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Trustwave is New Brand Name of AmbironTrustWave
September 19, 2007

    CHICAGO, Sept. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
AmbironTrustWave announces the change of their brand name
to Trustwave, effective immediately. 

    Trustwave better represents the value provided to
customers and accurately reflects the company's evolution
from a provider of compliance services to that of a total
information security and compliance management solutions

    "Our name reflects the core value that we create
and deliver for our clients -- trust. Businesses and
organizations are required to secure both personal and
payment-related information of millions of consumers to
meet regulatory mandates. Our comprehensive and proprietary
data security and compliance management solutions enable our
clients to reassure their customers that their information
is protected," says Robert J. McCullen, chairman and
CEO of Trustwave. 

    Trustwave's solutions -- including compliance
management services, managed security services and SSL
certificates -- create a secure environment for consumers
and businesses. With increased attention on security
breaches, now, more than ever, consumers are aware of the
risk inherent in sharing confidential information with the
organizations they patronize. Trustwave establishes trusted
connections between a business and their partners, employees
and customers.  

    "We have been working with Trustwave for several
years and have benefited from their comprehensive data
security and compliance management solutions," says
Michael Herman, chief compliance officer of Chase
Paymentech Solutions.  "The updated brand accurately
represents their evolution as a business, and we look
forward to receiving the same level of quality service we
have come to expect from Trustwave."

    Organizations choose Trustwave to instill and maintain
consumer confidence in their ability to handle confidential
and personal information securely.  As a global solutions
provider, Trustwave serves customers in North and South
America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and
Australia, with more than 250 employees worldwide and
offices throughout those continents. 

    About Trustwave 

    Trustwave is a global provider of information security
and compliance management solutions to businesses and the
public sector. The company has serviced more than 30,000
organizations throughout the world including banks,
merchants, service providers and software developers that
are required to validate compliance with industry best
practices for safeguarding information endorsed by American
Express, Discover, MasterCard Worldwide, Visa International
and Visa USA. Trustwave is a leading certificate authority
with thousands of secure sockets layer (SSL) certificates
issued. Trustwave is headquartered in Chicago with offices
throughout North America, South America, Europe, the Middle
East, Africa, Asia and Australia.

    For more information, please contact:

     Michelle Nisenboim 
     Phone:   +1-312-873-7288
     Email:   mnisenboim@trustwave.com
     Website: http://www.atwcorp.com
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