Conference on Tobacco Control Treaty Urged to Adopt 100% Smoke-Free Policies as Global Health Standard
Release By Global Smokefree Partnership and Campaign for
Tobacco-Free Kids
WASHINGTON, June 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Advocates
are urging governments to commit to adopting 100 percent
smoke-free workplaces and public places when their
representatives convene at a major global conference in
Bangkok, Thailand, June 30-July 6. Governments are meeting
to set standards for implementing the international tobacco
control treaty, the Framework Convention on Tobacco
There is already a growing global movement to enact
smoke-free policies that prohibit smoking -- and deadly
secondhand smoke -- in indoor workplaces, restaurants, bars
and other public places. On July 1, England will become the
latest country to implement a national smoke-free law,
joining the rest of the United Kingdom. As a result, more
than 200 million people worldwide will be protected by 100
percent smoke-free laws.
The Bangkok meeting, convened by the World Health
Organization, is critical to expanding the smoke-free
movement to all nations.
Health advocates want official delegates to adopt
international standards and push for comprehensive
smoke-free laws as the only effective way to protect people
from secondhand smoke. The proposed standards state that
"there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco
smoke," that only "100 percent smoke-free
environments" can protect health and that "all
people should be protected from exposure to tobacco
These standards will serve as best practices and shape
how governments should meet their treaty commitments.
"All people have a right to breathe smoke-free
air," said Cassandra Welch, coordinator of the Global
Smokefree Partnership, a multipartner initiative that
promotes effective smoke-free air policies worldwide.
"Smoke-free is the future, but the pace of change
depends on what governments do at this critical meeting. If
strong, science-based standards are adopted calling for 100
percent smoke-free workplaces and public places, we can
save millions of lives worldwide."
The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control took effect
in February 2005 and has been ratified by 148 countries.
The treaty commits ratifying nations to implement
scientifically proven measures to reduce tobacco use that
include: banning all tobacco advertising, promotion and
sponsorship (with an exception for nations with
constitutional constraints); placing large, graphic health
warnings on cigarette packs; implementing measures to
protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke; increasing
tobacco product prices; combating cigarette smuggling; and
regulating the content of tobacco products.
Article 8 of the treaty, on protection from exposure to
tobacco smoke, states, "Parties recognize that
scientific evidence has unequivocally established that
exposure to tobacco smoke causes death, disease and
disability." It calls on ratifying nations to support
measures "providing for protection from exposure to
tobacco smoke in indoor workplaces, public transport,
indoor public places and, as appropriate, other public
"Only laws that require comprehensive indoor
smoking bans are effective," said Shoba John,
Chairperson of the Global Smokefree Partnership. "The
scientific evidence is indisputable that secondhand smoke
causes premature death and serious diseases in both adults
and children who do not smoke. There is no safe level of
exposure to tobacco smoke."
Secondhand tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000
chemicals, including at least 69 known to cause cancer.
Health authorities around the world have concluded that
secondhand smoke causes lung cancer, heart disease and
serious respiratory illnesses among adults and sudden
infant death syndrome (SIDS), low birth weight, respiratory
infections, ear infections and asthma attacks in infants and
More information:
WHO Tobacco Free Initiative:
Global Smokefree Partnership:
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids International Resource
For more information, please contact:
Brian Bonner (Washington, DC)
Tel: +1-202-481-9380
Mark Hurley (Bangkok)
Tel: +1-202-460-2679