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Supreme Master Television Celebrates One Year Anniversary with Special Peace Programs and Entertainment Programs From Around the World
September 03, 2007

    LOS ANGELES, Sept. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Supreme
Master Television, a pioneer of 24-hour positive
programming, is celebrating its one year anniversary with a
prime-time special highlighting peace developments around
the world.  This week long celebration is planned for
broadcast from September 3-9, 2007.  Since its premiere on
September 7, 2006, Supreme Master Television has
steadfastly gained a loyal global audience with its
inspiring programs. 

    ( Photo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070901/NYSA002 )

    Supreme Master Television is devoted exclusively to
promoting noble thinking, good works, and peaceful ways. 
Its colorful array of uplifting programs includes a range
of genres, from entertainment and film, to news and
documentaries, lifestyle and culture, with new and
meaningful shows continually added to the eclectic show

    In cooperation with its international correspondents,
Supreme Master Television currently broadcasts with over 12
subtitles. Available languages are: English, French, German,
Russian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese,
Vietnamese, Arabic, Hungarian, Zulu, Croatian, Polish,
Swedish, Indonesian, Romanian, Thai, Portuguese, Turkish,
Bulgarian, Dutch, and more to come.  

    With its popularity on Hotbird 6 at 13 degrees East,
since July 2007, Supreme Master Television is additionally
broadcasting on Astra 1L at 19.2 degrees East, reaching 109
million more households in Europe, Northern Africa and the
Middle East. It is also conveniently available worldwide
with live streaming online at
http://www.SupremeMasterTV.com . Announcements of Supreme
Master Television are found in the world's major
publications such as TIME magazine, USA Today, The
Guardian, Frankfurter Allgemeine, and Le Monde. 

    Supreme Master Television has offered audiences a new
way to view television -- in a purely positive light.  From
its live broadcasts of peace-building events, to interviews
with presidents, celebrities and the extraordinary peace
wishes of ordinary people, Supreme Master Television is a
bridge for understanding through its features on the beauty
of all nations and cultures. Recognitions have come from
government such as Mayor of Los Angeles, celebrities and
viewers around the world.

    NOTE TO EDITORS: Channel Information:

    Hotbird 6 at 13 degrees E, frequency/TP: 10853 MHz,
Polarization: horizontal, PID: video 32, audio 43, PCR 0,
symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, Astra 1L at 19.2 degrees E,
Frequency: 12633.25 MHz, Polarization: Horizontal, PID:
video 234, audio 334, FEC 5/6

    For more information, please contact:

     Priscilla Upton
     Supreme Master Television
     Tel:   +1-626-444-4385
     Fax:   +1-626-444-4386
     Email: info-ch@SupremeMasterTV.com 
     Web:   http://www.suprememastertv.com
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