対 象:どなたでもご購読いただけます
発 行:株式会社イー・クラシス
社 名 株式会社イー・クラシス
設 立 2000年3月1日
資本金 2,065万円
代表者 代表取締役社長 宮下崇俊
本 社 東京都渋谷区笹塚1-57-7 笹塚第一ビル8F
TEL 03(5302)2446 FAX 03(5302)2447
URL http://www.e-classis.co.jp/
社 名 第一法規株式会社
設 立 昭和18年2月3日
資本金 4億8千万円
代表者 代表取締役社長 田中英雄
本 社 東京都港区南青山2-11-17
URL http://www.daiichihoki.co.jp/
【ビジネスの法律がわかるメルマガ】 http://www.fideli.com/compliance/
【イー・クラシス】 http://www.e-classis.co.jp/
【第一法規株式会社】 http://www.daiichihoki.co.jp/
株式会社イー・クラシス http://www.e-classis.co.jp/
〒151-0073東京都渋谷区笹塚1-57-7 笹塚第一ビル8F
TEL:03-5302-2446 FAX:03-5302-2447
担当:加藤 press@e-classis.co.jp
【インフォプラント】 第1回メディア接触調査結果
~ インターネット利用者1,800人からの回答結果 ~
(株)インフォプラント(本社/東京都新宿区新宿 代表取締役社長:大谷真樹
調査方法 : インターネット上によるクローズド調査
調査対象者 : 全国の弊社アンケートパネル、
調査期間 : 2003年5月12日~5月14日(3日間)
有効回答人数 :1,800名(男性50%、女性50%)
設問項目 :テレビ・新聞・雑誌・ラジオ・インターネットの5媒体において、
◇ 1年前と比べ、接触時間が減少したメディア(複数回答) 【データ1】
テレビ ラジオ 新聞 雑誌 インター この中
ネット ではない
全体 30.0% 26.4% 16.9% 27.0% 2.3% 29.3%
男性全体 30.2% 25.1% 18.0% 26.4% 2.4% 31.0%
男性15~19歳 34.0% 26.7% 19.3% 14.0% 3.3% 31.3%
男性20~34歳 35.6% 22.2% 19.6% 20.9% 2.7% 34.2%
男性35~49歳 32.9% 24.0% 16.9% 26.2% 4.4% 29.3%
男性50~59歳 24.0% 28.0% 18.7% 39.3% 0.0% 25.3%
男性60歳以上 20.7% 26.7% 15.3% 34.7% 0.7% 34.0%
女性全体 29.8% 27.8% 15.8% 27.6% 2.1% 27.7%
女性15~19歳 31.3% 36.0% 15.3% 11.3% 3.3% 30.7%
女性20~34歳 55.3% 54.0% 25.3% 38.0% 3.3% 27.3%
女性35~49歳 46.0% 33.3% 5.3% 50.7% 2.7% 40.0%
女性50~59歳 28.7% 16.7% 1.3% 31.3% 1.3% 32.0%
女性60歳以上 17.3% 26.7% 7.3% 34.0% 2.0% 36.0%
◇今後、接触時間を最も増やしたいメディア 【データ2】
テレビ ラジオ 新聞 雑誌 インター この中
ネット ではない
全体 5.6% 4.2% 16.1% 5.9% 33.6% 34.5%
男性全体 5.2% 3.9% 15.3% 6.8% 33.7% 35.1%
男性15~19歳 6.0% 8.7% 25.3% 4.7% 24.0% 31.3%
男性20~34歳 4.9% 4.0% 19.6% 7.1% 28.9% 35.6%
男性35~49歳 5.8% 2.2% 11.1% 9.8% 36.4% 34.7%
男性50~59歳 4.0% 2.7% 13.3% 4.0% 42.7% 33.3%
男性60歳以上 5.3% 2.7% 7.3% 6.7% 37.3% 40.7%
女性全体 6.0% 4.6% 16.9% 5.1% 33.6% 33.9%
女性15~19歳 10.7% 6.7% 22.0% 6.7% 22.0% 32.0%
女性20~34歳 6.7% 7.1% 22.2% 6.2% 29.8% 28.0%
女性35~49歳 4.4% 1.3% 16.9% 6.7% 39.1% 31.6%
女性50~59歳 2.7% 2.7% 11.3% 2.0% 39.3% 42.0%
女性60歳以上 6.0% 5.3% 9.3% 2.7% 36.7% 40.0%
■社名 株式会社インフォプラント http://www.info-plant.com/
所在地 東京都新宿区新宿1-2-7・8F TEL:03-3350-8946/FAX:03-3350-8945
設立日 1996年7月10日
資本金 2億9368万円
社員数 99名(2003年5月末現在)
代表者 代表取締役社長 大谷 真樹(おおたに まさき)
** 本件に関するお問い合わせ・取材等のお申込み先 ***********************
株式会社インフォプラント 広報担当 横尾(mail: syokoo@info-plant.com)
TEL : 03-3350-8946,FAX:03-3350-8945 http://www.info-plant.com/
『マトリックス リローデッド』日本映画史上空前の大ヒット!
GET THE MATRIX スペシャルプレゼント第2弾がスタート!!
『マトリックス リローデッド』。
『マトリックス リローデッド』の全国公開に伴う「マトリックス オンライン・プ
レミアムチケット」――『マトリックス リローデッド』と『マトリックス レボリ
バー入りカード、ZION ACCESS KEY(ザイオン・アクセスキー)が付属した、オン
その第2弾のプレゼントは、「マトリックス ホログラム ポストカードセット」。
是非、映画『マトリックス リローデッド』『マトリックス レボリューションズ』
と共に、本サイト、『マトリックス リローデッド』公式サイト
( http://www.thematrix.com/japan ) をご紹介いただきますよう、よろしくお
★『マトリックス リローデッド』公式サイト www.thematrix.com/japan
★ GET THE MATRIX www.getthematrix.jp
『マトリックス リローデッド』は、
『マトリックス レボリューションズ』は2003年11月、全国ロードショー!
ワーナー・ブラザース映画 宣伝部 常名・小杉・安達
報道関係者各位 2007年9月18日
◆ 新郎に求めるスピーチの1位は「新生活への抱負」2位は「馴れ初め」
詳しくはアンケートデータバンクのサイト( http://www.enquete-data-bank.net/ )
■ 対象:10~60代の男女
■ サンプル数:163名
■ 調査方法:インターネット上のアンケート
アンケートデータバンク 代表:藤井康昌(ふじい やすまさ)
〒586-0001 大阪府 河内長野市 木戸1-37-1-403
TEL: 0721-56-0706 / FAX: 020-4664-6212
E-mail: inquire ☆☆☆ enquete-data-bank.net(☆をアットマークに)
URL : http://www.enquete-data-bank.net/
「素材一番 年賀状デザイン集2008」を発売いたします。
一番評判の年賀状デザイン集、 新発売!
素材一番 年賀状デザイン集2008
株式会社データクラフト(本社:札幌市 高橋昭憲社長)は、
「素材一番 年賀状デザイン集2008」を発売いたします。
【標準価格】 2,940円(本体価格2,800円)
【製品仕様】 CD-ROM 1枚 全素材収録カタログ ユーザー登録
【収録点数】 はがきデザイン:1000点
(汎用版 はがき台紙 400点)
素材一番 年賀状デザイン集2008 汎用タイプ
素材一番 年賀状デザイン集2008 筆まめ編
素材一番 年賀状デザイン集2008 筆ぐるめ編
▼sozaijiten.com(データクラフト 商品情報URL)
【 本リリースに関する問い合わせ先】
(株)データクラフト 東京事務所
広報宣伝室 新井 恵
東京都港区南青山3-18-20 南青山松本ビル6F
E-mail arai@datacraft.co.jp
(株)データクラフト ユーザーサポート
札幌市北区北7条西1丁目1-2 SE山京ビル
株式会社データクラフト(本社:札幌市 高橋昭憲社長)は、
【データ形式】はがきデザイン :JPEG 600点
イラスト/賀詞 : JPEG/PNG 900点
【対応OS】 Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista
【メディア】 CD-ROM 1枚
【標準価格】 1,980円(本体価格1,886円)
▼sozaijiten.com(データクラフト 商品情報URL)
【 本リリースに関する問い合わせ先】
(株)データクラフト 東京事務所
広報宣伝室 新井 恵
東京都港区南青山3-18-20 南青山松本ビル6F
E-mail arai@datacraft.co.jp
(株)データクラフト ユーザーサポート
札幌市北区北7条西1丁目1-2 SE山京ビル
株式会社DOBE4(所在地:東京都港区 代表取締役:西川 学)が運営しております、
(所在地:東京都渋谷区)のご協力により、次世代ライブストリーミング技術「Ocean Grid」
Ocean Gridの技術詳細についてはウタゴエ株式会社ホームページ(http://www.utagoe.com)
観光PRと「Ocean Grid」の実証実験を目的として企画しております。
■ダイヤモンド富士ライブストリーミングの日時 : 2007年9月23日・24日朝5時15分頃より
【Ocean Gridとは】
Ocean Gridは、ウタゴエが2004年ごろから開発していたグリッドコンピューティング技術を
1台のPCから1万人にライブ動画の配信を可能にする技術で、「Grid World 2006」では、
株式会社スカイパーフェクト・コミュニケーションズとの共同プロジェクト「Casting Grid」にて
「Good Technology Award」を受賞、ウタゴエが運営するLoocやChannel.isといった各サイトで
ウタゴエ株式会社 : http://www.utagoe.com
会社名 : 株式会社DOBE4 (カブシキガイシャ ドゥービーフォー)
本社 : 〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂3-9-1 紀陽ビル6階
代表取締役 : 西川 学
設立 : 2006年1月10日
資本金 : 2,000万円
URL : http://dobe4.com/
担当:映像事業部 小林
Tel 03-3505-1247 FAX 03-3560-0835
e-mail info@dobe4.com
〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂3-9-1 紀陽ビル6階
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
メディアを企画・運営する、ウノウ株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区 代表取締役
* FC2ブログ
* JUGEM(じゅげむ)
* livedoor Blog
* nowa
* Seesaa ブログ
* Tumblr
* アメブロ
* オリコンブログ
* ココログ
* ドリコムブログ
* はてなダイアリー
* ヤプログ
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ 関連URL
http://photozou.com/photo/photo_only/784/4850809 (hReview形式レビュー)
http://photozou.com/photo/photo_only/784/4850810 (My映画箱)
-hReview対応 映画レビュー作成ツール@映画生活
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ 会社概要
- ウノウ株式会社
資本金 :1億5000万円
代表者 :代表取締役 山田進太郎 石川篤
設立 :2001年8月1日
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ 問い合わせ先
ウノウ株式会社 映画生活担当:山下
[TEL] 03-5766-3911 [FAX] 03-5766-3912
[Mail] info@unoh.net [URL] http://www.unoh.net/
シナジーマーケティング株式会社(大阪市北区 代表取締役:谷井等)は9月18日(火)、同社が提供するブログ読者とブロガーをつなぐ新しいコミュニケーションサービス 『Choi me (チョイミー) ⇒ http://choime.jp 』 に、ソーシャルブックマーク機能を追加します。
チョイミーは、 7月からサービスを開始したブログ読者とブロガーをつなぐ新しいコミュニケーションサービスです。“ちょい見”したいお気に入りのブログを登録すると、PCや携帯電話に更新情報が配信され、効率的にブログの更新がチェックできます。そのため、これまでのようなアプリケーションの起動待ちや、ブックマークからの更新チェックを行う必要がなく、メールで通知される更新内容を受けて、いつでもどこでも効率的にブログをチェックすることができます。同じブログを何度もチェックする必要がないので、特に携帯電話からのブログチェックに最適です。
今回追加したソーシャルブックマーク機能は、任意のブログをチョイミーに登録することで、登録したブロガーやブログ読者同士が、自分の閲覧するブログを通じて興味のあるブログを探すことができるものです。本機能の追加により、ブロガーは自分のブログをどのような人が、どのくらい閲覧をしているのかを読者一覧のページから確認できます。また自分のブログの閲覧者が他にどのようなブログに興味を持って見ているのかを “ちょい見”することもできます。
■Choi me でブログの更新情報を受け取りたいブログ読者の方は、
「読者登録」 から手続きを行ってください⇒ ( https://choime.jp/userreg/ )
■Choi me のブログパーツで更新情報を自動通知させたいブロガーの方は、
「ブロガー登録」 から手続きを行ってください⇒ ( https://choime.jp/blogreg/ )
■Choi me の対応ブログ一覧
アセラ アメーバブログ アレカオマイスタイルブログ ウェブリブログ FC2ブログ AutoPage オリコンブログ 関西どっとコム Q-Ring CAT-Vスクエアブログ ココログ CSCブログ Seesaaブログ GDOブログ JUGEM 信州ブログ So-net blog TypePad DHCブログ TI-DA DTI ドリコムブログ Ninja NetLaputa Blogger ブログジー ブログ人 ブログストリート PLAYLOG Petitmall 北海道ブログ Movable Type ヤプログ! Livedoorブログ ラジログ LOVELOG ロリポブログ (50音順)
■シナジーマーケティング株式会社⇒ http://www.synergy-marketing.co.jp/
代表者:代表取締役 谷井 等
所在地:大阪市北区堂島2-4-27 新藤田ビル6F TEL:06-4797-2500 FAX:06-4797-2555
お問合せ:シナジーマーケティング株式会社 広報室:川口・原田
TEL:06-4797-2500 E-mail: press@synergy-marketing.co.jp
株式会社トルネックス(代表取締役 松井周生)では業界に先駆けて、エアカーテンと空気清浄機を組み合わせることにより、煙の漏れを防ぐ飲食店の喫煙対策用「エアカーテン付天井空気清浄機」を開発。2007年9月から全国一斉に発売を開始致します。
弊社にも、飲食店の喫煙対策についてのご相談が多くのお客様から寄せられています。そうした相談の中で、「カフェ・ド・クリエ」のブランド名で全国143店舗を運営している大手カフェチェーン 株式会社ポッカクリエイト(本社 東京都新宿区 代表取締役社長 木村太一)の店舗に今回の新商品を特注仕様で設置致しました。カフェ・ド・クリエ市ヶ谷駅前店、ツーピースカフェ新宿三越アルコット店、渋谷東急プラザ店への導入にあたっては、店舗状況を確認した上で、カスタマイズ商品として提案・設置し、ご高評頂いております。
※1 除菌イオン ... シャープ独自のプラズマクラスターイオン®技術により、プラスとマイナスのイオンを空中に放出させ、部屋に浮遊しているアレルゲン・カビ菌・ウイルスをイオンが取り囲み活動を抑制します。
① 飲食店向け喫煙対策用空気清浄機
② 様々なタバコ対策機能を装備
・負圧制御············ 内部の気流をコントロールし、室外から空気を引き込んでいます。
・エアカーテン······· 喫煙席の境目に設置。禁煙席へのタバコ煙の拡散を抑えます。
・空気清浄············ タバコの煙を強力吸引し、三層構造のフィルタにより集塵・脱臭。
・リモコン運転······· リモコンにより簡単操作。
③ 除菌イオン 「プラズマクラスターイオン®」
処理風量:強15 中13 弱10m3/min
エアカーテン:遮蔽高 2000~2500mm
代表取締役社長 松井周生
103-0024 東京都中央区日本橋小舟町6-6 小倉ビル
TEL: 03-5643-5800 FAX: 03-5643-5801
担当:マーケティング室 山口(やまぐち)・島田(しまだ)
E-MAIL hshimada@tornex.co.jp
(株)イーエスディー(本社:東京都豊島区東池袋 代表:浅井恵美子)は温浴施設や岩盤浴施設で好評のハイルシュトレンストーンから生まれたジュエリーシリーズ『ハイルシュトレンストーン コレクションライン』を発表した。
商品名:ハイルシュトレンストーン コレクションライン
ブレスレット: 22石(内周15.1cm)~30石(内周21.5cm)、1石(0.8cm)刻み/参考小売価格:26,800円~31,600円
ネックレス : 50石 約42cm 止め金具ロジウムメッキシルバー/参考小売価格:58,000円
ペンダント : 5石 長さ調整機能付ロジウムメッキシルバーチェーン 最長約45cm/参考小売価格:18,000円
添付品: ギャランティーカード/注意書きカード/ショップカード
外装: ハイルシュトレン社ロゴマーク入りオリジナルジュエリーケース(黒・ベルベット製)/白ボール製の外箱
発売開始日: 2007年9月
株式会社ネクストは、「HOME'S新築分譲マンション」と「HOME'S新築一戸建て」の特別企画として、RKB毎日放送(福岡)にて、福岡・佐賀県内で販売予定の新築分譲マンション、および新築分譲一戸建て物件の魅力を伝えるべく、今年の6月16日(土)に第一弾を放送し、ご好評をいただきましたTV冠番組第2弾『原口くんの住まい検索生活2 ホームズで探そう!』を2007年9月22日(土)に放送いたします。
『原口くんの住まい検索生活2 ホームズで探そう!』を9月22日に放送
住宅・不動産情報ポータルサイト「HOME'S」を運営する株式会社ネクスト(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長:井上高志、東証マザーズ:2120)は、このたび「HOME'S新築分譲マンション」と「HOME'S新築一戸建て」の特別企画として、RKB毎日放送(福岡)にて、福岡・佐賀県内で販売予定の新築分譲マンション、および新築分譲一戸建て物件の魅力を伝えるべく、今年の6月16日(土)に第一弾を放送し、ご好評をいただきましたTV冠番組第2弾『原口くんの住まい検索生活2 ホームズで探そう!』を2007年9月22日(土)に放送いたします。
【『原口くんの住まい検索生活 ホームズで探そう!』 番組概要】
■ 放送予定日:2007年9月22日(土) 9:30~10:24
■ 放送局:RKB毎日放送(福岡市:TBS系列局)
■ 出演者:原口あきまさ、古田厚子
■ 番組構成
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Additions to the Award-Winning Stellaris Family Also Include High Pin Count Real-Time MCUs for Low-Power Battery-Backed Applications AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Luminary Micro ( http://www.luminarymicro.com ), creators of the award-winning Stellaris ARM Cortex-M3-based microcontrollers, introduced today 34 new Stellaris microcontrollers (MCUs), bringing innovative networking and expanded control capabilities for real-time applications in motion control, fire and security, remote sensing, HVAC and building controls, power and energy monitoring and conversion, network appliances and switches, factory automation, electronic point-of-sale machines, test and measurement equipment, medical instrumentation, and gaming equipment. Introduced today are 20 members of the Stellaris LM3S1000 high pin count real-time MCU series, 11 members of the Stellaris LM3S8000 Ethernet+CAN internetworking series, and 3 new members of the Stellaris LM3S6000 Ethernet series featuring hardware assist for IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) support. These new MCUs extend the world-class benefits of the Stellaris family with real-time networking, larger on-chip memories, enhanced power management, and expanded I/O capabilities. Evaluation kits for the new MCUs are available immediately through Luminary Micro's global sales channel ( http://www.luminarymicro.com/sales ). All of the new MCUs are sampling today and will be available in volume production later this quarter. The LM3S1000 series feature new combinations of expanded general purpose I/O, larger on-chip memory, and low-power optimization for battery-backed applications. The LM3S8000 series are the first MCUs in the world featuring a fully-integrated 10/100 Mbps Ethernet with Controller Area Network (CAN) connectivity in a single-chip solution with ARM architecture compatibility. The LM3S8000 devices combine both Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) and Physical (PHY) layers with up to 3 CAN interfaces on-chip, marking the first time that integrated internetworking connectivity is available with an ARM Cortex-M3 MCU. Professional-grade motion control hardware is included in many of the new configurations, providing some of the industry's most powerful solutions for connected motion applications. "Today's introductions affirm Luminary Micro's commitment to lead innovation with the revolutionary Cortex-M3 core," said Chief Marketing Officer Jean Anne Booth. "The Stellaris family is the most extensive family of Cotex-M3 products in the industry, and today we are adding two more firsts to our roster by bringing the first single-chip fully-integrated Ethernet and CAN internetworking capability to designers previously limited to 8- and 16-bit options, and by providing the first microcontrollers with hardware assist for IEEE 1588 PTP support." "$1 to 1 GHz" in the World's Best Development Ecosystem Stellaris family MCUs are based on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the microcontroller member of the ARM Cortex processor family. Designed for serious microcontroller applications, the Stellaris family provides entry into the industry's strongest ecosystem, with code compatibility ranging from $1 to 1 GHz. Additional advantages include: -- Easy and cost-effective to upgrade from 8- and 16-bit applications, requiring less flash code space and delivering a 10x improvement in performance over 8051 cores and an 8x improvement in performance over PIC24F cores; -- Extends ARM7(TM) family processor capabilities in critical MCU applications with a 4x improvement in control processing performance, real-time interrupt response capability, and predictable deterministic interrupt behavior, while typically requiring just half the flash code space of ARM7 control applications; -- Greater than 50 MIPS with a demonstrable 20x performance roadmap in the Cortex processor family, allowing for a "no-worry" migration path; -- Best-in-industry development environment and debug tools. Ground-Breaking Integration: First MCUs with Hardware-Assisted IEEE 1588 PTP Support Three of the new Stellaris LM3S6000 Ethernet series MCUs and six of the new Stellaris LM3S8000 Ethernet+CAN internetworking MCUs feature hardware assist for IEEE 1588 PTP support. The IEEE 1588 standard provides a mechanism for synchronizing distributed real-time clocks in a packet-based multicast network such as Ethernet. Time-based synchronization is the preferred method for synchronizing control systems (especially motion control) over networks because it is not as susceptible to jitter as other synchronization methods and is also based on absolute time, making it easier to program. Additional benefits of this standard include the use of inexpensive network components, fault tolerance, hot plugging capability, and self-configuration. Networked variable frequency drives require synchronization accuracy in the tens of milliseconds, and servo-controlled systems require accuracy in the few hundreds of nanoseconds. Stellaris implementations using the open source lwIP TCP/IP stack and open source 1588 PTPd stack achieve within 500nS synchronization accuracy, a greater than ten fold improvement over typical software-only implementations. Stellaris Offers Unprecedented Integration for Internetworking Applications Eleven of the new MCUs feature both on-chip Ethernet MAC and PHY and up to 3 integrated CAN controllers, making Stellaris the only ARM-based MCU to offer this useful combination for real-time internetworking applications. With Ethernet features including 10/100 Mbps full and half-duplex operation, automatic MDI/MDI-X cross-over correction, programmable MAC address, promiscuous mode support, and generous single-cycle 2KB transmit and 2KB receive buffers, and Bosch-licensed CAN controllers featuring bit rates up to 1 Mbps, 32 message objects per controller, and automatic transmission disable for TTCAN (time-triggered communication on CAN), the powerful communications capabilities in the LM3S8000 series offer more options for both control and internetworking applications. New Stellaris MCUs Optimized for Battery-Backed Applications Thirty-two of the new MCUs feature a battery-backed hibernation module that includes a real-time clock, a generous 256 bytes of non-volatile battery-backed memory, and the ability to wake on a real-time clock match, external pin interrupt, or low battery event. Even using the real-time clock in hibernate mode, a standard CR2032 watch battery can support a Stellaris microcontroller in hibernate mode for over 3 years. For detailed information on the features of each Stellaris family member, see http://www.luminarymicro.com/product_selector_guide . Evaluation Kits Have Developers Up and Running In 10 Minutes Or Less This announcement includes the immediate availability of two complete evaluation kits: the Stellaris LM3S1968 Evaluation Kit (US $59) and the Stellaris LM3S8962 Ethernet+CAN Evaluation Kit (US $89). Each feature-rich evaluation kit includes evaluation boards, all required cables, a choice of evaluation tools suites for popular development tools, documentation, the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library (providing a convenient, no-hassle method of initializing, programming, and controlling peripherals), applications notes, and everything a developer needs to get up and running in 10 minutes or less, for a superb "out-of-the-box" experience. Both kits span the design spectrum from evaluation to prototyping to application-specific design by functioning both as an evaluation platform and as a serial in-circuit debug interface for any Stellaris microcontroller-based target board. Evaluation tools suite choices for the kits include ARM RealView(R) Microcontroller Development kit (MDK), IAR Embedded Workbench(R) Kickstart Edition, and CodeSourcery Sourcery G++(TM) GNU tools. In addition, ported demos of RTOSes include FreeRTOS.org(TM), Micrium uC/OS-II with uC/Probe embedded system monitoring, Express Logic ThreadX(R), CMX Systems CMX-RTX(TM), Keil(TM) RTX, IAR PowerPac(TM), and SEGGER embOS. Communications stacks available for the Stellaris LM3S8962 Ethernet+CAN Evaluation Kit include Express Logic NetX(TM) TCP/IP; InterNiche TCP/IP NicheStack(TM), NicheLITE(TM), and add-on modules such as HTTP, SNMP, and security protocols; CMX Systems CMX-MicroNet(TM) and CMX-CANopen(TM); FreeRTOS.org-based open source uIP stack; Micrium uC/TCP-IP, uC/Modbus and uC/CAN; and RTA Automation EtherNET/IP(TM) and DeviceNet(TM). About Luminary Micro and Stellaris Luminary Micro, Inc. designs, markets and sells ARM Cortex-M3-based microcontrollers (MCUs). Austin, Texas-based Luminary Micro is the lead partner for the Cortex-M3 processor, delivering the world's first silicon implementation of the Cortex-M3 processor. Developed for use in embedded and industrial applications, Luminary Micro's introduction of the award-winning Stellaris(R) family of products provides 32-bit performance for the same price as current 8- and 16-bit microcontroller designs. With entry-level pricing at $1.00 for an ARM technology-based MCU, Luminary Micro's Stellaris product line allows for standardization that eliminates future architectural upgrades or software tools changes. Contact the company at +1-512-279-8800 or email press@luminarymicro.com for more information. Stellaris is a registered trademark and the Luminary Micro logo is a trademark of Luminary Micro, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. All other products are trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Company Contact: Jean Anne Booth, CMO Tel: +1-512-279-8801 Cell: +1-512-917-3088 Email: JeanAnne.Booth@luminarymicro.com

Fully Integrated Kits Greet Users of 34 Newly Announced Integrated Communications and High Pin Count, Low Power Stellaris MCUs AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Luminary Micro ( http://www.luminarymicro.com ), creators of the award-winning Stellaris(R) family of ARM Cortex(TM)-M3-based microcontrollers (MCUs), today announced the immediate availability of two new Stellaris Evaluation Kits, along with a 12% price reduction on two other Stellaris Evaluation Kits. Designed for the new classes of Stellaris integrated communication MCUs and high pin count, low power MCUs, these compact and versatile evaluation kits take advantage of the capabilities of the new Stellaris microcontrollers with more memory, more GPIOs, enhanced power management, and the addition of combined integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC and PHY and CAN communications. In addition, pricing has been reduced on the Stellaris Evaluation Kits that support the LM3S2000 series of CAN-connected MCUs and the LM3S6000 series of integrated Ethernet MCUs. Evaluation Kits Have Developers Up and Running in 10 Minutes Or Less Each feature-rich evaluation kit includes evaluation boards, all required cables, a choice of evaluation tools suites for popular development tools, documentation, the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library (providing a royalty-free, convenient, no-hassle method of initializing, programming, and controlling peripherals), source code for example applications, applications notes, and everything a developer needs to get up and running in 10 minutes or less, for a superb "out-of-the-box" experience. Both kits span the design spectrum from evaluation to prototyping to application-specific design by functioning both as an evaluation platform and as a serial in-circuit debug interface for any Stellaris microcontroller-based target board. Each kit also provides labeled breakout pads for all Stellaris MCU I/O; a 128 x 64 pixel 4-bit monochromatic OLED graphics display; user LED, navigation switches, and select push buttons; a magnetic speaker; USB cable (power and debug) for simple set-up; standard ARM(R) 20-pin JTAG debug connector with input and output modes; and a Stellaris CD packed with datasheets, schematics, applications notes, and programming examples. Evaluation tools suite choices include ARM RealView(R) Microcontroller Development kit (MDK-ARM), IAR Embedded Workbench(R) KickStart Edition, and CodeSourcery Sourcery G++(TM) GNU tools. In addition, the kits can also be used with popular debug emulators such as the ARM ULINK or IAR JLINK, enabling rapid debug and development with fast download speeds. Free downloads of ported demos of Real Time Operating Systems (RTOSes) and demo communications stacks are available on the product page for each kit version on Luminary Micro's web site. ARM RealView Microcontroller Development Kit Tools: a Popular Option Each Stellaris Evaluation Kit provides an evaluation tool suite choice for an evaluation copy of the ARM RealView Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK) software, limited to 16K code size. The RealView MDK includes the ARM RealView C/C++ Compiler, Assembler, and Linker, the Keil(TM) uVision IDE, Stellaris-aware Debugger and Simulator, together with examples and templates and the RTX real-time kernel. In addition, ported demos of RTOSes include FreeRTOS.org(TM), Express Logic ThreadX(R), CMX Systems CMX-RTX(TM), Keil RTX, and SEGGER embOS. For kits that include embedded Ethernet capabilities, Ethernet stacks available include open source lwIP; Express Logic NetX(TM) TCP/IP; InterNiche TCP/IP NicheStack(TM), NicheLITE(TM), and add-on modules such as HTTP, SNMP, and security protocols; CMX Systems CMX-MicroNet(TM); FreeRTOS.org-based open source uIP stack; and RTA Automation EtherNET/IP(TM). For kits that include hardware-assist IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol support, the open source 1588 PTPd stack has been ported for use with FreeRTOS.org RTOS. For kits that include embedded CAN communications, CAN stacks available include CMX Systems CMX-CANopen(TM) and RTA Automation CANopen and DeviceNet(TM). IAR Embedded Workbench Tools: a 32KB KickStart Edition The IAR Embedded Workbench is a powerful set of essential build and debug tools for embedded projects using both C and C++. The KickStart Edition allows projects of up to 32KB code size, enabling users to seriously evaluate the performance and capabilities of the new real-time communications-enhanced Stellaris microcontrollers. In addition, ported demos of RTOSes include FreeRTOS.org, Micrium uC/OS-II with uC/Probe embedded system monitoring, CMX Systems CMX-RTX, IAR PowerPac(TM), and SEGGER embOS. For kits that include embedded Ethernet capabilities, Ethernet stacks available include open source lwIP; Micrium uC/TCP-IP and uC/Modbus; InterNiche TCP/IP NicheStack, NicheLITE, and add-on modules such as HTTP, SNMP, and security protocols; CMX Systems CMX-MicroNet; FreeRTOS.org-based open source uIP stack; and RTA Automation EtherNET/IP. For kits that include hardware-assist IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol support, the open source 1588 PTPd stack has been ported for use with FreeRTOS.org RTOS. For kits that include embedded CAN communications, CAN stacks available include Micrium uC/CAN; CMX Systems CMX-CANopen and RTA Automation CANopen and DeviceNet. CodeSourcery Sourcery G++ GNU Toolchain Features a Cost-Effective Personal Edition In partnership with ARM, Ltd., CodeSourcery develops improvements to the GNU Toolchain for ARM processors and provides regular, validated releases of the GNU Toolchain. The CodeSourcery version of Stellaris Evaluation Kits include a 30-day evaluation version of the Sourcery G++ toolchain, which provides an integrated development environment, the GNU Toolchain, and hardware debug support for the entire Stellaris family of microcontrollers. A fully-capable Personal Edition license is available for just $199. Ported demos of RTOSes include FreeRTOS.org. For kits that include embedded Ethernet capabilities, Ethernet stacks available include open source lwIP; InterNiche TCP/IP NicheStack, NicheLITE, and add-on modules such as HTTP, SNMP, and security protocols; and FreeRTOS.org-based open source uIP stack. For kits that include hardware-assist IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol support, the open source 1588 PTPd stack has been ported for use with FreeRTOS.org RTOS. Stellaris LM3S8962 Evaluation Kit: Fully Integrated 10/100 Embedded Ethernet with CAN Controllers The Stellaris LM3S8962 Ethernet+CAN Evaluation Kit is exceptional for its compactness and versatility, providing a convenient platform for evaluating and developing internetworking applications. The kit includes an out-of-the-box quickstart application with both an embedded web server utilizing the open source lwIP TCP/IP stack and CAN communication with a provided secondary CAN board based on the LM3S2110 entry-level CAN MCU. In addition to the kit features listed above, each Stellaris LM3S8962 Ethernet+CAN Evaluation Kit contains: -- EVB-LM3S8962 Evaluation Board with 50MHz LM3S8962 (fully integrated 10/100 embedded Ethernet controller with integrated CAN controller, 256K flash, 64K SRAM) -- EVB-LM3S2110 Evaluation Board with 25MHz LM3S2110 (fully integrated CAN controller, 64K flash, 16K SRAM) -- MicroSD card slot -- Retractable Ethernet cable -- CAN network cable to connect the two boards Stellaris LM3S1968 Evaluation Kit Features Battery-Backed Hibernation The Stellaris LM3S1968 Evaluation Kit provides a convenient platform for evaluating and developing with Stellaris high pin count real-time MCUs with battery-backed hibernation. The kit includes a quickstart application that uses hibernation mode to keep track of game high scores between power-ups. In addition to the kit features listed above, each Stellaris LM3S1968 Evaluation Kit contains: -- EVB-LM3S1968 Evaluation Board with 50MHz LM3S1968 (256K flash, 64K SRAM, battery-backed hibernation, 8 ADCs, 2 Quadrature Encoder Inputs, and up to 52 GPIOs) -- CR2032 battery slot with battery Price Reductions on LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit and LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit Luminary Micro has also reduced prices on selected Stellaris Evaluation Kits. Pricing on the LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit has been reduced from $79 USD to $69 USD. Featuring fully integrated 10/100 Ethernet capability and including two examples of an embedded web-server demonstration application, the LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit is ideal for developers creating embedded applications with Ethernet communications. The LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit, featuring a complete CAN network right out-of-the-box, is now available for just $79 USD, a 12% reduction in price. The LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit includes two separate CAN networking boards to provide working examples of CAN packet transmission and receipt right out-of-the-box. Stellaris Evaluation Kits Ordering and Availability All of these Stellaris Evaluation Kits are available now through Luminary Micro's global sales channel ( http://www.luminarymicro.com/sales ) and online: -- US $59 -- Stellaris LM3S1968 Evaluation Kit -- buy online at http://www.luminarymicro.com/products/lm3s1968_evaluation_kit.html -- US $69 -- Stellaris LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit -- buy online at http://www.luminarymicro.com/products/lm3s6965_evaluation_kit.html -- US $79 -- Stellaris LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit -- buy online at http://www.luminarymicro.com/products/lm3s2965_evaluation_kit.html -- US $89 - Stellaris LM3S8962 Ethernet+CAN Evaluation Kit - buy online at http://www.luminarymicro.com/products/lm3s8962_evaluation_kit.html The Stellaris family of microcontrollers currently contains 85 real-time microcontrollers targeted at embedded and industrial applications, such as motion control, fire and security, remote sensing, HVAC and building controls, power and energy monitoring and conversion, network appliances and switches, factory automation, electronic point-of-sale machines, test and measurement equipment, medical instrumentation, and gaming equipment. About Luminary Micro and Stellaris Luminary Micro, Inc. designs, markets and sells ARM Cortex-M3-based microcontrollers (MCUs). Austin, Texas-based Luminary Micro is the lead partner for the Cortex-M3 processor, delivering the world's first silicon implementation of the Cortex-M3 processor. Developed for use in embedded and industrial applications, Luminary Micro's introduction of the award-winning Stellaris(R) family of products provides 32-bit performance for the same price as current 8- and 16-bit microcontroller designs. With entry-level pricing at $1.00 for an ARM technology-based MCU, Luminary Micro's Stellaris product line allows for standardization that eliminates future architectural upgrades or software tools changes. Contact the company at 1-512-279-8800 or email press@luminarymicro.com for more information. Stellaris is a registered trademark and the Luminary Micro logo is a trademark of Luminary Micro, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. All other brands or product names are the property of their respective holders. Luminary Micro Company Contact: Jean Anne Booth / CMO / +1.512.917.3088 mobile / +1.512.279.8801 office / JeanAnne.Booth@LuminaryMicro.com For more information, please contact: Jean Anne Booth, CMO of Luminary Micro Tel: +1-512-279-8801 Mobile +1-512-917-3088 Email: JeanAnne.Booth@LuminaryMicro.com Web: http://www.luminarymicro.com

Stabilized Rice Bran Plus to be Launched by One Of the Largest Network Marketing Companies in the Region With Over 700,000 Independent Business Owners in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, Soon to Open in India, Japan, Korea and Australia. PHOENIX, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- NutraCea (OTC Bulletin Board: NTRZ), a leader in stabilized rice bran (SRB) nutrient research and technology, announced today they have received an opening purchase order from the Cosway Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Berjaya Group Berhad, a publicly-traded, multi-billion dollar conglomerate in South East Asia. "Cosway is a 27 year old network marketing company with over 700,000 active members. They will be introducing Stabilized Rice Bran Plus in October, 2007 and intend to develop and launch more products based on NutraCea's proprietary stabilized rice bran and value-added derivatives for the Southeast Asian market. They are gearing up to educate their vast network of distributors, which spans throughout many Southeast Asian countries, on the health benefits of stabilized rice bran," said Margie Adelman, Senior V.P. of Strategic Business Development for NutraCea. "Cosway's launch of the first product containing our proprietary stabilized rice bran demonstrates its belief in the market demand for great-tasting, healthy products and is in perfect alignment with their mission to bring innovative natural products to improve the health of millions of people through their network of independent business owners," added Adelman. "Cosway is committed to offering the world's finest whole food health products at prices everyone can afford. We are very excited about the launch of Stabilized Rice Bran Plus and we are launching a substantial campaign to support and educate our independent business owners on the health benefits of this miraculous food," said Al Chuah, Managing Director and Founder of Cosway Corp. "Forging this relationship with Cosway is part of our overall business plan to utilize NutraCea's stabilized rice bran in an area of the world where rice is an integral part of the diet and culture and the raw material is abundant. Growth in the demand for product in Southeast Asia through alliances with strong, healthy companies such as Cosway, will help validate the need for our local production through the recently announced joint venture with P.T. Panganmas. Once local production of the product is available, our Southeast Asian customers will benefit by not only saving on long distance shipping costs and ease of distribution throughout the area, but will have an increased supply from our Southeast Asian manufacturing facilities," said Leo Gingras, Chief Operating Officer for NutraCea. About Cosway Cosway Malaysia, is one of the top direct selling companies in the region. Since its establishment in 1979, Cosway Malaysia has achieved a stellar reputation and a remarkable record of success. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cosway Corporation Berhad. Cosway Corporation is listed on the Bursa Malaysia (the Malaysian stock exchange). Cosway Corporation is a subsidiary of Berjaya Group Berhad, a top conglomerate in Asia, which has companies and investments in several major. Berjaya Corporation Berhad is listed on the Bursa Malaysia. About eCosway eCosway was launched in October 2001 and awarded MSC status by the Malaysian government in November 2001 in recognition of its contribution to the development of information technology and ecommerce in Malaysia. eCosway gives suppliers, consumers and business owners mutual advantage by harnessing the convenience of the Internet and fueling it with the power of its unique business concept called Mutual Marketing(TM).. With its recent success expanding its offline operations into Taiwan and Indonesia, eCosway aims to reinforce its operations by opening more sales centers in those countries. eCosway also boasts offline operations in Singapore, Brunei, Taiwan, and Indonesia and they are setting up sale centers in Australia and India, with another 3 countries in the wings. About Berjaya Group Berjaya Group Berhad (KLSE: BJGROUP) is one of the most diversified conglomerates in Malaysia and is headed by Tan Sri Dato' Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun. Today, Berjaya Group is a major Malaysian conglomerate with annual revenue in excess of 1.46 Billion U.S.D and has over 24,500 employees. Berjaya means "success" in the Malay language and reflects the success and Malaysian character of the Group's traditional core businesses, which include companies like Starbucks, 7-11, Sports Toto and companies in various sectors such as: Financial Services, Consumer Marketing Direct Selling, Retailing, Vacation Time-Share Travel, Hotels & Resorts Development, Management Recreation Development, Property Investment & Development, Gaming & Lottery, Food & Beverage Establishments, Education, and Investment Holding Companies. For more information visit: http://www.berjaya.com.my/ http://www.cosway.com.my/ http://www.ecosway.com/ http://www.ecosway.biz/ About NutraCea NutraCea is a leader in stabilized rice bran nutrient research and dietary supplement development. Through its wholly owned subsidiary RiceX, the company manufacturers as well as distributes products and food ingredients made from Rice Bran through its proprietary technology and processes. The Company has developed intellectual properties to create a range of proprietary product formulations, delivery systems and whole food nutrition products. NutraCea's proprietary technology enables the creation of food and nutrition products from rice bran, normally a wasted by-product of standard rice processing. In addition to its whole foods products, NutraCea develops families of health-promoting "nutraceuticals," including natural arthritic relief and cholesterol-lowering products. More information can be found in the company's filings with the SEC and you can visit the NutraCea web site http://www.NutraCea.com . Forward Looking Statements This release contains forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements regarding the future introduction of products containing NutraCea ingredients, and the future supply of stabilized rice bran from production in Southeast Asia, both of which statements are subject to market risks, and the possibility that NutraCea will not be able to timely begin production in sufficient volume and quality for the market, or provide ingredients that meet customer expectations or at price points that satisfy market requirements, and risks that the products may not be successful. These statements are made based upon current expectations and actual results may differ from those projected due to a number of risks and uncertainties The Company does not undertake to update forward-looking statements in this news release to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting such forward-looking information. Assumptions and other information that could cause results to differ from those set forth in the forward-looking information can be found in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Company's most recent periodic report. For more information, please contact: Company Contact: Margie Adelman Senior V.P. NutraCea Tel: +1-602-522-3000 Email: madelman@nutracea.com Investor Relations Contact: Stephen D. Axelrod, CFA Wolfe Axelrod Weinberger Assoc, LLC Tel: +1-212-370-4500 Email: steve@wolfeaxelrod.com Media Relations Contact: Alisa D. Steinberg Wolfe Axelrod Weinberger Assoc, LLC Tel: +1-212-370-4500 Email: alisa@wolfeaxelrod.com CONTACT for Cosway Corp. International Director of Sales & Marketing Stephanie Davis Tel: 011-603-2164-6920 Mobile: 011-6016-296-7239 Email: stefdavis@ecosway.com

Mobile WiMAX(TM) Portfolio of Devices Speeds Conversion for WiMAX Operators RICHARDSON, Texas, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- As the WiMAX industry gets closer to Mobile WiMAX certification, Navini Networks is announcing its Mobile WiMAX device portfolio, named "Surfer". Navini's Surfer line up will consist of Surfer 1000, 2000 and 3000 initially. The Surfer 1000 will operate on Navini's Mobile WiMAX networks using OFDMA (802.16e) technology. It offers a cost effective option for Navini's customers as they migrate their networks to 802.16e in advance of WiMAX Wave 1 and Wave 2 certification. Surfer 1000 modems are available for commercial shipment in 4Q 2007 in the following spectrum bands: 2.3GHz, 2.5GHz, 2.6GHz, 3.4GHz, and 3.5GHZ. The Navini Surfer 1000 will be available with a variety of colored "skins" that provide increased personal choice and allow a subscriber to match their room decor. As previously announced(1), Navini Networks is also working with original design manufacturers (ODM) to develop a portfolio of WiMAX Forum certified modems. The Surfer 2000 devices will be Wave 1 certified and the Surfer 3000 devices will be Wave 2 certified with support for Beamforming and MIMO. The Navini Surfer 2000 and 3000 Mobile WiMAX device portfolio, planned for availability in the first half of 2008, will include the following types: -- A desktop modem with Ethernet port connectivity that may be used to directly connect a single host computer, or a routed network with multiple host computers. -- A USB mobile device for laptops that will provide mobile users with broadband speeds from Navini's beamforming enabled WiMAX network. -- A voice enabled modem which includes VoIP client and RJ-11 twisted pair connection to a standard telephone set, as well as a standard Ethernet port for computer or LAN connections. "Most of Navini's customers plan to upgrade their networks to 802.16e over the next 12 months, largely through the use of over-the-air software upgrades," said Sai Subramanian, VP. "With the Surfer 1000, Navini's customers can immediately start converting their networks and experience significant cost and performance benefits. They can then introduce Surfer 2000 and Surfer 3000 devices as Wave 1 and Wave 2 certifications are completed all the while enjoying the benefits of Navini's patented Smart Beamforming technology." About Navini Networks: With the largest commercial deployments in the world, over 70 commercial networks in 6 continents and strategic partnerships with industry leaders, Navini Networks is the leader in providing commercial broadband wireless access solutions worldwide. Navini is the first and only company that offers commercial Mobile WiMAX products and has commercialized patented Smart Beamforming technology, enabling personal broadband for the mass market. Only Navini has the WiMAX solution that enhances Mobile WiMAX with Smart Beamforming and beamformed MIMO, providing operators with the power to deliver on the promise of personal broadband, both indoors and outdoors. Navini's Ripwave(R) MX solution offers a portable, zero-install, non-line-of-sight (NLOS) product line consists of customer modems, base stations, and element management systems (EMS) that run in the full range of spectrums. Navini Networks is a principal member of the WiMAX Forum and the IEEE 802.16e committee and is headquartered in Richardson, Texas. http://www.navini.com (1) With ODM partner Asus International For more information, please contact: Maryvonne Tubb Director, Marketing, Navini Networks Tel: +1-972-852-4247 Email: mtubb@navini.com

TI DRP(TM) Technology Continues to Shape and Define the Wireless Single-Chip Market DALLAS, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In just five years, Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) has launched more than a dozen wireless single-chip solutions, ranging from the world's first single-chip cell phone modem to multi-radio connectivity devices, and continues to shape and define the rapidly changing wireless landscape. Increasingly, handset manufacturers require highly integrated, scalable solutions that address a multitude of consumer requirements around the globe. TI initially addressed this need five years ago with another industry first -- a single-chip Bluetooth(R) solution (the BRF6100) based on the company's innovative DRP(TM) technology, delivering a small and affordable solution that accelerated penetration of Bluetooth in wireless phones. (For more information, see http://www.ti.com/singlechip ) (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/20061107170439-20-min.jpg ) The BRF6100 was the first device based on TI's revolutionary DRP single-chip technology, a maximum digital process that is scalable to support a variety of air interfaces today and tomorrow. DRP technology has been integral in delivering on TI's promise of supporting its customers with solutions that improve cost, size and power. Today, TI's broad portfolio of DRP technology-based single-chip solutions ranges from cellular to connectivity technologies, including GSM, GPRS, EDGE, Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi(R). TI expects to have shipped more than 200 million units of DRP technology-based chips by the end of 2007, demonstrating the fast ramp and high demand for TI's single-chip technology. "When TI first announced plans for the wireless single-chip market five years ago, we knew it would accelerate wireless technology, especially in high-growth economies, and that has certainly happened," said Greg Delagi, senior vice president of TI's Wireless Terminals Business Unit. "Single-chip solutions are truly growing up, and we're going well beyond simply providing a single function device to now providing everything needed for an affordable, feature-rich phone on just one piece of silicon." Building on the company's legacy of more than 75 years of innovation, TI's LoCosto(TM) single-chip cell phone platform revolutionized the wireless industry and truly defined the global entry-level handset market when it was introduced in 2004. The LoCosto solution goes beyond delivering just basic, black and white, voice-only phones -- it also supports affordable multimedia features that consumers around the globe demand in their mobile phones, including color displays, cameras and FM radio. In addition to its LoCosto solutions, TI offers the BlueLink(TM) Bluetooth platform, WiLink(TM) Wi-Fi solutions and NaviLink(TM) GPS solutions as part of its single-chip connectivity portfolio. With these technologies, TI continues to push the envelope with multi-radio integration technology to enable handset manufacturers to quickly and seamlessly integrate these three functions into feature-rich mainstream handsets. TI has also been a leader in process technology development, delivering the industry's first 90-nanometer (nm) and 65-nm single-chip solutions. TI is shipping a variety of 90-nm single chips in large volumes today, including the LoCosto solution and members of the BlueLink, WiLink and NaviLink families. TI is sampling the 65-nm OMAPV1035 eCosto solution and LoCosto ULC device, and plans to sample the WiLink 6.0 and BlueLink 7.0 single chips by the end of 2007. Texas Instruments - Making Wireless TI is the leading manufacturer of wireless semiconductors, delivering the heart of today's wireless technology and building solutions for tomorrow. TI provides a breadth of silicon and software and 18 years of wireless systems expertise that spans handsets and base stations for all communications standards, wireless LAN, GPS, Digital TV and Bluetooth(R). TI offers custom to turn-key solutions, including complete chipsets and reference designs, OMAP(TM) application processors, as well as core digital signal processor and analog technologies built on advanced semiconductor processes. Please visit http://www.ti.com/wirelesspressroom for additional information. About Texas Instruments: Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world signal processing requirements. In addition to Semiconductor, the company includes the Education Technology business. TI is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more than 25 countries. Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TXN. More information is located on the World Wide Web at http://www.ti.com . Trademarks BlueLink, DRP, LoCosto, NaviLink, OMAP, OMAP-Vox and WiLink are trademarks of Texas Instruments. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Texas Instruments is under license. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: In the U.S.: Tracy Wright Texas Instruments Tel: +1-214-480-7487 Email: t-wright@ti.com Stephanie Stewart GolinHarris Tel: +1-972-341-2599 Email: sstewart@golinharris.com In Asia: CJ Lin Texas Instruments Tel: +86-21-2307-3263 Email: cj-lin@ti.com

Statement by Microsoft Corp. Senior Vice President and General Counsel Brad Smith LUXEMBOURG, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Statement attributable to Brad Smith, Microsoft Corp. Senior Vice President and General Counsel immediately following the Court's ruling: ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO ) "Well, we've obviously only had a very short amount of time to read the decision that the court issued today, and it's the type of decision that deserves the kind of time required to understand it thoroughly. It is nonetheless clear that the court has agreed with the Commission on a number of the Commission's points, and I do want to simply start by expressing our gratitude to this court for the lengthy consideration that it gave to these issues. These are obviously complicated and important topics, and we appreciate all of the objective and thorough work that went into the decision that was issued today. We appreciate the court's judgment on the trustee issue and the monitoring mechanism, an issue where the court agreed with us, and yet I would be the first to acknowledge that I don't think anyone would say that is the most important part of this case or this decision. It's clearly very important to us as a company that we comply with our obligations under European law. We'll study this decision carefully, and if there are additional steps that we need to take in order to comply with it, we will take them. It will take us a little bit of time, at least over the next few hours, to read the decision carefully, but certainly that is one of our strongest convictions as we go forward. We have been working hard over the last few years to address these issues. Everyone agrees, for example, that the version of Windows that we offer in Europe today is in compliance with the Commission's 2004 decision, and I'm also gratified that we were able to have the kinds of constructive discussions with the European Commission last year that enabled us to bring to market Windows Vista(R) in conformity with the Commission's 2004 decision. In addition, there's obviously a lot of work that has gone into our efforts to comply with the Commission's terms with respect to communications protocols and our duty to license them, a duty that obviously was reaffirmed by the court's decision today. We've made a lot of progress in that regard, and yet we all have to acknowledge that there are some issues that do remain open. As we read today's decision more carefully, we're hopeful that some aspects of it may add some clarity that will help us all implement these remaining parts of the decision. And as I said, if we need to take additional steps in order to comply with today's decision, we will do so. I would note that a lot has changed since this case started in 1998. The world has changed, the industry has changed, and our company has changed. We sought to underscore that over a year ago when we published what we described as our Windows(R) Principles, principles intended to ensure that future versions of Windows, starting with Windows Vista, would comport not only with the principles of U.S. law but with the principles that are applicable here in Europe as well. We've sought to be open and transparent, and we've sought to strengthen our ties with the rest of our industry. Indeed, it's notable that just last week we announced a new agreement with Sun Microsystems, and the week before that we announced a new agreement with Novell, two of the companies that started out on the other side of this case almost nine years ago. A lot has changed, but I will say that one thing has remained constant, and will continue to do so, and that is Microsoft's commitment to Europe. When this case started, we published Windows in 24 European languages; today that number is 41, and it will continue to grow. When we started this case, we had 3,900 employees in Europe; today we have 13,000, and that number will continue to grow. When this case started, we were spending $3 million a year on research and development in Europe; today we are spending almost half a billion, and that number will continue to grow. Today we work with over 200,000 business partners, who employ almost 3 million people on the European continent, and that number too will continue to grow. So, we look forward to continued efforts to implement and comply with today's decision, we welcome the opportunity for continued discussion to adhere to our duties with the European Commission, and we look forward to hopefully continuing to move technology forward to create more jobs on this continent. Thank you very much." Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. NOTE TO EDITORS: If you are interested in viewing additional information on Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft(R) Web page at http://www.microsoft.com/presspass on Microsoft's corporate information pages. Web links, telephone numbers and titles were correct at time of publication, but may since have changed. For additional assistance, journalists and analysts may contact Microsoft's Rapid Response Team or other appropriate contacts listed at http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/contactpr.mspx . For more information, please contact: EU Media: Anne-Sophie de Brancion Tel: +32 484 140 313 Email: AnneSophiedeBrancion@gpluseurope.com US Media: Jack Evans Microsoft Tel: +1-425-753-9563 Email: jackev@microsoft.com Web site: http://www.microsoft.com

UPPSALA, Sweden, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Oasmia Pharmaceutical is being listed on NGM Equity in Sweden on September 18th 2007. This provides private and institutional shareholders with a better place to trade in the company's shares. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070918/273312 ) Oasmia develops the drugs of the future in human and veterinary medicine. Oasmia is a pharmaceutical company based on the most recent ideas in bio-organic chemistry. The business concept is to improve the treatment of serious diseases, with emphasis on oncology. This is done by developing substances that create a new generation of effective drugs for different fields of therapy. Oasmia is now ready to move forward to provide financial institutions and large investors with an interesting, long-term investment opportunity. "Our product portfolio within oncology is very strong, and we are in the near future approaching the veterinary market with a revolutionary cancer therapy for dogs. "The positive development means that Oasmia is becoming a more and more attractive investment opportunity and that the company will benefit from being listed on NGM Equity," says Julian Aleksov, CEO of Oasmia. For more information and downloading of the Listing prospectus, please visit our website http://www.oasmia.com More information is available at http://www.ngm.se or http://www.oasmia.com About Oasmia Pharmaceutical Oasmia Pharmaceutical is a pharmaceutical company that specialises in the treatment of severe diseases. A pharmaceutical company based on the latest concepts in bio-organic chemistry. The main idea is to improve the treatment of serious diseases. Primarily, this development is in oncology and treatment with cytostatics but Oasmia also conducts research in antibiotics, asthma and neurological diseases. Oasmia has in-house production capacity of pharmaceuticals for clinical trials, both company related and others. Oasmia has developed several products based on existing pharmaceuticals in a new environment, which leads to whole new solutions for cancer treatment. These products give Oasmia a solid product portfolio within oncology with several products in clinical or pre-clinical phase. For more information, please contact: Maria Lunden Oasmia Pharmaceutical Tel: +46-18-50-54-40 Email: info@oasmia.com Website: http://www.oasmia.com

- Traditional Business Networks Link Closely with E-Commerce for the First Time SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- On September 20, ECVV.COM, the first international trading website which charges according to results, will help the Shenzhen Council for Promotion of International Trade introduce the project "Shenzhen International Buying Network" to the world for the first time. According to the Shenzhen Council for Promotion of International Trade, this network not only comprises Shenzhen and large neighboring professional markets, but will also duplicate its concept and trading venue to the Internet in cooperation with ECVV (http://www.ecvv.com) to construct a tremendous international procurement platform. Today, international procurement has become a main channel for the export of Chinese products and all regions across the country compete fiercely at building an international procurement base. Shenzhen has numerous mature and professional markets and is a major export base of Chinese products, ranking highly in the manufacture of many products. Additionally, the Shenzhen Council for Promotion of International Trade and the Shenzhen World Trade Center have large overseas trading resources and keep good and close cooperative relationships with trading organizations in more than 300 municipalities around the world. To capitalize on its advantages, the Shenzhen Council for Promotion of International Trade has tried to build the "Network for International Procurement" along its urban artery beginning 2007 by organizing large professional markets and industrial parks along the artery and its immediate surroundings as participating members and making it a "one-stop" international procurement and trading platform incorporating traditional trade, e-trade, exhibition and show, trade promotion and information exchange, complete with accurate matching services. They join hands with ECVV to provide information on good product suppliers for professional buyers and also offer suppliers all-round international marketing services. As a major promoter of import and export business in the Greater China Region, ECVV can provide companies in all industries and trades with integrated services ranging from online marketing to corporate information portals. Its huge user group and comprehensive and integrated services will enable the "Network for International Procurement" to have a sustained global influence. By June 2007, buyers and sellers registered with ECVV have numbered over 1 million and the number of their product catalogues has exceeded 2 million. There are 50,000 pieces of trade information available on ECVV and its browsing quantity reaches 1 million every day. Its members are from 220 countries and regions and it has 550,000 professional buyers, among them sending more than 15,000 trade inquires every day. The Shenzhen Council for Promotion of International Trade believes it can consolidate the existing professional market resources, form effective advantage complements and resources sharing, upgrade its service quality and brand recognition, forge an associated trade value link and turn from a single force into a comprehensive competitive force with the online cooperation of ECVV and participating cooperation of professional markets and industrial parks. It is confident of forming a unified city image and brand on the basis of Shenzhen's existing geographic, industrial, service and trade advantages, define the orientation of Shenzhen and build a brand-new name for the city in the long run. For more information, please contact: Chen Dong ECVV.COM Phone: +86-755-8246-8418-848 Fax: +86-755-8246-9377 Mobile: +86-1392-6565-799 Email: cdsteven@163.com

Jury Finds for TruePosition on All Counts; Awards TruePosition $45.3 million; Determines Willful Infringement Exists BERWYN, Pa., Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- TruePosition, Inc., a leading provider of wireless location technologies and solutions and a subsidiary of Liberty Media Corporation, today announced that TruePosition has won a patent infringement suit against Andrew Corporation in the United States District Court in the District of Delaware, TruePosition, Inc. v. Andrew Corporation (Civ. No. 05-747-SLR). On September 14, after a trial lasting two weeks, the jury found for TruePosition on all counts and awarded it $45.3 million for Andrew Corporation's willful infringement of its intellectual property. This is the second time that TruePosition has successfully defended its intellectual property rights against Andrew Corporation. In this case, TruePosition sued Andrew Corporation for infringing a patent dealing with the location of wireless phones using the wireless network control channel, known as the "144" or "control channel" patent, which is particularly important for safety and security applications. This suit focused primarily on infringement related to contracts that Andrew Corporation entered into with a customer in Saudi Arabia. "TruePosition is extremely pleased with the jury's decisive verdict in a case that deals with such advanced technology. This verdict is testament to the value -- and the importance -- of the intellectual property that TruePosition creates," said Frederic Beckley, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of TruePosition. TruePosition previously sued Andrew Corporation for infringing other patents. In a 2004 settlement, Andrew agreed to pay TruePosition total compensation amounting to $42 million. In 2001, TruePosition also prevailed in an infringement suit against SigmaOne Communications Corp. in a case that involved the same patent at issue in the most recent suit against Andrew Corporation. TruePosition was represented by Woodcock Washburn LLP in all three actions. "We will continue to vigorously enforce and protect TruePosition's exceptional innovations in wireless location technology," said Stephen Stuut, CEO of TruePosition. "This win illustrates our obligation to continuously deliver pioneering next generation safety solutions and other wireless location solutions to wireless providers and their customers." TruePosition - Market Leader for E-911 With more than 15 years of experience and unrivaled technical expertise, TruePosition leads the US market in terms of wireless location systems deployed for Enhanced 911 service. TruePosition has successfully deployed over 75,000 location measurement units that cover more than 270 million people, and locates the majority of the 100 million wireless 911 calls made annually. About TruePosition TruePosition is dedicated to the development and implementation of advanced wireless location products, services and devices, providing complete solutions to support the wireless location needs of the global marketplace. In addition to providing industry leading core location technologies, TruePosition supports all levels of the wireless location value chain to offer turnkey solutions. TruePosition's foundation was built on the development of advanced location systems, which include handset, network and hybrid location solutions. Today, TruePosition can offer hybrid location systems that incorporate Cell ID, Enhanced Cell ID, Uplink Time Difference of Arrival, Angle of Arrival, and Assisted GPS to power the next generation of location-based services. TruePosition is a subsidiary of Liberty Media Corporation and is attributed to its Liberty Capital Group (Nasdaq: LINTA, LINTB, LCAPA, LCAPB). For more information, visit http://www.trueposition.com . For more information, please contact: Beth Hespe Garfield Group Public Relations Tel: +1-215-867-8600 ext. 235 Email: bhespe@garfieldgroup.com Mike Amarosa, Senior Vice President Public Affairs at TruePosition Tel: +1-212-301-2814 Email: Mike.Amarosa@trueposition.com

WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Department of the Interior will wait until next year to see if Congress addresses flawed oil and natural gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico or leaves it to government agencies to do so, the new director of the Minerals Management Service (MMS), Randall Luthi, said Monday at a Platts Energy Podium roundtable in Washington. "I want to see what Congress does and evaluate all the possibilities," Luthi said. Luthi did not rule out resuming negotiations with companies whose leases lack customary provisions requiring producers to pay royalties when oil and gas prices rise to certain levels. The government has estimated that the omissions ultimately could cost taxpayers $10 billion in lost royalty revenue. "Certainly, I would like to resolve this issue before I leave," said Luthi, whom the Senate confirmed for the post in July. He noted that there are about 15 months left in the Bush administration, after which he is likely to be replaced. Congress is considering a number of measures to force companies to renegotiate their Gulf leases to include price thresholds, including preventing those that refuse from obtaining new leases. Six companies agreed to the changes last year but more than 40 others, including majors ChevronTexaco and ExxonMobil, have refused to do so, saying their lease contracts with the government are legally binding. Luthi acknowledged the legal issue. "It's hard to tell a company you have to renegotiate because we made a mistake," he said. Among other issues, Luthi said MMS is especially optimistic about an October 3 oil and gas auction in the central Gulf of Mexico because of the resource potential of a number of tracts. "We suspect that it will be the largest sale in a decade, in terms of money," he said. As for offshore alternative energy projects, Luthi said he wanted MMS to complete, as soon as possible, environmental reviews for regulations for wind, wave, solar and hydrogen activities on the Outer Continental Shelf, as well as for the proposed Cape Wind Project, involving 130 turbines off Massachusetts. Both reviews have undergone delays. Sponsored by Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Platts Energy Podium provides an ongoing forum for prominent newsmakers and the press to address important energy and environmental issues. Credentialed members of the media may receive complementary registration for Platts Energy Podium events by contacting Nancy Covey at 202-942-8719, Nancy_Covey@platts.com. A recording of the Randall Luthi session is available via podcast at http://www.energypodium.platts.com . About Platts: Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals information. With nearly a century of business experience, Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries. From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical, emissions, and metals markets. Platts' real-time news, pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help them make better trading and investment decisions. Additional information is available at http://www.platts.com . About The McGraw-Hill Companies: Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . For more information, please contact: Kathleen Tanzy Tel: +1-212-904-2860 Email: Kathleen_Tanzy@platts.com Shiona Ramage Platts-UK Tel: +44-20-7176-6153 Email: shiona_ramage@platts.com Casey Yew Platts-Asia Tel: +65-653-06552 Email: casey_yew@platts.com