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ISPA Issues Immediate Recall of 2007 Global Consumer Studies
November 06, 2007

    LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
International SPA Association Monday issued a recall of its
2007 Global Consumer Studies conducted by a major outside
research firm, citing a number of statistical and
analytical errors associated with the research. This recall
includes all information contained in the ISPA 2007 Global
Consumer Report; the ISPA 2007 Asia-Pacific Consumer
Report; and the Spa & Institut Beyond Beauty Paris 2007
European Consumer Report, done in partnership with ITEC
France.  The recall includes copies of the reports and/or
speeches, PowerPoint presentations and press releases that
included information from the studies.

    "We value our members and the relationships we
have forged with them over the years," said ISPA
President Lynne Walker McNees.  "Our members and the
media trust ISPA and the quality research we deliver.  This
cannot be compromised. That's why we have terminated our
relationship with the research firm and are issuing this
recall in conjunction with our sincere regret for the
errors in the research.  We also want to offer our personal
pledge to issue a refund to everyone who purchased this
information. Our intention is to immediately begin working
on a more comprehensive Global Report."

    McNees stressed that only the 2007 Global Consumer
Report data and analysis were being recalled, not any of
the data collected in prior years and none of the data
included in the 2007 ISPA Spa Industry Study, which is
being released at the ISPA Conference & Expo, Nov.
12-15.  "We have the utmost confidence in our previous
research, which was conducted by different firms, and stand
by it," said McNees.

    All of the data and analysis in the 2007 Global
Consumer Studies are being recalled and will not be used as
benchmarks in future research.  In order for all of the
recalled data and analysis to be eliminated from usage
immediately, please make note of some of the incorrect data
which has been used most frequently:

    --  The number of active spa-goers worldwide.
    --  The primary reasons for visiting spas worldwide. 
    --  The most popular spa treatments worldwide. 

    Copies of the 2007 Asia-Pacific Consumer Report were
distributed in China in June.  Portions of the 2007 Global
Consumer Report were released during the ISPA Media Event
in New York City on August 9.  The Spa & Institut
Beyond Beauty Paris 2007 European Consumer Report was
released in October during the Beyond Beauty Show in Paris.


    Those who purchased the European Report or pre-ordered
the Global Report through ITEC may contact ITEC for a
refund at infos@beyondbeautyparis.com and + 33 1 44 69 95

    If you pre-ordered a copy of the complete Global
Consumer Study through ISPA, your credit card will be

    About ITEC France

    Organizer of the International Beyond Beauty Paris
event including five trade shows (Cosmeeting, Spa &
Institut, Pharmameeting Ingredients, Creative), the fifth
annual edition will now take place from Oct. 5 to 7, 2008
in Paris, France. Through its five specialized trade shows,
Beyond Beauty Paris is also positioned as an European
"industry reference" of the beauty and wellness
industries. Additional information on ITEC France is
available online at http://www.beyondbeautyparis.com.

    About the International SPA Association

    With more than 3,000 members in 75 countries, ISPA is
recognized worldwide as the leading professional
organization and voice of the spa industry. Founded in
1991, ISPA advances the spa industry by providing
invaluable educational and networking opportunities,
promoting the value of the spa experience and speaking as
the authoritative voice to foster professionalism and

    For more information, please contact:

     Debra Locker
     International SPA Association
     Tel:   +1-859-226-4374
     Email: debra.locker@ispastaff.com
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