

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。





期間限定10%OFF 9/30(日)まで

『 グルコサミン+コンドロイチン 』
= 2007年8月21日(火)新発売 =


 アテニアはふしぶしにうれしいサプリメント「グルコサミン+コンドロイチン」 【180粒・約30~45日分 2,620円】を2007年8月21日にリニューアル新発売します。



2.「II型コラーゲン」を大幅増量 19.5μg→500μg


税込価格 2,620円・約30~45日分
<徳用3個セット>税込価格 7,080円・約90~135日分

1日の目安量 4~6粒

      成分        1粒中の含有量
グルコサミン           200mg
ムコ多糖たんぱく        50mg
キャッツクローエキス      10mg
II型コラーゲン          83.33μg


・ 優れた酸素遮断性 : 配合成分を酸化から守る。
・ 高い安定性 : 長時間経過しても高い品質を維持。
・ 速い崩壊性 : 体内でカプセルがすばやく溶ける。


アテニア http://www.attenir.co.jp/
フリーダイヤル 0120-165-333( アテニア美容相談室 )
〒247-8588 横浜市栄区飯島町53



『 2007 秋の限定メイク 』
= 2007年8月21日(火)個数限定発売 =
「2007 秋の限定メイク」個数限定発売





●2007年秋限定メイク コンセプト
 Impressive(インプレッシブ) Dignity(ディグニティ)


 ※ 添付資料参照

 ※ 添付資料参照


 アテニア http://www.attenir.co.jp/
 0120-165-333( アテニア美容相談室 )
 〒247-8588 横浜市栄区飯島町53



= 2007年8月21日(火)新発売 =








○パン酵母: 角層細胞が育つために必要な栄養を補給

<3大保湿成分 アミノ酸EX・スーパーヒアルロン酸・セラミドDX 配合>




 アテニア http://www.attenir.co.jp/
 0120-165-333( アテニア美容相談室 )
 〒247-8588 横浜市栄区飯島町53




Open Verification MethodologyがSystemVerilog本来の目的である、シミュレータ、検証IP、および検証言語間のインターオペラビリティを実現 

 メンター・グラフィックス・コーポレーション(本社:米国オレゴン州、社長:Gregory K.Hinckley(グレゴリー・K・ヒンクリー)、日本法人 本社:東京都品川区、プレジデント:ショーン・マーフィー、以下メンター・グラフィックス)と、ケイデンス・デザイン・システムズ社(本社:米国カリフォルニア州サンノゼ市、社長兼CEO:Michael J.Fister(マイケル・J・フィスター)、日本法人 本社:神奈川県横浜市、社長:川島良一、以下ケイデンス)は、8月16日(米国現地時間)、IEEE Std 1800(TM)-2005 SystemVerilog標準に基づいた検証メソドロジを標準化することを発表しました。このOpen Verification Methodology(OVM)は、設計者や検証エンジニア向けに、ツールに依存しないソリューションを提供し、データの移殖性とインターオペラビリティを促進します。OVMは、検証IP、トランザクション・レベルとRTLモデル、そして開発フローにおいて一般的に使用されるその他の言語との完全な統合向けに確立されたインターオペラビリティのメカニズムを提供するという、SystemVerilogの当初の目的を実現するものです。OVMには、ソース・コードの形式で提供される、強力なクラス・ライブラリが含まれます。

 メンター・グラフィックスとケイデンスは、このメソドロジの基礎とライブラリを開発するために、両社のテクノロジとリソースの双方を提供してきました。このメソドロジは、標準のオープン・ソース・ライセンスであるApache(TM)ライセンス、Version 2.0の元で提供されます。



 「OVMは、設計者がSystemVerilogを採用するにあたって直面する最も大きな課題の一つを解決します。お客様は、検証に対する投資が将来も確実に再利用可能であることを求めています。実際に幅広く使用されているシミュレータおよび検証ツール上で動作するメソドロジがあることで、SystemVerilogへの移行に確信が持てます。」メンター・グラフィックスのVice President and General Manager、Verification and Test Business UnitのRobert Hum氏はこのように述べています。
 また、米国ケイデンスのExecutive Vice President and General ManagerであるMoshe Gavrielovは、次のように述べています。


 OVMライブラリは、オープン・ソースであること、SystemVerilog IEEE-1800準拠であること、IEEE標準対応のどのシミュレータ向けにも移殖可能であること、などの点において、その他のメソドロジとは異なっています。Apatch2.0のライセンスに基づき、ユーザやIP開発者は、OVMコードやその派生物を多数のEDAベンダ向けに簡単に提供し、サポートを得ることができます。 
 「この業界は、機能検証を目的として確実にSystemVerilogを採用しつつあり、EDAエコシステムにおけるインターオペラビリティを向上させるオープン・ソースのメソドロジによって、SystemVerilogの採用はさらに加速するでしょう。移殖性は重要であり、OVMはマルチ・ベンダ・サポートによってこの移殖性に対応しています。OVMとライブラリは幅広い検証IPのお客様にとって魅力的なもので、我々は、既存のSystemVerilogおよびAVMのサポートを通じ、OVMへの迅速な移行を奨励していきます。我々は自社のデザインIP製品向けに先端的なSystemVerilogフローを開発するために大きな投資を行っており、SystemVerilogにおけるリーダーシップをさらに強化するためにOVMを活用していきます。」Denali Software, Inc.President and CEOのSanjay Srivastava氏は、このように述べています。
 また、セルビアのベオグラードにあるHDL Design HouseのPresidentのPredrag Markovic氏は、次のように述べています。「OVMは、我々がまさに探し求めていたもの、すなわち単一でオープン、強力、かつインターオペラビリティを有する検証メソドロジです。OVMは、我々の開発およびサポートのプロセスを大幅に簡素化し、お客様に検証IPおよび検証環境を構成するコンポーネントをより短い期間で提供できるようになります。今やお客様は、プラグ・アンド・プレイの検証IPの利点を得ることができます。このメソドロジは、誰にも利益をもたらすwin-winソリューションです。」 



 「複雑なSoC設計への需要が、これまでの手法に代わる新しい検証テクノロジへの負荷を増加させている中、Doulosは、OVMの研修についての主要な提供者となることを約束します。IEEE 1800をベースとし、EDAツール間で相互利用が可能であり、また相互に利用できる検証IPをサポートしたトランザクション・レベルのモデリング・サポートが可能なオープンな検証メソドロジを提供するというメンター・グラフィックスとケイデンスのコミットメントは、世界中のお客様に対してトレーニングを提供し、これらのお客様がOVMを最大限に活用できるように支援するという我々のコミットメントと合致するものです。」 Doulos Ltd.のCEO、Robert Hurley氏はこのように述べています。


 OVMの暫定バージョンは、2007年度の第三四半期に限定的に出荷されます。メソドロジと対応ライブラリを含む正式バージョンは、2007年度第四四半期に出荷予定です。また、追加機能は、2008年度に提供されることになっています。メンター・グラフィックスおよびケイデンスは、OVMが両社のシミュレータ上で動作することを確認するための作業を共同で行っており、既存の環境であるメンター・グラフィックスのAVMと、ケイデンスのIncisive(R) Plan-to-Closure Methodology(URMモジュール)との下位互換も可能にする予定です。  





 セイコークロック株式会社(本社:東京都港区芝浦1-2-1 代表取締役社長:前田 邦男)は、日本・ドイツ・イギリス・アメリカの4ヶ国の標準電波を受信し、さらにワールドタイム機能の搭載により世界29エリアの現地時間を表示できる、グローバル電波ワールドタイムクロックを2機種9月上旬より全国で発売いたします。

【 商品の特長 】









(※ 商品の特長の詳細は関連資料を参照してください。)

【 製品仕様 】

 (※ 関連資料を参照してください。)

 セイコークロック(株) お客様センター 0120-315-474

(* 商品画像、商品の特長、製品仕様は関連資料を参照してください。)



(本資料は、英国Fujitsu Servicesが発行したプレスリリースの抄訳です)


[英国ロンドン発8月16日]-Fujitsu Services(富士通サービス)は、世界最大のニュース・情報プロバイダであるReuters社様と社内ITインフラサービスを提供する初の大型グローバル契約を締結いたしました。世界100カ国以上のReuters社様の従業員17,500名に対し、10年間に渡ってITサービスを提供することで合意しました。



 Reuters社様の最高情報責任者(CIO)であるDavid Lister氏は次のように述べています。「富士通グループとの提携により、Reutersは社内ITサービスを進化させ、刻々と変化するビジネス部門のニーズに対し、より柔軟に対応することが可能となります。富士通グループは世界各地で我々のニーズにあったテクノロジーを提供してくれます。」

 富士通サービスの最高経営責任者(CEO)である、David Courtleyは次のように述べています。「この契約は、富士通グループにとってグローバルなトップ企業との画期的なものとなりました。本契約を通じて、世界で標準化された共通のITサービスを導入します。これにより、Reuters社様の生産性、ひいては競争力を飛躍的に高めることに役立つことでしょう。」




「Team DiET 聞く「バランス生活」 βversion」試験配信開始のお知らせ

 国立大学法人金沢大学医学部附属病院(石川県金沢市)の糖尿病・メタボリックシンドローム治療チームTeam DiET(ディレクター:篁 俊成)は、近年増加の一途をたどる糖尿病、メタボリックシンドロームを発症しないためのヒントを知ることができるポッドキャスティングサービス「Team DiET 聞く「バランス生活」 βversion」の試験配信を開始しました(ポッドキャストURL:http://teamdiet.cocolog-nifty.com/podcast/)。

 Team DiETを構成する医師、薬剤師、看護師、管理栄養士、理学療法士、臨床検査技師が、食事、運動など生活習慣にかかわる内容から、メタボリックシンドロームの検査や治療方法など最新の医療技術について解説してくれる、健康な生活を指向する方のためのサービスです。


 Team DiETの診療・指導においては、指導内容の実施継続性を重視し焦点を絞った情報提供を行ってきました。例えば、肥満のある方に対して何が何でも標準体重を目指すのではなく、代謝機能の回復には体重の10%減が達成できれば十分といった形です。

 本ポッドキャスティングでもTeam DiETが培ってきた情報提供・指導ノウハウを生かし、利用者が無理なく始め継続できるちょっとしたポイントを提供しています。




シグナリングテスタ MD8470A 機能強化


 アンリツ株式会社(社長 戸田 博道)は、携帯電話端末ソフトウェア開発・検証用の基地局シミュレータであるシグナリングテスタMD8470AのCDMA2000ソリューションを強化。新たに、CDMA2000方式携帯電話端末のアプリケーション試験を大幅に効率化できる2種類のソフトウェアを同時に開発。8月13日から販売を開始いたしました。
 今回開発したソフトウェアは、MD8470AとCDMA2000携帯電話端末の双方向動作を実現するWireless Network Simulator(WNS)を搭載したCDMA2000シミュレーションキットMX847030A V3.0とCDMA2000ネットワークの状態を柔軟にシミュレーションできるCDMA2000 AppEase MX847031Aです。
 Wireless Network Simulator(WNS)、CDMA2000 AppEaseをCDMA2000試験構成のMD8470Aに搭載することで、通信プロトコルに関する専門知識と多大な労力を要するテストシナリオ(※1)を作成することなく、さまざまな基地局動作のシミュレーションが可能。1台での1X/1xEV-DOハイブリッド動作(※2)試験、音声通話やデータ通信、SMS(※3)/MMS(※4)などの各種アプリケーション試験、1xEV-DO Rev.A(※5)試験、ハンドオフ(※6)試験、システム検出(※7)試験が簡単に効率よく行えます。

※CDMA2000(R)は、Telecommunications Industry Association(TIU-USA)の登録商標です。

 そこでアンリツは、シグナリングテスタMD8470AのCDMA2000ソリューションを強化。新たにCDMA2000シミュレーションキットMX847030A V3.0とCDMA2000 AppEase MX847031Aを開発いたしました。
 今回開発したソフトウェアを使用することで、テストシナリオを作成することなく、CDMA2000携帯電話端末動作検証のためのさまざまな基地局シミュレーションが可能。1X/1xEV-DOハイブリッド状態での音声通話やSMS/MMSといった各種アプリケーション試験に加え、より高度な基地局シミュレーションを必要とする1xEV-DO Rev.A試験、ハンドオフ試験、システム検出試験を簡単に効率よく行えます。

 CDMA2000試験構成のMD8470AにWireless Network Simulator(WNS)とCDMA2000 AppEase MX847031Aを搭載することで、音声通信、データ通信、SMS/MMS、ハイブリッド動作、ハンドオフなどさまざまな呼接続状態におけるCDMA2000携帯電話端末の動作を検証できます。

■Wireless Network Simulator(WNS)
 MD8470AにCDMA2000方式携帯電話端末を接続するだけで、MD8470Aと携帯電話端末の双方向動作を実現するソフトウェア。CDMA2000シミュレーションキットMX847030A V3.0より標準機能として搭載されます。基本的な通信条件がGUI(※9)上の操作で設定可能であり、1X/1xEV-DOハイブリッド状態での音声通話、データ通信、SMS/MMS、ブラウジング/コンテンツダウンロード、パケット・音声同時通信などの各種アプリケーション試験における呼接続の状態がグラフィカルに表示されます。
 ※ 関連資料参照

■MX847031A CDMA2000 AppEase
 CDMA2000ネットワークの状態を柔軟にシミュレーション可能とするソフトウェア。1X/1xEV-DOハイブリッド動作試験に加えて、1xEV-DO Rev.A試験、複数セクタ(※10)/複数キャリア環境下での各種ハンドオフ試験、システム検出試験などが容易に実施できます。また、独自に開発したAPI(※11)を搭載しており、各種シミュレーション機能のリモート制御が可能。効率よく試験システムを自動化できます。

 ※ 関連資料参照

【シグナリングテスタ MD8470A】
 MD8470Aは、W-CDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA、GSM/GPRS/EGPRS、CDMA2000 1X/1xEVDO、TD-SCDMA方式の携帯電話端末機能試験を1台で実現する基地局シミュレータです。
 コンパクトサイズであり、かつユーザインタフェース用のプロセッサにWindows(R) operating systemを採用していることから、外部サーバや制御用PCが不要。エンジニア一人ひとりがパーソナルな開発環境で、効率良く携帯電話端末の機能試験を行えます。

※Windows(R)は、Microsoft Corporationの米国およびその他の国における登録商標です。


□予定販売台数(初年度1年間) : 
 MX847030A CDMA2000 シミュレーションキット V3.0:国内/海外計 100セット
 MX847031A CDMA2000 AppEase:国内/海外計 50セット

 CDMA2000 1X/1xEV-DOアプリケーション試験構成

 CDMA2000 1X/1xEV-DO+複数セクタ/複数キャリア+AppEaseハンドオフ試験構成

※1 テストシナリオ

※2 ハイブリッド動作
 CDMA20001X方式とCDMA20001xEV-DO 方式が混在した状態での動作。
※3 SMS:Short Message Service

※4 MMS:Multimedia Messaging Service

※5 1xEV-DO Rev.A
 CDMA2000第3世代携帯電話システムのパケット通信速度を高速化した方式。CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Revision 0をさらに改良したもの。

※6 ハンドオフ

※7 システム検出(System Determination)

※8 ローミング

※9 GUI:Graphical User Interface

※10 セクタ

※11 API:Application Program Interface

 アンリツ株式会社 計測サポートセンター
 E-mail: MDVPOST@cc.anritsu.c



ANAスカイホリデー 2007年下期商品 発表!



1. 感動案内人プラン  全112コース

2. 出かけよう夫婦の旅  全10コース

3. ANA&クルーズ  全11コース

4. 一度は泊まりたい宿  全92施設

5. 快適さへのこだわり

 2007年8月16日(木)発売 北海道、関東、東北、北陸、中部方面へのツアー
 2007年8月17日(金)発売 沖縄、九州、関西、中国・四国方面へのツアー



サードウェーブ、「モンスターハンター フロンティア オンライン」推奨ノートPCを発売

8月17日よりプライムガレリア『モンスターハンター フロンティア』推奨パソコンにノートモデルを追加!

 全国34店舗のパソコンショップ「ドスパラ」にてオリジナルパソコン「Prime」を展開する 株式会社サードウェーブ(社長:尾崎健介、本社:東京都千代田区)は、Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duoプロセッサー搭載の「モンスターハンター フロンティア オンライン推奨ノートPC」の発売を開始しました。

 「Prime Note Galleria モンスターハンター フロンティア オンライン推奨PC」は、家庭用ゲーム機市場においてシリーズ累計約370 万本以上を出荷した「モンスターハンター」シリーズから、パソコン用オンラインゲームとして現在人気爆発中の『モンスターハンター フロンティア オンライン』を快適にプレイしていただくことができるノートモデルです。 

 「Prime Note Galleria モンスターハンター フロンティア オンライン推奨PC」はノートPCでありながら、グラフィック機能としてNVIDIA(R) GeForce8600Mを搭載し、液晶ディスプレイも15.4インチワイド液晶搭載で美しいグラフィックを存分に堪能できるスペックです。



  肉焼き機  1個 
  生肉   10個 
  回復薬G 20個 
  ハチミツ 20個 
  ピッケルG 5個 
  虫あみG  5個 
(2)Intel(R)オリジナルデザイン デュオシリーズ防具一式を入手できるクエストコード 
  (※ 関連資料を参照してください。)


 製品名:Prime Note Galleria IS
     モンスターハンター フロンティア オンライン推奨モデル 
      (税込/Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(TM) Home Premium インストール済み)


(* クエストコード、参考画像、仕様詳細は関連資料を参照してください。)




 米ミシガン発-ゼネラルモーターズ(以下GM)とA123システムズ社は、A123システムズ社製のnanophosphate化学電池を用いて、GM E-Flexシステムの電気自動車用に、耐用時間が長く、安全かつ強力な電池の共同開発を行う。本契約により、E-Flexシステムのプラグイン自動車だけでなく、多種多様な燃料電池に対応する電池開発を促進することが期待されている。 










以 上

Abbott's m2000(TM) Molecular Diagnostic Instrument and RealTime HIV-1 Test Win Chicago Innovation Award
October 22, 2007

Abbott Innovations Honored for Third Time in Five Years

    ABBOTT PARK, Ill., Oct. 22
/Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- 

    Abbott (NYSE: ABT) has received a 2007 Chicago
Innovation Award for its m2000(TM) molecular diagnostic
instrument (
) and the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 viral load test, the most
sensitive test of its kind capable of detecting and
precisely measuring all known strains of the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). 

    Abbott's RealTime HIV-1 test, approved for use in the
United States in May 2007, and run on the m2000 system, is
the only viral load test of its kind that can detect and
measure all group M, group N and group O strains of HIV-1
as well as non-B subtypes of the virus.  The products offer
physicians a quick and highly accurate test method to help
ensure their patients receive the most effective

    This is the third time in five years Abbott has been
selected for a Chicago Innovation Award.  In 2005, the
company's PathVysion(TM) (http://www.pathvysion.com )
breast cancer test received the honor, and in 2003,
HUMIRA(TM)(http://humira.com ), the first human monoclonal
antibody drug for rheumatoid arthritis, won the award.

    "At Abbott we're in the business of improving
lives -- often saving lives.  That's an important
motivation in fostering innovation," said Miles D.
White, chairman and chief executive officer, Abbott. 
"Patients depend on us for new and better medicines,
diagnostics and nutritionals, and that inspires our
scientists everyday.  The m2000 and HIV-1 viral load test,
PathVysion and HUMIRA are just a few examples of the
caliber of research being conducted at Abbott to find
solutions to unmet medical needs."

    Sponsored by Kuczmarski and Associates and the Chicago
Sun-Times, the Chicago Innovation Awards are intended to
create awareness of the contributions of Chicago-area
companies in developing innovative products that change the
world.  Abbott and other awardees will be recognized at a
ceremony and reception tonight at the Goodman Theatre
attended by some 400 local business, academic and
government leaders.

    About the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 test and the m2000

    Since the first diagnostic tests for the HIV virus came
on the market in 1985, public health authorities have been
concerned about the virus' ability to mutate and create new
strains of subtypes that may elude detection.  Optimal
treatment of HIV depends on accurate measurement of viral
levels, but if variant subtypes are present and undetected,
drug therapy could be ineffective. 
    While many of the variant strains of the virus are not
as prevalent in the United States as other countries, new
studies suggest that that the influx of immigrants from
areas of the world where these strains are more common is
increasing the number of newly diagnosed patients infected
with variant HIV. 

    "With more than 20 years of experience in HIV
testing, our scientists identified a particular region of
the HIV genome resistant to the impact of mutations, and
were able to develop the first and only viral load assay of
its kind capable of detecting and measuring all known
strains of HIV," said John Robinson, Ph.D., senior
director, Research and Development, Abbott Molecular.  

    The RealTime HIV-1 assay is intended to monitor disease
prognosis and for use as an aid in assessing viral response
to antiretroviral drug treatments.  

    Quantitative measurements of HIV-1 levels in blood have
greatly contributed to the understanding of the process by
which the virus infection leads to disease and have been
shown to be an essential parameter in prognosis and
management of HIV infected individuals.  Decisions
regarding initiation or changes in antiretroviral therapy
are guided by monitoring plasma HIV-1 levels or viral load,
CD4-T cell count and the patient's clinical condition.  The
goal of antiretroviral therapy is to reduce the virus in
plasma to below detectable levels. 

    The RealTime HIV-1 test is intended for use in
conjunction with clinical presentation and other laboratory
markers as an indicator of disease prognosis and for use as
an aid in assessing viral response to antiretroviral
treatment as measured by changes in plasma HIV-1 RNA
levels.  The assay is not intended to be used as a
donor-screening test for HIV-1 or as a diagnostic test to
confirm the presence of HIV-1 infection.

    The RealTime HIV-1 test runs on the new Abbott m2000,
an automated system that uses real-time polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) to amplify, detect and measure minute levels
of virus in blood samples as well as extremely high levels
of these infectious agents.  Real-time PCR enables the
production of large quantities of DNA from very small
samples in a short period of time, making it possible to
detect extremely low levels of a virus's genetic material.

    "The m2000 instrument in combination with the
HIV-1 assay and Abbott-developed software gives clinical
laboratories the ability to automatically and quickly
measure very small levels of virus in patient samples,
allowing labs to deliver highly accurate test results in a
matter of hours," said Scott Safar, senior director,
Systems Development and Support, Abbott Molecular. 

    About PathVysion

    PathVysion is a test for breast cancer patients that
provides physicians with genetic information to help them
predict if a particular type of cancer treatment may be
effective for an individual patient.  PathVysion
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technology
measures the number of copies of the HER-2 gene at the DNA
level.  Using fluorescent colors and a microscope,
physicians count the actual number of HER-2 genes present
in the cell nucleus.  Results from the PathVysion kit are
intended for use as an aid in selecting potential
candidates for Herceptin(R) (trastuzumab) monoclonal
therapy and as an adjunct to existing clinical and
pathologic information currently used as prognostic factors
in stage II, node-positive breast cancer patients.  The
PathVysion kit is further indicated as an aid to predict
disease-free and overall survival in patients with stage
II, node-positive breast cancer treated with adjuvant
cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil (CAF)

    About Abbott's Molecular Diagnostics Business

    Abbott Molecular, a division of Abbott based in Des
Plaines, Ill., is an emerging leader in molecular
diagnostics -- the analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins at the
molecular level.  Abbott Molecular's instruments and tests
provide physicians with critical information based on the
early detection of pathogens and subtle, but key changes in
patients' genes and chromosomes.  The products help
physicians diagnose disease and infections earlier, select
appropriate therapies and monitor disease progression.  In
addition to the RealTime HIV-1 viral load test and the
Abbott m2000, Abbott Molecular's portfolio of products also
includes innovative genomic tests for chromosome changes
associated with congenital disorders and cancer.

    About HUMIRA

    In the United States, HUMIRA is approved by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) for reducing signs and
symptoms, inducing major clinical response, inhibiting the
progression of structural damage and improving physical
function in adult patients with moderately to severely
active rheumatoid arthritis. 
    HUMIRA is indicated for reducing the signs and symptoms
of active arthritis, inhibiting the progression of
structural damage and improving physical function in
patients with psoriatic arthritis.  HUMIRA can be used
alone or in combination with methotrexate or other
disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs).  

    HUMIRA is also approved for reducing signs and symptoms
in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis. 

    Earlier this year, HUMIRA was approved for reducing the
signs and symptoms and inducing and maintaining clinical
remission in adults with moderately to severely active
Crohn's disease who have had an inadequate response to
conventional therapy, and reducing the signs and symptoms
and inducing clinical remission in these patients if they
have also lost response to or are intolerant to

    Clinical trials are currently under way evaluating the
potential of HUMIRA in other immune-mediated diseases.

    Important Safety Information 

    Serious infections, sepsis, tuberculosis (TB) and
opportunistic infections, including fatalities, have been
reported with the use of TNF-blocking agents, including
HUMIRA.  Many of these serious infections have occurred in
patients also taking other immunosuppressive agents that in
addition to their underlying disease could predispose them
to infections.  Infections have also been reported in
patients receiving HUMIRA alone.  Treatment with HUMIRA
should not be initiated in patients with active infections.
 TNF-blocking agents, including HUMIRA, have been associated
with reactivation of hepatitis B (HBV) in patients who are
chronic carriers of this virus.  Some cases have been
fatal.  Patients at risk for HBV infection should be
evaluated for prior evidence of HBV infection before
initiating Humira.  The combination of HUMIRA and anakinra
is not recommended and patients using HUMIRA should not
receive live vaccines.

    More cases of malignancies have been observed among
patients receiving TNF blockers, including HUMIRA, compared
to control patients in clinical trials.  These malignancies,
other than lymphoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, were
similar in type and number to what would be expected in the
general population.  There was an approximately 3.5 fold
higher rate of lymphoma in combined controlled and
uncontrolled open label portions of HUMIRA clinical trials.
 The potential role of TNF-blocking therapy in the
development of malignancies is not known.  TNF-blocking
agents, including HUMIRA, have been associated in rare
cases with demyelinating disease and severe allergic
reactions.  Infrequent reports of serious blood disorders
have been reported with TNF-blocking agents. 

    Worsening congestive heart failure (CHF) has been
observed with TNF-blocking agents, including HUMIRA, and
new onset CHF has been reported with TNF-blocking agents. 
Treatment with HUMIRA may result in the formation of
autoantibodies and rarely, in development of a lupus-like

    The most frequent adverse events seen in the
placebo-controlled clinical trials in rheumatoid arthritis
(HUMIRA vs. placebo) were injection site reactions (20
percent vs. 14 percent), upper respiratory infection (17
percent vs. 13 percent), injection site pain (12 percent
vs. 12 percent), headache (12 percent vs. 8 percent), rash
(12 percent vs. 6 percent) and sinusitis (11 percent vs. 9
percent). Discontinuations due to adverse events were 7
percent for HUMIRA and 4 percent for placebo.  As with any
treatment program, the benefits and risks of HUMIRA should
be carefully considered before initiating therapy.

    In HUMIRA clinical trials for ankylosing spondylitis,
psoriatic arthritis and Crohn's disease, the safety profile
for patients treated with HUMIRA was similar to the safety
profile seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    About Abbott 

    Abbott is a global, broad-based health care company
devoted to the discovery, development, manufacture and
marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical products,
including nutritionals, devices and diagnostics. The
company employs 65,000 people and markets its products in
more than 130 countries. 

    Abbott's news releases and other information are
available on the company's Web site at
http://www.abbott.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Don Braakman 
     Tel: +1-847-937-0080
Nuance Communications Selects Nexidia for Care Analytics Solutions
October 22, 2007

Nuance and Nexidia partner to provide enterprises a
complete view of the caller experience

    BURLINGTON, Mass. and ATLANTA, Oct. 22
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Nuance Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq:
NUAN), a leading provider of speech and imaging solutions,
and Nexidia, a leading provider of speech analytics
solutions, announced their partnership to incorporate
Nexidia's phonetic search and analysis capabilities into
the newly launched Nuance(R) Care Analytics offerings (see
today's related announcement).  

    By integrating Nexidia's technology into its broad
analytics solutions, Nuance will enable contact centers to
gain valuable insights from actual recorded customer
interactions by organizing large numbers of customer calls
based on caller intent and behavior.  These insights will
be used to incorporate the voice of the caller into Nuance
Care Analytics offers, such as Automation Analytics,
Satisfaction Insight, Revenue Analytics or Voice Strategy. 

    Nuance chose to partner with Nexidia after conducting a
detailed evaluation of audio search and analysis
technologies and a thorough examination of several speech
analytics vendors.  "We were very impressed with
Nexidia's phonetic approach to speech analytics," said
Lynda Kate Smith, vice president and general manager, Care
business unit, Nuance.  "Nexidia offered significant
advantages, such as speed, scalability, and the flexibility
to adapt to a variety of customer needs. Its track record of
continuous technological innovation, speech science
expertise and customer success led Nuance to select Nexidia
as an integral part of the Nuance Care Analytics

    "Analytics and data-driven decision-making are
rapidly becoming absolute requirements for enterprises to
win over their competition," said John Willcutts,
president and CEO of Nexidia. "Nuance is building on
its leadership role in contact center technologies with its
vision of helping companies gain a holistic view of customer
interactions.  We are pleased to play a key role in
delivering on that vision."  

    About Nexidia

    Nexidia is the market-leading provider of highly
scalable and accurate rich media search and speech
analytics software. By transforming audio and video data
into business intelligence, Nexidia allows both government
and commercial enterprises, in industries such as
Healthcare, Insurance, Financial Services, Technology,
Media Creation and Aggregation, Telecommunications and
Outsourcing, to leverage untapped information previously
locked away in audio-video content. Based on years of
research and development, Nexidia's phonetic engine is the
only technology that allows the user to search on proper
names, places, industry terms and jargon without extensive
training and cumbersome dictionaries. The process is
adaptable to a range of audio analyses and excels across
the full spectrum of audio quality. For more information,
please visit http://www.nexidia.com .

    About Nuance Communications, Inc.

    Nuance (Nasdaq: NUAN) is a leading provider of speech
and imaging solutions for businesses and consumers around
the world. Its technologies, applications and services make
the user experience more compelling by transforming the way
people interact with information and how they create, share
and use documents. Every day, millions of users and
thousands of businesses experience Nuance's proven
applications. For more information, please visit
http://www.nuance.com .

    Nuance and the Nuance logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affiliates
in the United States and/or other countries. All other
product names or company names may be the trademarks of
their respective owners. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Anna Convery 
     Tel:   +1-404-495-7222
     Email: aconvery@nexidia.com

     Kristen Wylie 
     Nuance Communications, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-617-779-1806
     Email: Kristen.wylie@nuance.com 

Nielsen and Tata Consultancy Services Reach Agreement in Principle for IT & Operations Support Services Worldwide
October 22, 2007

Deal Worth US$1.2 Billion Over Ten Years

    NEW YORK and MUMBAI, India, Oct. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/
-- The Nielsen Company, the world's leading provider of
consumer and media information services, and Tata
Consultancy Services (TCS), a leading IT services, business
solutions and outsourcing organization, announced today they
have reached an agreement in principle for outsourcing a
portion of Nielsen's Information Technology (IT) and
Operations functions worldwide.  Nielsen and TCS are in
negotiations on a definitive agreement which they expect to
execute in the near future.  

    Under the proposed ten-year agreement, valued at
approximately $US1.2 billion, TCS will assume
responsibility for important IT and Operational processes
and help Nielsen integrate and centralize multiple systems,
technologies and processes on a global scale.  TCS also will
assume responsibility for certain Finance and Human Resource
business processes, which will be executed on new BPO
platforms built by TCS.  

    The Nielsen Company provides a wide range of global
services, including television and Internet audience
measurement, insight and analysis of consumer behavior for
the packaged goods and retail industries, services to
clients in print, online and mobile media services,
entertainment, books, video and the music industries, and
is a major provider of business publications and trade

    "Nielsen is moving quickly to transform an
outstanding group of operating businesses into an
integrated, market-focused organization that delivers
high-value information services to our clients," said
Mitchell Habib, executive vice president in charge of
Nielsen Global Business Services.  "This arrangement
with TCS will help us streamline and simplify our IT
infrastructure and application platforms and operational
practices across our businesses, support the development of
integrated solutions and give us much greater flexibility to
respond quickly to changes in the marketplace," added
Habib.  "We are delighted to be working with the TCS
team and look forward to a long and productive

    TCS' Full Service Capabilities

    TCS said it will provide this service to Nielsen
through its full-service model, leveraging consulting, IT,
infrastructure and Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO)
services delivered through its Network Delivery Model
(GNDMTM).  The global model will help Nielsen align complex
global IT and operational processes, deliver high quality
services to its clients and create cost efficiencies.  

    "The Nielsen engagement showcases our domain
knowledge and our ability to manage and execute complex
transformation engagements across the globe. It highlights
the level of strategic engagement that TCS enjoys with
global customers like The Nielsen Company," said S.
Ramadorai, Chief Executive Officer and MD, Tata Consultancy

    N. Chandrasekaran, Chief Operating Officer and
Executive Director, TCS said, "This landmark agreement
with Nielsen combines our traditional strength in IT
services with our growing prowess in areas like
infrastructure and enterprise transformation, consulting,
and platform-based BPO.  The engagement underlines not only
our ability to efficiently run the business but also help
transform it.  We continue to deliver sustained business
value to our customers and help them experience

    The implementation of next generation technology
platforms and processes will enable faster and enriched
information service delivery for Nielsen.  TCS will also
set up an Innovation Lab with Nielsen to help the customer
conceptualize the next generation of business solutions for
its end-clients globally.  

    The BPO platforms will help Nielsen consolidate and
transform its processes and systems into a single platform,
thereby providing real-time access to organization
performance and reporting.  The BPO services cover
end-to-end financial services in such processes as accounts
receivable and payable, billing, credit & collections
and general accounting, and HR processes, including
workforce administration, global reporting and payroll

    As part of the agreement, TCS said it will take direct
responsibility for a Nielsen team based in Baroda, Gujarat,
that has developed significant expertise in key
information-management processes for Nielsen's Retail
Measurement Services, one of Nielsen's core products for
packaged goods manufacturers and retailers.  The addition
of this team will complement TCS' established Knowledge
Process Outsourcing (KPO) team and help to accelerate
development of TCS' KPO service delivery platform.  This
development will enhance TCS' domain expertise and make it
one of the largest KPO providers in India, working in such
areas as analytics and reporting and reference data

    About The Nielsen Company 

    The Nielsen Company is a global information and media
company with leading market positions and recognized brands
in marketing information (ACNielsen), media information
(Nielsen Media Research), online intelligence (NetRatings
and BuzzMetrics), trade shows and business publications
(Billboard, The Hollywood Reporter, Adweek). The privately
held company is active in more than 100 countries, with
headquarters in Haarlem, the Netherlands, and New York,
USA.  For more information, please visit
http://www.nielsen.com .

    About Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS)

    Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, business
solutions and outsourcing organization that delivers real
results to global businesses, ensuring a level of certainty
no other firm can match.  TCS offers a consulting-led,
integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services
delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model,
recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software
    A part of the Tata Group, India's largest industrial
conglomerate, TCS has over 94,000 of the world's best
trained IT consultants in 47 countries.  The Company
generated consolidated revenues of US $4.3 billion for
fiscal year ended 31 March, 2007, and is listed on the
National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India.
For more information, visit TCS at http://www.tcs.com . 

    All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are
protected by law.

    For more information, please contact:

     Adrian Lee
     Tel:   +65-9423-0109
     Email: adrian.lee@fleishman.com
SMIC and Ansoft Address RF CMOS Design Requirements with On-Chip Spiral Inductor Library
October 22, 2007

Electromagnetic Design Methodology (EMDM) Uses Full-wave 3D
Simulation to Compute Inductance and Quality Factor (Q) of
Spiral Inductors with Accuracy Traceable to the Foundry

    SHENZHEN, Oct. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Semiconductor
Manufacturing International Corporation ("SMIC",
NYSE: SMI and SEHK: 0981.HK) one of the leading foundries
in the world, and Ansoft Corporation (Nasdaq: ANST)
announced immediate availability of the industry's first
parameterized spiral inductor design kit based on full-wave
simulation. The kit enables RF CMOS designers to create and
simulate custom inductor geometries by directly linking
Ansoft's HFSS SMIC's CMOS process parameters. 

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200611101605-min.jpg

    The spiral inductor kit is built upon SMIC's
Electromagnetic Design Methodology (EMDM) -- which allows
engineers to easily and accurately create any RF structure
-- and gives designers the flexibility to innovate new
geometries simply by editing parameters such as diameter,
number of turns, width and spacing of traces from a dialog
box in HFSS. Included in the kit are ready-to-solve, fully
parameterized HFSS projects for circular, square,
hexagonal, and octagonal coils in the regular, stacked,
transformer, and balanced configurations with all vias and
underpasses included. 
    "Spiral inductors with small form factors, high Q,
and high self-resonant frequencies are highly desired to
meet the need for greater portability, increased
functionality, and lower costs for today's communication
systems," said Dr. Lee Yang, head of RF Application
and Design Support in Marketing of SMIC. "Our
collaboration with Ansoft allows our customers to design,
simulate, and optimize spiral inductors on silicon
substrates, relieving a major bottleneck of the RF CMOS
design flow. Furthermore, we encouraged Ansoft to provide a
path to back annotate to backend layout tools, making it
very practical to innovate new designs and pass the results
to standard layout tools." 
    "SMIC continues to prove to be an excellent
partner for Ansoft as it is taking a leadership position in
terms of addressing RF designer requirements," said
Jack Qiu, Country Manager of China People Republic at
Ansoft. "Early on, SMIC recognized the advantages of
offering accurate electrical models for on-chip passive
components and worked with Ansoft to create a methodology
to streamline the process of incorporating the additional
accuracy provided directly in circuit simulation. Using
EMDM along with the new spiral inductor design kit,
customers can now compute the inductance and quality factor
(Q) for spiral inductors, rapidly develop a custom library
for their own requirements including proximity effects, and
utilize them directly in circuit and system simulation. EMDM
makes it practical to synthesize entirely new inductors and
rapidly back annotate this information into circuit
schematics and standard layout tools." 

    Safe Harbor Statements
    (Under the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995)
    Information provided in this press release may contain
statements relating to current expectations, estimates,
forecasts and projections about future events that are
"forward-looking statements" as defined in the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These
forward-looking statements, generally relate to the
company's plans, objectives and expectations for future
operations and are based upon management's current
estimates and projections of future results or trends.
Actual future results may differ materially from those
projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties.
For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties, see
"Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on
Form 20-F filed on June 29, 2007 with the U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements
are made only as of the date hereof, and we undertake no
obligation to update or revise the forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise.

    About SMIC
    Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation
("SMIC"; NYSE: SMI; SEHK: 981) is one of the
leading semiconductor foundries in the world and the
largest and most advanced foundry in Mainland China,
providing integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing service at
0.35um to 90nm and finer line technologies.  Headquartered
in Shanghai, China, SMIC has a 300mm wafer fabrication
facility (fab) under pilot production and three 200mm wafer
fabs in its Shanghai mega-fab, two 300mm wafer fabs in its
Beijing mega-fab, a 200mm wafer fab in Tianjin, and an
in-house assembly and testing facility in Chengdu.  SMIC
also has customer service and marketing offices in the
U.S., Europe, and Japan, and a representative office in
Hong Kong.  In addition, SMIC manages and operates a 200mm
wafer fab in Chengdu owned by Cension Semiconductor
Manufacturing Corporation and a 300mm wafer fab under
construction in Wuhan owned by Wuhan Xinxin Semiconductor
Manufacturing Corporation.  For more information, please
visit http://www.smics.com .

    About Ansoft
    Ansoft is a leading developer of high-performance
electronic design automation (EDA) software. Engineers use
Ansoft software to achieve first-pass system success when
designing mobile communication and Internet-access devices,
broadband networking components and systems, integrated
circuits (ICs), printed circuit boards (PCBs) and
electromechanical systems. Ansoft markets its products
worldwide through its own direct sales force and has
comprehensive customer-support and training offices
throughout North America, Asia and Europe. To learn more,
please visit http://www.ansoft.com .

    For more information, please contact:

      Mark Ravenstahl
      Tel:   +1-412-261-3200
      Fax:   +1-412-471-9427

      Reiko Chang
      Corporate Relations
      Tel:   +86-21-5080-2000 x10544
      Email: PR@smics.com

Arrow Asia's Web-based Supply-Chain Tool Delivers Materials Management Efficiencies and Inventory Cost Reductions
October 22, 2007

    HONG KONG, Oct. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Asia
Pac Ltd., a business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:
ARW), announced that it will provide consignment
vendor-managed inventory (VMI) service and a Web-based
supply-chain tool, CARES (Customer Automated Replenishment
System), for the Likom group of companies.  Based in
Malaysia, Likom is a fully integrated EMS manufacturer of
electronics and computer peripherals.  Arrow's supply-chain
solutions will help Likom improve materials management
efficiency, reduce lead-time and inventory costs, and
increase its flexibility to meet customers' demand. 

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200703021139.JPG )

    "Arrow's consignment VMI program allows customers
to delay ownership of inventory and reduce cycle times
while increasing the availability of components.  CARES
provides a powerful, highly flexible yet intelligent system
that supports just-in-time, lean and cell-based
manufacturing environments," said Gert Labuschagne,
vice president of the South Asia region for Arrow Asia Pac.
"Our supply-chain solutions will help manufacturing
companies, such as Likom, reduce inventory replenishment
cycle times and costs, increase materials management
flexibility, and enhance supply-chain visibility."

    Requiring no IT support or investment from the
customer, CARES is a user-friendly, Web-based tool offering
24x7 access. Multiple suppliers and any number of suppliers
or parts can be managed from a single interface.  The
system supports various languages, including traditional
and simplified Chinese, English, and Korean.  A broad
reporting library is standard. CARES can be used either in
a KanBan, reorder point replenishment process or for
procuring parts.  Stringent security measures ensure that
confidential data can only be accessed by approved users.

    "In line with our plan to grow our OEM business,
we are pleased to engage Arrow, a proven global leader in
supply-chain services, to upgrade our supply-chain
capability.  CARES can be accessed from anywhere via the
Internet without the hassle of installing additional
software.  EDI-ready, it can be integrated with our ERP
system without any additional IT infrastructure investment.
 We look forward to benefiting from Arrow's world-class
supply-chain solutions," said SS Cheok, assistant
general manager of Likom.  He also noted that Arrow is
Likom's first distributor to engage in a consignment VMI
program in addition to providing the cutting-edge CARES
software to manage the program.

    About Likom

    Located on a 92-acre site in the Melaka Technology Park
in Malaysia, Likom Group of companies is a fully integrated
EMS manufacturer of electronics and computer peripherals. 
Likom is part of the Lion Group, which has operations in
United States, Mexico, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia,
Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.  The group's main
businesses are steel, tyre, motor, computer, plantation,
retail and property development.  The group has an annual
turnover of approximately US$ 3.8 billion and employs about
30,000 people.

    About Arrow Asia Pac

    A business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW),
Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia-Pacific's leading electronic
component distributors. In addition to its regional
headquarters in Hong Kong, Arrow Asia Pac operates 51 sales
offices, four primary distribution centers and 12 local
warehousing facilities in 11 countries/territories across
    Providing a full range of semiconductors, passive,
electromechanical and connector products from over 170
leading international and local suppliers, Arrow Asia Pac
serves more than 10,000 original equipment and contract
manufacturers and commercial customers in Asia-Pacific. 
Visit us at http://www.arrowasia.com .

    For more information, please contact:	
     Ray Leung
     Marketing Communications Director 
     Arrow Asia Pac Ltd.
     Tel:   +852-2484-2484		
     Email: marcom.asia@arrowasia.com

     Grace Kung
     Marketing Communications Manager
     Tel:   +852-2484-2682
     Email: grace.kung@arrowasia.com
AU Optronics Reports 3Q2007 Results
October 22, 2007

    HSINCHU, Oct. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --  

    Third Quarter 2007 Unaudited Consolidated Financial
     -- Revenues up 30.1% QoQ to NT$137.96 billion
     -- Net income after tax of NT$22.57 billion
     -- Earnings per share of NT$2.89 (US$0.88 per ADR)
     -- Gross margin: 23% 
     -- Operating margin: 18.7%

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the
"Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO) today
announced unaudited results for 3Q2007. All financial
information was unaudited and was prepared by the Company
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
in Taiwan ("ROC GAAP").  For the third quarter
ended September 30, 2007, AUO's consolidated revenue
totaled NT$137.96 billion (US$4.2 billion*), consolidated
net income NT$22,571 million (US$691 million), attributable
to equity holders of the parent company NT$22,530 million
(US$690 million) and basic EPS NT$2.89 per common share
(US$0.88 per ADR unit).  For the first nine months of 2007,
AUO's consolidated revenues totaled NT$324 billion (US$9.9
billion), consolidated net income after tax NT$23,384
million (US$0.7 billion), attributable to equity holders of
the parent company NT$23,412 million (US$0.7 billion) and
basic EPS NT$3 per common share (US$0.9 per ADR.)     

    In terms of 3Q2007 panel shipments, large-sized panel
increased by 14.3% to 22.26 million from 2Q2007, while
shipments of small- and medium-sized panel amounted to
40.70 million with a 26.3% QoQ increase, both once again
set record high for the company's single-quarter unit

    Mr. Max Cheng, Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of AUO, stated, "We are extremely pleased with
the record high operating results that we have reached
today.  The 3Q2007 consolidated after-tax net income of
NT$22.5 billion was 1.5 times more than the previous record
high of NT$14.3 billion in 2Q2004.  In addition to the
strong demand from end-user markets, and stable even
gradually increased panel ASP, the contributions of
post-QDI merger synergy with the result of the whole is
greater than the sum of the parts boosted the 3Q2007 gross
margin to 23% from 11.4% sequentially, while the operating
margin lifted to 18.7% from the earlier quarter of 6.5%. 
Through over one year of several post-M&A integration
initiatives, such as R&D platform resource integration,
better supply chain management practice, optimization of
complementary production line strategy in different
generation fabrications, and implement of more competitive
product mix, AUO successfully reduced the 3Q2007 inventory
turnover to 38 days from 43 days sequentially, and further
demonstrated its outstanding execution to accomplished the
extremely difficult QDI merger case as well as its
effective integration initiatives to maximize business

     * Amounts converted by an exchange rate of
NTD32.67:USD1 as of September 
       30, 2007.

    About AU Optronics

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO") is one of the top
three largest manufacturers* of large-size thin film
transistor liquid crystal display panels
("TFT-LCD"), with approximately 20.2%* of global
market share with revenues of NT$293.1billion (US$9.0bn)*
in 2006.  TFT-LCD technology is currently the most widely
used flat panel display technology.  Targeted for 40"+
sized LCD TV panels, AUO's new generation (7.5-generation)
fabrication facility production started mass production in
the fourth quarter of 2006.  The Company currently operates
one 7.5-generation, two 6th-generation, four 5th-generation,
one 4th-generation, and four 3.5-generation TFT- LCD fabs,
in addition to eight module assembly facilities and the AUO
Technology Center specializes in new technology platform and
new product development.  AUO is one of few top-tier TFT-LCD
manufacturers capable of offering a wide range of small- to
large- size (1.5"-65") TFT-LCD panels, which
enables it to offer a broad and diversified product

     * DisplaySearch 2Q2007 WW Large-Area TFT-LCD Shipment
Report dated Aug 7, 
       2007.  This data is used as reference only and AUO
does not make any 
       endorsement or representation in connection
therewith. 2006 year end 
       revenue converted by an exchange rate of

    Safe Harbour Notice 

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the
"Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO), the
worldwide top three manufacturer of large-size TFT-LCD
panels, today announced the above news.  Except for
statements in respect of historical matters, the statements
contained in this Release are "forward-looking
statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the
U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the U.S.
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  These forward-looking
statements were based on our management's expectations,
projections and beliefs at the time regarding matters
including, among other things, future revenues and costs,
financial performance, technology changes, capacity,
utilization rates, yields, process and geographical
diversification, future expansion plans and business
strategy.  Such forward looking statements are subject to a
number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties that can
cause actual results to differ materially from those
expressed or implied by such statements, including risks
related to the flat panel display industry, the TFT-LCD
market, acceptance and demand for our products,
technological and development risks, competitive factors,
and other risks described in the section entitled
"Risk Factors" in our Form 20-F filed with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission on July
2nd, 2007.

    For more information, please contact:

     Rose Lee					
     Corporate Communications Dept		
     AU Optronics Corp.				
     Tel:   +886-3-500-8899 x3204			
     Fax:   +886-3-577-2730				
     Email: rose.lee@auo.com			

     Yawen Hsiao
     Corporate Communications Dept.
     AU Optronics Corp.
     Tel:   +886-3-500-8899 x3211
     Fax:   +886-3-577-2730
     Fax:   yawen.hsiao@auo.com
Consensus Science Roadmap Published for Directing Global Energy Development
October 22, 2007

'Lighting the way' details scientific framework for
securing economic growth and climate protection

    BEIJING, Oct. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
InterAcademy Council released a report today commissioned
by the governments of Brazil and China identifying and
detailing the scientific consensus framework for directing
global energy development. Lighting the way: Toward a
sustainable energy future lays out the science, technology
and policy roadmap for developing energy resources to drive
economic growth in both industrialized and developing
countries while also securing climate protection and global
development goals. 

    An international teleconference for news media will be
held on Monday, Oct. 22, at 10 AM U.S. EDT/ 12 Noon Brazil/
2 PM GMT/ 3 PM London/ 10 PM CST (China Standard Time).
Call-in information is available upon request. 
    Lighting the way calls for immediate and simultaneous
action in three areas: 
    -- Concerted efforts should be mounted to improve
energy efficiency and 
       reduce the carbon intensity of the world economy,
including the 
       worldwide introduction of price signals for carbon

    -- Technologies should be developed and deployed for
capturing and 
       sequestering carbon from fossil fuels, particularly

    -- Development and deployment of renewable energy
technologies should be 
       accelerated in an environmentally responsible way.

    "The 'business as usual' energy path we are on
today is not sustainable and is counter to the long-term
prosperity of every nation," said Nobel Laureate
Steven Chu today, co-chair of Lighting the Way and Director
of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.  "This report
stresses the urgency of the energy problem, and then goes
on to describe technologies that can be applied today,
needed scientific and technological innovations, and policy
tools that could be used to help policy makers guide their
countries toward a more prosperous, secure and
environmentally sound energy future." 

    Lighting the way recommends that governments, united in
inter-governmental organizations, should agree on realistic
price signals for carbon emissions, recognizing that the
economics and energy systems of different countries will
result in different individual strategies and trajectories.

    The report has been delivered directly to leaders of
the Chinese and Brazilian governments by the study
co-chairs Chu and Jose Goldemberg, former Secretary of
State for the Environment for the State of Sao Paulo,
Brazil. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao personally received the
report's findings and recommendations in a meeting with Chu
in Beijing and Brazilian Minister of Science and Technology
Sergio Machado Rezende received the report in a meeting
with Goldemberg. 

    Lighting the way was produced by a study panel of 15
world-renowned energy experts from Brazil, China, Europe,
India, Japan, Russia, the US and other nations, chosen from
nominations by over 90 academies of science around the
world. The InterAcademy Council, representing the world's
leading academies of science, engineering, and medicine,
appointed the panel that includes Rajendra Pachauri,
Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. 

    Lighting the way is available in its complete form on
the IAC website, http://www.interacademycouncil.net . 

    The InterAcademy Council launched the study in 2005 and
commissioned 19 reports to inform seven energy workshops
held in 2005 and 2006. The report underwent an extensive
peer review monitored by Ralph Cicerone, President of the
U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and R.A. Mashelkar,
President of the Indian National Science Academy, and
incorporates the analysis and actions of leading global
energy and development institutions, such as the United
Nations Development Program, the World Bank and the
International Energy Agency. 

    Addressing the unequal access to energy and economic
development experienced by one-third of the world's
population, Lighting the way calls for ensuring access to
basic, modern energy services to the world's poorest people
as a necessary part of global energy development. The report
concludes that it is in the best economic and societal
interest of developing nations to "leapfrog" past
the wasteful energy trajectory followed by today's
industrialized nations, and provides recommendations for
how governments, industry and multinational agencies, such
as the United Nations and the World Bank, can pave the way.

    Lighting the way outlines incentives that can
accelerate the development of innovative solutions,
provides recommendations for financial investments in
research and development, and explores other transition
pathways that can transform the landscape of energy supply
and demand around the globe. 

    In addressing mitigation of the environmental impacts
of energy generation and use, Lighting the way will inform
global action on climate change, such as implementation of
the Kyoto Protocol, agenda setting for the Asia-Pacific
Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, and ongoing
multinational talks on future global action to reduce
greenhouse emissions. 

    For more information and to download the report, visit
the IAC website at: http://www.interacademycouncil.net .

    For more information, please contact:

     John P. Campbell 
     InterAcademy Council
     Tel:   +31-20-551-0807

     Anne Boyd Rabkin 
     Resource Media
     Tel:   +1-415-397-5000 x302
     Email: anne@resource-media.org 
MIPIM Asia: Cushman & Wakefield Unveil Asia Pacific Investment Report
October 22, 2007

28 - 30 November 2007, Convention and Exhibition Centre,
Hong Kong
Pre-opening Conference, 27 November 2007

    PARIS, Oct. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- For the second
year, the internationally-respected property consultants
Cushman & Wakefield have partnered with MIPIM Asia to
produce the 2007 Asia Pacific investment report. 

    MIPIM Asia, the world's property market in Asia
Pacific, will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and
Exhibition Centre from November 28 to 30.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200705101053.JPG )

    Covering Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan,
Thailand and Vietnam, the report provides a broad overview
of the key factors -- risk assessment, regulatory changes,
economic prospects, return expectations and market trends
-- that play a major part in property investment

    "MIPIM Asia has established itself as the
international property market in Asia Pacific and it is an
essential part of our role as a business facilitator to
provide our clients and the wider industry with quality
information about the region," says MIPIM Asia
Director Gilles Saint Georges Chaumet.  "Cushman &
Wakefield's experience and knowledge of the industry and the
Asia Pacific region is invaluable."  

    Highlights of the 2007 Asia Pacific investment Report

    -- The Australian office, industrial and retail markets
are all expected 
       to perform strongly over the next 12 months.

    -- Overseas property investors in China will start
looking at a broader 
       range of product types and investment scenarios and
a much wider range 
       of geographical locations.

    -- India's hospitality sector is expected to emerge as
a key area for 
       investors over the next few years, due to a
demand-supply imbalance
       and a lack of quality infrastructure.

    -- A resurgent Japanese economy and strong demand from
investment funds, 
       particularly foreign funds, is driving commercial
land prices upwards.

    -- There is a new sense of optimism in Singapore
brought on by an 
       improving economy, emerging high-impact tourism and
iconic real estate 

    -- A revised Korean REITs Act will lessen stringent
conditions placed on 
       establishing REITs and is expected to significantly
increase the REITs 
       market share.

    To access the 2007 Asia Pacific Investment Report visit
http://www.mipimasia.com .

    Note to Editors

    MIPIM ASIA(R) is a registered trademark of Reed MIDEM -
all rights reserved.
    Founded in 1963, Reed MIDEM is a leading organizer of
professional, international tradeshows. Reed MIDEM events
have established themselves as key dates in professional
diaries. The company hosts MIPTV featuring MILIA, MIPDOC,
MIPCOM, and MIPCOM JUNIOR for the television and digital
content industries, AMAZIA devoted to the creation and
distribution of entertainment content, MIDEM for music
professionals, MIPIM, MIPIM Asia, MIPIM HORIZONS and MAPIC
for the property and retail real estate sectors, GLOBAL
ASSET for asset management professionals and GLOBAL CITY
for urban management specialists.

    Reed MIDEM is a division of Reed Exhibitions, the
world's leading organiser of exhibitions and conferences
delivering over 460 events in 34 countries and serving 52
industries worldwide.  For further information about Reed
MIDEM visit http://www.reedmidem.com .

    For more press information, please contact: 

     Press Office in Paris:
     M¨¦lanie AIGLE
     Tel:   +33-01-4190-4995
     Fax:   +33-01-4190-6724
     Email: melanie.aigle@reedmidem.com

     Belinda CHAN in Hong Kong:
     Tel:   +852-2372-0090
     Email: belinda@creativegp.com  

Genoa Color Announces U.S. Patent for Multi-Primary Color LCD Display Technology
October 22, 2007

    HERZLIA, Israel, Oct. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Genoa Color Technologies Ltd. has been granted a patent
by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Genoa was
issued U.S. patent number 7,268,757 for the "Device,
system and method for color display" for an LCD
display using multi primary colors.

    "This patent strengthens our intellectual property
in the LCD display space," says Genoa CEO Ilan
Ben-David. "With more than 80 patents pending
worldwide, we expect to receive other key grants protecting
our multi-primary color innovations in the near

    Genoa's Multi Primary technology uses more than three
primary colors in the display. In addition to the
traditional RGB, other colors are added - such as yellow
and cyan. Multi primary is the only technology which allows
LCD displays to fully cover cinema gamut. "Increasing
the NTSC ratio is not enough, Genoa's unique solution
increases the gamut in both yellows and cyans, which is
unattainable using wide gamut CCFL or LED backlights,"
says Dr.Shmuel Roth, VP Technologies.

    Genoa solutions support the emerging wide gamut
standards, such as xvYCC, and allows the consumers to fully
enjoy the new color content available.

    Genoa's technology is also used to increase luminance
efficiency without sacrificing color performance in mobile
LCD display, resulting in longer battery life.

    About Genoa

    Genoa Color Technologies Ltd. licenses and develops
Multi Primary technology, which significantly enhances
image quality and power efficiency for a wide range of
displays. Genoa, with R&D based in Herzlia, Israel, is
supported by VCs and private investors. For more
information about Genoa, visit http://www.genoacolor.com .

    Lilach Rivner
    Genoa Color Technologies Ltd.
    Phone: +972-9-9509970 ext.100 or +972-528344868,
    Email: lilach@genoacolor.com
Omega Fatty Acids DHA and AA Take Center Stage at Asian Conference on Pediatric Nutrition
October 19, 2007

    BEIJING, Oct. 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Research being
presented this week at the Third Asian Congress on
Pediatric Nutrition in Beijing, China, provides strong
support for fatty acid intake during pregnancy, infancy and
early childhood. Of particular focus are the omega-3 fatty
acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a major structural fat in
the brain and retina of the eye, and the omega-6 fatty acid
arachidonic acid (AA), which is abundant in the brain and
needed for growth and immunity.  

    Berthold Koletzko, M.D., Dr. von Hauner Children's
Hospital, University of Munich, will present new Perinatal
Lipid Nutrition Group (PeriLip) recommendations stating
that pregnant and nursing women should consume at least
200mg of DHA every day.  This expert committee found that
women with higher DHA omega-3 intakes had healthier
pregnancies, including higher birth weights and fewer
premature births. DHA intake was also linked with improved
infant outcomes, such as enhanced brain and eye

    Alexandre Lapillonne, M.D., Ph.D., Saint Vincent de
Paul hospital and Paris Descartes University, Paris, will
present research that found a positive correlation between
infant visual development and DHA/AA intake. The research
supports dietary DHA intake for breastfeeding women and the
inclusion of DHA/AA in infant formula. The research supports
levels of DHA in infant formula of at least 0.2 % of total
fatty acids and AA inclusion at levels at least equal to
added DHA.
    "There is limited public awareness of the role of
omegas in infant development," says Professor
Lapillonne. "But, as the presentations at this
conference illustrate, there is quality research available.
 Health professionals should educate women in their care on
optimal DHA and AA intake during pregnancy, nursing and
infancy, and mothers should ensure they gain the benefits
of these fatty acids for themselves and their

    Alan Ryan, PhD, Martek Biosciences, will present
research on the effect of DHA supplementation in healthy
four-year-old children that found that higher blood levels
of DHA were associated with higher scores on a cognitive
test in these children, suggesting that higher levels of
DHA should be included in the diets of children.

    DHA omega-3 can be found in fatty fish. Various expert
bodies recommend that women and children should limit their
intake of fatty fish.  DHA can also be found in other
dietary sources, including foods and supplements fortified
with algal DHA. DHA is also added to many infant formulas.
AA is abundant in the adult diet and is added to many
infant formulas as well.

    Martek's life'sDHA(TM) from microalgae is derived from
a sustainable and vegetarian source and is free of oceanic
contaminants. Martek Biosciences Corporation (Nasdaq: MATK)
is a leader in the innovation and development of DHA omega-3
products that promote health and wellness through every
stage of life. The Company produces life'sDHA(TM) for use
in foods, beverages, infant formula, and supplements, and
life'sARA(TM) for use in infant formula. For more
information, visit http://www.martek.com.

    For more information, please contact:

     Cassie France-Kelly
     Martek Biosciences Corporation
     Tel:   +1-443-542-2116
     Email: media@martek.com

BioWa Announces Licensing of BioWa's POTELLIGENT(R) Technology by GlaxoSmithkline for Use in Antibody Research and Development
October 19, 2007

    PRINCETON, N.J., Oct. 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- BioWa,
Inc. (BioWa) announced today that it has entered into a
research agreement which provides GlaxoSmithkline (GSK)
with access to BioWa's patented POTELLIGENT(R) Technology
platform for the development of antibody-dependent cellular
cytotoxicity (ADCC) enhanced antibodies.

    The agreement grants GSK non-exclusive rights to
research and develop antibodies based on POTELLIGENT(R)
Technology for an undisclosed number of targets.  In
return, BioWa will receive an upfront payment, and license
fees.  Other details of the agreement are not disclosed.

    "GSK has long time remained a strong leader in the
pharmaceutical industry for both innovation and
marketing," said Dr. Masamichi Koike, President and
CEO of BioWa.  "With the breadth and depth of GSK
research, we are pleased to partner with a company that has
large capabilities in all sectors of research.  This
collaboration will fulfill BioWa's mission to create
benefit of POTELLIGENT(R) Technology to patients as quickly
as possible."

    About POTELLIGENT(R) Technology 

    POTELLIGENT(R) Technology improves potency and efficacy
of antibody therapeutics, by enhancing antibody-dependent
cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), one of the major mechanism of
antibody therapeutics.  POTELLIGENT(R) Technology involves
the reduction of the amount of fucose in the carbohydrate
structure of an antibody using a proprietary
fucosyltransferase-knockout CHO cell line as a production
cell.  Research shows that POTELLIGENT(R) Technology
significantly enhances ADCC activity of an antibody in
vitro, thereby increasing the potential for improved
activity in vivo.

    About BioWa, Inc.

    BioWa is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kyowa Hakko Kogyo
Co., Ltd., Japan's pharmaceutical and largest biotech
company, and is the exclusive worldwide licensor of
POTELLIGENT(R) Technology, which creates high ADCC
monoclonal antibodies.  Currently, BioWa is developing ADCC
enhanced monoclonal antibody-based therapeutics to fight
cancer and other life-threatening and debilitating diseases
and both BioWa and Kyowa have POTELLIGENT(R) antibody
products in various clinical stages.  BioWa creates and
develops enhanced ADCC antibodies for itself and others,
offering a full range of antibody discovery and development
capabilities.  For more information about BioWa, visit its
web site at www.biowa.com.

    POTELLIGENT(R) is the trademark of Kyowa Hakko Kogyo
Co., Ltd.  All rights are reserved.

    For more information, please contact:

    BioWa, Inc.

     Masamichi Koike, Ph.D, President and CEO
     Phone: +1-609-734-3420

     Martina Molsbergen, Vice President, Business
     Phone: +1-609-734-3430

Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute Market-Adjusted Debt Indicator Update: MAD Indicator Remains Flat, Despite Equity Market Boom, in Fourth-Quarter 2006
October 19, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200611140926-min.gif

     Fourth quarter 2006:       15.6%
     Third quarter 2006:        15.5%
     Quarter-to-quarter change:  0.7%
     Fourth quarter 2005:       18.0%
     Year-to-year change:       -6.6%

to download the chart.


    The value of the Market-Adjusted Debt (MAD) Indicator,
which measures the capital structure of Chinese companies
using a long-term debt-to-equity ratio, is 15.6 percent for
fourth quarter of 2006, a 0.1 percentage point increase from
the previous quarter and 2.4 percentage point decrease from
the previous year. 

    Both outstanding debt and market value of companies
have increased, indicating that Chinese companies are
balancing debt with the market's assessment of capital.


    The MAD indicator remained essentially flat in the
fourth quarter of 2006. Cyclical factors contributed to an
increase of the book value of outstanding long-term debt of
all companies, compared to the previous quarter.  At the
same time, the booming domestic equity market contributed
to a 49 percent average increase in the market value of

    Domestic interest rates did not change in the fourth
quarter but remained at their highest level since 2002. 
Higher interest rates, an underdeveloped corporate bond
market, and higher price-to-equity ratios all contributed
to keeping the MAD indicator at a relatively low level at
the end of 2006.

    Some companies have experienced significant changes in
the book value of debt. At Shanghai Automotive, for
example, long-term borrowing increased by 5.2 billion Yuan
from September 2006 to December 2006, increasing its
long-term debt-to-capital ratio from 1.23 to 5.97.

    There are two components in constructing a
market-adjusted debt indicator: the total market value of
debt and the total market value of equity.  The market
value of debt can be calculated based on book value of
long-term debt, the duration and coupon rate on the debt,
current comparable debt-market interest rates, and
weighting for different maturities.  The market value of
equity can be calculated by multiplying the price per share
of equity by the total shares of outstanding equity.

    Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators 

    The Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators
provide investors, analysts, and financial professionals
insight into China's money and capital markets.  Five of
the eight indicators have been launched since November
2006: the Renminbi Pressure Indicator, the Chinese IPO
Indicator, the Market Adjusted Debt (MAD) Indicator, the
Banking Strength Indicator (BSI), and the Adjusted Trade
and Finance (ATF) Indicator.  The remaining three
indicators (the China M&A Indicator, the China
Privatization Indicator, and the China Corporate Governance
Indicator) will be launched later this year. 

    Period Coverage and Frequency

    The indicator covers the period beginning with the
fourth quarter of 2003 and extends to the present.  Values
are calculated on a quarterly basis.  The availability of
current financial statements will determine the number of
included companies.

    Sources of Data 

    The data used in the construction of the indicator are
obtained from Xinhua Finance China Insight TM and

    To view additional information, visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com/indicators and
http://www.milkeninstitute.org/chinaindicators . 

    Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL") is China's
premier financial information and media service provider
and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock
Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY).  Bridging
China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance's
proprietary content platform, comprising Indices, Ratings,
Financial News, and Investor Relations, serves financial
institutions, corporations and re-distributors worldwide. 
Through its subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media Limited
(Nasdaq: XFML), XFL leverages its content across multiple
distribution channels in China including television, radio,
newspaper, magazine and outdoor media.  Founded in November
1999, XFL is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and
news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide.  For more
information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    The Milken Institute is a nonprofit, independent
economic think tank whose mission is to improve the lives
and economic conditions of diverse populations around the
world by helping business and public policy leaders
identify and implement innovative ideas for creating
broad-based prosperity.  The Milken Institute has extensive
expertise in China and conducts ongoing research on China's
banking and capital markets.  It is based in Santa Monica,
Calif. For more information, please visit
http://www.milkeninstitute.org . 

    For more information, please contact: 

    Xinhua Finance 

     Ms. Joy Tsang
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5999 or +852-948-64363
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

     Mr. Scott Zhang
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5996
     Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com

    Taylor Rafferty (Media contact for Xinhua Finance) 

     Mr. James Hawrylak
     Tel:   +813-3221-9513
     Email: James.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com

    United States
     Mr. John Dudzinsky
     Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
     Email: John.Dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com 

     Faisal Kanth
     Tel:   +44-207-614-2900
     Email: Faisal.Kanth@taylor-rafferty.co.uk

    Milken Institute 
     Ms. Jennifer Manfre, 
     Associate Director of Communications 
     Tel:   +1-310-570-4623
     Email: jmanfre@milkeninstitute.org 

Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute Banking Strength Indicator Update: Chinese Banking Sector Strengthens Significantly
October 19, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200611140926-min.gif

    Indicator Value Change
     2006: 5.06
     2005: 3.79
     Percentage Change: Up 33.5%

to download the chart. 


    Increased capitalization and earnings in 2006 raised
the Banking Strength Indicator (BSI) 33.5 percent, to 5.06.
 The indicator shows that the financial strength of Chinese
banks exceeds that of the top fifteen international banks.


    The striking improvement in the BSI is largely due to
the increase in the capitalization of the Industrial and
Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the country's largest
bank, which-because of its size in the sector-accounts for
nearly one-fourth of the indicator value.  Given the high
numbers of bad loans that have been written off, as well as
the recapitalization occurring in the past few years, bank
earnings and interest margins rose in 2006. 

    The issue of the most concern continues to be the
quality of bank assets. Despite recent declines in
nonperforming loans, the ratio is still quite high by
international standards.  Indeed, the nonperforming loan
ratio for the Agricultural Bank of China is 23 percent. 
Bank sensitivity to market risk also tends to be lower in
China than among international banks, due to a relatively
large ratio of non-operating income to total income.  


    The Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute Chinese Banking
Strength Indicator (BSI) measures the financial strength of
Chinese banks, benchmarked to the top fifteen international
banks, which are ranked according to their Tier-1 capital. 
The BSI is based upon financial statements from Chinese
banks(1) and combines the selected data into a single
number.  The compilation process relies on CAMELS, a rating
system widely used in bank examinations in the United States
that assesses capital, asset quality, managing expenses,
earnings, liquidity, and sensitivity to market risk. 

    (1) To the extent possible, data used in calculating
BCI are based on 
        international financial reporting standards.  

    Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators 

    The Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators
provide investors, analysts, and financial professionals
insight into China's money and capital markets.  Five of
the eight indicators were launched since November 2006: the
Renminbi Pressure Indicator, the Chinese IPO Indicator, the
Market Adjusted Debt (MAD) Indicator, the Banking Strength
Indicator (BSI), and the Adjusted Trade and Finance (ATF)
Indicator.  The remaining three indicators (the China
M&A Indicator, the China Privatization Indicator, and
the China Corporate Governance Indicator) will be launched
later this year. 

    Time Period Coverage and Frequency

    The indicator begins at year-end 2000 and extends
annually to December 2006. Following that, the indicator is
published on a semi-annual basis.

    Sources of Data 

    The data used in the construction of the indicator are
obtained from Bankscope and CEIC. 

    To view additional information, visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com/indicators and

    Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL") is China's
premier financial information and media service provider
and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock
Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY).  Bridging
China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance's
proprietary content platform, comprising Indices, Ratings,
Financial News, and Investor Relations, serves financial
institutions, corporations and re-distributors worldwide. 
Through its subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media Limited
(Nasdaq: XFML), XFL leverages its content across multiple
distribution channels in China including television, radio,
newspaper, magazine and outdoor media.  Founded in November
1999, XFL is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and
news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide.  For more
information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    The Milken Institute is a nonprofit, independent
economic think tank whose mission is to improve the lives
and economic conditions of diverse populations around the
world by helping business and public policy leaders
identify and implement innovative ideas for creating
broad-based prosperity.  The Milken Institute has extensive
expertise in China and conducts ongoing research on China's
banking and capital markets.  It is based in Santa Monica,
Calif. For more information, please visit
http://www.milkeninstitute.org . 

    For more information, please contact: 

    Xinhua Finance 

     Ms. Joy Tsang
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5999 or +852-948-64363
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

     Mr. Scott Zhang
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5996
     Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com

    Taylor Rafferty (Media contact for Xinhua Finance) 

     Mr. James Hawrylak
     Tel:   +813-3221-9513
     Email: James.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com

    United States
     Mr. John Dudzinsky
     Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
     Email: John.Dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com 

     Faisal Kanth
     Tel:   +44-207-614-2900
     Email: Faisal.Kanth@taylor-rafferty.co.uk

    Milken Institute 
     Ms. Jennifer Manfre, 
     Associate Director of Communications 
     Tel:   +1-310-570-4623
     Email: jmanfre@milkeninstitute.org 

New IOF Report Shows Smoking, Alcohol, Being Underweight and Poor Nutrition Harm Our Bones
October 19, 2007

- World Osteoporosis Day celebrated in some 80 countries

    NYON, Switzerland, Oct. 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- If
you smoke, drink more than two units of alcohol a day, are
underweight, don't exercise or eat well, you could be
setting yourself up for osteoporosis later in life,
according to a new report issued today by the International
Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) on the occasion of World
Osteoporosis Day (WOD). 


    The new report Beat the Break: Know and Reduce Your
Osteoporosis Risk Factors
describes the common risk factors, both modifiable and
fixed, that place people at greater risk of osteoporosis.

    IOF Chief Executive Officer Daniel Navid noted:
"By 2050, it is estimated that incidence of hip
fracture, a major consequence of osteoporosis, will
increase by 310 and 240 percent in men and women.
Osteoporosis-related fractures often imply pain, loss of
function and, in the worse cases, death."

    Professor Cyrus Cooper, author of the "Beat the
Break" report and IOF board member, said,
"Worldwide, the incidence of osteoporosis is growing
at epidemic proportions -- we now know that one woman in
three and one man in five over fifty will experience an
osteoporotic fracture."

    Beat the Break is also the theme of World Osteoporosis
Day 2007, celebrated on October 20 with international
activities in more than eighty countries. To beat the break
and avoid fractures, IOF urges individuals to take the new
IOF One Minute Osteoporosis Risk Test
and to follow a bone-friendly lifestyle - with a nutritious
diet including sufficient calcium and vitamin D, regular
exercise, avoiding smoking and excess alcohol.

    Modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis primarily
arise because of unhealthy diet or lifestyle choices. They
include poor nutrition, low body mass index, eating
disorders, alcohol, smoking, and insufficient exercise.

    Fixed risk factors are those that individuals are born
with or cannot alter. They include age, gender, family
history of fracture, the presence of a previous fracture,
ethnicity, and the onset of early menopause. It is
important to be aware of these fixed risks so steps can be
taken to reduce loss of bone minerals.

    WOD 2007 is supported by an unrestricted educational
grant provided by four Global Gold Sponsors: Fonterra
Brands, Novartis, MSD and Tetra Pak.

    For more information, please contact:

     Janice Blondeau 
     International Osteoporosis Foundation
     Phone: +41-22-994-0100
     Fax:   +41-22-994-0101
     Email: news@iofbonehealth.org

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