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AIAG Selects Intertek to Provide Workplace Standards Training for Automotive Suppliers in China
August 08, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) announced today
that it has selected Intertek Group plc to provide
workplace standards training for automotive suppliers in
China. The training, designed to promote responsible
working conditions, began in July 2007.
    During the past several months, AIAG and Intertek -- a
UK-based organization that works with industry groups and
companies in China on quality, safety and other
international trade programs -- have engaged with suppliers
across China's automotive industry to educate them on
corporate social responsibility and local labor laws, as
well as how to integrate them into their daily business
    "Intertek is privileged to collaborate with the
AIAG in this industry wide project to educate suppliers and
advance sustainable development across China's automotive
supply chain," said Paul Yao, Executive Vice President
of Intertek, who will lead the project initiative with AIAG.

    "This partnership symbolizes an important step
forward," said Dr. Yilong Chen, AIAG general director
of Asia-Pacific affairs & chief representative in
China. "By linking up leading industry members with
suppliers and stakeholders, we will be able to pioneer
sustainable solutions for common goals regarding working

    Launched in October 2005, AIAG's global working
conditions initiative is a collaborative industry-wide
project focused on promoting decent working conditions for
the millions of workers around the world involved in the
production of automobiles. AIAG and Intertek are also
coordinating initial training sessions in Mexico to begin
in the fourth quarter of 2007.

    About AIAG

    Founded in 1982, AIAG is a globally recognized
organization where OEMs and suppliers unite to address and
resolve issues affecting the worldwide automotive supply
chain. AIAG's goals are to reduce cost and complexity
through collaboration; improve product quality, health,
safety and the environment; and optimize speed to market
throughout the supply chain.  Headquartered in the metro
Detroit area, its member companies include North American,
European and Asia-Pacific OEMs and suppliers to the
automotive industry.  More information can be found on the
organization's newly redesigned Web site at
http://www.aiag.org .

    About Intertek

    Intertek is a leading international provider of quality
and safety services to a wide range of global and local
industries. Partnership with Intertek brings increased
value to customers' products and processes ultimately
supporting their success in the global marketplace.
Intertek has the experience, expertise, resources and
global reach to support its customers through its network
of 930 laboratories and offices and 18,000 people in more
than 110 countries around the world. Intertek Group plc
(ITRK) is listed on the London Stock Exchange. More
information can be found at http://www.intertek.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    AIAG China
     Steve Lin
     Tel: +86-21-5081-8727

    Intertek China
     Karbon Wu
     Tel: +86-21-6120-6565
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