2007年09月11日 株式会社留学ジャーナル(本社:東京都新宿区信濃町34、JR信濃町ビル ◆イベントタイトル◆========================== ワールド留学フェア 2007 FALL ◆協賛・賛同・協力◆========================== 協賛:英会話イーオン 賛同:アメリカ大使館商務部/カナダ大使館/ブリティッシュ・カウンシル/ 協力:アイルランド政府観光庁 ◆イベント内容◆============================ 世界6ヵ国67校※から学校スタッフが集結! 会場では、留学の基本がわかる各種セミナーを開催するほか、 東京会場では「親が納得する留学」と題して留学生を送り出した <入退場自由/参加費無料/セミナーのみ要事前予約> ※2007年8月1日現在 東京の場合 ◆開催日時◆============================== 東 京 大阪 名古屋 福岡 URL>http://www.ryugaku.co.jp/spot/wf_2007fall/seminar.html ◆参加校◆=============================== 世界6ヶ国67校※から参加します。 参加校一覧> http://www.ryugaku.co.jp/spot/wf_2007fall/list_t.html ◆予約方法◆============================== フリーコール0120-890-987 URL>http://www.ryugaku.co.jp/spot/wf_2007fall/ ◆株式会社留学ジャーナルとは====================== 株式会社留学ジャーナルの創業は1971年。当社の前身である
2007年09月11日 報道関係各位 2007年9月11日 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ライブドアのリサーチ事業 [BizMarketing サーベイ]、 「iPhoneに関するアンケート調査」販売を開始 ~ 『iPhone』の購入意欲は「30~40代男性 iPod所有者」において高い。
―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ■ 概要
詳細はこちら⇒ http://www.marketing-research.jp/page/000240.html □ BizMarketing サーベイ [SurveyReport]
調査方法:BizMarketingサーベイによるネットリサーチ ■ 調査結果抜粋 今回の調査では、iPhoneは30~40代男性に購入意欲者が多く、購入意欲者の ■ レポート目次 iPhoneの受容性 ■ 商品概要 商品名:iPhoneに関するアンケート調査 ■ お申し込み方法 下記URLよりお申込みください。 ■ 参考URL BizMarketing サーベイ
【デジタルサイネージ最新動向と広告効果】 デジタルサイネージとは、一般家庭以外の場所にある電子看板/電子ポスター
モバイル・マーケティング最前線のリサーチャー、コンサルタントが参加。 お申込みはコチラから
2007年09月11日 携帯電話向けのコンテンツやシステムの開発・運営を手がける株式会社more communication(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役:天本弘毅、URL:http://www.more-com.co.jp/)は、オリックスキャピタル、ニッセイキャピタル、りそなキャピタルなどを引受先とした第三者割当増資と、既存株主からの株式移動による株式会社まぐクリック(本社:東京都渋谷区、 代表取締役社長:高橋信太郎 大証ヘラクレス:証券コード4784)と株式会社インタースペース(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役:河端 伸一郎 東証マザーズ:証券コード2122)との資本提携を行います。 ■増資および資本提携の目的 ■増資の内容
・社名 株式会社more communication |
2007年09月11日 SEO及びSEMサービス提供を行っている株式会社ディーボ(札幌市、代表取締役社長:藤沢 竜志、以下:ディーボ)は、スピードを重視したSEO対策サービス『Power SEO』(http://powerseo.jp/)を2007年9月11日にリリースしました。 2007年のSEO市場規模は、総額で92億円(前年比15.3%増)と推測されており、2010年には121億1千万円に拡大すると予想されています(※1)。SEOは、今やホームページ構築に不可欠な要素として、広く認識されるようになりました。中でも現在は、中小企業を中心にSEOの導入が盛んに開始されています。 Power SEOは、ディーボの経験と実績を元に、メンテナンススピードに焦点を合わせたSEOサービスです。SEO導入時やキーワードの追加・削除時に発生する内部施工・外部施工を最短3日間で終了することができます。 Power SEOは、SEOの新規導入を検討している中小企業を対象とした、成果報酬型の低料金システムを採用し、初年度で5000万円の売り上げを見込んでいます。 ※1 アウンコンサルティング SEO市場規模予測(2007年リリース版)より ■ Power SEOの内容 ■ Power SEOの価格 ■ 会社概要 ■ 本件に関するお問い合わせ先 |
2007年09月11日 とっぴんぐサプリ株式会社では、100種類以上のサプリメントを1粒から購入できるサイトをオープンさせた。 |
2007年09月11日 中小企業向けビジネス用ソフトを開発する株式会社ドリームネッツ 【2つの新機能】 2)YouTube動画を掲載 <ドリーマASPポータルサイトについて http://www.dreama.jp/> 【ドリーマASPについて】
事業内容: |
2007年09月11日 マイナビ転職,マイナビ2009,マイナビ転職EXPO,ウェブアン,anエリア,anセレクト,anレギュラー,など求人広告を取り扱うリクルート広告代理店のホームページを開設しました |
2007年09月11日 「バイクで事故をしたら、家族への連絡手段はどのように調べられるのだろうか?」 URL:http://www.840-840.com/ridercard google で「ツーリング仲間募集」と検索した際のヒット数は2万件を越す。 インターネットを通じて出会った場合は、その本人の携帯電話番号しか知らない場合が大半を占める。 《備考》 《作成者について》 |
2007年09月11日 株式会社ボイジャー(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役:萩野 正昭、以下:ボイジャー)、株式会社インフォシティ(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役:岩浪 剛太、以下:インフォシティ)の2社で運営する「小説キッチン」に、ミュージシャンとして活躍される田村元さんの作品の連載が開始されました。広くご紹介いただきますようお願いいたします。 ■携帯投稿に年齢はない! 「小説キッチン」に集う中高年 ■以下は代表的掲載作品です。 ■今回ミュージシャンとして活躍される田村元さんの作品「風になった伝書猫」の連載が開始されました。
2007年09月11日 ファンタジーを超えた、混じりけのないドキュメンタリー! これまでの日本では、UFOや宇宙人といった異次元存在とのコンタクトは、ある種のエンターテインメントやオカルト現象として、一部の熱心なファンにのみ支持されてきた感がある。しかし、世界中で起きている昨今の異常気象、洪水、地震、テロ、干ばつ、ハリケーンなどは、すでに我々の想像をはるかに越える規模であり、もはや従来の科学のみでは説明不能なところまできている。そして、一瞬にして世界を駆けめぐるニュースの配信やインターネットの目覚ましい普及はあっても、そうした情報だけでは現実に起きていることの是非や、個々がどのような意識を持って生活すれば良いかということまでは分からないということもまた、事実である。それは日本に限ったことではなく、長年のあいだ情報大国を誇ってきたアメリカでも同様であり、違う世界、違う意識を個人レベルで探求することで、それまでにない様々な経験をする人々も多いという。それらは一般人に身近なTVや新聞などのメディアでは報道されず、そればかりかそうした貴重な情報が何らかの意図で改ざんされるということも起きているのだ。しかし言うまでもなく、その現実を知ることは我々日本人にも必要であり、これからの混迷の時代を生き残るのに最も重要な事項であることは間違いない。特にアメリカで、異星人とのコンタクトについてエリア51との関わりが指摘されていることは、今では多くの人が興味を持っている。もしもそうした事柄が、単に異星人との交流にとどまらず、体外離脱による霊験、インディアン(ネイティブ・アメリカン)やキリストとの関連、さらにはマンハッタンにおける9・11テ |
ANADIGICS Supplies AWL6951 Dual-Band PA to NXP for Broadband Home Connectivity Market WARREN, N.J., Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ANADIGICS, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD), announced today that the company is shipping production volumes of its AWL6951 Wireless LAN(WLAN) power amplifier(PA) module in support of the upcoming 802.11n multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) standard to NXP Semiconductor for their WLAN module solution, MRX2000. The MRX2000, enables higher throughput of rich content for quality-critical applications, allowing for faster, more powerful wireless connectivity between everyday multimedia devices. "ANADIGICS is very pleased with the success our highly integrated WLAN PAs for MIMO platforms," said Ron Michels, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Broadband Products at ANADIGICS. "We value our close relationships with industry leaders, such as NXP, in developing next-generation wireless connectivity solutions." ANADIGICS' AWL6951 dual-band power amplifier is a high performance InGaP HBT power amplifier module designed for transmit applications in the 2.4-2.5 GHz and 4.9-5.9 GHz band. Matched to 50 ohm at all RF inputs and outputs, the part requires no additional RF matching components off-chip, making the AWL6951 the world's simplest dual band PA module implementation available. The PA exhibits unparalleled linearity and efficiency for IEEE 802.11g, 802.11b and 802.11a WLAN systems under the toughest signal configurations within these standards. ANADIGICS is the world's leading manufacturer of Indium Gallium Phosphide (InGaP) PAs for WLAN applications. Building on the combination of ANADIGICS' patented InGaP-Plus(TM) process technology and innovative design concepts, the Company's 802.11n PAs and FEICs provide high levels of integration, as well as the linearity, efficiency, and output power required to integrate MIMO capability into a broad range of home and office multimedia appliances, such as mobile computing, CATV set-top boxes, HD televisions, and videogame console systems. For additional information, contact ANADIGICS by phone (908) 668-5000 or fax (908) 668-5132 or visit the Company's Web site at http://www.anadigics.com . About ANADIGICS, Inc. ANADIGICS, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD) is a leading provider of semiconductor solutions in the rapidly growing broadband wireless and wireline communications markets. The Company's products include power amplifiers, tuner integrated circuits, active splitters, line amplifiers, and other components, which can be sold individually or packaged as integrated radio frequency and front end modules. Safe Harbor Statement Except for historical information contained herein, this press release contains projections and other forward-looking statements (as that term is defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended). These projections and forward-looking statements reflect the Company's current views with respect to future events and financial performance and can generally be identified as such because the context of the statement will include words such as "believe," "anticipate," "expect," or words of similar import. Similarly, statements that describe our future plans, objectives, estimates or goals are forward-looking statements. No assurances can be given, however, that these events will occur or that these projections will be achieved and actual results and developments could differ materially from those projected as a result of certain factors. Important factors that could cause actual results and developments to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such projections and forward-looking statements include those factors detailed from time to time in our reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006. For more information, please contact: Press: Chuck Manners Godfrey Tel: +1-717-393-3831 Fax: +1-717-393-1403 Email: chuck@godfrey.com Corporate: Jennifer Palella ANADIGICS, Inc. Tel: +1-908-668-5000 Fax: +1-908-412-5978 Email: jpalella@anadigics.com Investor Relations: Thomas Shields ANADIGICS, Inc. Tel: +1-908-412-5995 Email: tshields@anadigics.com
Marsh Launches Center for Risk Insights to Provide Guidance on Business Risk Issues NEW YORK, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- With less than three percent of the world's water now reachable and fit for human consumption -- a figure that is shrinking -- 40 percent of Fortune 1000 companies surveyed said the impact of a water shortage would be severe or even catastrophic. Despite this, less than one-in-five (17%) say they have prepared for such a crisis, according to research sponsored by the Marsh Center for Risk Insights. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200708011810-min.jpg ) The findings are based on work conducted for the Marsh Center by Public Opinion Strategies, an internationally respected polling firm that spoke to senior officials from more than 100 executive suites from a cross-section of Fortune 1000 companies. Marsh Inc., the world's leading insurance broker and risk advisor, formed the Marsh Center for Risk Insights as a working forum for experts to identify, debate and tackle the most critical global business risks ¨C- with water being one of the newest threats on the horizon. The founding advisors of the Marsh Center, which launches today, include: -- Dean Alexander, Director of the Homeland Security Research Program and Assistant Professor, Homeland Security, at Western Illinois University (USA) -- Philip Armstrong, Head of the Global Corporate Governance Forum (South Africa) -- Carol Browner, Principal of The Albright Group and former Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USA) -- Dr. Sheikh Faisal F.J. Althani, Deputy General Manager Anadarko Petroleum Corp., (Qatar) -- Dr. Rohan Gunaratna, Head of Singapore's International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (Singapore) -- Dr. Howard Kunreuther, Co-director of the Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (USA) -- Harvey Pitt, Chief Executive Officer of global business consulting firm Kalorama Partners and former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (USA) -- Andrew Winston, Founder of Winston Eco-Strategies and co-author of "Green to Gold" (USA) "From terrorist attacks to natural disasters to droughts, businesses today face a new breed of risks that can threaten supply chains, stall expansion plans and harm profitability," said John Merkovsky, executive director of the Marsh Center for Risk Insights. Water Denial Almost half of the Marsh Center survey respondents, 47 percent, said water is critical or very important to their day-to-day operations, but only 6 percent believe it is likely that in the next five to ten years access to water for manufacturing and drinking will be significantly reduced because of quality degradation or scarcity. "Many corporations across seemingly unrelated economic sectors are exposed to water scarcity and pollution risks, usually in their supply chains," said Ms. Browner. "Changes in our global climate, along with rising consumption levels, will dramatically alter water distributions and availability over the coming decades. Businesses need to take time to identify the challenges and opportunities posed by local and regional changes in water availability." Water-related costs already are climbing, as manufacturers must treat both source water and waste output to improve quality. Even non-water-intensive businesses are being affected as suppliers pass on their own water-related costs. Risk Responsibility Whether it's a loss of water, the outbreak of potentially fatal disease or the aftermath of a terrorist act, executives today are being tasked with risk-management responsibilities their predecessors never faced. "Business leaders have a fiduciary responsibility to their board, shareholders, employees and customers to understand the implications of emerging threats and take steps to address these challenges," said Mr. Pitt. "It's no longer acceptable for CEOs to stand up and say, `I didn't realize it could happen' after a crisis occurs." Other Risks Beyond Water Survey respondents were asked about preparedness for eight different potential risk scenarios, including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, oil price spikes, global climate change, housing market collapse, risks associated with nanotechnology, access to water and pandemics. Despite the growing number of threats, 44 percent of respondents said one of the main reasons their companies didn't bother to prepare for crisis situations because they felt these types of risks weren't relevant. "A number of business leaders today are taking a narrow view of risk and operating under the false assumption that even though these risks are on the horizon, they don't need to act on them promptly," said Mr. Kunreuther of Wharton. "While these decisions may not affect them in their term of office, it could have dire effects on their successors and those connected to their companies years later." Complete survey results are available on the Marsh Center for Risk Insights' Web site at http://www.risksmarts.com . About the Marsh Center for Risk Insights The Marsh Center for Risk Insights is a growing assembly of leading authorities on global risk issues working to identify, debate and provide guidance on the world's most critical business risks. An independent and objective source of critical information and insight, the Marsh Center does not market, promote or sell any products or services. Please see http://www.risksmarts.com for research, white papers, articles and information. About Public Opinion Strategies Public Opinion Strategies is a survey research company specializing in corporate, public policy and litigation research, with offices in Washington, Denver and Los Angeles. Since its founding in 1991, Public Opinion Strategies has completed more than 10,000 research projects and interviewed more than four million Americans across the United States. These projects have ranged in scope from neighborhood studies to national samples in all 50 states. Internationally, Public Opinion Strategies has completed research projects in 18 different countries. Since Public Opinion Strategies' roots are in political campaign management, their research is focused on producing information that compels decisions -- and then results. Survey Methodology On behalf of The Marsh Center for Risk Insights, Public Opinion Strategies conducted a telephone survey of 101 C-level executives of Fortune 1000 companies, June 6-29, 2007. The list of C-Level Executive contacts was obtained directly from Fortune. For more information, please contact: Starry Zou Marketing & Communications Manager ¨C Greater China Tel: +86 10 6533 4008 Email: starry.zou@marsh.com
SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Computer Sciences Corporation (NYSE: CSC), a leading global information technology (IT) services firm, announced today that Tong Yang Systems (TYS), a leading Korean IT services firm specializing in the financial services sector, has signed an alliance agreement to market and deliver CSC's financial services software to the insurance sector in South Korea. Since 1981, CSC has served Asia's insurance industry providing the full range of the company's services. Today, CSC supports more than 200 clients in Asia in the life, property & casualty and reinsurance markets. Worldwide, CSC has more than 10,000 employees dedicated to serving its financial services clients, which include more than 1,200 major banks, insurers, and investment management and securities firms. "Joining with CSC enables TYS to offer a broader spectrum of application software, services and global best practices to the Korean financial services industry," said Choong Whan Lee, senior vice president of Tong Yang Systems. "Our understanding of the local Korean financial services practices will benefit CSC and our Korean clients." "South Korea is a growth market for CSC," said Doug Benfield, vice president and managing partner for CSC's Financial Services unit in Asia. "This alliance with TYS will broaden our ability to deliver solutions that improve business results for Korea's insurance industry." About Tong Yang Systems Tong Yang Systems (TYS) is headquartered in Seoul, Korea, and is a leading IT services company in Korea. TYS's mission is to provide customers with services and solutions that address the challenges and opportunities arising from the explosive growth of the Internet and the rapid expansion of globalization. As leaders in advanced IT solutions, including e-business, outsourcing, consulting, and financial transactions, TYS is prepared to face the challenges of the 21st century. Capitalizing on its specialized technologies and accumulated expertise, Tong Yang Systems is creating value for its customers in the Internet age. Tong Yang is pioneering new value added businesses, reinventing itself once again as one of the best Korean IT solution providers that meets and exceeds international standards. For more information, visit the company's Web site at http://www.tysystems.co.kr/eng/default.htm . About CSC Computer Sciences Corporation is a leading global IT services company. CSC's mission is to provide customers in industry and government with solutions crafted to meet their specific challenges and enable them to profit from the advanced use of technology. With approximately 87,000 employees, CSC provides innovative solutions for customers around the world by applying leading technologies and CSC's own advanced capabilities. These include systems design and integration; IT and business process outsourcing; applications software development; Web and application hosting; and management consulting. Headquartered in El Segundo, Calif., CSC reported revenue of $14.9 billion for the 12 months ended March 30, 2007. For more information, visit the company's Web site at http://www.csc.com . For more information, please contact: Prakash Thomas, Regional Director, Financial Services Sector - Asia, Computer Sciences Corporation Tel: +82-656-422-6404 Email: pthomas35@csc.com
Two New Hospitality Education and Training Centres in Jinan and Shunde Complement Existing Centres in Shanghai and Chongqing JINAN, China, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group), the world's largest hotel group by number of rooms, today launched the IHG Academy in two new locations -- Jinan in the northern Shandong Province and Shunde in southern Guangdong Province. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200702131431-min.jpg ) First launched in Shanghai in June 2006, and joined by the Chongqing Campus in February 2007, the IHG Academy offers a series of specially-developed learning programmes aimed at addressing the demand for trained talent in the fast-growing hotel industry. These two new hospitality education and training centres further reinforce IHG's commitment towards development capability among local talent. They also extend the scope of IHG's superior hospitality training to the North and South of China, giving IHG Academy the ability to train and nurture a larger talent pool across various parts of China. Edmond Ip, chief operating officer for IHG Greater China, said: "The expansion of the IHG Academy across China helps us to build a renewable pool of skilled, well-trained talent. It also gives opportunities and bright career paths to talented students from across the country. Because of the Academy program's superior career benefits and skills development, we are pleased to say that IHG is helping China's future hoteliers enter the ranks of the world's best." The students will get their best possible start in the industry from the IHG Academy's three-year Advanced Certification programme, which covers various tourism and hotel industry subjects. All programmes combine theoretical sessions by university lecturers, industry lectures given by executives from IHG, and internship exposure at hotels under the IHG portfolio. Along with the three-year Advanced Certification program, the IHG Academy will also offer a series of shorter four to eight-week certification programmes designed to enhance skills in the front office, housekeeping or food and beverage functions. This diversity of programmes allows students, and employers, to train for the specific needs they must fulfil, regardless of their current placement, giving them greater options and better career prospects within the hospitality industry. To ensure the highest quality education, the centres are affiliated with the top hospitality institutions in their respective regions - Shandong College of Tourism and Hospitality in Jinan and Shunde Polytechnic in Guangzhou. These schools provide the professional support that the IHG Academy requires, along with national and international certifications for graduates. IHG has spent the past 23 years developing its hotel network in China. Today, the company has 71 hotels spread across four brands, and is on track to meeting its goal of having 125 hotels opened by 2008. This rapid expansion is testament to the quality of IHG's services and the company's commitment to excellence in hospitality for China. More information on career opportunities with IHG can be found at http://www.careers.ichotelsgroup.com . Notes to Editors: InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) of the United Kingdom (LON: IHG; NYSE: IHG (ADRs)) is the world's largest hotel group by number of rooms. IHG owns, manages, leases or franchises, through various subsidiaries, over 3,800 hotels and more than 563,000 guest rooms in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world. IHG owns a portfolio of well recognised and respected hotel brands including InterContinental(R) Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza(R) Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn(R) Hotels and Resorts, Holiday Inn Express(R), Staybridge Suites(R), Candlewood Suites(R) and Hotel Indigo(R), and also manages the world's largest hotel loyalty programme, Priority Club(R) Rewards with over 33 million members worldwide. The company pioneered the travel industry's first collaborative response to environmental issues as founder of the International Hotels and Environment Initiative (IHEI). The IHEI formed the foundations of the Tourism Partnership launched by the International Business Leaders Forum in 2004, of which IHG is still a member today. The environment and local communities remain at the heart of IHG's global corporate responsibility focus. IHG offers information and online reservations for all its hotel brands at http://www.ihg.com and information for the Priority Club Rewards programme at http://www.priorityclub.com . For the latest news from IHG, visit our online Press Office at http://www.ihg.com/media . For more information, please contact: Sharona Tao IHG Tel: +86-21-2893-3309 Fax: +86-21-2893-3399 Email: sharona.tao@ihg.com
PALO ALTO, Calif., Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- TIBCO Software Inc. (Nasdaq: TIBX) today announced several projects intended to help foster innovation and growth in Beijing and across Greater China. TIBCO reinforces its commitment to the region with the launch of a China Development Center as part of a strategic partnership with Worksoft and an educational program dubbed -- The Power of You -- which invites students and professionals to take part in a developer contest to build web applications using Ajax and service-oriented architecture principles. "Our partnership with TIBCO has grown considerably during the past twenty four months and we are very excited about the prospect of new opportunities that the China Development Center and Ajax competition will generate among businesses and students," said Junbo Liu, executive vice president, Worksoft. "These ambitious initiatives are perfect examples of how two industry leaders can join together to nurture local talent and generate organic growth through increased awareness and delivery of innovative SOA, BPM and business optimization solutions." TIBCO's China Development Center, operated jointly by Worksoft, is involved with the design, development, testing, and ongoing support of many of the company's portfolio of products across service-oriented architecture (SOA) and business process management (BPM) and business optimization. Collaborating together to create and deploy innovative software solutions, TIBCO and Worksoft will help customers achieve SOA and BPM success. In addition to supporting the establishment of the regional Ajax challenge across China, TIBCO will work closely with Worksoft and leading educational institutions to encourage students to create Ajax-based, feature-rich applications using publicly available web services. As they work on their projects, participants will cultivate advanced development skills to help better prepare them for jobs in the information technology and business consulting industries. TIBCO executive vice president, Ram Menon, who is visiting China this week, commented: "We are committed to increasing our investments in high-growth countries and China represents an important market for TIBCO long-term. Furthermore, working closely with key partners such as Worksoft on these important initiatives will help better prepare students to compete in a technology-driven workplace and also ensure customers and prospects obtain the maximum benefit from their IT investments." TIBCO's ongoing investments in China and Asia Pacific represent an integral part of company's strategic operations to increase its presence globally. Currently, TIBCO customers in China represent top industry leaders across telecommunications, financial services and manufacturing such as Bohai Bank and China Post. The Power of You TIBCO, Worksoft and professional educators will judge all submitted Ajax projects. Entries are due by December 31, 2007, allowing more than three months to develop their applications. Winners will receive prizes that include a total of approximately $9,000 USD in grants for the top five entries. Students interested in participating in The Power of You can find out more at: http://www.tibco.com/contest . About TIBCO TIBCO Software Inc. (Nasdaq: TIBX) provides enterprise software that helps companies achieve service-oriented architecture (SOA) and business process management (BPM) success. With over 3,000 customers, TIBCO has given leading organizations around the world better awareness and agility-what TIBCO calls The Power of Now(R). To learn more, contact TIBCO at +1 650-846-1000 or on the Web at http://www.tibco.com . TIBCO, The Power of Now, and TIBCO Software are trademarks or registered trademarks of TIBCO Software Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other product and company names and marks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned for identification purposes only. For more information, please contact: Holly Burkhart TIBCO Software Inc. Tel: +1-650-846-8463 Email: hburkhart@tibco.com Cecilia Lau TIBCO Software Inc. Tel: +852-22640835 Email: clau@tibco.com
GENEVA, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The focus of World Suicide Prevention Day this year is on suicide prevention from youth to old age. This theme has been adopted to emphasize that people of all ages commit suicide and that actions to prevent suicide included in national responses should meet the needs of different age groups. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51-min.jpg ) World Suicide Prevention Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in commitment and action to ensure that suicides are prevented, that people living with mental illness receive adequate treatment, that community-based care and close follow-up are available to people who attempt suicide, that access to common methods of suicides is restricted, and that media reports of suicides are more measured. Today, too many people of all ages needlessly take their own lives. On average, almost 3000 people commit suicide every day. Every 30 seconds, the loss of a person who killed themselves shatters the lives of family and friends. For every person who completes a suicide, 20 or more may attempt suicide. For family and friends affected by suicide or attempted suicide, the emotional impact may last for many years. There is a growing awareness of suicide as a major public health problem, even though there is a taboo in many societies against discussing it openly. Worldwide, suicide rates have increased by 60% over the last 50 years, and the increase has been particularly marked in developing countries. Although reported suicide is now among the three leading global causes of death among young people aged 15-34 years, the majority of suicides are reported in adults and older adults (60 years and older). The World Health Organization (WHO) supports suicide prevention initiatives around the world which address suicide in people of all ages. WHO works with governments and other partners such as the International Association for Suicide Prevention to ensure that suicide is no longer seen as a taboo or an acceptable result of personal or social crises, but as a health condition influenced by psycho-social, cultural and environmental risk factors which can be prevented through national responses which address the main local risk factors for suicide. WHO's role is to build political commitment and leadership to develop national responses to prevent suicide, strengthen national planning capacity to build the core building blocks of such a national response, and build the national capacities to implement these responses. If governments commit to defining national responses to prevent suicide among all ages, huge progress can be made. If we build networks and alliances to promote common approaches which support governments in planning and implementing their national responses, we will find that suicide is a huge but largely preventable public health problem. For more information, please contact: World Health Organization Communications Team Tel: +41-22-791-2222 Email: mediainquiries@who.int Web: http://www.who.int All press releases, fact sheets and other WHO media material may be found at: http://www.who.int .
BEIJING, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Learn 'n Play, a British toy retailer, announces that it will open a store in downtown Xuanwumen district, which will mark the first entry by a large foreign toy retailer into the capital's toy retail market. The Chinese toy retail market is going through a period of strong growth. According to the HK trade development council, the average Beijing household spends approximately 100RMB per month per child on toys, and rising. This figure is well below that of developed countries, the equivalent figure in Japan is 275RMB, but according to the research, as Chinese families enjoy a period of unprecedented wealth, that gap is closing fast. The China toy market was estimated at US$3.2bn in 2004, up from US$1.4bn in 2001, clocking up an average annual growth rate of 40%. For the segment of educational and electronic toys, the growth rate has been even higher, up to 100%/year. This rapid growth has drawn the attention of international toy retailers, such as Toys R Us from the USA, who opened in Shanghai in November of last year. For Learn 'n Play, whose store and products focus on educationally-beneficial toys, the October 1st store opening marks the Company's first expansion on Chinese soil. China General Manager, Andy Clayton remarked, "Toys are important for children in learning life skills. Our aim is to bring toys to the children of Beijing that can help them grow into happy, confident and capable people." Traditionally, Chinese families have viewed toys principally as a form of entertainment, and thereby less important than education and other more 'serious' uses of time and resources. However, with the introduction of international research on child development, such as that of Montessori and Piaget, the importance of play and toys on the mental and physical development of children is starting to be appreciated. "Becoming a well-balanced, confident and happy adult depends greatly on influences absorbed in childhood. Skills such as confidence, social skills and creativity developed in childhood are the ones that often make for the real advantages in adult life" adds Clayton. "Families in Beijing currently lack choice and options in buying toys," continued Clayton. "Most quality toys are limited to the top floors of expensive department stores, out of the eye and budget of must consumers." Learn 'n Play, who dedicate over 30% of the space of their ground floor store to free play areas, are confident that they will be able to offer the most complete range of toys of any store in the city About Learn 'n Play Learn 'n Play is a British educational concept toy store, founded by a developmental child psychologist. Frustrated at being unable to find a store where he could find educationally-beneficial toys for his children, he resolved to set up this kind of store himself. Based on the science of child development, with the backing of like-minded manufacturers, and with the help of his family, he put together Learn 'n Play. Learn 'n Play concept As children grow, they develop skills, such as imagination, physical coordination and social communication. Toys play an important part of this development, helping children grow into capable, confident people. It is LNP's mission to introduce to parents and children toys which can help them to learn life skills and have fun at the same time. Based on over 50 year of European child development research, LNP have identified 11 skills key to healthy child development. LNP China have spent more than 2 years, with the help of Chinese child development specialists, tailoring this concept to Chinese culture. For more information, please contact: Johnson Zhang Commercial Director Learn 'n Play China Unit 5C, Building 1, Huateng International No. 2 Yard, Dajiaoting St. Beijing, China 100022 Tel: +86-10-8795-1853-608 Fax: +86-10-8795-1853-620 Mobile: +86-135-110-02510
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the Global Health and Education Foundation are joining with science, engineering, and medical academies worldwide to take action on the drinking water crisis facing many countries by launching "Safe Drinking Water Is Essential" (http://www.drinking-water.org). This Web resource will be the first tool of its kind to provide international decision makers with peer-reviewed scientific information about enhancing the safety of drinking water supplies. More than a billion people worldwide lack access to clean drinking water. Diseases caused by unsafe drinking water are among the world's most serious public health threats. The Global Health and Education Foundation provided funding to the Marian Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences to develop the web resource in collaboration with the National Research Council's Water Sciences and Technology Board and the Office of International Programs. More than 125 academies worldwide are disseminating information about the Web resource, which is available in five languages. In addition, 10,000 free DVD versions will be distributed. On Wednesday, Sept. 12, a briefing will be held from 11 a.m. to noon EDT in the Murrow Room of the National Press Club, 529 14th St., N.W. A live audio webcast of the briefing will be run at http://www.national-academies.org, where reporters will be able to submit questions for panelists. Reporters interested in attending the briefing should register in advance (contacts listed below). The National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council make up the National Academies. They are private, nonprofit institutions that provide science, technology, and health policy advice under a congressional charter. For more information, visit http://www.national-academies.org. The Marian Koshland Science Museum brings current scientific issues to life for the general public through interactive, dynamic exhibits based on reports by the National Academies. For more information, visit http://www.koshland-science.org. The Global Health and Education Foundation strives to advance the health, education, social and economic well-being of people around the world. The foundation's inaugural operating foundation, WaterLeaders, is dedicated to alleviating the drinking water crisis. For more information, visit http://www.waterleaders.org. Contacts: Amy K. Shaw Koshland Science Museum 202-334-1612; e-mail akshaw@nas.edu Maureen O'Leary Office of News and Public Information The National Academies 202-334-2138; e-mail news@nas.edu
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the Global Health and Education Foundation are joining with science, engineering, and medical academies worldwide to take action on the drinking water crisis facing many countries by launching "Safe Drinking Water Is Essential" (http://www.drinking-water.org). This Web resource will be the first tool of its kind to provide international decision makers with peer-reviewed scientific information about enhancing the safety of drinking water supplies. More than a billion people worldwide lack access to clean drinking water. Diseases caused by unsafe drinking water are among the world's most serious public health threats. The Global Health and Education Foundation provided funding to the Marian Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences to develop the web resource in collaboration with the National Research Council's Water Sciences and Technology Board and the Office of International Programs. More than 125 academies worldwide are disseminating information about the Web resource, which is available in five languages. In addition, 10,000 free DVD versions will be distributed. On Wednesday, Sept. 12, a briefing will be held from 11 a.m. to noon EDT in the Murrow Room of the National Press Club, 529 14th St., N.W. A live audio webcast of the briefing will be run at http://www.national-academies.org, where reporters will be able to submit questions for panelists. Reporters interested in attending the briefing should register in advance (contacts listed below). The National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council make up the National Academies. They are private, nonprofit institutions that provide science, technology, and health policy advice under a congressional charter. For more information, visit http://www.national-academies.org. The Marian Koshland Science Museum brings current scientific issues to life for the general public through interactive, dynamic exhibits based on reports by the National Academies. For more information, visit http://www.koshland-science.org. The Global Health and Education Foundation strives to advance the health, education, social and economic well-being of people around the world. The foundation's inaugural operating foundation, WaterLeaders, is dedicated to alleviating the drinking water crisis. For more information, visit http://www.waterleaders.org. Contacts: Amy K. Shaw Koshland Science Museum 202-334-1612; e-mail akshaw@nas.edu Maureen O'Leary Office of News and Public Information The National Academies 202-334-2138; e-mail news@nas.edu
Life Science Platform Delivers Real Time, Comprehensive and Seamless Public and Proprietary Biological Sequence, Interaction and Patent Information PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Thomson Scientific, part of The Thomson Corporation (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC) and leading provider of information solutions to the worldwide research and business communities, announced today the release of BONDplus, an integrated, web-based data platform to address the information and analytic needs of biological researchers. Compiled from 15 assembled resources including GenBank, RefSeq, Entrez Gene and UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, BONDplus allows researchers to move beyond the genome and leverage publicly available biological sequence data, BINDplus biomolecular interaction data as well as GENESEQ, a value added database of patented biological sequences. The platform allows novel insights into biological research including target-based discovery and rational drug design. "Today's life science data management faces considerable hurdles due to years of fragmented and non-standardized production of biological data," said Jon Brett-Harris, executive vice president of pharmaceutical and chemical markets at Thomson Scientific. "Since solutions are frequently focused on one data type or in a niche area, an integrated platform can provide a distinct competitive advantage, allowing scientists not only to access public domain data, but also to integrate their own proprietary data and value-added Thomson Scientific data in a consistent and user-friendly format." BONDplus provides an intuitive and value-added resource for any researcher by uniting the genomic, proteomic and metabolomic research communities around one comprehensive platform. The subscription service provides information from over 15 assembled resources including BINDplus and GENESEQ in addition to pre-computed data sets with BLAST functionality, visualization tools and over 80 million in public domain sequences. A leading provider of life science research information, Thomson serves primary, secondary and tertiary data types, ranging from proteins and small molecules to gene and protein expression and more complex data types such as toxicology/efficacy data, biomarker, interaction and pathway information. For more information on BONDplus, please visit: http://scientific.thomson.com/bondplus/ About The Thomson Corporation The Thomson Corporation (http://www.thomson.com) is a global leader in providing essential electronic workflow solutions to business and professional customers. With operational headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson provides value-added information, software tools and applications to professionals in the fields of law, tax, accounting, financial services, scientific research and healthcare. The Corporation's common shares are listed on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC). Thomson Scientific is a business of The Thomson Corporation. Its information solutions assist professionals at every stage of research and development-from discovery to analysis to product development and distribution. Thomson Scientific information solutions can be found at http://scientific.thomson.com. For more information, please contact: Allison Hagan Thomson Scientific Phone: +1-215-823-1881 Email: allison.hagan@thomson.com Website: http://www.scientific.thomson.com
NEW YORK, Sept. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Platts, a leading global provider of energy and metals information and a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), today announced that the Platts Lecture Series will launch on November 29, 2007, with a presentation by Gene Sperling. Sperling, who is a former White House National Economic Advisor and former Director of the National Economic Council, will address the implications of climate change for the global energy industry in a lecture entitled "Climate, Energy and the Climate for Energy." The Platts Lecture will take place at Digital Sandbox, located at 55 Broad Street in New York, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and will include presentations, lunch and roundtable discussions. The event is expected to draw nearly 200 attendees, including senior executives from oil, gas, coal and electric power companies and the financial community. "Climate change is not just a real-world threat to our environment, it is also now a major force in politics and the impetus behind an entire new commercial industry," said Platts President Victoria Chu Pao. "Platts is honored to welcome Gene Sperling, who was praised as the 'MVP of the economic team' by President Clinton, to bring an economic and political perspective to the discussion of global climate change." The Platts Lecture series aspires to raise the level of global energy industry debate, creating the definitive forum for the examination of serious long-term issues facing the world's energy businesses and policy-makers. R.W. Beck, a leading provider of business and technical consulting, is principal sponsor of this year's inaugural Platts Lecture. Additional panel participants will include globally renowned industry leaders, politicians and academics who excel in thought leadership and innovation. Lectures will be held annually in association with Platts Global Energy Awards in New York City. The Platts Lecture "Climate, Energy and the Climate for Energy" will be held on the same day as the ninth annual Platts Global Energy Awards Gala. Each year, the Platts Global Energy Awards event attracts more than 500 senior energy executives from around the world, who gather to attend a gala dinner and awards ceremony. The event, which recognizes global energy company innovation, leadership, and superior performance in over a dozen categories, will this year feature the presentation of a new award: Green Energy Initiative of the Year. More information is available at http://www.globalenergyawards.com . For sponsorship opportunity and details, contact Vicki Peterson at Vicki_peterson@platts.com or +1-970-461-1090. To attend, register at the following address: http://www.platts.com/GEAWeb/resources/jsp/lecture.jsp . For additional event information: Contact Patsy Wurster at patsy_wurster@platts.com or +1-720-548-5583. About R.W. Beck: R. W. Beck, Inc. ( http://www.rwbeck.com ) is a technically based business consulting firm providing engineering, economic, financial and planning solutions for the energy, water and solid waste industries. Integrating business and financial acumen with technical and engineering expertise, R. W. Beck works as trusted advisors providing insights that positively impact municipal utilities, public and private sector agencies, the financial community and other industry partners. Founded 65 years ago, R. W. Beck has more than 550 employees with 27 offices in the U.S. and one in Singapore. About Platts: Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals information. With nearly a century of business experience, Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries. From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural gas, electricity, emissions, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help them make better trading and investment decisions. Additional information is available at http://www.platts.com . About The McGraw-Hill Companies: Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were US$6.3 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . For more information, please contact: Kathleen Tanzy Platts Tel: +1-212-904-2860 Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com Asia: Casey Yew Platts Tel: +65-653-06552 Email: Casey_yew@platts.com Europe: Shiona Ramage Platts Tel: +44-207-1766153 Email: Shiona_ramage@platts.com
MELBOURNE, Fla., Sept. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Symetrics Industries, LLC announced today an award from the U.S. Army for approximately 300 Improved Data Modems (IDM) for installation on Army aircraft. The contract value will be between $7 and $8 million, once final negotiations are completed. The IDM-304 is the Army version of the Improved Data Modems that Symetrics has been delivering to the U.S. Air Force for over 14 years. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20051129/FLTU008LOGO ) Symetrics President and CEO, Mitch Garner stated, "We are absolutely thrilled with this order because it demonstrates the Army's confidence in our ability to execute a long-term, high volume production effort. The IDM-304 is the cornerstone of the Army's airborne element of the Tactical Internet, and Symetrics is proud to be able to provide this critical equipment." Symetrics has been manufacturing several versions of the IDM for over a dozen years, including a few of their own design. They started with the IDM-302 in 1993, and to this day still manufacture and provide depot repairs for that unit. The IDM-501, a Symetrics-developed product, is a flight proven design that is smaller and lighter than the IDM-302 and IDM-304, but provides virtually the same functionality. Additionally, Symetrics developed a Mini-IDM, the smallest yet in the family, which is ideally suited as a Weapons Data Link. Symetrics believes this innovative spirit, coupled with a time-tested record of delivering quality products was the reason the Army decided to award the IDM-304 contract to them. "It's definitely an honor to be selected as the manufacturer of the largest member of the family of IDMs by the U.S. Army," said Garner. "We look forward to supplying our troops with the most advanced technology available." Rick Snyder, Senior Vice President for Engineering and Technology is eager to add the IDM-304 to the Symetrics family of IDM products. He said, "The exciting thing about this award is that the IDM-304 completes our complement of offerings of Improved Data Modems to the DoD, and ensures Army aviation gets the reliability and robustness of this rugged six channel tactical modem." The IDM-304 is capable of sending data over both analog and digital radios, and allows an operator to utilize data transmission and voice transmit/receive capability simultaneously. Visit Symetrics at http://www.symetrics.com , or email at: idm@symetrics.com. For more information, please contact: Chris Watt Vice-President, Business Development Symetrics Industries, LLC Tel: +1-321-254-1500 Fax: +1-321-259-4122 Email: cwatt@symetrics.com
Itau Holding is Selected to Integrate DJSI for the 8th Consecutive Year (Since the Index was Created), While Itausa Will be Part of DJS Index for the 4th Time in Eight Editions SAO PAULO, Brazil, Sept. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Itausa - Investimentos Itau S.A. and Banco Itau Holding Financeira S.A. are pleased to inform that they have been selected to compose Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI) portfolio for its 2007/2008 edition, together with 316 other companies from all over the world. Itau remains the only Latin-American bank to participate in the index since its creation in 1999, while Itausa will integrate the index portfolio for the 4th time. DJSI is made up of shares of companies of recognized corporate sustainability, that is, companies that are able to create value for their shareholders in the long run, as they can take advantage of business opportunities and manage risks associated with economic, environmental, and social factors. In other words, it takes into account not only the financial performance, but especially the company management quality that must integrate economic value with transparency, corporate governance and social and environmental responsibility as a form of long-term sustainability. Since its implementation in January 1999, DJSI has become a significant reference for fund management institutions. Such institutions are based on their performance to make decisions on investments, and offer diversified products to their clients on the basis of shares of companies participating in DJSI, which are committed to sustainable economic, social, environmental, and cultural development. In August 2007, there were 47 fund managers in 15 different countries authorized to use the DJSI portfolio. The new DJSI composition includes 318 companies from 24 countries, of which only 7 are Brazilian. The index is reviewed annually based on questionnaires delivered to companies and public information provided in annual reports, media channels, and websites for relations with investors. The survey comprised the top 2,500 companies per market value of the Dow Jones Global Index, representing 57 operation sectors. In each sector, only 10% of companies best classified in the sustainability ranking are selected to join the index, based on the analysis of some 30 items related to economic, social, and environmental performance of such companies. The survey and selection process is audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Itau Holding obtained the highest score in the bank sector in the following items: Anticrime Policy, Human Capital Development and Talent Retention. Itausa, on the other hand, obtained the highest score in Economic Dimension and the following items: Brand Management, Environmental Policy, and Vendor Guidelines. Participating in the Dow Jones Index reflects Itausa and Itau Holding long-term commitment to such values as ethical business behavior, transparency, compliance with legality, corporate governance, and social, cultural and environmental responsibility. We believe that this commitment is a factor to maintain a sustainable growth and creation of value for our shareholders over the next coming years. Investors Relations Area Investors Relations Area Itausa - Investimentos Itau S.A. Banco Itau Holding Financeira S.A. For more information, please contact: Email: investor.relations@itau.com.br Web Site: http://www.itau.com
Energy-Efficient A+ Servers & Workstations Optimized for Quad-Core AMD Opteron(TM) processors Deliver Quality, Reliability and Performance SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Super Micro Computer, Inc. (Nasdaq: SMCI), a leader in application optimized, high performance server solutions, today launched a full range of native "Quad-Core" A+ Server and Workstation platforms. Optimized for Quad-Core AMD Opteron(TM) (Barcelona) processors, these energy-efficient Supermicro platforms deliver exceptional quality, reliability and performance. Key performance features include Universal I/O (UIO), Direct Connect Architecture, high memory capacity, dual HyperTransport(TM) links, as well as high-efficiency voltage regulator modules (VRMs) and energy-saving, earth-friendly power supplies. "Our quad-core A+ solutions deliver great value to customers in all segments of the server and workstation marketplace," said Alex Hsu, chief sales and marketing officer at Supermicro. "With a comprehensive selection of high-quality Server Building Block Solutions to choose from, Supermicro offers truly application-optimized Quad-Core AMD Opteron processor-based platforms. The leading system-level power efficiency of our cutting-edge server designs enables us to offer earth-friendly solutions with exceptional performance-per-watt capabilities that empower customers to grow, adapt and scale as their business demands evolve." "With their continued support of AMD64 technology, Supermicro will supply the channel with innovative, high-end solutions powered by the world's most advanced x86 quad-core processor," said Randy Allen, corporate vice president and general manager, Server and Workstation Division, AMD (NYSE: AMD). "AMD's industry-defining native quad-core technology and Direct Connect Architecture enable superior overall system performance and efficiency, making Quad-Core AMD Opteron processors the smarter choice to address the compute-intensive demands of the high-performance market." In addition to the many performance enhancements inherent in the new quad-core processors, Supermicro offers quad-core A+ solutions with the following high-performance design features: -- Universal I/O designs: Provide flexible I/O customization and investment protection -- High memory capacity: 16 DIMM and 32 DIMM models with high capacity memory support to dramatically improve memory and virtualization performance -- Dual Hyper-Transport link designs: Increased system bandwidth and performance -- Dual Dynamic Power Management (DDPM): Increased performance and improved power management -- High-efficiency VRMs: Save energy and reduce electricity costs -- High-efficiency power supplies: Further increases overall system power savings -- Up to 10 quad-processor (MP) or dual-processor (DP) Blades in a 7U enclosure: Industry-leading density and power efficiency with up to 160 processor cores and 640GB memory per 7U enclosure The full range of quad-core Supemicro A+ solutions includes both DP and MP servers and workstations in 1U, 2U, 4U, tower and blade form factors. Supermicro Server Building Block Solutions(R) offer exceptional flexibility and outstanding feature advantages. For more information on Supermicro's comprehensive line of server solutions, please visit http://www.supermicro.com . About Super Micro Computer, Inc. Established in 1993, Supermicro emphasizes superior product design and uncompromising quality control to produce industry-leading serverboards, chassis and server systems. These mission-critical Server Building Block solutions provide benefits across many environments, including data center deployment, high-performance computing, high-end workstations, storage networks and standalone server installations. For more information on Supermicro's complete line of advanced motherboards, SuperServers, and optimized chassis, visit http://www.Supermicro.com , email Marketing@Supermicro.com or call the San Jose, CA headquarters at +1 408-503-8000. SMCI-F Supermicro and Server Building Block Solutions are registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Opteron and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. HyperTransport is a licensed trademark of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Steve Simon SS Public Relations, Inc. Tel: +1-847-415-9347
NEW YORK, Sept. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) and a leading global provider of energy and metals information, today began publishing a dozen new daily price assessments of steel product and scrap in Steel Markets Daily, one of its 70 core global news and pricing products. Platts' Steel Markets Daily provides readers worldwide with price benchmarks, news, and market commentary on steel, one of the world's most strategic commodities. In addition to its original hot-rolled coil and rebar steel-product prices, Steel Markets Daily is now publishing: -- Five cold-rolled coil prices. In Europe: ex-works Ruhr, Germany; CIF Port of Antwerp, Belgium; and FOB Ports of the Black Sea region (inland sea between Europe and Turkey); and in the US: ex-works Indiana; and CIF Port of Houston, Texas. (Note: CIF is cost, insurance and freight; FOB is free on board. Ex-works signifies direct from the mill.) -- Four plate prices. In Europe: ex-works Ruhr; CIF Antwerp; and in the US: ex-works Southeast (Southeastern coastal ports); and CIF Houston. -- Three ferrous scrap prices. In Europe: heavy melting scrap, FOB Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands and FOB Black Sea; and in the US: shredded scrap, delivered to Midwest mills. Platts began publishing daily steel prices on January 29 to meet industry demand for more reliable and transparent price information. "Now that we've established our dependable history of daily prices for nearly nine months, the steel industry has let us know it welcomes more product prices based on the Platts unique methodology," said Francis Browne, director of steel, Platts-London. "We're pleased that Platts' steel prices are being recognized for their independence and reliability." Since May, a monthly summary of Steel Markets Daily prices has appeared on the web site for the Steel Buyers Forum of the Institute for Supply Management. SteelFacts, an exclusive distributor of American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) iron and steel industry statistics -- none of which data relate to prices -- also features monthly summaries as part of a Platts Steel Markets Daily partnership. "Our clear-cut strength is that we're actively engaged with steel market participants every day and we publish daily prices -- unlike all other steel benchmark pricing, which is far less frequent, or automated," Browne said. Steel reinforcing bar, or rebar, is used throughout the construction industry to strengthen concrete. Hot-rolled coil, the most widely produced flat-rolled steel, is used in durable/consumer goods manufacturing and construction. Cold-rolled coil, another flat-rolled steel, is used in the appliance and automotive sectors among others. Steel plate is used in highway, bridge and other-construction projects, as well as shipbuilding. Ferrous scrap, or scrap steel, is used as a raw material in melting furnaces in the conversion of old steel products into recycled new steel products. About Platts: Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals information. With nearly a century of business experience, Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries. From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, emissions, petrochemical and metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help them make better trading and investment decisions. Additional information is available at http://www.platts.com . About The McGraw-Hill Companies: Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . For more information, please contact: Kathleen Tanzy Tel: +1-212-904-2860 Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com Asia: Casey Yew Tel: +65-653-06552 Email: Casey_yew@platts.com Europe: Shiona Ramage Tel: +44-207-1766153 Email: Shiona_ramage@platts.com