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Occlutech Initiates Non-Infringement Proceedings and Files for Invalidation of AGA Medical's European Patent in the U.K.
August 20, 2007

    JENA, Germany, Aug. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Occlutech
GmbH, the leading European manufacturer of cardiac occlusion
devices such as ASD, PFO and LAA occluders today announced
that it has initiated invalidation proceedings against
AGA's European patent in the U.K. Most of the broader
claims interpreted into this patent by AGA Medical were not
accepted by the examiners of the European Patent Office in
the original patent approval process due to the existence
of prior art. This creates a significant and justified
basis for Occlutech to file for invalidation.

    In addition, Occlutech is asking the U.K. court to rule
that their devices are outside the claims of AGA's patent,
on the grounds of substantial differences between the
patent and the configuration of the Occlutech devices. No
date has yet been fixed for the hearing, but Occlutech will
be seeking an early ruling on these issues.

    Occlutech's CEO Robert Moszner says, "We see a
substantial chance that AGA's European patent will be
invalidated by this and as a result of AGA's own actions
and argumentation with the European Patent Office."

    He continues, "Occlutech's technology base is very
different from AGA's where we do an individual braiding of
each device. Our unique technology and methods are superior
and very different from anything else on the market and we
are eager to have the non-infringement confirmed in court
in the U.K. as early as possible."

    Occlusion devices are used to treat structural heart
disease, including structural heart defects and
abnormalities, such as Atrial Septal Defects (ASD), or
Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO), in a minimally invasive,
non-surgical way. The market for these devices, and the PFO
occluders in particular, are expected to expand
significantly over the next few years.

    For further information please contact:

     Robert Moszner
     E-mail: robert.moszner@occlutech.com
     Phone: +49-3641-67-51-20

     Susanne Goransson
     E-mail: info@occlutech.info
     Phone: +46-7043-36-521
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