2007年12月10日 QRを読み取って空メールを送るだけでポイント獲得できる「QRゲット」が展示会で話題に!デザインQRを収集する新しいスタンプラリー「QRゲット」を「パテントソリューションフェア2007」にて実施! インターネットセキュリティーの開発をしている株式会社キーテル(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長 平出 心)とオリジナルのQRコード(2次元コード)を制作している株式会社IT DeSign(本社:東京都墨田区、代表取締役 佐藤 潔之)は、11月28日(水)~11月30日(金)の東京ビックサイト(国際展示場)で開催された「パテントソリューションフェア2007」*1にて、「デザインQR」*2を収集するスタンプラリー「QRゲット」を実施しました。 「QRゲット」の特長は、使用されるQRコードが、イラストなどの画像を組み込んだデザインQRであることです。参加者は、誤って他のQRコードを読み取ることがなく、ポイント用のQRコードであることを一目で判別できます。 今回、実施した「QRゲット」では、一般の来場者の約120名が参加し、貯めたポイントと引き換えに賞品を獲得されました。ユーザ登録が不要で、ポイントの獲得・確認が簡便なため、参加者からは「参加しやすい」「簡単でわかりやすい」と好評で、賞品が足りなくなるほどの盛況でした。さらに「QRゲット」に協賛した企業からも展示ブースへの来訪者の数が通常よりも大幅に増え、パンフレットがなくなってしまったとの声も聞かれました。 「QRゲット」の応用範囲は、単なる展示会にとどまらず、リアルとケータイの連動したクロスメディアのイベントやケータイ向けのキャンペーン、さらには、来訪の日時とロケーションに応じたポイントシステムなどにも及びます。導入する企業は、「QRゲット」の参加者がデザインQRを読み取った場所や時間を把握できるために、イベントの効果測定に利用できます。加えて、携帯用メールアドレスも取得できるため、場所と時間を紐付けした消費者行動の分析でき、様々なマーケティング活動にも応用できます。 詳細は、下記サイトにアクセスしてください。 注):「QRコード」は㈱デンソーウェーブの登録商標です。「デザインQR」は㈱IT DeSignの登録商標です。「キーテル認証」及び「にくりっく認証」は、㈱キーテルの特許技術です。
*2「デザインQR」 (http://d-qr.net/) *3「キーテル認証」 (http://keytel.co.jp/keytel/index.php) 「株式会社 IT DeSign」 (http://www.it-design.co.jp/) 「株式会社キーテル」 (http://www.keytel.co.jp/) 【リリースに関するお問い合わせ先】 |

2007年12月10日 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ eコマースコンサルティングに特化した株式会社ディエスファインダで _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
株式会社ディエスファインダ(大阪市天王寺区)は世界5ヶ国にて特許取得のバイオメトリクス認証(指紋)機器開発企業である株式会社FTSと提携し、店舗型サービス業向けコンサルティングサービスを開始いたしました。 従来型ポイントカードシステムの常識を一新、指紋認証により本人特定を行う事によりカード不要、面倒な会員登録処理不要を実現したポイントシステムを導入。来店促進のためのメール配信サービスや、さらに相乗効果を生み出すための様々なeコマースソリューションを提供します。 具体的なサービス例として 等、対象は店舗型サービス業全般に及び、従来の顧客管理型ポイントシステムから大きく発展したサービスをご提供いたします。 また、商店街様向けには、ポイントを共有することによる町興しツールとしてもご利用頂く事が可能となり、益々その可能性は発展しております。 価格体系も月々1万円~と大変リーズナブルに設定しており、効果的な販促ツール&ノウハウとしてご利用頂く事が可能です。
株式会社ディエスファインダ(http://www.ds-f.co.jp) ------------------------------------------------ |

2007年12月10日 報道機関各位 プレスリリース
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ イー・デスク株式会社 グループウェア「イーデスク3」IT業界向け、リセラープランを発表 通常価格(月額3000円/年額30000円)の半額で卸し販売 ASPグループウェア標準機能完備/強力なファイル管理機能/ 日本商工会議所青年部 公式グループウェア ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
イー・デスク株式会社(所在地:千葉県柏市 代表取締役 森重 リセラープランは、「レンタルサーバーサービス事業者」「SIer」 ご希望の際は、お問い合わせをよろしくお願いします。
【卸し料金体系】 卸し価格:以下通常価格の50% タイプ:ASPサービス 初期費用:0円 追加ユーザーアカウント:100人単位で月額2000円 ※上記料金には消費税が含まれています。
【製品の特長】 当社が提供する「イーデスク3( http://edesk.jp/groupware/ 特長として、WebDAVを用いた強力なファイル管理機能や複数組織 そして何より、日本商工会議所青年部の公式グループウェアとし
【イー・デスク株式会社とは】 <主な業務内容>
【本件に関連する他のプレスリリース】 グループウェア「イーデスク3」業界魂消る、アカデミックプランを発表
以 上 |

2007年12月10日 報道関係者各位 ナゴヤジュエル、DOLCE LINE(ドルチェライン)新作 ───────────────────────────────────
株式会社ナゴヤジュエル(本社:名古屋市西区 代表取締役:沖本 日出男)は、
ヒールの高い靴を履く際、つま先に全体重がかかるため大変疲れやすく、痛み 今回発売となる「DOLCE LINE アーチアップ インソール」は中足骨(足甲)の
★サイズ ★価格
【 *** DOLCE LINE *** プレスリリース資料 】 【 *** DOLCE LINE *** WEB SITE 】 ───────────────────────────────────
社 名: 株式会社ナゴヤジュエル
株式会社ナゴヤジュエル 451-0082 名古屋市西区大金町3-50

2007年12月10日 報道関係者各位 ナゴヤジュエル、DOLCE LINE(ドルチェライン)新作 ───────────────────────────────────
株式会社ナゴヤジュエル(本社:名古屋市西区 代表取締役:沖本 日出男)は、
つま先やかかとは歩行時の衝撃による負担で疲労や痛みを大変感じやすい箇所 今回発売となる「DOLCE LINEソフトジェルクッションつま先&かかと」は肌触
============================================== ★サイズ ★価格
【 *** DOLCE LINE *** プレスリリース資料 】 【 *** DOLCE LINE *** WEB SITE 】 ───────────────────────────────────
社 名: 株式会社ナゴヤジュエル
株式会社ナゴヤジュエル 451-0082 名古屋市西区大金町3-50

2007年12月10日 クリエイターの為のポータルサイトImaging-Parkでは、11/15に開催した3DCG(Autodesk Maya)のセミナーを開催致しました。とても好評でしたので、もっとMayaを多くの方に利用して頂きたいとの事から、12.21までにご購入頂いた方を無料講習へご招待いたします。
<ご購入期間> <スケジュール> <トレーニング内容>
<AutoDesk Maya 事例> ・スペシャルゲスト:有限会社リンダ <林田宏之氏プロフィール> |

2007年12月10日 ◆ドロップシッピングのWeb卸問屋.comでは、 ============================================================== 商品の在庫を持たず、ネットショップ、モバイルサイト等での
★無料キャンペーンの対象は下記の条件にあてはまる方のみ★ ☆条件:現在、サイトを既にお持ちの方のみとなります。
=========================================================== 【Web卸問屋.comの特徴】 商品の在庫を持たず、ネットショップ、モバイルサイト等での お客様元まで配送も致します。 伝票にはショップの屋号が記載されます。 商品数は常時約600品目 美容商品から、ファッション小物、テレショップ関係、 *--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--* |

2007年12月10日 クジラ株式会社(本社:東京都文京区 代表:川辺匡 以下、Cuzira)は、商品価格比較サイトConezira(以下、コネジラ)で「ボーナス商戦売れ筋家電商品」第2弾のコンテンツ(http://UresujiHivision.conezira.com)をオープンしました。 前回、大変ご好評を頂きました「ボーナス商戦売れ筋家電商品」第1弾に続いての企画第2弾です。今年も残り3週間となりました。国家公務員のボーナスが本日支給されボーナス商戦も本格的にスタートしました。コネジラでは前回同様、11月29日発行、日経産業新聞http://www.nikkei.co.jp/の中で発表された「家電量販店が予測する今年の売れ筋家電商品」の情報を元に、そこで紹介された商品を中心にコネジラが取り扱う商品の中から独自のおすすめ商品を集めて企画致しました。企画第2弾はデジタルハイビジョンテレビとハイビジョンDVDレコーダー情報をご提供します。薄型テレビの需要は今年に入り急激に伸び、現在一般家庭での所有率はほぼ半分に近くを占めたと言われています。価格も以前に比べますます手頃になり購入しやすくなって来ています。コネジラがお届けする価格比較情報をお使いになり上手なお買い物にお役立て下さい。 価格比較情報サイトコネジラでは、訪れて頂いたお客様にたいしコネジラ独自のシリーズ情報や商品情報、クチコミ情報、メーカー情報、人気のキーワードなど、買い物の際に役立つ様々な情報をご提供しています。現在の取り扱い商品点数は約60,000点の豊富な情報があり、新しいコンテンツは更に追加されます。今後ますます充実するコネジラの商品情報を是非ご期待下さい。
□ クジラ株式会社 URL:http://cuzira.co.jp □ コネジラのご紹介 |

2007年12月10日 【プレスリリース概要】 【プレスリリース内容】 又、国の政策が医療領域から予防領域へと大きくシフトしている現状もあり、 【当プレスリリースに関するお問い合わせ】 |

2007年12月10日 ノルウェー、オスロおよび東京、日本 - 2007年12月10日 Opera Software は本日、Opera Mobile ブラウザがソフトバンクモバイル株式 Web 上で利用できる情報やアプリケーションが増加している中、ユーザはいつでも Opera Mobile でのブラウジングには、ソフトバンクモバイルの提供する高速ネット 「多機能で使いやすいブラウザ Opera Mobile は、『SoftBank X01T』 のユーザ

2007年12月10日 Slownet http://www.slownet.ne.jp (運営:日本テレネット株式会社)では、現役女子大生女流棋士 坂東香菜子氏のブログ「ばんかな! 将棋の世界へようこそ」の開始を記念して、当人の写真集「香菜子 北京・夏の記憶」(発売元:株式会社ワニブックス)を、5名様にプレゼントいたします。応募締め切りは2007年12月20日、応募はSlownet内の応募フォームにより受付、当選者には12月24日ごろに届き、クリスマスプレゼントになる予定です。 ◆ブログ紹介 ◆写真集紹介 ▼写真集の応募先 |

2007年12月10日 2007年12月10日 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 株式会社コムジャパン(本社:大阪府茨木市 代表取締役社長:藤原秀樹 以下当社)の運営する「コンサル市場(こんさるいちば)」にて12月10日にコンペが開催されましたのでご報告いたします。 【案件名】 詳しくは「コンサル市場」収益改善コンペ会場をごらんください。 【重要報告事項】 以上
※ 当サイトは主に当サイトを経由して成立したコンサルティング契約の契約金額の一部をコンサルタントサイドが当社に支払うことで運営しています。 ■■■「コンサル市場(こんさるいちば)」の特徴■■■ 株式会社コムジャパン |
FLV再生のフルスクリーン表示に完全対応!!Webサイトでの動画配信に最適なフラッシュ動画再生FLV(Flash Video)プレイヤー ホームページ制作用フラッシュ素材の新商 2007年12月10日

2007年12月10日 Webデザインテンプレート素材、ハイビジョン対応CG・映像素材、SE・BGMなどの音楽素材の企画・開発・販売および、サーバホスティングやウェブテレビ会議システムのASP事業を手がける株式会社ディーディーエヌ(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:吉盛文博)が、2007年12月よりホームページ制作用ロイヤリティーフリーフラッシュ素材FLVプレイヤー「@rt Flash FLV Player」を販売開始いたしましたので下記の通りお知らせします。 ■ FLVプレイヤー「@rt Flash FLV Player」について ホームページ制作用フラッシュ素材「@rt Flash」シリーズは、商用利用も可能なロイヤリティーフリー素材です。 DDNオンラインショップ ■「@rt Flash FLV Player」の概要・特長 フラッシュ動画再生プレイヤー[ @rt Flash FLV Player ] は、FLVファイルのムービー(拡張子.flv)をホームページ上で公開するためのFLV再生用FLVプレイヤーです。自作の動画、会社案内ムービー、商品紹介ムービーなどに。
@rt Flash FLV Playerご購入ページ(DDNオンラインショップ)
FLVファイルでの動画配信には、以下のようなメリットがあります。@rt Flash FLV Playerはこのメリットを最大限に活かせるよう制作されたFlash素材です。
1商品に3サイズのFLVプレイヤーを収録しています。 ・アスペクト(縦横)比「4:3」の商品のムービーサイズ: ・アスペクト(縦横)比「16:9」の商品のムービーサイズ:
XMLファイルをメモ帳などのテキスト形式ファイルで編集することで、FLVプレイヤーの各種設定を行なうことができます。必要な属性値の書き換えだけで編集可能ですので、HTMLの複雑なタグの知識は必要ありません。FLVファイル、画像は外部フォルダから読み込む形式です。フォルダ内のファイルを入れ替えるだけで画像・ムービーを変更することができます。 【外部ファイルより設定可能な項目】 ・再生モード(オープニング)選択機能 ・ボリューム調整機能 ・リンク設定(エンディング)機能
・再生・停止・巻き戻し・音量調節 ・シーク ・操作部を保持したフルスクーン表示・フルスクーン表示解除 ・時間表示
商用利用可能な範囲は弊社サイトにてご確認ください。 ■会社概要/本プレスに関するお問い合せ 株式会社ディーディーエヌ |

2007年12月10日 【報道関係各位】 2007年12月10日 福岡でクリエーター、ベンチャー企業や学生などの支援活動を行ってい ──────────────────────────────── メールソフト「ポストペット」を開発する他、「風の谷のナウシカ」の D2Kとは学生やクリエイター、アーティストやベンチャー起業家等、 D2Kでは、IT業界で活躍されているゲストをお招きして行う「IT ──────────────────────────────────── <株式会社ペットワークス 代表 八谷和彦氏 プロフィール> メディア・アーティスト。 作品には《視聴覚交換マシン》や《見ることは信じること》などの特殊 ──────────────────────────────────── D2Kは誰でも参加できるインキュベーションパーティー。 【ITビジネスセミナー】 【プレゼンテーション】 【コミュニケーションパーティ】 D2K > http://www.d2k-net.com/ ──────────────────────────────────── 【Digital Daimyo 2000で福岡ベンチャーを盛り上げるぞ実行委員会】 主 催:D2K(デジタル大名2000) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ D2K窓口:柴山 MAIL: info@d2k-net.com ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ |

HONG KONG, Dec. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- On 22 October 2007, Nintendo of America Inc ("Nintendo") issued a press release, which was wrong insofar as it may have suggested that a final, substantive judgment on intellectual property right infringement has been handed down by the Court against Supreme Factory Limited ("Supreme"), on its website http://www.nintendo.com and publicised it to popular gaming sites. In the proceedings before the High Court Supreme seeks to overturn the pre-trial injunctions and will vigorously oppose the Nintendo's claims that they have infringed its intellectual property rights. Supreme has already managed to obtain an order from the High Court to unfreeze a significant amount of money to allow Supreme to meet its ordinary and proper business expenses in respect of product which is not the subject of the proceedings. The Press Release was correct insofar as it reported that the Hong Kong High Court had granted certain pre-trial injunctive relief, allowing Nintendo representatives to search the premises of Supreme in Hong Kong. The search was for items which Nintendo alleges breach its intellectual property rights in the Nintendo DS and Wii systems. The Court also ordered that certain of Supreme's assets be frozen. On 2 November 2007 the Hong Kong High Court ordered Nintendo to remove the Press Release from its website. In issuing the Press Release Nintendo had breached an implied undertaking not to use information and/or documentation obtained as a result of a search order carried out on Supreme's premises except for the purposes of the proceeding. On 19 November 2007, the High Court further ordered Nintendo to disclose to Supreme the names and contact details of all persons or organisations to whom Nintendo (or anyone acting on its behalf and/or anyone under its control) has provided the Press Release. Media Contact: Luke Ryan Bird & Bird for Supreme Tel: +852-2248-6000 Email: luke.ryan@twobirds.com

HONG KONG, Dec. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- On 22 October 2007, Nintendo of America Inc ("Nintendo") issued a press release, which was wrong insofar as it may have suggested that a final, substantive judgment on intellectual property right infringement has been handed down by the Court against Supreme Factory Limited ("Supreme"), on its website http://www.nintendo.com and publicised it to popular gaming sites. In the proceedings before the High Court Supreme seeks to overturn the pre-trial injunctions and will vigorously oppose the Nintendo's claims that they have infringed its intellectual property rights. Supreme has already managed to obtain an order from the High Court to unfreeze a significant amount of money to allow Supreme to meet its ordinary and proper business expenses in respect of product which is not the subject of the proceedings. The Press Release was correct insofar as it reported that the Hong Kong High Court had granted certain pre-trial injunctive relief, allowing Nintendo representatives to search the premises of Supreme in Hong Kong. The search was for items which Nintendo alleges breach its intellectual property rights in the Nintendo DS and Wii systems. The Court also ordered that certain of Supreme's assets be frozen. On 2 November 2007 the Hong Kong High Court ordered Nintendo to remove the Press Release from its website. In issuing the Press Release Nintendo had breached an implied undertaking not to use information and/or documentation obtained as a result of a search order carried out on Supreme's premises except for the purposes of the proceeding. On 19 November 2007, the High Court further ordered Nintendo to disclose to Supreme the names and contact details of all persons or organisations to whom Nintendo (or anyone acting on its behalf and/or anyone under its control) has provided the Press Release. Media Contact: Luke Ryan Bird & Bird for Supreme Tel: +852-2248-6000 Email: luke.ryan@twobirds.com

NRG Energy, Duke Energy CEO Get Awards for Company, Exec of the Year NEW YORK, Dec. 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- As part of the prestigious Global Energy Awards presented last night, Platts announced winners in newly-created award categories: OpenLink Financial for "Risk Management Innovator of the Year;" Applied Materials Inc. for "Green Energy Innovator of the Year;" and Toronto Hydro and its Peaksaver program as "Energy Efficiency Initiative of the Year." The 2007 Platts Global Energy Awards were co-sponsored for the fifth year by Capgemini and for the second year by Bracewell & Giuliani and also included sponsors: Standard & Poor's, Panasonic Computer Solutions Company and Spectra Energy Corporation. "This year's award winners in these newly-created categories underscore the growing trend toward and significance of sustainability, as well as an international diversity of leadership," said Victoria Chu Pao, Platts president. OpenLink Financial, winner of the Risk Management Innovator of the Year Award, won the award for its creativity in developing energy risk software products based on unique service-oriented risk architecture. Its software, said the judges, has the in-depth capability to handle the complexities of the energy markets. The panel bestowed the "Green Energy Innovator of the Year "award to Applied Materials, Inc. because of its breaking of a technological barrier to the full application of solar energy. The company developed a commercially-viable thin-film technology as a viable alternative to the global shortage of "feedstock" silicon for solar wafers. Canada-based Toronto Hydro, winner of the Energy Efficiency Initiative of the Year award, showed conservation savvy with its application of wireless thermostat control to help curb energy use in hot weather. This was in direct response to the Ontario government's challenge to its citizens to cut peak electricity demand by five percent. In addition to these new awards, other important accolades were announced at the awards ceremony last night. NRG Energy, a leading international diversified company headquartered in Houston, won the "company of the year" award yesterday at the Awards ceremony. At the same ceremony, Jim Rogers, known for advocacy of energy efficiency, garnered the acclaimed "CEO of the Year" award. Platts "Lifetime Achievement Award" was bestowed on Lord Oxburgh of Liverpool, former Shell Transport and Trading Chair, an executive, academic and scientist also known for his role in and advocacy of industry innovation and climate change issues. The Global Energy Awards are judged by an international panel of energy industry experts and veterans -- including former and current top corporate executives, regulators, leading, academics, government advisors and seasoned editors. The winners last night, in each category, were: Commercial Technology of the Year: Shell Global Solutions B.V./Criterion Catalysts & Technologies Community Development Program of the Year: Attock Refinery Limited Downstream Business of the Year: Valero Energy Corporation Energy Company of the Year: NRG Energy Energy Efficiency Initiative of the Year: Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited-Peaksaver Program Energy Transporter of the Year: Sovcomflot Energy Engineering Project of the Year: Nexen Inc. ENR Energy Construction Project of the Year: Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Green Energy Innovator of the Year: Applied Materials, Inc. Hydrocarbon Producer of the Year: Chesapeake Energy Corporation Industry Leadership Award: NRG Energy Lifetime Achievement Award: Lord Ernest Ronald Oxburgh Marketing Campaign of the Year: E Wie Einfach/E.ON Power Company of the Year: MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company Rising Star Award: AED Oil Limited Risk Management Innovator of the Year: OpenLink Financial CEO of the Year: James Rogers, Duke Energy The finalists and winners in 17 categories exemplify the spirit of innovation and an enduring commitment to employees, customers, shareholders, the environment, and the energy industry as a whole. Platts received more than 200 nominations this year from energy companies around the world. Next year's Platts Global Energy Awards Gala and events will be held on December 3, 2008. About Platts: Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and commodities information. With nearly a century of business experience, Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries. From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical, emissions, and metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help them make better trading and investment decisions. Additional information is available at http://www.platts.com. About The McGraw-Hill Companies: Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com. For more information, please contact: Kathleen Tanzy Tel: +1-212-904-2860 Email: kathleen_tanzy@platts.com
Canadian Solar Inc. Announces Proposed Private Offering of US$75 Million of Convertible Senior Notes

JIANGSU, China, Nov. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) today announced that it plans to make a private offer, subject to market conditions and other factors, of approximately US$75 million of its convertible senior notes due 2017. Canadian Solar intends to grant the initial purchaser of the notes an option to purchase up to an additional US$11.25 million in aggregate principal amount of the notes to cover overallotments. Canadian Solar anticipates using the net proceeds from the offering for working capital, general corporate purposes and potential future acquisitions. The interest rate, conversion rate, offering price and other terms and timing of the offering have not been finalized and will be determined by negotiations between Canadian Solar and the initial purchaser of the notes. The notes will be offered to qualified institutional buyers pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933. The notes and Canadian Solar’s common shares issuable upon conversion of the notes have not been registered under the Securities Act or the securities laws of any other jurisdiction and may not be offered or sold in the United States without registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the Act and applicable state securities laws. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy the securities. Any offers of securities will be made only by means of a private offering memorandum. This press release contains information about pending transactions, and there can be no assurance that these transactions will be completed. For more information, please contact: In Jiangsu, P.R. China Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer Canadian Solar Inc. Tel: +86-512-6269-6755 Email: ir@csisolar.com In the U.S. David Pasquale The Ruth Group Tel: +1-646-536-7006 Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com

HAIFA, Israel, Dec. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- InSightec Ltd. today announced that the World Economic Forum has selected the company as one of its Technology Pioneers for 2008. Technology Pioneers are companies developing and applying technologies deemed highly transformational and innovative in the areas of energy, biotechnology and health and information technology. The World Economic Forum appointed a panel of leading technology experts to select the finalists from a pool of 273 nominees. InSightec's vision is to develop the next-generation, non-invasive, outpatient operating room that minimizes trauma, morbidity and recovery time. The company's ExAblate(R) 2000 is the world's first and only non-invasive surgery system to combine focused ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. "We believe this non-invasive technology has the potential to become one of the major forms of surgery within the next 20 years, helping improve millions of lives without the long hospitalizations, extended recovery times, side effects, complication risks and extensive costs associated with invasive surgery," said Dr. Kobi Vortman, InSightec's President and CEO. "We're pleased that the World Economic Forum has recognized ExAblate's potential with this prestigious designation." ExAblate received its European CE Marking in 2002 and U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval in 2004 for treating uterine fibroids, a pervasive condition that impacts up to 70% of women of childbearing age and leads to serious symptoms. The ExAblate procedure takes about three to four hours and allows the patient to go home the same day and return to normal activities within a day or two. Hysterectomy, the most common treatment for this condition, is a major surgery, requiring two to five days of hospitalization, six to eight weeks of recovery and generates significant complications. Many women have chosen to suffer from the severe symptoms that fibroids cause rather than undergo hysterectomies or other invasive procedures. Uterine fibroids carry a significant economic burden in terms of the cost of treatment, hospitalization and work absenteeism. Since the ExAblate procedure is performed on an outpatient basis without any hospitalization and allows the patient to return to normal activity with in one to two days, it offers cost and comfort advantages to patients, healthcare providers and employees as compared with other treatment modalities. InSightec has launched an extensive research program to conduct clinical trials using this technology in various cancerous applications including breast, bone metastases, liver, brain and prostate, while continuing clinical trials in uterine fibroids. To be selected as a Technology Pioneer, a company must be involved in the development of life-changing technology innovation and have the potential for long-term impact on business and society. In addition, it must demonstrate visionary leadership, show all the signs of being a long-standing market leader -- and its technology must be proven. "This year the World Economic Forum received a record number of applications from companies around the world to become a Technology Pioneer. We are extremely pleased to have a community that is using innovation and technology to dramatically affect the way society and business operate and doing so in a markedly collaborative manner. We are excited to welcome the Technology Pioneers class of 2008 to the larger community of the World Economic Forum and we are looking forward to the fruits that their collaboration will bring," said Peter Torreele, Managing Director of the World Economic Forum. Twenty-three of the Technology Pioneers 2008 are US-based companies. Israel and the United Kingdom each boast three; Sweden and Switzerland two each; Canada, France, Germany, India, the Netherlands and Russia, one each. Technology Pioneers are nominated in three main categories: Energy/Environment, Biotechnology/Health and Information Technology. The entire list of Technology Pioneers and interviews with the CEOs of the selected companies can be found here: http://www.weforum.org/techpioneers/2008 . About the World Economic Forum The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a foundation in 1971, and based in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum is impartial and not-for-profit; it is tied to no political, partisan or national interests. ( http://www.weforum.org ) About ExAblate(R) 2000 The ExAblate(R) is the first system to use the breakthrough MRgFUS technology that combines MRI -- to visualize the body anatomy, plan the treatment and monitor treatment outcome in real time - and high intensity focused ultrasound to thermally ablate tumors inside the body non-invasively. MR thermometry, provided uniquely by the system, allows the physician to control and adjust the treatment in real time to ensure that the targeted tumor is fully treated and surrounding tissue is spared. ExAblate has been recognized for its innovation and potential to serve mankind and has been awarded the 2004 European Union's Information Society Technologies grand prize, The Wall Street Journal's 2004 Technology Innovation Awards, Advanced Imaging's 2005 Solutions of the Year, the Red Herring 100 Europe 2007 Award and currently one of the World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer 2008. About InSightec InSightec Ltd. is a privately held company owned by Elbit Imaging (EMI), General Electric, MediTech Advisors, LLC and employees. It was founded in 1999 to develop the breakthrough MR guided Focused Ultrasound technology and transform it into the next generation operating room. Headquartered near Haifa, Israel, the company has over 150 employees and has invested more than $100 million in research, development, and clinical investigations. Its U.S. headquarters are located in Dallas, Texas. For more information, please go to: http://www.insightec.com For more information, please contact: InSightec Ltd. Tel: +972-4-813-1313 Email: info@insightec.com Web: http://www.insightec.com/ For media inquiries: Fern Lazar Lazar Partners, Ltd. Tel: +1-212-867-1762 Email: flazar@lazarpartners.com SOURCE InSightec Ltd.

FUKUOKA, Japan, Dec. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Days before world leaders gather in Bali to discuss a post-Kyoto agreement, Germany will display its balancing of the environment and the economy at the 17th Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-17) in Fukuoka, Japan. The event brings together international industry leaders, researchers, and journalists from Dec. 3-7, 2007 and is a perfect platform for Germany to display how it is using PV as one part of a broad strategy to reduce carbon emissions while continuing economic growth. Germany is the world's largest PV market. It will add 1.5 gigawatts (GW) of installed PV capacity in 2007-an improvement over 2006 when it added 1.15 GW. PV production is increasing because Germany is creating the conditions to make PV investments profitable. For example, Germany's Renewable Energies Act (or EEG) sets a "feed-in tariff," above the market price, to be paid to producers of renewable energy when it is sold to utility companies. The law provides an incentive for property owners to purchase renewable energy equipment, thus creating a market for international investors that saw sales of EUR3.7 billion in 2006. International PV companies are also drawn to Germany by its network of producers, suppliers, and research institutes, such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Freiburg, Germany. Additionally, investment incentives in eastern Germany, which sometimes cover up to 50% of investment costs, make this region popular for PV investments. Therefore, many international PV players have established a presence in Germany, such as Nanosolar, Signet Solar, First Solar, and ARISE. "PV is a growing and dynamic industry in Germany. As the country works to reduce fossil fuel consumption, we expect the importance of PV in Germany to increase, making the country even more attractive for international investors than it is today," notes Nikolai Dobrott, Director of Renewable Energies and Resources at Invest in Germany. Dobrott's colleague, David Wortmann, Invest in Germany's Director for Northeast Asia, will be giving a speech at PVSEC-17 entitled, "Germany -- the number one location for business in the field of solar energy." Invest in Germany is the inward investment promotion agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. It provides investors with comprehensive support from site selection to the implementation of investment decisions. Media Contact: Eva Henkel, Invest in Germany Phone: +49-30-200099-173 Fax: +49-30-200099-111 Email: henkel@invest-in-germany.com http://www.invest-in-germany.com

New Web-based Solution Integrates Scientific Literature, Business Data and Market-Leading Patent Data in a Single Platform PHILADELPHIA and LONDON, Dec. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Thomson Scientific, part of The Thomson Corporation (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC) and leading provider of information solutions to the worldwide research and business communities, has launched its new intellectual property research and analysis solution, Thomson Innovation(SM) ( http://www.thomsoninnovation.com ). For the first time, researchers will be able to simultaneously search worldwide editorially enhanced patent data, Asian patent data translated into English, scientific literature, and business and news sources. "The global intellectual property market is changing rapidly, and organizations need to be aware of changes in the evolving landscape, such as the proliferation of patenting activity in Asia," said David Brown, Executive Vice President, Corporate Markets, Thomson Scientific. "It's more critical than ever for our customers to have access to the most authoritative patent data, and to incorporate complementary sources, like scientific literature, in their intellectual property research." Designed in collaboration with more than 1,800 customers, Thomson Innovation sets a new standard in intellectual property research and analysis that will help companies accelerate ideation, improve productivity, minimize risks and gain a competitive advantage. It provides: -- Comprehensive prior art searching with the ability to search patents and scientific literature simultaneously -- Expanded Asian patent coverage, including translations of Japanese full-text and additional editorially enhanced abstracts of Chinese data -- A fully integrated searchable database combining Derwent World Patent Index(R) (DWPI(SM)) with full-text patent data to provide the most comprehensive patent records available -- Support of strategic intellectual property decisions through: -- powerful analysis and visualization tools, such as charting, citation mapping and search result ranking -- and, integration of business and news resources -- Enhanced collaboration capabilities, including customizable folder structures that enable users to organize, annotate, search and share relevant files Thomson Innovation is being launched in phases, and the first release is available now and includes global, full-text patent sources, including Japan. In rapid succession, it will be followed by the addition of Derwent World Patents Index, scientific literature, business information and news. A series of additional enhancements will be delivered throughout 2008. For more information about Thomson Innovation, visit http://www.thomsoninnovation.com . About The Thomson Corporation The Thomson Corporation ( http://www.thomson.com ) is a global leader in providing essential electronic workflow solutions to business and professional customers. With operational headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson provides value-added information, software tools and applications to professionals in the fields of law, tax, accounting, financial services, scientific research and healthcare. The Corporation's common shares are listed on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC). Thomson Scientific is a business of The Thomson Corporation. Its information solutions assist professionals at every stage of research and development-from discovery to analysis to product development and distribution. Thomson Scientific information solutions can be found at scientific.thomson.com. For more information, please contact: Kevin Bonsor Thomson Scientific Tel: +1-919-461-7428 Email: kevin.bonsor@thomson.com SOURCE Thomson Scientific

HONG KONG, Nov. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Asia Pac Ltd., a business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc., announced that it will host a technical seminar in Fuzhou, China, on Dec. 5, with Telit Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd, the Korean-based "machine-to-machine" (m2m) mobile technology arm of Telit Communications. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200703021139.JPG ) Telit is a global leader in m2m communications. Its cellular modules for m2m applications can streamline business processes by enabling machines, devices and vehicles to communicate via mobile networks. "Leveraging on our high penetration in China's m2m market, we are working with Telit to explore the high potential for growth," said CC Lim, vice president of marketing for Arrow Asia Pac. "The seminar will provide information on Telit's wide range of cutting-edge and competitive wireless solutions. It will also demonstrate how Arrow can provide complementary engineering experiences in helping engineers in the Southern region with their research and development work on wireless m2m applications." About Arrow Asia Pac A business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW), Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia-Pacific's leading electronic component distributors. In addition to its regional headquarters in Hong Kong, Arrow Asia Pac operates 52 sales offices, four primary distribution centers and 13 local warehousing facilities in 12 countries/territories across Asia. Providing a full range of semiconductors, passive, electromechanical and connector products from over 200 leading international and local suppliers, Arrow Asia Pac serves more than 10,000 original equipment and contract manufacturers and commercial customers in Asia-Pacific. Visit http://www.arrowasia.com . About Telit Telit is a leading global wireless technology company. It develops, manufactures and markets GSM/GPRS, UMTS/HSDPA and CDMA/EVDO enterprise communication modules for machine-to-machine (m2m) applications which streamline business processes by enabling machines, devices and vehicles to communicate via mobile networks. Telit's products are sold and deployed worldwide through offices in China, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Korea, Spain, Taiwan, and the United States. Telit Communications PLC is listed on the AIM (Ticker: TCM). For more information about the company, please visit http://www.telit.com . For more information, please contact: Ray Leung Marketing Communications Director Arrow Asia Pac Ltd. Tel: +852-2484-2484 Email: marcom.asia@arrowasia.com Grace Kung Marketing Communications Manager Tel: +852-2484-2682 Email: grace.kung@arrowasia.com Yeonjoo Cho Telit Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd Email: yeonjoo.cho@telit.com

HONG KONG, Nov. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- City Telecom (H.K.) Limited (the "Company"; Nasdaq: CTEL; HKEx: 1137) announced that it has filed its Annual Report on Form 6-K for the year ended August 31, 2007 with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). The Company makes available, free of charge via its website, http://www.ctigroup.com.hk , its Annual Report on Form 6-K filed with, or furnished to, the SEC. Alternatively, ADR holders may receive a hard copy of the Annual Report on Form 6-K, which includes the Company¡¦s audited financial statements, free of charge upon request. Written request should be sent to City Telecom (H.K.) Limited, Investor Relations, Level 39, Tower 1, Metroplaza, No. 223 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong. For enquiries, please contact: Corporate Communications Ms Jessie Cheng Tel: +852-3145-4118 Email: chengcm@ctihk.com

HONG KONG, Nov. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Asia Pac Ltd., a business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc., announced that it will host a technical seminar in Fuzhou, China, on Dec. 5, with Telit Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd, the Korean-based "machine-to-machine" (m2m) mobile technology arm of Telit Communications. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200703021139.JPG ) Telit is a global leader in m2m communications. Its cellular modules for m2m applications can streamline business processes by enabling machines, devices and vehicles to communicate via mobile networks. "Leveraging on our high penetration in China¡¦s m2m market, we are working with Telit to explore the high potential for growth," said CC Lim, vice president of marketing for Arrow Asia Pac. "The seminar will provide information on Telit¡¦s wide range of cutting-edge and competitive wireless solutions. It will also demonstrate how Arrow can provide complementary engineering experiences in helping engineers in the Southern region with their research and development work on wireless m2m applications." About Arrow Asia Pac A business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW), Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia-Pacific¡¦s leading electronic component distributors. In addition to its regional headquarters in Hong Kong, Arrow Asia Pac operates 52 sales offices, four primary distribution centers and 13 local warehousing facilities in 12 countries/territories across Asia. Providing a full range of semiconductors, passive, electromechanical and connector products from over 200 leading international and local suppliers, Arrow Asia Pac serves more than 10,000 original equipment and contract manufacturers and commercial customers in Asia-Pacific. Visit http://www.arrowasia.com . About Telit Telit is a leading global wireless technology company. It develops, manufactures and markets GSM/GPRS, UMTS/HSDPA and CDMA/EVDO enterprise communication modules for machine-to-machine (m2m) applications which streamline business processes by enabling machines, devices and vehicles to communicate via mobile networks. Telit¡¦s products are sold and deployed worldwide through offices in China, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Korea, Spain, Taiwan, and the United States. Telit Communications PLC is listed on the AIM (Ticker: TCM). For more information about the company, please visit http://www.telit.com . Media Contact: Ray Leung Marketing Communications Director Arrow Asia Pac Ltd. Tel: +852-2484-2484 Email: marcom.asia@arrowasia.com Grace Kung Marketing Communications Manager Tel: +852-2484-2682 Email: grace.kung@arrowasia.com Yeonjoo Cho Telit Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd Email: yeonjoo.cho@telit.com

UNDP and the National People's Congress Work Together to Build an Enabling Legal Environment BEIJING, Nov. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Commission of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) have signed a flagship programme today to strengthen a harmonized legal environment for a successful coordinated response to HIV and AIDS in China. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/20061107113358-34.jpg ) "The launching and implementation of this programme will help build an enabling legal and policy environment to combat HIV and AIDS. It will enhance the implementation of legislation and policy at all levels and is significant in the overall AIDS response in China," said Mr. Li Honggui, Vice-Minster level member of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Commission of the National People's Congress. The 3-year "Strengthening an Enabling Legislative Environment to Respond to AIDS in China 2007-2010" programme aims to increase the cross-sector leadership capacity of 500 provincial and local level legislators across five provinces to support a harmonized legal environment for a sustained and coordinated response to AIDS. In addition, this new Programme will review and provide recommendations to harmonize multi-sector laws and regulations relating to HIV and AIDS at the national level, and will assist strengthening provincial legislation. In his World AIDS Day message this year, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wrote, "AIDS is a disease unlike any other. It is a social issue, a human rights issue, an economic issue. It does to society what HIV does to the human body -- reduces resilience and weakens capacity, hampers development and threatens stability." He went on to emphasize that "leadership" at all levels, to fully understand the social and economic dimensions of the epidemic is key to "getting ahead of the epidemic". Since 2006, China's national policy and legal environment has been strengthened with the enactment of two national policy initiatives -- Regulations on AIDS Prevention and Treatment (2006) and the National Action Plan for HIV/AIDS Containment, Prevention and Care in China (2006-2010). "At the national level, China has done an excellent job in developing policies and legislation to support its efforts to respond to AIDS," stated Subinay Nandy, UNDP China Country Director. "However, more work remains to translate into effective and timely local level action." "The UN system, through the UN Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS in China (2007-2010), in partnership with government and multi sector partners, will increase its support of China's national AIDS response; and as this programme demonstrates, hopes to focus more of our expertise and resources at the local level," he added. Strengthening leadership capacity of local legislators and leaders and contributing to cross sector coordination are widely recognized as vital to achieving an appropriate and harmonized legislative framework. This will enable and support an improved and full implementation of HIV legislation and interventions. "Fighting HIV is about leadership. Advances cannot be achieved without committed leaders where it really counts, namely at the field level. We need to take the response to HIV to provincial and county levels and translate policies into action. This is what we hope this project can do," said Bernhard Schwartlander, UNAIDS Country Coordinator. It will also support policy impact studies to identify and address cross sector issues and assist in creating and strengthening the legal environment to mitigate the socio-economic impacts of AIDS. For more information, please contact: Wang Xiaojun HIV/AIDS Team Leader, UNDP China Tel: +86-10-8532-0751 Email: xiaojun.wang@undp.org