

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。



AerCap Holdings N.V. Announces Aircraft and Engine Transactions for the Third Quarter 2007
October 11, 2007

    AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
AerCap Holdings N.V. ("AerCap," NYSE: AER) today
provided a summary of its transactions in the third quarter
2007. AerCap signed new lease agreements for six aircraft
and executed letters of intent for leases in respect of 22
aircraft from its owned and managed portfolios. In
addition, the company delivered four aircraft and seven
engines under lease agreements, purchased one aircraft and
one engine, and sold 12 aircraft and four engines.

    "AerCap's transactions in the third quarter
reflect the robust activities across our business segments
from selling and purchasing aircraft and engines to
aircraft and engine leasing, and asset management. AerCap's
infrastructure, extensive experience, global reach and
operating capabilities allow us to rapidly complete
numerous transactions, which enables us to increase the
returns on our aircraft investments," said Klaus
Heinemann, Chief Executive Officer of AerCap. "The
continuing strong market conditions in the third quarter
helped us maintain our course of growth, further optimize
our portfolio and meet the needs of our customers."
    Lease Activities: Four Aircraft Delivered and Letters
of Intent for 22 Aircraft Executed in Third Quarter 2007

    New Lease Agreements

    The average term of the new aircraft lease contracts
signed during the quarter, which were all for used
aircraft, was 80 months. Letters of intent were executed
(signed and deposit paid by lessee) with an average lease
term of 108 months for new aircraft and 62 months for used
aircraft. Sixteen of the 22 letters of intent signed in the
third quarter 2007 involved new aircraft scheduled for
delivery from the manufacturer in the next few years. On
completion of the transactions included in the letters of
intent, AerCap will add six new customers to its customer

    New aircraft lease agreements signed in the third
quarter for future delivery to the operator included:
    -- One Airbus A321 for Monarch Airlines (United
    -- Two Boeing 767-300 for GOL, parent company of VRG
(Brazil), and
    -- Three Airbus A320 for Aerolineas Argentinas
(Argentina). Aerolineas   
       Argentinas will be a new customer in AerCap's
operator base.

    New engine lease agreements were signed for:
    -- Six 6 CFM 56 engines, and
    -- One Pratt and Whitney 2037 engine

    During the first three quarters of 2007, AerCap has
signed a total of 18 new lease agreements for aircraft and
38 new lease agreements for engines. As of September 30,
2007 AerCap also executed letters of intent for 50 aircraft
leases, of which 41 were for new aircraft to be delivered
from the manufacturer.


    Aircraft deliveries in the third quarter under
previously contracted lease agreements included:
    -- One Boeing 737-800 to Air Berlin (Germany)
    -- One Boeing 737-400 to Nok Air (Thailand), 
    -- One Airbus A321 to Asiana Airlines (South Korea),
    -- One Fokker 100 to Click Mexicana (Mexico).
    AerCap has delivered to lessees a total of 25 aircraft
and 38 engines from its owned and managed portfolio in the
first three quarters of 2007.

    Purchase Activities: 29 Aircraft and 11 Engines
Purchased in First Three Quarters 2007

    During the third quarter 2007, AerCap added to its
owned portfolio:
    -- One new Boeing 737-800, and
    -- One CFM 56 engine.  

    In total, AerCap purchased 29 aircraft and 11 engines
in the first three quarters of 2007.

    Sales Activities: Optimizing Lease Portfolios by
Disposal of Older Aircraft With an Average Age of 13 Years

    The sales transactions closed in the third quarter 2007
from AerCap's owned portfolio included:
    -- Three Airbus A330, 
    -- One Boeing 757-200,
    -- One MD87,
    -- Two Fokker 100, and
    -- Four engines (one Rolls-Royce Tay, two CFM 56, one
CF 34).

    The sales transactions closed in the third quarter 2007
from AerCap's managed portfolio included:
    -- Three Dornier 328-100,
    -- One Fokker 100
    -- One MD82. 
    AerCap has sold a total of 15 aircraft and 19 engines
from its owned portfolio and a total of 18 aircraft from
its managed portfolio during the first three quarters of

    In addition to the completed sales activities above,
AerCap signed an agreement for the sale of two owned A300
freighters and a letter of intent for the sale of seven
owned and three managed Fokker 100 aircraft.  The
completion of one A300 freighter sale is expected in fourth
quarter 2007, and the other aircraft sale is expected to be
completed in third quarter 2008.  The completion of the
Fokker 100 aircraft sales are expected to be completed
during fourth quarter 2007 and first quarter 2008. 

    Portfolio Summary

    At the end of the third quarter 2007, AerCap's
portfolio consisted of 325 aircraft and 65 engines that
were either owned, on order, under contract or letter of
intent, or managed. 

    The information above includes transactions completed
by AerCap and AeroTurbine, AerCap's subsidiary in the
United States, which focuses on engine leasing and trading,
airframe and engine disassembly, part sales and MRO

    AerCap Holdings N.V. intends to report its transactions
on a quarterly basis going forward.

    About AerCap

    AerCap is an integrated global aviation company with a
leading market position in aircraft and engine leasing,
trading and parts sales. AerCap also provides aircraft
management services and performs aircraft and engine
maintenance, repair and overhaul services and aircraft
disassemblies through its certified repair stations. AerCap
is headquartered in The Netherlands and has offices in
Ireland, the United States, China and the United Kingdom. 

    This press release may contain forward-looking
statements that involve risks and uncertainties. In most
cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by
terminology such as "may", "should",
"expects", "plans",
"anticipates", "believes",
"estimates", "predicts",
"potential" or "continue" or the
negative of such terms or similar terminology.  Such
forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future
performance and involve significant assumptions, risks and
uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially
from those in the forward-looking statements. 

    For more information, please contact:

     For Media: 
     Frauke Oberdieck
     Tel:   +31-20-655-9616 
     Email: foberdieck@aercap.com

     For Investors:
     Peter Wortel
     Tel:   +31-20-655-9658
     Email: pwortel@aercap.com

GSMA's Global Mobile Awards 2008 -- Now Open for Entry
October 11, 2007

    LONDON, Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    The GSMA's Global Mobile Awards enter their 13th year
with an official call for entry to the 2008 programme
today. The awards deadline is 30th November 2007.

    Recognising best in class mobile services for consumers
such as mobile entertainment, including gaming, music,
video, advertising and social networking plus enterprise
services, handsets, technologies, innovation and marketing,
the Global Mobile Awards 2008 will be presented at the
mobile industry's biggest annual event, the Mobile World
Congress (formerly the 3GSM World Congress) in Barcelona
next February.

    "These awards celebrate the very best achievements
in an industry that continues to push back the boundaries on
a daily basis," said Rob Conway, CEO of the GSMA.
"The categories for 2008 have been specially designed
to recognise the wealth of innovation and ingenuity from
all corners of our eco-system that contribute to the
continued growth, diversity and vitality of mobile

    The spirit of the industry in terms of its social and
economic contribution is captured in the 'Bridging the
Digital Divide' Award, created to demonstrate the unique
role of mobile communications in connecting people,
communities and nations throughout the world, a poignant
theme in the GSM industry's 20th anniversary year.

    The awards will be judged by independent analysts,
journalists and subject matter experts, the winners will be
announced on Tuesday 12th February 2008 at a gala dinner at
the National Palace in Barcelona, during the mobile World

    The 2008 categories are as follows:

    Best Mobile Entertainment

    -- Best Mobile Game
    -- Best Mobile Music Service
    -- Best Mobile Video Service
    -- Best Mobile Social Networking Service
    -- Best Mobile Infotainment Portal for

    Best Mobile Services

    -- Best Mobile Enterprise Product or Service
    -- Best Mobile Messaging Service

    Best Mobile Handset or Device

    Best Mobile Marketing & Promotion

    -- Best Broadcast Commercial
    -- Best Mobile Advertising

    Best Use of Mobile for Social & Economic

    Best Technology

    -- Best Network Quality Initiative
    -- Best Service Delivery Platform
    -- Best Billing or Customer Care Solution
    -- Best Roaming Product or Service

    Full category, rules, entry forms and details about the
gala dinner can be found at

    The GSMA's Mobile Innovation Global Awards are now part
of an ongoing Mobile Innovation Marketplace designed to help
the thousands of small and medium-sized companies who are
developing innovative mobile products and services, reach
mobile operators and bring their innovations to end-users

    The Mobile Innovation Global Awards are also now open
for entry with the same deadline of 30th November 2007.

    From the innovation award entries, the GSMA will
endorse the 'Top 50 Innovators' that, in the view of the
judges, will help fuel new growth opportunities for
operators and investors alike. All 50 will be invited to
pitch to the Mobile Innovation Market at the Mobile World
Congress, where ten category winners will be selected, and
one overall Mobile Innovation Winner will be announced at
the Global Mobile Awards gala dinner. More information can
be found at: http://www.mobileinnovation.org

    The Mobile Innovation Global Awards categories for 2008

    -- Most Innovative Device Centric Technology
    -- Most Innovative Carrier Infrastructure or Platforms
    -- Most Innovative Mobile Application in a Vertical
    -- Most Innovative Consumer Application or Service
    -- Most Innovative True Mobile Start-Up

    About the GSMA:

    The GSMA (The GSM Association) is the global trade
association representing more than 700 GSM mobile phone
operators across 218 countries and territories of the
world. In addition, more than 200 manufacturers and
suppliers support the Association's initiatives as key

    For more information about the GSM Association see:

    For more information, please contact: 

     Mark Smith
     The GSM Association, 
     Tel:   +44-78-50-22-97-24
     Email: press@gsm.org
     David Pringle
     Tel:   +44-79-57-55-60-69
     Email: press@gsm.org

Xinhua FTSE Index promptly adds China Shenhua Energy to A Share Index Series
October 11, 2007

    BEIJING, Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua FTSE
Index (XFI), the independent China index company, announced
today that it would incorporate China Shenhua Energy
(601088, A Share), in its suite of A share indices,
following its IPO on Shanghai Stock Exchange on 9th
October. The inclusion will take effect when China markets
open on October 22, 2007. China Shenhua Energy is the
largest coal miner in China.

    Applying the fast-track entry rules, the company will
become a constituent of the Xinhua/FTSE China A50 Index,
and Shenergy (600642, A Share) will be excluded with the
rebalance of the index. Shenhua will also enter Xinhua FTSE
200, 400, 600, and All Share indices, as well as the Xinhua
FTSE Insurance Investment Index. For further details
regarding rebalancing, please refer to the technical notice

    The stock is added as a fast entry to the index (i.e.,
it does not need to wait until the regular quarterly
review) as XFI Ground Rules allow for sufficiently large
stocks to be added after listing. This rule is in place to
ensure that the index remains an up to date and accurate
reflection of the market it measures, and allows investors
to use the index as a tracking and analysis tool with
confidence and precision.  

    More information about the Xinhua FTSE Index Series is
available at http://www.XinhuaFTSE.com .

    About Xinhua FTSE Index 
    Established in late 2000, Xinhua FTSE Index (XFI), a
joint venture between Xinhua Finance Limited and FTSE, came
into being to facilitate the creation of real-time indices
for the Chinese market. The indices can be used as a basis
for the trading of derivatives, index-tracking funds,
Exchange Traded Funds and as performance benchmarks. The
combination of FTSE's expertise in international indexing
with Xinhua Finance's strong presence and capabilities in
China creates a level of expertise in the Chinese market
that is unprecedented. Providing the combined coverage for
the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, all of the Xinhua/FTSE
indices are designed according to internationally proven
index methodology to ensure products are transparent, clear
and consistent. For daily data and further information,
please visit http://www.XinhuaFTSE.com .

    About FTSE Group

    FTSE Group is a world-leader in the creation and
management of indexes. With offices in Beijing, London,
Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Madrid, Paris, New York, San
Francisco, Boston, Shanghai and Tokyo, FTSE Group services
clients in 77 countries worldwide.  It calculates and
manages the FTSE Global Equity Index Series, which includes
world-recognized indexes ranging from the FTSE All-World
Index, the FTSE4Good series and the FTSEurofirst Index
series, as well as domestic indexes such as the prestigious
FTSE 100. The company has collaborative arrangements with
the Athens, AMEX, Cyprus, Euronext, Johannesburg London,
Madrid, NASDAQ Thailand and Taiwan exchanges, as well as
Nomura Securities, Hang Seng and Xinhua Finance of China.
FTSE also has a collaborative agreement with Dow Jones
Indexes to develop a single sector classification system
for global investors.

    FTSE indexes are used extensively by investors
world-wide for investment analysis, performance
measurement, asset allocation, portfolio hedging and for
creating a wide range of index tracking funds. Independent
committees of senior fund managers, derivatives experts,
actuaries and other experienced practitioners review all
changes to the indexes to ensure that they are made
objectively and without bias.  Real-time FTSE indexes are
calculated on systems managed by Reuters. Prices and FX
rates used are supplied by Reuters.  

    About Xinhua Finance Limited 

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial
information and media service provider and is listed on the
Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance's proprietary content platform,
comprising Indices, Ratings, Financial News, and Investor
Relations, serves financial institutions, corporations and
re-distributors worldwide.  Through its subsidiary Xinhua
Finance Media Limited (NASDAQ: XFML), Xinhua Finance
leverages its content across multiple distribution channels
in China including television, radio, newspaper, magazine
and outdoor media. Founded in November 1999, Xinhua Finance
 is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and news bureaus
spanning 11 countries worldwide.   

    For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    For more information, please contact:
     Jean LI
     Xinhua FTSE Beijing office
     Tel:   +86-10-5864-5276
     Email: jean.li@xinhuaftse.com

     Shanghai/Hong Kong
     Joy Tsang
     Xinhua Finance
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5999
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

     Hong Kong
     Meredith Blakemore
     FTSE HK
     Tel:   +852-2230-5801
     Email: meredith.blakemore@ftse.com

Xinhua Finance Limited (TSE: 9399) names new ratings business head
October 11, 2007

    SHANGHAI, Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance
Limited ("XFL"; TSE: 9399; OTC ADRs: XHFNY),
China's premier financial information and media services
provider, today announced it has appointed Dr. Chen
Chung-Hsing as head of its Ratings Service Line. He also
takes a position as vice-chairman of Shanghai Far East
Credit Rating ("SFE"), a Chinese credit ratings
agency and an affiliated company of Xinhua Finance since
2005. Dr. Chen joins XFL from Bank of Overseas Chinese
Leasing Co. in Taiwan where he was chairman and president.
He has strong experience as a regulator, academician and
senior executive at various leading financial

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926-min.gif )

    Photo link of Dr. Chen:

    Dr. Chen's expertise in ratings is evidenced by his
establishment in 1997 of Taiwan Ratings Corporation (TRC),
Taiwan's first ratings agency, now 51% controlled by
Standard and Poor's, and in 2001 his pioneering effort as
one of the founding members of the Asian Association of
Credit Rating Agencies (ACRAA) . Within four years of their
launch, TRC's ratings were recognized by 90% of the
financial institutions in Taiwan and endorsed by related
local government bureaus. Dr. Chen served as president and
chief executive officer of TRC from founding until 2003.
Following that, he worked in various senior executive
positions at leading financial conglomerate Fuhwa,
including president of its financial consulting group,
chairman of its asset management company and president of
its commercial bank. In 2005, he joined the Bank of
Overseas Chinese Leasing. 

    In his new roles, Dr. Chen will be responsible for
strengthening Xinhua Finance's capabilities in providing
ratings assessments and opinions on Chinese companies and
sectors to financial institutions. Dr. Chen possesses
extensive expertise in the financial services sector,
particularly in fixed income and credit. Throughout his
career, he has been instrumental in promoting the
development of Taiwan's bonds and futures markets,
furthering financial policy research and strengthening the
operations of the various top institutions for which he has

    XFL CEO Ms. Fredy Bush said, "We are pleased to be
joined by Dr. Chen Chung-Hsing, whose leadership in Taiwan's
credit markets and pioneering spirit are a perfect
supplement to Xinhua Finance's own endeavors. His expertise
will be of special importance to Xinhua Finance as we
continue to roll out and refine ratings and research
offerings that are fashioned to meet the evolving
conditions in China's bond and credit markets."  

    Dr. Chen will oversee the further integration of Xinhua
Finance and Shanghai Far East, as ratings committee head of
their collaborative ratings venture, Xinhua Far East China
Ratings ("XFE"). He will play a key role in
shaping both SFE and XFE's macro-economic views in China
and expanding its research and commentary on the country's
rapidly growing sectors and individual companies. He is
appointed to advance the company's efforts in undertaking
strategic initiatives that promote market transparency and
efficiency in China amidst the backdrop of its liberalizing
credit markets.  

    Dr. Chen said, "It is a pleasure to join Xinhua
Finance, an organization that has worked to improve
information disclosure practices in China. The ratings
processes and analytic framework of Xinhua Finance,
developed through the collaborative venture Xinhua Far
East, are well-grounded in international standards. XFE's
competitive advantage lies in its ability to derive
independent, objective and forward-looking ratings
assessments and timely updates, which are based on Xinhua
Finance's comprehensive economic and corporate data." 

    As of the second quarter of 2007, Xinhua Far East has
provided ratings based on public information for 107 of
China's largest domestically and overseas-listed
corporations. XFE aims to provide a definitive stance on
the credit profile of Chinese securities issuers, enabling
market participants to model the risks of investment or
lending. XFE specializes in issuing national scale ratings
to provide greater differentiation among issuers within
China, regardless of the country ranking on a global basis.

    Other positions Dr. Chen has held include president of
Taiwan's Securities & Futures Institute, general
counsel at Taiwan's Securities and Exchange Commission and
associate professor at the Graduate School of Risk
Management and Insurance of National Chengchi University.
He was also very active in promoting standards for just,
efficient and sound capital markets in developing
countries, including China, while chairing various
committees of the International Organization of Securities
Commissions (IOSCO). Dr. Chen holds a doctorate in the
science of jurisprudence from Southern Methodist

    About Xinhua Finance Limited

    Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL") is China's
premier financial information and media service provider
and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock
Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's
financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance's
proprietary content platform, comprising Indices, Ratings,
Financial News, and Investor Relations, serves financial
institutions, corporationsand re-distributors worldwide.
Through its subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media Limited
(Nasdaq: XFML), XFL leverages its content across multiple
distribution channels in China including television, radio,
newspaper, magazine and outdoor media. Founded in November
1999, XFL is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and
news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide.  For more
information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com .

    For more information, please contact:
     Xinhua Finance
      Hong Kong/Shanghai
      Ms. Joy Tsang
      Tel:   +852-3196-3983
      Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

     Taylor Rafferty (Media/IR Contact)
      Mr. James Hawrylak
      Tel:   +81-3-3221-9513
      Email: james.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com

      United States
      Mr. John Dudzinsky
      Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
      Email: john.dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com
Energy Photovoltaics, Inc., Announces Name Change to EPV SOLAR, Inc.
October 11, 2007

Company Adds Key Members to Senior Management Team

    HAMILTON, N.J., Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Energy
Photovoltaics, Inc. (EPV), a thin-film photovoltaic module
manufacturer with headquarters in New Jersey, USA,
announced today a series of organizational and senior staff
changes that reflect the new direction of the company. 
Approved by its Board of Directors and shareholders, Energy
Photovoltaics, Inc., will now operate as EPV SOLAR, Inc.,
effective immediately.   

    EPV SOLAR announced six additions to the senior
management team:

    Chief Financial Officer -- Mr. Tom Werthan:  With over
twenty years of experience in assisting high-technology
companies, Mr. Werthan previously served as Chief Financial
Officer at EMCORE Corp., a publicly traded manufacturer of
compound semiconductor-based components. 

    Vice-President, Operations -- Robert Bryan, Ph.D.:  An
experienced scientist, entrepreneur, and operations
executive, Dr. Bryan founded and spearheaded two successful
companies -- MicroOptical Devices (fiber optics) and Vixel
Corp. (vertical cavity lasers) -- before joining EPV SOLAR.

    Vice-President & General Counsel -- Howard Brodie,
Esq.:  Formerly the Chief Legal Officer, Executive
Vice-President and Secretary of EMCORE Corp., Mr. Brodie
has significant experience in commercial transactions,
mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance and corporate

    Vice-President, Business Development -- Mr. Wayne
LeBlanc:  With 35 years of experience in sales and
marketing, Mr. LeBlanc brings to EPV SOLAR a background in
retail electricity and electric deregulation.  

    Vice-President, Marketing -- Mr. Ren Jenkins:  A
skilled semiconductor industry executive, Mr. Jenkins has
over 20 years of experience in Marketing, Sales, Business
Development, Engineering Management, and Operations.  

    Vice-President, Sales -- Mr. William Weisbecker:  A
co-founder and Vice-President of Quantum Epitaxial Designs,
Inc. (QED), Mr. Weisbecker comes to EPV SOLAR with a solid
foundation of experience in sales and marketing in the
compound semiconductor  industry.  

    EPV SOLAR and New Financing

    EPV SOLAR announced $77.5 Million of new financing on
June 20, 2007, for the purpose of expanding its thin-film
photovoltaic module manufacturing capacity.  The company's
plans call for an increase of more than 85 MW of annual
manufacturing capacity over the next 18 months.  Several
U.S. states and European countries are under consideration
for EPV SOLAR's manufacturing capacity expansion. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Dolores Phillips of EPV SOLAR, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-609-587-3000 x1118
     Email: d.phillips@epv.net

Spirit Evaluating 787 Deliveries and First Flight Reschedule
October 11, 2007

    WICHITA, Kan., Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire / -- 

    Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. (NYSE: SPR) said it is
evaluating Boeing's reschedule of 787 first flight and
first deliveries to customers announced by The Boeing
Company earlier today. "We are disappointed in the
delay but we remain focused on working with our customer
and suppliers to make the program successful over the
long-term," said Spirit AeroSystems' President and CEO
Jeff Turner. The reschedule will likely result in lower
shipments of Spirit product over the next six months.
Spirit is assessing the financial impact on revenues,
earnings, and cash flow over the coming weeks and will
provide updated 2007 financial guidance during the 3rd
quarter conference call planned for November 1, 2007. 

    Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking

    This press release includes forward-looking statements
that reflect the plans and expectations of Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. To the extent that statements in
this press release do not relate to historical or current
facts, they constitute forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by
the use of forward-looking terminology such as
"may," "will," "expect,"
"intend," "estimate,"
"anticipate," "believe,"
"project," "continue," or other similar
words. These statements reflect Spirit AeroSystems Holdings,
Inc.'s current view with respect to future events and are
subject to risks and uncertainties, both known and unknown.
Such risks and uncertainties may cause the actual results of
Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. to vary materially from
those anticipated in forward-looking statements, and
therefore we caution investors not to place undue reliance
on them. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are
not limited to: our customers' aircraft build rates; the
ability to enter into supply arrangements with additional
customers and satisfy performance requirements under
existing contracts; any adverse impact on our customers'
production of aircraft; the success and timely progression
of our customers' new programs including, but not limited
to The Boeing Company's 787 aircraft program; future levels
of business in the aerospace and commercial transport
industries; competition from original equipment
manufacturers and other aerostructures suppliers; the
effect of governmental laws; the effect of new commercial
and business aircraft development programs; the cost and
availability of raw materials; the ability to recruit and
retain highly skilled employees and relationships with
unions; spending by the United States and other governments
on defense; the continuing ability to operate successfully
as a stand alone company; the outcome of ongoing or future
litigation and regulatory actions; and exposure to
potential product liability claims. Additional information
as to factors that may cause actual results to differ
materially from our forward-looking statements can be found
in Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.'s filings with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. undertakes no obligation and
does not intend to update publicly any forward-looking
statements after the date of this press release, except as
required by law. 

    For more information, please contact:

    Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.

     Debbie Gann
     Phone: +1-316-523-2438

     Investor Relations:
     Philip Anderson
     Phone: +1-316-523-1797

Calyon Financial Introduces VWAP and TWAP Algorithmic Execution Tools
October 11, 2007

    CHICAGO, Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Calyon
Financial today announced the introduction of eight new
algorithmic execution tools exclusively available for the
brokerage firm's clients.  The algorithms have been
designed by Calyon Financial's industry-recognized Research
Group to help clients minimize the market impact of their
orders on many of the leading global futures contracts
under a variety of market conditions and trading-day

    The algorithms are based on extensive testing and a
comprehensive, historical market depth tick database on
actively traded CME, CBOT, Eurex, Euronext.Liffe, ICE and
MX contracts assembled by Calyon Financial.  In addition to
offering the eight algorithmic executions, Calyon Financial
also can utilize the data to assist in addressing specific
client queries on how best to work an order and to analyze
how well a given algorithm has behaved after the trade has

    Calyon Financial, a top-tier global brokerage firm that
provides institutional clients with execution and clearing
services on more than 70 financial and commodity exchanges,
is an agency model brokerage and does not engage in
proprietary trading.  This provides clients with the added
assurance that their trades, algorithmic or traditional,
receive top priority and confidentiality.

    With the new algorithmic offerings, Calyon Financial
clients can now request that their orders be worked
utilizing either a VWAP or TWAP strategy with four
different execution tactics ranging from aggressive to
patient for each strategy.  Brief descriptions of the
strategies and execution tactics are:


    -- Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP). VWAP seeks to
match the volume 
       weighted average price for a specified time period.

    -- Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP).  TWAP slices an
order evenly over 

    Execution Tactics

    -- VWAP/TWAP Type 1. Aggressive execution using market
orders to achieve 
       immediate fills.
    -- VWAP/TWAP Type 2. Slightly less aggressive tactic
that pegs limit 
       orders at a specified price over the bid or below
the ask.
    -- VWAP/TWAP Type 3.  Patient execution tactic that
provides a "sticky" 
       peg to the bid (if buying) or offer (if selling),
allowing the client 
       to be a provider of liquidity.
    -- VWAP/TWAP Type 4.  Highly patient execution tactic
functions like the 
       Type 3 tactic with an added conversion to a
historical value if the 
       order slice is not filled within a specified time.

    Calyon Financial clients utilizing these algorithmic
strategies can send instructions to Calyon Financial via
FIX or by the traditional methods of phone or e-mail. 

    About Calyon Financial

    Calyon Financial ( http://www.calyonfinancial.com ) is
a leading global brokerage firm dedicated to providing
institutional clients efficient access to all major
markets.  The firm ranks among the top futures commission
merchants in the world and has access to more than 70
financial and commodity exchanges.  Headquartered in
Chicago, Calyon Financial has a presence in 16 major global
financial centers.  Calyon Financial is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Calyon S.A. ( http://www.calyon.com ), the
corporate banking arm of Credit Agricole.  Calyon is a
major player in financial markets and among Europe's
leading corporate and investment banks.  Credit Agricole
and Calyon each hold AA credit ratings.

    On August 8, 2007, Calyon and Societe Generale signed
the final agreement relative to the merger of the brokerage
activities currently carried out by their respective
subsidiaries, Calyon Financial and Fimat.  The operational
launch of the new entity is scheduled for early 2008,
subject to the approval of supervisory authorities.

    The resulting entity, Newedge, will be controlled 50/50
by Societe Generale and Calyon and will have bank status. It
will be headquartered in Paris, and is expected to have a
combined staff of around 3,000 located in the world's main
financial centers. 

    In a fast-growing market, Newedge will rank as a world
leader in execution, in particular electronic execution, as
well as in clearing derivative products traded in the
Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific. 
    Nothing contained herein should be considered as an
offer or the solicitation of an offer to sell or to buy any
financial instruments discussed herein.  Calyon Financial
SNC is authorized by Banque de France. In the UK, Calyon
Financial SNC's London Branch is regulated by the Financial
Services Authority for the conduct of designated investment
business in the UK. In France, Calyon Financial SNC is
regulated by the Autorite des Marches Financiers and by the
Commission Bancaire. Calyon Financial Inc. is a member of
SIPC and FINRA. (C) Calyon Financial. All rights reserved.

    For more information:

     Barry Neumann
     Calyon Financial Corporate Communications
     Tel:   +1-312-441-4564 
     Email: barry.neumann@calyonfinancial.com
Freedom Acquisition Holdings, Inc. Announces Record Date, Meeting Date and Schedule for Mailing of Definitive Proxy Material
October 11, 2007

    NEW YORK, Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Board of
Directors of Freedom Acquisition Holdings, Inc. (Amex: FRH)
(Amex: FRH.U)(Amex: FRH.WS) ("Freedom") has fixed
the close of business on October 12, 2007 as the record
date (the "Record Date") for the determination of
Freedom stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at
the special meeting of stockholders ("Special
Meeting"), and at any adjournment thereof, relating to
the proposed acquisition of GLG Partners LP and certain
affiliated entities ("GLG") by Freedom and
certain of its wholly-owned subsidiaries, and such other
proposals as disclosed in the proxy materials relating to
the Special Meeting. The Special Meeting is scheduled for
9:00 a.m. on October 31, 2007 at the offices of Greenberg
Traurig, LLP, 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York.
Definitive proxy material for the Special Meeting will be
made available electronically on the Securities and
Exchange Commission's Internet site (www.sec.gov) on or
about October 11, 2007 and mailed to Freedom stockholders
shortly thereafter. Stockholders are urged to review such
material carefully.

    In addition to approval by Freedom stockholders, the
acquisition is subject to receipt of certain regulatory
approvals and satisfaction of all other closing conditions.
The setting of the record date, the meeting date and mailing
of definitive proxy material provides no assurance that the
acquisition will occur. 

    A list of stockholders entitled to vote at the Special
Meeting will be open to the examination of any stockholder,
for any purpose germane to the meeting, during regular
business hours for a period of ten calendar days before the
Special Meeting at Greenberg Traurig, LLP, 200 Park Avenue,
New York, New York 10166, and at the time and place of the
Special Meeting during the duration of such meeting.

    About GLG

    GLG, the largest independent alternative asset manager
in Europe and one of the largest in the world, offers its
base of long-standing prestigious clients a diverse range
of investment products and account management services.
GLG's focus is on preserving client's capital and achieving
consistent, superior absolute returns with low volatility
and low correlations to both the equity and fixed income
markets. Since its inception in 1995, GLG has built on the
roots of its founders in the private wealth management
industry to develop into one of the world's largest and
most recognized alternative investment managers, while
maintaining its tradition of 
client- focused product development and customer service.
As of June 30, 2007, GLG had gross assets under management
of over $21 billion.

    About Freedom 

    Freedom is a blank check company incorporated in
Delaware in 2006 to effect a merger, stock exchange, asset
acquisition, reorganization or similar business combination
with an operating business or businesses which it believes
has significant growth potential. Freedom consummated its
initial public offering on December 28, 2006. 

    Forward-looking Statements

    This press release contains statements relating to
future results of GLG and Freedom that are
"forward-looking statements" as defined in the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual
results may differ materially from those projected as a
result of certain risks and uncertainties. These risks and
uncertainties include, but are not limited to: market
conditions for GLG managed investment funds; performance of
GLG managed investment funds, the related performance fees
and the associated impacts on revenues, net income, cash
flows and fund inflows/outflows; the cost of retaining
GLG's key investment and other personnel or the loss of
such key personnel; risks associated with the expansion of
GLG's business in size and geographically; operational
risk; litigation and regulatory enforcement risks,
including the diversion of management time and attention
and the additional costs and demands on GLG's resources;
risks related to the use of leverage, the use of
derivatives, interest rates and currency fluctuations;
costs related to the proposed acquisition; failure to
obtain the required approvals of stockholders of Freedom
for the proposed acquisition transaction; risks that the
closing of the transaction is substantially delayed or that
the transaction does not close; the successful combination
of Freedom with GLG's business; Freedom's inability to
obtain additional financing to complete the acquisition
transaction; and the limited liquidity and trading of
Freedom securities. Additional information on these and
other factors that may cause actual results and GLG's and
Freedom's performance to differ materially is included in
the Freedom's filings with the SEC, including but not
limited to Freedom's Form 10-K for the year ended December
31, 2006, subsequent Forms 10-Q and preliminary proxy
statement with respect to the Special Meeting filed on
September 21, 2007. Copies may be obtained by contacting
Freedom or on the SEC Internet site (www.sec.gov). Freedom
and GLG caution readers not to place undue reliance upon
any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the
date made. These forward-looking statements are made only
as of the date hereof, and Freedom and GLG undertake no
obligation to release publicly any updates or revisions to
any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of
changes in expectations, events, conditions or
circumstances on which any such statement is based, new
information, future events or otherwise, except as required
by law. 

    Additional Information and Where to Find It

    On September 21, 2007, Freedom filed with the SEC a
preliminary proxy statement in connection with the proposed
acquisition of GLG and intends to mail a definitive proxy
statement and other relevant documents to Freedom
stockholders who are stockholders as of the Record Date.
Freedom's stockholders and other interested persons are
advised to read Freedom's preliminary proxy statement, the
definitive proxy statement, when it becomes available, and
any other relevant documents filed by Freedom with the SEC
in connection with Freedom's solicitation of proxies for
the Special Meeting because these documents contain or will
contain important information about GLG, Freedom, the
proposed acquisition of GLG and the related proposals.
Freedom's stockholders may obtain a copy of the preliminary
proxy statement and definitive proxy statement, when
available, without charge, at the SEC's Internet site
(www.sec.gov) or by directing a request to: Freedom
Acquisition Holdings, Inc., 1114 Avenue of the Americas,
41st Floor, New York, New York 10036, telephone (212)

    Freedom and its directors and officers may be deemed
participants in the solicitation of proxies from Freedom's
stockholders in favor of the approval of the acquisition
and related proposals. Information about those directors
and officers is included in Freedom's public filings with
the SEC. Freedom's stockholders may obtain additional
information about the interests of Freedom's directors and
officers in the acquisition by reading Freedom's
preliminary proxy statement and the definitive proxy
statement when each becomes available.

    For more information, please contact:


     Simon White, Chief Financial Officer
     Phone: +44-20-7016-7000
     Email: simon.white@glgpartners.com

     Michael Hodes, Acting Director of Investor Relations
     Phone: +1-212-224-7223
     Email: michael.hodes@glgpartners.com

    Freedom, in the US: 

     Martin E. Franklin, Chairman
     Phone: +1-914-967-9400

    Freedom, in Europe: 

     Nicolas Berggruen, President and CEO
     Phone: +44-20-7861-0985



     Rupert Younger
     Phone: +44-20-7251-3801
     Email: rupert.younger@finsbury.com

     Amanda Lee
     Phone: +44-20-7251-3801
     Email: amanda.lee@finsbury.com

     Andy Merrill
     Phone: +1-212-303-7600
     Email: andy.merrill@finsbury.com

ANADIGICS Earnings Conference Call to be Webcast October 23, 2007
October 11, 2007

    WARREN, N.J., Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ANADIGICS,
Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD), a leading supplier of wireless and
broadband communications solutions, will host a conference
call to review third quarter 2007 financial results and
provide forward-looking guidance on Tuesday, October 23,
2007 at 5:00 p.m. (ET).  The conference call will be web
cast live on the Company's web site at

    A telephone playback of the conference call will be
available approximately one hour after the call's
completion and can be accessed by dialing 800-839-3115. 
The playback will be available until Tuesday, October 30,

    ANADIGICS will distribute third quarter 2007 financial
results at approximately 4:00 p.m. (ET) on Tuesday, October
23, 2007.


    ANADIGICS, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD - News) is a leading
provider of semiconductor solutions in the rapidly growing
broadband wireless and wireline communications markets. 
The Company's products include power amplifiers, tuner
integrated circuits, active splitters, line amplifiers, and
other components, which can be sold individually or packaged
as integrated radio frequency and front end modules.

    Except for historical information contained herein,
this press release contains forward-looking statements that
involve risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited
to, order rescheduling or cancellation, changes in
customers' forecasts of product demand, timely product and
process development and protection of the associated
intellectual property rights, individual product pricing
pressure, variation in production yield, changes in
estimated product lives, difficulties in obtaining
components and assembly and test services needed for
production of integrated circuits, change in economic
conditions of the various markets the Company serves, as
well as the other risks detailed from time to time in the
Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, including the report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2005. Actual results could differ
materially from the Company's forward-looking statements.
These forward-looking statements can generally be
identified as such becausethe context of the statement will
include words such as "believe",
"anticipate", "expect", or words of
similar import. Similarly, statements that describe the
Company's future plans, objectives, estimates, or goals are
forward-looking statements. Important factors that could
cause actual results and developments to be materially
different from those expressed or implied by such
statements include those factors discussed herein.

    For more information, please contact:

     Investor Relations
     Thomas Shields 
     ANADIGICS, Inc., 
     Phone: +1-908-412-5995
     Email: tshields@anadigics.com
New England Journal of Medicine Selects ScholarOne's Manuscript Central for Online Peer Review
October 11, 2007

    PHILADELPHIA and LONDON, Oct. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --

    Thomson Scientific, part of The Thomson Corporation
(NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC) and leading provider of information
solutions to the worldwide research and business
communities, today announced that the Massachusetts Medical
Society's New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has
selected ScholarOne's Manuscript Central as its online peer
review system. 

    The New England Journal of Medicine is a weekly general
medical journal that publishes new medical research
findings, review articles, and editorial opinion on a wide
variety of topics of importance to biomedical science and
clinical practice. Material is published with an emphasis
on internal medicine and specialty areas including
allergy/immunology, cardiology, endocrinology,
gastroenterology, hematology, kidney disease, oncology,
pulmonary disease, rheumatology, HIV, and infectious

    "We are very pleased to welcome the New England
Journal of Medicine to the Manuscript Central user
community," said Keith MacGregor, executive vice
president of Academic and Government Markets at Thomson
Scientific. "As one of the largest, most distinguished
and most influential peer reviewed medical journals today,
we are pleased to partner with them to help innovate
medical technology and research."

    "Our goal in implementing Manuscript Central is to
increase the efficiency of our peer review process for
authors, reviewers, and editors," said Tad Campion,
M.D., Senior Deputy Editor and Online Editor for the New
England Journal of Medicine.

    Manuscript Central offers a number of features to
address scholarly publishers' needs, enabling users to
submit, review, annotate and format technical manuscripts
in innovative ways. In addition, the acquisition of
ScholarOne by Thomson Scientific gives authors and
publishers access to additional expertise in information
and tools that span the entire research process.

    About Massachusetts Medical Society

    The Massachusetts Medical Society, with more than
18,500 physicians and student members, is dedicated to
educating and advocating for the patients and physicians of
Massachusetts. The Society publishes the New England Journal
of Medicine, one of the world's leading medical journals;
the Journal Watch family of professional newsletters
covering 11 specialties; and AIDS Clinical Care. The
Society is also a leader in continuing medical education
for health care professionals throughout Massachusetts,
conducting a variety of medical education programs for
physicians and health care professionals. Founded in 1781,
MMS is the oldest continuously operating medical society in
the country.

    About ScholarOne, Inc.

    ScholarOne, Inc. (http://www.scholarone.com) provides
comprehensive workflow management systems for scholarly
journals, books, and conferences. Its Web-based
applications enable publishers to manage the submission,
peer review, production, and publication processes more
efficiently, increasing their profile among authors,
decreasing time-to-market for critical scientific data, and
lowering infrastructure costs. The Manuscript Central user
base has grown to 2.8 million registered users worldwide.

    The clients of ScholarOne include prestigious nonprofit
societies, university presses, government agencies, and the
world's leading commercial publishers. The company employs
80 people at its Charlottesville, Virginia, headquarters
and in Washington, D.C.; Boston; London; and Bielefeld,

    About The Thomson Corporation

    The Thomson Corporation (http://www.thomson.com) is a
global leader in providing essential electronic workflow
solutions to business and professional customers.  With
operational headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson
provides value-added information, software tools and
applications to professionals in the fields of law, tax,
accounting, financial services, scientific research and
healthcare.  The Corporation's common shares are listed on
the New York and Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX:

    Thomson Scientific is a business of The Thomson
Corporation.  Its information solutions assist
professionals at every stage of research and
development-from discovery to analysis to product
development and distribution. Thomson Scientific
information solutions can be found at

    For more information, please contact:

     Nikki Haffey 
     Thomson Scientific
     Phone: +1-434-817-2040.
     Email: nikki.haffey@thomson.com

Panalux(TM): The New Name in Professional Lighting for the Film and Television Industry
October 11, 2007

    WOODLAND HILLS, Calif., Oct. 10 /Xinua-PRNewswire/ --
Panavision announced today the formation of Panalux(TM),
the company's new brand for its global lighting business. 
Bob Beitcher, Panavision President and CEO, said: "We
are delighted with the creation of this exciting new brand.
For the first time, we will be placing our worldwide rental
lighting facilities under a single banner, infused with the
strong legacy of our core business but with an independent
and vibrant direction of its own. Panavision's focused
investment in lighting enhances our position as an
organization committed to meeting the needs of the global
production community."


    Newly-formed Panalux Europe combines the capabilities
of recent Panavision acquisition AFM and Panavision-owned
LEE Lighting. With an extended network of operations
located throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and South
Africa, Panalux Europe offers a substantial inventory of
modern lighting equipment supported by a team of highly
skilled professionals. The company recently completed work
on "Mama Mia," "Wanted," "The
Golden Compass" and "10,000 BC" and is
currently providing lighting services on "Batman - The
Dark Knight" and "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
Prince."  Panalux Europe Managing Director Steve Smith
comments, "We are committed to delivering the very best
in lighting facilities spanning the full spectrum of
production, including motion pictures, commercials, music
videos, and television. This exciting merger of AFM and
LEE, along with substantial additional investment, reflects
the forward momentum of Panalux Europe and will allow us to
build upon the reputation of two of the industry's most
well-known and well-respected organizations." 

    Panalux Asia Pacific is the market leader in Australia
and New Zealand and complements Panavision's extensive
camera offering in the region. With branch offices in
Sydney, Melbourne, Queensland, Auckland, and Wellington,
the depth and breadth of Panalux Asia Pacific's lighting
offering is unmatched in Asia Pacific. Simon Lee, Managing
Director of Panalux Asia Pacific, remarks, "The new
brand gives us an opportunity to refresh the presentation
of our very successful lighting operations to our local
customers. With the complementary offering we can make with
our camera rental business in the region, we feel that
Panalux Asia Pacific has a powerful growth opportunity
ahead of it." Recent productions for Panalux Asia
Pacific include Baz Luhrman's "Australia, "The
Ruins," "Daybreakers," and "Nim's

    About the company

    Founded in 1954, Panavision Inc. is a leading designer
and manufacturer of high-precision camera systems,
comprising of film and digital cameras, lenses and
accessories for the motion picture and television
industries. Panavision systems are rented through its
domestic and international owned and operated facilities
and distributor network. Panavision also supplies lighting,
grip and crane equipment for use by motion picture and
television productions.

    For more information, please contact:

     Suzanne Lezotte 
     Panavision, Director of Public Relations
     Phone: +1-818-427-0116
     Email: Suzanne_lezotte@panavision.com

     Skip Ferderber 
     Skip Ferderber & Associates
     Phone: +1-425-315-1724
     Email: skip.ferderber@skipf1.com

Canadian Solar Schedules Third Quarter 2007 Results Conference Call
October 10, 2007

    JIANGSU, China, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian
Solar Inc. ("the Company") (Nasdaq: CSIQ) today
announced that it will hold a conference call with
investors and analysts on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 (in
Jiangsu) at 10 p.m. to discuss results for the Company's
third quarter 2007 and business outlook. This will be 9
a.m. in New York on Wednesday, November 14, 2007. 
    The news release announcing the third quarter 2007
results will be disseminated on November 14, 2007 before
the NASDAQ stock market opens. 
    The dial-in number for the live audio call beginning at
10 p.m. (in Jiangsu) on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 or 9
a.m. (in New York) on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 is
+1-800-435-1398 or +1-617-614-4078 (international). The
passcode is 74227024. A live webcast of the conference call
will be available on Canadian Solar's website at
http://www.csisolar.com .
    A replay of the call will be available 1 hour after the
conclusion of the conference call through 12:00 a.m. on
Thursday, November 22, 2007 (in Jiangsu) or 11:00 a.m. on
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 (in New York) at
http://www.csisolar.com and by telephone at +1-888-286-8010
or +1-617-801-6888 (international). The passcode to access
the replay is 90058052.

    About Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) 
    Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a
vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar
module and custom-designed solar application products
serving worldwide customers. CSI is incorporated in Canada
and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China.
Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar
power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a
major global provider of solar power products for a wide
range of applications. For more information, please visit
http://www.csisolar.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     In Jiangsu, P.R. China
      Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer 
      Canadian Solar Inc.
      Tel:   +86-512-6269-6755
      Email: ir@csisolar.com

     In the U.S.
      David Pasquale
      The Ruth Group
      Tel:   +1-646-536-7006
      Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com

Dr. Suwelack Skin & Health Care: New Product in the FDA Certification Process
October 10, 2007

-- "We Want to Double our Sales Within Three

    BILLERBECK, Germany, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    With an increase in sales of EUR 3.4 million to EUR 17
million, Dr. Suwelack Skin & Health Care AG is still on
the path of significant growth in 2007. "We want to
increase our sales to EUR 30 million within three
years," states CEO Nikolaus Uleer. With the
construction of the largest pharmaceutical-standard
production plant in the world, the biotech manufacturer has
considerably expanded its activities.

    The German biotech manufacturer earns 80 percent of its
sales abroad, with the most significant growth in the USA --
within one year, its Puracol dressing for chronic wounds has
successfully competed against similar products. A second
wound dressing is currently undergoing the FDA
certification process. 

    Uleer regards the progress made with the European
introduction of the collagen and elastic based biomatrix
Matriderm as at least equal in significance to the
successes on the US market. Surgeons implant Matriderm as a
dermis replacement for the treatment of deep burn wounds.
Says Uleer: "With an equity to assets ratio of 70
percent, the company is well-prepared for the international
introduction of other medical products."

    However: About 80 percent of international sales are in
the cosmetics sector. International cosmetics companies
implement their facial mask systems, and the major
consumers are in Japan, Hong Kong and Germany. Regarding
the objectives, Uleer explains: "Our product expertise
has not yet been generally recognized, but we are seriously
working on this. We intend to gain synergies from the
latest scientific research in the medical and cosmetics
fields and use these for product development."

    For more information, please contact:

     Claudia-Maria Rohrer, Grossbeerenstrasse 28 c, 10965
Berlin, Germany
     Tel:   +49-30-887102-18
     Fax:   +49-30-887102-22
     Email: claudia-maria.rohrer@excognito.de

Xinhua FTSE Quarterly Index Review Results
October 10, 2007

China COSCO Added to China 25 Index and A 50 Index

/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua FTSE Index (FXI), the
independent China index company, today announced the
results of its quarterly index review.

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926-min.gif )

    In the Xinhua/FTSE China 25 Index, China COSCO (H) will
be added to the index in replacement of China Resources (H).
 China COSCO (A), Western Mining (A), Yunnan Copper Industry
(A) and China Southern Airline (A) are to be included in the
Xinhua/FTSE China A50 Index, while Jiangsu Express (A),
Lujiazui (A), Hong Yuan Securities (A) and ZTE (A) will be
removed.  The changes will be effective after the close of
business on Friday 19 October, 2007.

    The quarterly index review includes changes to the
Xinhua FTSE 200, 400, Small Cap and China B35 Index. Full
details of all entries and exits for these indices can be
obtained here.

    The Xinhua FTSE Index Series is reviewed quarterly in
January, April, July and October by an independent index
committee, comprising a group of local and international
financial market experts. The index series is widely
regarded as the leading measure of the China market by
domestic and international investors and is used as the
basis of a set of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and
derivative products on exchanges around the world. At the
end of September of 2007, the total assets tracking and
benchmarking the index series was approaching USD 110
billion worldwide.  

    More information about the Xinhua FTSE Index Series is
available at http://www.ftsexinhua.com .

    Stock Symbol References
    China COSCO (H share, 1919)
    China Resources (H share, 0291)
    China COSCO (A share, 601919)
    Western Mining (A share, 601168)
    Yunnan Copper Industry (A share, 0878)
    China Southern Airline (A share, 600029)
    Jiangsu Express (A share, 600377)
    Lujiazui (A share, 600663)
    Hong Yuan Securities  (A share, 000562) 
    ZTE (A share, 0063)

    About Xinhua FTSE Index 
    Established in late 2000, Xinhua FTSE Index (FXI), a
joint venture between Xinhua Finance Limited and FTSE, came
into being to facilitate the creation of real-time indices
for the Chinese market. The indices can be used as a basis
for the trading of derivatives, index-tracking funds,
Exchange Traded Funds and as performance benchmarks. The
combination of FTSE's expertise in international indexing
with Xinhua Finance's strong presence and capabilities in
China creates a level of expertise in the Chinese market
that is unprecedented. Providing the combined coverage for
the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, all of the Xinhua/FTSE
indices are designed according to internationally proven
index methodology to ensure products are transparent, clear
and consistent. For daily data and further information,
please visit http://www.ftsexinhua.com .

    About FTSE Group

    FTSE Group is a world-leader in the creation and
management of indexes. With offices in Beijing, London,
Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Madrid, Paris, New York, San
Francisco, Boston, Shanghai, Sydney and Tokyo, FTSE Group
services clients in 77 countries worldwide.  It calculates
and manages the FTSE Global Equity Index Series, which
includes world-recognized indexes ranging from the FTSE
All-World Index, the FTSE4Good series and the FTSEurofirst
Index series, as well as domestic indexes such as the
prestigious FTSE 100. The company has collaborative
arrangements with the Athens, AMEX, Cyprus, Euronext,
Johannesburg London, Madrid, NASDAQ and Taiwan exchanges,
as well as Nomura Securities, Hang Seng and Xinhua Finance
of China. FTSE also has a collaborative agreement with Dow
Jones Indexes to develop a single sector classification
system for global investors.

    FTSE indexes are used extensively by investors
world-wide for investment analysis, performance
measurement, asset allocation, portfolio hedging and for
creating a wide range of index tracking funds. Independent
committees of senior fund managers, derivatives experts,
actuaries and other experienced practitioners review all
changes to the indexes to ensure that they are made
objectively and without bias.  Real-time FTSE indexes are
calculated on systems managed by Reuters. Prices and FX
rates used are supplied by Reuters.  

    About Xinhua Finance Limited 

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial
information and media service provider and is listed on the
Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance's proprietary content platform,
comprising Indices, Ratings, Financial News, and Investor
Relations, serves financial institutions, corporations and
re-distributors worldwide.  Through its subsidiary Xinhua
Finance Media Limited (Nasdaq: XFML), Xinhua Finance
leverages its content across multiple distribution channels
in China including television, radio, newspaper, magazine
and outdoor media. Founded in November 1999, Xinhua Finance
 is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and news bureaus
spanning 11 countries worldwide.   

    For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    Xinhua/FTSE China 25 Index
    Inclusion: 1
    Exclusion: 1

    Xinhua FTSE China B 35
    Inclusion: 0
    Exclusion: 0

    Xinhua/FTSE China A50 Index
    Inclusions: 4
    Exclusions: 4

    Xinhua FTSE 200 Index
    Inclusions: 18
    Exclusions: 18

    Xinhua FTSE 400 Index
    Inclusions: 40
    Exclusions: 40

    Xinhua FTSE Small Cap Index
    Inclusions: 30
    Exclusions: 22

    For more information, please contact: 

     China (Beijing/Shanghai/Hong Kong)

      Jean Li
      Xinhua FTSE Beijing office
      Tel:   +86-10-5864-5276
      Email: jean.li@xinhuafinance.com

      Joy Tsang
      Xinhua Finance
      Tel:   +852-3196-3983
      Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

      Meredith Blakemore
      FTSE Group
      Tel:   +852-2230-5801
      Email: media@ftse.com

      Sandra Steel
      FTSE Group
      Tel:   +44-20-7866-1821
      Email: media@ftse.com
AerVenture to Lease Six New Airbus A320s to Aeroflot
October 10, 2007

    AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
AerCap Holdings N.V. ("AerCap") (NYSE: AER) today
announced that AerVenture Limited, a joint venture company
owned by AerCap, LoadAir and Al Fawares, has signed
agreements to lease six new Airbus A320-200 aircraft to the
Russian national carrier Aeroflot for a period of ten years.
The aircraft are powered by CFM engines and are scheduled to
be delivered between July 2008 and March 2009. 

    Aeroflot will operate the A320 aircraft on its European
and domestic routes. 

    The six new A320s will be leased by AerVenture to
Aeroflot under an operating lease agreement and form part
of the order for 70 A320 family aircraft that the joint
venture company placed in December 2005.

    Sergei Koltovich, Head of Aeroflot's Fleet Planning and
Aircraft Procurement Department, said: "Aeroflot Group
is extremely pleased to see AerCap becoming a new key
aircraft supplier to the Russian national carrier. This new
partnership should develop into a truly long term
relationship between Russia's largest airline and one of
the world's fastest growing aircraft leasing

    Soeren Ferre, AerCap's Head of Aircraft Marketing for
Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, commented on
the transaction: "We are delighted to welcome Aeroflot
as a new customer as they continue their rapid expansion and
fleet renewal. The transaction with Aeroflot reflects our
strategy of maintaining a geographically diverse customer
base with a particular focus on the most promising growth

    About AerCap

    AerCap is an integrated global aviation company with a
leading market position in aircraft and engine leasing,
trading and parts sales. AerCap also provides aircraft
management services and performs aircraft and engine
maintenance, repair and overhaul services and aircraft
disassemblies through its certified repair stations. AerCap
has a fleet of over 340 aircraft owned, managed or under
contracted orders and a diversified commercial engine
portfolio. AerCap is headquartered in The Netherlands and
has offices in Ireland, the United States, China and the
United Kingdom. 

    About LoadAir and Al Fawares

    AerCap's Kuwaiti partners in AerVenture are LoadAir, a
company active in air cargo operations as well as
aviation-related investment activities and Al Fawares, an
investment company with a global portfolio of businesses
encompassing media, telecommunications, real estate and
banking in addition to aviation. 

    This press release may contain forward-looking
statements that involve risks and uncertainties. In most
cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by
terminology such as "may," "should,"
"expects," "plans,"
"anticipates," "believes,"
"estimates," "predicts,"
"potential" or "continue" or the
negative of such terms or similar terminology. Such
forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future
performance and involve significant assumptions, risks and
uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially
from those in the forward-looking statements. 

    For more information, please contact:

     For Media:                    
     Frauke Oberdieck, AerCap      
     Tel:   +31-20-655-9616        
     Email: foberdieck@aercap.com  

     For Investors:
     Peter Wortel, AerCap
     Tel:   +31-20-655-9658
     Email: pwortel@aercap.com

First-ever Mega Macao Adds Business Charisma to Asia's Las Vegas
October 10, 2007

    HONG KONG, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Kenfair
International Limited, a Hong Kong-based trade fair
organiser, announced last October that it will launch 
"Mega Macao" -- its first-ever trade fair in
Macao in October 2007 at The Cotai Strip(TM) Convention and
Exhibition Center at The Venetian(R) Macao, the city's brand
new and largest exhibition venue.  The second edition of the
show is scheduled for April 2008 to coincide with the peak
sourcing season in the first half of the year.

    Macao's booming drive

    In the past few years, Macao has been growing at rocket
speed led by her booming gaming industry and tourism.  The
city's total gaming revenue reached MOP559 billion in 2006,
reportedly overtaking Las Vegas as the world's largest
gaming city.  Other than making an annual gaming revenue
estimated at more than US$10 million in five years, the
city actively developing its infrastructure and hospitality
facilities and services is emerging as a new and attractive
choice for global business conventions and international
trade shows.

    Asia's Las Vegas

    Among the major investment projects in the city, the
mega all-in-one development by Las Vegas-based Venetian
Group stands out.  The "Venetian" modeled after
its name sake in Las Vegas, the US is a blend of hotel
resorts, entertainment and exhibition amenities on the
Cotai Strip of Macao of standards unmatched in the region. 
Scheduled for completion in late summer this year, the
Venetian Convention and Exhibition Centre will be the
largest exhibition venue in the city.  Participants of
exhibitions held there can look forward to a pleasant trip
to the city for business as well as pleasure.

    Taking the lead

    Kenfair International Limited is taking the lead in
capitalizing on the huge business potential of the
burgeoning city. It will launch the brand new trade show
Mega Macao between 18 and 20 October 2007 to be followed by
a spring session in April 2008.

    Mr. Herbert Ip, Chairman of Kenfair International, said
at the press conference about the new show, "Macao has
many factors working in its favour and an exhibition
industry with immense unexploited potential, which is why
we are keen to extend our reach to the city.  For our new
show, we have lined up over 1,000 leading suppliers from
major Asian countries and regions to showcase their wide
ranges of top-notched yet very competitively priced

    The first sourcing event of its kind in Macao

    Mega Macao will be the first-ever trade exhibition of
its kind and scale to be held in the city.  Buyers of toys,
gifts, premium, houseware, textile and garments as well as
consumer electronics will find numerous choices at the
event and be able to meet with manufacturers from across

    Prime timing

    October is usually when regional and global buyers
gather in Hong Kong and South China to attend trade fairs
sourcing merchandise.  "Mega Macao" is
strategically timed to coincide with the buying period for
overseas and domestic buyers.  Scheduled for in-between the
two phases of the Canton Fair, Mega Macao can expect ensured
patronage of international buyers on their annual sourcing
trip to the Pearl River Delta Region.

    Super venue

    Built by the Nevada-based Las Vegas Sands Corp., the
2-storey Venetian Convention and Exhibition Centre is newly
opened in August, is a key part of the mega resort complex
The Venetian Macao.  It will have 100,000 sq.m. of
conference and exhibition space, of which 75,000 sq.m. will
be for exhibition and can hold up to 5,000 booths at the
same time.  Complemented by premier hotel and resort
facilities and a wide range of entertainment, gaming,
shopping, dining, spa and wellness amenities, the Venetian
Convention and Exhibition Centre at The Venetian(R) Macao
will be an ideal venue for trade exhibitions, business
conferences and other international events.

    Success edges

    In addition to the spectacular exhibition venue and
entertainment appeals, Macao's convenient transport link by
land and sea with Hong Kong and nearby Chinese cities,
relatively cheaper hotel rates and travel expenses and
hassle free visitor entry policy will all work to the
benefit of Mega Macao.  "We welcome all exhibitors and
buyers to an unprecedented trade fair experience at Mega
Macao and in the city of Macao," said Mr. Ip.

    Email to info@kenfair.com and visit the show's official
website http://www.megamacao.com for more details.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Ms. Eveline Wan and Ms. Daphne Chan 
     Tel: +852-2527-0490

Set-top Boxes Using Spreadtrum's AVS SV6111 Decoder Chip Passes China Netcom's Commercial Trial Tests
October 10, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Spreadtrum Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRD), one of
China's leading wireless baseband chipset providers, today
announced that set-top boxes (STB) using Spreadtrum's AVS
SV6111 chip solutions successfully passed the first
commercial trial tests based on AVS standard conducted by
China Netcom (CNC) in Dalian, achieving all performance
goals set by China Netcom for this commercial trial.

    The SV6111 chip being used by the STB manufacturer is
the industry's first commercially produced AVS audio/video
decoder chip, which Spreadtrum announced at its Technology
Forum in August 2007.  The SV6111 product includes all of
the decoding functions required by the AVS standard, while
at the same time supporting MPEG-2 specifications. 
Utilizing advanced SoC technology that integrates critical
software with the hardware processing system, the SV6111
provides a robust AVS audio/video decoder solution at a low
cost of production and low power consumption.

    In addition, set-top boxes using Spreadtrum's SV6111
solutions were the only ASIC-based solutions that adopted
AVS standards among manufacturers who participated in the
tests.  Compared with the other set-top boxes using
non-ASIC solutions, the Company believes that set-top boxes
using Spreadtrum's solution generally should have lower
costs yet higher reliability.  Commenting on the successful
outcome, Dr. Qiang Cao, Spreadtrum's Vice President of
Marketing, said "The successful trials demonstrated
the feasibility and applicability of our solution in a real
world application and showed our continuing commitment to
the promotion of the AVS standard."

    Spreadtrum has commenced sampling of the SV6111 and
expects deployment through its commercial customers'
products in the near future.AVS is in the second-generation
source coding-decoding standard independently created by
China.  For more information on AVS, please go to the Audio
and Video Coding Standard Workgroup of China, at
http://www.avs.org.cn/en/ .

    About Spreadtrum:

    Spreadtrum Communications, Inc. is a fabless
semiconductor company that designs, develops, and markets
baseband processor solutions for the mobile wireless
communications market.  Spreadtrum combines its
semiconductor design expertise with its software
development capabilities to deliver highly-integrated
baseband processors with multimedia functionality and power
management.  Spreadtrum has developed its solutions based on
an open development platform, enabling its customers to
develop customized wireless products that are feature-rich
and meet their cost and time-to-market requirements.

    Safe Harbor Statements:

    This press release contains "forward-looking
statements" within the meaning of the "safe
harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Such forward-looking
statements include, without limitation, statements
regarding Spreadtrum's continuing commitment to the
promotion of the AVS standard, and Spreadtrum's expectation
that commercial products based on the SV6111 chips will be
deployed by its customers in the near future.  These
statements are forward-looking in nature and involve risks
and uncertainties that may cause actual achievements and
market trends to differ materially from those expressed or
implied in these forward-looking statements for a variety
of reasons.  Potential risks and uncertainties include, but
are not limited to, unpredictable changes in technology and
consumer demand for audio/video products; uncertainty
regarding the timing and pace of the commercial deployment
of AVS-based products in China; and Spreadtrum's ability to
sustain its development in AVS semiconductor chips; and the
state of and any change in Spreadtrum's relationships with
its major customers.  For additional discussion of these
risks and uncertainties and other factors, please consider
the information contained in Spreadtrum's filings with the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC"), including the registration statement on
Form F-1 filed on June 26, 2007, as amended, especially the
sections under "Risk Factors" and
"Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations," and such other
documents that Spreadtrum may file with the SEC from time
to time, including on Form 6-K.  Spreadtrum assumes no
obligation to update any forward-looking statements, which
apply only as of the date of this press release.

    For more information, please contact:

     William Shi
     Spreadtrum Communications
     Tel:    +86-10-62702988 x217
     E-mail: william.shi@spreadtrum.com

Group RCI Appoints Hospitality Leader Kendall Oei to Expand Presence in Asia Pacific
October 10, 2007

    PARSIPPANY, New Jersey, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Group RCI, a global leader in leisure real estate, today
announced the appointment of Kendall Oei as the new
president and managing director of Group RCI, Asia Pacific,
effective October 15, 2007.  

    Reporting to Kenneth May, chairman and chief executive
officer of Group RCI, Kendall will lead the Asia Pacific
region in growing Group RCI's existing business and
pursuing new opportunities via new service and product
lines and new markets and segments.  He will be responsible
for leading a team of 440 employees in 9 countries and
managing relationships with 350 affiliated resorts.  

    "I am extremely pleased that Kendall has accepted
this important position which will bring added focus to our
strategic growth throughout the Asia Pacific region,"
said Kenneth N. May, chairman and chief executive officer
of Group RCI.  "He has over 30 years of experience as
a business leader in Asia Pacific and an excellent track
record of building relationships with developers and
hoteliers across the hospitality industry.  While Group RCI
has been operating in Asia Pacific for the past 10 years, we
are looking to significantly expand our presence in the
area, especially as the Asia Pacific region is projected to
be over 25% of global tourist arrivals by 2020.*  Kendall's
leadership in Asia Pacific and his impeccable credentials
are in line with our vision for long-term, sustainable

    Oei most recently served as executive director at
General Hotel Management (GHM), Ltd., a market leader in
the development and operation of exclusive, luxurious
hotels and resorts worldwide.  While at GHM he was
responsible for strategic planning, hotel management
projects and operational management of the company. 
Kendall will continue his relationship with GHM as a
non-executive director.  Throughout his career, Oei has
held various management positions in hotel development and
commercial and investment banking in Asia and the US
including GHM, Scandinavian Bank, Summa International
Finance Company and Bank of America.  

    He received his Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude,
from Harvard University and a Master of Business
Administration with a concentration in international
finance from the Harvard Graduate School of Business

    * Source: WTO Tourism 2020 Vision

    About Group RCI

    Group RCI, part of the Wyndham Worldwide family of
companies (NYSE: WYN), is the global leader in non-hotel
leisure accommodations with exclusive access for specified
periods to more than 60,000 vacation properties in more
than 100 countries.  Organizationally, Group RCI is
comprised of vacation exchange, including RCI(R), the
worldwide leader in vacation exchange and provider of
travel services to businesses and consumers and The
Registry Collection(R), the world's largest luxury exchange
program; vacation rentals, including Endless Vacation
Rentalssm, Landal Greenparks(R), Novasol(R), and more than
30 other vacation rental brands, through which vacationers
can rent a wide variety of property types, from city
apartments to country cottages to unique villas; and
NorthCourseSM Leisure Real Estate Solutions, an
international leader in providing a full spectrum of
advisory, research, asset management and sales and
marketing services to developers and investors worldwide. 
Collectively, the company delivers unique vacation
experiences to leisure travelers around the world and
provides products and services to business customers that
support the growth of the leisure real estate industry. 
Wyndham Worldwide Corporation is one of the world's largest
hospitality companies with leading brands in lodging
franchising, vacation ownership, vacation rentals and
vacation exchange.  For additional information visit
http://www.grouprci.com or the media center of
http://www.wyndhamworldwide.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     For Information & Photo
     Joanna Ong
     Urban Scoop Consultancy	
     Tel:   +65-9687-7910
     Email: joanna@u-scoop.com
MacauABC.com(TM) Launches Macau's First Multilingual Real Estate Search Engine and International Advertising Portal
October 10, 2007

    MACAU, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- MacauABC.com(TM)
announces the launch of Macau's first multilingual real
estate search engine and international advertising portal
to facilitate the listing and advertising of all types of
property in Macau, where the property market, ignited in
part by the booming gaming and tourism industry, is set to
reach unprecedented levels of growth over the coming
    MacauABC.com(TM) is the premier platform from which to
advertise Macau real estate. It helps property owners, real
estate agents, and developers to reach outside the local
market and instantly connect with a worldwide audience to
advertise, buy, sell, and rent Macau property. 
MacauABC.com(TM)'s real estate search engine is supported
by a comprehensive real-time updated database of Macau
property listings, an interactive 3D Map of Macau, and the
latest market information. 
    "The real estate story in Macau is just beginning.
 There is strong demand for Macau property from both foreign
and local buyers as well as an unprecedented new supply of
residential units coming on the market.  Our team of
locally based analysts is focused on gathering and
consolidating local property data, and clearly organizing
it to provide more transparency to Macau's property market
and to help our customers easily access the information
they need to make intelligent and informed decisions,"
says MacauABC.com(TM)'s CEO Aaric Lo.
    About MacauABC.com(TM)

    MacauABC.com(TM) is the premier real estate search
engine and international advertising portal for all types
of property in Macau. To immediately expand
MacauABC.com(TM)'s reach and connect to property seekers
and buyers world-wide, MacauABC.com(TM) has a commercial
alliance with Macau.com, the premier web portal of Macau.

    For more information, please contact:

     Yuki Li
     Tel:   +853-2875-3115
     Email: pr@macauabc.com

Kenfair's HK Mega Show Series Serves as a Bumper Sourcing Platform
October 10, 2007

    HONG KONG, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In the last 2
weeks of October, the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition
Centre (HKCEC) will again see the coming together of tens
of thousands of essential suppliers and buyers for the
city's annual mega toys, gifts and houseware trade fair --
the "16th Hong Kong International Toys & Gifts
Show" and "15th Asian Gifts Premium &
Household Products Show" (or collectedly known as the
"Mega Show").  This year's event, which is
expected to attract over 70,000 buyers from all over the
world to source products from more than 5,500 exhibitors,
will again serve participants as one of the most effective
marketing-sourcing platform in Asia.  

    Since its debut in 1992, Kenfair's "Mega
Show" has grown at exponential rate to become one of
the largest and most important trade events in Hong Kong. 
"First introduced with just 200 booths in an
exhibition area of 2,000 sq.m., the Mega Show has now grown
into a super-size trade fair in Asia.  Industry and sourcing
heavyweights around the world gather every October in Hong
Kong for the event to grab latest product and business
opportunities,' says Mr. Herbert Ip, chairman of Kenfair
International Limited.  The event made a significant
milestone in 2002 when it was recognised as a
"UFI-Approved Event" by the Global Association of
the Exhibitions Industry.  

    The first part of the trade fair -- Mega Show Part 1
(to be held from 21 to 24 October, 2007) will again take up
all exhibition areas in the HKCEC to house more than 3,400
exhibitors from 34 countries and regions in 5,300 booths. 
The majority of the exhibitors will be from Asia, including
Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Thailand, India, the
Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, Pakistan, Malaysia, Vietnam,

    In 2006, the 3,400 exhibitors who took part in the
4-day Mega Show Part 1 received tremendous response from
buyers, approximately 40% of whom from Europe and North
America amid an attendance of 60,551.  The top 10 non-local
visiting countries and regions are: the United States,
Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, the United Kingdom, France,
Italy, Germany, Australia and Spain.  

    The increasing demand for exhibition space by keen
participants has created a long waiting list for the `Mega
Show' since 2000.  To accommodate as many participants as
possible, Kenfair launched an expanded session --
"Mega Show Part 2" -- in 2003.  Taking place just
a few days after "Mega Show Part 1", this event
makes the perfect final stop for buyers on sourcing trip to
the Asia-Pacific region after visiting the Canton Fair in
China.  The event proved its value when it gained the
"UFI-Approved Event" status in October 2005.  

    This year's "Mega Show Part 2" will be held
from 28 to 30 October 2007 and will play host to 900
quality exhibitors from 18 countries and regions in 1,000
booths.  We will see group pavilions taken up by major
participating countries and regions, like Mainland China,
Taiwan, Thailand, India, the Philippines and Vietnam, etc. 

    A new product zone "Table Object Asia" has
been added to Mega Show Part 2 since last year. 
"Addressing strong demand of international buyers for
more tableware sources, we decided to create the special
theme zone for Asian tableware manufacturers exclusively to
showcase their top-notch products to buyers.  The response
to the theme zone last year totally exceeded our
expectation," says Mr. Ip.  

    The 3-day Mega Show Part 2 in 2006 drew 13,765
international buyers, two-third of whom were from outside
Hong Kong.  

    Kenfair, as the organiser of the Mega Show Series, is
confident that the 2007 edition of the trade show with Hong
Kong -- the Asia exhibition capital -- as its venue, will
continue to present endless business opportunities to
exhibitors and buyers alike. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Ms. Eveline Wan and Ms. Daphne Chan 
     Tel: +852-2527-0490

Teaching the New Carbon Math: The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Management Institute Is Training How to Measure and Manage GHG Emissions
October 10, 2007

    EDINA, Minn., Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    The new math is carbon accounting and the GHG
Management Institute is poised to teach it. Dedicated to
training tomorrow's managers of GHG emissions, the GHG
Management Institute is now live at
http://www.ghginstitute.org. Earth Council Geneva (ECG),
the GHG Experts Network (GEN) and ClimateCHECK have
combined their forces and expertise to form this institute
committed to professional learning on climate change.

    "Our mission is to train and develop a community
of experts with the highest standards of professional
practice in measuring and managing GHG emissions,"
said Gao Pronove, Managing Director of the Institute.
"Our supported online learning platform, blending
e-learning and interaction with expert instructors, allows
us to train a global audience in the most effective manner
possible." The Institute's focus is on GHG emissions
accounting, inventories, management, and verification. The
courses are developed and instructed by the same experts
who prepared today's international standards and founded
national government programs.

    "The Institute's philosophy is 'if you cannot
accurately measure GHG emissions, you cannot manage
them'," according to Michael Gillenwater, Dean of the
Institute and Director of the GHG Experts Network.
"Quantifying greenhouse gases is the first step for a
company to truly understand and assess their climate
liabilities. It is only after this that corporations can
manage their emissions and reduce their impact."

    Reto Braun, Chairman of ECG (
http://www.earthcouncil.com ), former CEO of the Swiss Post
and previous President of Unisys, said: "After having
trained over 7,000 learners in more than 80 countries on
the subjects of global trade, climate change and
biodiversity, we are pleased to work with our  partners in
launching this important initiative."

    "The content that our GHG Protocol team designs is
considered a global standard," said Jonathan Lash,
President, World Resources Institute (WRI), which is
working with the GHG Management Institute to develop its
first course on corporate GHG emissions accounting.
"It is critical that energy managers -- whether
they're working on projects throughout the developing world
or trying to make improvements at their individual companies
-- really get their heads around these issues."

    The GHG Management Institute will promote best practice
and help build confidence in the professional competencies
of GHG practitioners, according to Tom Baumann, CEO of

    "The Institute is committed to ensuring that
everyone around the world can access these courses,"
stated Janos Pasztor, Director, UN Environment Management
Group. "They have created a need-based scholarship
fund to ensure that this level of access is

    The first classes are open for enrollment, and are due
to begin November 1st. More information is available at the
website -- http://www.ghginstitute.org .

    Internet:  http://www.presseportal.ch

    For more information, please contact:

     Dan Strickland
     Tel:   +1-907-746-4826 (office)
     Mob:   +1-907-841-6200 (mobile)
     Email: info@ghginstitute.org

     Greenhouse Gas Management Institute
     Tel:   +1-612-284-3589
     Web:   http://www.ghginstitute.org

Gates Foundation Launches $100 Million Initiative to Spur Innovation in Global Health Research
October 10, 2007

Fast-Track Grants Initiative to Support Hundreds of
Research Projects Involving Scientists Around the World

    CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced today
that it is committing $100 million over five years to create
a new fast-track grants initiative to support innovative
global health research.  The initiative's goal is to
encourage scientists worldwide to explore creative,
unorthodox ideas that could lead to major breakthroughs
against some of the greatest health challenges facing poor

    The new initiative, called Grand Challenges
Explorations, will support hundreds of early-stage research
projects - many pursuing ideas that have never before been
tested, and involving scientists from a wide range of
disciplines.  The Explorations initiative will focus on
rapidly evaluating a large number of innovative ideas that
could lead to new vaccines, diagnostics, drugs, and other
technologies targeting diseases that claim millions of
lives every year.
    "The biggest advances in health often come from
unexpected places," said Dr. Tachi Yamada, president
of the Gates Foundation's Global Health Program.  "To
effectively tackle diseases like AIDS and malaria, we need
to encourage the best and brightest minds to take risks on
novel ideas.  Not all will bear fruit, but those that do
could revolutionize the field of global health."
    Dr. Yamada announced the Explorations initiative today
at a meeting of 700 global health researchers held in Cape
Town, South Africa.  He was joined by the Rev. Desmond
Tutu, archbishop emeritus of Cape Town, and Graca Machel,
chancellor of the University of Cape Town.

    New Funding Expands Grand Challenges in Global Health

    The Explorations initiative is an expansion of the
Gates Foundation's commitment to the Grand Challenges in
Global Health initiative, which was launched in 2003 to
accelerate the discovery of new technologies to improve
global health.  To date, the foundation has provided $450
million to support more than 40 projects on topics such as
making childhood vaccines easier to use in poor countries,
and creating new ways to control insects that spread

    "The scientific community has shown tremendous
interest in the Grand Challenges initiative, and the
projects funded so far are beginning to show important
progress," said Dr. Harold Varmus, president and CEO
of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and chair of the
scientific board that oversees the Grand Challenges in
Global Health initiative.  "The new Explorations
initiative will help to further increase innovation in
global health research."

    The Explorations initiative will use a new approach to
grantmaking that is a significant departure from the Gates
Foundation's usual grantmaking process.  Grant applicants
will be asked to submit relatively short funding proposals,
which will be reviewed on a fast-track schedule. 
Explorations grants will be approximately $100,000 each,
and successful projects will be eligible for additional

    "We want to make it as easy as possible for people
with exciting ideas to move their projects forward,"
Dr. Yamada said.

    Explorations grants will be solicited and awarded
multiple times per year on a rolling basis, with each
funding round addressing a few specific topics or themes. 
The first call for proposals will be announced in the first
half of 2008, with the first grants expected to be announced
by fall 2008.  Application instructions will be posted on
the Grand Challenges in Global Health website,

    Guided by the belief that every life has equal value,
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all
people lead healthy, productive lives.  In developing
countries, it focuses on improving people's health, and
giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and
extreme poverty.  In the United States, it seeks to ensure
that all people, especially those with the fewest
resources, have access to the opportunities they need to
succeed in school and life.  Based in Seattle, the
foundation is led by CEO Patty Stonesifer and Co-chair
William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill and
Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

    For more information, please contact:

     Christopher Adasiewicz
     The Corkery Group, Inc. for The Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation
     Phone:    +1-212-584-5032
     Email:    chris@corkerygroup.com
     Website:  http://www.gcgh.org

Fried Frank Opens Office in Shanghai
October 10, 2007

    NEW YORK, Oct. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP
announced today the launch of its office in Shanghai,
China.  The Shanghai office is Fried Frank's second office
in Greater China and seventh worldwide.  

    "Our Shanghai office, together with our Hong Kong
office, gives us a strong platform in Asia," said
Valerie Ford Jacob, Fried Frank's Chairperson.  "With
many of our clients pursuing aggressive growth plans in the
region, matched by the strong growth prospects of Chinese
companies, it was natural for us to open a Shanghai

    "In Asia, our clients have direct local access to
our US and European expertise combined with strong domestic
practices," said Justin Spendlove, the Firm's Managing
Partner.  "Our Shanghai office will be led by Michael
Hickman, a lawyer entrenched in the region and particularly
well-suited to meet the demands of the market." 

    "Shanghai, one of the leading cities in China and
globally, has become a major commercial and financial
center.  Many of our local lawyers have participated in the
explosive growth of cross-border capital raising activities
in China," said Michael Hickman, Shanghai Managing

    "As part of Fried Frank we bring exceptional
expertise in M&A, private equity, capital markets,
finance, real estate and litigation with a team able to
build bridges across linguistic, regulatory and cultural

    Fried Frank opened its Hong Kong office in December
2006.  Since then it has completed significant transactions
for clients needing access to US, European and international
expertise, as well as local law capability.  Recent deals
include the representation of Merrill Lynch International
and Merrill Lynch Far East in connection with Vinda
International Holdings Limited IPO and 144/Reg S placement,
the representation of CapitaLand Limited in its joint
venture with eSun Holdings in connection with the purchase
of a 20% interest in a multi-billion dollar
commercial/residential development project in Macau, and
the representation of New World Department Store China
Limited in connection with its US$300 million initial
public offering.  

    Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP is a
leading international law firm with more than 600 attorneys
in offices in New York, Washington, D.C., London, Paris,
Frankfurt, Hong Kong and Shanghai.  Fried Frank lawyers
regularly represent major investment banking firms, private
equity houses and hedge funds, as well as many of the
largest companies in the world.  The firm offers legal
counsel on M&A, private equity, asset management,
capital markets and corporate finance matters, white-collar
criminal defense and civil litigation, securities
regulation, compliance and enforcement, government
contracts, environmental law and litigation, real estate,
tax, bankruptcy, antitrust, benefits and compensation,
intellectual property and technology, international trade,
and trusts and estates.  The firm has an association with
Huen Wong & Co. in Hong Kong.  More information on
Fried Frank can be found at http://www.friedfrank.com.

    For more information, please contact:

    Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP

     Paula Zirinsky, Director of Media Relations and
     Phone: +1-212-859-8818
     Email: paula.zirinsky@friedfrank.com

     Joanne Walker, Marketing Director, Europe and Asia
     Phone: +44-20-7972-9626
     Email: joanne.walker@friedfrank.com

     Christine Chan, Marketing Manager, Greater China
     Phone: +852-3760-5032
     Email: christine.chan@friedfrank.com

Auto Window Film Increases Safety in Side-Impact Collisions
October 10, 2007

LLumar(R) Safety Film Test Yields Dramatic Results

    ST. LOUIS, Oct. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- For years,
car owners have turned to security window film for solar
protection and to deter "smash and grab" theft. 
Now they can add another important reason to install
LLumar(R) safety film to their vehicles' windows: added
protection in the event of a side-impact collision.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20071009/NETU099LOGO )

    LLumar safety film was put to the test recently at
DEKRA Automobil Test Center, an independent automotive
testing laboratory in Klettwitz, Germany.  The test
demonstrated how the film would perform in the event of a
side-impact collision, and the results were dramatic.

    Using the frame of an Audi 80, two different
driver-side doors were installed -- one with no film and
one with LLumar 7-mil safety film.  An acceleration sled
simulated a 16-kph pole impact.  The unfilmed glass
shattered and flew into the driver's face and body, while
the glass using LLumar was completely contained by the

    "This test clearly demonstrates the benefit of
LLumar safety film in the event of an accident," says
Lisa Winckler, Director of Product Development and
Technology for CPFilms, manufacturer of LLumar film. 
"With a growing body of research indicating that
side-impact collisions are often more deadly to passengers
than frontal collisions, the protection LLumar film
provides can play a critical role in passenger

    The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that motor
vehicle crashes will be the third major cause of injury and
death by 2020, and studies indicate that side impacts
result in more deaths and injuries to the head, chest and
spine than frontal crashes.  A study conducted by the
Society of Automotive Engineers found that one-third of the
fatalities from side collisions were passengers seated on
the opposite side of the vehicle from the site of impact.

    LLumar safety film can not only protect passengers from
flying glass and debris in these accidents; it also helps
support side airbag systems by keeping the airbags from
being forced outward through shattered window openings and
deters passenger ejection through broken windows -- the
leading cause of death in accidents.

    Once provided in only the most expensive lines of Audi,
BMW and Mercedes vehicles, this multilayered, optically
clear polyester film now can be professionally installed as
a retrofit application to any vehicle in a matter of hours. 
Vehicle owners also have the option of selecting LLumar
solar safety film, which not only protects against injury
and smash-and-grab theft but also against heat gain and
damaging ultraviolet rays.

    NOTE TO EDITORS:  LLumar automotive safety and security
film will be on display at the SEMA show in Las Vegas, Oct
30-Nov 2. LLumar is located in the North Hall, Booth 11812
at the Las Vegas Convention Center. 

    LLumar(R) is a registered trademark of Solutia Inc.
(OTC Bulletin Board: SOLUQ)

    Corporate Profile 

    CPFilms Inc., makers of LLumar(R) films, manufactures
and processes more than 100 types of film. LLumar films are
designed to meet international standards, come with a
factory-backed warranty, and are professionally installed.
For governments, multi-national companies, and
organizations having facilities around the world, LLumar
provides the perfect solution for up-grading current
glazing systems. Through our global network of factory
trained and authorized dealers, each vehicle or facility,
regardless of location, receives the same high-quality film
and same expert installation services. For more information
on LLumar products, log on to http://www.llumar.com. 
CPFilms is a unit of Solutia Inc.

    For more information, please contact:

     Pam Feese of CPFilms Inc.
     Phone:  +1-314-674-1151
     Mobile: +1-276-224-9317
     Email:  pam.feese@cpfilms.com

KEMET Hosting Progressive Seminars in Asia October 2007
October 10, 2007

    GREENVILLE, S.C., Oct. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Demonstrating a commitment to progressive thinking and
technological advancement, KEMET Corporation (NYSE: KEM), a
leading producer of high-performance capacitors used
throughout every facet of the electronics industry, is
hosting a series of seminars at its four Asian locations
this October to present a detailed description of how
KEMET's products are made, how they work and applications
in which they are used.  The exact seminar dates and
locations are as follows:

    -- October 15, 2007 - 1 Day Seminar, Taiwan 
    -- October 17, 2007 - 1 Day Seminar, Singapore 
    -- October 18, 2007 - 1 Day Seminar, Shenzhen 
    -- October 22-23, 2007 - 1.5 Day Seminar, Suzhou Plant

    Through its unique KIT (KEMET Institute of Technology)
program, these seminars will be geared toward the decision
makers, designers and engineers in the electronics
industry.  A range of speakers across KEMET's marketing;
technology, manufacturing and quality groups will be on
hand to present expertly detailed presentations on a
variety of capacitance topics, including:

    -- Tantalum/KO Manufacturing
    -- Aluminum Organic Manufacturing
    -- MLCC Manufacturing
    -- Film & Paper Manufacturing
    -- Aluminum Electrolytic Manufacturing
    -- Specialty Products
    -- Capacitor Basics & Applications

    "These seminars give us the opportunity to share
KEMET's latest manufacturing and product development
technology with our customers so they are aware, early on,
about the opportunities of tomorrow," said Dr. Phil
Lessner, KEMET Chief Technology Officer.

    KIT was created in the early 1980s at the suggestion of
IBM after that customer visited the company's global
headquarters in Simpsonville, S.C., to learn about emerging
technology.  The seminars demonstrate KEMET's commitment to
incorporating customer input into the company's development

    Media interested in attending a session are invited to
contact the following:

    -- Taiwan - Maggie Chen, 886-2-2752-8585
    -- Singapore - Dorothy Lim, 65-6353-6636
    -- Shenzhen - Helen SM Lee, 852-2305-1168
    -- Suzhou - Laura Xi, 86-512-8163030

    KEMET Corporation applies world-class service and
quality to deliver industry-leading, high-performance
capacitance solutions to its customers around the world.
KEMET offers the world's most complete line of
surface-mount and through-hole capacitor technologies
across tantalum, ceramic, aluminum, film and paper
dielectrics. KEMET's common stock is listed on The New York
Stock Exchange under the symbol KEM. Additional information
can be found at http://www.kemet.com .

    For more information, please contact:
     Dean W. Dimke
     Director of Corporate and Marketing Communication
     Tel:   +1-864-228-4448
     Email: deandimke@kemet.com

     Johnny Boan 
     Senior Director for Strategic Marketing 
     Tel:   +1-864-967-6859
     Email: johnnyboan@kemet.com

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