

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。





妊娠中~子育て中のママ・パパのためのコミュニティーサイト『Macoron!』(マコロン!)では、日清食品株式会社(本社:東京都新宿区)の協賛により、「日清チキンラーメン クッキングコンテスト」を開催いたしました。大勢のママ、パパからオリジナルレシピを投稿いただき,



■『Macoron!』(マコロン!) 日清チキンラーメンブログ

グランプリ 1名
準グランプリ 2名
グランプリ 1名
準グランプリ 2名








MY LOHAS SHOP@有楽町阪急へ出店が決まりました。

MYLOHAS SHOP 2007 @有楽町阪急







【美しいを願うすべての女性へ】サイト 11月1日正式オープン


Avenue Cafe
代表 米森省吾

【美しいを願うすべての女性へ】サイト 11月1日正式オープン


URL http://www.web-store.jp/avenue_cafe/

そして、場所(サイト)は、インターネットショッピングモールの「Web Store」です。





店名(屋号) : Avenue Cafe
所在地 : 〒332-0034 埼玉県川口市並木4-14-5伸明ビル306
TEL : 048-258-5870
FAX : 048-258-5870
URL http://www.web-store.jp/avenue_cafe/
E-mail : avenue_cafe@kif.biglobe.ne.jp
お問い合わせ : avenue_cafe@kif.biglobe.ne.jp
事業者 : 米森 省吾
事業内容 : 米国企業のサプリメント及びスキンケアの紹介活動。
主要取引先 : DM透明封筒販売センター / 取引内容 : 資料印刷依頼・封筒
主要取引先 : 株式会社昌大 / 取引内容 : Web Store 出店

活動内容 : 環境への取り組み。資料やカタログも紙資源であるため、資料は最小限のページ数で分かりやすい
活動内容 : 支援活動。シャプラニール=市民による海外協力の会への寄付を主な活動としています。

                                以 上








九州のエステサロン情報を掲載した総合検索サイト、『Beauty Nabi.com』< http://www.beauty-nabi.com
(運営会社:SP JAPAN 所在地:福岡県福岡市 代表:松元大軌 http://www.sp-japan.net/)は、





Beauty Nabi.comではダイエット・ネイル・フェイシャル・アロマ・アートメイクなど





Beauty Nabi.comでは、以下のようなコンテンツもご用意しております。




 ■会社名  SP JAPAN
 ■代表者  代表 松元 大軌
 ■設 立  2006年4月28日
 ■所在地  福岡県福岡市中央区警固2-2-23 ウイングコート警固802
 ■TEL    092-739-5052 通話(代表)
 ■FAX    092-739-5053 通話
 ■URL    http://www.sp-japan.net
 ■Email   info@sp-japan.net

 ■会社名  SP JAPAN
 ■担当者  鈴木
 ■TEL    092-739-5052(代表)
 ■FAX    092-739-5053
 ■Email   info@sp-japan.net

bbfriend :phpBBをベースとしたオープンソース:SNSシステム リリース

癌の総合サイト:癌掲示板のコンテンツの一つ がんSNS 向けにphpBBをベースに開発された大規模SNSシステムを公開しいたします。




○ bbfriend1.14 の主な機能

今回リリースされた最新版 『bbfriend1.14』では、多くの機能が追加されています。主な機能は以下のとおりです。

【 お友達機能】







レスポンスアンカー( >>2)

○ 動作環境

Mysql 3以上(対応データベースはMysqlのみ)
日本語環境 UTF-8 

その他の多くの機能に関しては、管理画面の  Hacks/Mods List をご参照ください。


□ ダウンロード:
□ デモ・サポート
□ お問い合わせ先:
□ 癌掲示板:http://www.gankeijiban.com/

コンサルティング業界専門メルマガ「Consultant info」が6年間「まぐまぐ」殿堂入りをキープ

東京都港区の人材紹介会社 ムービンストラテジックキャリアが発行する コンサルティング業界専門メールマガジン 『 Consultant info 』 が、2001年度より6年間、『まぐまぐ』 殿堂入りをキープ。

ムービンストラテジックキャリアが発行する コンサルティング業界専門メールマガジン『 Consultant info 』 が、2001年度より6年間、メールマガジン発行スタンド『まぐまぐ』 の殿堂入りをキープしている。

『まぐまぐ』 は、メールマガジン発行スタンドの老舗。
発行歴2年以上、最新号発行部数 3,000部以上のマガジンを『殿堂入り』と認定している。

『 Consultant Info 』(コンサルタント転職)とは?


イベントのお知らせ   ・・・・等
・コンサルティング会社の採用担当として日夜苦労している    ・・・等。




















株式会社ピーエイ 教育ビジネス事業部 担当:関根・大野

日本で初めて未経験者をプロの電話占い師へと育成する『日本初の電話占い師養成専門学校 シエラ』を発表





「有限会社 インフュージョンについて」



dwShpZ pmkhjfikkxsh, [url=http://zquldaozbdem.com/]zquldaozbdem[/url], [link=http://sygdzpzwqoxq.com/]sygdzpzwqoxq[/link], http://dnsdhdlzqdpx.com/



ヨシダカマガサコのケータイP2Pフレームワーク「Spear」「Spear Multi」が

 株式会社吉田鎌ヶ迫(代表取締役社長:吉田将人、以下ヨシダカマガサコ)のケータイP2Pフレームワーク「Spear (スピア)」および「Spear Multi (スピアマルチ)」が、10月11日(木)に開催されました「第22回デジタルコンテンツグランプリ」において、グランプリにあたる「経済産業大臣賞」を受賞致しました。今後ますますの発展が想定されるケータイコンテンツ分野においてモバイルP2P技術を開発し実用化した功績と、開発と運用の両方のコストを激減し、コンテンツビジネスに貢献する技術である点が評価されました。

 財団法人デジタルコンテンツ協会が主催する「デジタルコンテンツグランプリ」は、日本のデジタルコンテンツ産業の発展に大きく貢献する優れた映像・作品・製品・サービス・技術・人物を対象とし、専門誌編集者等によるノミネートを経て、有識者による審査委員会にて選出し表彰する権威あるコンテストです。過去の経済産業大臣賞にはアップルコンピュータ社(社名は当時)の「iTunes Music Store」「iPod」「Podcasting」や、セルシス社の「ComicStudioEX Ver.3.0」などが受賞しています。


【 ヨシダカマガサコ 「Spear」「Spear Multi」 概要 】


 また、1対1のケータイP2P通信を実現した「Spear」の上位版である「Spear Multi」は、接続台数を1~n台(※1)まで拡張可能な多人数対応ケータイP2Pフレームワークです。「Spear Multi」では通信機能が制限されたネットワークでも複数人で快適な通信ができるように、弊社独自のトポロジ(特許取得済み)を考案し開発しました。

 なお、ヨシダカマガサコは「Spear」に関する要素技術につきまして1件の特許を取得しており(特許第3892031号)、「Spear Multi」に関する要素技術につきましても2件の特許を取得しております(特許第3965201号および特許第3965202号)。

● 「Spear」を利用する主なメリットは以下のようになります。




■ 株式会社吉田鎌ヶ迫について
創業以前よりケータイ用P2Pフレームワーク 「Spear (スピア)」 の研究開発を開始し、

■ 本リリースに関するお問い合わせ
コーポレートコミュニケーション部  沖 善秋 (おき よしあき)
E-Mail: press@yoshidakamagasako.com

・「Spear」および「Spear Multi」は、株式会社吉田鎌ヶ迫の日本国における登録商標です。
(※1) 端末の性能に依存します
(※2) 当社調べ



代表取締役:樋口 敦士)は、超未来型デジタルクロック



「にぎわい商店」 http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/keitaistrap/
商品ページURL: http://item.rakuten.co.jp/keitaistrap/50-audocron/

●デザイナーBarry Gamble
目の不自由な友人を持つDoug Clark博士がカリフォルニア在住の時計技師でもある有名デザイナー
Barry Gamble氏にアイディアを持ちかけたことから始まりました。
Hewlett Packard(HP)にで名立たる功績を博したGamble氏は、時計作りにアートを取り入れた事で後に
大変評判を呼ぶ「Chrono-Art Inc.」を1971年に創立。


商品名  :【AUDOCRON】オードクロンクロック
サイズ  : 直径:約12.5cm、高さ:約8.5cm
電源   : 単4電池3本(別売)
販売開始日: 2007年10月
販売方法 : ・先行販売 にぎわい商店 Web販売 10月12日より
       ・他、全国有名小売店、インターネット通販 10月下旬以降
販売価格 : 3,800円(税別)

会社名 : 株式会社StrapyaNext
URL   : http://www.strapya.com/
設立  : 1998年5月設立
資本金 : 3000万円
代表者 : 代表取締役 樋口 敦士
従業員数: 50名
所在地 : 神奈川県小田原市栄町2-7-25 4F
TEL   : 0465-22-8064
事業内容: 携帯グッズ、雑貨のネット通販、卸、輸出入




The9 Limited to Present at the Citi Greater China Investor Conference 2007 and BNP Paribas 14th Annual China Conference
October 12, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The9
Limited (Nasdaq: NCTY) ("The9"), a leading online
game operator in China, today announced that it will be
presenting at the Citi Greater China Investor Conference
2007 and BNP Paribas 14th Annual China Conference.

    The Citi Greater China Investor Conference 2007 will be
held from October 16 to October 18, 2007 at the Venetian
Hotel in Macau.  The9's Senior Vice President & Chief
Financial Officer, Miss Hannah Lee, is scheduled to present
at 3:15 p.m. Beijing Time on Tuesday, October 16, 2007. 

    The BNP Paribas 14th Annual China Conference will be
held from October 17 to October 19, 2007 at the Sheraton
Hotel in Xiamen, China.  The9's Senior Vice President &
Chief Financial Officer, Miss Hannah Lee, is scheduled to
present at 9:15 a.m. Beijing Time on Thursday, October 18,

    About The9 Limited

    The9 Limited is a leading online game operator in
China.  The9's business is primarily focused on operating
and developing high-quality games for the Chinese online
game market.  The9 directly or through affiliates operates
licensed MMORPGs, consisting of MU(R), Blizzard
Entertainment(R)'s World of Warcraft(R), Soul of The
Ultimate Nation(TM), and its first proprietary MMORPG,
Joyful Journey West(TM), in mainland China.  It has also
obtained exclusive licenses to operate additional MMORPGs
and advanced casual games in mainland China, including
Granado Espada, Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, Ragnarok
Online 2, Emil Chronicle Online, Huxley(TM), FIFA Online,
Audition 2, Field of Honor and Audition.  In addition, The9
is also developing two proprietary MMORPG games, Fantastic
Melody Online(TM) and Ming Jiang San Guo.

    For further information, please contact:

     Ms. Dahlia Wei,
     Senior Manager, 
     Investor Relations,
     The9 Limited
     Tel:   +86-21-5172-9990
     Email: IR@corp.the9.com
     Web:   http://www.corp.the9.com
U.S. Army Selects Airborne Systems DragonFly and FireFly Systems for Self Guided Parachutes
October 12, 2007

    PENNSAUKEN, N.J., Oct. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Airborne Systems, which has combined the world's leading
parachute brands specializing in aerial delivery, rescue
and survival equipment, and engineering services announced
that the DragonFly system has been selected as the 10,000
lb Joint Precision Aerial Delivery System (JPADS) platform
for the U.S. Army. DragonFly is a precision guided
parachute delivery system that uses Global Positioning
System (GPS) signals to steer up to 10,000 lbs of cargo;
dropping supplies to troops in remote or dangerous areas. 

    ( Photo: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20071012/LAF003 )

    After being dropped from high altitude, DragonFly uses
GPS and a guidance, navigation and control system to
accurately fly itself to a designated location point on the
ground.  Using a gliding ram-air parachute, DragonFly can
land a significant distance from its point of release. 
This distance keeps the deploying air crew safe and reduces
the vulnerability of the ground troops receiving the

    In addition to the selection of DragonFly for the 10K
(10,000 lb) platform, the U.S. Army also selected Airborne
Systems' FireFly for their 2K (2,000 lb) JPADS platform.
Selection of the FireFly marks the first wide fielding of
this type of system by any government. 

    Airborne Systems offers a complete family of JPADS
platforms which are capable of delivering a wide range of
payloads from 75 lbs to 25,000 lbs.  The largest of these
platforms, the MegaFly, recently set the world record for
the largest ram air canopy ever flown.

    About Airborne Systems

    Airborne Systems has combined the core technologies of
four of the world's leading parachute brands; Irvin
Aerospace, GQ Parachutes, Para-Flite and AML (Aircraft
Materials, Ltd). Airborne Systems is a world leader in the
design, development, and manufacture of best-of-class
parachutes for military, personnel, and cargo systems,
space and air vehicle recovery systems, and deceleration
systems for high-performance aircraft. The company also
provides ordnance flare chutes, airbags, and weapons
delivery systems. Airborne Systems' North American
headquarters is located in Pennsauken, NJ and Airborne
Systems Europe is headquartered in Llangeinor, Wales in the
U.K. Information about the various Airborne Systems products
and services can be found on the World Wide Web at

    For more information, please contact:

     Gary Calvaneso, Executive Vice President, Marketing 
     Airborne Systems
     Phone: +1-949-933-8247
     Email: gary.calvaneso@airborne-sys.com

Fujitsu and Navini Show Industry's First Interoperability Demonstration Using Beamformed Mobile WiMAX(TM)
October 12, 2007

    RICHARDSON, Texas and SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 12
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Navini Networks and Fujitsu
Microelectronics America, Inc. (FMA) announced today the
first demonstration of multi-vendor interoperability using
Smart WiMAX technology -- the conjunction of smart
beamforming with Multiple Input/Multiple Output (MIMO) on a
Mobile WiMAX (802.16e) network. Smart WiMAX systems will
provide an estimated doubling of system capacity, while
offering up to twice the coverage of simple WiMAX networks
in a fully mobile setting.

    The demonstration, the first in the industry between
two different vendors, took place in Navini's test facility
in Richardson, Texas, using Navini's Ripwave(R) MX8 base
station running Mobile WiMAX software and a CPE reference
design prototype based on the Fujitsu MB86K21 802.16e-2005
Mobile WiMAX chip. Smart WiMAX beamformed connectivity was
achieved using "dedicated pilots," a mandatory
feature for all Wave 2 Mobile Station subscriber devices
required for certification under published WiMAX Forum

    Navini's Ripwave base stations combine the coverage and
capacity benefits of beamforming with the robustness and
throughput enhancements of MIMO. Navini's combination of
standards-based beamforming with MIMO is called Smart
WiMAX. Navini is working with partners such as Fujitsu to
extend the capabilities of Smart WiMAX to include
beamformed MIMO, which can double received data rates and
improve the reliability of a mobile signal.  

    "Navini, with others, led the inclusion of
beamforming and beamforming plus MIMO into the profiles for
Mobile WiMAX interoperability testing," explained Sai
Subramanian, VP Product Management and Strategic Marketing,
Navini Networks. "Showing multi-vendor interoperability
underlines our standards-based approach to delivering the
highest performance possible of Mobile WiMAX."

    "Navini and Fujitsu are the technology leaders in
beamformed MIMO," said Makoto Awaga, General Manager
of the Mobile Solution Division at the Electronics Devices
Group of Fujitsu Limited. "Subscriber modems using the
Fujitsu MB86K21 will use this advanced technology to offer
the best possible performance when using Mobile

    While the Smart WiMAX concept was developed by Navini,
the technology is standardized and can be implemented by
any vendor, as demonstrated by this collaboration with

    Navini Networks

    Navini was the first company to offer commercial Mobile
WiMAX(TM) products and has commercialized patented smart
beamforming technology, enabling personal broadband for the
mass market. Navini's Smart  WiMAX solution enhances Mobile
WiMAX with Smart Beamforming and beamformed MIMO, providing
operators with the power to deliver on the promise of
personal broadband, both indoors and outdoors.

    Navini's Ripwave(R) MX solution offers a portable,
zero-install, non-line-of-sight (NLOS) product line
consisting of customer modems, base stations and element
management systems (EMS) that run in the full range of
spectrums.  Navini Networks is a principal member of the
WiMAX Forum and the IEEE 802.16e committee and is
headquartered in Richardson, Texas. See

    Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc.

    Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc. (FMA) leads the
industry in innovation. Fujitsu provides high-quality,
reliable semiconductor products and services for the
networking, communications, automotive, security and other
markets throughout North and South America. As a founding
member and current board member of the WiMAX Forum(TM),
Fujitsu supports the standards development and compliance
programs that are essential to successful Broadband
Wireless deployment. Fujitsu provides performance-driven
WiMAX solutions by leveraging the company's experience and
expertise in the networking and communications markets.
Fujitsu offers flexible WiMAX SoC and reference designs for
WiMAX-certifiable systems to equipment vendors. For more
product information, please visit the company's web site at
http://us.fujitsu.com/micro/WiMAX or please address e-mail
to inquiry.bwa@fma.fujitsu.com 

    All company and other product names mentioned may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective

    For more information, please contact:

     Maryvonne Tubb
     Navini Networks
     Tel:   +1-972-852-4247
     Email: mtubb@navini.com

     Emi Igarashi
     Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-408-737-5647
     Email: eigarash@fma.fujitsu.com
Daiichi-Sankyo to Install Corning(R) Epic(R) System
October 12, 2007

Label-free drug screening platform enters Japanese
pharmaceutical market

    CORNING, N.Y., Oct. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Corning
Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) on Oct 11, 2007 announced that
Daiichi-Sankyo Co. Ltd. purchased the Corning(R) Epic(R)
System for installation and integration into drug discovery
operations at its Kasai Research & Development Center in
Tokyo. Daiichi-Sankyo is a global pharmaceutical innovator
and Japan's second-largest drug maker. This purchase marks
the entry of Corning's microplate-based, label-free drug
screening platform into the Japanese pharmaceutical market,
following successful commercial launches in both North
America and Europe. 

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200708141205-min.jpg

    "Because it is based on Corning's strong heritage
in photonics, materials science, and life sciences, we are
convinced that the Epic System will significantly
contribute to our drug screening efforts and enable
Daiichi-Sankyo to achieve great success," said Dr.
Hiroshi Yokota, general manager, Exploratory Research
Laboratories I, Daiichi-Sankyo Co. Ltd. 

    "Given Daiichi-Sankyo's recognized leadership in
the pharmaceutical industry, we are very pleased with their
decision to integrate the Corning Epic System into their
drug discovery operations," said Tom Lynch, business
director, Corning Epic System. "Corning has
established a team of local Epic field application and
service personnel to provide a strong foundation of support
for the growing customer base in Japan." 

    The Epic System is a high-throughput, label-free
screening platform based on optical biosensor technology.
The system performs both biochemical and cell-based drug
discovery applications and offers drug developers the
ability to evaluate promising new drug targets. It also
enables the observation of direct biological interactions
not previously detectable in high-throughput applications.

    The system uses optical technology to eliminate the
need for labels and consists of two components: a
disposable 384-well microplate with integrated biosensors
and a high-throughput screening (HTS) compatible microplate
reader that permits screening of up to 40,000 wells in an
eight-hour period. Because it makes use of an industry
standard microplate format, the Epic System can be easily
integrated with existing facilities and instrumentation. 

    For additional information on the Epic System, or any
other Corning Life Sciences products, please contact a
customer service representative at 1-800-492-1110, toll
free in the United States, (+1) 978-442-2200
internationally, or visit
http://www.corning.com/lifesciences . 

    About Corning Incorporated

    Corning Incorporated ( http://www.corning.com ) is the
world leader in specialty glass and ceramics. Drawing on
more than 150 years of materials science and process
engineering knowledge, Corning creates and makes keystone
components that enable high-technology systems for consumer
electronics, mobile emissions control, telecommunications
and life sciences. Our products include glass substrates
for LCD televisions, computer monitors and laptops; ceramic
substrates and filters for mobile emission control systems;
optical fiber, cable, hardware & equipment for
telecommunications networks; optical biosensors for drug
discovery; and other advanced optics and specialty glass
solutions for a number of industries including
semiconductor, aerospace, defense, astronomy and metrology.


    Key Terminology:

    High-throughput screening (HTS): Pharmaceutical
companies generally have libraries of 500,000 to one
million compounds. Therefore, to identify leads during the
drug discovery process, researchers rely on high-throughput
screening, or HTS. HTS is the use of miniaturized, robotics
equipment to screen hundreds of thousands of compounds
against a single target. Compounds that show a positive
result go on to further testing. 

    Label-free drug screening: The Corning Epic System
eliminates the need for fluorescent or radioactive labels
that are often used in the detection of biomolecular
interactions. The Epic System uses optical technology to
directly measure the biomolecular interaction between a
drug compound and a disease target without the use of
labels. Eliminating the need for labels reduces the
potential for erroneous results, saves time, and makes it
possible to evaluate compounds that can not be labeled. 

    Optical biosensor: An optical biosensor is a sensing
device that can be used to detect biological reactions. The
Epic System uses an optical biosensor known as a resonant
waveguide (RWG), which consists of a substrate with an
optical grating and a coating with a high index of
refraction. This grating forms an optical waveguide, a tiny
channel through which a specific wavelength of light
propagates. Only this wavelength that is resonant with the
waveguide grating structure is strongly reflected. The
other wavelengths are transmitted. 

    Biochemical and cell-based drug discovery applications:
The Epic System detects changes in refractive index upon a
binding event that takes place between immobilized targets
on a sensor surface and analytes. Detecting these direct
biomolecular interactions is referred to as biochemical
applications. Example biochemical applications include
antigen/antibody, drug/protease, drug/kinase, protein/DNA.
In addition to these biochemical applications, the Epic
System is also able to detect intracellular events that
take place in cultured cells stimulated by a drug. Examples
of these cell-based applications include G protein coupled
receptors, epidermal growth factor receptors, and
cytoskeleton modulations. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Media Relations Contact:
     Dana D. Moss
     Tel:   +1-607-974-0350
     Email: mossdd@corning.com

     Additional Contact:
     Lisa A. Burns
     Tel:   +1-607-974-4897
     Email: burnsla@corning.com

Marvell Qdeo Video Processing Powers LG BH200 HD DVD/Blu-ray Player
October 12, 2007

Marvell 88DE2710 Digital Format Converter Delivers Quiet,
Natural Video in Full-HD 1080p Resolution

    SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Marvell (Nasdaq: MRVL), a leader in storage,
communications, and consumer silicon solutions, today
announced that the Marvell(R) 88DE2710 digital video format
converter with Qdeo(TM) video processing
(http://www.marvell.com/qdeo) is a featured component of
the LG BH200 Super Blu(TM) player.  LG's second-generation
Super Blu player supports both Blu-ray disc and HD DVD
playback, and features Marvell's Qdeo video processing,
delivering immersive viewing experiences by rendering video
content in its most pristine form, at full-HD 1080p

    ( Logo:

    "Marvell's superb video processing technology
meets the high standard of innovation and quality that
consumers expect from our flagship home video
product," said Kim WaeYeul, chief research engineer
and HAV group leader, LG Digital Media Research Lab,
"By utilizing Qdeo, our second-generation, dual-format
Super Blu player is able to deliver the highest quality
full-HD video to the home theater."

    At the core of the Marvell 88DE2710, Qdeo delivers rich
high-definition video quality through a suite of advanced
QuietVideo(TM) technologies, providing quiet, natural video
free of noise and artifacts.  Per-pixel noise and
compression artifact reduction removes noise inherent in
digital video. Per-pixel motion-adaptive 3D de-interlacing
removes jaggies and eliminates feathering.  Adaptive
Contrast Enhancement (ACE) and Intelligent Color Remapping
(ICR) render rich and vivid images. 

    "The BH200 represents LG's continuing commitment
to provide consumers with the most flexible, best-in-class,
high-definition media player," stated Dr. Nikhil
Balram, Vice President and General Manager of the Digital
Entertainment Business Unit, Communications and Consumer
Business Group at Marvell.  "Marvell believes that our
Qdeo technology builds on the LG commitment to excellence by
delivering superior quality video that is quiet, natural,
and free of distractions."

    LG's new high-definition player is capable of Blu-ray
disc and HD DVD playback with advanced BD-Java and HDi
interactivity, enabling consumers to choose from the widest
variety of HD content regardless of disc format.  The player
also features a "Qdeo" setting in the on-screen
display that provides users with a simple path to the
optimal settings for consistently immersive viewing

    For more information on Qdeo, visit
http://www.marvell.com/qdeo .

    About Marvell

    Marvell (Nasdaq: MRVL) is a leader in development of
storage, communications, and consumer silicon solutions. 
The company's diverse product portfolio includes switching,
transceiver, communications controller, wireless, and
storage solutions that power the entire communications
infrastructure including enterprise, metro, home, and
storage networking.  As used in this release, the terms
"company" and "Marvell" refer to
Marvell Technology Group Ltd. and its subsidiaries.  For
more information, visit http://www.marvell.com .

    Marvell(R) is a registered trademark of Marvell or its
affiliates. QuietVideo(TM) and Qdeo(TM) are trademarks of
Marvell or its affiliates.

    Other names and brands may be claimed as the property
of others.

    For Further Information Contact:
     Elisabeth H. Stockton	
     Marvell Media Relations
     Tel:   +1-408-222-3501
     Email: stockton@marvell.com

     Linda Sanders
     Marvell Analyst Relations
     Tel:   +1-408-807-0910
     Email: lsanders@marvell.com

IHG Hotel Brands Entering New Locations, Growing at Record Pace Across Asia Pacific
October 12, 2007

-- InterContinental, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn and Holiday
Inn Express 
   expansion includes entry into new and emerging

-- 80 new hotels signed during past year in Asia Pacific,
averaging one hotel 
   every five days

-- Growth supported by continuous investments in gaining
customer insight, 
   ensuring quality and effectively driving hotel returns

    HONG KONG, Oct. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ ¨C- IHG's
(InterContinental Hotels Group's) portfolio of hotel brands
has been growing at record pace across Asia Pacific during
the past year, accompanied by an equally strong growth in
the group's regional support infrastructure. All four of
the IHG brands currently present in this part of the world
¨C InterContinental, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn and Holiday
Inn Express ¨C continue to outperform. The current growth
momentum is especially strong in the key markets of the
People's Republic of China (PRC), Japan and India. Some of
the brands within the IHG portfolio are also set to appear
for the first time in strategic new locations such as Ho
Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Maldives, Bangalore, Melbourne and

    The group has a development pipeline of more than 120
hotels and 40,000 rooms across Asia Pacific. Over 80 hotels
have been signed over the past one year period ¨C an average
of one signing every five days. More than two thirds of
these signings are for new-build hotels with the rest being
conversions of existing properties. Close to 70% of the
hotels will be located in the PRC, Japan and India, in line
with IHG's global strategy of building the hotel industry's
strongest operating system, focused on the biggest markets
and segments where scale really counts. 

    IHG has also been growing its support capability in key
regional locations. Commented Tony South, acting chief
executive of IHG Asia Pacific, "As we continue to grow
our network of hotels across the region, we need to put
equal emphasis on ensuring the long-term success of the
hotels, which in turn ensures better returns for our
owners. As a result, we have doubled the number of
employees based in our corporate offices in Shanghai,
Sydney, Singapore, New Delhi and Tokyo during the past two
years. This includes beefing up critical functions such as
talent development, hotel openings, design and engineering,
brand management, sales and revenue management." 

    He added that in order to address the huge demand for
trained hospitality talent across the region, the company
has launched a number of industry-leading talent
development initiatives during the past twelve months. Key
among these was the launch of the IHG Academy in Shanghai
last year. Designed to identify and groom staff for IHG's
hotels and develop the future talent pool, the IHG Academy
was recently expanded to another three cities across the
PRC. IHG partners with leading institutions in each of
these locations to help deliver the programs. 

    In another industry first, Crowne Plaza Hotels &
Resorts, the group's upscale brand for meetings and
interactions, recently introduced a unique accreditation
program for its meeting directors, in partnership with
Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management. This
program sets a new benchmark for meeting services providers
and provides enhanced career development opportunities for
Crowne Plaza employees. 

    At the same time, IHG has invested heavily in research
aimed at garnering customer insight to help take their
brands in the right direction. The company conducted one of
the largest ever hotel research studies, talking to 15,000
consumers across the globe. The insight gained is now being
used to help differentiate the company's brands through
innovation, communication and an improved booking

    IHG's Priority Club Rewards (PCR), the biggest hotel
loyalty program in the world with 33 million members, has
been growing particularly well in Asia Pacific. The number
of regional PCR members has tripled to about three million
over the last 3 years, averaging growth of about 39%

    Globally, IHG is opening one hotel a day around the
world and signing two hotels a day. The company now has a
total of more than 1,400 hotels (over 188,000 rooms) in the
development pipeline and expects to exceed its target of
50,000-60,000 net and organic room additions by the end of
    Key brand highlights:

    InterContinental Hotels & Resorts

     -- Luxury hotel brand with 34 hotels (12,000 rooms) in
Asia Pacific. 24 
        hotels (8,400 rooms) in development pipeline.

     -- Will enter several key emerging destinations for
the first time, 
        including Melbourne, Australia; Ho Chi Minh City
and Hanoi, Vietnam; 
        and Qingdao, PRC. 

     -- The only luxury hotel brand to have two hotels
offering direct access 
        to the 2008 Olympics ¨C InterContinental Beijing
North is steps from 
        the Olympic stadium and InterContinental Qingdao is
located within  
        the Olympic sailing venue.

     -- Two co-branded hotels launched April 2007 in Tokyo,
Japan, as a  
        resultof the hotel operating joint venture with All
Nippon Airways  
        (ANA). Two more ANA InterContinental resorts to be
launched in  
        Okinawa in 2008 and 2009.

     -- Additional InterContinental Resorts will launch in
Hua Hin, Thailand; 
        Huizhou and Sanya, PRC; Danang, Vietnam; and
Okinawa, Japan. These  
        new launches will join existing InterContinental
resorts in Bali and 
        French Polynesia.

    Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts

     -- Upscale hotel brand with 51 hotels (16,500 rooms)
open across Asia 
        Pacific; 39 hotels (14,000 rooms) in development

     -- Focuses on business meetings and social
interactions and is the 
        fastest growing hotel brand in its segment in Asia
Pacific and the 

     -- In PRC, more than 40% of the hotels in the IHG
development pipeline 
        will be Crowne Plaza hotels.

     -- Six ANA Crowne Plaza co-branded hotels to launch
later this year in 
        Japan as part of the IHG ANA hotel operating joint
venture. Hotels  
        arelocated across the country, in Narita, Kanazawa,
        Hiroshima, Okinawa and Chitose. 

     -- Crowne Plaza hotels will enter markets such as
Hanoi, Vietnam; 
        Hangzhou, PRC; and Adelaide, Australia for the
first time. The brand 
        is also making a re-entry into Singapore with
Crowne Plaza Changi 
        Airport opening in April 2008.

    Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts

     -- World's most recognized hotel brand. 89 hotels
(23,850 rooms) in Asia 
        Pacific and 40 hotels (12,000 rooms) in the
development pipeline.

     -- The leading mid-scale hotel brand in Asia Pacific
and China. Voted 
        best mid-market hotel brand in Asia Pacific and the
world by readers 
        of Business Traveller Asia Pacific every year from

     -- Expected to grow significantly in India, with six
of 10 upcoming IHG 
        hotels earmarked as Holiday Inns.

     -- Maldives, Bangalore and Pattaya will see the
opening of their first 
        Holiday Inn hotels. 
    Holiday Inn Express

     -- Ten Holiday Inn Express hotels (3,000 rooms)
currently operating in 
        China, Hong Kong and Japan and close to 20 hotels
in the development 

     -- One of the fastest growing hotel brands in the
hotel industry, with 
        one hotel opening every four days somewhere in the

     -- The brand offers a smart, innovative and refreshing
hotel choice for 
        business and leisure, with relevant facilities,
focused services, 
        consistent quality and stylish design. It is
positioned between full 
        service four star hotels and budget hotels.

     -- The Holiday Inn Express China franchising program
was launched in  
        2007,targeted at hotel owners who share IHG's
vision for the brand 
        and possess the necessary skills and resources to
operate a portfolio 
        of hotels with IHG's support.

     -- Holiday Inn Express plans to expand its Asia
Pacific presence to 
        Singapore and Bangkok.

    Notes to Editors: 

    About IHG

    InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) of the United
Kingdom (LON:IHG, NYSE: IHG) is the world's largest hotel
group by number of rooms. IHG owns, manages, leases or
franchises, through various subsidiaries, over 3,800 hotels
and more than 564,000 guest rooms in nearly 100 countries
and territories around the world. IHG owns a portfolio of
well recognized and respected hotel brands including
InterContinental(R) Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza(R)
Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn(R) Hotels and Resorts,
Holiday Inn Express(R), Staybridge Suites(R), Candlewood
Suites(R) and Hotel Indigo(R), and also manages the world's
largest hotel loyalty program, Priority Club(R) Rewards with
over 33 million members worldwide.

    The company pioneered the travel industry's first
collaborative response to environmental issues as founder
of the International Hotels and Environment Initiative
(IHEI). The IHEI formed the foundations of the Tourism
Partnership launched by the International Business Leaders
Forum in 2004, of which IHG is still a member today. The
environment and local communities remain at the heart of
IHG's global corporate responsibility focus.

    IHG offers information and online reservations for all
its hotel brands at http://www.ihg.com and information for
the Priority Club Rewards program at
http://www.priorityclub.com .

    For the latest news from IHG, visit our online Press
Office at http://www.ihg.com/media .

    For more information, please contact:

     Sharona Tao	 			
     IHG Greater China			
     Phone: +86-21-2893-3309			
     Email: sharona.tao@ihg.com	
World Innovation: Anyfix by Luigi Colani
October 12, 2007

- First Ever Mobile-Phone-Charger - Wireless!

    OLDENBURG, Germany, Oct. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Production has begun, reservations and pre-orders now
available, worldwide sales start November 2007.

    Charity campaign! The first 15 signed Anyfix devices
can be purchased by auction at eBay, for the benefit of the
trust "Menschen fuer Menschen".

    Legendary achievements in technological history were
often based on a very plain idea that simply no one had

    Such a revolution for every day life is presented by
the new universal charging device Anyfix by the star
designer Luigi Colani.

    Anyfix: One for All!

    Using the Anyfix, every cellphone user will from now on
be able to charge 80% of all cellular phone models worldwide
anytime and anyplace, saving time in the process: by
pressing a button the appropriate charging plug is chosen,
the device functions cordless.

    The presentation of the Anyfix at the Cebit 2008
ignited a worldwide storm of enthusiasm. Within days, the
Anyfix was presented and discussed on over a million
websites and forums worldwide.

    Due to the enormous echo and demand, the planned
production capacities had to be expanded severely.

    Today, the Anyfix Company, with a production capacity
of 2 million units per month, is primed for worldwide
demand and announces sales start for November.

    As a special service for all fans of this little marvel
of charging technology, reservations and pre-orders will be
available starting October 11th at http://www.anyfix.de.

    For the impatient, the first 15 Anyfix devices
worldwide - hand-signed by Luigi Colani himself - can be
purchased by auction at eBay Germany, starting October

    Technical details, pictures of Luigi Colani and the
Anyfix are available in our download area and media service
on the website:


    For more information, please contact:

    Public relations manager: Mr. Reiner Haas
    Fon:      +49-911-3008444
    Mobile:   +49-170-8554539
    Fax:      +49-911-300-8-474
    EMail:    reinerhaas@gmx.de
    Homepage: http://www.anyfix.de

Zhoushan welcomes Its First International Upper Upscale Hotel with the Opening of Sheraton Zhoushan Hotel
October 12, 2007

    ZHOUSHAN, Zhejiang Province, Oct. 12
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sheraton Hotels & Resorts
welcomes its newest member with the opening of Sheraton
Zhoushan Hotel, the first upper upscale hotel to open in
Zhoushan, Zhejiang province. 

    Developed by Green Town Real Estate Co. Ltd, Sheraton
Zhoushan Hotel brings to this growing archipelago city 398
guest rooms and suites, 4,200 sqm of meeting space, as well
as Link@Sheraton, a place to connect guests with the world. 
The hotel is located in the centre of Lincheng new district
and about 20 minutes drive from Mount Putuo Airport.  

    In all of the 398 guestrooms and suites, guests can
enjoy a splendid view of the sea and mountain in Zhoushan.
Every guestroom is equipped with the signature Sheraton
Sweet Sleeper(R) Bed, flat screen LCD TV, separate shower,
bath and toilet, rainforest shower and high-speed broadband
Internet access. The 32 suites are customized for the
discerning guests, with spacious and magnificent living
room, warm and comforting bedroom with a natural view
outside. Guests will experience the most relaxing business
trip and the coziest family tour. What's more, the supreme
Club Floor and the Club Lounge offer a private and
personalized service for guests.

    The hotel provides 4,200 sqm extended and flexible
meeting space, including a pillar-free Grand Ballroom with
10 meters in height and 1,500 sqm in space, and other 10
differently sized function rooms, offering the ideal
choices for events and activities. The hi-tech audiovisual
equipments, together with professional meeting planning and
service delivery, guarantee that your dream of a perfect
meeting will come true.

    Guests can find the most delicious dishes and original
tastes from all over the world in the elegant and modern
restaurants and lounge here. Feast All Day Dining offers
buffet and various choices of a la Carte menu. Bene Italian
Kitchen is the best place to enjoy the most classical
zabaglione and the original Italian style. Celestial Court
Chinese Restaurant brings a combination of Zhoushan style
Seafood, Cantonese, Shanghai and Huaiyang cuisines. The
Lobby Lounge is an ideal place to enjoy your afternoon tea,
cocktail, snack, and refreshment amid a warm piano sound.
Enjoy also the joy in the water with your family. Lying
beside the pool, you may have a cool drink and sunbath at
the Poolside Bar, which is surrounded by palm trees and
tropical scenes, a perfect spot for spending your sunny
summer day. 

    Other facilities include the Aqua Vitae Spa, Sheraton
Fitness Center, Poolside Bar, Indoor Swimming Pool,
ecological corridor, garden with tropical view and other
recreation spots.  

    For more information, please visit
http://www.sheraton.com/zhoushan .

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. is one of
the leading hotel and leisure companies in the world with
approximately 890 properties in more than 100 countries and
145,000 employees at its owned and managed properties.
Starwood(R) Hotels is a fully integrated owner, operator
and franchisor of hotels and resorts with the following
internationally renowned brands: St. Regis(R), The Luxury
Collection(R), W(R), Westin(R), Le Meridien(R),
Sheraton(R), Four Points(R) by Sheraton, AloftSM, and
ElementSM. Starwood Hotels also owns Starwood Vacation
Ownership, Inc., one of the premier developers and
operators of high quality vacation interval ownership
resorts. For more information, please visit
http://www.starwoodhotels.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Fiona Lee
     Sheraton Zhoushan Hotel
     Tel:   +86-580-208-8888
     Fax:   +86-580-208-8889
     Email: fiona.li@sheraton.com

Platts Survey: OPEC Oil Output Rises 300,000 b/d in September, to 30.76 Million b/d, Bolstered by Iraqi Volumes
October 12, 2007

    LONDON, Oct. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Total crude-oil production from the 12 members of the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) rose
300,000 barrels per day (b/d) in September, to 30.76
million b/d from 30.46 million b/d in August, as Iraqi
volumes recovered and several other member countries
further relaxed existing production constraints ahead of a
formal output hike in November, a Platts survey showed
October 11. 

    Supply from the 10 members bound by output agreements
rose to 26.87 million b/d from 26.79 million b/d in August,
an increase of 80,000 b/d, the survey of OPEC and oil
industry officials showed.

    Iraq, which does not participate in production pacts,
accounted for the larger part of the 300,000 b/d
month-on-month increase in OPEC-12 output. Several other
countries boosted volumes by a collective 120,000 b/d.

    "The 300,000 barrels-per-day increase in output is
significant, and is a good sign not only heading into the
fourth quarter but also the period beginning in November,
when OPEC is to raise production further, as previously
announced," said John Kingston, global director of oil
at Platts. "Some of the increases are small, but
they're positive nonetheless, such as the higher output
from Nigeria and Angola. There's still a large
fourth-quarter gap between anticipated supply and demand,
and OPEC will be hard-pressed to fill it. But whatever
steps it is taking to fill that difference will mean less
of an inventory drawdown, which is positive for

    Angola, also currently exempt from output pacts, pushed
output up to 1.72 million b/d from 1.68 million b/d in
August, edging closer to the 2 million b/d it is targeting
by the end of this year.

    Among the OPEC-10, supply from Saudi Arabia averaged
8.7 million b/d, up from 8.66 million b/d in August but
well below the 8.943 million b/d allocation that comes into
effect on November 1 as part of OPEC's September 11
agreement to boost actual supply by 500,000 b/d.

    Nigerian supply rose to 2.18 million b/d in September
from 2.15 million b/d in August.  
    OPEC, which uses secondary sources to monitor its own
output, agreed to use estimated August production of around
26.75 million b/d for the OPEC-10 as a baseline for its
500,000 b/d increase rather than the previous notional
target of 25.8 million b/d.

    The group did not formally publish the breakdown of the
new 27.253 million b/d output target, but the allocations
appeared briefly on OPEC's website.   

           Nov 1 
    Country       September     August       July       
June         target 
    Algeria           1.360      1.360      1.350      
1.350          1.357 
    Indonesia         0.830      0.830      0.830      
0.830          0.865 
    Iran              3.880      3.880      3.900      
3.880          3.817 
    Kuwait            2.420      2.420      2.420      
2.420          2.531 
    Libya             1.700      1.690      1.680      
1.680          1.712 
    Nigeria           2.180      2.150      2.150      
2.080          2.163 
    Qatar             0.810      0.810      0.810      
0.800          0.828 
    Arabia            8.700      8.660      8.610      
8.610          8.943 
    UAE               2.590      2.590      2.560      
2.550          2.567 
    Venezuela         2.400      2.400      2.400      
2.400          2.470 
    OPEC-10          26.870     26.790     26.710     
26.600         27.253 
    Angola*           1.720      1.680      1.670      
1.640           N/A   
    Iraq              2.170      1.990      2.120      
1.980           N/A   
    Total            30.760     30.460     30.500     
    * Angola joined OPEC on January 1, 2007.               

    For more information on OPEC, go to the "Platts
OPEC Guide" at http://www.opec.platts.com.

    About Platts: 

    Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:
MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals
information. With nearly a century of business experience,
Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries.
From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural
gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and
metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical
services, and conferences help markets operate with
transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers,
analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help
them make better trading and investment decisions.
Additional information is available at
    About The McGraw-Hill Companies: 

    Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP)
is a leading global information services provider meeting
worldwide needs in the financial services, education and
business information markets through leading brands such as
Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek
and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more
than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3
billion. Additional information is available at

    For more information, please contact:


     U.S.:  Kathleen Tanzy
     Phone: +1-212-904-2860
     Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com

     Europe: Shiona Ramage
     Phone:  +44-207-1766-153

     Asia:  Casey Yew
     Phone: +65-653-06552    

Alliance Data's Epsilon International Signs Agreement With eBay Joint Venture EachNet to Provide Email Marketing Services in China
October 11, 2007

Shanghai-based Online Auctioneer Selects Epsilon's Email
Marketing Platform and Professional Services International
Team to Power Complex Customer Communication Program

    DALLAS, Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Alliance Data
Systems Corporation (NYSE: ADS), a leading provider of
transaction services, credit services and marketing
services, today announced that the global operations of its
Epsilon business, Epsilon International, has signed a
multi-year agreement to provide permission-based email
marketing solutions and services to online auctioneer
EachNet in China. EachNet is a joint venture between San
Jose, California-based online auctioneer eBay and
Shanghai-based Web portal and wireless Internet provider
TOM Online. Founded in 1999, EachNet's extensive customer
base includes approximately 30 million consumers throughout
mainland China.

    ( Logo: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20051024/ADSLOGO )

    Under the terms of the agreement, EachNet will deploy
Epsilon International's proprietary email communications
and campaign management platform geared toward notifying
consumers of goods for auction based on their preferences.
Epsilon International will provide additional professional
services to help EachNet manage and further develop its
complex, triggered email account messaging, and to create
and launch timely, relevant marketing campaigns to EachNet
customers. More than 300 million permission-based
customized email communications will be sent annually, with
volume expected to coincide with the growth in China's
rapidly increasing online universe.  

    "We are excited to work with the Epsilon
International team to advance our email communications and
help fuel aggressive growth by developing deeper
relationships with our customers," said an EachNet
spokesperson. "The Epsilon International team's
dedication to maximizing marketers' ROI while focusing on
the customer experience fits perfectly with our values and
direction. Epsilon International is a partner that can help
guide and support us as our needs expand and evolve over the

    EachNet selected Epsilon International's China-based
team after an extensive search for an email service
provider. Epsilon International's email delivery expertise,
experienced client services team, and depth of knowledge of
the Chinese marketplace helped distinguish the company from
others under consideration.

    In the last 12 months Epsilon International has
experienced a period of rapid growth in the Asia-Pacific
region, expanding its offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong,
India, and Singapore, and broadening its service offering
to clients throughout China, Australia, and Southeast Asia.
Epsilon International expects to continue its growth,
especially in China, where eMarketer, an e-business and
online marketing research firm, forecasts the number of
Internet users to increase to 156.2 million by the end of
2007, representing a 13-percent increase over 2006.

    "The opportunity to work with an established brand
and category pioneer such as EachNet enables us to show the
universal value of leveraging customer insight in rapidly
expanding marketplaces," said Dominic Powers, senior
vice president, Asia Pacific at Epsilon International.
"We are excited to support an enterprise of this
magnitude and look forward to helping EachNet achieve
record results, deepen its customer relationships, and
increase marketing ROI in this important channel."

    About Epsilon

    Epsilon is a leading provider of multi-channel,
data-driven marketing technologies and services. Through
its combination of client-centric marketing solutions,
Epsilon helps leading companies understand, measure, manage
and optimize their customer relationships. The
organization's end-to-end suite of integrated services
includes strategic consulting, creative, data, database and
loyalty technology, analytics, email and direct marketing
distribution services to produce multi-channel marketing
programs that generate measurable results throughout the
customer lifecycle.

    Founded in 1969, Epsilon is headquartered in Dallas and
comprises five business groups including Strategic Database
Solutions, Interactive Services (formerly Epsilon
Interactive), Agency and Direct Services, Data Services
(formerly CPC Associates, Inc.) and Abacus Data Services
(Abacus). Epsilon works with more than 2,200 blue-chip
brands and has offices throughout the United States, Europe
and Asia. Epsilon is an Alliance Data company. For more
information, visit www.epsilon.com.

    Epsilon International is an operating unit of Epsilon.
Epsilon International is a trading name of Alliance Data
FHC, Inc.

    About Alliance Data 

    Alliance Data (NYSE:  ADS) is a leading provider of
marketing, loyalty and transaction services, managing over
120 million consumer relationships for some of North
America's most recognizable companies. Using
transaction-rich data, Alliance Data creates and manages
customized solutions that change consumer behavior and that
enable its clients to create and enhance customer loyalty to
build stronger, mutually beneficial relationships with their
customers. Headquartered in Dallas, Alliance Data employs
over 9,000 associates at more than 60 locations worldwide.
Alliance Data's brands include AIR MILES(R), North
America's premier coalition loyalty program, and
Epsilon(R), a leading provider of multi-channel,
data-driven technologies and marketing services. For more
information about the company, visit its website,

    Alliance Data's Safe Harbor Statement/Forward Looking

    This release may contain forward-looking statements
within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such statements may use
words such as "anticipate," "believe,"
"estimate," "expect,"
"intend," "predict,"
"project" and similar expressions as they relate
to us or our management. When we make forward-looking
statements, we are basing them on our management's beliefs
and assumptions, using information currently available to
us. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in
the forward-looking statements are reasonable, these
forward-looking statements are subject to risks,
uncertainties and assumptions, including those discussed in
our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    If one or more of these or other risks or uncertainties
materialize, or if our underlying assumptions prove to be
incorrect, actual results may vary materially from what we
projected. Any forward-looking statements contained in this
news release reflect our current views with respect to
future events and are subject to these and other risks,
uncertainties and assumptions relating to our operations,
results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity. These
risks, uncertainties and assumptions include those made with
respect to and any developments related to the company's
proposed merger with Aladdin Merger Sub, Inc., an affiliate
of The Blackstone Group, announced on May 17, 2007. The
company cannot provide any assurance that the proposed
merger transaction will be completed. We have no intention,
and disclaim any obligation, to update or revise any
forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new
information, future results or otherwise.

    "Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in
this press release regarding Alliance Data Systems
Corporation's business which are not historical facts are
"forward-looking statements" that involve risks
and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and
uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ
from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see
"Risk Factors" in the company's Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the most recently ended fiscal year. Risk
factors may be updated in Item 1A in each of the company's
Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for each quarterly period
subsequent to the company's most recent Form 10-K.

    For more information, please contact:

    Alliance Data

     Analysts - Investors:
     Ed Heffernan
     Phone: +1-972-348-5191
     Email: Ed.Heffernan@AllianceData.com

     Shelley Whiddon
     Phone: +1-972-348-4310
     Email: Shelley.Whiddon@AllianceData.com

    Upstream Asia

     Dorothy Fung
     Phone: +852-2973-0222

    Greenough Communications

     Scott Bauman 
     Phone: +1-617-275-6518
PPD Names VPs for North America and Asia
October 11, 2007

Expands global senior leadership team; restructures
business units geographically

    WILMINGTON, N.C., Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- PPD,
Inc. (Nasdaq: PPDI) today announced the appointments of
Paul D. Colvin as senior vice president of clinical
operations for North America and Simon J. Britton as vice
president of clinical operations for Asia. 

    Mr. Colvin joins PPD from Eli Lilly and Company where
he most recently directed clinical operations and global
patient enrollment optimization. During his 14-year career
at Lilly, he held a series of leadership positions
including chief operations officer for the global
cardiovascular brand team; European clinical operations
senior manager for the oncology, critical care, primary
care and neuroscience business units; global clinical
operations manager for oncology project teams; and clinical
project management leader for the oncology project team.

    "Paul Colvin brings extensive global development
experience across a wide range of therapeutic areas
garnered during an impressive tenure with Lilly," said
William Sharbaugh, chief operating officer of PPD. "His
experience as a leader in the trenches of clinical drug
development will serve him well in overseeing our North
American Phase II-IV operational unit." 

    The position assumed by Mr. Britton is a new senior
management role created specifically for the company's
business on that continent.

    "With Asia's escalating importance to global drug
development, additional leadership will enable us to drive
PPD's continued growth in the region," Mr. Sharbaugh
said. "We are pleased to gain Simon Britton as a
member of our team with his comprehensive international
experience and proven ability to expand business scope and
deliver quality results."

    Mr. Britton spent the last seven years at
GlaxoSmithKline where he most recently served as head of
international clinical operations, managing the company's
global clinical operations group across 25 countries. He
brings more than 16 years' experience in leadership roles
in the biopharmaceutical industry.

    With Mr. Britton's appointment, PPD has divided its
Phase II-IV operational units into four distinct
territories: North America; Latin America; Europe, Middle
East and Africa (EMEA); and Asia. 

    "This strategic restructuring of our business
units geographically will enhance our ability to leverage
PPD talent globally, strengthen internal standardization of
our processes and further our ability to manage complex
multinational trials efficiently," Mr. Sharbaugh

    PPD is a leading global contract research organization
providing discovery, development and post-approval services
as well as compound partnering programs. Our clients and
partners include pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical
device, academic and government organizations. With offices
in 29 countries and more than 10,000 professionals
worldwide, PPD applies innovative technologies, therapeutic
expertise and a commitment to quality to help its clients
and partners maximize returns on their R&D investments
and accelerate the delivery of safe and effective
therapeutics to patients. For more information, visit our
Web site at http://www.ppdi.com . 

    Except for historical information, all of the
statements, expectations and assumptions, including
expectations and assumptions about the above-named
employees' performance and value to PPD as well as the
geographic restructuring, contained in this news release
are forward-looking statements that involve a number of
risks and uncertainties. Although PPD attempts to be
accurate in making those forward-looking statements, it is
possible that future circumstances might differ from the
assumptions on which such statements are based. In
addition, other important factors which could cause results
to differ materially include the following: the ability to
attract and retain key personnel; competition within the
outsourcing industry; economic conditions and outsourcing
trends in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical
device industries and government-sponsored research sector;
success in sales growth; loss of or delay in large
contracts; dependence on collaborative relationships; rapid
technological advances that make our products and services
less competitive; risks associated with acquisitions and
investments, such as impairments; and the other risk
factors set forth from time to time in the SEC filings for
PPD, copies of which are available free of charge upon
request from the PPD investor relations department. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Louise Caudle
     Tel:   +1-919-456-4467
     Email: louise.caudle@rtp.ppdi.com

     Steve Smith
     Tel:   +1-910-558-7585
     Email: stephen.smith@wilm.ppdi.com

United Nations Taps Waggener Edstrom Worldwide for Global Poverty Action Day
October 11, 2007


    SEATTLE, Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Waggener
Edstrom Worldwide (WE) has been chosen by the United
Nations Millennium Campaign to support its Stand Up, Speak
Out day of global poverty awareness on Oct. 16 and 17,
2007. The Millennium Campaign selected WE because of the
company's digital expertise and global reach.
    ( Logos:

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20071011/AQTH017LOGO )

    Last year, more than 23 million people across 100
countries around the world stood up in support of the
world's poor. This year, millions more are planning to
stand up to show their solidarity with the poor and
marginalized. Stand Up, Speak Out events around the world
will raise awareness of poverty issues and emphasize the
global effort to address the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) on behalf of those suffering from poverty, hunger
and disease. 

    Grab a Friend and Get Involved
    -- Find or start an event in your area: 
    -- Wear your white bracelet:
    -- Literally stand up against poverty:
    -- Break the Guinness world record:
    -- Encourage our leaders to enforce the MDGs on behalf
of the poor: 

    The Global Movement
    -- Football fans are scheduled to stand up and cheer
for one minute 
       during a game in Nigeria.
    -- Non-profits in downtown Chicago will hold an outdoor
festival to 
       raise awareness of the need.
    -- Eighth graders in Sri Lanka are planning an event to
educate their 
       peers about the issues. 
    -- In Japan, people are encouraged to stand up in
public places, 
       including buses and trains.

    Join the Conversation
    -- Watch Stand Up, Speak Out videos on YouTube.
    -- Visit the blog:
    -- Read about MDG progress: 
    -- Stand Up and Speak Out on Facebook, MySpace, Windows
Live Spaces and 
    -- Hear what Shakira, Michael Douglas and Lenny Kravitz
    -- Get event materials:

    The Facts
    -- More than 1 billion people live on less than $1 a
day, with nearly 
       half the world's population (2.8 billion) living on
less than $2 a 
       day. (UN Human Development Report, 2003) 
    -- UNESCO's 2007 Global Monitoring Report states that
universal primary 
       education would cost $11 billion a year -- half what
Americans spend 
       on ice cream annually. 
    -- Globally, an estimated 15.2 million children have
lost one or both 
       parents to AIDS; 80 percent of these children live
in sub-Saharan 
       Africa. (UNICEF, 2005)

    About Stand Up, Speak Out
    Stand Up, Speak Out is the growing movement of people
no longer prepared to stay seated or silent in the face of
poverty and inequality. The Campaign was launched in
October 2002, two years after 189 government leaders from
almost every country in the world agreed at the September
2000 Millennium Summit to a set of eight time-bound targets
that, when achieved, will end extreme poverty across the
planet. Working at both the national and international
levels, the ambition of the Campaign is to inspire a global
movement to achieve the Goals and eradicate extreme poverty
by 2015. More information can be found at

    About Waggener Edstrom Worldwide

    Waggener Edstrom Worldwide is a multiservice global
public relations agency. Founded in 1983 and independently
owned, the agency was named PRWeek's Large Agency of the
Year for 2004, and was named Best Agency to Work For in
2004 and Best Large Agency to Work For in 2006 by the
Holmes Report. The agency has over 700 employees, 15
offices around the world and six global practices --
Technology, Healthcare, Public Affairs, Corporate
Communications, Consumer Marketing and Digital Strategies.
More information can be found at
http://www.WaggenerEdstrom.com . 

    Waggener Edstrom, Innovation Communications(SM) and the
Waggener Edstrom Worldwide logo are either registered
trademarks of Waggener Edstrom Worldwide Inc. in the United
States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies
and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Jenny Krentzman
     global marketing communications manager
     Waggener Edstrom Worldwide
     Tel:   +1-617-576-5787
     Email: jennyk@waggeneredstrom.com

     Amil Husain
     global youth coordinator, UN
     Tel:   +1-212-906-6024
     Email: amil.husain@undp.org

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