocacy &
     The GAVI Alliance
     Mobile:  +41-79-336-3031
     Email:   rlandy@gavialliance.org
     Website: www.gavialliance.org
     Georgina Pinnington
     Ruder Finn Communications
     Office:  +44-20-7462-8932
     Email:   gpinnington@ruderfinn.co.uk

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