

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。



ファンサイト 企業サイトのファン獲得力を診断する「企業ファンサイト度チェック」無料キャンペーン実施

企業ウェブサイトの制作やPR全般を行うファンサイト有限会社( 本社:東京都千代田区 代表取締役社長 川村 隆一 )は、2007年9月1日~30日の一ヶ月間、企業サイトのファン獲得力を診断する「企業ファンサイト度チェック」に基づき、「企業ファンサイト度チェック」無料診断キャンペーンを実施します。

■ 「企業ファンサイト度チェック」 無料キャンペーンとは?

■ キリン「ボストンクラブ」の販促サイト「極楽クラブ」で確立された「ファンサイト理論」
ファンサイト有限会社 代表の川村隆一は「web2.0」という言葉さえなかった2001年、キリンシーグラム株式会社(当時)のウイスキー「ボストンクラブ」の販促サイト「極楽クラブ」の企画・制作・運営を担当し、開設から終了までの2年間で会員数17万人の獲得に成功。

■ 企業サイトの「ファンサイト化」は時代のニーズ  2001~2007年までの自動車メーカー分析例


・ 会社名      / ファンサイト有限会社
・ 代表取締役社長 / 川村 隆一
・ 本社所在地    / 東京都千代田区内神田1-8-1 三井ビル8階
             東京都中央区日本橋浜町 住友不動産ビル 浜町ハイツ1103(アトリエ)
・ 設立日      / 2002年4月
・ 資本金      / 4,000,000円 
・ URL        / http://www.fun-site.biz/
・ 事業概要     / 1.ファンサイト理論に基づく「ファンサイト」制作プランニング
2. ウェブサイト制作
3. DTPデザイン・制作(サインボード制作含む)


株式会社アイキューブつくば(本社:茨城県つくば市)は、ポスドクを対象とした転職支援セミナー“キャリアパス2007秋 「ポスドクから研究職へ」”を9月7日(金)午後1時から新宿NSビルで開催する。





名称 :キャリアパス2007秋「ポスドクから研究職へ」
日時 :2007年9月7日(金)13:00~16:30
会場 :新宿NSビル 南ブロック/308室
連絡先 :regi@posdoc-jobs.com







メビウスリング(http://www.mebius-ring.com 代表:天野正樹)は8月31日より




0566-98-6323 まで



花魁や侍、日本の伝統芸 等を一堂に集め行います。

最寄り駅:日比谷線 三ノ輪駅~徒歩10分
入 谷駅~徒歩10分


後援:浅草吉原振興協会 吉原七ヶ町会連合会 

 災害は忘れた頃にやってくる 「地震対策をしている人はわずか34% 対策をする気持ちはあっても、実行に移せない」

株式会社エルゴ・ブレインズ(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役 最高経営責任者CEO:宮田 徹、



■最も不安を感じる自然災害は 地震85%
■地震対策をしている人の割合トップは 静岡県。次いで、新潟県、鳥取県の順。一方、対策をしている人
■災害時に最も不安なことは「建物の崩壊」 21%

調査期間:2007年8月17日~8月22日 (6日間)




















株式会社エルゴ・ブレインズ 事業統括本部 リサーチ事業部 リサーチ担当
TEL: 03-5775-6070 Email: soudan@ergobrains.co.jp
URL: https://www.t-research.net/

代表者:代表取締役 最高経営責任者(CEO)  宮田 徹
本社所在地:東京都港区赤坂8-4-14 青山タワープレイス3F
設 立:1997年10月6日

株式会社エルゴ・ブレインズ 経営戦略本部 広報担当:松島弘子
事業統括本部 リサーチ事業部:宇野芙美
〒107-0052東京都港区赤坂8-4-14 青山タワープレイス3F
TEL: 0120-577-526 Email: press@ergobrains.co.jp

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株式会社カブト(本社:東京都品川区 代表取締役:行木 隆 以下カブト)http://www.kabto.com/は地震情報防災システムQCAST潤・Vリーズのメーカーである明星電気株式会社との販売業務提携により気象庁“緊急地震速報”対応の「ナウキャスト地震情報防災システムQCAST潤・Vリーズ」の販売を開始することになりました。

BCP(Business Continuity Plan:事業継続計画)の為の地震対策ツールとして利用できます。





代表取締役:行木 隆

TEL:03-5783-1506 / FAX:03-5783-1509




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TEL・FAX 06-6991-0661

u-blox Enhances GPS Integration With Epson Toyocom Gyroscope in Dead Reckoning Reference Design
September 01, 2007

    THALWIL, Switzerland and MUNICH, Germany, Sept. 1
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- u-blox, the leading Swiss provider
of GPS receiver technology, has improved its groundbreaking
GPS dead reckoning system by integrating a gyroscope sensor
from Epson Toyocom, a leader in the design and manufacture
of crystal-based electronic products, into the reference
design for the product.

    The reference design will shorten time-to-market and
reduce the risk of GPS integration for applications that
require accurate, uninterrupted positioning regardless of
GPS signal conditions.

    u-blox' dead reckoning solution, powered by the LEA-4R
GPS module, is ideal for applications that require
continuous positioning such as vehicle navigation, fleet
management and toll systems. An odometer calculates
distance traveled and a gyroscope determines turn rate.
This data supplements the GPS data to provide continuous
positioning in tunnels, indoor parking facilities, urban
canyons and other environments in which it may be difficult
to obtain a GPS satellite signal.

    "u-blox' LEA-4R dead reckoning GPS module enables
100% road coverage. Epson's XV-8000-CB gyroscope offers
improved temperature, shock and vibration stability,"
said Karsten Tietz, VP Sales EMEA at u-blox. "The
combination of Epson's high performance gyroscope with our
highly flexible and compact LEA-4R module provides
engineers with a high performance solution that will
significantly speed up their design cycle and ease GPS
integration," Mr. Tietz added.

    Dieter Liesabeths, VP Sales & Marketing at Epson
Europe Electronics GmbH, said: "u-blox' choice of our
gyro sensor for this reference design underlines our
sensors' superiority in key characteristics like linearity,
zero-point-drift and temperature stability, as well as small
size. The use of the XV-8000CB gyro sensor in u-blox' dead
reckoning reference design is fully in line with our
strategy to aggressively address the toll collection and
navigation market with the gyro".

    The AEK-4R dead reckoning reference design Evaluation
Kit is available from October from u-blox official
distributors and from u-blox' online shop:
http://www.u-blox.com/shop/ . The reference design
schematics are available upon request. Please contact
sales@u-blox.com for details.

    High-resolution picture accessible from:

    About u-blox

    u-blox is an international company headquartered in
Switzerland, with sales organizations in the Americas,
Europe and Asia. Founded in 1997, u-blox develops leading
positioning technology, products and services based on
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including GPS
and Galileo, for the automotive and mobile communications
markets. For more information, please visit
http://www.u-blox.com .

    About Epson Toyocom Corporation

    Epson Toyocom Corporation was formed through the
integration of the quartz business of Seiko Epson
Corporation and Toyo Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. in
October 2005. Epson Toyocom follows a "3D
strategy" designed to drive both horizontal growth
through expansion in three device categories-timing
devices, sensing devices and optical devices-and vertical
growth through combinations of products in these
categories. With this strategy, Epson Toyocom aims to be
the leading company in the quartz device industry, selling
a wide range of products to customers worldwide, from
cellular phones for consumer fields, to industrial fields
such as core network systems and automotive systems. Epson
Toyocom has eight production sites and more than 7,000
employees worldwide. Information about Epson Toyocom is
available from:  http://www.epsontoyocom.co.jp/english

    Internet:  http://www.presseportal.ch

    For more information, please contact:

     Alicia Montoya
     Marketing Communications Manager
     Tel:    +41-44-722-74-86
     Email:  alicia.montoya@u-blox.com

    Epson Toyocom Contacts
     Stefan Hartmann
     Senior Manager QD Division
     Epson Europe Electronics GmbH
     Tel:    +49-89-14005-342
     Email:  stefan.hartmann@epson-electronics.de

Carsem Selects Eagle Test Systems for Parallel Mixed-Signal and Analog Test
September 01, 2007

    BUFFALO GROVE, Ill., Aug. 31
/Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- 

    Eagle Test Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: EGLT), announced that
Carsem, a leading provider of turn-key assembly and test
services including wafer probe, final test, product
engineering and test program/hardware development for the
semiconductor industry, has selected Eagle Test Systems as
their mixed-signal and analog platform of choice for true
parallel multi-site test.   

    Carsem plans to utilize the Eagle Test platform in
their development and production facilities for Power
Management, Industrial, Automotive, and some Data Converter
device test applications.  Eagle Test was chosen based on a
set of Carsem specific criteria which includes installed
base, long term viability, OEE performance, test economics,
and global support capabilities.

    "The Eagle Test platform enables us to offer
parallel, multi-site testing to address a wide range of
customers' products with superior cost-of-test
economics," said WT Chim, General Manager of Test
Operations for Carsem Malaysia.  "Eagle's parallel
capabilities were a key factor in our decision process.
With multiple facilities in Malaysia and China, Eagle
continues to demonstrate their commitment to Carsem's

    "Since Carsem is a major player in the assembly
and test of MLP products, the decision to name Eagle their
platform of choice speaks very highly of our ability to
deliver high volume test solutions," stated Dale
Buxton, Vice President Asian Operations for Eagle Test. 
"We consider Carsem to be an extremely valuable
relationship and look forward to sharing continued

    About Eagle Test Systems, Inc.

    Eagle Test designs, manufactures, sells and services
high-performance automated test equipment for the
semiconductor industry. The company's products are used to
test analog, mixed-signal and radio frequency (RF)
semiconductors that are used in products such as digital
cameras, MP3 players, automotive electronics, cellular
telephones, computers and peripherals. The company was
founded in 1976 and has offices located throughout the
world in Asia, North America and Europe, with corporate
headquarters in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Please visit
http://www.eagletest.com for more information.

    About Carsem

    Carsem is a leading provider of turnkey packaging and
test services to the semiconductor industry, and offers one
of the widest ranges of package & test portfolios in the
world. To meet the growing demands of the telecommunications
and wireless markets for smaller, faster,
thermally-efficient devices, Carsem's portfolio includes
several advanced technologies, such as the Micro Leadframe
Package (MLP), Small Scale Ball Grid Array (SSBGA), Flip
Chip On Leadframe (FCOL), and a SiP (System-in-Package)
capability. Carsem also offers a full range of turnkey test
services for RF, mixed-signal, linear, digital and power
devices. Our factories maintain world-class quality
standards having achieved SAC Level 1, ISO-9001, ISO-14001,
QS-9000, TS16949 certifications, and are supported with a
global network of sales and engineering support offices.
Carsem is a member of the Hong Leong Group with factories
located in Ipoh, Malaysia, Suzhou, China and sales offices
across the USA, plus the UK and Taiwan. Carsem, Inc. sales
headquarters is located at 269 Mt. Hermon Road, Suite 104,
Scotts Valley, CA 95066, phone (831) 438-6861, fax (831)
438-6863, web site: http://www.carsem.com.

     For more information, please contact:

      Stephen Hawrysz  
      Phone: +1-847-327-1038
      Website:  http://www.eagletest.com 
Maxscend Technologies Wins "Red Herring 100 Asia" 2007 Award
August 31, 2007

The 100 Most-Promising Private Technology Ventures
Celebrated at Hong Kong Event

    SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Red
Herring Magazine announced on August 29 that Maxscend
Technologies has been awarded the prestigious "Red
Herring 100 Asia" 2007 award. Winners are selected
from 16 Asian countries, including China, India, Japan,
Singapore, South Korea, Australia and Vietnam. 

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200708311520.jpg )

    As a leading DAB/DAB+ solution provider, Maxscend
Technologies is dedicated to developing and marketing
mobile digital multimedia IC and hardware & software
solutions. Aiming at the emerging market of Digital Audio
Broadcasting (DAB) and Mobile Digital TV (MDTV), Maxscend
announced its first product in less than a year of the
company's inception -- MXD0120, a DAB/DAB+/DMB demodulator
which can be used for MDTV reception in mobile phone, PMP,
USB dongle, and vehicle entertainment systems. As a
China-based company, Maxsend is also the first company in
the world to provide mature products and solutions
supporting the latest global standard DAB+. Their
innovative and strong design capability gained the company
worldwide attention. Within a few months of its April
release, MXD0120 already entered the mass production stage
and was adopted by top-tier local mobile phone manufactures
such as Bird and Techfaith. Winning the "Red Herring
100 Asia" award marks another milestone for the
company and recognition of its potential not only in China
but also in Asia and the world.

    Mr. Zhihan Xu, CEO of Maxscend Technologies, said,
"Red Herring is one of the most renowned technology
magazines in the world. Through Red Herring, I have come to
know many excellent startups and witnessed their rapid
growth and great success. We view winning the 'Red Herring
100 Asia' award as both recognition of our achievement and
stimulus for our future growth. Taking this opportunity, we
aim to become the leader in the global MDTV market."

    Red Herring is famed as the "Bible of Silicon
Valley" because of its prominent insight into
technology trends and great acumen in identifying highly
potential companies. "Red Herring 100 Asia" is an
annual event and the awards are given to cutting-edge
private technology companies. The aim of the award is to
discover and highlight promising startups that will lead
the next wave of innovation in Asia. Red Herring's
selection committee carefully selected the finalists based
on quantitative and qualitative criteria such as financial
performance, technology innovation, quality of management,
execution of strategy, and integration into their

    Red Herring has earned a reputation for identifying
innovative new companies and entrepreneurs. The magazine
spotted, for example, Google and eBay while still in their
infancies as companies, with the potential to change the
way people live and work.

    For more information, please contact:

     Meng Rao
     Tel:   +86-21-6100-6488 x8097
     Fax:   +86-21-6100-9682
     Email: meng.rao@maxscend.com
Xinhua Finance/MNI China Business Survey: Sentiment Stable at High Level in August
August 31, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua
Finance Limited ("Xinhua Finance"; TSE Mothers:
9399) and Market News International (MNI), a part of the
news service line of Xinhua Finance, today announced the
August Xinhua Finance/MNI China Business Sentiment Survey.
The results of the survey show conditions in August
remained stable at the high levels seen the previous two

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200702151700.gif )

    There was very little change in either current
conditions or future expectations in August, with both
remaining strongly in positive territory.

    While both current conditions and expectations indices
were below levels seen in the first half the year, this is
largely explained by the sharp rise in the number of
respondents moving from reporting improving conditions to
reporting no change. The number reporting a deterioration
in either current conditions or future expectations
remained very small.

    Price pressures were a major theme in the August
results, underscoring pressures that the Chinese government
faces in keeping inflation under control.

    The monthly survey of 148 companies was conducted
August 9-28 and comes amid rising interest rates and other
measures imposed by the government to slow what some say is
an overheating economy.

    Since its inception in January, 2005, the survey has
accurately tracked and predicted overall Chinese economic
conditions, providing important intelligence ahead of
government data. The survey has been especially important
in indicating turnarounds in the economy, such as last
summer's slowdown or the pickup in activity seen since last

    To receive a full version of the survey, or to find out
more about Xinhua Finance and Market News International,
please contact us via mni@xinhuafinance.com .

    Notes to Editors:
    About Xinhua Finance Limited     
    Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL") is China's
premier financial information and media service provider
and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock
Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's
financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance's
proprietary content platform, comprising Indices, Ratings,
Financial News, and Investor Relations, serves financial
institutions, corporations and re-distributors worldwide. 
Through its subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media Limited
(Nasdaq: XFML), XFL leverages its content across multiple
distribution channels in China including television, radio,
newspaper, magazine and outdoor media. Founded in November
1999, XFL is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and
news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide.   

    For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    About Market News International
    Market News International (MNI), a Xinhua Finance
company ( www.xinhuafinance.com ), is a financial news and
information company dedicated to the global fixed income
and foreign exchange markets.  MNI joined the Xinhua
Finance family in March 2004, bringing its niche expertise
and extensive distribution network.  Headquartered in New
York, MNI has news bureaus and offices throughout the US,
Europe and Asia.

    With more than twenty years of history, MNI is a fully
accredited news agency providing focused, timely, relevant
and critical intelligence for market professionals.  Its
press credentials are accepted by all operations of the
U.S. Government, including the White House, the Federal
Reserve, both houses of Congress, all major agencies and
cabinet departments, all similar government operations in
the G-7 countries, as well as by supranational
organizations such as the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund.

    More Information: 

    Xinhua Finance
    Hong Kong/Shanghai

     Ms. Joy Tsang
     Tel:   +852-3196-3983, +852-9486-4364,
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com
     Mr. Scott Zhang
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5996
     Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com
Quellan's QNx220 Noise Canceller Makes Tokyo Debut
August 31, 2007

Company Dramatically Improves Mobile Device Signal
Reception with RF Noise Cancelling Technology

    TOKYO, Aug. 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- EDN Noise
Symposium -- Quellan Incorporated, today announced the
QNx220, the company's newest RF Noise Canceller for
advanced mobile communications products. Based on the
Company's patented CSP Noise Cancelling Technology, the
ultra small CMOS IC cancels unwanted RF interference to
improve receiver sensitivity.  In a weak signal area a cell
phone using the QNx220 can recover several bars of lost
signal strength and a GPS receiver can obtain a location
lock in just seconds rather than minutes.

    ( Photo: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070830/AQTH127 ) 

    Specifically designed for mobile and stationary
platforms where electromagnetic noise impairs reception,
the Quellan QNx220 actively cancels interference by
inverting and electronically subtracting emulated local
noise signals from the receiver input signal. Gain and
phase of the cancellation signal are continuously adjusted
for optimum performance. This is especially effective with
closely spaced antenna radiation, internal processor noise,
and camera and display noise.

    The QNx220 complements the QNx100 with a digital
control interface for direct connection to SPI baseband
processors, and a dual stage LNA for increased noise source
sensitivity. The QNx220 is extremely small for ease of
integration, measuring under 1mm on a side.  The device is
available in a Chip Scale Package for RF modules or in a
QFN package for direct on-board use.  

    "Noise cancellation has traditionally been limited
to the audio spectrum," said Tony Stelliga, Quellan's
Chairman and CEO.  "By removing noise at the RF
antenna level in the Electromagnetic spectrum, a massive
improvement in user experience beyond audio -- including
video, signal clarity and location accuracy -- can be
achieved.  These improvements are impossible to achieve
with conventional circuitry or signal processing

    "The Quellan approach to the evasive noise problem
is very innovative and profound, leading to an inexpensive
solution for highly-converged mobile phone systems,"
comments Kenji Tsuda, a semiconductor technology analyst
based in Tokyo.  "Quellan's Noise Cancellers will
greatly increase signal clarity even in weak-signal
environments such as underground roadways or in high rise
buildings," Tsuda continues, "Moving forward,
we'll see a wide variety of functional capabilities in a
wireless system with Quellan's Noise Cancellation, so
consumers will enjoy clear high quality calls and mobile TV

    Quellan Incorporated is a leading developer of Analog
ICs and a pioneer in Radio Frequency noise reduction and
signal enhancement.  Quellan currently serves the cell
phone, PGP, PMP, laptop, GPS, mobile TV, and Data Center

    For more information, please contact:

     Melissa Kallos 
     Quellan, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-408-774-0084
     Email: pressrelations@quellan.com
     Web:  http://www.quellan.com
Picarro Announces General Availability of EnviroSense 3000i Multi-Species Atmospheric Monitor
August 31, 2007

Unrivaled accuracy, precision and stability help scientists
observe and understand the earth's carbon cycle

    SUNNYVALE, Calif., Aug. 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Picarro, leading manufacturer of high-performance trace gas
analyzers based on patented Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
(CRDS) technology today announced the general availability
of the EnviroSense 3000i atmospheric monitor. 

    EnviroSense 3000i is a field-deployable, real-time,
ambient gas monitor that measures atmospheric levels of
methane and carbon dioxide with parts-per-billion (ppbv)
sensitivity and water vapor with parts-per-million (ppmv)

    "Researchers investigating global climate change
need measurements of greenhouse gases with extreme
precision and accuracy to enable better models of the
carbon cycle," stated Dr. Eric Crosson, Chief
Technology Officer at Picarro.  "The high accuracy,
excellent precision and low maintenance of EnviroSense
3000i make it ideally suited to address the demanding
requirements of atmospheric air-monitoring

    Existing atmospheric monitors based on non-dispersive
infrared (NDIR) sensors have known problems -- they are
non-linear, sensitive to water vapor concentration, and
susceptible to drift. Furthermore, these instruments
require extensive modifications and sample conditioning,
frequent calibration, and significant post processing of
the data.

    In contrast, EnviroSense 3000i maintains high
linearity, precision, and accuracy over changing
environmental conditions, with minimal calibration. The
unique capabilities of the underlying CRDS technology are
complemented by a superior analyzer design, including a
high-precision wavelength monitor providing immunity to
interfering gases, meticulous temperature and pressure
control, and robust digital signal processing that
transforms raw data into directly useable information.

    Deployment in several atmospheric monitoring and
meteorological facilities, including Penn State University,
has shown that the analyzer requires minimal recalibration
and no sample conditioning. 

    "The EnviroSense 3000i analyzers are providing
invaluable field measurements," said Ken Davis,
Associate Professor of Meteorology at Penn State
University.  "High-precision and high-accuracy
measurements of atmospheric composition, like those
acquired by the Picarro EnviroSense analyzer, are essential
to our ability to observe and understand the earth's carbon
cycle.  Picarro has been very responsive to our scientific
needs."  "We deployed 5 EnviroSense units in an
experimental observational network in the spring of
2007," said Scott Richardson, Research Associate at
Penn State, "and we have found the stability of the
instruments to be truly remarkable.  The instruments should
significantly simplify the task of obtaining high-quality
measurements of atmospheric composition."

    EnviroSense 3000i is the first of a suite of analyzers
designed to support scientists who investigate global
climate change. Two additional monitors will be introduced
shortly: EnviroSense 2000f, a flux methane and carbon
dioxide analyzer, and EnviroSense 2000i (isotopic CO2 and

    About Picarro

    Picarro instruments set new standards for sensitivity,
speed, selectivity and ease-of-use in trace gas detection,
and enable our customers to achieve dramatic improvements
in measurement precision, instrument size, reliability and
cost of ownership. We serve the needs of customers across a
diverse range of markets. For more information, visit our
website ( http://www.picarro.com ) or email us at

    For more information, please contact:  

     Luc Ceuppens             
     Tel:   +1-408-962-3965           
     Email: lceuppens@picarro.com    

     Kathleen Hartnett
     Tel:   +1-408-962-3971
     Email: khartnett@picarro.com
MyStarU.com, Inc. Announces Quarterly Financial Results; Form 10-QSB Filed August 21
August 31, 2007

    BEIJING, Aug. 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
MyStarU.com, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: MYST), announced
today that the Company has filed Form 10-QSB on August 21
to report its financial results for the 3rd quarter ended
June 30, 2007.

    The detailed report is available at the following URL:

    Key 3rd Quarter Results

    Revenues increased by $4,614,790 due primarily to: 

    Revenues recorded at $7,394,480 for the three months
ended June 30, 2007, compared to $2,779,690 for the same
period ended June 30, 2006. The increase of $4,614,790 is
due primarily to the enormous increase in the royalty
income from the movie copyrights segment and the import and
export trading segment, although there was a decrease in the
integrated communications network solutions segment. We now
have 3 new segments of income compared to the same period
ended June 30, 2007. The import and export trading
generated $3,035,780, the royalty income from the movie
copyrights generated $3,069,921 and the provision of
Internet corporate video services generated $928,779. 
    Costs of Sales increased by $3,768,339 due primarily

    Costs of sales were $4,689,552 for the three months
ended June 30, 2007, compared to $921,213 for the same
period ended June 30, 2006. Costs of sales include cost of
goods in trading, depreciation and other cost of sales.
Cost of trading included all the costs that Panyu M&M
incurred in their import and export trading activities in
the amount of $2,979,725. Depreciation represents the
depreciation and amortization of software, websites and
copyright of movies that relate to the revenue of the
Company, which amounted to $1,496,760. Other costs of sales
were the purchase of various contents and other later-stage
production from raw contents and costs associated with the
performance of our communication services totaling
    Operating Expenses increased by $1,366,517 due
primarily to: 

    For the three months ended June 30, 2007, we incurred
operating expenses of $1,544,529 as compared to $178,012
for the same period ended June 30, 2006. The $1,544,529
incurred as of June 30, 2007, included general operating
expenses of $684,976, salaries of $239,950 and allowance of
bad debts of $237,587. Stock-Based Compensation Expense had
a net increase of $355,209 for the three months ended June
30, 2007. 

    Key Nine Months Results

    Revenues increased $5,912,354 due primarily to: 

    Revenues were recorded at $16,791,961 for the nine
months ended June 30, 2007, compared to $10,879,607 for the
same period ended June 30, 2006. The increase of $5,912,354
is due primarily to the increase in sales and number of
subsidiaries in different segments of income. Currently, we
have 3 new segments of income compared for the same period
ended June 30, 2006. Import and export trading generated
$6,744,760, royalty income from movie copyrights generated
$3,862,310 and the provision of Internet corporate video
services generated $4,285,791. The new segment of business
brings significant increase of income to the Company. 

    Costs of Sales increased $7,872,003 due primarily to: 

    Costs of sales were $10,766,897 for the nine months
ended June 30, 2007, compared to $2,906,894 for the same
period ended June 30, 2006. Costs of Sales included
purchase of various contents and other later-stage
production from raw contents and costs associated with the
performance of our communication services. The increase of
$7,872,003 was due primarily to the increase in the number
of our subsidiaries, of which $6,620,945 was used for our
import and export trading segment. 

    We classify the depreciation of software relating to
the revenue of the Company, to the cost of sales. Other
depreciation expenses related to motor vehicles and office
equipment and are stated in Selling, General and
Administration Expenses. This had no impact on our prior
earnings reported. 

    Operating Expenses increased $4,246,855 due primarily

    For the nine months ended June 30, 2007, we incurred
operating expenses of $7,659,738, as compared to $3,412,883
for the same period ended June 30, 2006. Operating Expenses
included allowance of bad debts of $3,267,636, salaries of
$575,735 and stock-based compensation expense of

    Stock-Based Compensation Expense had a net decrease of
$613,642 for the nine months ended June 30, 2007, due to
expiration of some consulting contracts. 

    Other income increased $25,302 due primarily to: 

    The other income was $27,843 for the nine months ended
June 30, 2007, compared to $2,541 for the same period ended
June 30, 2006. $27,843 includes interest income of $3,763
and other income of $24,080. 

    About MyStarU.com, Inc. 

    Mystaru.com, Inc. (MYST) is a Total Solutions Provider
that offers Integrated Communications Network Solutions and
Internet Content Service in universal voice, video, data web
and mobile communications for interactive media
applications, technology and content leaders in interactive
multimedia communications. It develops, markets and sells a
universal media software solution for enterprise-wide
deployment of integrated voice, video, data web and mobile
communications and media applications. Mystaru.com, Inc.
does business in Asia via its wholly-owned subsidiaries,
Mystaru Ltd. (formerly known as IC Star MMS, Ltd.
http://www.mystaru.com , http://www.skyestar.com,
http://www.goongreen.org , http://www.icurls.com )
Guangzhou TCOM Computer Technology Limited and majority
owned subsidiary Subaye.com, Inc. (http://www.subaye.com). 

    Safe Harbor 

    The statements made in this release constitute
"forward-looking" statements, usually containing
the words "believe," "estimate,"
"project," "expect," or similar
expressions. These statements are made pursuant to the safe
harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements inherently
involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual
results to differ materially from the forward-looking
statements. Factors that would cause or contribute to such
differences include, but are not limited to, changing
economic conditions, interest rates trends, continued
acceptance of the Company's products in the marketplace,
competitive factors and other risks detailed in the
Company's periodic report Filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission. By making these forward-looking
statements, the Company undertakes no obligation to update
these statements for revisions or changes after the date of
this release. 

    For more information, please contact: 

     Ms. Shirley Li
     Mystaru.com, Inc. 
     Email: IR@mystaru.com 
Vanguard Networks Introduces Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
August 31, 2007

VOIP Subscribers Can Lower Costs Using Vanguard Routers and
Add SIP Phones

    MANSFIELD, Mass., Aug. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Vanguard Networks announces new SIP (session initiation
protocol) gateway to allow customers to reap the benefits
of IP Telephony. With the addition of SIP functionality
Vanguard customers who subscribe to VOIP services from an
IP telephony service provider will now be able to save on
monthly charges, while keeping high quality and
reliability. Customers can continue to use existing phones
connected to a Vanguard Gateway router to keep initial
expenses low, and also add SIP phones to lower
administrative costs.

    Vanguard Networks provides voice over IP with SIP, QoS,
Security & Routing in a single platform to:

    -- Allow Internet Telephone Service Providers (ITSP) to
offer single edge 
    -- Provide analog/digital phone to SIP gateway
    -- Provide (FXO) PSTN back up to ITSP service
    -- Support SIP IP-Phones
    -- Route IP and non IP data

    Vanguard Networks routers support both SIP and analog
phones, and corporate PBX and key systems, supporting a
full mix of data and telephony services as networks evolve.

    With this announcement, Vanguard Networks routers now
act as a Media Gateway and a Signaling Gateway between
Voice over Frame Relay service and VOIP service. This
powerful feature enhances the abilities of Voice over Frame
Relay customers to migrate to VOIP on their own timeline.
Mixed networks of Voice over Frame Relay sites and Voice
over IP sites can easily interoperate. 

    Download our product introductory kit at

    SIP Gateway functionality is available on all Vanguard
Network routers equipped with voice option cards, running
Applications Ware release 7.0 or higher with Advanced Voice
Applications Ware software license. 

    Download our Software Release Information 7.0 at

    About Vanguard Networks 

    Headquartered in Mansfield, Mass., Vanguard Networks
offers a portfolio of advanced multi-service protocol
gateway solutions, IP routing products and system support
maintenance services for use in enterprise and government
networks.  Vanguard Networks portfolio of multi-service
access gateways and IP routers feature leading edge support
for telephony over data networks, delivering integrated
telephony gateway function supporting analog/digital phones
and PBX's and leading edge voice packetization compliant
with G.729, G.723, G.711 and supporting H.323 and SIP

    For more information, please contact:

    Urs Bachmann 
    Phone:   +1-508-261-4124
    Email:   ursbachmann@vanguardnetworks.com
    Website: http://www.vanguardnetworks.com
Continental Energy Closes First Institutional Placement
August 30, 2007

    DALLAS, Aug. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Continental
Energy Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: CPPXF) today
announced that it has closed a private equity placement
with Macquarie Bank Limited. The placement was arranged by
the London office of Macquarie's Energy Capital Group with
Macquarie Bank Limited ("Macquarie") subscribing
the equity for its own account. 

    Continental issued 5,000,000 common shares at a price
of $ 0.65 per share for net proceeds of US$ 3,250,000. The
placement included a total of 10,000,000 attached warrants
with each having an exercise price of $ 0.90 per common
share for a term of three years. When  exercised the
warrants will provide additional net proceeds of $

    In addition to the equity placement, Continental also
executed a mandate letter with Macquarie which outlines
indicative terms and conditions under which Macquarie, on
an exclusive basis and subject to technical and commercial
due diligence, will arrange additional finance of up to
US$100,000,000 for the company in the form of senior
secured credit, hedging, and equity facilities. The
proceeds from such additional funding shall be used to
support both further development of the company's
Bengara-II Block oil and gas interests and to purchase or
acquire and develop additional international oil and gas

    The placement is the first equity investment in
Continental by an institutional investor. At the close of
the placement the 5,000,000 shares owned by Macquarie
represent a position of 7.65% of Continental's issued and
outstanding share capital. Exercise by Macquarie of its
warrants would increase its ownership to 19.4% on a
partially diluted basis.

    The securities issued in the placement are subject to
applicable hold periods and trading restrictions under
regulation-S of the US Securities Act of 1933 and may only
be offered, sold or otherwise transferred outside the US or
inside the US in accordance with applicable exemptions from
registration. Continental entered an agreement granting to
Macquarie piggyback registration rights in the event of a
Continental initiated registration of any restricted
securities and demand registration rights at any time after
the second anniversary of the placement . 

    The company paid a one-time, 5% arrangement fee to
Macquarie's Energy Capital Group in the form of 250,000
common shares in lieu of cash. No additional brokerage or
finder's fees were incurred or  paid.

    The shares and warrants were acquired by Macquarie for
investment purposes and, depending on market and other
conditions, Macquarie may increase or decrease its
ownership of, or control or direction over, securities of
Continental. To contact Macquarie, please call (212) 231

    Andrew Sinclair, head of Macquarie's Energy Capital
Group in London, said of the placement, "Many years of
diligent exploration effort by Continental has identified a
very attractive drilling portfolio on the highly
prospective Bengara II block. Continental and its partners
have now commenced an aggressive drilling program to
appraise and develop Bengara II. Macquarie is excited to
join Continental at this time and looks forward to a long
and successful relationship."

    The company's President, Richard L. McAdoo, said of the
placement, "We are very pleased to have Macquarie as
our first major institutional investor. Macquarie has an
outstanding  reputation as an innovative investment banker
and a major player in international oil and gas mergers,
acquisitions and project finance. The $100,000,000
financing mandate will, if brought to fruition, provide us
the all important war chest to back up our new ventures,
acquisitions, and Bengara-II development and thereby move
Continental from an exploration to a development stage

    About Macquarie Bank Limited 

    Macquarie Bank Limited is a diversified international
provider of specialist financial and investment banking
services, with more than 10,000 people in 24 countries. 
Through its Energy Capital Group, with offices in Houston,
London and Sydney, Macquarie Bank provides a wide array of
strategic debt and equity capital for the global oil and
gas industry.

    About Continental Energy Corporation:

    Continental Energy Corporation is an international oil
and gas exploration company, focused entirely on making
major oil or gas discoveries in Indonesia. For further
information, please visit our web site at
http://www.continentalenergy.com . 

    No securities regulatory authority has either approved
or disapproved the contents of this news release.

    Certain matters discussed within this press release may
be  forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
"Safe Harbor" provisions of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although
Continental believes the expectations reflected in such
forward-looking statements including reserves estimates,
production forecasts, feasibility reports and economic
evaluations are based on reasonable expectations and
assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations
will be attained. Factors that could cause actual results to
differ materially from expectations include financial
performance, oil and gas prices, drilling program results,
regulatory changes, political risk, terrorism, changes in
local or national economic conditions and other risks
detailed from time to time in Continental's periodic
filings with the US Securities Exchange Commission.

    For more information, please contact:

     Jim Eger, 
     Continental Energy Corporation,
     Suite 1200, 14001 Dallas Parkway, 
      Dallas, Texas, 75240
     Tel:   +1-877-762-2366
     Email: info@continentalenergy.com
Continental Energy Closes First Institutional Placement
August 30, 2007

    DALLAS, Aug. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Continental
Energy Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: CPPXF) today
announced that it has closed a private equity placement
with Macquarie Bank Limited. The placement was arranged by
the London office of Macquarie's Energy Capital Group with
Macquarie Bank Limited ("Macquarie") subscribing
the equity for its own account. 

    Continental issued 5,000,000 common shares at a price
of $ 0.65 per share for net proceeds of US$ 3,250,000. The
placement included a total of 10,000,000 attached warrants
with each having an exercise price of $ 0.90 per common
share for a term of three years. When  exercised the
warrants will provide additional net proceeds of $

    In addition to the equity placement, Continental also
executed a mandate letter with Macquarie which outlines
indicative terms and conditions under which Macquarie, on
an exclusive basis and subject to technical and commercial
due diligence, will arrange additional finance of up to
US$100,000,000 for the company in the form of senior
secured credit, hedging, and equity facilities. The
proceeds from such additional funding shall be used to
support both further development of the company's
Bengara-II Block oil and gas interests and to purchase or
acquire and develop additional international oil and gas

    The placement is the first equity investment in
Continental by an institutional investor. At the close of
the placement the 5,000,000 shares owned by Macquarie
represent a position of 7.65% of Continental's issued and
outstanding share capital. Exercise by Macquarie of its
warrants would increase its ownership to 19.4% on a
partially diluted basis.

    The securities issued in the placement are subject to
applicable hold periods and trading restrictions under
regulation-S of the US Securities Act of 1933 and may only
be offered, sold or otherwise transferred outside the US or
inside the US in accordance with applicable exemptions from
registration. Continental entered an agreement granting to
Macquarie piggyback registration rights in the event of a
Continental initiated registration of any restricted
securities and demand registration rights at any time after
the second anniversary of the placement . 

    The company paid a one-time, 5% arrangement fee to
Macquarie's Energy Capital Group in the form of 250,000
common shares in lieu of cash. No additional brokerage or
finder's fees were incurred or  paid.

    The shares and warrants were acquired by Macquarie for
investment purposes and, depending on market and other
conditions, Macquarie may increase or decrease its
ownership of, or control or direction over, securities of
Continental. To contact Macquarie, please call (212) 231

    Andrew Sinclair, head of Macquarie's Energy Capital
Group in London, said of the placement, "Many years of
diligent exploration effort by Continental has identified a
very attractive drilling portfolio on the highly
prospective Bengara II block. Continental and its partners
have now commenced an aggressive drilling program to
appraise and develop Bengara II. Macquarie is excited to
join Continental at this time and looks forward to a long
and successful relationship."

    The company's President, Richard L. McAdoo, said of the
placement, "We are very pleased to have Macquarie as
our first major institutional investor. Macquarie has an
outstanding  reputation as an innovative investment banker
and a major player in international oil and gas mergers,
acquisitions and project finance. The $100,000,000
financing mandate will, if brought to fruition, provide us
the all important war chest to back up our new ventures,
acquisitions, and Bengara-II development and thereby move
Continental from an exploration to a development stage

    About Macquarie Bank Limited 

    Macquarie Bank Limited is a diversified international
provider of specialist financial and investment banking
services, with more than 10,000 people in 24 countries. 
Through its Energy Capital Group, with offices in Houston,
London and Sydney, Macquarie Bank provides a wide array of
strategic debt and equity capital for the global oil and
gas industry.

    About Continental Energy Corporation:

    Continental Energy Corporation is an international oil
and gas exploration company, focused entirely on making
major oil or gas discoveries in Indonesia. For further
information, please visit our web site at
http://www.continentalenergy.com . 

    No securities regulatory authority has either approved
or disapproved the contents of this news release.

    Certain matters discussed within this press release may
be  forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
"Safe Harbor" provisions of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although
Continental believes the expectations reflected in such
forward-looking statements including reserves estimates,
production forecasts, feasibility reports and economic
evaluations are based on reasonable expectations and
assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations
will be attained. Factors that could cause actual results to
differ materially from expectations include financial
performance, oil and gas prices, drilling program results,
regulatory changes, political risk, terrorism, changes in
local or national economic conditions and other risks
detailed from time to time in Continental's periodic
filings with the US Securities Exchange Commission.

    For more information, please contact:

     Jim Eger, 
     Continental Energy Corporation,
     Suite 1200, 14001 Dallas Parkway, 
      Dallas, Texas, 75240
     Tel:   +1-877-762-2366
     Email: info@continentalenergy.com
SMIC Holds 2007 Technology Symposium in Shenzhen
August 30, 2007

    SHENZHEN, China, Aug. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/
-- Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation
(SMIC; NYSE: SMI; HKSE: 981) held its technology symposium
in Shenzhen on August 30th, 2007,attracting more than 200
customers, design services providers, technology partners,
and vendors.
http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611101605-min.jpg )

    In the opening speech, SMIC Vice President, Dr. Ning
Hsieh looked forward to the future of China's IC industry
and reviewed some of SMIC's accomplishments during the past
year.  Meanwhile, he thanked all of the customers, partners
and vendors for their continuous support to SMIC and also
hoped for more cooperation in the future.

    Xu Xiao Tian, Secretary General of Chinese
Semiconductor Industry Association attended the symposium
and gave a speech.  He emphasized SMIC's great
contributions to China's IC industry and hoped all to
cooperate closely and develop the industry.  Dr. Norman
S.F. Hu, CEO of Anyka Technology corp., gave a keynote
presentation on "The Challenge that Domestic IC Design
Corporations faced."

    In addition, SMIC presented its latest developments and
services in advanced logic technologies, mixed-sign, RF,
spice modeling, and memory, embedded memory technology,
high voltage, sensor, and display technologies.      

    The symposium also featured an exhibition where lots of
design services and assembly partners displayed their
products and services.	

    About SMIC

    Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation
("SMIC"; NYSE: SMI; SEHK: 981) is one of the
leading semiconductor foundries in the world and the
largest and most advanced foundry in Mainland China.
Headquartered in Shanghai, SMIC provides integrated circuit
manufacturing service at 0.35um to 90nm and finer line
technologies.  SMIC has a 300mm wafer fabrication facility
(fab) under start-up and three 200mm wafer fabs in its
Shanghai mega-fab, two 300mm wafer fabs in its Beijing
mega-fab, a 200mm wafer fab in Tianjin, and an in-house
assembly and testing facility in Chengdu. SMIC also has
customer service and marketing offices in the U.S., Italy,
and Japan, and a representative office in Hong Kong.  In
addition, SMIC manages and operates a 200mm wafer fab in
Chengdu owned by Cension Semiconductor Manufacturing
Corporation and a 300mm wafer fab (under construction) in
Wuhan owned by Wuhan Xinxin Semiconductor Manufacturing
Corporation.  For more information, please visit
http://www.smics.com .

    Safe Harbour Statement Information provided in this
press release may contain statements relating to current
expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about
future events that are "forward-looking
statements" as defined in the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  These forward-looking
statements generally relate to the company's plans,
objectives and expectations for future operations and are
based upon management's current estimates and projections
of future results or trends.  Actual future results may
differ materially from those projected as a result of
certain risks and uncertainties.  For a discussion of such
risks and uncertainties, see "Risk Factors" in
the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed on June 29,
2007 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. 
These forward-looking statements are made only as of the
date hereof, and we undertake no obligation to update or
revise the forward-looking statements, whether as a result
of new information, future events or otherwise.

    For more information, please contact:				

     Reiko Chang
     Corporate Relations
     Tel:   +86-21-5080-2000 x10544
     Email: PR@smics.com

TI Unveils Lowest Power Zero-Crossover Op Amp For Battery-Powered, Portable Applications
August 30, 2007

Precision, 1uA Amplifier Simplifies High-Performance

    DALLAS, Aug. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Texas
Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) today introduced
the industry's lowest power zero-crossover operational
amplifier (op amp).  Featuring a unique single-input-stage
architecture, the OPA369 achieves rail-to-rail performance
without input crossover to solve the common design problem
of input offset distortion due to the change in common mode
voltage that is very prominent in low-voltage, rail-to-rail
applications. Combined with 1uA quiescent current, SC70
package and operation down to 1.8V, the OPA369 simplifies
high-performance designs in battery-powered, portable
products. (See http://www.ti.com/opa369-pr )

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107170439-20.jpg )

    "The OPA369 utilizes TI's innovative
zero-crossover topology and next-generation CMOS process
technology to offer precision performance previously
unavailable in 1uA single-supply amplifiers," said Art
George, senior vice president of TI's high-performance
analog business. "Typically, designers are forced to
choose between power consumption and the AC or DC
performance of their signal conditioning amplifiers. The
OPA369 will enable customers to increase the precision in
their portable applications without complicating the design
or increasing their power budget."

    The single-input stage architecture delivers
outstanding offset voltage of 750uV over the entire
rail-to-rail input range and a common-mode rejection ratio
(CMRR) of 100dB minimum, thereby maximizing the useable
input dynamic range for low supply voltage applications.
Other features include low noise of 120nV/rtHz, gain
bandwidth of 12kHz on 1uA, low input bias current of 50pA
maximum, low voltage offset drift of 1.75uV/degrees
Celsius(max), PSRR of 94dB and low 1/f noise of 3.6uVp-p
(0.1 to 10Hz)

    The OPA369 offers the precision, low power and small
packaging required in a wide variety of applications such
as portable medical devices (glucose meters, oxygen
metering), portable instrumentation (gas
detection/monitoring, handheld test equipment), sensor
signal conditioning and portable consumer devices.

    TI provides customers with a state-of-the-art signal
chain solution for portable applications: analog-to-digital
converters such as the ADS1000; digital-to-analog converters
such as the DAC8811; and precision voltage references such
as the REF33xx. The OPA369 is also optimized to work with
TI's MSP430 ultra-low-power microcontroller family.

    Availability and Packaging

    The dual OPA2369 is available now from TI and its
authorized distributors in SOT23-8 and MSOP-8 packages.
Suggested resale pricing for the OPA2369 starts at $1.20 in
1,000-piece quantities.

    The single OPA369 is sampling now, with volume
production scheduled for 4Q 2007. The device is available
in an SC70-5 package and suggested resale pricing starts at
$0.80 in 1,000-piece quantities. In addition, TINA-TI
SPICE-based analog simulation software is available for
easy-to-use circuit simulation.

    TI offers analog engineers a wide-ranging support
infrastructure that includes training and seminars, design
tools and utilities, technical documentation, evaluation
modules, an online KnowledgeBase, a product information
hotline and a comprehensive offering of samples that ship
within 24 hours of request. For more information on TI's
complete analog design support, and to download the latest
Amplifier and Data Converter Selection Guide, visit
http://www.ti.com/analogelab . 
    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world
signal processing requirements.  In addition to
Semiconductor, the company includes the Educational &
Productivity Solutions business.  TI is headquartered in
Dallas, Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales
operations in more than 25 countries.

    Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange under the symbol TXN. More information is located
on the World Wide Web at http://www.ti.com .

    Please refer all reader inquiries to: Texas Instruments
Group, SC-07140
Response Center
                                           14950 FAA Blvd.
                                           Fort Worth, TX


    All trademarks belong to their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Brett Schroer
     Tel:   +1-520-746-7984
     Email: schroer_brett@ti.com

     Jacqi Moore
     Tel:   +1-972-341-2514
     Email: jmoore@golinharris.com

The Light of Asia -- IPart Among Red Herring's Top 100 in Asia
August 30, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- iPart,
as the only SNS dating site, has been selected as one of
Red Herring's Top 100 IT companies in Asia. The site was
first launched in Taiwan in 2002 and in China in 2005,
illustrating quite a rapid ascent in popularity. It was
ranked among the top 2 in the industry and top 100 in
Chinese websites in terms of number of visitors.

    iPart has some 8.3 million registered members in
mainland China and Taiwan. iPart in mainland China has
received funding from Taiwan-based iDT, Japanese firms JAIC
and Cyber Agent within two years of its founding and its
third round canvassing for venture capital is under active
planning. In the existing business model, its unique and
exclusively-owned chameleon advertisement on its homepage
is welcomed by many famous brands, such as LANCOME, SONY,
Estee Lauder, DIOR, Oral-B, China Merchant Bank's Pepsi
credit card. It attracts users to visit with activities
such as a Chinese Valentine's Day shopping mall treasure
hunt in cooperation with eBay, and a Halloween
"treat-or-trick" with Alpenliebe Candy, which
garnered favorable comments from participating merchants. 

    iPart will open an on-line shopping channel for brand
names, setting up a platform for different enterprises to
showcase their brands and introduce their products to a
potential 8.3 million visitors. IKEA, AMD and DHL have set
up virtual stores in iPart. Such promotional models
introduced by iPart are innovative and have also proven to
be profitable.

    iPart has received favorable media attention both
domestically and abroad, and is well-regarded in the US,
Japan, Sweden, Singapore, Great Britain, Korea and other
countries. Similar sites abroad include American Second
life, GAIA, Japanese mixi, Korean CYWORLD and European
HABBO HOTEL. iPart aims to become a website as globally
influential as Google and eBay.

    About iPart (http://www.ipart.cn)

    iPart (http://www.ipart.cn) is China's largest domestic
web2.0 Avatar -- SNS dating Blog and community site. It
started operations in August 2005 and is committed to the
concepts of "youth, creation and innovation".
Through the online information platform, it offers web and
mobile users various internet services including netizen
Blogs, minihompy, photo albums, friendship and dating
services and wireless value-added functions. 

    Please contact:

     Wu Yan
     iPart PR
     No. 1028 Panyu Road, Shuyu Building Rm1108, Shanghai
     Tel:   +86-21-5108-3099 x210
     Fax:   +86-21-6448-2708
     Email: ceciliawu@ipart.cn

Singapore Minister of State for Trade & Industry to Deliver Keynote at Platts Top 250 Global Energy Companies Awards Dinner
August 30, 2007

    NEW YORK, Aug. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Platts
(http://www.platts.com), one of the world's leading energy
information providers and a division of The McGraw-Hill
Companies (NYSE: MHP), along with this year's sponsor,
Logical Information Machines (LIM), will announce its
annual Platts Top 250 Global Energy Companies rankings on
September 13, 2007. The awards will be presented during the
Top 250 Asia Awards Dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel in
Singapore. The awards dinner will also feature a keynote
address by Mr. Lee Yi Shyan, Singapore's Minister of State
for Trade and Industry. 

    "Asian company representation in the Platts Top
250 has held above 20 percent the last couple years and
continues to grow," says Platts President Victoria Chu
Pao. "Our gala awards ceremony will celebrate the
innovation and tremendous business performance of Asia's
top energy companies. We're particularly honored that Mr.
Lee Yi Shyan will be delivering the keynote speech on
Asia's growing influence in the global energy arena." 

    Prior to his governmental role, Mr. Lee spearheaded
external business ties with Singapore-based companies and
the expansion of international business in Singapore. In
2001, as CEO of International Enterprise (IE) Singapore,
Mr. Lee recreated the former Singapore Trade Development
Board to IE Singapore through a series of new customer
segmentations, organization structure, business processes
and developing business networks between Singapore and
China, India and Indonesia to grow and internationalize
Singapore-based businesses overseas.

    The Asia-focused rankings to be announced at this
year's Top 250 event include the following: Platts Top 15
Asian Energy Companies; the Platts Top Ten Fastest-Growing
companies in Asia; and the Platts Top Asian Energy
Companies in each of eight industry segments as follows:

    -- Diversified utilities
    -- Exploration and production
    -- Electric utilities
    -- Gas utilities
    -- Integrated oil and gas companies
    -- Refining and marketing
    -- Independent power producers
    -- Coal and consumable fuel companies

    In addition, for the first time in the six years of the
rankings, Platts will honor the world's Fastest-Growing
Energy Companies, which are pulled from the Top 250 Global
Energy Companies and then ranked on each company's
compounded revenue growth over a three-year period.

    Platts Top 250 list measures companies' financial
performance using four key metrics: asset worth, revenues,
profits and return on invested capital (ROIC). All
companies on the list have assets greater than US$2
billion. The underlying data come from a database -
Compustat(R)- compiled and maintained by Standard &
Poor's, which, like Platts, is a division of The
McGraw-Hill Companies. 

    Attendance at the Platts Top 250 Global Energy
Companies Asia Awards Dinner is open to all companies with
business interests in Asia or with top energy companies
worldwide. For additional information, a list of last
year's Platts Top 250 rankings, or to reserve attendance,
visit http://www.platts.com/top250/. Credentialed media may
attend the Awards Dinner as guests with advance
registration. Television cameras are permitted.

    Additional sponsorships for this year's event are still
available. For details, please contact Vicki Peterson at
Vicki_peterson@platts.com or 970-461-1090.

    About LIM: 

    Logical Information Machines (LIM) provides data,
analytics and research to the energy and financial sectors.
LIM's customers are among the world's largest hedge funds,
mutual funds, banks and energy concerns. Recently, LIM won
the "Ease of Use" category in the 2007 User
Choice Awards from Energy Risk Magazine.  

    About Platts: 

    Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:
MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals
information. With nearly a century of business experience,
Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries.
From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural
gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and
metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical
services, and conferences help markets operate with
transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers,
analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help
them make better trading and investment decisions.
Additional information is available at
http://www.platts.com . 
    About The McGraw-Hill Companies: 

    Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP)
is a leading global information services provider meeting
worldwide needs in the financial services, education and
business information markets through leading brands such as
Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek
and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more
than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3
billion. Additional information is available at

    For more information, please contact:

     Kathleen Tanzy
     Phone: +1-212-904-2860        
     Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com

     Casey Yew
     Phone: +65-6530-6552

     Shiona Ramage
     Phone: +44-207-1766-153

     Website: http://www.platts.com

Visa Announces Post-Restructuring Board of Directors and Appointment of Byron Pollitt, Jr. as CFO of Visa Inc.
August 30, 2007

    SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Visa
announced today the individuals who will serve as members
of Visa Inc.'s Board of Directors after the completion of
the proposed restructuring and the appointment of Byron
Pollitt, Jr. as Chief Financial Officer designate of Visa

    The proposed restructuring, which remains subject to
member approval, contemplates a series of transactions by
which Visa Canada, Visa USA and Visa International will
become subsidiaries of Visa Inc.  Visa Europe will retain
its member-owned association structure and will become a
licensee of Visa Inc.

    In addition to Joseph Saunders, Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Visa Inc., the Board of Directors of
Visa Inc. will include 10 independent directors and seven
directors drawn from each of Visa's geographic operating

    The following individuals were named to serve as the
independent directors after the completion of the proposed

     * Thomas Campbell, Bank of America Dean and Professor
of Business, the
       Haas School of Business, University of California,
     * Gary Coughlan, Former Chief Financial Officer and
Senior Vice President
       of Finance, Abbott Laboratories
     * Mary B. Cranston, Firm Senior Partner, Pillsbury
Winthrop Shaw Pittman 
     * Francisco Javier Fernandez-Carbajal, Former Chief
Executive Officer,
       Corporate Development Division, Grupo Financiero
BBVA Bancomer
     * Suzanne Nora Johnson, Former Vice Chairman, The
Goldman Sachs Group,
     * Robert W. Matschullat, Former Vice Chairman and
Chief Financial 
       Officer, Seagram Company Limited
     * Cathy Elizabeth Minehan, Former President and Chief
Executive Officer,
       Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 
     * David J. Pang, Former Chief Executive Officer,
Airport Authority of 
       Hong Kong and Former Corporate Vice President, E.I.
DuPont and Former 
       Chairman, DuPont Greater China
     * William Shanahan, Former President,
Colgate-Palmolive Company
     * John Swainson, President, Chief Executive Officer
and Director, CA,

    The following individuals were named to serve as the
regional directors after the completion of the proposed

     * Peter Hawkins, Chairman of Visa Asia Pacific Region,
director of Visa
       International and director of Inovant
     * David McKay, Chairman of Visa Canada, director of
Visa International
       and Executive Vice President of Personal Financial
Services, Royal Bank 
       of Canada
     * Hani Al-Qadi, General Manager and Vice Chairman,
Arab Jordan Investment
       Bank, and director of Visa Central Europe Middle
East Africa (CEMEA)
     * Hans van der Velde, Deputy Chairman of Visa Europe
and director of Visa 
       International and Inovant 
     * Segismundo Schulin-Zeuthen, Chairman of Visa Latin
America and 
       Caribbean Region and director of Visa International
and Inovant 
     * Charles T. Doyle, Chairman, Texas First Bank and
Chairman, Texas 
       Independent Bancshares, Inc. and director of Visa
USA, Visa 
       International and Inovant
     * Charles W. Scharf, Chief Executive Officer, Retail
Financial Services, 
       JPMorgan Chase & Co. and director of Visa USA
    "I am eager to begin working with this talented
group of executives, whose vision and diversity of
experience will be invaluable to Visa Inc. and our
customers," said Joseph Saunders.  "Visa Inc.'s
governance will benefit from the broad perspective,
strategic insights and business expertise that our new
board members bring." 

    Visa also announced that Byron Pollitt, Jr. will be
serving as Chief Financial Officer of Visa Inc., reporting
directly to Saunders, effective mid-September 2007.  

    Pollitt joins the company from Gap Inc. where he worked
as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. 
Prior to joining Gap Inc., Pollitt worked for The Walt
Disney Company for 13 years, most recently as Executive
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Walt Disney
Parks and Resorts.

    About Visa:  Visa operates the world's largest retail
electronic payments network providing processing services
and payment product platforms. This includes consumer
credit, debit, prepaid and commercial payments, which are
offered under the Visa, Visa Electron, Interlink and PLUS
brands. Visa enjoys unsurpassed acceptance around the world
and Visa/PLUS is one of the world's largest global ATM
networks, offering cash access in local currency in more
than 170 countries. 

    For more information, visit

    Additional Information and Where You Can Find It:

    This communication is being made in respect of the
proposed restructuring. In connection with the proposed
restructuring, Visa has filed and will be filing documents
regarding the proposed transaction with the SEC, including
a registration statement on Form S-4 containing a proxy
statement-prospectus. We urge members to read the
registration statement, the definitive proxy
statement-prospectus regarding the proposed restructuring
and any other relevant documents carefully and in their
entirety when they become available because they will
contain important information about the proposed
restructuring. The definitive proxy statement-prospectus
will be mailed to eligible members of Visa International,
Visa USA and Visa Canada. You may obtain copies of any of
these documents filed with the SEC that contain information
about the proposed restructuring free of charge at the Web
site maintained by the SEC at www.sec.gov or from Visa
Inc., Investor Relations, at P.O. Box 8999, San Francisco,
California 94128-8999.


    This press release contains forward-looking statements.
These statements may be identified by the use of words such
as "will," "believes,"
"anticipates," "intends,"
"estimates," "expects,"
"projects," "plans" or similar
expressions. Such forward-looking statements include,
without limitation, statements about the proposed
restructuring and related transactions, strategy, future
operations, prospects, plans and objectives of management
and events or developments that we expect or anticipate
will occur. The forward-looking statements reflect Visa's
current views and assumptions and are subject to risks and
uncertainties, which may cause actual and future results
and trends to differ materially from the forward-looking
statements, including but not limited to ability to obtain
approval by Visa's members for the proposed restructuring
and related transactions; the successful completion of the
restructuring and related transactions; Visa's ability to
achieve its strategic objectives; the outcome of legal
proceedings; uncertainties inherent in operating
internationally; and the impact of law and regulations.
Many of these factors are beyond Visa's ability to control
or predict. Given these factors, you should not place undue
reliance on the forward-looking statements.

    Contact:   Paul Cohen
               Office: +1 415 932 2166

               Michael Buckley
               Office: +1 212 333 3810
               Mobile: +1 646 244 9794

               Visa Media Hotline
               +1 415 932 2564

               Website:  http://www.corporate.visa.com
Greater China Media & Entertainment Corp. Subsidiary Selected by China's CCTV for Public Relations Services to the 2007 Asia-Pacific Robot Contest
August 30, 2007

    BEIJING, Aug. 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
Greater China Media & Entertainment Corporation (OTC
Bulletin Board: GCME) ("GCME"), an integrated
professional media and entertainment company, announced
that its subsidiary, Racemind HuaDing, provided public
relations services for the 2007 Asia-Pacific Robot Contest
sponsored by CCTV, China's national television network, in
a contract valued at US $11,000. Organized by CCTV and held
on June 19th and 20th at Beijing Shougang Gym, the Contest
sought to cultivate the spirit of innovation and offered
students a great opportunity for hands-on experience with
numerous robot prototypes. 

    CCTV, the government sponsored news and media
organization in China, reaches 95.9% of the Chinese
population, an estimated 1.2 billion television viewers.
Its reach extends globally with six satellites, where its
programs are viewed by an additional 45 million
subscribers. As the public relations agent for the Contest,
Racemind HuaDing communicated with the media, published
articles, and tracked and coordinated the media exposure
for the event. 

    "Coming on the heels of recent selections by
Johnson & Johnson and Siemens LTD. China's TS Group, we
are very pleased to add CCTV to our growing portfolio of
clients," announced Jake Wei, Chairman and CEO of
Greater China Media & Entertainment Corporation.
"CCTV's selection speaks to our success in executing
on public relations strategies for industry leaders and
serves to raise our profile within the public relations
industry and the larger business community." 

    About Greater China Media and Entertainment

    Greater China Media & Entertainment Corp.
("GCME" or the "Company"), is an
integrated professional media and entertainment company
which covers various areas including film and TV program
production, management, promotion and distribution. The
Company maintains its own film and television production
center, promotion agency, audio-visual distribution
company, digital network company, talent agency, and sales
and advertising agency as a result of recent joint
ventures.  With its broad range of media and entertainment
talents, the company is capable of making films, TV
programs and related projects on a large scale. 

    Joint ventures:

    In June 2006, GCME signed and closed an Acquisition
Agreement with Triumph Research Limited, which is a BVI
company and party to a Joint Venture Agreement with Beijing
Tangde International Film and Culture Co., Ltd. (Tangde), a
Chinese company focused on producing TV programming and
movies. The Company's public relations, media strategy,
consulting and event management joint venture, Beijing
Racemind HuaDing International Marketing Consultants
Limited (Racemind HuaDing) was organized in 2006 and
approved for business by the Beijing Administration for
Industry in May 2007. The Company also signed an agreement
with Beijing Star King Talent Agency to form a joint
venture to carry on business as a talent agency.

    Recent milestones:

    Movie and television series production and distribution
    -- Signed a production and distribution deal with Mega
Vision Productions 
       Limited for the new "Tough Guy" movie.
    -- Took delivery of its first script for its "True
Love" television 
       series' to be directed by famed director Wong Jing.
    -- Signed a production and distribution deal for its
"Poor Dad, Rich Dad" 
       television series with HuaYi Union Cultural Media
Investment Company 
    Racemind HuaDing 

    -- Provided public relations services to Beijing
ShiChuang Environmental 
       Protection Development Co., Ltd. 
    -- Signed service agreement with Siemens LTD. China's
       Systems group.
    -- Organized Johnson & Johnson "Family
    -- Selected by Microsoft China as an approved public
relations vendor,   
       and arranged conferences, new product press releases
and events. 

    For more information please visit the Company website
at http://www.greaterchinamedia.com .

    Forward-looking Statements: 

    This report contains "forward-looking"
statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements
other than statements of historical facts included in this
report are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking
statements involve risks and uncertainties including, but
not limited to, economic and political factors;
developments of the Chinese and North American markets and
changes in regulatory matters; our business strategies and
future plans of operations; the market acceptance and
amount of sales of our products and services; our
historical losses; the competitive environment within the
industries in which we compete; and our ability to raise
additional capital, currently needed for expansion. 

    The Company cautions that forward-looking statements
are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could
cause actual results to differ materially from those
indicated in the forward-looking statements due to several
important factors. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Greater China Media & Entertainment Corp.
     Jake Wei
     Tel: +86-10-5921-2333
'This Is the Most Important Breakthrough in Pulmonary Drug Delivery in My Lifetime.'
August 30, 2007

    JEFFERSON, N.C., Aug. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- states Dr. Tom
Stern, Pulmonologist and medical consultant for Next Safety

    ( Logo: 
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070615/CLF038LOGO )  

    The breakthrough in pulmonary drug delivery recently
announced by Next Safety is basic in nature and has broad
implications for the treatment of a number of medical
conditions. In the area of nicotine alone, the potential is
enormous. The efficacy of Next Safety's nicotine delivery
method is far higher than cigarettes, making it the only
means currently capable of replacing tobacco.

    In November, Next Safety will offer bulk purchases of
nicotine delivery products to certain European countries
that are exploring programs to reduce the impact of tobacco
products on national health care costs.

    For more information, please contact:

     Christy Cheek 
     Next Safety Inc.
     Tel:   +1-336-246-7700
     Email: christycheek@nextsafetyinc.com

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