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Naverus Congratulates Air China on RNP Approval for Airbus A319
August 25, 2007

World's First Airbus Aircraft to Use RNP in Revenue Service

    SEATTLE, Aug. 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Naverus congratulates Air China on receiving approval
to conduct RNP operations with their Airbus A319 fleet.  On
August 23, 2007 an Air China A319 departed Lhasa, China
using Naverus RNP procedures making it the World's first
Airbus to use RNP in revenue service.  Naverus, Airbus, the
Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), the European
Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Air China all contributed
to the achievement of this milestone.

    RNP (Required Navigation Performance) represents the
most modern aircraft navigation technique.  It utilizes GPS
and sophisticated avionics to ensure that aircraft stay on
precise, pre-programmed paths.  Air China A319s will now
use this capability to safely guide them through Himalayan
mountain valleys when arriving and departing the airport at
Lhasa.  In addition to providing navigation solutions for
terrain challenged airports, RNP can be used to increase
safety and operational efficiency while minimizing aircraft
emissions and noise at any airport.
    This marks the second aircraft type approved by the
CAAC for RNP operations and demonstrates their commitment
to obtain the safety, efficiency and environmental benefits
of RNP throughout China.

    About Naverus

    Naverus is the worldwide RNP leader, having produced
more than 350 procedures.  The company's designs represent
the overwhelming majority of RNP procedures in active use
today.  Naverus provides a full range of RNP products and
services including assisting regulatory agencies with the
establishment of standards, aircraft manufacturers with
equipment certification and operators with the
implementation and maintenance of network-wide RNP
programs.  Naverus RNP procedures incorporate fuel-saving
efficiencies and other benefits making them popular with
airlines.  Customers include Airbus, Air China, Air New
Zealand, Boeing, jetBlue, Jetstar, Qantas, Southwest
Airlines, Virgin Blue and WestJet.  The Seattle company,
which is privately-held, was founded in 2003.

    For more information, please contact:

     Eric Nordling of Naverus
     Phone:   +1-703-328-7032
     Email:   enordling@naverus.com
     Website: http://www.naverus.com 

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