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ZANA Network Launches Business Networking Portal Connecting Small and Medium Enterprises Worldwide
June 27, 2007

Global Business Network Focuses on Profitable Sales
Opportunities for SMEs, Offers Health Insurance, Financing
and Other Business Services

    WASHINGTON and DETROIT, June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
ZANA Network, LLC today launched a business networking
portal that connects small and medium enterprises (SME) in
over 100 countries worldwide with sales opportunities,
financing, insurance, partnerships, marketing and other
resources to help make them more connected, efficient and
profitable.  Additionally, the ZANA Network (
http://www.zananetwork.com ) will provide a forum for the
SME community to explore, understand and express views on
issues that impact them both locally and on an
international scale. 
    "SMEs need sales, sales and more sales
opportunities," said Howard Keating, ZANA Network
founder and CEO. "ZANA Network was created so that
entrepreneurs and SMEs -- whether they are across town or
across the world -- can create business relationships that
drive profitable sales and find the support they need to
make their businesses run as efficiently as
    ZANA Network members will be able to post and view
sales opportunities from other SMEs, as well as view
opportunities from larger corporations and government
entities looking for access to the services and products
that SMEs bring to market.  There are an estimated 49
million small and medium businesses in the U.S., about half
of which are home businesses. In the European Union, SMEs
employ about 65 million people.  In both regions, SMEs
represent 99 percent of all businesses.

    ZANA Network is a subscription-based service, with
complete access to the ZANA community, sales opportunities
and services discounts requiring a monthly membership fee
of US$40.00. Members registering by July 15, 2007 will
receive a 30-day free trial, compliments of the companies
which are providing member services. Basic business
information will be available to site visitors at no cost. 

    "ZANA Network is a business growth tool that can
help level the playing field for all entrepreneurs,
nationally and internationally, especially women and
minority firms," said Pete Homer, president, CEO and
founder of the National Indian Business Association. 
"Too often firms are left out of the opportunity chain
because they are unaware of how to get on the bid list. ZANA
Network gives its members not only access to the contracts,
but the tools needed to submit winning bids. It is equal
opportunity at its best."

    ZANA Network has entered into an agreement with The
Chafee Center for International Trade at Bryant University
to provide its members with access to the International
Trade Data Network (ITDN). ITDN is an extensive collection
of international, interactive search and retrieval
databases that provide detailed country reports, maps,
statistics, as well as cultural and political trade
information. Data, gathered daily from diverse sources
throughout the world, is presented in an easy-to-use format
for small and medium-sized businesses to research new
markets for manufactured products and services worldwide.
    "The key to successful international trade is
information.  With the proper contacts, leads, research,
and training, businesses can expand their markets and
increase sales," said Ray Fogarty, Director of The
Chafee Center.

    In addition to its comprehensive sales connection
capabilities, ZANA Network has established partnerships
with leading firms to offer its members a range of
"best-in-class" services needed to make
businesses run more efficiently.  ZANA Network members will
have access to customized or personalized services, many at
discounted pricing, from leading organizations in health
insurance, financing, credit insurance, international
consulting, commercial real estate, logistics and credit

    "As entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand that
when you run your own business, you are the one responsible
for everything from sales and marketing to procurement and
logistics," said Keating. "ZANA Network worked
hard to create a single comprehensive resource that SMEs
can turn to, and we are dedicated to continue developing
partnerships and offerings that provide the tools and
resources needed so that SMEs can pursue their dreams
profitably, no matter what their age, product idea, or

    About ZANA Network, LLC

    ZANA Network is a dynamic online business community
connecting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) locally,
nationally and globally. ZANA provides sales opportunities,
essential services, benefit programs and guidance, and
enables entrepreneurs and other SME business people to
interact for mutual benefit. ZANA drives active
participation of global partners, associations and
governments to enable SMEs to make money, save money, and
grow efficiently. For more information, visit
http://www.zananetwork.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     A. Ray Thomas
     Tel:   +1-248-477-5431
     Email: rthomas@zananetwork.com

     Margaret Bonilla
     Tel:   +1-603-548-0693
     Email: mbonilla@birnbachcom.com 

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