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Ormecon Introducing Ultrathin New Organic Nanometal Surface Finish in Commercial Scale
September 26, 2007

- First Industrial Line Being Installed in Korea

    HAMBURG, Germany, Sept. 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A
completely new nano size surface finish is introduced by
Ormecon International into the Printed Circuit Board
market. The thickness is only 55 nanometres, the layer
consists of a nanoparticle complex formed between the
Organic Nanometal and Silver (the Silver only contributes
up less than 10% to it).

    Nonetheless, this ultrathin layer provides a much more
powerful oxidation protection and solderability
preservation than any other established metallic finish -
although the established finishes are between 6 and 100
times thicker than this new nanofinish. 

    According to Ormecon, several tests in many companies
in the electronics industry have already shown a superior
thermal resistance and perfect solderability.

    Only three months after the first public presentation
by Dr. Bernhard Wessling, the inventor and Ormecon CEO in
July 2007, a first industrial line for the deposition of
the new nanofinish will be installed in Korea at Ormecon's
customer YooJin. The line will go into operation in the
second half of October.

    It will be the first commercial line to provide a nano
sized surface finish for printed circuit boards.

    The energy consumption will only be 10 - 30%, the total
environmental resource consumption is less than 1% compared
to conventional surface finish processes.

    More information is available on Ormecon's website 
http://www.ormecon-nanotech.com .

    Background information:

    Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) are the basis for any
electronic control in computers, mobile phones, printers,
TVs, and of all electric and electronic control tasks in
cars, airplanes, satellites, elevators, dish washer,
washing machines, refrigerators and even modern coffee

    Chips and other electronic components are being fixed
(soldered) on defined locations on the printed circuit
board, and the board contains the circuit by which the
components are connected with each other.

    The manufacturing of the fully functioning PCB is
separated in the industry, first, the PCB manufacturer
produces the bare board with the circuit, then the
so-called "assembler" puts the electronic
components on the boards and fixes them firmly by

    This positioning and soldering process is fully
automatic, is running for several times at peak
temperatures or around 260 degreesC and therefore requires
a 100% guarantee that every of the many 100 partially
microscopically small Cu locations will accept the solder
and form a connection which is stable for many years even
under temperature changes between low arctic or even lower
space temperature, up to high operating temperatures like
80 or 150 degreesC, close to motors or within a laptop,
regardless whether under constant vibrations (like in a car
or airplane) or not.

    Therefore, the final surface finish is the most
critical step on the PCB manufacturing, and the new
Nanofinish is promising to revolutionize surface finishing
of PCBs.

    Ormecon International is a small internationally
operating group companies, founded by Dr. Bernhard Wessling
who discovered and introduced the new nanomaterial class of
Organic Metals.

    For more information, please contact:

     Dr. Bernhard Wessling
     Ormecon GmbH
     Tel:   +49-40-60410618
     Email: wessling@ormecon.de
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