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Novo Nordisk Changing Diabetes(R) Bus World Tour Rolls Into the Big Apple to Mark World Diabetes Day
November 14, 2007

    PRINCETON, N.J., Nov. 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
Changing Diabetes(R) Bus and Village will host visitors
today at New York City's Union Square Park, as its tour
around the globe concludes on the eve of the first United
Nations-sanctioned World Diabetes Day.  Novo Nordisk, the
sponsor of the tour, invites visitors to Union Square Park
to participate in the global drive to raise awareness about
diabetes prevention and control, and encourage New Yorkers
to change the future of diabetes today.  Admission to the
Novo Nordisk Changing Diabetes(R) Bus event is free and
open to the public today from 11am to 7pm in Union Square's
North Plaza.

    Basketball Hall of Famer and diabetes advocate,
Dominique Wilkins of the Atlanta Hawks, is an ambassador
for the campaign.  Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2000,
'Nique has been sharing his personal story in order to
motivate and educate the public about this disease.   

    "When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
nearly eight years ago, it came as a shock -- I thought I
couldn't have it because I was in great shape," said
Dominique Wilkins.  "After I got through the denial, I
decided I had to do something about it.  I am now joining
Novo Nordisk to call on all New Yorkers to change diabetes
for good -- make important lifestyle changes for ourselves,
and pass these good habits on to our children."

    The number of people living with diabetes in New York
City is rising at an alarming rate, more than doubling in
the past ten years.  It is estimated that more than half a
million (530,000) New Yorkers -- close to one in eight
adults -- have been diagnosed with diabetes.  More
alarmingly, an additional 265,000 have diabetes but don't
know it -- bringing the total number of New Yorkers with
diabetes to nearly 800,000.  City health officials have
recognized diabetes as an epidemic that is taking a large
and devastating toll on New York City with death rates,
debilitating complications and hospitalizations soaring as
a result.  

    About the event

    The Changing Diabetes(R) Bus, a 59-foot mobile
showroom, provides visitors with unique and interactive
multimedia exhibits where they can learn about diabetes and
why controlling it is critical -- for themselves and loved
ones.  Since its 2006 launch in Copenhagen, Denmark, the
Bus has logged more than 27,000 miles across five
continents -- Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia and North
America -- and more than 77,000 people have visited the
exhibit.  The Bus is designed to educate both adults and
children.  In addition to learning about diabetes, visitors
will have the opportunity to make a difference in the global
fight against diabetes by signing a petition to support the
UN Resolution on diabetes and sharing their opinions about
what they would change about how diabetes is currently

    A wide range of services will be provided to visitors
in the Changing Diabetes(R) Bus and Village.  Adults can
receive free screenings for blood sugar levels, cholesterol
and blood pressure, while children will have their own play
area, where they can draw, and enjoy face paintings and
balloon twisting.  Visitors can also receive fashion,
make-up and nutrition advice from the Divabetic - Makeover
Your Diabetes team.  The organization brings together
nationally-known beauty and fashion experts and diabetes
educators to encourage women to improve how they or their
loved ones live with diabetes.  Additionally, Zippora Karz,
former ballerina with the New York City Ballet, will sign
free copies of her new children's book, "Ballerina
Dreams."  The illustrated book follows the true story
of Zippora Karz, who overcame the challenges of living with
diabetes to successfully pursue her dream of being a
ballerina.  The book signing session will be open to the
public at 3:00 PM.

    Children's Drawing Contest

    Zippora Karz will also announce the international
winner of the Novo Nordisk Children's Drawing Contest.  The
contest provides children with diabetes with an opportunity
to express their emotions about living with diabetes and
allows others to see how diabetes affects them. Type 2
diabetes in the young is a global phenomenon and on the
rise. Through the art contest, Novo Nordisk aims to
encourage children to actively take control of their

    The contest took place between September 2006 and
October 2007 in select countries around the globe and was
open to children with diabetes between the ages of 4 and
12.  Winning entries from each country will be displayed at
the event in New York City.

    The international grand prize winner wins a family trip
to the Walt Disney World theme park closest to their home. 

    Novo Nordisk is a healthcare company with an 84-year
history of innovation and achievement in diabetes care. The
company has the broadest diabetes product portfolio in the
industry, including the most advanced products within the
area of insulin delivery systems. In addition to diabetes
care, Novo Nordisk has a leading position within areas such
as hemostasis management, growth hormone therapy, and
hormone therapy for women. Novo Nordisk's business is
driven by the Triple Bottom Line: a commitment to economic
success, environmental soundness, and social responsibility
to employees and customers. With headquarters in Denmark,
Novo Nordisk employs more than 25,800 employees in 79
countries, and markets its products in 179 countries. Novo
Nordisk's B shares are listed on the stock exchanges in
Copenhagen and London. Its ADRs are listed on the New York
Stock Exchange under the symbol 'NVO'. For global
information, visit http://novonordisk.com; for United
States information, visit http://novonordisk-us.com. 

    For more information about the Changing Diabetes(R)
Bus, please visit:

    Changing Diabetes is a registered trademark of Novo
Nordisk A/S.

    For more information, please contact:

     Susan Jackson
     Novo Nordisk
     Tel:    +1-609-919-7776
     Mobile: +1-609-933-4103

     Tony Ho Loke
     Biosector 2
     Tel:    +1-212-845-5607
     Mobile: +1-917-714-3555
     Email:  tholoke@biosector2.com

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