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2007 Spreadtrum Technology Forum to be Held August 29
August 22, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Spreadtrum Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRD), a leading
China-based baseband chipset provider, will host its 2007
Spreadtrum Technology Forum on August 29th (Beijing Time)
at the Riverfront Business Hotel in Shanghai, China. The
Forum will be Spreadtrum's first organized event for the
wireless IC and communications industry following the
completion of its recent initial public offering on NASDAQ.
Expected industry participants include mobile service
providers, mobile handset vendors, testing technology and
solution providers, design houses, specialists and research
organizations. Other distinguished guests include scientists
from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, officials from the
Ministry of Information Industry and representatives from
the Shanghai Municipal Government. Dr. Arno Allan Penzias,
Nobel Laureate in Physics and former Vice President and
Chief Scientist of Bell Laboratories, will be a featured
keynote speaker along with Youshou Wu, Academician of the
Chinese Academy of Engineering.
    The theme of the 2007 Spreadtrum Technology Forum is
"Innovation Changes the Future." The Forum will
cover topics such as technology trends, recent R&D
achievements, market trends and analysis, plus roadmaps and
strategies for building a stronger wireless IC and
telecommunications infrastructure within China. 
    In addition, the Forum will include introductions to
Spreadtrum's innovative platform strategies and new
products. Scheduled presentations by Spreadtrum and various
industry analysts will look at the future development of the
wireless communications market and critical trends needed
for that growth. To help foster that vision, Spreadtrum
will discuss the implementation of a win-win strategy in
conjunction with its customers and strategic partners,
including explanations of the support it receives from its
main customers and strategic partners. Spreadtrum will also
showcase the latest technologies it has developed, new
products created by its customers and applications
developed by its partners, including various technology
classroom sessions held by Spreadtrum's strategic partners.
    The Forum will consist of both leading edge technology
from China's wireless IC industry and global convergence
trends, making it valuable to any member of the worldwide
communications market. It will also provide opportunities
for attendees to network and examine new opportunities with
other industry leaders, with the aim of fostering continued
industry growth and development.

    About Spreadtrum Communications
    Spreadtrum Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRD) is a
leading fabless semiconductor company who develops and
markets innovative wireless communications products.
Spreadtrum provides high-performance, low-cost products
including 2.5G/3G baseband IC, protocol stack software,
application software, wireless communication module and
total solutions for worldwide wireless terminal
manufactures, independent design houses, and semiconductor
companies. Spreadtrum successfully developed the world's
first TD-SCDMA baseband chip and Asia's first
2.5G(GSM/GPRS) baseband chip. Spreadtrum's true Single-chip
Solution has great advantages such as high performance with
low-cost, fast market entry for customers, reduced
time-to-market and effective local customer support. More
information on Spreadtrum Communications Inc could be found
on its website at http://www.spreadtrum.com .
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