配信日時:2007年08月14日 09:00
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーションは、英国調査会社のVisiongain社の最新市場調査報告書である 「M-Payments 2007-2012:Commerce and banking in the mobile world 」 の発売を開始しました。この市場調査報告書には、世界のモバイルペイメント市場について記載されています。
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーション(神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:小野 悟)は、英国調査会社のVisiongain社の最新市場調査報告書である 「M-Payments 2007-2012:Commerce and banking in the mobile world (モバイルペイメントの市場予測:2007-2012年)」 の発売を開始しました。この市場調査報告書には、世界のモバイルペイメント市場について記載されています。
GSM Association によると、世界の加入者40%にサービスを提供する無線通信事業者がコンタクトレスモバイルペイメントに取り組んでいるということです。20億の無線端末が2012年に出荷され、そのうち22.5%が近距離無線に対応するだろうと予測されています。すなわち、2012年には4億5000万台の近距離無線対応の端末が出荷されるということになります。
Visiongainの発行するレポート「M-Payments 2007-2012」では、モバイルペイメントについて分析し、最も革新的な、また最も収益を上げるモバイルペイメントの方法は何か、モバイル産業の発展にモバイルペイメント及びモバイルバンキングが果たす役割、最適な提携先はどこか、マスマーケットで成功を収める秘訣、最も成功を収める技術、などについて記述しています。
M-Payments 2007-2012: Commerce and banking in the mobile world
出版社: Visiongain
出版日: 2007/07
http://www.gii.co.jp/japanese/kt54167-m-payments.html■ 本件に関するお問合せ先
株式会社グローバル インフォメーション
住所: 〒215-0004 川崎市麻生区万福寺 1-2-3
アーシスビル 7階
担当: 営業1課
E-mail: sl1@gii.co.jp
電話: 044-952-0102
FAX: 044-952-0109
配信日時:2007年08月14日 13:00
2007年8月13日、株式会社spice life(所在地:東京都渋谷区桜丘町13-1 代表取締役:吉川保男)は、ネット上からオリジナルのブログ名刺が作れるオンラインショッピングサービス、『pocketer(ポケッター)』に自分の写真をアップロードして、簡単に作成できる機能を追加しました。
本サービスはWEB(パソコンのみ)上から、オリジナルカードを作成し、購入することができるサービスとなっております。サイズは通常の名刺の約半分30mm×70mmで、表面は両面マットコート仕上げです。 裏面に一枚ずつ違う写真を選ぶことができ、表面に好きな文字やアイコン・QRコードを印刷できます。 価格は、1セット50枚入りで1,980円。
株式会社spice life(スパイスライフ) 担当者 : 吉川
Tel : 03-5941-5517 FAX : 03-5941-5518
e-mail : public@spicelife.jp URL: http://spicelife.jp/
〒150-0031 東京都渋谷区桜丘町13-1カーサチェリーヒル4F
◇◆◇ じゃがたわー2007 発売開始 ◇◆◇
配信日時:2007年08月14日 14:00
~ じゃがたわー2007 発売開始 ~ http://jagatower.com
◇ 販売場所
道の駅びえい「丘のくら」 北海道上川郡美瑛町本町1丁目9番21号 電話0166-92-0920
美瑛選果 北海道上川郡美瑛町大町2丁目 電話0166-92-4400
※ 電話でもご注文いただけます。
◇ お問い合わせ
美瑛町役場政策調整室 担当 森中 麻友(もりなか まゆ)
北海道上川郡美瑛町本町4丁目6番1号 電話 0166-92-4330 FAX 0166-92-4414
E-mail seisaku_chousei@town.biei.hokkaido.jp
URL http://jagatower.com
配信日時:2007年08月14日 16:00
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーションは、英国調査会社のBusiness Insights社発行の英文市場調査報告書「Drug Repositioning Strategies: Innovative strategies to boost pipeline productivity」の販売を開始しました。
先端分野の市場情報を提供する株式会社グローバル インフォメーション(神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:小野 悟)は、英国調査会社のBusiness Insights社発行の英文市場調査報告書「Drug Repositioning Strategies: Innovative strategies to boost pipeline productivity(新薬再創出戦略:パイプライン生産性向上のための革新的戦略)」の販売を開始しました。
新薬再創出は製薬会社にとって研究開発の生産性の落ち込みや製品パイプラインの弱体化の解決策として期待されています。raloxifene (Evista; Lilly)、thalidomide (Thalomid; Celegene)、(Exubera; Pfizer/Nektar)など、新薬再創出に成功したことによって、革新的企業が製品パイプラインの最適化に向けてよりリスクの低い戦略を導入することが可能となりました。
・ 製薬会社と外部の新薬再創出パートナーとの取引件数は過去3年にわたって上昇しています。この分野に積極的に関心を示している企業にはBayer、Roche、Merck、Organon、Eli Lilly、Pfizer、Novartisがあります。・ 上市製品の新たな適応に向けた再上市は、今なお最も魅力的な戦略です。一般的アプローチには、薬剤の併用、広範な適応の発見、および新たなデリバリー技術の適用などがあります。
・ この技術によって標的デリバリー、代替デリバリールート、制御デリバリー、およびプロドラッグが可能となり、大きな成長市場を生み出します。この分野で活躍する企業は望みある将来のための再上市プロジェクトに参画しつづけるでしょう。
・ 創薬の過程で行き詰まっている薬剤候補の臨床データが今後5年間でより多く入手可能になることで、失敗に終わった多くの化合物が再度製品開発パイプラインに移されます。これは多くの製薬会社の再上市への動きを加速させることになるでしょう。
【 英文市場調査報告書 】
Drug Repositioning Strategies: Innovative strategies to boost pipeline productivity
出版社: Business Insights
出版日: 2007/06
■ 本件に関するお問合せ先
株式会社グローバル インフォメーション
〒215-0004 川崎市麻生区万福寺 1-2-3
アーシスビル 7階
担当: 営業2課
E-mail: sl2@gii.co.jp
電話: 044-952-0102
FAX: 044-952-0109
配信日時:2007年08月15日 09:00
8月14日日本テレビ系列「スッキリ!!」のスッキリナビのコーナーにて、ダンヨガ五反田スタジオが安心して無料体験できるヨガスタジオとして紹介されました。これを記念し、8月末日までダンヨガ全スタジオにて、体験を無料で行ないます!! めったにないチャンス!ぜひこの機会に、体と心と脳もスッキリ!!のダンヨガを体験してみてください!
・対象スタジオ:日本のダンワールドスタジオ 全国57店舗
代表者:代表取締役 金 恵仙
E-mail :webadmin@dahnworld.co.jp
担当者:津久居 陽子
E-mail :webadmin@dahnworld.co.jp
Press Release
アーロン・ジャパン(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役社長 鈴木 嘉久)は、
■代表者:代表取締役社長 鈴木 嘉久
けいえいをよくする研究会< http://www.keiyoku.com/ >は、九州・福岡の中小企業のパートナーとして活躍する専門家集団です。
けいえいをよくする研究会セミナー第12弾は、通販会社が多い九州でも注目の成長企業、新日本製薬グループ 後藤孝洋氏の登場です。
同グループは新日本製薬(株)を中心に関連会社5社で医薬品、基礎化粧品の企画・製造・通信販売業を展開。お客様の健康をトータルに管理する「かかりつけ通販業:One to Oneヘルスケア」をスローガンに掲げ実践されています。
新日本製薬グループ 代表取締役 後藤孝洋(ごとう・たかひろ)氏
・開催日 2007年8月23日(木)18:00~20:00(受付開始17:30)
・場所 オクターブビル4階会議室
(福岡市博多区博多駅前4丁目13番8号 オクターブビル4階)
・料金 講演:1名3,000円税込
・定員 40名限定(定員になり次第締め切り)
・問合せ 日本人事経営研究室株式会社
詳しくは http://www.keiyoku.com/ までどうぞ。
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Aug. 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- It took 30 years for Chemical Abstracts Service to publish its first million abstracts. CAS indexed more than a million records in 2006 alone, reflecting the accelerated pace of research and discovery around the globe. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070817/CLF008LOGO ) Marking its 100th anniversary in 2007, CAS is expanding into allied science fields and developing analysis tools for researchers on a global platform. For instance, customers can access and review technical data on Japanese patents within 48 hours of the patents being issued. "CAS databases streamline the investigative process -- allowing you to take an idea and rapidly find the important and necessary information before you forget about the idea or it loses its excitement," said 2005 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Dr. Robert Grubbs. "That really is invaluable." CAS provides access to the world's chemical and scientific literature and patents to speed and enable scientific discovery to improve peoples' lives. CAS databases are available through search and analysis software for scientists in all facets of the research process and anyone engaged in intellectual property investigation. What started as a volunteer activity to share chemical abstracts has evolved into a $250 million a year enterprise serving 100 countries. CAS databases contain more than 27 million bibliographic records and 13 million reactions, while the CAS Registry(SM) includes more than 31 million records of organic and inorganic substances. Today scientists around the world rely upon the CAS Registry Number(R) as the globally accepted standard for describing a chemical substance. In the 1990s, CAS introduced SciFinder(R), a desktop research tool. Analysis and visualization capabilities are now featured in STN(R) AnaVist(TM), supporting the evolving role of information professionals who are management advisers for major corporations and academic institutions looking to focus their R&D efforts. CAS will mark its anniversary with customer briefings in Asia and Europe. A symposium will be conducted at the ACS meeting in Boston August 19-23. The company received recognition as a National Historic Chemical Landmark by the American Chemical Society on June 14. CAS employs more than 1,300 people at its Columbus, Ohio headquarters. To learn more, visit http://www.cas.org/newsevents/releases/casanniversary.html . For more information, please contact: Eric Shively CAS Tel: +1-614-447-3847 Email: eshively@cas.org Kristin Mack Paul Werth Associates Tel: +1-614-224-8114 Email: kmack@paulwerth.com
STEVENS POINT, Wis., Aug. 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Stora Enso has joined the United States Postal Service (USPS) in celebrating the 30th anniversary of the opening of Star Wars with the recently unveiled Star Wars stamps. Stevens Point Mill supplied OptiLabel Stamp face paper and LumiSil Stamp release liner for the 15 commemorative Star Wars stamps. The Star Wars collector's sheet bears the images of characters from all six episodes: Luke Skywalker; Han Solo and Chewbacca; Princess Leia Organa with R2-D2; C-3PO; Yoda; Queen Padme Amidala; Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Maul; Imperial Stormtroopers, Boba Fett; the Millennium Falcon; and an X-wing Fighter. The USPS also invited America to vote for the most popular character to feature on the only Star Wars stamp that will be available for individual sale. The voting developed into a classic battle of good vs. evil, between Yoda and Darth Vader. In the end, good prevailed: The Yoda stamp will be available this fall ... also printed on Stora Enso papers. Star Wars debuted at only 32 U.S. movie theaters on May 25, 1977. After its small opening, the movie quickly became an icon as the characters and the words "May the force be with you" became part of American culture. Written and directed by George Lucas, the film won seven Academy Awards, and was followed by two sequels and three prequels. The commemorative set of 15 Star Wars stamps is currently available for $6.15 through the USPS. Stora Enso Speciality Papers Stora Enso Speciality Papers, a business area within the Packaging Boards Division of Stora Enso Oyj, manufactures one-sided coated papers for customers in the labeling, converting, and pressure-sensitive businesses. With manufacturing facilities in North America and Europe, Speciality Papers markets products globally through a matrix of regional sales managers, business development managers and Stora Enso's network of nearly 40 global sales offices. With innovative products, customer service and technical support, Stora Enso Speciality Papers helps customers grow and achieve operational effectiveness. Stora Enso Stora Enso, (domiciled in Finland,) is an integrated paper, packaging and forest products company, producing publication and fine paper, packaging board and wood products - all areas in which the Group is a global market leader. Stora Enso's sales totaled EUR 14.6 billion in 2006. The Group has some 44,000 employees in more than 40 countries on five continents. Stora Enso has an annual production capacity of 16.5 million metric tons of paper and board and 7.4 million cubic meters of sawn wood products, including 3.2 million cubic meters of value-added products. Stora Enso's shares are listed in Helsinki, Stockholm and New York. To learn more about Stora Enso, visit: http://www.storaenso.com . For more information, please contact: Cory Boettcher Marketing Manager Stora Enso Speciality Papers Tel: +1-715-345-8046 Email: Cory.boettcher@storaenso.com
SAO PAULO, Brazil, Aug. 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Banco Itau Holding Financeira S.A. issues the following: 1. At this moment of significant volatility in capital markets, and in line with the best practices of information disclosure and Corporate Governance, Banco Itau Holding Financeira S.A. ("Itau") and its controlled / affiliated companies hereby inform that they have not made or recorded in their books any credit operations in "subprime" market (loans or investments in high-risk housing credits in the United States or any other countries) and structured operations known as "CDOs" (Collateralized Debt Obligation), which consist of securitization of assets portfolio which could include loans to "subprime" market. We also inform that the values associated with the bridge loans for issue of shares are immaterial. 2. We emphasize that assets referred to above are not part of the Holding Investment Policy, the execution and implementation of which is strictly supervised by our Internal Control and Risk Management sectors. 3. This information is consistent with Itau's strategy of relationship with the capital markets, is transparent and makes the shareholders aware of their operations. ALFREDO EGYDIO SETUBAL Investor Relations Officer For more information, please contact: Fernando Macedo or Gerardo Soares Tel: +55-11-5019-1549
GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman, Aug. 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- O2Micro(R) International Limited (Nasdaq: OIIM; SEHK: 0457), a leading supplier of innovative power management, and security components and systems, announced that the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas awarded O2Micro attorneys' fees of $2,159,139.26 and costs in the amount of $109,263.29 against defendants Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., FSP Technology, SPI Electronic Co., Ltd., FSP Group and Lien Chang Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd. In the Memorandum Opinion and Order dated August 13, 2007, the District Court also denied a renewed motion for judgment as a matter of law and motion for new trial by defendants, and denied a motion to stay the permanent injunction currently in effect against the defendants. The defendants have appealed the case to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. About O2Micro Founded in April 1995, O2Micro develops and markets innovative power management, and security components and systems for the Computer, Consumer, Industrial, and Communications markets. Products include Intelligent Lighting, Battery Management, Power Management, SmartCardBus(R) and Security products, such as VPN/Firewall system solutions. O2Micro International maintains an extensive portfolio of intellectual property with 7,695 patent claims granted, and over 9000 more pending. The company maintains offices worldwide. Additional company and product information can be found on the company website at http://www.o2micro.com . O2Micro, the O2Micro logo, SmartCardBus, and combinations thereof are registered trademarks of O2Micro. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Mitchell Benus Director of Investor Relations O2Micro Tel: +1-408-332-1749 Email: mitchell.benus@o2micro.com
- Real Estate Now Among the Top Ten Most Sought After B2C Categories Online DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Aug. 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Simsari.com ( http://www.simsari.com ), Dubai's online property marketplace, has announced the appointment of Marwan Lallas as its new managing director, who will spearhead the portal's growth and transform the 'home shopping' experience for people around the world preparing to make a lifestyle investment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The online property market is one of the Internet's fastest growing B2C businesses and Simsari.com believes that it has a real chance of becoming a global player. Simsari.com is a Tejari.com company ( http://www.tejari.com ), a leading emerging markets B2B online marketplace with over 7 years experience and more than US$4 Billion in online transactions. "The fast growth of the online property market coupled with the strong attraction that the UAE has for international real estate investors made creating Simsari.com a strong commercial proposition for Tejari," said Omar Hijazi, CEO of Tejari. "The UAE has more than US$230 billion of real estate projects planned or in progress and so there is enormous opportunity here. Simsari.com offers home buyers and property investors unrivaled efficiency, security and simplicity right from the comfort of their own home or office." "Real estate is now among the top ten most sought after B2C categories online: alongside hotels, resorts and online travel agencies," said Lallas, who joins Simsari.com with a long track record in the real estate sector. "Simsari.com has the combination of validated listings, online buying capabilities, financing resources and expert insights to help property buyers choose and own their Dubai home through a smart, simple process. And our market is truly global." Simsari.com's growth is underpinned by strong growth in the UAE's real estate sector. According to the latest report from Middle East Economic Digest (MEED), 175,000 new residential property units are expected to be available in Dubai by 2010. About Simsari.com Simsari.com ( http://www.Simari.com ) represents a new era of property transactions. Using this portal, buyers and sellers from around the world can come together to trade in real estate online. Simsari.com is a Tejari company. http://www.Tejari.com is the leading B2B online marketplace in the emerging markets with over 7 years experience and over US$4 Billion in online transactions. For additional information, please visit http://www.simsari.com . For more information, please contact: Eman Hussein Spot On PR Tel: +9714-3491-686 Email: emanh@spotonpr.com
BEIJING, Aug. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Sino Gas International Holdings, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: SGAS.OB), ("Sino Gas" or the "Company") today announced that the date of its earnings conference call originally scheduled on Thursday, August 16, 2007 has been moved to Monday, August 20, 2007 at 9:00 AM Eastern Time. Joining Mr. Yu-chuan Liu, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sino Gas, will be Ms. Fang Chen, Chief Financial Officer, and Mr. Brad Shao, Assistant Chief Financial Officer. To participate in the live conference call, please dial the following number five to ten minutes prior to the scheduled conference call time: 888-339-2688. International callers should dial 617-847-3007. When prompted by the operator, mention Conference Passcode 19318081. If you are unable to participate in the call at this time, a replay will be available for seven days starting on Monday, August 20 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. To access the replay, dial 888-286-8010 and enter the passcode 37089087. International callers should dial 617-801-6888 and enter the same passcode 37089087. About Sino Gas International Holdings, Inc. The Company, through its indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Zhong Ran Wei Ye Gas Co., Ltd. ("Beijing Gas"), and the subsidiaries of Beijing Gas, is a leading developer of natural gas distribution systems in small- and medium-sized cities in China, as well as a distributor of natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers in China. The company owns and operates 25 natural gas distribution systems serving approximately 75,000 residential and six industrial customers. Facilities include over 700 kilometers of pipeline and delivery networks with a designed daily capacity of approximately 70,000 cubic meters of natural gas. The company is currently constructing four additional natural gas distribution systems and is planning two more natural gas distribution systems. Beijing Gas owns and operates natural gas distribution systems primarily in Hebei, Jiangsu, Shandong and Jilin Provinces. For further information, visit the Company's website at http://www.sino-gas.com. Safe Harbor Statement This announcement may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact in this announcement are forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, statements regarding the Company's plans for future operations. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about the Company and the industry. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward looking statements are reasonable, they cannot assure you that their expectations will turn out to be correct, and investors are cautioned that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results. Contact: Sino Gas International Holdings, Inc. CCG Elite Investor Relations Ms. Fang Chen, Crocker Coulson, President Chief Financial Officer, Phone: +1-646-213-1915(New York) Phone: +86-10-8260-0527 Email: crocker.coulson@ccgir.com Email: chenfang@sino-gas.com Roberto Caudillo, Financial Writer Phone: +1-310-231-8600 ext. 104(LA) Email: roberto.caudillo@ccgir.com
XI'AN, China, Aug. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Skystar Bio- Pharmaceutical Co., (OTC Bulletin Board: SKBI) ("Skystar"), a leading bio- pharmaceutical company in the People's Republic of China ("PRC"), announced its financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2007. Second Quarter 2007 Highlights -- Revenue increased 22% year-over-year to $3.4 million -- Gross margin increased to 58.2% from 45.5% in Q2 2006 -- Operating income increased 90% year-over-year to $1.2 million -- Adjusted non-GAAP net income increased 59.5% to $771,041 -- Gained approval for 49 new veterinary medicines and opened 150 Skystar franchise stores "Our commitment this year to enhancing our production, marketing and R&D efforts are validated through our strong financial results in the second quarter," commented Mr. Weibing Lu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical. "We have dedicated significant resources this year to broadening our product offering and building a solid distribution network supported by an in-depth customer training and education program. We believe this strategy will support continued revenue and net income growth in the future." Revenue for the second quarter of 2007 was $3.4 million, up 22% from $2.8 million in the second quarter of 2006. The increase in revenue was due to the launching of ten new veterinary medicines and enhanced marketing and advertising efforts. For the second quarter of 2007, revenue from veterinary medicine grew 34% to $1.5 million from $1.1 million in the same period a year ago. Veterinary medicines and microorganisms represented the majority of revenue accounting for 45% and 39% of total revenue, respectively. Vaccines contributed approximately 5% of revenue and feed additives represented the remaining 11%. Gross profit for the second quarter of 2007 was $2.0 million, up 56% from $1.3 million in the second quarter of 2006. Gross margin in the second quarter of 2007 was 58.2% compared to gross margin of 45.5% in the comparable quarter a year ago. Gross margin for the quarter benefited from the decline in the cost of raw materials for microorganisms and feed additives as well as the production of higher margin new veterinary medicines. The new veterinary medicines have an average gross margin greater than 50%. Skystar expects gross margin to remain in the range of 55%-60%. Research and development costs were $75,225, or 2.2% of revenue, in the second quarter of 2007 compared to $85,747, or 3.1% of revenue, in the same period a year ago. Skystar's research and development efforts are dedicated to launching new products and developing new technologies to reduce the cost of raw materials. Selling expenses in the second quarter of 2007 were $148,139, or 4.4% of revenue, compared to $75,574, or 2.7% of revenue, in the same period a year ago. The increase in selling expenses is primarily the result of enhanced marketing and advertising efforts. Skystar expects that selling expenses will remain at 5%-8% of revenue for the remainder of 2007 as the Company continues to aggressively market its products. General and administrative ("G&A") expenses were $405,071, or 12.0% of revenue, in the second quarter of 2007, up from $104,835, or 3.8% of revenue, in the second quarter 2006. The increase in G&A expenses reflects professional fees and associated costs of being a U.S. publicly traded company. Income from operations for the second quarter of 2007 was $1.2 million up 90.0% from $648,651 in the second quarter of 2006. Operating margin for the quarter was 36.5% compared to operating margin of 23.5% in the second quarter of 2006. Net income for the second quarter of 2007 was $148,311 compared to net income in the second quarter of 2006 of $483,343. Fully diluted earnings per share for the quarter of ($0.22) reflect the non-cash conversion expense of the convertible debentures. Fully diluted earnings per share were $0.05 in the second quarter of 2006. During the quarter, Skystar recognized non-cash interest expenses related to the debenture interest payment and warrants totaling $622,730. The company did not incur these expenses in the second quarter of 2006. Adjusting net income to exclude non-cash debt financing and other expenses related to the Company's debenture interest payment and warrants, non-GAAP net income for the second quarter of 2007 was up 59.5% to $771,041 from $483,343 in the second quarter of 2006. Adjusted non-GAAP profit margin was 22.8% compared to 17.5% in the same quarter a year ago. Adjusted non-GAAP fully diluted earnings per share were $0.04 compared to fully diluted earnings per share of $0.05 in the second quarter of 2006. Six Month Results Revenues for the first half of 2007 were $4.7 million, up 26% from $3.8 million during the first half of 2006. Gross profit was $2.6 million, or 56% of revenues, up 52% from $1.7 million, or 46% of revenues, in the first half of 2006. Operating income was $1.1 million, or 23% of revenues, up 31% from $829,916, or 22% of sales, in the first half of 2006. Net loss for the first half of 2007 was $222,409, or ($0.26) per diluted share, compared to net income of $637,235, or $0.07 per diluted share, in the same period a year ago. Fully diluted earnings per share for the first six months reflect the one-time non-cash conversion expense of the convertible debentures. Adjusting net income to exclude non-cash debt financing and other expenses related to the Company's convertible debentures and warrants of $755,524, non-GAAP net income was $533,116 million, or $0.03 per fully diluted share, in the first six months of 2007. Financial Condition As of June 30, 2007, Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical had $2.9 million in cash and restricted cash, total liabilities of $2.8 million and working capital of $3.9 million. Shareholders' equity increased to $15.0 million from $9.7 million as of December 31, 2006. Business Outlook Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical has received approval for 49 new veterinary medicines to date in 2007, and expects to receive approval for 51 additional veterinary medicines by year end. Skystar has also opened over 150 new Skystar franchise stores to date and intends to have 300 operating franchise stores by the end of 2007. The Company has recently begun the construction of the second phase of its new facilities which includes a Good Manufacturing Practice compliant biopharmaceutical workshop for the production of microorganisms and vaccines. Capital expenditures for the new facility are estimated at $2.5 million. Skystar reaffirms its outlook for full year 2007 for revenue to be in the range of $12.0 million to $14.0 million and expects non-GAAP net income to be in the range of $2.5 to $3.0 million. "We have done a tremendous job laying the foundation for our growth strategy in the first half of 2007. We obtained approval for 49 new veterinary medicines and successfully launched 10 of them in the market. Our research and development efforts have contributed to several new high demand products to address the blue ear disease epidemic. We have also successfully expanded our distribution network and opened over 150 Skystar franchise stores," commented Mr. Lu. "We intend to continue focusing our efforts to aggressively expand our market share throughout the rest of 2007. We will continue launching new products, expanding our distribution network and opening new Skystar franchises stores as we build a high quality national brand committed to improving animal health." Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures GAAP results for the fourth quarter and full years ended December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005 include certain non-cash debt financing and other expenses related to the Company's convertible notes and warrants. To supplement the Company's condensed consolidated financial statements presented on a GAAP basis, the Company has provided non-GAAP financial information excluding the impact of these items in this release. The Company's management believes that these non-GAAP measures provide investors with a better understanding of how the results relate to the Company's historical performance. A reconciliation of adjustments to GAAP results appears below. This additional non-GAAP information is not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for GAAP financials. The non-GAAP financial information that the Company provides also may differ from the non-GAAP information provided by other companies. Conference Call Skystar will host a conference call at 10:00 a.m. EDT on Wednesday, August 15, 2007, to discuss the second quarter 2007 financial results. To participate in the live conference call, please dial the following number five to ten minutes prior to the scheduled conference call time: 866-202-3048. International callers should dial 617-213-8843. When prompted by the operator, mention Conference Passcode 60925366. If you are unable to participate in the call at this time, a replay will be available for seven days starting on Wednesday, August 15 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time. To access the replay, dial 888-286-8010 and enter the passcode 14701349. International callers should dial 617-801-6888 and enter the same passcode 14701349. This conference call will be broadcast live over the Internet and can be accessed by all interested parties by clicking on http://phx.corporate-ir.net/playerlink.zhtml?c=197014&s=wm&e=1624298. Please access the link at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of the call to register, download, and install any necessary audio software. For those unable to participate during the live broadcast, a 90 day replay will be available shortly after the call by accessing the same link. About Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical Company is a China-based producer and distributor of veterinary medication, vaccines, micro-organisms and 100% organic herbal feed additives to cure and prevent disease in poultry, livestock, birds and pets. The company's product line consists of more than 80 state-of-the-art products with over 50 additional products in the developmental stage. Skystar has formed strategic sales distribution networks throughout China. Skystar recently completed construction of new state-of-the- art Bio-Pharmaceutical facilities covering an area of almost eight acres. The new facilities meet or exceed all Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certification Standards and have received GMP Certification from the Chinese government. For additional information, please visit www.skystarbio-pharmaceutical.com. Safe Harbor Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain statements in this press release and oral statements made by Skystar on its conference call in relation to this release, constitute forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and the actual results and future events could differ materially from management's current expectations. Such factors include, but are not limited to uncertainties in product demand, the impact of competitive products and pricing, the Company's ability to obtain regulatory approvals, changing economic conditions around the world, release and sales of new products and other factors detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. - FINANCIAL TABLES FOLLOW - SKYSTAR BIO-PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARY CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS AS OF JUNE 30, 2007 AND DECEMBER 31, 2006 ASSETS June 30, December 31, 2007 2006 Unaudited CURRENT ASSETS: Cash $2,828,299 $192,016 Restricted cash 71,764 69,610 Accounts receivable, trade, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $11,870 and $14,426 as of June 30, 2006 and December 31, 2006, respectively 312,380 131,599 Inventories 974,404 528,566 Deposits and prepaid expenses 549,544 29,944 Loans receivable 403,278 8,558 Other receivables 21,959 38,881 Other receivables- related party 64,594 - Total current assets 5,226,222 999,174 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, net 11,426,613 10,910,948 OTHER ASSETS: Deferred debenture expense 817,524 - Prepaid land use right, net 315,827 311,212 Intangible, net 15,342 25,640 Total other assets 1,148,693 336,852 Total assets $17,801,528 $12,246,974 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Interest-bearing short-term loan $39,451 $38,460 Non-interest bearing loan from third party - 62,818 Accounts payable 292,504 71,223 Accrued expenses 308,396 523,892 Taxes payable 614,972 218,231 Other payables 11,033 607,595 Other payables - related parties 20,963 16,025 Total current liabilities 1,287,319 1,538,244 OTHER LIABILITIES: Deferred government grant 986,250 961,500 Liquidated damages 141,267 - Convertible debenture, net of $3,482,980 discount 397,642 - Total other liabilities 1,525,159 961,500 Total liabilities 2,812,478 2,499,744 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES - - SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 50,000,000 shares authorized, 2,000,000 series "A" shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006, respectively; Nil series "B" shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006, respectively. 2,000 2,000 Common stock, $0.001 par value, 50,000,000 shares authorized; 12,795,549 and 12,795,549 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006, respectively 12,795 12,795 Paid-in-capital 10,964,602 6,246,325 Deferred compensation (243,603) (705,877) Statutory reserves 955,555 779,624 Retained earnings 2,554,004 2,952,343 Accumulated other comprehensive income 743,696 460,020 Total shareholders' equity 14,989,049 9,747,230 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $17,801,527 $12,246,974 SKYSTAR BIO-PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (LOSS) AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE SIX MONTHS AND THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2007 AND 2006 Three months ended Six months ended June 30 June 30 2007 2006 2007 2006 Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Revenue $3,374,459 $2,762,247 $4,742,269 $3,757,435 Cost Of Sales 1,411,291 1,506,295 2,108,326 2,026,734 Gross Profit 1,963,168 1,255,952 2,633,943 1,730,701 Research And Development Costs 75,225 85,747 106,881 105,086 Amortization Of Deferred Compensation 101,375 341,145 462,274 341,145 Selling Expenses 148,139 75,574 257,567 143,482 General And Administrative Expenses 405,071 104,835 721,622 311,072 Income From Operations 1,233,358 648,651 1,085,599 829,916 Other Income (Expenses) Other income(expense) (148,385) (1,014) (141,226) (1,230) Interest expense (703,019) - (866,515) - Income Before Provision For Income Taxes 381,954 647,637 77,859 828,686 Provision For Income Taxes 233,643 164,294 300,267 191,451 Net Income (Loss) 148,311 483,343 (222,409) 637,235 Other Comprehensive Income Foreign currency translation adjustment 180,517 26,719 283,676 72,980 COMPREHENSIVE INCOME $328,826 $510,062 $61,267 $710,215 (LOSS) EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS) - Basic $0.01 $0.05 $(0.02) $0.07 - Diluted $(0.22) $0.05 $(0.26) $0.07 Weighted average number of common shares used to compute EPS - Basic 12,795,549 9,606,115 12,795,549 9,606,115 - Diluted 17,471,234 9,606,115 16,132,513 9,606,115 SKYSTAR BIO-PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARY RECONCILIATION OF NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES FOR THE THREE AND SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2007 Adjusted Net income Q2 2007 Six Months 2007 Net Income (Loss) Net Diluted Net Diluted Diluted EPS Income EPS Income EPS Adjusted Amount 771,041 0.04 533,116 0.03 Adjustments Deferred Debenture Expense (1) 122,628 0.007 163,504 0.01 Discount on Debenture (2) 500,102 0.029 592,020 0.04 Discount on convertible debenture net of interest expense (3) 0.23 0.23 Amount per consolidated statement of operations 141,311 (0.22) (222,409) (0.26) (1) Non cash expense related to debt issue costs (2) Non cash expense related to costs of amortization of convertible debenture and warrants (3) Adds back the write down of the remaining discount on convertible debentures of $4,075,000 net of interest expense of $81,108 which is used to calculate fully diluted earnings per share SKYSTAR BIO-PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2007 AND 2006 2007 2006 Unaudited Unaudited CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Net (loss) income $(222,409) $637,235 Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) income to cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 90,407 53,541 Amortization of deferred debenture expenses 163,504 - Amortization of discount on debentures 592,020 - Amortization of deferred compensation 462,274 341,145 (Increase) decrease in assets: Accounts receivable, trade (174,979) (256,661) Inventories (426,349) (1,066,392) Deposits and prepaid expenses (511,768) (2,868) Other receivables 26,339 (6,686) Increase (decrease) in liabilities: Accounts payable (216,460) 4,750 Accrued expenses and other payables 198,368 37,146 Taxes payables (385,801) 567,416 Liquidated damage payable 141,267 - Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities (263,586) 308,626 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Increase in amount of interest - bearing loans to third parties (389,130) Payment of interest bearing loans received from third parties 259,210 Increase in restricted cash (357) - Purchase of property, plant and equipment (311,207) (980,603) Increase in amount due from shareholders (63,715) Payment received from shareholders 92,251 Decrease in amounts due from a related company - 446,189 Net cash used in investing activities (764,409) (182,953) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Proceeds from government subsidies - 124,620 Proceeds from convertible debentures, net of debenture expenses 3,737,250 - Principle payment on convertible debenture (194,378) - Repayments of non-interest bearing loan from third parties (63,558) (249,240) Net cash provided by financing activities 3,479,314 (124,620) EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH 184,964 374 INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH 2,636,283 1,427 CASH, beginning of period 192,016 38,498 CASH, end of period $2,828,299 $39,925 SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE INFORMATION Interest expense paid $83,027 $1,608 Income taxes paid $210,628 $- Non-cash transactions Warrants issued for services $643,277 $- Stock issued for services - 1,572,000 Completed construction in progress 5,857,290 $6,500,567 $1,572,000 Contact Crocker Coulson, President crocker.coulson@ccgir.com Leslie Richardson, Financial Writer Phone: 310-231-8600 x 122 leslie.richardson@ccgir.com CCG Elite Investor Relations Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical Company Scott Cramer Director - U.S. Representative Phone: 407-645-4433 Email:scramer@skystarbio-pharmaceutical.com
LONDON, Aug. 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- FIX Protocol Ltd (FPL) has announced that the FIX Algorithmic Trading Definition Language (FIXatdl (SM)) has entered its beta phase in preparation for its ultimate release targeted for late 2007. The new language will deliver advanced support for algorithmic trading, enabling adopters to benefit from a dramatic reduction in the deployment effort required to roll out new algorithmic order types. The FPL organisation has been overwhelmed by the level of interest that the FIXatdl (SM) has generated within the industry. It has gained support from leading industry participants including Barclays Capital (NYSE: BCS), Bloomberg Tradebook, Credit Agricole Cheuvreux, Citi (NYSE: C), Credit Suisse (VX: CSGN and NYSE: CS), Fidelity Capital Markets Services, Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS), Investment Technology Group (NYSE: ITG), J.P. Morgan Chase & Co (NYSE: JPM), Lehman Brothers (NYSE: LEH), Merrill Lynch (NYSE: MER), Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS), NeoNet (XSTO: NEO), Pragma Financial Systems and UBS (XVTX: UBSN & NYSE: UBS). These firms have studied and reviewed the language and each has published samples of their algorithmic trading strategies in the new XML format, ensuring that all their current and near-term algorithmic trading strategies can be easily and rapidly expressed in this new format. The new language will allow broker-dealers to specify algorithmic order types in an industry standard XML format, enabling Buy-side clients to access new order types within a significantly reduced timeframe. Similar to the way an Internet browser can render a standard HTML page, Buy-side systems will be able to read the new standard XML files and render new order entry screens, using common "look and feel" elements and layouts that may be completely specified and individualised locally. The final order entry screens include helpful pop-ups, and each order entry field may have behind the scenes comprehensive validation requirements formally expressed. Furthermore, the language specifies how the highly unique parameters that are associated with constantly evolving, new algorithmic order types will be formally expressed using standard FIX communication protocols. Following initial implementation effort, the deployment timeframes for additional complex order types will be significantly reduced. The language will generate a compelling reduction in the financial and technical resource investment required by firms to innovate and adopt new algorithmic order types and will open up a wealth of opportunity for all algorithmic trading industry participants. Having completed development and initial testing phases, and gained broad industry feedback, on July 23rd FIXatdl (SM) successfully entered into its final stage of testing, the beta testing phase. This will provide an opportunity to determine any final, minor changes required for the first release of this new language. Commenting on the new language, Kevin Houstoun, Co-Chair FPL Global Technical Committee and Consultant to HSBC stated, "In FIX.4.4 and FIX.5.0 we addressed the issue of how to communicate the parameters of an algorithmic trading strategy in a standard yet flexible way. This complimentary language greatly extends that approach to include the display of those custom parameters and complete validation. This allows sell-sides, ECNs and exchanges to develop and deploy new algorithms much more quickly than before, and represents an important step towards the industry's ultimate objective of minimising cost drag on end investors. The speed with which a new algorithm can be deployed using this technology is truly impressive and I'd like to congratulate John Goeller, Richard J. Labs and the rest of the FPL Algorithmic Trading Working Group on the production of an important extension to FIX." John Goeller, Chair FPL Algorithmic Trading Working Group and Director of Portfolio and Automated Trading, Merrill Lynch added, "I would like to congratulate the FPL Algorithmic Trading Working Group for delivery of this new language which describes algorithmic orders in a standardised way. The team contributed significant time and effort on both business and technical fronts in the development of a solution which should benefit the whole algorithmic trading community." Richard J. Labs, CFA, CPA, member of the FPL Algorithmic Trading Working Group and Managing Member, CL&B Capital Management, LLC added "This exciting new language would not have been possible without the extensive input we received from several technology vendors and key members from the broker-dealer community, who have run up their algorithmic orders in this new standard format so we may now proceed with everything we need for exhaustive stress testing and finalisation. The FPL Algorithmic Trading Working Group welcomes all additional input prior to our finalising this language in the near future." The XML files and a full presentation focused on this initiative, including audio and slides are available for download at http://www.fixprotocol.org/working_groups/algowg/documents About FIX Protocol Ltd FIX Protocol Ltd is a non-profit organisation that owns the intellectual property rights of the Financial Information eXchange Protocol (FIX), which is available free of charge from the FPL website, subject to FPL's copyright and acceptable use policy. FIX is a globally-recognised messaging standard enabling the electronic communication of pre-trade and trade messages between financial institutions, primarily investment managers, broker-dealers, ECNs and exchanges. For more information, see http://www.fixprotocol.org For more information, please contact: Daniella Baker, FPL Marketing and Communications Manager Fix Protocol Limited Tel: +44-20-7936-9334 Email: Daniella.Baker@fixprotocol.org
SAO PAULO, Brazil, Aug. 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Banco Itau announces an unprecedented initiative in the Brazilian financial market -- the reduction of all service charges collected on its MaxiContas current account packages. In addition, the Bank is to eliminate various charges altogether thus providing more free services to its millions of customers. Itau has also decided to hold the remaining personal current account charges at existing levels. This decision benefits all personal current account customers with reductions of as much as 12%, as well as other advantages arising from the elimination of other service charges. "We have made this important decision, focused once again on innovation and the unceasing search for excellence in serving our customers. We were pioneers in this area in October 1996 when we created the MaxiConta, a service charges package benefiting those customers enjoying closer relationships with us. And, today I am very pleased to be able to announce that we have the most competitive and attractive package of banking services in Brazil", declares Roberto Setubal, Banco Itau's CEO. These measures will enable Itau to further improve its relations with existing current account holders as well as expanding the customer base in a market where the penetration of banking services is on the increase, set against a scenario of economic growth and stability. According to Itau's CEO, these initiatives have been made possible thanks to the good quality of Itau's management, always focused on efficiency and productivity. This model, he says, has allowed the Bank to continually pass on the benefits to its customers and create greater shareholder value. "It is of fundamental importance to remember that these benefits reflect the prospects for economic growth which we are witnessing in Brazil, unquestionably leading us to an eventual investment grade rating. This scenario has already had an important impact on our results, contributing to the expansion of credit and the customer base," Setubal adds. All the changes announced by Itau will be effective from September 1. Investor Relations Banco Itau Holding Financeira S.A. For more information, please contact: Fernando Macedo or Gerardo Soares Tel: 5511-5019-1549
Manuscript Central Optima Interfaces with Web of Science and EndNote; Electronic Forms and eCommerce Solutions Streamline User Experience PHILADELPHIA and LONDON, Aug. 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ScholarOne, a Thomson business, today announced the release of Manuscript Central(TM) v4.0, an upgraded version of the industry-leading manuscript submission and peer-review system. The latest version of the product introduces new features including Manuscript Central Optima, an integration with Thomson Scientific's Web of Science(R) and EndNote(R), as well as eForms and eCommerce, all designed to create easier and more streamlined processes for manuscript submission, review and production. "By working closely with many of ScholarOne's larger customers, we were able to gain valuable insight into the types of features that would contribute to a more efficient way for authors to submit manuscripts as well as make the review process more robust," said William T. Carden, president and chief executive officer of ScholarOne. "The result is a new platform integrating several core Thomson applications." The collaboration between ScholarOne and its customers led to the development of Manuscript Central Optima, a key feature of the new release. Through Manuscript Central Optima, authors can create their manuscript in EndNote and seamlessly submit it for review using Manuscript Central. And through Optima's integration with Web of Science, reviewers and editors have one-click access from the manuscripts to the times cited, related records, and links to the full record files, allowing for a well-organized and proficient reviewing process. "Since its acquisition of ScholarOne, Thomson Scientific has demonstrated its commitment to investing in ScholarOne's core offerings by introducing additional capabilities," said Mr. Carden. "Both Web of Science and EndNote are world-class research platforms that complement Manuscript Central's tools used by authors, editors and reviewers at each stage of the submission, review and production processes." Manuscript Central v4.0 is designed to streamline the online process as well. It offers its users an easier, faster way to send and receive forms, including copyright and disclosure agreements, automatically through its electronic form processing feature. Allowing users to pay fees electronically is an improved feature that simplifies the submission and production processes for users. Manuscript Central is an innovative, web-based, database-driven peer review and online submission application for scholarly publishers. Manuscript Central automates manuscript submission to journals and allows for easy administrative, editing and reviewing capabilities. With more than 170 societies and publishers, more than 2000 books and journals, 60,000 monthly submissions and 2.8 million registered users, Manuscript Central is the proven industry leader. About ScholarOne, Inc. ScholarOne, Inc. ( http://www.scholarone.com ) provides comprehensive workflow management systems for scholarly journals, books, and conferences. Its Web-based applications enable publishers to manage the submission, peer review, production, and publication processes more efficiently, increasing their profile among authors, decreasing time-to-market for critical scientific data, and lowering infrastructure costs. The Manuscript Central user base has grown to 2.8 million registered users worldwide. The clients of ScholarOne include prestigious nonprofit societies, university presses, government agencies, and the world's leading commercial publishers. The company employs 85 people at its Charlottesville, Virginia, headquarters and in London, and Bielefeld, Germany. About The Thomson Corporation The Thomson Corporation ( http://www.thomson.com ) is a global leader in providing essential electronic workflow solutions to business and professional customers. With operational headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson provides value-added information, software tools and applications to professionals in the fields of law, tax, accounting, financial services, scientific research and healthcare. The Corporation's common shares are listed on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC). Thomson Scientific is a business of The Thomson Corporation. Its information solutions assist professionals at every stage of research and development-from discovery to analysis to product development and distribution. Thomson Scientific information solutions can be found at scientific.thomson.com. For more information, please contact: Chris Lukach, Anne Klein & Associates Tel: +1-856-988-6560 x15 Email: chris@mail.akleinpr.com
Avnet and Xilinx End 90-City Global Technical Seminars, Exceed Expectations SINGAPORE, Aug. 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Avnet Electronics Marketing (NYSE: AVT) and Xilinx, Inc. (Nasdaq: XLNX) have concluded their 90-city global X-Fest technical seminars. More than 7,000 attendees flocked to the technical sessions held across the globe. Attendance exceeded expectations in all regions. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200703010917.jpg ) Working with key technology suppliers such as Xilinx, Texas Instruments, National Semiconductor and Analog Devices, X-Fest seminars offered attendees practical, how-to training around system-level design for FPGA, DSP and embedded systems designers and ran worldwide in locations throughout Europe, Asia, Japan and North America. The global tour began in April and ended last month. Attendees said the solutions approach was the biggest draw of the event, praising the quality of the technical content of the workshops. "I liked the fact that the X-Fest seminars showed the actual capabilities of the products, which is what I came to see," said Rolf Thompson, a U.S.-based design engineer for L-3 Communications. "I was also impressed to see such a large cross-section of the supplier community involved in the event - having all the suppliers that support the Xilinx chips in one place was really helpful. X-Fest was a great opportunity to talk with other engineers and learn from their experiences with these technologies." "X-Fest is a well organized event, which has offered a series of practical training programs, especially in the domain of Embedded Systems and Digital Signal Processing. Through the one-day program, the multiple learning tracks have provided the delegates with a diverse selection of the topics to attend," said Chen Xiaofan, Senior HW/FW Engineer, Engineering Distributed I/O, Rockwell Automation Asia Pacific Business Center Pte Ltd. Strong attendance numbers and overwhelmingly positive post-conference comments indicate the need for this type of collaborative effort to support the needs of the market. Tim Barber, vice president of global Xilinx marketing for Avnet Electronics Marketing said, "Our vision for X-Fest was to deliver detailed, real-world system design concepts that would apply directly to the challenges and experiences of working engineers. The positive feedback we have received from customers around the globe confirms that they derive huge value from the very unique multi-vendor, technical format that X-Fest delivered." "X-Fest truly set a precedent in our industry", said Chris Henry, vice president of channel sales at Xilinx. "It was an ideal platform to expose designers to a broad range of real-world topics wired specifically to help them advance their Xilinx design efforts. Never before have so many FPGA-centric solution providers come together on a worldwide scale to help customers experience first-hand how Xilinx FPGAs can be at the heart of successful end products." Plans are already underway for the next X-Fest technical seminar series, which is tentatively scheduled to begin in the fall of 2008. About Avnet Electronics Marketing Avnet Electronics Marketing is an operating group of Phoenix-based Avnet, Inc. (NYSE: AVT), a Fortune 500 company. Avnet Electronics Marketing serves electronic original equipment manufacturers (EOEMs) and electronic manufacturing services (EMS) providers in 70 countries, distributing electronic components from leading manufacturers and providing associated design-chain and supply-chain services. The group¡¯s Web site is located at http://www.em.avnet.com . About Avnet With more than 250 locations serving customers in 70 countries worldwide, Avnet (NYSE: AVT) markets, distributes and adds value to the products of the world¡¯s leading electronic component suppliers, enterprise computer manufacturers and embedded subsystem providers. Additionally, Avnet brings a breadth and depth of service capabilities, such as supply-chain optimization, logistics solutions, product assembly, device programming, computer system integration and engineering design assistance. For the fiscal year ended July 1, 2006, Avnet generated revenue of $14.25 billion. Visit http://www.avnet.com/ . About Xilinx Xilinx, Inc. is the worldwide leader of programmable logic solutions. For more information, visit http://www.xilinx.com . For more information, please contact: Editorial Contacts: Avnet Electronics Marketing Asia Jaime Chan Tel: +852-2410-2735 Email: jaime.chan@avnet.com Avnet Electronics Marketing Public Relations Jody Janusch LaRoque Tel: +1-480-643-2547 Email: jody.janusch@avnet.com Xilinx Asia Melissa Zhang Tel: +86-10-6268-2899 ext. 809 Email: melissa.zhang@xilinx.com Xilinx North America Tamara Snowden Tel: +1-408-879-6146 Email: tamara.snowden@xilinx.com
MS Company Recognized for Contributions to Beijing's Business and High Technology Communities HONG KONG, Aug. 16 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Elcoteq SE, global provider of electronics manufacturing services (EMS) for the communications technology industry, announces that Elcoteq Beijing was honored with two awards issued by Beijing governmental committees on July 17, 2007. The awards were given for the contribution the company has made in fostering harmonious business practices as well for accelerating development in the high tech industrial park towards the industrial market. The Capital Civilized Enterprise Award was issued to Elcoteq Beijing by the Committee of Capital Social Construction of Ideological Infrastructure for developing a business that is positively integrated into the Beijing community and that meets the high quality standards that the government is fostering in preparation for the 2008 Olympics. The Committee of Capital Social Construction of Ideological Infrastructure is the senior organization responsible for managing all of the committees of Capital Social Construction in Beijing. The 2006 Civilized Enterprise of Business Development Area Award was presented by the Committee of Business Development Area (BDA) of Social Construction of Ideological Infrastructure for Elcoteq's contribution to accelerating the development of the high tech industrial park as an international technology center. The committee belongs to the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, of which Elcoteq Beijing is a part. This was the second year in a row Elcoteq has won the award. Elcoteq Beijing was established in 2000 in Beijing, China. It is one of Elcoteq's four volume manufacturing plants in the Asia-Pacific region. The plant specializes in box build and sub-assembly manufacturing for communications products such as RF modules, engines, mobile phones, mobile phone base stations controllers (2G/2.5G/3G), data processing units, data storage units, switching products, 3G interface boards, and message bus interfaces. Along with manufacturing services, the company also supports Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) with fully integrated solutions comprised of collaborative design, manufacturing, engineering services (ES), sourcing, demand and supply chain management, and after-sales services (product repair and product recycling) for the entire lifecycle of their products. The plant is ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 certified and adheres to Six Sigma, SA8000 and EHS implementation management systems. Elcoteq Beijing employs over 3000 people. About Elcoteq Elcoteq SE is a leading electronics manufacturing services (EMS) company with original design manufacturing (ODM) capabilities in the communications technology field. Elcoteq provides global end-to-end solutions consisting of product development, NPI, manufacturing, supply chain management, and after-sales services for the whole lifecycle of its customers' products. These products include terminal products such as mobile phones and set-top boxes as well as communications network equipment such as base-stations, tower-top amplifiers, and microwave systems. The company operates in 16 countries on four continents and employs approximately 23,000 people. Elcoteq's consolidated net sales for 2006 totaled 4.3 billion euros. Elcoteq SE is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. For more information visit the Elcoteq website at http://www.elcoteq.com . For more information, please contact: Elcoteq SE Tuula Hatakka, Senior Vice President: Treasury, Communications and Investor Relations Tel: +358-10-413-1808 Email: tuula.hatakka@elcoteq.com
HONG KONG, Aug. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- VODone Limited ("VODone") (stock code: 82.HK), a leading tele-media service provider in China, announced today the launch of GOAL TV(TM), a new sports channel which offers exclusive online soccer match programs in China. The brand new sports channel offers 24-hour soccer entertainment programs with exclusive live European soccer matches including the French League, Scottish Premier League, and the Dutch League. Goal TV(TM) also offers 200 hours of original programming on two 24-hour channels, which covers three major European leagues as well as unprecedented behind-the scenes access to England's top three clubs: Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool as well as the champion club in the Spanish League, Barcelona. Goal TV(TM) also provides a host of soccer entertainment programs, including sports news, exclusive interviews, in-depth pre/post match expert analysis, delayed and archived matches, bilingual commentaries and a fans' forum. Audiences can view these world-class soccer matches by subscribing to a monthly plan (RMB10 per month) or a specific program (RMB1 per match).¡¡It is estimated that this new channel will initially attract approximately two million new users. Dr. Zhang Lijun, Chairman of VODone, said, "We are pleased to join hands with GOAL TV(TM) to launch a brand new sports channel exclusively on our online video portal. This new sports channel will further diversify our program offerings, which provides more choices to our subscribers. With millions of soccer fans in China, we are confident that GOAL TV(TM) will be very well received." About VODone Ltd. Founded in 2005, VODone Telemedia Co. is the first and leading online video media group in China. It is also the only enterprise in the PRC to own a complete set of licenses to operate video broadcasting on the Internet. On 13 July 2006, the VODone Datamedia Technology Co., Ltd. affiliated with VODone Limited successfully entered the capital Market in Hong Kong, creating support and laying a solid capital foundation for the huge development of VODone Limited. The Group broadcasts financial information and programs on entertainment, sports and lifestyle through multimedia on the platforms of leading Internet and telecom network operators. VODone's TV programs can be accessed all over the world, around the clock through the online video portals. For more information, please contact: For press enquiries in Hong Kong: iPR Ogilvy Natonie Chan/ Canny Lo/ Crystal Chan/ Mark Vanderkolk Tel: +852-2136-8072/ 3170-6753/ 2169-0049/ 2136-6184 Email: natonie.chan@iprogilvy.com/ canny.lo@iprogilvy.com/ crystal.chan@iprogilvy.com/ mark.vanderkolk@iprogilvy.com For press enquiries in Beijing: Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Elinor Huang / Lv Yan Tel: +86-10-8520-6567 / 6543 Email: elinor.huang@ogilvy.com / yan.lv@ogilvy.com
PHOENIX, Aug. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Solar Inc. ("the Company", or "CSI", or "we") (Nasdaq: CSIQ) today announced it has opened a new U.S. office in Phoenix, Arizona as part of the Company's expansion strategy. The new U.S. office will serve as headquarters for U.S. Operations and Sales. Jeff Calabro, Director of U.S. Sales, will be managing the Company's U.S. expansion efforts. Dr. Shawn Qu, Chairman and CEO of CSI, said, "The U.S. is an important strategic market with the potential to become one of the world's largest solar energy consumer markets. Having a physical presence on the ground underscores our commitment and anticipated expansion. We plan to aggressively leverage our global presence and customer relationships to build significant market share in the U.S. as we have successfully done in other new markets." Jeff Calabro, Director of U.S. Sales for CSI, said, "We plan to efficiently capitalize on the accelerated demand for PV solar solutions seen in the U.S. with targeted sales initiatives. Our objectives are to establish strong customer relationships, provide a stable supply stream of quality modules to the region, and offer services focused on meeting customer needs." U.S. Office Contact Information Jeff Calabro Director of Sales -- USA CSI Solar Inc. 3420 East Shea Boulevard, Suite 200 Phoenix, AZ 85028 Office: +1-602-953-5242 Fax: +1-602-953-5245 Email: jeff.calabro@csisolar.com About Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar module and custom-designed solar application products serving worldwide customers. CSI is incorporated in Canada and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China. Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a major global provider of solar power products for a wide range of applications. For more information, please visit http://www.csisolar.com . For more information, please contact: In Jiangsu, P.R. China Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer Canadian Solar Inc. Tel: +86-512-6269-6755 Email: ir@csisolar.com In the U.S. David Pasquale The Ruth Group Tel: +1-646-536-7006 Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com
ICIS and CBI China Form Joint Venture to Create China's Leading Commodity Market Information Company
LONDON and SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ICIS, http://www.icis.com/Home/Default.aspx, the commodity market information business of Reed Business Information UK Ltd, and CBI China Ltd http://www.cbichina.com/ , China's domestic commodity market information leader, have formed a joint venture to create China's most powerful commodity market information company. ICIS and CBI China have announced this week that they formed a joint venture to deliver information on Chinese markets to a global audience involved in or monitoring commodities in this region. At the same time, the new company will offer global market intelligence to their Chinese customers. As part of this joint venture RBI has taken an equity stake in CBI. ICIS Publishing Director Christopher Flook said: "Chinese demand is driving world commodity markets. We hope that ICIS-CBI can facilitate that trade by delivering comprehensive international market data to local companies, and unparalleled China market information to international players. Our joint venture will encompass detailed coverage of oil products, gas and over 200 petrochemical markets in both English and Chinese, by email, web and SMS." "Similarly, Chinese customers are calling out for accurate and, above all, trusted information on international commodity markets. We are delighted to offer them the most reliable global market intelligence from ICIS, which complements the information they have come to rely upon from CBI," added Patrick Zhang, CBI China Chief Executive Officer. The international supremacy of ICIS combined with CBI's leadership position in domestic chemical and metals markets, creates China's most powerful commodity market information company. "The alliance bolsters ICIS' position as the world's leading provider of market information on petrochemical markets", said Jim Muttram, RBI UK Managing Director. "It also provides RBI with a fantastic base upon which we can build our business in China". Notes to Editors: ICIS ICIS, the world's leading information provider for the chemical and oil industry, is part of Reed Business Information (RBI), a division of Reed Business and a member of Reed Elsevier plc (525), (UK:REL) (NYSE:RUK) (NL:45443) the world's leading publisher and information provider. For more information on ICIS visit http://www.icis.com CBI China CBI CHINA is the largest comprehensive source for information on China's major commodity markets and industries such as petrochemicals, steel, oil and gas, non-ferrous metals, pulp and paper. With its experience and vast reach throughout China, CBI has developed a unique information network and business model for tracking commodity markets. For more information on CBI China visit http://www.cbichina.com For further information, please contact: Tim Haigh, ICIS Tel: +44-20-8652-3296 Email: tim.haigh@rbi.co.uk
Nationwide VAR and Distribution Partnership adds to growing Ecosystem RICHARDSON, Texas, Aug. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Navini Networks, the leader in offering commercial Mobile WiMAX solutions, today announced a nationwide VAR and distributor partnership with Digitel Corporation, a leading wireless systems integration company. Digitel will be providing the 802.16e Mobile WiMAX(TM) solution with Beamforming and MIMO from Navini Networks(1), the most experienced provider of portable wireless broadband network equipment in the world. Navini Networks consistently delivers an exceptional link budget which results in fewer cell sites, better building penetration, and higher throughput. For service providers and operators alike, this superior performance results in a shortened Return on Investment (ROI) and a clear technology path for the future. "Digitel Corporation provides wireless broadband networking, VoIP, and back-office OSS solutions to rural and metropolitan markets throughout the United States," said Bryan Tate, Digitel's founder and CEO. "We are thrilled to be working with Navini Networks. The prospects of delivering Navini's 'next generation' wireless capabilities will facilitate the growth our customers demand." The focus will be on the rural/independent Telcos for last mile access, municipalities and educational Institutions that have access to 2.5 GHz spectrum, and other emerging spectrum opportunities. "Digitel Corporation is a great partner for us and operators looking to deploy Mobile WiMAX networks," commented Roger Dorf, Navini's CEO. "They also offer a full range of next generation wireless products and consulting services including turnkey Radio Frequency (RF) network design and installation, tower site selection, IP Network engineering, including end-to-end network design, planning and deployment." (1) This software will be taken to WiMAX Forum certification when the certification labs open About Digitel Corporation Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Digitel provides large multi-site customers a single source for their national telecommunications systems requirements. Digitel has been serving business and municipal customers throughout the country for almost 25 years and is one of the largest independent distributors for Nortel Networks, achieving the status of Premier Business Partner. The company acquired an ISP operation from Nortel Networks which provided entry into the wholesale internet service business with independent telephone companies in the Mid-Atlantic, upper Mid-West and Northwest regions of the country and now operates a Nationwide Wholesale ISP subsidiary. NeoNova Network Services, Inc. (http://www.neonova.net), the leading provider of IP based Internet access solutions and services to the rural Telco and IOC market, has expanded their product offering to include a Security Suite to handle viruses, hackers, Spyware and identify thieves, as well as a new network storage offering for backup of critical files. In 2005, Digitel became a Cisco Premier Certified Partner in the USA and in 2007 was recognized as the leading distributor for Cisco in the Southeastern region of the U.S. In the more recent years, the company has built an IT / Professional Services department to support its customers with internet, LAN, WAN, and VPN offerings solid and wide-ranging portfolio of communication products, managed services offerings, and engineering solutions. http://www.digitel.net About Navini Networks With the largest commercial deployments in the world, over 70 commercial networks in 6 continents and strategic partnerships with industry leaders, Navini Networks is the leader in providing portable, plug-n-play broadband wireless access solutions worldwide. Navini is the only company that offers commercial Mobile WiMAX products and has commercialized patented smart beamforming technology, enabling personal broadband for the mass market. Only Navini has the WiMAX solution that enhances Mobile WiMAX with Smart Beamforming and beamformed MIMO, providing operators with the power to deliver on the promise of personal broadband, both indoors and outdoors. Navini's Ripwave(R) MX solution offers a portable, zero-install, non-line-of-sight (NLOS) product line consists of customer modems, base stations, and element management systems (EMS) that run in the full range of spectrums. Navini Networks is a principal member of the WiMAX Forum and the IEEE 802.16e committee and is headquartered in Richardson, Texas. http://www.navini.com For more information, please contact: Navini Networks Maryvonne Tubb Director of Marketing Tel: +1-972-852-4247 Email: mtubb@navini.com
BENTONVILLE, Ark., WELLESLEY, Mass. and HELSINKI, Finland, Aug. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT) and SSH Communications Security (HEX: SSH1V), a leading global provider of secure file-transfer and end-to-end communications security solutions for the enterprise, today announced that Wal-Mart has selected the SSH Tectia(R) solution to enable secure remote access and secure end-to-end data file transfer throughout the retail leader's extensive global computing network. The SSH Tectia client/server solution secures sensitive company data-in-transit, delivering strong robust encryption, support for heterogeneous computing platforms and multiple authentication technologies, along with enhanced SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) capabilities. SSH Tectia provides an ideal alternative to prohibit unsecured file transfers and Telnet sessions. Wal-Mart also selected SSH Tectia Manager, a comprehensive communications security management platform, to manage the enterprise-wide SSH Tectia security solution. SSH Tectia Manager enables powerful pre-configuration, deployment, and maintenance operations on an enterprise-wide scale, and performs auditing functions to help maintain regulatory compliance in a cost-effective manner. "With the size and complexity of our environment, it was important to find a solution that could be utilized on all platforms," said Kerry Kilker, Wal-Mart vice president of information security. "The centralized management of SSH Tectia Manager will enable us to quickly deploy, easily maintain and simplify configuration management in our environment. That is where we expect to see the most return on investment with this technology." "SSH Tectia is the best-of-breed solution for securing file transfers and data-in-transit end-to-end in large heterogeneous enterprise networks," said George Adams, president and CEO, SSH Communications Security, Inc. "SSH Tectia provides the strongest level of enterprise security for low overall costs, which complements Wal-Mart's highly effective business model. We are very pleased that Wal-Mart has chosen SSH Tectia after rigorous testing, to secure sensitive company information, while using Tectia's architecture and central management to meet their growing needs, today and in the future." About Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT) Every week, millions of customers visit Wal-Mart Stores, Supercenters, Neighborhood Markets, and Sam's Club locations across America or log on to its online store at http://www.walmart.com . The company and its Foundation are committed to a philosophy of giving back locally. Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) is proud to support the causes that are important to customers and associates right in their own neighborhoods, and last year gave more than $270 million to local communities in the United States. To learn more, visit http://www.walmartfacts.com , http://www.walmartstores.com , or http://www.walmartfoundation.org . About SSH Tectia SSH Tectia is the leading end-to-end communications security solution for the enterprise. The SSH Tectia solution is based on the SSH Secure Shell and SSH's other industry-leading technologies used by millions worldwide. SSH Tectia enables secure system administration, secure file transfer and secure application connectivity with centralized management throughout the internal and external network. SSH Tectia products provide transparent, strong encryption and authentication, and are available for all key enterprise platforms including Windows, UNIX, Linux, and mainframes to easily integrate into heterogeneous network environments. About SSH Communications Security SSH Communications Security is a world-leading provider of enterprise security solutions and end-to-end communications security, and the original developer of the Secure Shell protocol. The company's SSH Tectia solution addresses the most critical needs of large enterprises, financial institutions, and government agencies. With SSH Tectia, organizations can cost-effectively secure their system administration, file transfers and application connectivity against both internal and external security risks. As the original developer of the Secure Shell protocol and other key network security technologies, SSH has for 12 years developed end-to-end communications security solutions specifically for the enterprise. Currently more than 100 of Global Fortune 500 companies are using SSH security solutions. SSH shares are quoted on the Helsinki Exchanges. For more information, please visit http://www.ssh.com . SSH Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security Corp. All rights reserved. ssh(R) is a registered trademark of SSH Communications Security Corp in the United States and in certain other jurisdictions. Tectia is a trademark of SSH Communications Security Corp and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other names and marks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Linda Blakley Media Relations Tel: +1-800-331-0085 SSH Corp. Bo Sorensen Europe Contact Tel: +358-20-500-7404 Email: bo.sorensen@ssh.com Shiho Hashimoto Asia Pacific Regional Contact Tel: +358-20-500-7470 Email: shiho@ssh.com Mika Peuranen Investor Relations Tel: +358 20 500 7419 Email: mika.peuranen@ssh.com SSH Inc. Byron Rashed Americas Regional Contact Tel: +1-949-643-0733 Email: byron.rashed@ssh.com Walt & Company Cheryl Taylor Americas Agency Contact Tel: +1-408-496-0900 ext. 2981 Email: ssh@walt.com
SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL"; TSE Mothers: 9399; OTC ADRs: XHFNY), China's premier financial information and media service provider, today announced business results for the six months ended June 30. Under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), total revenue was US$109.5 million, representing a 46% increase year-on-year, and 7% higher than management forecasts. EBITDA was US$12.9 million, a 15% increase year-on-year and 51% ahead of the forecast. Net income was US$90.9 million, compared to management forecast of US$90 million. Fully diluted earnings per share (EPS) was US$89.8, compared to US$5.6 in 2006. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200702151700.gif ) Proforma EBITDA, adjusted to exclude non-cash ESOP expenses and one-time items, was US$22.6 million, an increase of 72% over US$13.1 million in the same period last year. Proforma net income was US$6.5 million for the first half of 2007 compared to US$8.0 million in the first half of 2006. Proforma net income for first half of 2007 reflects all the exclusions of proforma EBITDA, and excludes the non-cash one-time gain from changes in equity interest of $97.5 million, and non-cash finance costs. The decline in proforma net income from first half of 2006 was primarily due to an increase in intangible asset amortization arising from acquisitions in the distribution business and interest expense. XFL provides proforma results to help investors better understand the Company's underlying operating and financial trends. XFL CEO Fredy Bush said, "We are pleased to see the success of our content and distribution strategy. As is evident from the results, our plan of leveraging our proprietary content onto our distribution platforms in China is creating new areas of revenue and growth for Xinhua Finance. Today, more than 50% of our revenue and more than 60% of our EBITDA is coming from our China businesses. We will continue to build on our unique position in both content and distribution in China to maximize the opportunities in this fast growing financial market." CFO David Wang said, "XFL has continued to successfully leverage its proprietary content and distribution platform as displayed by its first half results exceeding management forecasts. We revised the half year guidance upward in compliance with the Tokyo Stock Exchange's requirements. Our prior net income forecast included an expense provision to take into account possible non-cash impairments which did not occur in the period. We continue to provide for possible non-cash impairments in the second half of the year. Therefore, we maintain our full year net income forecast for the year at US$57.3 million." "Each of our service lines continues to display strong growth prospects. We continue to be focused on effective integration of our businesses worldwide and improving our operational efficiency to support our business growth. With strong first half results in line with management forecasts, we are confident in achieving our full year forecasts and look forward to robust performance in the second half," added Mr. Wang. First Half 2007 Actual vs. First Half 2007 Forecast (1)- unit: million USD 1H 2007 Actual 1H 2007 Forecast Variance Revenue 109.5 101.9 7% Proforma EBITDA (2) 22.6 18.4 23% EBITDA (3) 12.9 8.6 51% Net Income (4) 90.9 90.0 1% First Half 2007 vs. First Half 2006 - unit: million USD 1H 2007 1H 2006 Variance Revenue 109.5 75.0 46% Proforma EBITDA (2) 22.6 13.1 72% EBITDA (3) 12.9 11.3 15% Proforma Net Income (5) 6.5 8.0 -19% Net Income 90.9 4.9 1772% First Half 2007 vs. First Half 2006 (Japan GAAP(6)) - unit: million USD 1H 2007 1H 2006 Variance Revenue 109.5 75.0 46% Proforma EBITDA (2) 22.5 13.4 68% EBITDA (3) 10.0 11.1 -10% Proforma Net Income (5) 0.7 0.4 55% Net Income 89.4 2.0 4345% (1) For six months ended June 30, 2007 results and six months ended June 30, 2006 results at current Japanese yen exchange rate, the amounts in Japanese yen are calculated by the foreign currency exchange rate (middle rate), being US$1.00 = JPY 123.26, from the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market as of June 29, 2007. (2) Proforma EBITDA under IFRS is EBITDA plus non-cash ESOP expenses and excluding one time items. Proforma EBITDA under JGAAP is EBITDA plus non-cash ESOP expenses and recurring non operating income and excluding one time items. (3) Under IFRS, EBITDA for the six months ended June 30, 2007 includes non-cash one time charge of US$5.7m from the revaluation of a convertible loan, one time legal expenses of US$0.6m and non-cash ESOP expenses of US$3.3m. Under JGAAP, EBITDA for the six months ended June 30, 2007 includes non operating income of US$10m, one time legal expenses of US$0.6m and non-cash ESOP expenses of US$2m. (4) Reforecast on August 14, 2007 (5) Under IFRS, Proforma net income for six months ended June 30, 2007 excludes a one-time gain of US$97.5m from the deemed disposal of a subsidiary, a non-cash one time charge of US$ 5.7m from the revaluation of a convertible loan, non cash finance costs of US$3.5m, one time legal expenses of US$0.6m and non-cash ESOP expenses of US$3.3m. Under JGAAP, Proforma net income for the six months ended June 30, 2007 excludes a one-time gain of US$100.7m from the deemed disposal of a subsidiary and related share issuance expenses of US$9.4m and non cash ESOP expenses of US$2m (6) The main reason for the differences between IFRS and Japan GAAP as applied to us is that Japanese accounting standards take a different approach to accounting for amortization of goodwill from acquisitions and share issuance expenses. (Notes) A. We define EBITDA in relation to our IFRS financial statements as profit or loss before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. B. We define EBITDA in relation to our JGAAP financial statements as operating income or loss plus depreciation, amortization and amortization of goodwill. C. Forecasts for fiscal 2007 are management estimates only; figures have not been audited or reviewed. D. Performance estimates are determined based on information currently available. Due to unforeseen factors, actual performance may differ from estimates. About Xinhua Finance Limited Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL") is China's premier financial information and media service provider and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance's proprietary content platform, comprising Indices, Ratings, Financial News, and Investor Relations, serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors worldwide. Through its subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media Limited (Nasdaq: XFML), XFL leverages its content across multiple distribution channels in China including television, radio, newspaper, magazine and outdoor media. Founded in November 1999, XFL is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide. For more information, please visit www.xinhuafinance.com . This is a press release to the public and should not be relied on as information to make an investment decision by any investor. Investors should read the Company's Securities Report filed to the Tokyo Stock Exchange and consider the risk factors together with other information contained therein when making an investment decision. This press release contains some forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results, performance, achievements of the Company or industries in which it operates to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. For more information, please contact: Xinhua Finance Hong Kong/Shanghai Ms. Joy Tsang Tel: +852-3196-3983, +852-9486-4364, +86-21-6113-5999 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com Taylor Rafferty (IR Contact) Japan Mr. James Hawrylak Tel: +81-3-5444-2730 Email: james.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com United States Mr. John Dudzinsky Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Email: john.dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com