Thomson Scientific Analyzes 10 Years of Geology Research To Rank the Most-Cited Published Papers
August 13, 2007
Newly Published Study Narrows Focus On Geology, Ranking Institutions, Researchers and Journals Based on Total Citations PHILADELPHIA and LONDON, Aug. 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Thomson Scientific, part of The Thomson Corporation (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC) and leading provider of information solutions to the worldwide research and business communities, today announced the results of a survey analyzing citation patterns in the field of geology. In the July/August issue of Science Watch, data from 224 journals and more than 150,000 papers published during the last decade (and listed in Thomson Scientific's Web of Science(R)) were analyzed to rank institutions, authors and journals based on total citations. Science Watch is a subscription newsletter that uses unique citation data from Thomson Scientific to provide rankings, interviews and reports on today's most significant science. "When institutions are ranked according to total citations, larger institutions tend to have an advantage due to the sheer abundance of published papers they produce," said Christopher King, editor of Science Watch. "Therefore, it is not surprising that large governmental institutions such as the U.S. Geological Survey and NASA top this list of geology research institutions." The U.S. Geological Survey garnered more than 23,000 citations over the past 10 years, while NASA amassed more than 20,000 citations, making them the first and second most-cited, respectively. "It is important to note that smaller, more diverse institutions also appear on this list," added King. "Namely, the University of Colorado ranked third with more than 15,000 total citations. The University of Washington also makes a strong showing, ranking sixth." Out of the top 10 most highly cited institutions, six are located in the United States. Institutions located in China, France, Russia and the United Kingdom round out the top-10 list, each having been cited more than 11,000 times. Top Ten Institutions Ranked by Citations 1996-2007 Country Total Citations, 1996-2007 U.S. Geological Survey 23,172 NASA 20,303 University of Colorado 15,365 Russian Academy of Sciences 15,019 Chinese Academy of Sciences 14,937 University of Washington 12,934 University of Cambridge 12,573 California Institute of Technology 12,459 University of California, Berkeley 12,139 Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (France) 11,993 The study also looks at the 25 most highly cited Geosciences authors over the past decade. Frank C. Hawthorne, a crystallography/mineralogy researcher from Canada's University of Manitoba, took top honors with 2,204 citations. (His most-cited work on the nomenclature of minerals known as amphiboles was cited more than 260 times.) Hawthorne is the only researcher to have been ranked in Science Watch's previous Geosciences report in 2001 and this current survey. Top Ten Highly Cited Authors in Geosciences, 1996-2007 Name Institution Department/Specialty Total Number of Citations Frank C. University of Manitoba Crystallography/ 2,204 Hawthorne Mineralogy Roger Powell University of Melbourne Metamorphic Geology 1,825 (Australia) Charles W. University of Space Physics 1,822 Carlson California, Berkeley Timothy J.B. University of Cambridge Petrology 1,592 Holland Andre Balogh Imperial College London Space Physics 1,568 H. John B. University of Bergen Ecology/Palaeoecology 1,548 Birks (Norway) Peter C. Burns University of Notre Dame Mineralogy 1,414 Henri Reme CNRS, CESR, Toulouse Space Science 1,335 (France) Joel D. Grice Canadian Museum of Mineralogy 1,330 Nature Juhn G. Liou Stanford University Geology/Environmental 1,327 The U.S. is home to the highest number of most-cited researchers, with three researchers on the list representing U.S. based institutions. The United Kingdom took second place with two researchers, while Australia, Canada, France and Norway each had one researcher in the top 10. Looking at Geosciences journals, Geophysical Research Letters topped the most-cited journals category by publishing more than 13,000 papers and garnering more than 116,000 citations. Geology ranked second with more than 42,000 citations and Journal of Hydrology rounded the top three with more than 22,000. Top Ten Most-Cited Journals in Geosciences, 1996-2007 Total Number Journal of Citations Geophysical Research Letters 116,069 Geology 42,202 Journal of Hydrology 22,157 American Mineralogist 20,185 Palaeogeography/climatology/ecology 20,130 Quaternary Science Review 17,672 Marine Geology 16,060 Global Biogeochemistry Cycles 15,648 Contrib. Mineralogy & Petrology 15,097 Geol. Soc. American Bulletin 13,243 About The Thomson Corporation The Thomson Corporation ( http://www.thomson.com ) is a global leader in providing essential electronic workflow solutions to business and professional customers. With operational headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson provides value-added information, software tools and applications to professionals in the fields of law, tax, accounting, financial services, scientific research and healthcare. The Corporation's common shares are listed on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC). Thomson Scientific is a business of The Thomson Corporation. Its information solutions assist professionals at every stage of research and development-from discovery to analysis to product development and distribution. Thomson Scientific information solutions can be found at http://www.scientific.thomson.com . NOTE TO EDITORS: For information on subscribing to Science Watch, contact Christopher King, tel: +1 215.823.5341. For more information about these rankings and for a full list of the most-cited institutions, researchers and journals contact Chris Lukach at 856-988-6560, ext. 15 or chris@mail.akleinpr.com . For more information, please contact: Chris Lukach Anne Klein & Associates Tel: +1-856-988-6560 ext. 15 Email: chris@mail.akleinpr.com
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