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Asahi Tec Books More Than $1 Billion in New Business Since Metaldyne Acquisition
July 12, 2007

    SHIZUOKA, Japan, July 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Asahi
Tec announced today it has booked more than $1 billion in
new business since it merged with Metaldyne Corporation six
months ago. These awards, based on the expected length of
agreements and the annual business revenue, represent
powertrain and chassis business from the company's Asian,
European and North American customers.

    "We believe our ability to win more than $1
billion in new business, in a challenging and competitive
world, underscores the customer's support for the
fundamental strategic, technical and financial strength of
the new company, "said Tim Leuliette, Asahi Tec
co-chairman and co-CEO. "These business awards
represent Japanese, Korean, Chinese, North American and
European customers and cover a broad area of the product
portfolio.  They are examples of how Asahi Tec and
Metaldyne have successfully aligned their interests and
capabilities to create a globally competitive automotive
supplier of highly engineered, precision modules and
components for powertrain and chassis products."
    "We could not be more pleased in this vote of
confidence in our merger," Leuliette said.
    As part of the integration process Asahi Tec and
Metaldyne have combined their technical expertise and
global footprint. As a result, the new company is well
positioned to benefit from the growth of emerging markets
in Asia and Eastern Europe as well as the success of its
customers in North America and Europe.

    "We are pleased to see the expanding global
interest in our products and technology," said
Shoichiro Irimajiri, Asahi Tec co-chairman. "Asahi Tec
closed the transaction to purchase Metaldyne just six months
ago. We are pleased our customers already see the benefits
the innovation and expertise the combined companies bring
to their products."

    The Asahi Tec / Metaldyne transaction represents a
paradigm shift that embraces globalization and opens the
door to a more powerful way of doing business in the global
marketplace. By the end of the decade Asahi Tec expects to
more than double its business with the Asian automakers. By
2009, almost half of its business will be with the Asian

    Specific award details will be announced when
production begins or with individual customer approvals. 

    About Asahi Tec

    Headquartered in Shizuoka, Japan, Asahi Tec (TSE: 5606)
primarily designs, manufactures and sells ductile iron cast
auto parts for truck and construction machinery OEMs,
aluminum casting parts for truck and passenger car OEMs and
aluminum wheels for automobile OEMs. Asahi Tec also designs,
manufactures and sells environmental systems, equipment and
development technologies used by local governments and
municipalities and electrical hardware and equipment used
by electricity generators.
    Its subsidiary, Metaldyne, is a leading global designer
and supplier of metal-based components, assemblies and
modules for transportation related powertrain and chassis
applications including engine, transmission/transfer case,
wheel-end and suspension, axle and driveline, and noise and
vibration control products to the motor vehicle industry. It
is headquartered in Plymouth, Mich.

    Asahi Tec has annual revenues of approximately $2.7
billion and employs approximately 10,000 employees at 55
facilities in 15 countries. For more information, please
visit http://www.asahitec.co.jp and
http://www.metaldyne.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Marge Sorge
     Asahi Tec-Metaldyne
     Tel:  +1-734-207-6597

     Tammera Hallums
     Asahi Tec-Metaldyne
     Tel:  +1-734-207-6713

     Jennifer Lee
     The Millerschin Group
     Tel:  +1-248-276-1970

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