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PR Newswire Announces the Launch of its Dubai Operation
June 27, 2007

PR Newswire's Latest Expansion Will Provide Companies
Within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) With
Access to Leading Communications Services

    LONDON, June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- PR Newswire, the
global leader in commercial news distribution, today
announced the launch of its Dubai operation, which will
provide companies within the DIFC with access to PR
Newswire's leading communications products and services.

    ( Photo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070626/262831 )

    "Dubai is experiencing unprecedented economic
development, and many new organisations are establishing
roots in this prosperous and growing emirate," said
Lisa Ashworth, CEO, PR Newswire EMEA. "These
organisations, and those with established businesses, have
significant communications needs, and our more than 50
years of experience makes us uniquely positioned to assist

    PR Newswire's news distribution, media and investor
targeting services are well placed to help organisations
within the DIFC to establish their brand, build their
investor base, and communicate their stories to the media,
customers and investors, locally and globally.

    PR Newswire has been extremely successful in building a
local presence and investing significant resources in
various countries around the world. PR Newswire Middle East
Ltd's plans include hiring significant numbers of new staff;
investing in additional products and services that meet the
specific needs of local customers; and opening a second
office with sister company, CMPi in Abu Dhabi.

    Jeremy Derenne, PR Newswire's EMEA Sales Director,
commented, "Because of the sophistication of
businesses based in the DIFC, we expect to see a strong
interest from organisations in the use of digital media in
public relations and investor relations communications. PR
Newswire has experience with digital delivery of content in
other similarly advanced markets throughout the world, and
we look forward to bringing these services to customers in

    PR Newswire is committed to expanding its business into
high growth regions where communication is key. Recently, PR
Newswire Europe announced strategic partnerships with Les
Echos (France's leading financial newspaper) and OMX (the
Nordic Exchange) to assist local businesses with
distributing their messages to local and global audiences.

    About PR Newswire

    PR Newswire ( http://www.prnewswire.com and
http://www.prnewswire.co.uk ) provides electronic
distribution, targeting, measurement and broadcast services
on behalf of tens of thousands of corporate, government,
association, trade, non-profit, and other customers
worldwide. Using PR Newswire, these organisations reach a
variety of critical audiences including the news media, the
investment community, government decision-makers, and the
general public with their up-to-the-minute, full-text news

    PR Newswire has offices in 11 countries and routinely
sends its customers' news to outlets in 135 countries and
in more than 40 languages. Utilising the latest in
communications technology, PR Newswire content is
considered a mainstay among news reporters, investors and
individuals who seek breaking news from the source. PR
Newswire is a subsidiary of United Business Media plc of

    For full information on PR Newswire products and
services email marketing@prnewswire.co.uk or go to

    For more information, please contact:

     Rachel Meranus
     Vice President Public Relations
     Tel:   +1-212-282-1929
     Email: rachel.meranus@prnewswire.com

     Samantha Proctor
     Head of EMEA Marketing
     PR Newswire Europe
     Tel:   +44-207-454-5115
     Email: samantha.proctor@prnewswire.co.uk 
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