

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。



ちよだプラットフォームスクウェア(東京)で「第93回 Eビジネス研究会」『マイクロソフトのオンラインサービス戦略が実現する新しいユーザーエンゲージメント』』を開催。講師は、マイクロソフト株式会社 執行役 常務 オンラインサービス事業部長 笹本 裕氏 。

プレスリリース                   2007年11月30日


■第1部■ セミナー


マイクロソフト株式会社 執行役 常務 オンラインサービス事業部長
笹本 裕 氏


 ンサービス “Windows Live”による新しいコミュニケーションと“Live S

 1. インターネット市場の動向からオンライン市場の可能性を紹介

 2. マイクロソフトの戦略

 3. 新しい“Windows Live”サービスと検索サービス“Live Search”が提供
  -“Windows Live”サービスによる新しいコミュニケーション
  -アルゴリズムとデータを掛け合わせた“Live Search”

 4. Q&A

1964年 タイ・バンコク生まれ。
1988年 株式会社リクルート入社。
1999年 株式会社クリエイティブ・リンク 取締役COOを務める。
2000年 MTVジャパン株式会社 取締役COOとして入社
2001年 MTVジャパン開局
    MTVジャパン株式会社 代表取締役副社長に昇格
2002年 MTVジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長 兼 CEOに就任
    日本初の国際的音楽授賞式「MTV Video Music Awards Japan」の
2003年 着信メロディサイト「MTV Sounds」サービス開始。MTVジャパン初の
オーディションプロジェクト「STAR TOUR」スタート。
2004年 携帯向けプレゼントサイト「happy♪ MTV」、携帯による音楽認識
サービス「MTV Music Finder」、携帯向け映画サイト「MTV Movies」、
2005年 MTVの「グローバルスタンダード」を広めるべく、日本における音 
2007年 マイクロソフト株式会社 オンラインサービス事業部 
■第2部■ 懇親パーティー

「笹本 裕 氏 を囲んで名刺交換&懇親パーティー」

□ 日程  12月21日(金)

□ 時間  受 付      18:30 ~
      セミナー・Q&A 19:00 ~20:40
      懇親パーティー  20:50 ~22:00

□ 場所  ちよだプラットフォームスクウェア 5F会議室
      (地図 http://yamori.jp/modules/tinyd2/index.php?id=10)

□ 住所  〒101-0054
      ○東西線 竹橋駅 3b KKRホテル東京玄関前出口 徒歩5分
      ○三田線  神保町駅 A8出口 徒歩10分
      ○新宿線  神保町駅 A8出口 徒歩10分
      ○半蔵門線 神保町駅 A8出口 徒歩10分

□ 参加費 セミナー当日現金払 または 銀行振込
      (銀行振込ご案内 http://www.e-labo.net/ofurikomi.html )
      ※プレスの方は http://www.e-labo.net/contact_press.htmlより

      一般 6,000円 / 学生 1,000円
      第1部 セミナー+ 第2部 懇親パーティー(軽食・ドリンク付)


□ 定員  60名

□ メディアパートナー
      特集ページで過去の動画公開中 !!
      → http://www.sbbit.jp/article/4247/

□ 協力  首都圏情報ベンチャーフォーラム

□ 後援  財団法人 国際IT財団

お申込みはこちらから→→→ http://www.e-labo.net


代表理事 木村 誠

TEL:03-6231-2600 FAX:03-6231-2601

G DATA AntiVirus 2008が、フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ紙の「国内で販売されている主なウイルス対策ソフトのウイルス検出率」にて、第1位を獲得しました。

G DATA Software株式会社(代表取締役社長:Jag 山本、本社:東京都千代田区)は、ウイルス対策ソフト「G DATA AntiVirus 2008」(2007年11月30日発売:サイバーリンク トランスデジタル株式会社)において、「フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ」(11月30日)掲載の「パソコンウイルス最新情報」(AV-TEST調べ、2007年11月時点)にて、「国内で販売されている主なウイルス対策ソフトのウイルス検出率」第1位を獲得しました。

ワーム、バックドア、ボット、トロイの木馬を含むウイルス検体ファイル約130万件(1,321,777)でのテストに対して、「G DATA AntiVirus 2008」は1,304,408のウイルスを検出し、検出率98.69%でした。第2位~第9位までは、検出率は90%以上でしたが、最下位(第10位)は、823,485件の検出で、検出率62.3%という結果でした。
弊社オンラインショップでジョイグラフ地図版対象製品ご購入で、2008年卓上カ レンダーをプレゼントするキャンペーンを実施いたします

プレスリリース                  2007年11月30日
   ~ 対象製品購入で、2008年卓上カレンダーをプレゼント ~

株式会社タイムランド(本社:神奈川県秦野市、代表取締役:川口 浩)は、


『ジョイグラフ(地図版)』は、Adobe Flashで開発され、シンプルで、



名称   : 株式会社タイムランド
       (旧 有限会社タイムランド)
本社住所 : 〒257-0014 神奈川県秦野市今泉395-1-403
設立   : 1995年3月1日
資本金  : 300万円
代表者  : 代表取締役 川口 浩
URL    : http://www.timeland.co.jp/
事業内容 : 視線が動くグラフ、で注目度UP!ジョイグラフ開発、販売
       Adobe Flash/Flexを利用したアプリケーション開発
       Filemaker Proを利用したアプリケーション開発
       その他 ソフトウェア開発及びコンサルティング
       秦野スタイル 情報発信推進事業

担当者  : ジョイグラフ担当
TEL    : 0463-84-6481
FAX    : 0463-84-6480
E-MAIL  : joygraph@timeland.co.jp
G DATA Software株式会社は、セキュリティ対策ソフト3製品を、サイバーリンク トランスデジタル株式会社(を販売元として、2007年11月30日(金)より発売を開始いたします。

G DATA Software株式会社(代表取締役社長:Jag 山本、本社:東京都千代田区)は、ドイツをはじめEU諸国でシェアを伸ばしているセキュリティソフト会社であるG DATA Software AG(本社:ドイツ・ボーフム市、代表取締役:F.ルンメル、F.ハイスラー、D.ホーフストラーテ)が開発した3製品、ウイルス対策ソフト「G DATA AntiVirus 2008」(ジーデータ・アンチウイルス)、インターネットセキュリティソフト「G DATA InternetSecurity 2008」(ジーデータ・インターネットセキュリティ)、統合セキュリティソフト「G DATA TotalCare 2008」(ジーデータ・トータルケア)を、サイバーリンク トランスデジタル株式会社(本社:東京都港区)を販売元として、2007年11月30日(金)より国内の家電量販店ならびECサイト等にて発売を開始いたします。

「トータルケア」G DATA TotalCare 2008 
1ユーザー版 標準価格 8,190円
3ユーザー版 標準価格10,290円

「インターネットセキュリティ」G DATA InternetSecurity 2008
1ユーザー版 標準価格 7,140円
3ユーザー版 標準価格 8,190円

「アンチウイルス」G DATA AntiVirus 2008
3ユーザー版 標準価格 6,090円

・ファイアウォールを自動最適化 NEW 

■基本性能 ウイルス防御壁「イージスブロック」 
・アウトブレークシールド 発見したウイルスを即座に隔離
・ヒューリスティック 未知ウイルス検出















(http://www.koozyt.com/) が運営する無線LAN(Wi-Fi)電波でアクセス位置が
『Hot Pepper.jp』とヘアサロン検索サイト『Hot Pepper Beauty』に対応し、

※PlaceEngine は、株式会社ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所が開発し、


 リクルートが運営する『Hot Pepper.jp』及び『Hot Pepper Beauty』の情報を、






 Windows XP、Windows Vistaに対応しています。「Windows Vistaサイドバー
ブログパーツ、iGoogle対応、Winodws Live ガジェット対応も予定しています。


・ココから周辺情報検索 :http://mtl.recruit.co.jp/sandbox/koko/

・PlaceEngine :http://www.placeengine.com/

・クウジット株式会社 :http://www.koozyt.com/

・リクルートメディアテクノロジーラボ :http://mtl.recruit.co.jp/




 リクルートが運営するサイト「リクナビNEXT Tech総研」












現役大学生を中心として運営している株式会社レセオ(reseau 代表取締役:山本 晋也)は、新卒採用支援事業として人事ブログポータルサイト「れせぶろ!」http://reseblog.jpに続き、驚きの低価格のSEO対策「みんなのSEO」の事業を開始しました。

現役大学生を中心として運営している株式会社レセオ(reseau 代表取締役:山本 晋也)は、新卒採用支援事業として人事ブログポータルサイト「れせぶろ!」http://reseblog.jpに続き、驚きの低価格のSEO対策「みんなのSEO」http://minnanoseo.jpの事業を開始しました。






株式会社レセオ 広報担当:野口 浩孝
Tel:03-5834-7254  Fax:020-4623-2274  E-mail:info@reseau.jp
現役大学生を中心として運営している株式会社レセオ(reseau 代表取締役:山本 晋也)は、新卒採用支援事業として人事ブログポータルサイト「れせぶろ!」http://reseblog.jpに続き、驚きの低価格のSEO対策「みんなのSEO」の事業を開始しました。

現役大学生を中心として運営している株式会社レセオ(reseau 代表取締役:山本 晋也)は、新卒採用支援事業として人事ブログポータルサイト「れせぶろ!」http://reseblog.jpに続き、驚きの低価格のSEO対策「みんなのSEO」http://minnanoseo.jpの事業を開始しました。






株式会社レセオ 広報担当:野口 浩孝
Tel:03-5834-7254  Fax:020-4623-2274  E-mail:info@reseau.jp

 スターティア株式会社(東京都新宿区 代表取締役社長 兼 最高経営責任者 本郷秀之 証券コード3393 以下スターティア)は、同社が提供を行っている電子書籍作成ソフト『デジタリンク アクティブック』(以下 アクティブック)カスタム版(購入版)の新メニューとして、常に最新機能が追加できる新メニューを12月より開始いたします。



 本メニューは12月中の開始を予定しており、すでにアクティブック カスタム版(購入版)を導入しているユーザーだけでなく、月額を抑えながら新機能を利用していきたい企業へも提案を広げていく予定であります。


アクティブック カスタム版(購入版)

※アクティブック カスタム版(購入版)を利用している必要があります。

【『Digit@link ActiBook(デジタリンク アクティブック)』とは】


■『デジタリンク アクティブック』に関するお問い合わせ
経営戦略室 『デジタリンク アクティブック』担当
〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿1-14-11 日廣ビル2 階
Tel 03-5339-2101 FAX 03-5339-2102

                                     以 上
KCIC plc: Cornerstone Investor Secured - Marketing Commences
November 26, 2007

Further Details at www.kcicplc.com

    SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- KCIC
plc ("KCIC" or "the Company"), which
will be the first investment company focused on Korean SMEs
to float on the London Stock Exchange's AIM market, is
pleased to announce that it has secured a cornerstone
investment of British pounds Sterling 2.5 million from
Woori Investment & Securities Co. Ltd.
("Woori"), the leading Korean securities
    KCIC begins marketing this week and intends to raise a
total of approximately pounds 50 million across key
territories, which include Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, the
United Arab Emirates and the UK.

    Daniel Stewart & Company is acting as the Company's
Nominated Adviser and Broker for the fund raising and
admission to AIM in the UK.

    Woori has also been appointed as co-manager to the
marketing in Korea, leveraging off its in-depth investment
experience and extensive network of 121 offices across
Korea. In addition, Dao Heng Securities Ltd., an
established broker based in Hong Kong, has been appointed
co-manager in the territories of Hong Kong, Malaysia and
Singapore. In the United Arab Emirates, Convergence Capital
Ltd., the boutique investment bank operating in the Dubai
International Financial Center, will be assisting with the
fund raising.

    KCIC was established by a senior management team with
significant strategic investment expertise in Asia in order
to invest in small to medium sized, profitable South Korean
technology companies. KCIC will prepare each business for
either a possible listing on an appropriate stock exchange
or a trade sale.

    The Company will generate revenues from the provision
of strategic management consulting to select invested SMEs
in order to move investee companies towards their targeted
exit.  Unlike an investment fund, KCIC will not take any
management or performance fees.

    KCIC's management team, led by Thomas Yi CEO, has
exceptionally strong contacts and support within the South
Korean business and investment community and has identified
a broad spectrum of profitable companies for potential
investment.  This strategy is reinforced by the South
Korean government which has placed a strong emphasis on the
development of new and emerging technologies by the nation's

    Thomas Yi, CEO of KCIC, said, "We are delighted to
announce Woori as our cornerstone investor.  It is testament
to the strength of our proposition that we will be working
with Woori not only during our fundraising in Korea but
also subsequently as we intend to appoint a Woori executive
as a Non Executive Director. We have built an exceedingly
strong network to support our marketing efforts and I look
forward to reporting further progress in due course." 

    For more information, please contact:

     Thomas Yi, CEO 
     KCIC plc
     Tel:   +44-20-7448-1000
     Email: thomas.yi@kcicplc.com

     Shane Dolan 
     Biddicks Financial Public Relations
     Tel:   +44-20-7448-1000
     Mob:   +44-7947-118-383 

     Lindsay Mair and Stewart Dick, 
     Nominated Adviser & Broker of Daniel Stewart &
     Tel:   +44-20-7776-6550 
     Web:   http://www.danielstewart.co.uk
GLG Partners, Inc. Announces Submission of Finalized Original Listing Application with NYSE
November 24, 2007

    NEW YORK, Nov. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- GLG Partners,
("GLG") today announced that it submitted a
finalized original listing application to list its common
stock, warrants and units (the "Securities") on
the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE").  The
Securities commenced trading on the NYSE at the open of
business on November 5, 2007, under the symbols GLG, GLG WS
and GLG.U, respectively.  The listing requirements of the
NYSE require that GLG disclose that additional information
which the NYSE relied to list the Company is included in
GLG's listing application.  Such information is available
to the public upon request to the company.

    About GLG

    GLG, the largest independent alternative asset manager
in Europe and one of the largest in the world, offers its
base of long-standing prestigious clients a diverse range
of investment products and account management services.
GLG's focus is on preserving client's capital and achieving
consistent, superior absolute returns with low volatility
and low correlations to both the equity and fixed income
markets. Since its inception in 1995, GLG has built on the
roots of its founders in the private wealth management
industry to develop into one of the world's largest and
most recognized alternative investment managers, while
maintaining its tradition of client-focused product
development and customer service. As of September 30, 2007,
GLG managed gross AUM of over $23 billion.

    Nothing in this press release or the conference should
in any way be construed as, or is intended to be, a
solicitation for, or an offer to provide, investment
advisory services.

    For more information, please contact:

     Investors and analysts: 

     Simon White, Chief Financial Officer
     Tel:   +44-0-20-7016-7000
     Email: simon.white@glgpartners.com

     Michael Hodes, Acting Director of Investor Relations
     Tel:   +1-212-224-7223
     Email: michael.hodes@glgpartners.com



     Rupert Younger or Amanda Lee
     Tel:   +44-0-20-7251-3801
     Email: rupert.younger@finsbury.com /

     Andy Merrill
     Tel:   +1-212-303-7600
     Email: andy.merrill@finsbury.com

Sunrise Real Estate Group, Inc. Signs One New Contract
November 23, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Nov. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sunrise
Real Estate Group, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: SRRE; website:
http://www.sunrise.sh ) announced that it has entered into
one new agency sales contract on November 6, 2007, for the
sale of the Fuyang Yijing International Garden residential
complex in Fuyang City, Anhui Province, China.

    Fuyang Yijing International Garden is a residential
condominium and commercial complex with total floor area of
400,000 square meters.  Its estimated total market value is
approximately RMB1.2 billion or $162.2 Million.  Sunrise
will have exclusive marketing rights of this project. 
Sunrise earns sales commissions based on percent of sales
price on its agency sales agreements.   

    Mr. Kevin Chi-Jung Lin, Chairman & CEO of Sunrise
stated: "We are glad to see that our sales agency
operation has singed this agreement.  We believe that our
ongoing sales efforts will continue to add value to our

    Forward Looking Statements

    The common stock of Sunrise Real Estate Group, Inc. is
quoted and traded on the OTC Bulletin Board under the
trading symbol "SRRE".  This press release
contains forward-looking information within the meaning of
section 29A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  Forwarding-looking
statements include statements concerning plans, objectives,
goals, strategies, future events or performances and
underlying assumption and other statements, which are other
than statements of historical facts.  Certain statements
contained herein are forward-looking statements and,
accordingly, involve risks and uncertainties, which could
cause actual results, or outcomes to differ materially from
those expressed in the forward-looking statements.  The
Company's expectations, beliefs and projections are
expressed in good faith and are believed by the Company to
have a reasonable basis, including without limitations,
management's examination of historical operating trends,
data contained in the Company's records and other data
available from third parties, but there can be no assurance
that management's expectations, beliefs or projections will
result, or be achieved, or accomplished. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Lyman Huang,
     Sunrise Real Estate Group, Inc.
     Tel:   +86-21-6422-0505 x105
     Email: ir@sunrise-sh.net
     Web:   http://www.sunrise.sh
Starwood Hotels & Resorts continues its effort in supporting the Special Olympics cause
November 23, 2007

Starwood China Regional Office joins the students at Pudong
Special Needs School for a day of fun-filled activities and
a donation of 1200 Starwood-Special Olympics commemorative
panda bear souvenirs

    SHANGHAI, China, Nov. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- As part
of its continuous effort in supporting the Special Olympics
cause for which Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide,
Inc. (NYSE: HOT) is a global sponsor, representatives from
the hotel group's China Regional Office spent a day with
the students at the Pudong Special Needs School on November
21 for some fun-filled activities. Starwood also took the
opportunity to present some 1200 Starwood-Special Olympics
commemorative panda bear souvenirs to the school.

    "It is important to remember that the closing of
the 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Shanghai is
not the end of our effort to drive the awareness of Special
Olympics. As a global sponsor, Starwood will continue
organizing activities and events for this worthy
cause," commented Ms June Seah, Regional Marketing
Manager for Greater China.

    Starwood had announced in December last year of its
three-year global partnership as the exclusive hotel
sponsor of Special Olympics and the 2007 Special Olympics
World Summer Games in Shanghai, China. The sponsorship
includes financial and in-kind support from Starwood.

    Starwood China has previously donated USD50,000 to the
2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games as part of its
cause-related marketing campaign for Special Olympics.

    Download high resolution images: 

    About Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. is one of
the leading hotel and leisure companies in the world with
approximately 890 properties in more than 100 countries and
145,000 employees at its owned and managed properties.
Starwood(R) Hotels is a fully integrated owner, operator
and franchisor of hotels and resorts with the following
internationally renowned brands: St. Regis(R), The Luxury
Collection(R), W(R), Westin(R), Le M¨¦ridien(R),
Sheraton(R), Four Points(R) by Sheraton, AloftSM, and
ElementSM. Starwood Hotels also owns Starwood Vacation
Ownership, Inc., one of the premier developers and
operators of high quality vacation interval ownership
resorts. For more information, please visit
http://www.starwoodhotels.com .

    (Note: This press release contains forward-looking
statements within the meaning of federal securities
regulations. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees
of future performance or events and involve risks and
uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual
results or events to differ materially from those
anticipated at the time the forward-looking statements are
made. These risks and uncertainties are presented in detail
in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Although we believe the expectations reflected in such
forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable
assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations
will be attained or that results and events will not
materially differ. We undertake no obligation to publicly
update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as
a result of new information, future events or otherwise.) 

    For more information, please contact:

     June SeahRegional  
     Marketing Manager, Greater China & Taiwan
     Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. 
     Tel.   +86-21-6141-7792
     Email: june.seah@starwoodhotels.com
Goldman Sachs Invests in CMC Markets Plc
November 23, 2007

    BEIJING, Nov. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- CMC Markets Plc
("CMC"), the market leading global retail CFD
company, today announces that Goldman Sachs has agreed to
purchase a 10% stake in the company, subject to regulatory
approvals and other pre-completion conditions.

    Commenting on today's announcement, Peter Cruddas,
Executive Chairman of CMC, said: "I am delighted to
welcome Goldman Sachs as an investor and partner in CMC who
shares our vision and drive to grow the business over the
coming years.  We have been growing at 40% per annum and
have expanded our presence to 22 offices globally but there
are considerable opportunities still to realise.

    Having Goldman Sachs as a global strategic partner
providing operational cooperation will be a major advantage
for us going forward.  There are exciting synergies for the
business that would be difficult to match from any other
investor, and by bringing together the liquidity and
technological expertise of both parties we will be able to
deliver real benefits to our customers and create new and
exciting opportunities for CMC globally." 

    Cruddas continues: "Over the last 18 months, CMC
Markets has been fully committed to growing its active
customer base through the development of its award winning
trading platform and overseas offices.  This focus has
resulted in CMC being one of the fastest growing online
financial trading companies in the world, delivering a
68%(1) increase in active clients, a 97%(1) increase in
number of trades and a 61%(1) increase in trade

    Jan Boomaars, a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs,
commented: "We are looking forward to working with
Peter and CMC Markets in the coming years to capture the
significant opportunities in the global retail derivatives

    Notes to editors:

    About CMC Markets Plc

    CMC Markets handled over 16.2 million trades during the
period Nov 06 - Oct 07 with the trades executed having a
total value of over $1.1 trillion US across the full CFD
product range (including Foreign Exchange and Financial
Spread Betting).  Since April 2006, CMC Markets has opened
offices in Stockholm, Tokyo, Singapore and Vienna, adding
to the company's existing presence in the major global
financial centres.  Furthermore, CMC Markets is engaged in
a series of partner relationships, offering its services
through local banks, brokers and intermediaries in a
growing number of overseas markets.  The company now
operates a total of 22 offices worldwide, employs in excess
of 900 staff and represents clients in over 70 countries.

    CMC Markets was founded in 1989 by Peter Cruddas.  The
company is authorised and regulated by the Financial
Services Authority in London and the respective financial
regulatory bodies in each of the countries where it

    CMC Markets UK Plc and CMC Spreadbet Plc are authorised
and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

    For further media announcements from CMC Markets,
please visit the virtual press office at:
http://www.cmcmarketsplc.com/en/main/press_office.jsp .

    About Goldman Sachs

    Goldman Sachs is a global investment banking,
securities and investment management firm.  It provides a
wide range of services to a substantial and diversified
client base that includes corporations, institutional
investors, governments, non-profit organisations and high
net worth individuals.  Its headquarters is in New York and
it maintains significant offices in London, Frankfurt,
Tokyo, Hong Kong and other financial centres around the

    For more information, please contact:

     Matthew Newton or Alex Simmons
     Tel:   +44-207-251-3801
    Goldman Sachs
     Paul Kafka
     Tel:   +44-207-774-4667

Boosting Rural Energy Development to Combat Poverty: UNDP Forges Partnership with Office of the State Council Energy Leading Group for Sustainable Rural Energy Development
November 23, 2007

    BEIJING, Nov. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Supported by
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in China,
the State Council Energy Leading Group is drafting a new
rural energy strategy in China, to be released early 2008,
to establish a vision for future rural energy development
and increase access of the poor to sustainable energy. 

http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/20061107113358-34-min.jpg )

    This was revealed today at the International Conference
of Rural Energy Development in China, jointly organized by
UNDP and the Office of the State Council Energy Leading
Group.  Rural energy specialists from both developed and
developing countries including USA, Bolivia, Brazil, India,
South Africa, and Thailand exchanged best practices and
visions in fostering rural energy security in the
developing world. 

    "Not only is China's rural energy challenges an
issue of energy, but an issue of development as well,"
said Subinay Nandy, UNDP Country Director in China.
"Increasing demand for rural energy and the challenge
to cope with climate change have brought issues of
sustainable energy development to the top of the national
policy agenda in China."

    "Stable energy supply is critical for poverty
alleviation in developing countries. Clean energy is the
optimal way to develop without exacerbating air pollution
and global warming," Nandy added.  "UNDP is
committed to assisting the government in integrating
sustainable energy solutions into rural planning through
technical assistance, policy recommendations and capacity

    A newly-released UNDP Report: "Overcoming
Vulnerability to Rising Oil Prices" was also
introduced during the conference.  The report looks at
renewable energy technologies such as small hydro plants,
wind turbines, solar panels, and stoves burning `biomass'.

    Rural energy options that a few years ago might have
seemed futuristic are now entering the mainstream.  As
Nandita Mongia from UNDP Regional Centre in Bankok said,
"If these are futuristic, then the future has already

    The Report points out that renewable sources bring some
of their greatest benefits to off-grid remote rural areas
where people often have to rely on diesel or
gasoline-powered generators, because they can get much
cheaper electricity from for example, small hydro schemes
and solar home systems for lighting.

    UNDP fosters human development to empower women and men
to build better lives in China.  As the UN's development
network, UNDP draws on a world of experience to assist
China in developing its own solutions to the country's
development challenges.  Through partnerships and
innovation, UNDP works to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals and an equitable Xiao Kang society by
reducing poverty, strengthening the rule of law, promoting
environmental sustainability, and fighting HIV/AIDS.
http://www.undp.org.cn .

    For more information, please contact: 

     Ms. Zhang Wei
     Communications Officer
     UNDP China 
     Tel:   +86-10-8532-0715
     Email: wei.zhang@undp.org
Asian Singer Karen Kong Debuts First Chinese Album on Friendster Fan Profile
November 23, 2007

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Nov. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Friendster, Inc. ( http://www.friendster.com ) today
announced that Karen Kong, a popular Asian recording
artist, will debut her first-ever Chinese-language album to
her fans around the world via her Friendster Fan Profile.
The album will not be available in retail stores, but will
be offered in streaming format exclusively on
Friendster.com beginning November 22, 2007.

    Utilizing her Friendster Fan Profile, Kong offers her
global fan base unparalleled access to her entire new album
"Showtime" in Mandarin on her Friendster Fan
Profile ( http://www.friendster.com/karenkong ). Fans can
listen to the album, send Kong messages and leave comments
on her profile. Comments and messages can be sent in any of
Friendster's five available languages, including Traditional
Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Spanish and English.

    "Karen is a perfect example of how artists can
utilize Friendster Fan Profiles to reach and connect with
their global fans and increase their fan base in a new,
exciting and interactive way," said Jeff Roberto,
marketing director at Friendster. "On their official
Fan Profile, artists like Karen Kong can embed video,
audio, widgets and links to other sites that host
content," said Roberto.

    Kong's first Chinese album "Showtime" comes
nine months after her debut Malaysian album
"MULAKAN." "Showtime" features numerous
popular Malaysian musicians including Mac Chew, M.Nasir, Lee
Chee Cheng, Lee Nai Kong, Shamril, Shazzy, Namewee, Peter
Chong, Gary Gideon, Jamie Wilson, Soon, Casey Joo, Lydia
Chew, Sharon Paul and Fred Chong. The album's theme focuses
on Kong's life story and her journey as a young Malaysian
singer seeking to fulfill her dreams. 

    "Only so many of Karen's fans are able to attend
her live shows," said Fred Chong, Karen Kong's
producer. "Given Karen's international appeal,
leveraging her Friendster Fan Profile is a great way to
share her new music with hundreds of thousands of fans,
especially those living outside of Asia."

    To access Kong's Fan Profile and listen to her new
album beginning on November 22, 2007, visit
http://www.friendster.com/karenkong . Additional artist
information, including a tour schedule, is available at
http://www.prodigeekaren.com .

    About Friendster Fan Profiles

    Fan Profiles enable musicians, artists, models,
non-profits, athletes, Web sites, venues and so many more
to build a fan base within the Friendster global community.
Fan Profiles turn the power of the Friendster social network
over to entities and give them an enhanced set of
promotional features. Features include advanced e-mail
capabilities, contact list management, unlimited fan base
aggregation and more. This is all free. For more
information, visit: http://www.friendster.com/fanprofiles

    About Friendster

    With more than 54 million members worldwide, Friendster
is a leading global online social network. Friendster is
focused on helping people stay in touch with friends and
discover new people and things that are important to them.
Online adults, 18 and up, choose Friendster to connect with
friends, family, school, social groups, activities and
interests. Friendster prides itself in delivering a clean,
user-friendly and interactive environment where users can
easily connect with anyone around the world. Friendster has
a growing portfolio of patents granted to the company on
social networking, with more expected over the next several
months. Headquartered in San Francisco, California,
Friendster is backed by Kleiner Perkins Caufield &
Byers, Benchmark Capital, DAG Ventures and individual
investors. For more information, visit:
http://www.friendster.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Lerin O'Neill 
     The Hoffman Agency
     Tel:   +1-408-975-3037
     Email: loneill@hoffman.com

Website Launched About POPAI DS Reference Guide To Digital Signage - The First Global, Qualitative Digital Signage Research
November 23, 2007

Last Opportunity to Participate

    KREFELD, Germany and WASHINGTON, Nov. 23
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    POPAI, the Global Association for Marketing at-Retail,
is conducting an in-depth, independent survey of the global
digital signage market at POP / POI (Point of Purchase /
Point of Interest), seen among the global media industry as
the next multi-billion Dollar blockbuster medium of the
future. The research is being carried out by one of the
leading market research institutes in Europe, using a
thorough four-stage process to collect data from over 1000
insiders and experts from all continents. Extensive
background information and details on how to pre-order a
copy of the report (500++ pages, professional cloth
binding), due to be published around the year's end, are
now available at the multi-language site
http://www.PopaiDS.org. Education and POPAI-member versions
are available. There is a 10 per cent early-order rebate for
all orders made and paid for by Dec 31 2007.

    This digital signage survey differs in four ways from
the myriad of other research reports:

    (1) Global survey with an integrated method and

    (2) Qualitative research of all stakeholder groups
around digital media

    (3) Vendor and lobby-independent

    (4) Resulting in a 500++ page reference book about
Digital Signage

    Participants in the online survey and personal in-depth
interviews are representatives from industry, retailers,
market, media and providers. Topics covered include the
local, regional and global market situation as well as
their market perspective, perceptions and potential,
stakeholders' options, current programs, concepts, media
sales, project-management & research, content,
technology and business models.  

    Research is still ongoing; the cut off date for
recording your views is short to be due. If you wish to see
the methodology of the research questions, log on to the
multi-language site:
http://www.GlobalDigitalSignageResearch.org. Here you can
take the opportunity to participate in the first truly
global and independent digital signage research program. 

    Fabian Keller, Vice President Digital Signage, POPAI,
comments, "This is the first time we all will get a
real understanding of the uprising global digital media
industry. I believe that digital media is on the cusp of
something amazing and we are keen to stay at the cutting
edge. This research will provide insights into the market
that have never been seen before and the report will be an
essential tool for anyone planning/observing/operating
Digital Signage. The first result presentations we
conducted in New York, Sydney, Moscow and Zurich have led
to amazing feedbacks. Without the deep understanding of
consumers, brands and the global retail market that Dr.
Stephan Telschow and his team provided, we would never have
been able to get where we are right now." 

    Participate now at

    Pre-order a copy of the final report at

    For more information, or to speak to Fabian Keller or
Dr. Stephan Telschow, please contact:

    Nicolas Loose, GIM, Tel: +49(6221)8328-511,

    About POPAI, the Global Association for Marketing

    POPAI is the only non-profit association serving the
global marketing at-retail industry. POPAI was founded in
1936 and has offices in over 19 countries. For additional
information about POPAI and the research, please contact:
Fabian Keller, Vice President Digital Signage,
fabiankeller@popai.de or visit http://www.popai.com.

    About GIM, the Gesellschaft fuer Innovative
Marktforschung mbH

    GIM -- Gesellschaft fur Innovative Marktforschung --
counts among the leading independent market research
institutes with a qualitative focus on Germany. GIM's
network is global spanning with coverage in all continents.
For GIM, understanding consumers takes center stage. For
more information on GIM and GIM POS, please contact: Dr.
Stephan Telschow, s.telschow@g-i-m.com or visit

    For more information, or to speak to Fabian Keller or
Dr. Stephan Telschow, please contact:

    Nicolas Loose, GIM
    Tel:   +49-6221-8328-511
    Email: n.loose@g-i-m.com

    For information about POPAI and the research contact:

    Fabian Keller, Vice President Digital Signage
    Email: fabiankeller@popai.de

    For more information on GIM and GIM POS please contact:

    Dr. Stephan Telschow
    Email: s.telschow@g-i-m.com
Over 200 World Class ICT Speakers will Convene in Kuala Lumpur
November 22, 2007

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Nov. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) announced today that an
illustrious pool of over 200 key international proponents
of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) will
present at the upcoming Third Global Knowledge Conference
(GK3).  Role players will exchange knowledge and learnings
within the GK3 theme of "Emerging People, Emerging
Markets, Emerging Technologies", in order for
participants to obtain a deeper understanding of how ICT
can impact and accelerate development. 

    As GKP works towards building cross sector
partnerships, the role players at GK3 will represent all
sectors of society. Key global advocates of ICT within the
private sector include major technology corporations
Microsoft and Intel.  Microsoft will be represented by Mr.
Orlando Ayala, Senior Vice President for the company's
Unlimited Potential Group, which spearheads the
organisations effort to close the digital divide.

    Intel will be represented by Mr. John E. Davies, Vice
President of Sales and Marketing. Mr. Davies is also
General Manager of Intel's World Ahead Programme, which
works to develop sustainable access to useful technology
for all. 

    Within the international non-governmental sector are
key leading international role players in ICT. These role
players include, Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, Chairman, M.S.
Swaminathan Research Foundation, India, who was voted one
of TIME Magazine's 20 Most Influential Asians of the 20th
century; Dr. Hamadoun I. Toure, Secretary-General of the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU); and Mr. Ged
Davis, Co-President, Global Energy Assessment & Deputy
Chairman Ecocities.

    Other high profile speakers who will share their
in-depth experience and thoughts on various ICT
developmental projects that have helped shape the world

    -- The Hon. Thandi Shongwe, Minister, Ministry of
Tourism, Environment and
       Communication, Swaziland
    -- Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, Under-Secretary General and
Executive Secretary, 
       United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
    -- Dr. Abdul Waheed Khan, Assistant Director-General
for Communication and
       Information, United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural 
       Organization (UNESCO)
    -- Mr. Walter Fust, Director-General, Swiss Agency for
Development and 
    -- Ms. Kristine Pearson, Chief Executive Officer,
Freeplay Foundation (a 
       TIME Magazine Hero of the Environment for 2007)
    -- Mr. Adama Samassekou, President of Maaya -- the
World Network for 
       Linguistic Diversity
    -- Mr. Bonsal Glascock, President and Chief Operating
       iMallsGlobal Inc
    -- Mr. George Sadowsky, Executive Director, Global
Policy Initiative
    -- Mr. Alex Wong, Senior Director, Head of Center for
Global Industries & 
       Head, Global Education Initiative, World Economic
    -- Ms. Valerie Faudon, Vice President, Programs,
Alcatel Corporate 
       Marketing Office, Paris

    A full speakers list found at
http://www.gkpeventsonthefuture.org/GK3speakers .

    GK3 will attract over 2,000 visionaries, international
leaders, practitioners and policy-makers to engage on the
theme of "Emerging People, Emerging Markets, Emerging
Technologies", with a special focus on Information and
Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) and
Knowledge for Development (K4D).

    GKP is a multi-sector, multi-stakeholder partnership
that acts as an effective agent for change as the
organisation works collaboratively with members and
partners.  All members share the GKP vision, and belief,
that development across all spheres (social, political,
economic) is dependent on knowledge and access to
knowledge, that development should be guided by knowledge,
and that knowledge sharing is an effective and empowering
means of enabling growth and development.  Furthermore, GKP
and members believe that ICT is an enabler through which all
people can gain access to knowledge.

    More information is available at
http://www.globalknowledge.org/GK3 .

    For further information, please contact:

     Anne Beetham / Kim Danker 
     Tel:   +60-3-4256-2834 / +60-3-4256-2835
     Fax:   +60-3-4256-2842 / +60-3-4256-2843
     Email: anne@perceptionmanagement.com.my  

Euro RSCG Worldwide Named Largest Global Advertising Agency for the Second Year in a Row
November 22, 2007

Advertising Age Annual Report Reveals Impressive Growth
Across Continents

    NEW YORK, Nov. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Euro RSCG
Worldwide is the largest global advertising agency for the
second year in a row, as measured by total number of global
accounts, according to the 2007 Advertising Age Global
Marketers Report. Ranked #1 in the 2006 report, Euro RSCG
Worldwide maintained its top ranking in this year's report
due to growth across all regions and a very strong new
business performance which saw the addition of the entire
$1.5 billion global Reckitt Bencksier business together
with major wins from sanofi-aventis, Kraft, ExxonMobil,
Danone Group, Alcatel Lucent, Dell, Novartis and Areva to
name a few. Euro RSCG Worldwide topped the rankings with 42
global clients and 1,167 assignments, surpassing agencies
Ogilvy & Mather and McCann Erickson Worldwide, which
together round out the top three agencies, according to the
figures released by Advertising Age this week. 

    Of the Top 100 Global Marketers listed in the report,
Euro RSCG Worldwide handles advertising for 32 of these
brands including Ford Motor Co., Reckitt Benckiser, Danone
Group, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Citigroup, Bayer,
Schering-Plough Corp., Carrefour, ExxonMobil, Kraft, IBM,
L'Oreal and sanofi-aventis. These responsibilities are
handled out of multiple offices across Euro RSCG's 233
offices globally. 

    "We believe an agency can be both big and
entrepreneurial, both global and creative, and this ranking
is further support for that point of view. Being named
largest agency in the world on the back of our Global
Agency of the Year titles from by Advertising Age and
Campaign caps a great year for the agency," said David
Jones, Global Chief Executive Officer of Euro RSCG
Worldwide.  "But we're more excited about the future
and not just being the biggest agency in the world but the
most digitally integrated."

    Advertising Age publishes a list of the Top 100 Global
Marketers annually. The full 2007 report, published at
www.AdAge.com lists the global accounts for 24 of the
largest global advertising agencies. 

    Euro RSCG Worldwide, a leading integrated marketing
communications agency and Advertising Age's and Campaign's
2006 Global Agency of the Year, is made up of 233 offices
located in 75 countries throughout Europe, North America,
Latin America, and Asia-Pacific. Euro RSCG provides
advertising, marketing services, corporate communications,
and interactive solutions to global, regional and local
clients. The agency's client roster includes Air France,
BNP Paribas, Charles Schwab, Citigroup, Danone Group,
Diageo, IBM, Jaguar, Kraft Foods, L'Oreal, LVMH Louis
Vuitton, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Reckitt Benckiser,
sanofi-aventis and Schering-Plough. Headquartered in New
York, Euro RSCG Worldwide is the largest unit of Havas, a
world leader in communications (Euronext Paris SA: HAV.PA).

    For more information, please contact:

     Brooke Capps 
     Euro RSCG Worldwide
     Tel:   +1-212-886-2011
     Email: Brooke.Capps@eurorscg.com

PartyBets.com Grand Slam of Darts Reaches Knockout Stage
November 21, 2007

    WOLVERHAMPTON, England, Nov. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
PartyBets.com is pleased to present the odds for the
inaugural PartyBets.com Grand Slam of Darts now that it has
reached the crucial knockout stage. The battle to find the
champion of the champions in the darts world is taking
place at Wolverhampton Civic in the UK until 25th November
2007. With a GBP300,000 prize pool, the PartyBets.com Grand
Slam of Darts features 32 champions of the sport from the
PDC and BDO/WDF. Live coverage of the tournament is
screened on both ITV1 and ITV4 in the UK with nightly
highlights and is being broadcast to audiences worldwide
with representatives from the likes of Australia, Holland,
United States, South Africa and Canada all taking part.
    ( Photo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20071120/282755 )

    Phil Taylor is 7/5 favourite to win, followed by
Holland's Raymond van Barneveld at 4/1, with form player
James Wade at 5/1. For full outright odds, match prices and
specials see  http://www.partybets.com .

    A spokesman for PartyBets.com said "All the early
money was for World Champion Raymond van Barneveld but now
we're feeling the power of Phil Taylor's backers. The real
surprise of the tournament has been Australia's Pat Orreal
who made the final 16 and started the tournament a 250/1
    PartyBets.com is a popular new member of PartyGaming
Plc's growing suite of online games that includes
PartyPoker.com, PartyCasino.com, PartyBingo.com,
PartyGammon.com, Gamebookers.com and EmpirePoker.com.   

    For more information, please contact:

     Warren Lush
     Tel:   +44-7947307899
     Email: warrenl@partygaming.com

C O R R E C T I O N -- BIRKART GLOBISTICS air + ocean/
November 21, 2007

    For the news release, "Birkart Globistics
Celebrates the Opening of its New Staff Training Centre in
Shanghai", issued earlier today by BIRKART GLOBISTICS
air + ocean over Xinhua PR Newswire, we are advised by the
company that in the second paragraph, the University should
be "Tongji University" instead of "Tonghi
University", as original issued inadvertently.

    The correct second paragraph should read
"Representatives from Tongji University and the German
Chamber of Commerce were on hand to celebrate the opening of
Birkart Globistics' new training facility which has been
designed with the exclusive purpose of becoming a centre of
excellence for professional development and training for the
company's 500 Chinese employees."

Avnet Electronics Marketing Takes Seventh Place in Annual InformationWeek China 100 Business Technology List
November 21, 2007

Distributor Jumps 18 Places in Awards Contested by 6,000
Companies Across the People's Republic of China

    BEIJING, Nov. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Avnet
Electronics Marketing, one of the operating groups of
leading global distributor of electronic components and
computer products, Avnet, Inc. (NYSE: AVT), has been ranked
seventh in the annual InformationWeek China 100 list of the
nation's best users of information technology. Jumping up
18 places compared with last year's list, Avnet Electronics
Marketing was chosen from over 6000 companies in more than
35 industries across the People's Republic of China.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200703010917.jpg )

    "For three years running we have been selected for
the InformationWeek China 100 and every year we have
consistently improved our ranking," said Alfred Tang,
senior IT director, Avnet Electronics Marketing Asia. 
"Such consistency of performance and the steady upward
trend, culminating in this year's seventh place ranking, is
a testament to the continued hard work, professionalism and
technical expertise of our teams."

    The InformationWeek China 100 list is based on the US
InformationWeek 500 that for 19 years has tracked the
technology practices of America's most innovative
companies.  Similar to the US, InformationWeek China 100
examines business-technology strategies, investments, and
administrative practices of companies operating in China.

    This year the InformationWeek China 100 focused on the
most innovative business technology applications and the
impact this innovation had on growing individual businesses
while also helping their customers.

    Avnet Electronics Marketing's Vendor Managed Inventory
Program (VMI) formed a key component of its entry and the
company's seventh place ranking.

    "VMI is the missing link in the electronic
components distribution universe.  Put simply, VMI connects
the business intelligence suites which are used at the very
highest levels of modern manufacturing organizations -- and
becoming increasingly popular in China -- with the
electronic components that represent some of the smallest,
but most critical ingredients in the supply chain,"
said Tang.

    "Avnet places huge importance on innovation,
efficiency, quality products and services and it is
exciting that these aspects of our business have been
recognized.  It is particularly satisfying when you
consider the thousands of other companies which all
competed for a place on this highly respected list,"
said Stephen Wong, president of Avnet Electronics Marketing

    About InformationWeek China

    InformationWeek helps more than 440,000
business-technology professionals who buy, build, and
manage technology drive business innovation powered by
technology.  In addition to the weekly magazine,
InformationWeek provides a platform of information
solutions, including InformationWeek.com; InformationWeek
Research; InformationWeek Events, which includes the
InformationWeek Conference for business-technology
executives; and the InformationWeek Daily, an E-mail news
service.  In May 2003, in conjunction with Optimize,
InformationWeek launched its Media Network. The Media
Network consists of Optimize, Government Enterprise, and
Healthcare Enterprise, as well as its Vertical Industry
Network publications, Bank Systems and Technology,
Insurance and Technology, and Wall Street and Technology. 
InformationWeek is consistently recognized for its
commitment to excellence and innovation, receiving several
of the industry's top media accolades, including top spots
in Technology Marketing's Influencers Report, BtoB
Magazine's annual Media Power 50, as well as awards from

    About Avnet Electronics Marketing

    Avnet Electronics Marketing is an operating group of
Phoenix-based Avnet, Inc. (NYSE:AVT), a Fortune 500
company.  Avnet Electronics Marketing serves electronic
original equipment manufacturers (EOEMs) and electronic
manufacturing services (EMS) providers in more than 70
countries, distributing electronic components from leading
manufacturers and providing associated design-chain and
supply-chain services.  The group's Web site is located at
http://www.em.avnet.com .

    About Avnet

    With more than 300 locations serving customers in more
than 70 countries worldwide, Avnet (NYSE:AVT) markets,
distributes and adds value to the products of the world's
leading electronic component suppliers, enterprise computer
manufacturers and embedded subsystem providers. 
Additionally, Avnet brings a breadth and depth of service
capabilities, such as supply-chain optimization, logistics
solutions, product assembly, device programming, computer
system integration and engineering design assistance.  For
the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007, Avnet generated
revenue of $15.68 billion.  Visit http://www.avnet.com/ . 

    Note to editors: this release can also be found on the
EBA Web site at http://www.eba.com.hk. For enquiries on
releases by email, please call Rosa Lee at (852) 2537 8022
or send a message to rosa@eba.com.hk.

    For further information please contact:

     Jaime Chan
     Tel:   +852-2410-2735
     Email: jaime.chan@avnet.com
     Brian Paterson (EBA) 
     Tel:   +852-2537-8022
     Email: brian@eba.com.hk 
Birkart Globistics Celebrates the Opening of its New Staff Training Centre in Shanghai
November 21, 2007

New Training Facility Reinforces the Logistics Provider's
Commitment to Customer Care

    SHANGHAI, China, Nov. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Birkart
Globistics air + ocean, a business segment of Thiel Logistik
AG, has raised the bar in its pursuit to guarantee the
highest standards of customer service with the launch this
week of a new, dedicated staff training centre in

    Representatives from Tonghi University and the German
Chamber of Commerce were on hand to celebrate the opening
of Birkart Globistics' new training facility which has been
designed with the exclusive purpose of becoming a centre of
excellence for professional development and training for
the company's 500 Chinese employees.

    Under the watchful direction of an internationally
acclaimed trainer, Birkart Globistics staff from all over
China will attend the centre, not only for basic logistics
training, but also for instruction on management, sales,
marketing and quality control, with additional
opportunities to receive English lessons and classes in
best-practice customer care.

    As a result, Birkart Globistics personnel attending the
centre will come away with a comprehensive understanding of
the entire workings of Birkart Globistic's local and global
freight forwarding operations, including practical knowledge
which can be applied for the immediate benefit of the
company's customers across China every where.

    According to Mr. James Kilpatrick, Regional Managing
Director for Birkart Globistics Far East, the opening of
the new facility not only coincides with the company's
135th Anniversary and 35 years in Asia, but comes at a
critical time given the prevailing talent shortage
currently faced by China's rapidly growing transportation
and logistics sector.

    Mr. Kilpatrick comments, "Attracting qualified
individuals, as well as developing and retaining a
motivated workforce has, in consequence, become a priority
for Birkart Globistics.  Given the skill shortage faced by
the industry in China, we appreciate that it is only
through internal initiatives such as human resource
capacity development that we can bridge this divide."

    Considering these market conditions, Mr. Kilpatrick
explained that Birkart Globistics' competitive advantage in
the future would thus become increasingly reliant on having
a talented, committed workforce and therefore continuous
investment in leadership training and workforce development
would prove critical to the company's long-term success.

    He continues, "Up and until now, Birkart
Globistics has had an in enviable employment record in
China.  We were one of the first companies to achieve an
A-license, and our staff turnover rate is well below the
industry average at five percent per annum, whilst the
majority of our management has worked for the company over
twenty years."

    "However, looking ahead, we can not afford to rest
on our laurels.  The aggressive economic growth that is
taking place in China is creating an environment in which
increasing customer demands for improved performance,
solutions and results are creating fierce competition
within the logistics industry for the best talent." 

    For this reason, Mr. Fabrizio Stanig, General Manager
Central and Northern China for Birkart Globistics also
emphasizes the significance of creating attractive working
conditions pointing out, "We value and appreciate the
contribution that each and every one of our employees has
made towards the success of the company and hence consider
any investment in the development of our people to be an
important investment in our future.

    "Subsequently, the opening of this new facility is
yet another milestone for Birkart Globistics as we work
towards building a solid foundation in China from which we
can continue to grow in the years ahead, " Mr. Stanig
concludes.  "It is also a sign of our commitment to
providing customers in China with the highest standards of
international service and care."

    Editor's Notes

    Please note that this press release is accompanied by a
photograph.  To receive a copy of this image please contact
Mr. Axel Herzhauser on (852) 2879 3133 or at
    About BIRKART GLOBISTICS air + ocean and Thiel

    Birkart Globistics air + ocean, headquartered in
Aschaffenburg, Germany, is present on all continents with a
total of 200 locations, including 94 of its own company
branches.  In addition to air and sea transportation, 1,600
employees also provide tailor-made and complex logistics
services.  The company's international focus is on Europe,
Asia, Australia, South America and South Africa.  The
global air + ocean network is strengthened by partnerships
and cooperative ventures, and the company is a member of
the sea-freight cooperation Group 99 and the air-cargo
cooperation FUTURE. Birkart Globistics air + ocean is a
business segment of Thiel Logistik AG.

    As an external partner, Thiel Logistik AG, Grevenmacher
(Luxembourg), develops holistic logistics and service
solutions for trade and industry.  In 2006, the Group
generated sales of EUR 1.89 billion and currently employs
approximately 8,500 staff in 43 countries.  Thiel Logistik
operates on the main markets worldwide and has some 350
locations across all continents.  With its three business
segments Solutions (customer-orientated contract logistics
solutions), Air & Ocean (global air and ocean freight
forwarding activities) and Road & Rail (land and
special transportation activities in Central, Western and
Eastern Europe), Thiel Logistik AG is one of the market

    Thiel Logistik AG is listed on the Prime Standard of
Deutsche Boerse. The major shareholder of the company is
DELTON AG, Bad Homburg, which holds an equity stake of
50.26 percent.

    Please refer to http://www.birkart.com and
http://www.thiel-logistik.com for more information.

    For more information, please contact:

     Mr. Axel Herzhauser
     Regional Sales & Marketing Manager
     Tel:   +852-2879-3133
     Fax:   +852-3190-2115
     Email: axel.herzhauser@birkart.com.hk
     Internet: http://www.birkart.com 

2007年12月5日 株式会社ファーストステップ



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・ 広さ:18坪
・ 料金(税込・その他にも料金プラン有)
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パソコンルーム(ノートパソコン20台付) (900-1700:\36,540) (900-2200:\52,500)
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【株式会社ファーストステップ 会社概要】
 ●設立    : 2004年12月1日
 ●代表取締役 : 吉野翔太郎
 ●所在地    : 東京都目黒区上目黒4-28-3
 ●電話番号  : 03-5725-9557
 ●事業内容  :貸会議室業務・レンタル業務

担当:西原 太志(にしはら ふとし)
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