社 名: 株式会社ネクストフィナンシャルサービス
設 立: 2007年7月18日
代表者: 代表取締役社長 早田 等
資本金: 5,000万円
本社所在地: 東京都港区芝大門1丁目15-8 布萬スカイビル4F
連絡先: Tel:03-5733-2040 Fax:03-5733-2080
支 社: 九州支社、四国支社
URL: http://financial.homes.co.jp/
事業内容: 賃貸保証事業
関連会社: 株式会社ネクスト(東証マザーズ 証券コード:2120)
株式会社ネクスト 管理本部 広報グループ NFS担当
晴海アイランド トリトンスクエア オフィスタワーZ棟 15階
TEL:03-6204-4067 FAX:03-6204-3963
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーションは、米国調査会社のIn-Stat社の最新市場調査報告書である 「Camera Phones and Social Networking-A New Global Focus」 の発売を開始しました。この市場調査報告書には、世界のカメラ付き携帯電話市場について記載されています。
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーション(神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:小野 悟)は、米国調査会社のIn-Stat社の最新市場調査報告書である 「Camera Phones and Social Networking-A New Global Focus (カメラ付き携帯電話とソーシャルネットワーキング)」 の発売を開始しました。この市場調査報告書には、世界のカメラ付き携帯電話市場について記載されています。
この報告書 「Camera Phones and Social Networking-A New Global Focus,"(カメラ付き携帯電話とソーシャルネットワーキング)」では、ソーシャルネットワークのモバイル技術への移行、カメラ付き携帯電話の歴史、カメラ付き携帯電話をめぐる議論についての調査とあわせて、モバイルオンラインコミュニティの変化についても記述しています。また、In-Stat社による米国消費者のカメラ付き携帯電話への興味と利用に関する調査も含んでいます。
Camera Phones and Social Networking-A New Global Focus
出版社: In-Stat
出版日: 2007/08
■ 本件に関するお問合せ先
株式会社グローバル インフォメーション
住所: 〒215-0004 川崎市麻生区万福寺 1-2-3
アーシスビル 7階
担当: 営業1課
E-mail: sl1@gii.co.jp
電話: 044-952-0102
FAX: 044-952-0109
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーションは、米国調査会社のIn-Stat社の最新市場調査報告書である 「Ultra-Mobile Devices (UMD, UMPC, MID, Micro PC):A New Worldwide Paradigm for Mobile User Applications」 の発売を開始しました。
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーション(神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:小野 悟)は、米国調査会社のIn-Stat社の最新市場調査報告書である 「Ultra-Mobile Devices (UMD, UMPC, MID, Micro PC):A New Worldwide Paradigm for Mobile User Applications」 の発売を開始しました。この市場調査報告書には、世界のウルトラモバイルデバイス市場について記載されています。
報告書「Ultra-Mobile Devices (UMD, UMPC, MID, Micro PC):A New Worldwide Paradigm for Mobile User Applications」では、ウルトラモバイルデバイスの世界市場を調査対象としており、UMDの世界の出荷台数の2011年までの予測を提供しています。さらに、市場の発展に必要とされる技術開発を含め、各種市場成長促進因子、阻害因子に関する幅広い議論も掲載されています。また報告書に加え、In-Stat社のアナリストが半導体・エレクトロニクス産業に関するさまざまな技術・市場に関するトピックについて、コンサルティングサービスを提供します。
Ultra-Mobile Devices (UMD, UMPC, MID, Micro PC):A New Worldwide Paradigm for Mobile User Applications
出版社: In-Stat
出版日: 2007/08
■ 本件に関するお問合せ先
株式会社グローバル インフォメーション
住所: 〒215-0004 川崎市麻生区万福寺 1-2-3
アーシスビル 7階
担当: 営業1課
E-mail: sl1@gii.co.jp
電話: 044-952-0102
FAX: 044-952-0109
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーションは、米国調査会社のIn-Stat社の最新市場調査報告書である 「SDP-Enabled Converged Voice Services: The IMS Killer App」 の発売を開始しました。この市場調査報告書には、世界のSDP市場について記載されています。
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーション(神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:小野 悟)は、米国調査会社のIn-Stat社の最新市場調査報告書である 「SDP-Enabled Converged Voice Services: The IMS Killer App」 の発売を開始しました。この市場調査報告書には、世界のSDP市場について記載されています。
SDP(Service Delivery Platforms)により、サービスプロバイダーはネットワークの統合を待たずして完全な消費者向けFMCサービスを導入することができます。In-Stat社によれば、SDPは固定回線の収益の下落をくい止め、IMSベースのマルチメディアアプリケーションの導入の基礎を構築するだろうまったく新しい世代の消費者向け付加価値サービスを実現可能にします。ハイテク分野の市場調査を行う同社は、統合音声サービス(CVS)はすべての人が求めているIMSのキラーアプリケーションだと述べています。
報告書「SDP-Enabled Converged Voice Services: The IMS Killer App」では、現在の通信市場におけるSDP(Service Delivery Platforms)の役割を検証し、オペレーターの導入戦略をまとめています。消費者向け統合音声サービスの市場機会は、消費者のマスマーケットに訴えるサービスがあってこそIPベースのマルチメディアアプリケーションに対する需要は構築できる、という結論を支持するかたちで示されています。主要SDPベンダーのプロファイルも掲載されています。
個人向け市場は次世代IMSネットワークへの移行を牽引している市場ですが、オペレーターは将来に対し確信が持てずにいます。個人顧客はどのような製品やサービスを購入するのでしょうか。マルチメディアアプリケーションに高い需要はあるのでしょうか。ワイヤライン/ワイヤレスサービスの統合は実際に進むのでしょうか。個人向けデバイスはサービス導入を牽引するのでしょうか。あるいはサービス導入がデバイス市場を牽引するのでしょうか。調査サービス「IMS/FMC Consumer Strategies(個人向けIMS/FMC市場戦略)」では、消費者調査によるデータやデバイス予測、専門家による意見を組み合わせ、このような疑問にお答えします。本調査サービスは包括的かつ独創的で、洞察力に優れており、現在利用できるどんな市場調査報告書とも異なっています。
SDP-Enabled Converged Voice Services: The IMS Killer App
出版社: In-Stat
出版日: 2007/08
■ 本件に関するお問合せ先
株式会社グローバル インフォメーション
住所: 〒215-0004 川崎市麻生区万福寺 1-2-3
アーシスビル 7階
担当: 営業1課
E-mail: sl1@gii.co.jp
電話: 044-952-0102
FAX: 044-952-0109
報道関係者各位 2007年9月4日
プレスリリース 株式会社イオマガジン
代表取締役/菊野均、http://www.io-maga.com/) では、
所在地:〒107-0061東京都港区北青山3-5-17 R&M2F
■ eラーニング(デジタルコンテンツ)の企画・制作事業
■ PR&メディア開発事業
■ ソフト制作事業
■ 講師・講演人材と学ぶ側をコネクトするネットワーク事業など
有限会社エヌエイエス(本社愛知県尾張旭市,代表取締役 那須正)が展開する、Dreamバーガー春日井本店では、
担当 谷口直樹
有限会社エヌエイエス(本社愛知県尾張旭市,代表取締役 那須正)が展開する、Dreamバーガー春日井本店では、
担当 谷口直樹
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバルインフォメーションは、2007年10月31日(水)~11月2日(金)に韓国のグランドインターコンチネンタルソウルにて開催されます、IBC Life Sciences主催 国際会議・展示会 「バイオプロセス インターナショナル アジア パシフィック」 の代理店としてお申し込み受付けを開始致しました。
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバルインフォメーション(神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:小野 悟)は、2007年10月31日(水)~11月2日(金)に韓国のグランドインターコンチネンタルソウルにて開催されます、IBC Life Sciences主催 国際会議・展示会 「バイオプロセス インターナショナル アジア パシフィック」 の代理店としてお申し込み受付けを開始致しました。
韓国にて初開催される「バイオプロセス インターナショナル アジア パシフィック」は韓国、日本、中国、インド、シンガポールといったアジア各国だけではなく、米国や欧州の主要なバイオ製薬企業からの参加者を見込んでいます。研究開発機関の研究者、製造及び生物製剤製造の部門長、経営開発及び戦略提携部門のエグゼクティブなどが一堂に会し、技術移転、製造経済学、上流下流工程の処理について論議を交わします。
株式会社グローバルインフォメーション (GII) は、日本の皆様の利便性を図る為に日本語、韓国語、中国語でこの国際会議・展示会の情報を提供するとともに、会議の参加のお申し込みを承っております。 本会議に関するお申し込み、又はご質問等ございましたら、下記まで是非お問い合わせください。
会議:「バイオプロセス インターナショナル アジア パシフィック」
会場:韓国 グランドインターコンチネンタルソウル(三成洞)
主催:IBC Life Sciences
■ 本件に関するお問合せ先
IBC Life Sciences代理店
株式会社グローバル インフォメーション
〒215-0004 川崎市麻生区万福寺 1-2-3
アーシスビル 7階
担当: 営業2課
電話: 044-952-0102
FAX: 044-952-0109
E-mail: sl2@gii.co.jp
プレスリリース 2007年9月4日
~ 都道府県単位で色塗り分け地図グラフの第二弾 ~
株式会社タイムランド(本社:神奈川県秦野市、代表取締役:川口 浩)は、
『ジョイグラフ(地図版)』は、Adobe Flashで開発され、シンプルで、
URL: http://www.timeland.co.jp/
商品名 : ジョイグラフ(神奈川県版)
発売開始日: 2007年9月5日
価格 : 3,360円(消費税込み)
動作環境 : Adobe Flash Player 8.0 以上
開発・販売: 株式会社タイムランド
URL : http://www.timeland.co.jp/
名称 : 株式会社タイムランド
本社住所 : 〒257-0014 神奈川県秦野市今泉395-1-403
設立 : 1995年3月1日
資本金 : 300万円
代表者 : 代表取締役 川口 浩
URL : http://www.timeland.co.jp/
事業内容 : 視線が動くグラフ、で注目度UP!ジョイグラフ開発、販売
Adobe Flash/Flexを利用したアプリケーション開発
Filemaker Proを利用したアプリケーション開発
その他 ソフトウェア開発及びコンサルティング
秦野スタイル 情報発信推進事業
担当者 : ジョイグラフ担当
TEL : 0463-84-6481
FAX : 0463-84-6480
E-MAIL : joygraph@timeland.co.jp
目前の海で獲れた最高級トラフグの「会席プラン」11月より開始 (愛知伊良湖の料理宿「ニューいらご」) |
・「伊良湖水道」とは、 愛知県田原市の伊良湖岬と三重県鳥羽市の神島の間にある水道(海峡)。
料 金:21,000円~23,100円(税・サ込)
内 容:1泊(朝・夕の2食付、夕食部屋食)
料 理:夕食は、宿目前の海で水揚げされた旬の「トラフグ料理」を中心に構成された
(コース内容) ・食前酒(季節の果実酒) ・前菜五種盛り合わせ(伊良湖の四季) ・ふぐの黒米寿司 ・ふぐ皮のジュレソースがけ ・ふぐ刺し |
・ふぐ鍋 ・ふぐの唐揚げ ・季節のシャーベット(箸休め) ・ふぐ雑炊・お漬物 ・デザート |
◆「海老とすっぽんの岬宿 ニューいらご」とは、
「伊良湖の自然の恵み(風景と食材)に抱かれながら宿泊したい」多くのそんな声に耳を傾け、“泊まれるレストラン”として「海老とすっぽんの岬宿 ニューいらご」は誕生しました。
TEL :0531-35-6380
FAX :0531-35-6340
URL :http://newirago.com
担当 小久保喜史
TEL:0531-35-6380 FAX:0531-35-6340
Significant Participation by National Bodies in ISO/IEC Ratification Process for Open XML; Final Decision Expected in March 2008 at Close of Ballot Resolution Period. REDMOND, Wash., Sept. 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Today the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released the results of the preliminary ballot to participating National Body members for the ISO/IEC DIS 29500 (Ecma 376 Office Open XML file formats) ratification process. The results show that 51 ISO members, representing 74 percent of all qualified votes, stated their support for ratification of Open XML. Along with their votes, the National Bodies also provided invaluable technical comments designed to improve the specification. Many of the remaining ISO members stated that they will support Open XML after their comments are addressed during the final phase of the process, which is expected to close in March 2008. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO ) With at least 87 countries taking part in some way, the Open XML review represents an unprecedented level of participation in the standardization of a document format. Fifty-one ISO members voicing support at this preliminary stage of the process compares favorably with the 32 ISO members supporting Open Document Format (ODF) 1.0 at the end of its process and the 15 ISO members supporting PDF/A-1 at the end of its process. This widespread participation and support is consistent with the rapid adoption of the Ecma Office Open XML file formats across multiple platforms and products from a wide range of IT vendors (including Apple, Novell, Corel, Sun, Microsoft, Java developers and Linux distributors), creating real value for IT users around the globe. "We are extremely delighted to see that 51 ISO members, representing 74 percent of the qualified votes, have already voiced their support for ISO ratification of Open XML, and that many others have indicated they will support ratification once their comments are resolved in the next phase of the ISO process," said Tom Robertson, general manager for Interoperability and Standards at Microsoft Corp. "This preliminary vote is a milestone for the widespread adoption of the Open XML formats around the world for the benefit of millions of customers. Given how encouraging today's results were, we believe that the final tally in early 2008 will result in the ratification of Open XML as an ISO standard." Technical Input Will Enhance the Standard Today's results represent the beginning of the third phase of the ISO/IEC process, called "ballot resolution," during which time Ecma International will respond to all comments that have been submitted by ISO National Bodies and provide them with a final opportunity to voice their support. "Technical experts around the world have provided invaluable feedback and technical recommendations for evolving the format," Robertson said. "The high quality of the Open XML format will be improved as a result of this process, and we take seriously our role in working within the Ecma technical committee to address the comments received. We believe that the ISO National Bodies will be pleased with the results." The ISO/IEC process is also designed to create maximum opportunities for ISO members to move from "no" to "yes" in this final phase, and we fully expect the total number of supporting votes to grow. "The objective of the standardization process, whether with Ecma International, ISO/IEC or another standards body, is ultimately to refine a specification and achieve a positive consensus around its formal adoption for the benefit of the entire industry," said Hugo Lueders, group director of EU Public Policy for the Computer Industry Technology Association. "Given the remarkable level of participation from the global standards community, the results from this preliminary ballot are very encouraging." Although no date has been formally set, the final tally is likely to take place in March 2008. ISO/IEC requires that at least 75 percent of all "yes" or "no" votes (qualified votes) and at least two-thirds of "P" members that vote "yes" or "no" support ratification of a format in the Fast Track process. More information about the ISO/IEC JTC-1 process and its participants is available at http://www.iso.org/iso/standards_development/processes_and_procedures/iso_iec_directives_and_iso_supplement.htm (Due to length of URL, please cut and paste into browser.). Widespread Support for Open XML The Ecma Office Open XML file formats are being rapidly adopted across multiple platforms and products from a wide range of IT vendors, creating real value for IT users around the globe. Thousands of companies from 67 countries on six continents have raised their voices in support of Open XML and its ratification by ISO/IEC at http://www.openxmlcommunity.org. As well, the open standard has also been gaining broad adoption across the software industry for use on a variety of platforms - including Linux, Windows(R), Mac OS and the Palm OS. Independent software vendors (ISVs) and platform providers around the world - such as Apple, Corel, Sun, Microsoft and Novell - are developing solutions using Open XML. Many developers working with the formats are active contributors to http://www.openxmldeveloper.org. Those working with Open XML can attest to the benefits of this open file format in the areas of file and data management, data recovery, interoperability with line-of-business systems, and the long-term preservation of documents. Open XML is optimized for the level of precision and detail that facilitates carrying forward billions of existing files. As well, Open XML file formats are uniquely capable of integrating other types of systems and data with Open XML documents, while maintaining a clean, simple separation of presentation (Open XML markup) and data (custom schemas and instances thereof). This means that organizations can use Open XML formats to report information from other applications and systems without having to translate it first, which is a key innovation for developers seeking to incorporate real-time business information into their documents, or those who seek to "tag" documents with their own categorization system to improve their understanding of its contents. More information about Open XML, as well as available solutions using the open standard specification, is available at http://www.openxmlcommunity.org/momentum.aspx#technology . Commitment to Interoperability The Open XML Translator ( http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/odf-converter ) is one among many interoperability projects Microsoft has undertaken. We continue to work with customers and others in the industry to address the critical interoperability issues of our customers through the delivery of products that are interoperable by design, collaboration on interoperability projects, providing access to interoperability technologies, and standardization. Other evidence of collaboration includes our technical collaborations with AOL LLC and Yahoo! Inc. for instant messaging interoperability, the broad collaboration with Novell on virtualization, document formats and intellectual property, and the creation of the Interoperability Vendor Alliance. More information is available at http://www.microsoft.com/interop . Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. NOTE TO EDITORS: If you are interested in viewing additional information on Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft(R) Web page at http://www.microsoft.com/presspass on Microsoft's corporate information pages. Web links, telephone numbers and titles were correct at time of publication, but may since have changed. For additional assistance, journalists and analysts may contact Microsoft's Rapid Response Team or other appropriate contacts listed at http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/contactpr.mspx . For more information, please contact: Rapid Response Team Waggener Edstrom Worldwide Tel: +1-503-443-7070 Email: rrt@waggeneredstrom.com
GENEVA, Sept. 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The US Department of Homeland Security awarded Cotecna a Certificate of SAFETY Act Designation for their C-TPAT Third Party Validation services. Jay Cohen, the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Science and Technology, conferred the designation on 28 August 2007. This designation identifies Cotecna's C-TPAT Third Party Validation services as "Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology". The SAFETY Act (Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act) provides liability protections for providers of Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technologies -- whether they are products or services. The goal of the SAFETY Act is to encourage the development and deployment of new and innovative anti-terrorism products and services by providing liability protections. The Cotecna services covered in this Designation include validation of supply chain activities' compliance with C-TPAT requirements. Under the guidelines for the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) C-TPAT Third Party Validation Pilot Program, Cotecna will work in conjunction with US importers to validate C-TPAT compliance of manufacturing and transportation companies in China, where CBP has been unable to conduct these operations. Daine Eisold, Vice President Supply Chain Security, said "Cotecna has been a stalwart and trusted leader of trade security and facilitation services for many years. This SAFETY Act designation recognizes our commitment to support important security initiatives in the industry, as well as our ability to effectively deliver these services worldwide." Founded in Switzerland in 1974, the COTECNA Group offers a wide range of trade facilitation services, trade security services and quality certification standards. Cotecna is a pioneer in areas such as risk management, destination inspection and scanner integration projects and also offers Customs modernization programmes, Customs valuation assistance, trade security solutions and commercial inspections. For a full description of our services, please visit www.cotecna.com. The Cotecna Group has a combined workforce of about 4,000 employees and agents in close to 100 offices and holds 15 government inspection contracts. For more information: Cotecna C-TPAT 3rd Party Validation services: http://www.cotecna.com/COM/EN/C-TPAT-China.aspx SAFETY Act: http://www.safetyact.gov C-TPAT: http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/import/commercial_enforcement/ctpat/ For more information, please contact: Cotecna Press Alison Bourgeois Vice President Corporate Communications Geneva Tel: +41-22-849-78-23 Email: press@cotecna.ch
LONDON, Sept. 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Ready for fresh perspectives on mutational research, future treatment prospects in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and a milestone announcement from Boehringer Ingelheim? Learn more at the upcoming international media webcast, 'The second generation - revealing the next chapter in the evolution of lung cancer care' coinciding with the 12th World Conference on Lung Cancer. Available on-line 6 September 2007. Find out more! Visit http://www.lungcancer-thenextchapter.com to register. For more information, please contact: Claire Pope of Ogilvy Healthworld for Boehringer Ingelheim Phone: +44-0-207-108-8686 Email: claire.pope@ogilvyhealthworld.com Website: http://www.lungcancer-thenextchapter.com
CAMBRIDGE, England, Sept. 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- AVEVA (LSE: AVV), the leading provider of plant and marine design and engineering lifecycle solutions today announces the launch of AVEVA PDMS 12. AVEVA PDMS 12, is the latest generation of the leading plant design tool. This release fully supports the Microsoft .NET user interface with highly interactive 3D graphical editing functions making it easier to learn, faster to use and a lot more productive. "PDMS has long been acknowledged as the most powerful plant design system in the market. With AVEVA's unique, proven, object-based and global engineering technologies our clients have had unrivalled flexibility in the execution of complex global projects," said Richard Longdon, CEO of AVEVA. "The release of PDMS 12 takes this technology platform to new heights of productivity. PDMS 12 delivers major innovations to our customers, ranging from improved productivity for individual designers through to increased overall project savings that result from significant improvements in data management and control. The new features in PDMS 12 include: -- Extensive enhancements to the advanced engineering applications for designing equipment, piping, ducting, structural steel, and supports. -- The new access platforms, stairs and ladders application that allows the parametric design and easy modification of complex access configurations. -- The new catalogue and specification management application that reduces the effort and skill levels required to create and modify catalogues and specifications. -- A new Cable Design product that allows cables and cableways to be routed inside the PDMS model. -- New object associations that allow key relationships to be defined within the plant model and continuously monitored as the design progresses. -- A rule-based automatic pipe routing and quality checking feature as standard. -- Extensions to the PDMS configuration and customisation capabilities to allow Microsoft .NET compatible languages to be used. -- A new approach to P&ID integration. P&IDs from multiple authoring tools can be consolidated into a single schematic model which is managed within the AVEVA PDMS 12 environment. The schematic model can be used to build and compare with the 3D plant model using the new AVEVA P&ID Manager and AVEVA P&ID Integrator products which are introduced as part of AVEVA's open P&ID strategy. AVEVA's principle of continual progression means that existing PDMS customers can easily upgrade. See http://www.aveva.com/pdms For more information, please contact: Alison Patey AVEVA Email: alison.patey@aveva.com
GENEVA, Sept. 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The World Health Organization (WHO) is today appealing to countries to increase their support for mental health services. The appeal is part of a series of six reviews on global mental health which are being published today in the journal The Lancet. WHO has worked closely with the journal The Lancet to generate the evidence and formulate the call for action. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51-min.jpg ) Mental disorders are common but as many as half of all people with severe mental disorders and a vast majority of those with mild or moderate disorders worldwide do not receive any treatment. Even when treatment is available, it is often delivered in institutional settings which in many countries are associated with stigma and human rights violations. The reasons for this bleak situation are clear: mental health services are being starved of both human and financial resources. WHO's Mental Health Atlas database shows that a majority of countries in Africa and South-East Asia spend less than 1% of their health budget on mental health. Low income countries have an average of 0.05 psychiatrists and 0.16 psychiatric nurses per 100,000 population (about two hundred times less than in high income countries); these extremely low rates make it impossible for satisfactory services to be delivered in these countries. WHO is supporting a call for action to increase the coverage of mental health services for mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries. The call is targeted at public health planners and urges them to assign a higher priority to mental health. "This topic should matter to everyone, because people living with mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries are systematically locked out of the benefits of development that are open to others. When not addressed, mental disorders deprive people of opportunities to escape from poverty and deny them a voice to claim their rights," said Dr Catherine Le Gal¨¨s-Camus, WHO Assistant Director-General for Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health. "The current situation means that people with mental illnesses are at best ignored and at worst actively discriminated against in many countries. We can only improve the services available to people with mental disorders if there is a major and rapid increase in investment in this area," said Dr Benedetto Saraceno, WHO Director of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Estimates show that the amount of money required to deliver a core package of mental health care is approximately USD 2 per person per year in low-income countries and USD 3-4 in lower-middle income countries. This package, based on treatment of mental disorders in primary health care and in community-based facilities would increase the treatment coverage to 80% for severe mental disorders and 25-33% for less severe ones. These targets are currently the best attainable level for most low- and middle-income countries given the current poor infrastructure and scarcity of human resources for mental health care. The Call for Action further reinforces WHO's global action programme on assisting low- and middle-income countries in providing mental health care. Link to Mental Health website and to the Lancet Series http://www.who.int/mental_health/en/ . All press releases, fact sheets and other WHO media material may be found at: http://www.who.int . For further information please contact: Shekhar Saxena, Coordinator, Mental Health: Evidence and Research, WHO Geneva Tel: +41-22-791-3625 Mobile: +41-79-308-9865 Email: saxenas@who.int Media enquiries: +41-22-791-2222
SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The clinical benefit of ALIMTA(R) (pemetrexed for injection) continues to be validated across patient populations, as demonstrated in two studies conducted in Asia. The data presented today at the 12th World Conference on Lung Cancer provide further support of the efficacy of Eli Lilly and Company's ALIMTA in treating non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the world's most common form of cancer.(1) ALIMTA is currently indicated for the second-line treatment of non small cell lung cancer in more than 85 countries. In one study (WCLC Abstract # P2-274), a Japanese multicenter, randomized Phase II trial, pretreated patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC demonstrated more than 12 months of median survival time when treated with ALIMTA. "This is data showing that ALIMTA not only provides excellent outcomes but also a favorable quality of life in pretreated patients with non-small cell lung cancer," said Dr. Kaoru Kubota, M.D., of the National Cancer Center Hospital East in Kashiwa, Japan and the study's principal investigator. "Other Western studies have demonstrated similar efficacy of ALIMTA in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. It is nice to see clinical benefits substantiated in Japanese patients and observe consistency in the drug's performance." The study evaluated 216 patients, comparing the current approved dose of ALIMTA 500 mg/m2 to ALIMTA 1000 mg/m2. Patients in the 500 mg/m2 arm showed a median survival time of 16 months compared to 12.6 months for patients in the 1000 mg/m2 arm. The study also showed one-year survival rates of 59.2 percent and 53.7 percent, and response rates of 18.5 percent and 14.8 percent, respectively. The study also provides supporting information for oncologists, affirming the currently approved dose of ALIMTA as the proper dosage for use in the second-line treatment of NSCLC. Additionally, a randomized Phase II Taiwanese study (WCLC Abstract # P2-245) showed a median survival time of 9.1 months in patients with NSCLC who were treated either in the second- or third-line setting. The study involved 44 patients who had failed previous treatment with platinum-based chemotherapies with/without tyrosine-kinase treatment. An overall response rate of 18.2 percent was achieved with a response rate of 40 percent in patients treated in second-line compared to 11.8 percent in third-line or later treatment patients. The study also found that treatment toxicities tended to be generally mild. Grade 3/4 hematological toxicities included neutropenia in 18.2 percent, thrombocytopenia in 6.8 percent and anemia in 4.5 percent. Non-hematological toxicities were all less than grade 3. Three additional studies (WCLC Abstract # P2-226, WCLC Abstract # P2-237, WCLC Abstract # P2-243) being presented at WCLC also provided further affirming evidence of the efficacy of ALIMTA in the second-line treatment of NSCLC. "We have always been impressed with ALIMTA for its consistent performance and versatility," said Richard Gaynor, M.D., vice president, cancer research and global oncology platform leader for Lilly. "These studies underline the efficacy of ALIMTA in the second-line treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. As Lilly looks to potentially bring ALIMTA to market in countries throughout Asia, it is important that ALIMTA demonstrates efficacy and safety across diverse patient populations." ALIMTA, as a single agent, was approved by both the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2004 for the second-line treatment of NSCLC. About Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) NSCLC is the most common type of lung cancer and represents 75-80 percent of all lung cancers. NSCLC has five-tier staging, starting at 0 and rising to the severity of stage IV. NSCLC can spread through the lymphatic system, penetrating the chest lining, ribs, and the nerves and blood vessels that lead to the arm. The liver, bones and brain are potential targets if the cancerous cells enter the blood stream. (1) Parkin DM, Bray F, Ferlay J, Pisani P, Global Cancer Statistics, 2002. CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55;74-108, http://intl-caonline.amcancersoc.org/cgi/content/abstract/55/2/74, (April 10, 2007). ALIMTA ABBREVIATED PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Uses ALIMTA is indicated in combination with cisplatin for the treatment of chemotherapy naive patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. ALIMTA is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, after prior chemotherapy. Dosage and Administration The drug is to be administered intravenously, under the supervision of a physician qualified in the use of cytotoxic anti-cancer therapy. Malignant pleural mesothelioma: Pemetrexed in combination with cisplatin has been investigated using a three-week (21-day) cycle. Pemetrexed is used at 500mg/m2 of body surface area (BSA), given by ten-minute infusion, on day 1 of each 21-day cycle. Cisplatin is used at 75mg/m2 BSA, given by two-hour infusion, approximately 30 minutes after completion of the pemetrexed infusion on day 1 of each cycle. Adequate anti-emetic treatment and hydration for cisplatin treatment must be given. Non-small cell lung cancer: The recommended dose of pemetrexed is 500mg/m2 BSA, given by ten-minute infusion, on day 1 of each 21-day cycle. Pre-medication: Supplement with 1000 micrograms intramuscular vitamin B12 and oral folic acid (350 to 1000 micrograms) to reduce toxicity (for full details see Summary of Product Characteristics [SPC]). To reduce the incidence and severity of skin reactions, a corticosteroid should be given the day prior to, on the day of, and the day after pemetrexed administration - this should be equivalent to 4mg of dexamethasone administered orally twice a day. Monitoring: Monitor prior to each dose for complete blood cell count, including a differential white cell count and platelet count. Absolute neutrophil count should be greater than or equal to 1,500 cells/mm3 and platelets greater than or equal to 100,000 cells/mm3. Prior to each dose, collect blood chemistry tests to evaluate renal and hepatic function. Dose adjustments to pemetrexed and/or cisplatin at the start of a subsequent cycle should be based on nadir haematological counts or maximum non-haematological toxicity. If necessary, delay or withhold treatment in the presence of haematological toxicity, neurotoxicity, and/or impaired hepatic/renal function. (For full information on dose modification see SPC.) Children and adolescents: Not recommended for use in patients under 18 years of age. Renal impairment: Patients with creatinine clearance greater than or equal to 45ml/min require no dose adjustment other than those recommended for all patients. Use in patients with creatinine clearance below 45ml/min is not recommended. See also Warnings and Special Precautions. Hepatic impairment: Patients with hepatic impairment, such as bilirubin >1.5-times the upper limit of normal and/or transaminase >3.0-times the upper limit of normal (hepatic metastases absent) or >5.0-times the upper limit of normal (hepatic metastases present), have not been specifically studied. Contra-indications Hypersensitivity to pemetrexed or to any of the excipients. Concomitant yellow fever vaccine. Breast-feeding. Warnings and Special Precautions Myelosuppression is usually the dose-limiting toxicity. Patients must be instructed to take folic acid and vitamin B12 as a prophylactic measure. Pre-treatment with dexamethasone (or equivalent) can reduce the incidence and severity of skin reactions. Serious renal events, including acute renal failure, have been reported with pemetrexed alone or in combination with other chemotherapeutic agents. Many of the patients in whom these occurred had underlying risk factors including dehydration or pre-existing hypertension or diabetes. In patients with clinically significant third space fluid, consideration should be given to draining the effusion prior to administration. Serious cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular events, have been uncommonly reported when pemetrexed is given in combination with other cytotoxic agents; most of these patients had pre-existing cardiovascular risk. Concomitant use of live attenuated vaccines is not recommended. Interactions Concomitant administration of nephrotoxic drugs and substances that are also tubularly secreted could potentially result in delayed clearance of pemetrexed. If necessary, creatinine clearance should be closely monitored. Patients must avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with long elimination half-lives for at least 5 days prior to, on the day, and at least 2 days following pemetrexed administration. In patients with normal renal function (creatinine clearance greater than or equal to 80ml/min), high doses of NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen >1600mg/day) and aspirin at higher dosage (greater than or equal to 1.3g daily) may decrease pemetrexed elimination and increase the occurrence of adverse events. Patients with mild to moderate renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance from 49 to 79ml/min) should avoid taking NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen) or aspirin at higher dosage, for 2 days before, on the day of, and 2 days following pemetrexed administration. There is a possible interaction between oral anticoagulants and pemetrexed; therefore, increase the frequency of International Normalised Ratio monitoring (INR) if treating with oral anticoagulants. Pregnancy and Lactation Avoid in pregnancy and do not use in breast-feeding women. Pemetrexed can be genotoxic; sexually mature males are advised not to father a child during treatment and up to 6 months thereafter. Owing to the possibility of irreversible infertility, men are advised to seek counselling on sperm storage before starting treatment. Women of childbearing potential must use effective contraception during treatment. Driving, etc It has been reported that pemetrexed can cause somnolence. Patients should be cautioned against driving or operating machinery. Undesirable Effects Haematological: Very common: Anaemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia. Common: Febrile neutropenia and infection without neutropenia. Uncommon: Pancytopenia. Gastro-intestinal: Very common: Nausea, vomiting, stomatitis/pharyngitis, anorexia, diarrhoea, constipation. Common: Dyspepsia, abdominal pain. Rare: Colitis. General: Very common: Fatigue. Common: Fever, conjunctivitis. Metabolism and nutrition: Common: Dehydration. Nervous system: Very common: Neuropathy - sensory. Common: Neuropathy - motor, dysgeusia. Renal and urinary: Very common: Creatinine elevation, creatinine clearance decreased. Common: Renal failure. Hepatobiliary: Common: SGPT (ALT) elevation and SGOT (AST) elevation, increased GGT. Rare: Cases of hepatitis, potentially serious, have been reported during trials. Skin and subcutaneous tissue: Very common: Rash/desquamation, alopecia. Common: Urticaria, allergic reaction/hypersensitivity, erythema multiforme, pruritus. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular: Uncommon: Myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, cerebrovascular accident, arrhythmias, transient ischaemic attack. (Usually when given in combination with other cytotoxic agents and with pre-existing cardiovascular risk.) Common: Chest pain. For full details of these and other side-effects, please see the Summary of Product Characteristics, which is available at http://emc.medicines.org.uk/. About Lilly Oncology, a Division of Eli Lilly and Company For more than four decades, Lilly Oncology has been collaborating with cancer researchers to deliver innovative treatment choices and valuable programs to patients and their physicians. Inspired by courageous patients living with cancer, Lilly Oncology is providing treatments that are considered global standards of care and developing a broad portfolio of novel targeted therapies to accelerate the pace and progress of cancer care. About Eli Lilly and Company Lilly, a leading innovation-driven corporation, is developing a growing portfolio of first-in-class and best-in-class pharmaceutical products by applying the latest research from its own worldwide laboratories and from collaborations with eminent scientific organizations. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Ind., Lilly provides answers -- through medicines and information -- for some of the world's most urgent medical needs. P-LLY ALIMTA(R) (pemetrexed for injection), Lilly This press release contains forward-looking statements about the potential of ALIMTA for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer and reflects Lilly's current beliefs. However, as with any pharmaceutical products under development, there are substantial risks and uncertainties in the process of development, commercialization, and regulatory review. There is no guarantee that the products will receive additional regulatory approvals. There is also no guarantee that the products will continue to be commercially successful. For further discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties, see Lilly's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Lilly undertakes no duty to update forward-looking statements. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20031219/LLYLOGO) For more information, please contact: Gregory L. Clarke Lilly Phone: +1-317-554-7119 (mobile) Email: gregory.clarke@lilly.com Chantal Samonte CPR Worldwide Phone: +1-202-550-4129 (mobile) Email: c.samonte@cprworldwideusa.com
SHANGHAI, China, Sept. 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Juren Holdings, Inc., the largest after-school tutoring service provider in Beijing and one of the best known education brands in China, announced today that it has successfully closed its Series A financing of $20 million. Qiming Ventures Partners ("Qiming") led the round with participation from SIG. Mr. Xiong Yin, founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Executive Officer of Juren Holding, Inc. ("Juren" or the "Company"), started the business as a guitar teaching school in 1994. Over the last 13 years, Juren has become the largest after-school tutoring service provider in Beijing and is named as "one of the best-known education brands" in China. It teaches lessons in Math Olympiad, Chinese essay composition, English, art, and many other subjects to students aged from 0-18. Juren operates 23 schools and more than 100 learning centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xi'an, Shijiazhuang, and Zhengzhou. Its annual enrollment exceeded 200,000 in 2006. Commenting on the Series A financing, Mr. Yin, said, "We are very pleased to have Qiming and SIG as our shareholders, as well as strategic partners, to help us build a nationwide presence and brand. We have been very impressed by Qiming partners' operating experience and well-rounded expertise in general management, finance, marketing, and IT. We are proud of the fact that we are already the dominant player in the after-school tutoring segment in Beijing. We believe with the investment and expertise from Qiming and SIG, together, we will be one of the largest education providers in China for everyone aged from 0 to 99." JP Gan, Managing Director of Qiming Venture Partners, joined the Board of Directors of Juren. Mr. Gan, said, "An average urban family spends more money on education than anything else other than food. We are very excited about the investment opportunities in the education sector and involvement in educating our next generation. We are very impressed by Mr. Yin and his team's achievements in the last 13 years. In Beijing, it seems everyone with school age children knows Juren and its high-quality of education. We are very pleased with the opportunity to work with Mr. Yin to build a great company." About Qiming Venture Partners Based in Shanghai, Qiming ( http://www.qimingventures.com ) aims to be a premier venture capital firm focused on investments in early stage ventures in China, in partnership with Ignition Partners ( http://www.ignitionpartners.com ). The Qiming team is proven business leaders and venture capitalists with strong operational backgrounds in both the U.S and in China. Qiming seeks investment opportunities in early stage and high growth Chinese companies in the areas of TMT, consumer and healthcare. While striving to be the investor of choice for entrepreneurs, Qiming will also work closely with other leading venture capital firms to deliver the investor value that young Chinese companies require. For more information, please contact: Javen Huang Tel: +86-21-6101-6522 Email: javen@qimingventures.com
One of World's Leading Asset Managers Opens Doors to Chinese Investors LONDON, Sept. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- BNY Mellon Asset Management, the asset management arm of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, has received approval from the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to provide sub-advisory services in relation to a QDII mandate for Chinese investors. The mandate will be sub-advised on behalf of China Southern Fund Management Co.Ltd, a domestic Chinese asset management company. The Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII) program allows Chinese investors to access foreign fund management capabilities. Founded in 1998, China Southern was the first regulated fund management company in China, and was amongst the first Chinese asset management companies to be authorised to develop and market QDII products. The mandate gives global equity exposure with alpha generated from asset allocation, stock selection, and long only fund selection. Roughly 60% is to be invested in developed markets and 40% in emerging markets via investment in exchange-traded funds and active type equity funds, index funds or derivatives including futures/forward. A leading selection of BNY Mellon Asset Management investment subsidiaries will serve as the sub-advisors for this mandate. Commenting on the approval Jon Little, vice-chairman of BNY Mellon Asset Management, said: "This landmark announcement means that we are the first non-domestic asset managers to receive approval to advise on such a mandate, and is an exciting opportunity for us to partner with a local institution in bringing global investment expertise to Chinese investors." Notes to Editors The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation is a global financial services company focused on helping clients manage and move their financial assets, operating in 37 countries and serving more than 100 markets. The company is a leading provider of financial services for institutions, corporations and high-net-worth individuals, providing superior asset management and wealth management, asset servicing, issuer services and treasury services through a worldwide client-focused team. It has more than $20 trillion in assets under custody and administration and more than $1 trillion in assets under management. Additional information is available at http://www.bnymellon.com . All information source Mellon Global Investments as at 30 June 2007 unless otherwise stated. This press release is issued by Mellon Global Investments Limited to members of the financial press and media and the information contained herein should not be construed as investment advice. Past Performance is not a guide to future performance. Registered office: Mellon Financial Centre, 160 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 4LA. Registered in England no. 1371973. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority SMA Bank of New York Mellon Company. For more information, please contact: Rebecca Grundy The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation Tel: +44-207-163-2744 Email: grundy.r@mellon.com
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- u-blox America Inc., a worldwide leader in GNSS technology, including GPS and Galileo chipsets for mobile, battery-powered products, today announced its participation at the Intel Developer Forum to be held in San Francisco from September 18th-20th. u-blox will be showcasing its latest and most advanced chipset, u-blox5 With -160 dBm SuperSense(R) sensitivity, 50 channels, excellent noise immunity, time-to-first fix under one second and less than 50mW power-consumption, u-blox5 will allow GPS enabled Ultra-Mobile PCs (UMPCs) and Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) to operate in the most challenging and difficult indoor environments such as shopping malls, train stations and urban canyons. "With u-blox5, ODMs and OEMs creating small-form factor devices based on Intel's leading mobile architecture and platforms will enjoy unprecedented GPS performance for navigation, LBS and other GPS related applications," said Nikolaos Papadopoulos, President of u-blox America, Inc. u-blox will also showcase recent innovations like AssistNow(R), u-blox's end-to-end A-GPS solutions that enhance receiver performance, enabling instant positioning anywhere, at anytime. AssistNow services make the long waiting times usually associated with standard GPS acquisition performance a thing of the past, even in difficult signal conditions. The recently introduced AssistNow Offline provides assistance data valid for up to 14 days, which is stored in the GPS receiver. This enables the receiver to compute a position instantly without having to connect to a mobile network at start-up to download the data, as is the case with typical A-GPS services. Visit u-blox at booth 846. About u-blox u-blox is an international company headquartered in Switzerland, with sales organizations in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Founded in 1997, u-blox develops leading positioning technology, products and services based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including GPS and Galileo, for the automotive and mobile communications markets. For more information, please visit http://www.u-blox.com. For more information, please contact: Nikolaos Papadopoulos, President, u-blox America, Inc. Phone: +1-703-483-3180 EMail: nikolaos.papadopoulos@u-blox.com Alicia Montoya, Marketing Communications Manager Phone: +41-44-722-74-86 EMail: alicia.montoya@u-blox.com Website: http://www.u-blox.com
Luxury And Glamour Meet High Design And Technology At Tokyo's Newest Landmark TOKYO, Sept. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Peninsula Hotels' rich history, glamour and legendary service arrived in Japan with the opening of its eighth hotel, The Peninsula Tokyo, on September 1, 2007. Officiating at the ribbon cutting were the respective Chairman and board members of The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited (HSH) and its partner in The Peninsula Tokyo project, Mitsubishi Estate Company Limited (MEC). A lion dance, a traditional Hong Kong element to ensure good fortune for the launch of a new venture followed the ribbon cutting. "The sheer variety of Tokyo's attractions are world famous -- not only the bustling streets and booming economy, but also the traditions and renowned culture of the Japanese people, and thus The Peninsula Tokyo attempts to encapsulate all these sentiments in its architecture, interiors, public areas and guestrooms. Together, we shall endeavour to become active and dependable contributors to Tokyo's vibrant community, weaving our magic into the lives of those we serve", said The Honourable Sir Michael Kadoorie, Chairman of The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited. With recent luxury hotels opting to be part of high-rise office buildings or multi-use complexes, The Peninsula is the only freestanding luxury hotel to be built in Tokyo in more than a decade. Standing 24 stories high opposite the Imperial Palace and superbly located in the prestigious financial district of Marunouchi, The Peninsula is poised to become Tokyo's new landmark, offering commanding city views, luxurious comfort, sophisticated facilities, extraordinary dining and the legendary Peninsula service. With celebrated architect Kazukiyo Sato's vision of The Peninsula Tokyo as a traditional Japanese lantern at the entrance of Marunouchi and Ginza, the hotel is a shining beacon drawing local and international guests to meet the world and experience the Japanese seasons reflected throughout the hotel's design, facilities and services. The Peninsula Tokyo offers 314 spacious guestrooms, including 47 suites, five restaurants, a modern lounge bar, two ballrooms, six elegantly designed function rooms, a wedding chapel, a Japanese ceremony room, a fitness centre, The Peninsula Spa by ESPA, a fleet of Rolls-Royces and BMWs and three luxury jewellery shops, all making their retail debut in Japan -- Graff, de Grisogono and Chantecler Tokyo. The dazzling rooftop restaurant, Peter, offers internationally inspired cuisine set in a sensual, contemporary space offering breathtaking 360-degree views of Tokyo and the Imperial Gardens. Designed by the renowned US and Canadian architecture and design team Yabu Pushelberg, Peter stretches the imagination with its chrome polished trees, round "pods" concealing semi-private dining areas and an interactive video wall providing images and entertainment. Guestrooms are among the largest and most technologically advanced in Tokyo and offer stunning views of the city, the Imperial Palace Gardens and Hibiya Park. Interior designer Yukio Hashimoto, an alumnus of renowned Japanese interior design firm Super Potato, intertwines rich earth tone colours, woods, lacquer, marble and stone with design and functionality to create a luxurious living environment described as "international in design, but Japanese by inspiration." Peninsula's legendary focus on technology is evident throughout the guestrooms, from the personal nail dryers in each dressing room, to the bathrooms, which turn into spa environments at the touch of a button. Each guestroom features two types of telephone -- a wired phone, which can be synchronised with guests' personal mobile phones to enable the automatic transfer of an incoming calls via Bluetooth synchronisation to any handset in the room, and to make Skype calls in addition to regular calls. The second phone is a portable phone, which functions anywhere within the hotel as the in-room phone and converts to a mobile phone to place outgoing calls outside the hotel throughout the Tokyo metropolitan area. Room rates at The Peninsula Tokyo begin at 60,000 Japanese yen per night. Reservations can be made through http://www.peninsula.com or The Peninsula Hotels toll-free Global Customer Service Centre at (81-3) 6270 2288. The Peninsula Tokyo is managed by The Peninsula Hotels, which operates luxury hotels in key gateways of Asia and the USA: The Peninsula Hong Kong; The Peninsula New York; The Peninsula Chicago; The Peninsula Beverly Hills; The Peninsula Tokyo; The Peninsula Bangkok; The Peninsula Beijing; The Peninsula Manila; and The Peninsula Shanghai (2009). The Peninsula Hotels is a division of The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited. For further information, please visit http://www.peninsula.com or contact: Mark K. Kobayashi Director of Public Relations The Peninsula Tokyo Phone: +81-3-6270-2888 Direct: +81-3-6270-2525 Fax: +81-3-6270-2608 Email: markkobayashi@peninsula.com Digital Photo Library: http://www.leonardo.com/peninsula
ANTWERP, Belgium, Sept. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Atlas Copco has yet again proven its world leadership in air-compressor manufacturing - with new ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 certificates for oil-free air compressors in the centrifugal, tooth, scroll and water-injected screw ranges. The 'Class 0' rating for these compressors is the next step in a continuous drive in innovation that began with the certification of the Z screw compressor range in 2006, the first compressors in the world to be TUV certified ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0. With these latest 'Class 0' certificates, Atlas Copco can offer its customers a wide range of optimal and efficient compressor solutions capable of meeting every compressed-air application where high air purity is critical. Testing of Atlas Copco oil-free compressors was carried out by the renowned independent Technische Uberwachungs-Verein (Technical Monitoring Association, or 'TUV'), using the most stringent test methods available and simulating realistic industrial environments. Even with such rigorous testing, the TUV found no traces of oil in the output air stream under any of the test conditions. "The fact that we can now offer a wide range of Class 0 certified compressors means that we can help customers select the best and most efficient compressor technology to improve their productivity and profitability," says Ronnie Leten, Atlas Copco's Business Area President Compressor Technique. "It's a strategic choice of Atlas Copco to invest in new technologies, as this is the best way to help our customers meet their own targets. And one of the driving forces in Atlas Copco is our commitment to customer value." Importance of 100% oil-free air Applications where 100% oil-free air is important include food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging, chemical and petrochemical processing, semiconductor and electronics manufacturing, the medical sector, automotive paint spraying, textile manufacturing and many more. Contamination by even the smallest quantities of oil in such purity-critical compressed-air applications can result in damaged products or product batches, high rejection rates and returns, and costly production downtime and cleanup. Atlas Copco's Class 0 air compressors eliminate the risks of oil contamination as well as the resulting extra costs, by preventing oil from entering the production process. For Atlas Copco's customers, Class 0 certification means zero risk of contamination, zero risk of damaged or unsafe products, and zero risk of losses from operational downtime. Above all, zero risk of ruining a company's hard-won professional reputation. Ranges receiving Class 0 certification The Class Zero certification of the Z screw compressors is now extended with a wide range of oil-free air technologies, including the high-capacity ZH centrifugal compressors, the ZR/ZT tooth compressors, the AQ water-injected screw compressors, the SF scroll compressors and the P series of rental compressors. The ZR/ZT screw compressor range, which was the first in the world to receive Class 0 certification, is generally the most efficient and reliable technology for critical applications between 55 and 900 kW. With the ZH centrifugal compressor range, Atlas Copco is now able to offer efficient and certified 100% oil-free air for higher capacity base-load applications such as the fermentation, air separation and aeration processes that are important in chemical and pharmaceutical processing. Semiconductor and other electronics manufacturing, textile production and automotive applications can now also rely on 100% oil-free air in this capacity class. Tooth compressor technology is proven to be the most energy-efficient for applications up to 50 kW. Here, Atlas Copco's ZR/ZT tooth compressors are especially essential in food and beverage facilities, pharmaceutical production and electronics. Within the water-injected AQ series, now also Class 0 certified, Atlas Copco offers an oil-free air compressor, which achieves 13 bar. The water-injected screw technology has proven to be of significant use for applications such as cosmetics manufacturing, tobacco industry and automotive fabrication. Atlas Copco's SF scroll compressor range delivers pure air for hospital, dental and medical applications, printing industry, laboratories and dairy industry processing. These compressors benefit from extremely low noise and offer high energy efficiency to customers. The PT, PTS and PNS rental oil-free portable compressors have recently also received Class 0 certification, answering industry needs for oil-free air in applications that are short-term yet purity-critical. So whether a company's activities lie in pharmaceutical production, food processing, critical electronics or other similarly exacting sectors, Atlas Copco has an oil-free air compressor that can deliver the highest levels of 100% oil-free air - certified - giving customers the ultimate peace of mind. Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. The products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and with more than 130 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the group's global reach spans more than 150 markets. In 2006, Atlas Copco had 25 900 employees and revenues of BSEK 51 (BEUR 5.6). Learn more at http://www.atlascopco.com . Atlas Copco's Compressor Technique business area develops, manufactures, markets and services oil-free and oil-injected stationary air compressors, portable air compressors, gas and process compressors, turbo expanders, electric power generators, air treatment equipment and air management systems. It also offers speciality rental services. It innovates for superior productivity in applications such as manufacturing, construction and the process industry worldwide. Principal product development and main manufacturing units are in Antwerp, Belgium. More information is available on http://www.atlascopco.com. This release, plus a full press kit and high-resolution photographs and diagrams, is available on the Atlas Copco website: http://www.classzero.com/ . FOOTNOTE TO EDITORS: This press release is distributed by SAATCHI & SAATCHI BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS on behalf of Atlas Copco. This release, plus a full press kit, containing translations into local languages and high-resolution photographs and diagrams, is available on the Atlas Copco website: http://www.classzero.com/ For more information, please contact: Luc Hendrickx President Atlas Copco Compressor Technique - Oil-free Air Division Tel: +32-3-870-22-10 Email: luc.hendrickx@be.atlascopco.com Web: http://www.atlascopco.com http://www.classzero.com
The Indian Based Company is Developing an Innovative P2P Based System as a Secure and Trusted Alternative to the World Wide Web MUMBAI, India, Sept. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- NetAlter Software Ltd., a winner of the "Red Herring Asia 100" award in Hong Kong on August 29, 2007, has patented a unique, innovative system that offers a domain-less alternative to web and internet based solutions. Once developed, this system, called "NetAlter," will offer a secure, trusted, spam free and virus free software and network for both end users and businesses. The "NetAlter Service Browser" will be made available free to end-users worldwide, and will enable them to connect, communicate and share with other users directly from their personal computers, via a true P2P network. Users will no longer have to worry about their personal and financial information being hacked or misused as the NetAlter browser will not allow unauthorized programs to run and will also protect the intellectual property of creators of content and applications. It will also provide features for communication such as email, file sharing, information sharing, messaging, as well as allowing the creation of personal and business networks using it's innovative and secure P2P technology. Wherever you are, by simply installing the NetAlter browser on your PC, you can publish content across the network without registering a domain name or hosting a web server. The NetAlter System also features an integrated intelligent clustered semantic search engine that is e-commerce enabled. Users will be able to search and find precise information and resources within the NetAlter browser and then store the search results and associated content to their computer. The user can then access this content offline. The system will also provide a collaborative platform for developers and service providers to share their code or content and do business in the NetAlter network. NetAlter will offer a spam free, targeted advertising model that will be unique in it's own way, as an alternative outlet for those frustrated with web based advertising. The most innovative technology that the NetAlter system offers is the Democratic Grid concept where end users in the network share the idle resources of their computer with a global Grid pool and then use the same grid to run grid enabled applications on a quid pro quo basis. There are many more technologies that NetAlter promises to deliver such as Democratic Grid technology and NetAlter TV. For more information, visit http://www.netalter.com . NetAlter Software Ltd is also looking forward to working with established developers and service providers in forming a consortium in developing this unique technology. NetAlter also requires sizeable funding for its development and marketing and hence seeks financial, developmental & marketing partners. For more information, please contact: Mr. Gurudatt Shenoy VP, PR and Communication Tel: +91-022-2591-5994 Mobile: +91-982-114-0603 Email: gurudatt.shenoy@netalter.com Address: 3 & 4 Sai Smruti, Behind Deep Mandir Theatre, Mulund West, Mumbai 400080, India
MILAN, Italy, Sept. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Worldwide leaders in the PV industry will be gathering in Milan, Italy from September 3rd-7th, 2007 for the 22nd annual European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference. In recent years, Germany has become a popular destination for PV investments and the country's investment promotion agency, Invest in Germany, will be on hand in Milan to outline advantages of a PV investment in Germany. Germany is the world leader in PV. This claim is backed up in both capacity and sales: 55% of the world's total PV capacity is in Germany and in 2006 the German PV industry earned 3.8 billion euros in sales. There are many reasons that Germany is the leading PV investment location. One is the favorable legal framework. The Renewable Energies Act of 2000 sets a "feed-in-tariff" at which power companies are required to purchase energy from renewable sources. For PV power this equates to a price of 37.96 to 54.21 euros/kWh paid to the owners of PV installations over 20 years. This price incentive has helped spawn a market of consumers for PV products. Germany also has a qualified workforce that is ready to help any PV investment succeed. The proximity to other PV companies, suppliers, universities, and research institutes has attracted numerous foreign PV investors. For example, the Canadian solar cell manufacturer ARISE is breaking ground this month on its new production line facility in the eastern German town of Bischofswerda. ARISE is joining other companies such as First Solar and Nanosolar in making major investments in eastern Germany. Furthermore many German universities are strengthening the research landscape and future workforce by offering programs in management and engineering focused on the PV industry. The availability of investment incentives is also a further reason for companies to invest in Germany. These loans and grants -- that sometimes cut investment costs in half -- serve as a major attraction for investors to set up projects especially in eastern Germany. This incentive, coupled with the previously listed reasons, has helped create a "solar valley" of PV companies throughout eastern Germany. Invest in Germany is the official investment promotion agency of Germany. Its mandate is to assist and advise international companies about investment opportunities in Germany. Invest in Germany can be found in Exhibition Hall 20, Booth F6. For more information, please contact: Eva Henkel Invest in Germany Tel: +49-30-200099-173 Fax: +49-30-200099-111 Email: henkel@invest-in-germany.com Web: http://www.invest-in-germany.com
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Supreme Master Television, a pioneer of 24-hour positive programming, is celebrating its one year anniversary with a prime-time special highlighting peace developments around the world. This week long celebration is planned for broadcast from September 3-9, 2007. Since its premiere on September 7, 2006, Supreme Master Television has steadfastly gained a loyal global audience with its inspiring programs. ( Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070901/NYSA002 ) Supreme Master Television is devoted exclusively to promoting noble thinking, good works, and peaceful ways. Its colorful array of uplifting programs includes a range of genres, from entertainment and film, to news and documentaries, lifestyle and culture, with new and meaningful shows continually added to the eclectic show line-up. In cooperation with its international correspondents, Supreme Master Television currently broadcasts with over 12 subtitles. Available languages are: English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Hungarian, Zulu, Croatian, Polish, Swedish, Indonesian, Romanian, Thai, Portuguese, Turkish, Bulgarian, Dutch, and more to come. With its popularity on Hotbird 6 at 13 degrees East, since July 2007, Supreme Master Television is additionally broadcasting on Astra 1L at 19.2 degrees East, reaching 109 million more households in Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East. It is also conveniently available worldwide with live streaming online at http://www.SupremeMasterTV.com . Announcements of Supreme Master Television are found in the world's major publications such as TIME magazine, USA Today, The Guardian, Frankfurter Allgemeine, and Le Monde. Supreme Master Television has offered audiences a new way to view television -- in a purely positive light. From its live broadcasts of peace-building events, to interviews with presidents, celebrities and the extraordinary peace wishes of ordinary people, Supreme Master Television is a bridge for understanding through its features on the beauty of all nations and cultures. Recognitions have come from government such as Mayor of Los Angeles, celebrities and viewers around the world. NOTE TO EDITORS: Channel Information: Hotbird 6 at 13 degrees E, frequency/TP: 10853 MHz, Polarization: horizontal, PID: video 32, audio 43, PCR 0, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, Astra 1L at 19.2 degrees E, Frequency: 12633.25 MHz, Polarization: Horizontal, PID: video 234, audio 334, FEC 5/6 For more information, please contact: Priscilla Upton Supreme Master Television Tel: +1-626-444-4385 Fax: +1-626-444-4386 Email: info-ch@SupremeMasterTV.com Web: http://www.suprememastertv.com
―(株)栗山米菓 新製品情報―
全国で人気のおせんべい"ばかうけ""星たべよ"を製造販売する米菓メーカー株式会社栗山米菓(社長:栗山敏昭 本社:新潟県新潟市北区)では発売17周年を迎えた「ばかうけ青のりしょうゆ味」をリニューアルいたします。(9月中旬より随時切り替え)
商品名 20枚ばかうけ(青のり)
内容量 2枚×10枚
価格 210円前後(参考価格)
発売エリア 全国