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Germany Presents Investment Advantages at Renewable Energy 2007
October 05, 2007

    CHIBA, Japan, Oct. 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- World
renewable energy leaders are gathering in Chiba, Japan for
"Renewable Energy 2007," a leading industry
convention that brings together executives, engineers, and
researchers from October 10-12th, 2007. Germany is a
popular destination for renewable energy investments and
the country's investment promotion agency, Invest in
Germany, will be at Renewable Energy 2007 to present
advantages of Germany's renewable energies market.

    In 2006, renewable energies and resources in Germany
booked sales of EUR22.9 billion, exports of over EUR6
billion, and accrued investments of over EUR9 billion. The
industry also has over 235,000 workers to its name.

    One major reason for Germany's leading role in
renewable energies is the country's Renewable Energies Act
(EEG in German). The law requires energy companies to
purchase power generated from renewable sources at a price
that is set above the market price. For example,
photovoltaic (PV) facilities coming into service in 2007
receive a "feed-in-tariff" of 38-54EURct/KWh over
twenty years. This law has spawned major interest in the
purchase of renewable energy products and therefore sparked
a ready-made market in Germany that is well positioned for
future investments.

    Germany is building on its current leadership to secure
its renewable energy market for the future. The country is
number one worldwide in PV, wind, and biodiesel energies in
both market size and sales.

    The numbers bear out this claim: In 2006, the PV
industry added 1,150 MWp of new capacity, increasing total
PV installed capacity to 3,060 MWp. PV took in EUR3.8 of
sales in 2006 and is expecting EUR15 billion in investments
by 2012.

    Germany is also the largest wind energy market
worldwide with 20,661 MW and sales of EUR5.6 billion.
Investments of up to EUR13 billion are expected by 2012.
Biodiesel also generated EUR2.5 billion in sales in 2006.
Its projected investment total for 2012 is EUR16 billion.

    These sectors are thriving not only because of strong
political conditions, but also because of Germany's highly
qualified workforce, R&D through universities and
scientific institutes, location in the center of an
expanding European Union (EU), and the trusted "Made
in Germany" label.

    For more information on investments in Germany visit
Invest in
Germany at the German Federal Booth at Renewable Energy
2007 (Hall 7, 
Booth 82).

    Invest in Germany is the inward investment promotion
agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its mandate is
to assist and advise international companies about
investment opportunities in Germany. Invest in Germany
provides comprehensive support from site selection to the
implementation of investment decisions.

    Media Contact:
    Eva Henkel
    Invest in Germany
    Phone: +49-30-200099-173
    Fax: +49-30-200099-111
    Email: henkel@invest-in-germany.com

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