「ダイエット」に関するアンケート(DIMSDRIVE) |
● 73.3%が「自分はダイエットの必要がある」と感じている
● 4割の男性が、「健康診断の結果」をきっかけにダイエット。
● 男性は「内臓脂肪」を、女性は「皮下脂肪」を減らしたいと思っている
● ダイエット情報の入手は「テレビの情報番組から」が圧倒的
● 必要性を感じつつダイエットをしていない理由は「続かなさそう」、「誘惑に負けてしまう」、「つい
● 50%の人が、「ダイエットに、1ヶ月に掛けられる金額は3,000円まで」
● 憧れる体型の有名人は? 「藤原紀香」 と 「郷ひろみ」
● 今、最も注目しているのは「ビリーズブートキャンプ」
その他、“ぶら下がり健康器具”“ランニングマシーン”のような『大型の器具』や、 “ジョーバ”“金魚運動マシーン”“テンテンベルト”など、『筋肉を動かせる器具』などの意見が目立っていた。
ダイエットの必要があると思っている人(N=6147)に、「1ヶ月にいくらぐらいまでなら、ダイエットにお金をかけられますか」と尋ねたところ、最も多かったのは“1,001円~3,000円”で26.0%であった。 次いで“0~1,000円”24.4%、“3,001円~5,000円”19.1%、“7,001円~10,000円”8.2%と続いた。 半数の50.4%が、『3000円未満』と回答した。
【現在ダイエットをしている】人(N=2284)の『3,000円未満』と回答した人は43.2%だったのに対し、【過去にダイエットをしていた】人(N=2744)では、55.1%と10%以上多い。 また、“7,001円~10,000円”という回答は【現在ダイエット中】の人は12.5%だったのに対し、【過去経験者】では6.3%と少なかった。
~憧れる体型の有名人は? 「藤原紀香」 と 「郷ひろみ」~
ダイエットの必要があると思っている人(N=6147)に、「目指したいと思う・憧れている体型の有名人」を自由回答で尋ねた。 女性が目指したい人の1位は藤原紀香(273票)で2位の黒木瞳(140票)に100票以上の差をつけた。
● 73.3%が「自分はダイエットの必要がある」と感じている
● 4割の男性が、「健康診断の結果」をきっかけにダイエット。
● 男性は「内臓脂肪」を、女性は「皮下脂肪」を減らしたいと思っている
● ダイエット情報の入手は「テレビの情報番組から」が圧倒的
● 必要性を感じつつダイエットをしていない理由は「続かなさそう」、「誘惑に負けてしまう」、「つい
● 50%の人が、「ダイエットに、1ヶ月に掛けられる金額は3,000円まで」
● 憧れる体型の有名人は? 「藤原紀香」 と 「郷ひろみ」
● 今、最も注目しているのは「ビリーズブートキャンプ」
その他、“ぶら下がり健康器具”“ランニングマシーン”のような『大型の器具』や、 “ジョーバ”“金魚運動マシーン”“テンテンベルト”など、『筋肉を動かせる器具』などの意見が目立っていた。
ダイエットの必要があると思っている人(N=6147)に、「1ヶ月にいくらぐらいまでなら、ダイエットにお金をかけられますか」と尋ねたところ、最も多かったのは“1,001円~3,000円”で26.0%であった。 次いで“0~1,000円”24.4%、“3,001円~5,000円”19.1%、“7,001円~10,000円”8.2%と続いた。 半数の50.4%が、『3000円未満』と回答した。
【現在ダイエットをしている】人(N=2284)の『3,000円未満』と回答した人は43.2%だったのに対し、【過去にダイエットをしていた】人(N=2744)では、55.1%と10%以上多い。 また、“7,001円~10,000円”という回答は【現在ダイエット中】の人は12.5%だったのに対し、【過去経験者】では6.3%と少なかった。
~憧れる体型の有名人は? 「藤原紀香」 と 「郷ひろみ」~
ダイエットの必要があると思っている人(N=6147)に、「目指したいと思う・憧れている体型の有名人」を自由回答で尋ねた。 女性が目指したい人の1位は藤原紀香(273票)で2位の黒木瞳(140票)に100票以上の差をつけた。
インターワイヤード株式会社 DIMSDRIVE事務局(ディムスドライブ事務局)
E-mail: timely@dims.ne.jp
インターワイヤード株式会社 DIMSDRIVE事務局(ディムスドライブ事務局)
E-mail: timely@dims.ne.jp
Jホラーのシーズン到来! 怪異蒐集家・中山市朗の 怪談イベントのお知らせ |
有限会社 作劇舎(大阪市中央区)は、映画『リング』や『呪怨』に影響を与えた現代百物語『新耳袋』の著者、中山市朗の怪談イベント「第五回・怪談の間」を8月25日(土)、和光寺(大阪市西区)の本堂にて開催いたします。
時間:開場17:30 開演18:00~21:00
主催:有限会社 作劇舎 怪異蒐集局
「怪談の間」公式サイト http://sakugeki.com/kwaidan/top.html
中山市朗(なかやま いちろう)プロフィール
この夏、史上初の実話長編怪談小説『怪異実聞録 なまなりさん』(メディアファクトリー)を上梓した中山市朗は、「中山市朗・怪談の間」以外でも下記の各種怪談イベントに出演します。
時間:開場15:30 開演16:00~
日時:8月11日(土) 開場14:30 開演15:00~ 開演19:00~
8月12日(日) 開場12:30 開演13:00~ 開演17:00~
8月13日(月) 開場14:30 開演15:00~ 開演19:00~
8月14日(火) 開場14:30 開演15:00~ 開演19:00~
料金:前売2700円 当日3200円 ※全席自由・整理番号付
実話長編怪談小説『怪異実聞録 なまなりさん』概要
著 者:中山市朗
発 行:2007年6月
有限会社作劇舎 総務部 菅野秀晃(すがの ひであき)
TEL 06-6264-1009 FAX06-6264-1025
(電話受付時間:火・水・木曜は11時~22時 月・金曜は11時~15時)
e-mail:info@sakugeki.com URL:http://sakugeki.com/
〒542-0081 大阪市中央区南船場1-8-5南船場エスケイビル701
有限会社作劇舎 総務部 菅野秀晃(すがの ひであき)
TEL 06-6264-1009 FAX06-6264-1025
(電話受付時間:火・水・木曜は11時~22時 月・金曜は11時~15時)
e-mail:info@sakugeki.com URL:http://sakugeki.com/
〒542-0081 大阪市中央区南船場1-8-5南船場エスケイビル701
SMIC Second Quarter 2007 Webcast Conference Call
July 13, 2007
SHANGHAI, China, July 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) (NYSE: SMI; SEHK: 981) will be conducting a webcast conference call on its second quarter results on Friday, July 27, 2007. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611101605.jpg ) Please join SMIC's: -- Dr. Richard Chang, Chief Executive Officer and President; -- Morning Wu, Acting Chief Financial Officer; and -- Theresa Teng, Head of Finance and Investor Relations, as they announce the company's second quarter results and take questions from investors on Friday, July 27, 2007. The second quarter 2007 results will also be released and available at http://www.smics.com before the start of trading on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong on Friday, July 27, 2007. CONFERENCE CALL / WEBCAST ANNOUNCEMENT DETAILS DATE: Friday, July 27th, 2007 TIME: 7:30 A.M. (Shanghai and Hong Kong) 7:30 P.M. (New York *Please note that because this call is live, it will be taking place on Thursday, July 26, 2007 EST.) WEBCAST: The call will be webcast live with audio at http://www.smics.com under the "Investor Relations" section. DIAL-IN: For those without Internet access, you may participate in the conference call by dialing the following numbers: US +1-617-597-5342 (Passcode: SMIC) HK +852-3002-1672 (Passcode: SMIC) REPLAY: The live audio webcast will be archived for replay at http://www.smics.com , along with a soft copy of our news release, for a period of 12 months following the webcast. For more information, please contact: Investor Relations Department Tel: +86-21-5080-2000 Theresa Teng at ext 16278 Email: Theresa_Teng@smics.com Peter Yu at ext 11319 Email: Peter_Yu@smics.com Adam Weng at ext 12804 Email: Adam_Weng@smics.com
Arrow Asia Pac Extends Renesas Distribution Agreement to Taiwan Market
July 13, 2007
Hong Kong, July 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Asia Pac Ltd., a business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW), announced today that it has extended its distribution agreement with Renesas Technology to cover the Taiwan market. This agreement will enable Arrow Asia Pac to offer Renesas' industry-leading MCU solutions to Arrow's growing customer base in Taiwan. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200703021139.JPG ) "Building on to our current relationship in Asia, we are very excited about extending our partnership with Renesas to serve the Taiwan market," said Jacqueline Leung, vice president, Technical Services and Business Development, Arrow Asia Pac Ltd. "Renesas is a leader in the microcontrollers market. They offer an extensive line of MCU / MPU-based semiconductor solutions. Arrow has strong global capabilities and extensive local experiences. With our strong sales and marketing, technical capabilities and supply chain services, we will be better positioned to serve the growing needs of customers in Taiwan. We look forward to working with Renesas and extending our reach and deepen our commitment to the market and to provide products and services that are in line with the local activities, needs and requirements." About Arrow Asia Pac A business unit of Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW), Arrow Asia Pac is one of Asia Pacific's leading electronic component distributors. In addition to its regional headquarters in Hong Kong, Arrow Asia Pac operates 50 sales offices, four primary distribution centers and 20 local warehousing facilities in eleven countries/territories across Asia. Providing a full range of semiconductors, passive, electromechanical and connector products from over 60 leading international suppliers, Arrow Asia Pac serves more than 10,000 original equipment and contract manufacturers and commercial customers in Asia Pacific. Visit us at http://www.arrowasia.com . Media Contact: Ray Leung Marketing Communications Director Arrow Asia Pac Ltd. Tel: +852-2484-2484 Email: marcom.asia@arrowasia.com Grace Kung Marketing Communications Manager Tel: +852-2484-2682 Email: grace.kung@arrowasia.com
TV Reality Show Finalist Sir Ivan Celebrates With Superhero Party at Hamptons Castle
July 13, 2007
NEW YORK, July 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- International techno-pop and dance music recording artist, Sir Ivan can now add reality TV star to his list of accomplishments. Beginning July 26th at 9.00pm (EST) television viewers can see Sir Ivan's alter-ego "Mr. Mitzvah" in the new NBC Sci-Fi Channel series "Who Wants To Be A Superhero?" To kick off the series, Sir Ivan will host a superhero themed costume party at his legendary Hampton's castle on Saturday July 21st. Hundreds of guests, including media from around the globe, will get a sneak peek at the world premiere episode of the new series. Sir Ivan is providing luxury transportation from Midtown Manhattan to his Castle for media and celebrity guests. In the show, Sir Ivan adopts the mantle of "Mr. Mitzvah," the world's first Jewish Superhero. He created the character to honor his late father Siggi B. Wilzig who was an Auschwitz survivor, and to promote Holocaust education for future generations. Says Sir Ivan: "I am asking all my guests to indulge their superhero fantasies and come in costume as their favorite characters. The party is sure to impress Stan Lee, the genius who both created the show and the world's most famous comic book superheroes." Sir Ivan, the 51 year old philanthropist and heir to the Wilzig banking empire, is best known for his music career, scoring three consecutive Billboard hits including: "Imagine," "San Francisco," and "Peace On Earth." These songs, an unreleased version of Bob Dylan's "Blowin' In The Wind" and his newest single, a remake of the Buffalo Springfield classic "For What It's Worth," will be available July 17, 2007, on iTunes through his global internet label PEACEMAN MUSIC. For almost a decade Sir Ivan has carried the mantle of "Peaceman" -- recognizable by his elaborate capes encrusted with crystal peace symbols. He says he hopes through his music and his appearances he can encourage people to focus on peace instead of war, love instead of hate. "We live in very dangerous and deadly times. I want to use my power as an entertainer to project positive healing energy," says Sir Ivan. Journalists and Media Invited To Attend The Party. Media Information, Still Photos and EPKs available. Contact: Rob Goldstone or David Wilson - Oui 2 Public Relations - 212 541 5698 - rob@oui2.com For more information, please contact: Rob Goldstone or David Wilson Oui 2 Public Relations Tel: +1-212-541-5698 Email: rob@oui2.com
Tadd Fujikawa to Pursue Professional Golf Career
July 13, 2007
HONOLULU, July 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Tadd Fujikawa, 16-year old golf phenom, announced today that he has decided to forfeit his amateur status to pursue a professional golf career. "I am very excited to announce my decision to become a professional golfer in Hawaii where my passion to play golf began. I look forward to beginning this journey and competing against the greatest golfers playing the game today. This was a big decision and I am very grateful for the support I have received from my family, friends and the people of Hawaii. I will work hard to achieve my dreams as a professional golfer and to be a good representative for Hawaii," said Fujikawa. The Fujikawas have engaged Kevin Bell and the law firm of Patton Boggs LLP to act as Tadd's attorney-agent. Mr. Bell is a partner with the firm's intellectual property department. Discussions with various companies regarding endorsements are ongoing. "Several companies have expressed interest in endorsing Tadd and supporting his golf career," stated Mr. Bell. "It is important to Tadd that he develops relationships with sponsors that are a positive representation for both parties. There has been significant interest from companies based in the United States and Asia." Tadd is currently scheduled to compete in the Reno-Tahoe Open, July 30th - August 5th thanks to an unrestricted sponsor exemption extended to him. He currently intends to seek additional sponsor exemptions or otherwise qualify for tournaments on the PGA Tour, Japan Golf Tour Organization (JGTO) and Nationwide Tour for the remainder of 2007 and 2008. He will also be exploring opportunities to play other international events. Tadd Fujikawa was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on January 8, 1991, to Lori and Derrick Fujikawa. After becoming a 4-time national judo champion from the ages 8-11, Tadd turned his sights on golf. In 2006, Tadd became the youngest player to ever qualify for the U.S. Open. At this year's 2007 Sony Open in Hawaii, Tadd became the second youngest player in 50 years to make a PGA cut, where he finished tied for 20th place. The following month, Tadd won the Hawaii Pearl Open against professional and amateur players from the United States and Japan, making him the youngest to ever capture that title. Tadd is scheduled to make a brief statement to the press today at 9:30 a.m. at Waialae Country Club in Honolulu, HI. He will then provide an opportunity to allow photographers and videographers to obtain picture and sound. He is scheduled to leave promptly at 10:00 a.m. to participate in the Hawaii Air Cargo 25th Year in Business Fundraiser Tournament at the Mililani Golf Course. For more information, please contact: Kevin Bell Patton Boggs LLP Tel: +1-703-744-8065
Mersana Therapeutics, Inc. Appoints Pharmaceutical Industry Veteran Nicholas G. Bacopoulos, Ph.D. to Board of Directors
July 12, 2007
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., July 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Mersana Therapeutics, a cancer therapeutics company, announced today the appointment of Nicholas G. Bacopoulos, Ph.D. to its Board of Directors. A 24-year industry veteran, Dr. Bacopoulos brings to Mersana extensive top-level management experience in the biopharmaceutical industry including the discovery and development of new products in several therapeutic areas, including oncology. "We are very pleased to welcome Nick to our board of directors at this pivotal point in Mersana's development," stated Julie A. Olson, Ph.D., President and CEO of Mersana "His extensive product development experience, especially in oncology, will be invaluable as our lead product, XMT-1001, continues to progress in the clinic." "Mersana's proprietary Fleximer technology and novel approach to drug development have the potential to create important new products," commented Nicholas Bacopoulos, Ph.D. "There is an enormous unmet medical need for new cancer treatments and I am looking forward to contributing to Mersana's efforts as an active member of their board of directors." Dr. Bacopoulos has extensive experience with the discovery and development of anticancer agents. Previously, as CEO and President at Aton Pharma, Inc. he oversaw the advancement of the company's lead product, Zolinza(R), which later became the first histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Aton was acquired by Merck & Co. in 2004. Dr. Bacopoulos also served as President and Head of Research and Development at OSI Pharmaceuticals which entered into collaborative agreements with Genentech and Roche for the worldwide development of the oncology product Tarceva(R), a product he began development of while at Pfizer. During his 17-year tenure at Pfizer, Dr. Bacopoulos directed the Neuroscience and Cancer Research Groups and contributed to the development of several important pharmaceutical products including Tarceva(R), Aricept(R), Zeldox(R) and Zoloft(R). Dr. Bacopoulos received his B.A. degree from Cornell College and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Iowa. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Yale University School of Medicine and was a member of the faculty of Dartmouth Medical School. He serves on the Board of Directors of several ventures, including Medexis. S.A. and MAKScientific, LLC. About Fleximer Technology Mersana is transforming oncology product development by creating new drugs from known active anti-cancer agents through application of its Fleximer technology platform. Fleximer is a novel, biodegradable and bio-inert polymer that can be chemically linked to existing drugs, including small chemical entities, peptides and biologics. Fleximer-based compounds can be individually designed to improve the therapeutic performance of drugs by modulating such properties as circulation time and release, while significantly improving rate-limiting toxicity profiles. About Mersana Therapeutics, Inc. Mersana, a privately held, venture backed company, utilizes its proprietary technology platform to transform existing and experimental anti-cancer agents into new, patentable drugs with superior pharmaceutical properties. The key component of Mersana's platform is Fleximer(R), a novel, biodegradable and bio-inert material that can be chemically linked to existing drugs, including small molecules and biologics. Mersana's pipeline includes XMT-1001, a Fleximer-camptothecin conjugate, which is currently in Phase 1 clinical trials and several preclinical stage oncology compounds. Mersana's investors include Fidelity Biosciences, ProQuest Investments, Rho Ventures, Harris & Harris Group and PureTech Ventures. Fleximer(R) is a trademark of Mersana Therapeutics, Inc. Zolinza(R) is a trademark of Merck & Co., Inc. Tarceva(R) is a trademark of OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Aricept(R) is a trademark of Eisai Co. Ltd. Zelodox(R) and Zoloft(R) are trademarks of Pfizer, Inc. For more information, please contact: Pete Leone, Chief Operating Officer Mersana Therapeutics, Inc. Tel: +1-617-498-0020 Kathryn Morris KMorrisPR for Mersana Therapeutics Tel: +1-845-635-9828 Email: kathryn@kmorrispr.com
ING Asks Fans to Vote for Their Most Valuable Player of the Tournament
July 12, 2007
HONG KONG, July 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ING, Official Sponsor of the 2007 AFC Asian Cup(TM), today announced that it is asking football fans to vote for their most valuable player of the 2007 AFC Asian Cup(TM) tournament with a chance to win an 18K gold football worth US$2,500 (Note). Note: Terms and conditions apply. See http://www.ingafc.com for more details. In addition to its sponsorship of the tournament, ING is also the sponsor of the Most Valuable Player award. Fans have the opportunity to vote for their preferred player for this prestigious award via http://www.ingafc.com . The winning player will be the athlete with the most votes and the winning fan will be announced on http://www.ingafc.com on 6 August following the draw by ING in Hong Kong. The official award is chosen by a technical study group coordinated by the Asian Football Confederation and will be awarded after the finals on 29 July in Jakarta, Indonesia. The player selected is deemed to be the athlete who contributes the most to the tournament in terms of consistency of play, ability to influence matches and overall attitude. In 2004, the AFC Asian Cup(TM) tournament saw Shunsuke Nakamura win the title. Fans also have the chance to win with ING and its AFC Asian Cup(TM) sponsorship via a competition launched in conjunction with ESPN Star Sports via http://www.espnstar.com in which fans can play the ING Shootout competition in which players take part in a penalty shootout to win cash prizes and ING-AFC Asian Cup goodies. ING is a global financial institution of Dutch origin offering banking, insurance and asset management to over 60 million private, corporate and institutional clients in more than 50 countries. With a diverse workforce of about 120,000 people, ING comprises a broad spectrum of prominent companies that increasingly serve their clients under the ING brand. For more information, please contact: Karen Williams Tel: +852-3762-8236 Email: karen.williams@ap.ing.com Tony Wong Tel: +852-3762-8292 Email: tony.wong@ap.ing.com