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Next Safety Announces Stunning Advance in Nicotine Delivery
August 14, 2007

Conclusive test results prove pulmonary device provides far
higher efficacy than cigarettes

    JEFFERSON, N.C., Aug. 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In a
study of 30 test subjects, participants achieved much
higher nicotine blood levels at faster rates than those
possible from smoking cigarettes, without receiving any of
the deadly carcinogens. Each subject inhaled less nicotine
than typically inhaled from smoking one cigarette: with
greater psychoactive effects.

    ( Photo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070813/CLM032-a )
    ( Photo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070813/CLM032-b )
    ( Photo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070813/CLM032-c )
    ( Logo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070615/CLF038LOGO )

    Cigarettes, which are more addictive than cocaine, will
kill more than 600 million people over the next thirty

    "Our country is intellectually dishonest, when we
allow the executives from major tobacco companies to live
'the country club lifestyle,' while intentionally shipping
products that are more addictive than cocaine, killing
millions of people every year; at the same time, we
imprison hundreds of thousands of the poor for selling
marijuana," said C. Eric Hunter, CEO.  The
nine-year-old son of Mr. Hunter, poignantly asked a Next
Safety colleague, in a discussion of cigarette addiction,
"Why do people kill other people just for money."

    Next Safety's revolutionary new device, with advanced
dosing controls, allow those addicted to tobacco a
mechanism to receive nicotine with same  psycho active
effects achieved by smoking cigarettes, without inhaling
the sixty-nine known carcinogens contained in cigarettes.
The high degree of control allows the device to be used for
smoking cessation by slowly decreasing inhaled nicotine over
long periods of time or for nicotine replacement, where
people are unable to stop using inhaled nicotine. 
Additional immediate benefits include the elimination of
second hand smoke and other negative secondary effects. 

    In this study smokers achieved mean nicotine venous
blood level increases of 28.4 nanograms per milliliter less
than ten seconds after inhalation.  Nonsmokers do not have
the same diffusion barrier caused by the inhalation and
subsequent deposition of cigarette combustion byproducts in
the lungs, which smokers have. Therefore, nonsmokers
achieved nicotine blood levels of 129 nanograms per
milliliter in less than ten seconds after inhalation
(laboratory analysis performed by NMS Labs). 

    This breakthrough in pulmonary drug delivery is not
limited to only nicotine. Any drug soluble in water can now
be delivered with very high efficacy and efficiency
utilizing Next Safety's proprietary pulmonary devices and
methods. Treatments enabled by the technology include the
efficient and high efficacy delivery of numerous drugs
never before effectively delivered through pulmonary means.
For example, in the announced nicotine results, more than 74
percent of the nicotine contained in the device entered the
blood stream. Many drugs currently delivered only through
IV or injection in important classes such as antibiotics,
analgesics and anti medics along with certain vaccinations
can now be delivered with very high precision, efficacy and

    Next Safety moved into a new 32,000 square ft facility
on July 27th. During the following eighteen months the
company expects to occupy 850,000 square feet of additional
office/manufacturing space and hire approximately 3,600

    Next Safety's nicotine delivery device will be priced
at less than $100.00, with refills costing less than ten
percent of the average pack of cigarettes in developed
countries on a nicotine equivalent basis.  The company will
begin shipping devices to markets where current regulations
allow in December.  Next Safety will ship more than two
million nicotine delivery devices per month during the
first quarter of 2008.

    The company will begin sampling devices to certain
reporters in Boston on Wednesday, August 15th, on Thursday,
August 16th and in New York on Monday, August 20th.  In
addition, the company will hold a moderated discussion at
the Mandarin Oriental in New York on Tuesday, August 21st. 
Attendees will include:  leading pulmonologists, reporters
and public officials, as well as smokers and non-smokers. 
For more information on the August 21st event or for an
invitation, please call or write Christy Cheek at
336.246.7700 ext.230 or christycheek@nextsafetyinc.com. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Christy Cheek, 
     Next Safety Inc.
     Tel:   +1-828-406-4122
     Email: christycheek@nextsafetyinc.com 

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