政令指定都市にいがた誕生記念事業 第1回 「ふるさとへ贈る手紙」作品募集
配信日時:2007年08月20日 09:00
政令指定都市 にいがた 誕生記念事業
第1回 「ふるさとへ贈る手紙」 作品募集
◇最優秀賞(1名)新潟市の「食と花の銘産品」を春,夏,秋,冬に(年4回程度)お届け,さらに新潟安らぎの湯「岩室温泉」宿泊 券(5万円分)贈呈
新井 満(作家) 星野 知子(俳優) (敬称略)
新潟市、財団法人 新潟市芸術文化振興財団
新潟日報社,朝日新聞新潟総局,毎日新聞新潟支局,読売新聞新潟支局,産経新聞社新潟支局,日本経済新聞社新潟支局,NHK新潟放送局,BSN新潟放送,NST新潟総合テレビ,TeNYテレビ新潟,UX新潟テレビ21,ケーブルネット新潟,エフエムラジオ新潟,FM PORT 79.0,FM KENTO,ラジオチャット・エフエム新津
①手書きの場合 400字詰め原稿用紙使用 5枚以内
②ワープロ等を使用の場合 A4版用紙(横向き)を使用 5枚以内
新潟市文化政策課内 「ふるさとへ贈る手紙」係
電話025-226-2560 FAX025-230-0450
E-mail bunka@city.niigata.lg.jp
ホームページ http://www.city.niigata.jp/info/bunka
第1回 「ふるさとへ贈る手紙」作品募集
株式会社AQAスタイル(カナ=アクアスタイル)(所在地:千葉県船橋市丸山4-23-12 代表取締役 米原真人)は、日用品・食品の、重いもの・かさ張るもの専門ショップ、「おもいこむ」の開店を発表した。
今回 発表する「おもいこむ」は、次のとおりである。
サービス名 : おもいこむ ~日用品の重いもの専門ショップ~
ジャンル : Eコマース
URL : http://o-moi.com
Mail : info@o-moi.com
運営 : 株式会社AQAスタイル
名称 : 株式会社AQAスタイル
カナ : カブシキガイシャアクアスタイル
本社住所 : 千葉県船橋市丸山4-23-12
設立 : 2007年3月15日
代表 : 米原 真人
URL : http://aqa-s.com
担当者氏名 米原真人(ヨネハラ マサト)
Tel 047-439-4816
Fax 047-439-4815
Mail info@aqa-s.com
URL http://aqa-s.com
スキルアップ、将来独立をお考えの方、社長の話が直接聞けます! 20代のエンジニア数名から設立したアーロン・ジャパンは、若手エンジニアの方を積極採用中です。
Press Release
アーロン・ジャパン(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役社長 鈴木 嘉久)は、
・データベース:Oracle、MySQL、Postgresql など
■代表者:代表取締役社長 鈴木 嘉久
IBC Life Sciences(米国)は、毎年アメリカのマサチューセッツ州ボストンで行われ今年で第12回目となる“Drug Discovery & Development of Innovative Therapeutics (DDT) World Congress”を2007年8月6日(月)から9日(木)の4 日間、開催致しました。
IBC Life Sciences(米国)は、毎年アメリカのマサチューセッツ州ボストンで行われ今年で第12回目となる"Drug Discovery & Development of Innovative Therapeutics (DDT) World Congress(ドラックディスカバリー & ディベロップメント オブ イノベーティブ セラピューティクス"を2007年8月6日(月)から9日(木)の4 日間、開催致しました。
今年も製薬企業、バイオテクノロジー企業、政府省庁、学術系のリサーチャー、エグゼクティブ、技術提供者が3000人以上参加しました。株式会社グローバルインフォメーション(神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役:小野 悟)は例年通りこの会議のアジア総代理店を務めました。
今年の「ドラックディスカバリー & ディベロップメント オブ イノベーティブ セラピューティクス」は、薬剤パイプラインの構築をテーマとし、特に中小企業の独創的な創薬の手法を取り入れることで「創薬から治験までをより早く、正確に、かつ安価に」行なうことが可能になるとし、多様なケーススタディを紹介しました。
本会議では、化合物の発見から臨床への導入までの流れを加速するための技術革新、新たな手法、およびビジネス戦略が議論されました。メインカンファレンスの4つの療法別トラック(癌、CNS、メタボリック、炎症)に加えて、プレカンファレンスサミット(抗体療法, インフォマティックス, ライセシング & M & A)、並びにワークショップ(ライフサイクルと新薬再創出、RNAi 技術と療法、インビボ)が開かれ、一部立ち見が出るほどの大盛況でした。
基調講演は、2006年のノーベル生理学医学賞の受賞者、クレイグ・C・メロー氏(Ph.D. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, The Blais University Chair in Molecular Medicine for the University of Massachusetts Medical School)とフランク・L・ダグラス氏(M.D., Ph.D, Executive Director at MIT Center for Biomedical Innovation)が行ない、講演後にメロー氏とダグラス氏と自由に話す機会が設けられ、人気を集めました。
メロー氏は「RNA干渉: メカニズムから薬剤へ」と題し、臨床段階で特定遺伝子の発現を特定する際にRNA干渉がいかに強力な調査ツールとなるか、発現遺伝子制御において全く新しい、これまで想定されていなかったような方法がRNA干渉によって可能となったことについて発表を行ないました。また、メロー氏は、RNA干渉が遺伝子特定療法における新たなクラスとして臨床段階における可能性を見せていることについても言及しました。
ダグラス博士は、「革新への挑戦: 産業の変革の今日と明日」と題して、製薬業界が直面している課題、また「フラット」な市場において新たな手法を取り入れるためにはどうしたらよいか、議論を行ないました。
* 来年のDrug Discovery & Development of Innovative Therapeutics (DDT) World Congress は2008年8月4日~7日に予定されています。
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーションは、英国調査会社のVisiongain社の最新市場調査報告書である 「TD-SCDMA and the Chinese 4G trials, vendors and handset manufacturers」 の発売を開始しました。この市場調査報告書には、中国のワイヤレス通信市場について記載されています。
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーション(神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:小野 悟)は、英国調査会社のVisiongain社の最新市場調査報告書である 「TD-SCDMA and the Chinese 4G trials, vendors and handset manufacturers (中国のTD-SCDMA市場:4Gトライアル・ベンダー・端末製造業者)」 の発売を開始しました。この市場調査報告書には、中国のワイヤレス通信市場について記載されています。
中国の技術ベンダーは高い特許料に苦しめられてきました。自社機器にWCDMAあるいはCDMA 2000技術を導入した場合、売上収入の内最低でも5%を特許使用料に奪われるのです。そこで中国の企業は国産ワイヤレス規格の研究に多額の投資を行い、セルラー技術において可能な限りの自給自足を目指しました。TD-SCDMAと呼ばれる彼らの3G規格は、技術的には強固な規格であり、トライアルの結果から、周波数の利用効率がWCDMAおよびCDMA 2000に対し10%から15%優れていることが示されています。
- ライセンスは発行されていないが、すでに発表された契約が3Gライセンスとなっているのは既成事実ということなのか。
-中国およびTD-SCDMAに対するSK Telecomの多額の投資は、同技術が中国の国外に進出し世界のTDD市場において優位を築く形で実を結ぶのか。
- 各オペレーターは携帯端末シェア獲得のために多額の投資を行うのか、それともWCDMAとの統合テストが完全な成功を収めるまで待つのか。
- 外部のメーカーおよびベンダーが、TD-SCDMAに関連して中国のメーカーと協力するには、どのような機会が残されているのか。
- これによって、米国および欧州の企業が持つIPに関する権利、および現在中国事業から得ている特許使用料収入にどのような影響があるのか。
- NokiaおよびMotorolaはすでにTD-SCDMAモデルに注力しているが、彼らはこの方針を保持し続けるのか。
TD-SCDMA and the Chinese 4G trials, vendors and handset manufacturers
出版社: Visiongain
出版日: 2007/06
■ 本件に関するお問合せ先
株式会社グローバル インフォメーション
住所: 〒215-0004 川崎市麻生区万福寺 1-2-3
アーシスビル 7階
担当: 営業1課
E-mail: sl1@gii.co.jp
電話: 044-952-0102
FAX: 044-952-0109
代表取締役社長 西野秀毅
パソコン画面上のどこにでも手で書くように、数学の記法通りに数式や文書・作図・表を簡単に表記・計算できるワープロ感覚の統合ソフトです。画面の表記通りに印刷物として出力できるWYSIWYG機能を具備しており、ユーザーのイメージを即座にディスプレイに再現可能です。これは四則演算、指数やルート記号、複素数を含む計算、行列や方程式等にも対応しており、 文章・数式の入力はもちろん、表計算・2D・3Dグラフ描画機能・作図機能・AMS-LaTeX変換機能も装備しています。また、一見カルキングの画面かIE(インターネットエクスプローラ)の画面かわからないほどの、高水準なHTML変換を実現しております。論文作成・レポート作成から、技術計算まで可能ですので、大学や研究機関に在籍する方からエンジニアの方に至るまで幅広いユーザーの要望に応えます。
■OS:Windows Vista/XP対応 *注意 Windows2000/ Me/98/NT4.0/95上では動作しません
■ディスプレイ:VGA 256色以上(解像度1024×768 High Color以上表示可能なものを推奨)
■同梱物:CD-ROM 1枚・マニュアル2冊(スタートアップマニュアル
ユーザーズガイド)・ ユーザー登録カード・ソフトウェア使用許諾書
●カルキング8 通常版 定価49,800円[税込] / アカデミック版 定価24,800円[税込]
ホームページはこちら http://www.simplex-soft.com
名 称:株式会社シンプレックス
本 社:〒220-0112 神奈川県相模原市城山町若葉台7-5-4
設 立:平成元年3月8日
資 本 金: 2,000万円
Webサイト : http://www.simplex-soft.com
担当 中谷クニ子
TEL 042-782-1555
FAX 042-783-0456
e-mail support@simplex-soft.com
パソコンスキルの向上、パソコン学習の2次教材として株式会社ウェブデモは、Microsoft® Excel Microsoft® Word Microsoft® PowerPoint® などのビジネス用ソフトウェア と Adobe® Photoshop® Adobe® Illustrator®の動画によるE-ラーニング教材、19タイトルを販売開始いたします。
プレスリリース 2007年8月21日
Eラーニング用動画コンテンツ 一挙に19タイトル販売開始
株式会社ウェブデモ(本社:神奈川県茅ヶ崎市、代表:川崎 実知郎、以下 同社)は、
Microsoft® Excel Microsoft® Word Microsoft® PowerPoint® などの
ビジネス用ソフトウェア と Adobe® Photoshop® Adobe® Illustrator®の
このE-ラーニング教材は 株式会社デジタルナレッジの「Study.jp」ASP型のシステムを
教材は Microsoft® Excel 9タイトル Microsoft® Word 3タイトル
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 1タイトル Adobe® Photoshop® 1タイトル
Adobe® Illustrator® 5タイトルと全部で19タイトルありますが、学習者のスキルレベル、
◎株式会社ウェブデモ 会社概要 ◎
商 号:株式会社ウェブデモ
代表取締役:川崎 実知郎(かわさき みちろう)
所 在 地:〒253-0045 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市元町4-27 井上ビル2F
動画プレゼンテーションコンサルティング、動画コンテンツの販売 作成 動画作成ソフトウェアの販売
URL: http://www.webdemo.co.jp/ 株式会社ウェブデモ サイト
URL: http://www.webdemo.co.jp/vb5/ 動画作成ソフト「ビューレットビルダー5」
URL: http://www.dougamanual.com/ 「動画マニュアル.com」
URL: http://www.webdemo.co.jp/movie.html 動画制作サービス
◎ 本件に関するお問い合わせ先 ◎
株式会社ウェブデモ 担当:川崎 実知郎(かわさき みちろう)
TEL: 0467-58-0365 (連絡可能時間帯:10:00~18:00)
FAX: 0467-58-0505 E-MAIL: info@webdemo.jp
株式会社ベンチャーリパブリックは、アイティメディア株式会社と共同運営している価格比較サイト「ITmedia +D(プラスディ) Shopping(http://shopping.itmedia.co.jp/)」において、製品カテゴリ別人気ランキングを導入しました。
株式会社ベンチャーリパブリック(本社:東京都港区 代表取締役社長:柴田啓 以下ベンチャーリパブリック)は、アイティメディア株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区 代表取締役社長:大槻利樹 以下アイティメディア)と共同運営している価格比較サイト「ITmedia +D(プラスディ) Shopping(http://shopping.itmedia.co.jp/)」において、製品カテゴリ別人気ランキングを導入しました。
「ITmedia +D Shopping」は、PC、生活家電、デジタルカメラ等の製品の価格を比較することができる、月間約100万人の利用者を持つウェブサイトで、ベンチャーリパブリックの運営する価格比較サイト「coneco.net(コネコネット)」(http://www.coneco.net/)のデータを掲載しています。
この度導入する製品カテゴリ別人気ランキングは、液晶テレビやデジタルカメラ」等、「ITmedia +D Shopping」内で取り扱う300種類以上の製品カテゴリごとに、当該商品の紹介ページへのアクセス数の多い順に上位5製品を掲載するものです。上位3位までの製品は画像付きで紹介しており、ユーザーは商品のイメージをよりわかりやすく把握することができます。ランキングは毎日更新され、ユーザーからの注目度が高い製品の動向をリアルタイムに反映します。ランキング機能の追加により、ITおよびデジタル関連製品の購入を検討するユーザーに対し、"市場でどの製品が注目されているか"という購入決定に役立つ指標を提供します。
ベンチャーリパブリックは、インターネットを利用した「価格比較サイト」、および特定の分野に特化し消費者に対する購買支援サービスを提供する「購買支援型バーティカルポータル(サイト)」の運営を行っています。 サイト利用者数は590万人。パソコン・家電製品などの価格比較サイト「coneco.net(コネコネット)」(http://www.coneco.net/)、商品レビュー投稿型SNSサイト(ソーシャルネットワークサービス)「conecoクラブ(コネコクラブ)」(http://club.coneco.net/)、旅行専門の比較ポータルサイト「Travel.co.jp (トラベル・シーオージェーピー)」(http://www.travel.co.jp/)、携帯電話にて格安航空券などの価格比較ができるモバイル旅行サイト「格安航空券比較 - Travel.co.jp携帯版」(http://mobile.travel.jp/)、カタログ通販商品の検索・比較サイト「通販.ne.jp(通販・エヌイージェーピー)」(http://tuhan.ne.jp/)、オンラインショッピングなどを通じてリベートが獲得できる現金還元サイト「小判」(https://www.coneco.net/point/)などが運営されています。
本 社: 東京都千代田区丸の内3-1-1 国際ビル8F代表取締役社長: 大槻利樹
設 立: 1999年12月
資本金: 15億7,400万円(2007年4月末現在)
上場市場: 東証マザーズ[証券コード:2148]
株式会社ベンチャーリパブリック (http://www.vrg.jp/)
本 社: 東京都港区西麻布4-3-11
泉西麻布ビル2F代表者: 柴田 啓
設 立: 2001年1月資本金: 2億2,400万円
主要株主: 三菱商事株式会社、ワークスキャピタル株式会社(ワークス投資事業有限責任組合)、マネジメント
広報: 斎藤 綾子
TEL:03-6419-2901(代表) FAX: 03-6419-2904
Email: press@vrg.jp
[1] グループ内で運営する「coneco.net(コネコネット)」、「通販.ne.jp(通販・エヌイージェーピー)」、「Travel.co.jp (トラベル・シーオージェーピー)」、「小判」における合計月間ユニークIP数
海外のスポーツ用品輸入卸を行う(株)ロックインターナショナル(東京都渋谷区 代表 岩清水廣行)は、米国の老舗ヨガ用品総合メーカー「Hugger Mugger」社と日本における総代理店契約を結び、日本のヨガ市場に同社製品の提供を開始し、同時に販売店の募集を開始しました。 ■本製品の詳細(http://www.huggermugger.jp/)■問合せ info@huggermugger.jp
Hugger Mugger社(以下、ハガーマガー社と言う)とは、ヨガ人口2000万人以上と言われる米国市場において、20年以上の歴史を持つヨガ用品の老舗メーカーです。ハガーマガー社の製品は、"高品質かつ実用性に富んでいる"という定評があり、全米では多くのヨガインストラクターや生徒達が好んで使っています。
このたび、日本フィットネスヨーガ協会(所在地:東京都品川区上大崎2-13-32 富田ビル505、代表 橋本光)と、ハガーマガー社、そして(株)ロックインターナショナルの日本正式販売を記念して、オームマークを見つめて瞑想ができる、新発売記念ヨガマット『セイクリッドマット』を販売開始しました。
□カタログ請求希望 □新製品(またはサンプル)取材希望
●貴社名 :
●ご氏名 :
●ご住所 :
●eメール :
株式会社ロックインターナショナル ヨガ担当まで
電話番号:03-5304-5397 FAX:03-5304-5396
E-mail: info@huggermugger.jp
〒151-0053 東京都渋谷区代々木2-11-5
MUNICH, Germany and SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Qimonda AG (NYSE: QI) and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation ("SMIC", NYSE: SMI; SEHK: 0981.HK) one of the leading foundries in the world, today jointly announced that they have signed an agreement to expand their existing cooperation on the production of standard memory chips (DRAMs). Under the terms of the agreement, Qimonda will transfer its 80nm DRAM trench technology to SMIC's 300mm facility in Beijing and SMIC will manufacture DRAMs for computing applications in this technology exclusively for Qimonda. Furthermore, the agreement includes the option to transfer Qimonda's 75nm technology to SMIC in the future. "The extension of our cooperation with SMIC underlines our partnership commitment in Asia and it further increases our production capabilities," said Kin Wah Loh, CEO and President of Qimonda. "We are excited to further expand our partnership with Qimonda into 80nm manufacturing. The partnership has continued to drive the technology advancement of SMIC's memory strategy," said Dr. Richard Chang, President and CEO of SMIC. Safe Harbour Statement Information provided in this press release may contain statements relating to current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about future events that are "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements generally relate to the company's plans, objectives and expectations for future operations and are based upon management's current estimates and projections of future results or trends. Actual future results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties, see "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed on April 2, 2007 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements are made only as of the date hereof, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. About SMIC Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation ("SMIC"; NYSE: SMI; SEHK: 981) is one of the leading semiconductor foundries in the world and the largest and most advanced foundry in Mainland China. Headquartered in Shanghai, SMIC provides integrated circuit manufacturing service at 0.35um to 90nm and finer line technologies. SMIC has a 300mm wafer fabrication facility (fab) under start-up and three 200mm wafer fabs in its Shanghai mega-fab, two 300mm wafer fabs in its Beijing mega-fab, a 200mm wafer fab in Tianjin, and an in-house assembly and testing facility in Chengdu. SMIC also has customer service and marketing offices in the U.S., Italy, and Japan, and a representative office in Hong Kong. In addition, SMIC manages and operates a 200mm wafer fab in Chengdu owned by Cension Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation and a 300mm wafer fab (under construction) in Wuhan owned by Wuhan Xinxin Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation. For more information, please visit http://www.smics.com . About Qimonda Qimonda AG (NYSE: QI) is a leading global memory supplier with a broad diversified DRAM product portfolio. The company generated net sales of EUR3.81 billion in its 2006 financial year and has approximately 13,000 employees worldwide. Qimonda has access to five 300mm manufacturing sites on three continents and operates six major R&D facilities. The company provides DRAM products for a wide variety of applications, including in the computing, infrastructure, graphics, mobile and consumer areas, using its power saving technologies and designs. Further information is available at http://www.qimonda.com . For more information, please contact: SMIC: SMIC Shanghai Reiko Chang Corporate Relations Tel: +86-21-5080-2000 x10544 Email: PR@smics.com Qimonda: Worldwide Headquarters Ralph Heinrich Tel: +49-896-0088-1300 Email: ralph.heinrich@qimonda.com U.S.A. Donna Wilson Tel: +1-408-501-7188 Email: donna.wilson@qimonda.com Asia Regine Liu Tel: +886-2-2652-6900 Email: regine.liu@qimonda.com Japan Kenichi Sugiyama Tel: +81-3-5745-7339 Email: kenichi.sugiyama@qimonda.com Investor Relations Worldwide Steve Harrison Tel: +1-919-677-6904 Email: steve.harrison@qimonda.com Investor Relations Europe & Asia Andreas Schaller Tel: +49-89-60088-1200 Email: andreas.schaller@qimonda.com
Acquisition Enables Full Patent Enforcement for Corning(R) Epic(R) System CORNING, N.Y., Aug. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) announced on August 15, 2007 that it has acquired from Oerlikon (SWX: OERL), one of the world's most successful industrial high-tech companies focusing on machine and systems engineering, the worldwide exclusive rights to U.S. Patent 5,738,825 and its foreign counterparts, which cover microplate-based optical biosensors. Corning had previously acquired a joint ownership right in the patent from Artificial Sensing Instruments, AG of Switzerland as part of a broader technology exchange. By acquiring these exclusive rights in the patent from Oerlikon, Corning will not only have the right to continue to practice the technology disclosed, but will now also have the full right to enforce the patent. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200708141205-min.jpg ) The patent is related to Corning's Epic(R) system, a high-throughput label-free detection platform that consists of a SBS-standard 384-well microplate with optical sensors and a HTS-compatible microplate reader capable of reading up to 40,000 wells per 8 hours. The Epic system enables biochemical (small and large molecule binding) and cell-based assays, and has been deployed at both pharmaceutical and academic institutions. "We are pleased to expand our portfolio of enforceable patents as we continue to invest in this exciting commercial opportunity," stated Dr. Jeff Mooney, commercial technology director for Corning Life Sciences. About Oerlikon Oerlikon stands for leading industrial solutions and cutting-edge technology in textile production, thin film coating, propulsion, precision and vacuum technology. As a company with Swiss roots and a 100-year tradition, Oerlikon, with CHF 4.8 billion in sales and over 19,000 employees at 170 locations in 35 countries, has evolved into a global player today. The group is ranked first or second in each of its respective markets. About Corning Incorporated Corning Incorporated ( http://www.corning.com/ ) is the world leader in specialty glass and ceramics. Drawing on more than 150 years of materials science and process engineering knowledge, Corning creates and makes keystone components that enable high-technology systems for consumer electronics, mobile emissions control, telecommunications and life sciences. Our products include glass substrates for LCD televisions, computer monitors and laptops; ceramic substrates and filters for mobile emission control systems; optical fiber, cable, hardware & equipment for telecommunications networks; optical biosensors for drug discovery; and other advanced optics and specialty glass solutions for a number of industries including semiconductor, aerospace, defense, astronomy and metrology. For more information, please contact: Media Relations Contact: Corning China Lydia Lu Tel: +86-21-5467-4666 x1900 Email: lulr@corning.com US Coring Dana D. Moss Tel: +1-607-974-0350 Email: mossdd@corning.com Investor Relations Contact: Kenneth C. Sofio Tel: +1-607-974-7705 Email: sofiokc@corning.com
TAIYUAN, China, Aug. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/--Beicang Iron & Steel, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: BEIC)("BEIC" or the "Company") announces today that Pinglu County Changhong Ferrochromium Co., Ltd., ("PL") one of the subsidiaries of the Company, has leased an ore heating furnace of 12,500 KVA to produce high-carbon ferrochrome alloy since June 1st, 2007, thus increasing its production capacity to meet growing market demands. On June 1, 2007, PL reached a lease agreement with Shanxi Yuncheng Yunneng Electric Power Enterprise Co., Ltd., ("Yunneng") to rent its ore heating furnace of 12,500KVA for an initial term of 7 months. Upon the maturity date of the term, the agreement may be renewed upon mutual consent at the end of each financial year. As one of the earliest group of companies to obtain the admittance license from the State Permission for Ferrochromium Production, PL has always been devoted to producing high quality ferrochrome products to supply iron and steel enterprises. PL had been approached by other companies to take-over increase production capacity. Currently, PL owns two ore heating furnaces of 6,500KVA. After putting the third furnace of 12,500 KVA into production, PL's monthly output increased by 1,200 tons or a monthly sales revenue of $1.2 million. PL's production increase was driven by a growing market demand. In the first half year of 2007, the total output of stainless steel in Taiyuan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (TISCO) was 955.9 thousand tons, representing an increase of 107.53% compared with the previous year. The substantial growth of China's stainless steel market is directly driven by the development of raw material market. In 2007, the demand of ferrochromium by TISCO, one of PL's largest clients, is estimated to be 800,000 tons. At present, the supply of ferrochrome still falls short of the demand. Mr. Hou Beicang, Chairman of the board of directors and CEO of BEIC, stated, "BEIC has always been devoted to supplying high quality raw materials to iron and steel manufacturing enterprises. Although production capacity has been increased, we cannot satisfy the raw material demand from iron and steel enterprises since their output has also increased. PL's ferrochrome products are mainly supplied to TISCO and those iron and steel plants surrounding Shanxi province. Under the premise of a quality guarantee, the Company will continuously enlarge its production capacity to fulfill market demand, thus increasing the profitability and bringing higher investment returns for its investors". BEIC is a Nevada corporation that is publicly listed in the US. It is focused on providing elementary refined raw materials to iron and steel enterprises. The main products of the company include pelletized ore and ferrochromium alloy products, which are essential for iron-making and stainless steel production. The company produces pelletized ore and ferrochromium alloy through its two subsidiaries in Shanxi province, P.R.China, Fanshi county Xinyu Iron Resource Co., Ltd. (FS) and Pinglu County Changhong Ferrochromium Co., Ltd. (PL). PL is capable of an annual production capacity of 40,000 tons of ferrochromium alloy. For more information, please contact: Investor Relations Contact: Crocker Coulson President CCG Elite Tel: +1-646-213-1915 Email: crocker.coulson@ccgir.com Company Contact: Beicang Hou CEO and CFO Beicang Iron and Steel, Inc. Tel: +86-351-4656727 Email: beic_ir@yahoo.com.cn
SURREY, England, Aug. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Wavetrend, a world leader in the deployment of active RFID solutions, today announced that it has joined the International Air Transport Association's Strategic Partnerships programme. As a Strategic Partner, Wavetrend will be able to participate in IATA projects, committee meetings and work groups, sharing its active RFID expertise and working closely with the leading air transportation industry players. IATA is the air transport industry's global trade organization. Its members comprise more than 250 airlines and represent 94 percent of international scheduled air traffic. The IATA Strategic Partnerships programme is the primary vehicle through which suppliers and service providers to the air transport industry interact with IATA and its member airlines in the development of industry solutions and their implementation. "We believe active RFID technology can deliver significant value to the air transportation industry," said Saleem Miyan, Vice President Global Sales, Marketing & Professional Services of Wavetrend. "Our vertical focus on the airline and transportation industries is a key market differentiator for Wavetrend. We are extremely pleased to be a part of the Strategic Partnerships programme, and we look forward to collaborating closely with IATA and jointly developing Active RFID solutions for the airline industry." IATA has conducted a number of RFID trials using passive technology and is preparing to launch new pilots based on active RFID technology. Wavetrend is currently working on two projects with IATA and IATA members, which will showcase and provide a blueprint for mass adoption of active RFID technology in specific vertical applications. "Through our participation in the IATA Strategic Partnerships programme, our customers will now benefit through the development of new applications that leverage Wavetrend's technology leadership in Active RFID," Miyan concluded. "Our internationally established channel partners will similarly be able to strengthen their exposure into this rapidly growing industry segment." About the International Air Transport Association The International Air Transport Association (IATA) groups over 240 airlines in 136 countries representing 94% of the world's international air traffic. It is the prime vehicle for inter-airline cooperation in promoting safe, reliable, secure, environmentally friendly and economical air services -- for the benefit of the world's consumers. For more information, visit http://www.iata.org . About Wavetrend Operationally headquartered in the United Kingdom with regional offices in the United States, South Africa, and Asia, Wavetrend is a world leader in the deployment of active RFID solutions. Wavetrend technology enables enhanced management of people, assets, and logistics for improved business performance while optimizing customer return on investment and payback time. Through both its direct Professional Service teams and its global network of accredited application and integration partners, Wavetrend delivers a wide selection of proven, superior-performing active RFID products and solutions to customers around the world and supports a variety of industries including transport, automotive, defense, healthcare, aviation, and construction. For additional information, visit Wavetrend at http://www.wavetrend.net . For more information, please contact: Helen Bradley Wavetrend Tel: +44-20-8334-8386 Email: Helen.Bradley@wavetrend.net Bob Basmadjian Spectrum Marketing & Communications Tel: +1-908-823-9400 Email: spectrum_marketing@earthlink.net
JIANGSU, China, Aug. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Solar Inc. ("the Company", or "CSI", or "we") (Nasdaq: CSIQ) today announced that its Changshu factory has completed its audit for the QC 080000 IECQ Hazardous Substance Process Management (HSPM) qualification, which the Company believes makes it one of the first solar module manufacturing companies to receive the certification. QC 080000 IECQ HSPM is the international technical specification for an organization's processes to manage and minimize, or eliminate hazardous substances. The qualification confirms that CSI has a process-oriented quality management system (QMS) in place, compliant with ISO 9001:2000. The distinguished qualification carries with it the potential for reduced testing and supplier management costs, and the reduced risk of violating laws in a changing regulatory landscape. The audit was conducted by the internationally recognized certification body TUV, a leading international safety testing and certification services company. Meanwhile, CSI's newly built solar cell factory in Suzhou and its recently built module factory in Luoyang has passed ISO 9001:2000 certification audits by TUV last week. As a result, all of CSI production facilities are now certified to ISO 9001:2000 standard. Dr. Shawn Qu, Chairman and CEO of CSI, said, "The qualification demonstrates CSI's high standard and industry leadership on product safety. It also demonstrates our technical competence and operational skill with regards to the ability to manufacture high quality products, while maintaining our devotion to environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. We are fully prepared to move into lead-free module production if required to by regulatory bodies, which further highlights the ability of CSI's management team to respond to changes in the regulatory landscape for renewable energy. This recognition of our operational efficiency and integrity will further bolster our global reputation, and will help raise our profile with potential new customers." About Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar module and custom-designed solar application products serving worldwide customers. CSI is incorporated in Canada and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China. Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a major global provider of solar power products for a wide range of applications. For more information, please visit http://www.csisolar.com . Safe Harbor/Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this press release including statements regarding expected future financial and industry growth are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. These statements are made under the "Safe Harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by such terms as "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "estimates," the negative of these terms, or other comparable terminology. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include general business and economic conditions and the state of the solar industry; governmental support for the deployment of solar power; future shortage or availability of the supply of high-purity silicon; demand for end-use products by consumers and inventory levels of such products in the supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers, including customers of our silicon materials sales; changes in demand from major markets such as Germany; changes in customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and declines in average selling price; delays in new product introduction; continued success in technological innovations and delivery of products with the features customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described in the Company's SEC filings, including its annual report on Form 20-F originally filed on May 29, 2007 and its registration statement on Form F-1 originally filed on October 23, 2006, as amended. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future results, level of activity, performance, or achievements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. All information provided in this press release is as of today's date, unless otherwise stated, and CSI undertakes no duty to update such information, except as required under applicable law. For more information, please contact: In Jiangsu, P.R. China Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer Canadian Solar Inc. Tel: +86-512-6269-6755 Email: ir@csisolar.com In the U.S. David Pasquale The Ruth Group Tel: +1-646-536-7006 Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com
HONG KONG, Aug. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Asia Pac Ltd., a business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW), today announced the appointment of CC Lim to vice president, Marketing. Lim will be responsible for setting the direction on all aspects of supplier strategy and execution including supplier relationships, asset management, technical strategy and product strategy. Lim is an industry veteran with 18 years of experience. He was most recently a senior executive at one the global distributors where he was responsible for a variety of roles including vice president, Marketing, managing director with profit and loss responsibility, country manager and regional sales manager. "CC brings with him extensive industry experience, well established supplier relationships, strong leadership. All of these are key to achieving operational excellence, nurturing supplier relationships, and positioning Arrow for strong growth in Asia. This appointment will further strengthen our management team as we work to build a world class organization which is critical to driving & delivering our strategy in Asia." said Peter Kong, president, Arrow Asia Pac Ltd. About Arrow Asia Pac A business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW), Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia Pacific's leading electronic component distributors. In addition to its regional headquarters in Hong Kong, Arrow Asia Pac operates 50 sales offices, four primary distribution centers and 12 local warehousing facilities in eleven countries/territories across Asia. Providing a full range of semiconductors, passive, electromechanical and connector products from over 60 leading international suppliers, Arrow Asia Pac serves more than 10,000 original equipment and contract manufacturers and commercial customers in Asia Pacific. Visit us at http://www.arrowasia.com . Media Contact: Ray Leung Marketing Communications Director Arrow Asia Pac Ltd. Tel: +852-2484-2484 Email: marcom.asia@arrowasia.com Grace Kung Marketing Communications Manager Tel: +852-2484-2682 Email: grace.kung@arrowasia.com
XINYU CITY, China and SUNNYVALE, Calif., Aug. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- LDK Solar Co., Ltd. (NYSE: LDK), a leading manufacturer of multicrystalline solar wafers, announced that the company hosted a groundbreaking ceremony on August 18, 2007 to celebrate the commencement of construction on its polysilicon production plant. This event was hosted by Mr. Xiaofeng Peng, Founder, Chairman and CEO. Attending the ceremony as the key honorable guest was Mr. Xinxiong Wu, Governor of Jiangxi Province with many other honorable guests from Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, the U.S., Europe, India and other parts of the world to celebrate this event. The polysilicon production plant will be located adjacent to LDK's current solar wafer manufacturing facilities in Xinyu City, China. This groundbreaking is in line with the company's publicly announced plans to complete construction and reach a production capacity of up to 6,000 metric tons of polysilicon by the end of 2008 and 15,000 metric tons by the end of 2009. The Company has also indicated that it plans to commence volume production by the end of 2008. "Today's groundbreaking represents a notable milestone for LDK as we move forward with our plans to establish in-house polysilicon production and build upon our technical and operational expertise," said Mr. Peng. "We are very proud of the speed of the preparations leading to the groundbreaking and see this achievement as a demonstration of our commitment to becoming the largest and lowest cost wafer producer in the solar industry." About LDK Solar LDK Solar Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of multicrystalline solar wafers, which are the principal raw material used to produce solar cells. LDK sells multicrystalline wafers globally to manufacturers of photovoltaic products, including solar cells and solar modules. In addition, the company provides wafer processing services to monocrystalline and multicrystalline solar cell and module manufacturers. LDK's headquarters and manufacturing facilities are located in Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Xinyu City, Jiangxi province in the People's Republic of China. The company's office in the United States is located in Sunnyvale, California. Safe Harbor Statement This press release includes statements that may constitute forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although LDK believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are subject to risk and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. For more information, please contact: Lisa Laukkanen The Blueshirt Group LDK Solar Tel: +1-415-217-4967 Email: lisa@blueshirtgroup.com Jack Lai, Executive VP and CFO LDK Solar Co., Ltd. Tel: +1-408-245-8801 Email: IR@ldksolar.com Web: http://www.ldksolar.com
JENA, Germany, Aug. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Occlutech GmbH, the leading European manufacturer of cardiac occlusion devices such as ASD, PFO and LAA occluders today announced that it has initiated invalidation proceedings against AGA's European patent in the U.K. Most of the broader claims interpreted into this patent by AGA Medical were not accepted by the examiners of the European Patent Office in the original patent approval process due to the existence of prior art. This creates a significant and justified basis for Occlutech to file for invalidation. In addition, Occlutech is asking the U.K. court to rule that their devices are outside the claims of AGA's patent, on the grounds of substantial differences between the patent and the configuration of the Occlutech devices. No date has yet been fixed for the hearing, but Occlutech will be seeking an early ruling on these issues. Occlutech's CEO Robert Moszner says, "We see a substantial chance that AGA's European patent will be invalidated by this and as a result of AGA's own actions and argumentation with the European Patent Office." He continues, "Occlutech's technology base is very different from AGA's where we do an individual braiding of each device. Our unique technology and methods are superior and very different from anything else on the market and we are eager to have the non-infringement confirmed in court in the U.K. as early as possible." Occlusion devices are used to treat structural heart disease, including structural heart defects and abnormalities, such as Atrial Septal Defects (ASD), or Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO), in a minimally invasive, non-surgical way. The market for these devices, and the PFO occluders in particular, are expected to expand significantly over the next few years. For further information please contact: Robert Moszner E-mail: robert.moszner@occlutech.com Phone: +49-3641-67-51-20 Susanne Goransson E-mail: info@occlutech.info Phone: +46-7043-36-521
SINGAPORE, Aug. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Consistel Pte Ltd today announced the completion of a successful round of equity financing jointly led by JAFCO Asia and Intel Capital. Consistel is a wireless network solutions provider and system integrator specializing in in-building coverage solutions, network planning and optimization, revenue assurance and other network services for the wireless telecommunications industry, which is undergoing significant transformation from 2G to 3G/3.5G and WiMAX. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070820/HKM001LOGO-a http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070820/HKM001LOGO-b http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070820/HKM001LOGO-c ) "We are pleased to be included in the investment portfolios of JAFCO Asia and Intel Capital. We believe this will enable us to strengthen and expand our market presence and continue to develop industry-leading solutions for the wireless telecommunications industry," said Masoud Bassiri, Chairman and CEO of Consistel Pte Ltd. "We are excited to become part of Consistel, and hope to work closely with its exceptional management team to further scale the business into new geographies and business segments. Consistel's strong market position and excellent growth prospects made for a compelling investment opportunity," said Byron Askin, Senior Director of JAFCO Asia. "Today's announcement illustrates the momentum behind mobile broadband wireless technologies," said Sudheer Kuppam, Managing Director, Intel Capital India, Japan, Australasia & South-East Asia. "Indoor coverage solutions are a rapidly expanding mobile market sector, particularly in South Asia and the Middle East. Our investment in Consistel is part of Intel Capital's strategy to expand usage while creating new capabilities for high-speed wireless networks worldwide." Consistel has engaged with over 40 major mobile phone operators throughout South Asia and Middle East. With offices in 10 countries, the company has quadrupled its bookings and contracts in the past 12 months. "The investment from JAFCO Asia and Intel Capital will not only assist us to accelerate the roll-out of our large backlog of orders but also fuel our efforts to secure more orders in the rapidly growing cellular mobile markets in South Asia and the Middle East. Consistel will be entering into an exciting new phase in its growth," added Masoud Bassiri. About Consistel Consistel is a global wireless solutions provider and system integrator specializing in In-Building Wireless Coverage solutions, Revenue Assurance and wireless network services ranging from business and technical consulting to network design, deployment and management. Consistel's in-building solutions empower wireless operators to increase and enhance their coverage, especially in wireless blind-spot environments such as in buildings and in tunnels. Consistel is also a leader in total revenue assurance solutions. Based on a fully integrated software platform, Consistel offers one of the most powerful platforms available for end-to-end revenue assurance addressing leakage and fraud. With customers spanning 40 countries and solutions powering more than 2,600 systems/buildings across South Asia and the Middle East, millions are benefiting from Consistel's solutions. For more information, please visit http://www.consistel.com . About JAFCO Investment (Asia Pacific) Ltd JAFCO Asia is one of the leading brands in the venture capital industry in the Asia-Pacific region. Its primary focus is to invest in promising technology enterprises with high-growth potential. Established since 1990 and with offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Taipei and Seoul, JAFCO Asia manages more than US$850 million in funds with a track record of over 330 portfolio companies and over 220 exits, of which more than 80 have been publicly listed. JAFCO Asia's parent company, JAFCO Co., Ltd. ("JAFCO"), is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is the preeminent Japanese venture capital manager with more than US$2.5 billion committed worldwide. JAFCO is part of the Nomura Group of Companies. For more information, please visit http://www.jafcoasia.com . About Intel Capital Intel Capital, Intel's venture capital organization, makes equity investments in innovative technology start-ups and companies worldwide. Intel Capital invests in a broad range of companies offering hardware, software, and services targeting enterprise, home, mobility, health, consumer Internet, semiconductor manufacturing, and cleantech. Since 1991, Intel Capital has invested more than U.S. $6 billion in approximately 1,000 companies in over 40 countries. In that timeframe, about 157 portfolio companies have gone public on various exchanges around the world and another 187 have been acquired by other companies. In 2006, Intel Capital invested about US$1.07 billion in 163 deals with approximately 60 percent of funds (excluding Clearwire) invested outside the United States. For more information on Intel Capital and its differentiated advantages, visit http://www.intelcapital.com . Media contacts: Ruby Lim Consistel Pte Ltd Tel: +65-6396-7000 Mobile: +65-8188-2148 Email: ruby.lim@consistel.com Nick Jacobs Intel Asia Pacific Tel: +65-6213-1294 Mobile: +65-9835-6212 Email: nick.jacobs@intel.com Bryon Askin JAFCOASIA Tel: +65-6228-9315 Email: bryon.askin@jafcoasia.com
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Aug. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Saxo Bank is opening its new representative office in Beijing and establishing itself in China in order to develop and expand its business in one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Increased proximity to clients, partners and liquidity providers were the main drivers behind Saxo Bank's decision to continue its expansion in the Asian-Pacific region and to open its new representative office in Beijing. "In the Asian-Pacific region you find a client base that is knowledgeable, technologically sophisticated and receptive to information on investment instruments, including, but not limited to, FX, CFDs and other derivatives. The future of online trading will be determined by self-directed investors, who are eager to diversify and ready to learn. Saxo Bank's value proposition is uniquely suited to Asian investors in that kind of environment," says Shailendra Robin Patel, Saxo Bank's Senior Executive Director for Global Business Development. The new office is situated in the Central Business District of Beijing and is Saxo Bank's first foray into China. "Our representative office will provide ready access to the growing financial community in Beijing and represents our first, formal step into developing and growing our business in one of the fastest growing economies in the world," added Patel. Saxo Bank has appointed Zhichao Yao as Chief Representative Officer (CRO). Yao brings with him experience from China Galaxy Securities, the No. 1 securities house in China, an in-depth understanding of China's evolving financial and regulatory framework, as well as a strong network across the capital markets in China. "Our Chinese office will be used to facilitate active interaction and representation of Saxo Bank's business and services to the increasingly international financial community within China and under Yao's guidance will be responsible for establishing and building a strong business network to support our future development plans for China," Patel commented. Yao will also work closely and co-ordinate with all units of Saxo Bank including our Singapore-based, Saxo Capital Markets Pte. Ltd subsidiary led by SCM CEO, Kevin Ashby. With headquarters in Denmark, Saxo Bank also has operating offices in London and Spain, and an IT development center in St. Petersburg, Russia. Saxo Bank received formal approval for the opening of their Beijing office from the Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) on February 9, 2007. The CBRC will also supervise Saxo Bank's activities in China. About Saxo Bank A/S Saxo Bank A/S is a modern investment bank specializing in online investments in the international Capital Markets. Saxo Bank enables clients to trade currencies, shares, CFD contracts, futures, options and other derivatives as well as portfolio management via an online trading platform -- SaxoTrader. SaxoTrader has been internally developed by Saxo Bank and is available to today's investor directly through Saxo Bank or through one of Saxo Bank's global partnerships as an integral part of their own infrastructure. One of Saxo Bank's significant areas of business is White Labeling, which is the development of tailored versions of the online trading platform to other banks and brokerage houses. Saxo Bank has more than 80 White Label Partners and thousands of clients in 177 countries. The bank's website http://www.saxobank.com has approx. 65,000 visitors every day. Saxo Bank currently employs more than 1000 employees from 50 different countries. The bank is headquartered in Denmark, with operating offices in London, Spain and Singapore, and an IT development center in St. Petersburg, Russia. For more information, please contact: Robin Patel Senior Executive Director Saxo Bank A/S Tel: +45-3977-4000 Email: rop@saxobank.com Kasper Elbjorn Media & PR Manager Saxo Bank A/S Tel: +45-3977-4850 Email: kel@saxobank.com Saxo Bank A/S Beijing Representative Office: Reg.110000400178453, C105-C, 1st Floor, Central Tower, Chemsunny Plaza, No. 28 Fu Xing Men Avenue, Xicheng District, 100031 Beijing, People's Republic of China Extension numbers: 845-6800 & 6801