『シャトー・メルシャン 甲州きいろ香 2006』&
『シャトー・メルシャン 甲州グリ・ド・グリ 2006』発売
メルシャン株式会社(本社:東京、社長:岡部有治)は、「甲州ワイン」2種の新ヴィンテージ、『シャトー・メルシャン 甲州きいろ香 2006』、『シャトー・メルシャン 甲州グリ・ド・グリ 2006』を3月1日(木)より全国で発売します。
今回、「甲州アロマプロジェクト」3年目となる研究成果を活かし、香りや味わいがさらに前進した『シャトー・メルシャン 甲州きいろ香』、『同 甲州グリ・ド・グリ』の2006年新ヴィンテージを発売します。
『シャトー・メルシャン 甲州きいろ香』は、ボルドー大学との共同研究「甲州アロマプロジェクト」により「甲州」ぶどう中に含まれていることが確認された、グレープフルーツなど柑橘類の香りの素となる物質(3-メルカプトヘキサノール)の特徴を最大限表現し、さらに同ぶどうの様々な未知の香りも併せ持った個性あるワインとして、2005年春に5000本限定で発売し2ヶ月で完売し話題となりました。
『シャトー・メルシャン 甲州グリ・ド・グリ』は、甲州ぶどう独特の赤紫色をした皮からのおいしさを追求し、「色」と「味わい」にこだわった「甲州ワイン」として、2003年秋に初ヴィンテージ2002年を発売しまた。さらに2005年ヴィンテージより、「甲州アロマプロジェクト」の研究過程で甲州ワインに含まれていることを見出した、高貴なバラ“ブルガリアン・ローズ”からの甘美な香り「ベータ・ダマセノン」の特徴を表したワイン醸造に取り組み、「香り」の要素も取り込みました。
【 発売の概要 】
◆商品名 『シャトー・メルシャン 甲州きいろ香 2006』
『シャトー・メルシャン 甲州グリ・ド・グリ 2006』
◆税別希望小売価格 2,307円
◆容量・荷姿 750ml 1ケース6本入り
◆発売日 3月1日(木)
◆発売地域 全国
◆商品サイト http://www.chateaumercian.com/
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~ 基地局などワイヤレス機器のアプリケーション向けにDCから100MHzまで最高のADC性能を実現 ~
アナログ・デバイセズ社高速リニア製品プロダクト・ライン・ディレクター、ジム・ドッシャー(Jim Doscher)は、次のように述べています。「歪みレベルが低くなったことで、設計者は、SFDR(スプリアス・フリー・ダイナミック・レンジ)やS/N比などのADCの重要な性能特性を維持できることで、システム性能を直接改善することができます。またこのドライバICにより、信号のレベル・シフトを非常に簡単に行えるので、AC結合なしにADCの入力範囲のマッチングが取れ、低周波情報の損失も防ぐことが可能です」
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ADIは、データ・コンバージョンとシグナル・コンディショニング技術の世界的リーディング企業として業界で高い評価を得ており、あらゆる種類の電子機器分野を取り扱う世界各国60,000社以上の顧客に製品を提供しています。アナログおよびデジタル信号処理アプリケーションに用いられる高性能集積回路の世界的なリーディング・メーカーとして、40年以上の歴史を誇るADIは、本社をマサチューセッツ州ノーウッドに構え、全世界で約8,900人の従業員を擁します。製造工場は、マサチューセッツ、カリフォルニア、ノース・カロライナ、アイルランド、フィリピンにあります。アナログ・デバイセズはニューヨーク証券取引所に上場しており(ティッカ-:ADI)、ADIはS&P 500インデックスに挙げられています。
【 製品に関する読者からのお問い合わせ先 】
電 話 03-5402-8128
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インディゴ株式会社(本社:東京都世田谷区、代表取締役社長:平尾 潤一、以下インディゴ)は、三井物産株式会社(本店:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:槍田 松瑩、以下三井物産)、三井情報開発株式会社(本店:東京都中野区、代表取締役社長:増田 潤逸、以下三井情報開発)が販売しているXML(eXtensible Markup Language)データベース「NeoCoreXMS」を利用した損害・生命保険会社向け約款・規定集管理ソリューション「DocuDyne for 保険約款」の提供を開始致します。
金融業界ではコンプライアンスを推進していく上で、約款および規定集の版管理及び差分管理が重要になってきています。本ソリューションは既存の文書管理ソリューション「DocuDyne」を損害保険会社・生命保険会社の約款や規定集の管理用途に特化し、約款文書のテンプレート化コンサルティング等を含め包括的にパッケージングしたものです。「DocuDyne for 保険約款」では、Microsoft Word で作成された約款や規定集をデータベースで一元管理することにより、文書の改版/改訂時の変更内容を管理するための「新旧対照表」を自動生成することができます。また、Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 との連携にも対応予定であり、文書のアクセス権限管理と連動したより厳密な改版/改訂管理を行うことも可能になります。これによりユーザは既存の文書資産を有効活用しながら、簡単に、最小の投資で約款および規定集の改変履歴管理を効率化できます。
Mitsui NeoCore Center
E-Mail: support@neocore.jp
HELSINKI, Finland, July 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Stora Enso is investing EUR15 million to upgrade board manufacturing at its Imatra mills in Finland to meet customers' developing quality requirements. The project is scheduled to start in July 2007 and be completed in September 2008. As a consequence of this quality-driven investment, the annual production capacity of board machine 5 will increase from 240,000 to 250,000 tonnes of liquid packaging board (LPB). "We are very pleased to announce this investment, which demonstrates Stora Enso's unceasing commitment to quality improvement. This investment will secure Imatra's long-term competitiveness in liquid packaging board and enable the mill to satisfy its customers' increasing quality demands," says Anders Harback, Vice President of Liquid Packaging Boards Ambient. Stora Enso's Imatra mills, which have a total annual production capacity of 1.1 million tonnes, produce packaging board, graphical board and paper. Liquid packaging boards are manufactured for all the main types of liquid packaging. End uses of Stora Enso LPB include a great variety of food products such as milk, soup, spices, water, yoghurt and juice, as well as various non-food products such as liquid detergents and fabric softeners. Stora Enso is an integrated paper, packaging and forest products company producing publication and fine paper, packaging board and wood products -- all areas in which the Group is a global market leader. Stora Enso's sales totalled EUR14.6 billion in 2006. The Group has some 44 000 employees in more than 40 countries on five continents. Stora Enso has an annual production capacity of 16.5 million tonnes of paper and board and 7.4 million cubic metres of sawn wood products, including 3.2 million cubic metres of value-added products. Stora Enso's shares are listed in Helsinki, Stockholm and New York. For further information, please contact: Anders Harback, VP, Liquid Packaging Boards Ambient Tel: +46-1046-54045 Kari Vainio, EVP, Corporate Communications Tel: +44-7799-348-197 Keith Russell, SVP, Investor Relations Tel: +44-7775-788-659 Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, Vice President, Investor Relations and Financial Communications Tel: +358-2046-21242
GENEVA and WASHINGTON, July 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Cotecna, the international inspection group, has been selected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) to participate in a one-year pilot program to conduct supply chain security validations in China. The pilot program officially began on July 1, 2007. The objective of C-TPAT, a voluntary US government/private sector partnership that was launched in the aftermath of 9/11, is to better secure global supply chains and facilitate legitimate cargo and conveyances entering the United States. It is open to importers, customs brokers, terminal operators, carriers and certain foreign manufacturers to enable them to benefit from reduced inspections and expedited processing at the US port of arrival or border. C-TPAT participation requires the submission of an application and subsequent certification and validation of the information provided by the applicant. Validation is done through on-site visits by CBP personnel and its successful completion makes the C-TPAT member eligible for enhanced benefits at the customs point of entry. The objective of this pilot program in China is for Cotecna and other selected companies to act on behalf of the US government to conduct on-site validations of the manufacturers that supply US importers enrolled in the C-TPAT program. Today approx. 10,000 companies are enrolled in the C-TPAT program, of which 6'500 are certified and approx. 4'200 validated. Robert Massey, CEO Cotecna said, "We are proud to have been selected to become a key partner of the US government in the delivery of C-TPAT services in China. Our network in China will be a great asset to delivering these invaluable services. Our work on this pilot program further develops our excellent relationship with the US Department of Homeland Security that we began in Operation Safe Commerce and emphasizes our commitment to global trade security." For more information click on these links: Third party validator pilot selections ( http://www.customs.ustreas.gov/linkhandler/cgov/import/commercial_enforcement/ctpat/third_ptyselec.ctt/third_ptyselec.doc ) C-TPAT strategic plan - general information ( http://www.customs.ustreas.gov/linkhandler/cgov/import/commercial_enforcement/ctpat/ctpat_strategicplan.ctt/ctpat_strategicplan.pdf ) C-TPAT FAQs ( http://www.customs.ustreas.gov/xp/cgov/import/commercial_enforcement/ctpat/ctpat_faq.xml ) Founded in Switzerland in 1974, the COTECNA Group offers a wide range of trade facilitation services, trade security services and quality certification standards. Cotecna is a pioneer in areas such as risk management, destination inspection and scanner integration projects and also offers Customs modernization programmes, Customs valuation assistance, trade security solutions and commercial inspections. For a full description of our services, please visit http://www.cotecna.com . The Cotecna Group has a combined workforce of about 4,000 employees and agents in close to 100 offices and holds 14 government inspection contracts. For more information, please contact: Cotecna Press Alison Bourgeois Vice President Corporate Communications Geneva, Switzerland Tel: +41-22-849-7823 Email: press@cotecna.ch Daine Eisold Vice President, Supply Chain Security Washington, USA Email: CTPAT@cotecnausa.com
SHANGHAI, July 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (LON: IHG; NYSE: IHG (ADRs) ) today announces two internal executive appointments - Peter Gowers as Chief Executive, Asia Pacific region and Kirk Kinsell as President, Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA). (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200702131431.jpg ) Peter Gowers is currently Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and will remain on the executive committee of IHG. His new appointment will take effect 1 November 2007. He succeeds Tony South, Acting Chief Executive for Asia Pacific, who will resume his responsibilities as Senior Vice President, Development for the region at that time. Kirk Kinsell is currently Senior Vice President, Chief Development Officer for the Americas region, and will join the executive committee on his appointment. His appointment is effective 1 September 2007 when he will succeed outgoing President and Board member Richard Hartman who formally retires from IHG at the end of September. Andrew Cosslett, CEO, InterContinental Hotels Group, said, "I am delighted to be able to make these two key appointments from within the company. This says a great deal about the strength and depth of management we have at IHG. "Both Peter and Kirk have been hugely influential in the development of IHG, building our brands, developing stronger relationships with our owners and driving up our rate of growth. "Peter has been responsible for raising the quality of our brand management, most clearly seen in the recent, highly successful evolution of the InterContinental brand. He has overseen the development of Priority Club Rewards into the industry's largest loyalty scheme with over 33 million members, and built up the power of IHG's websites and reservation systems. "Kirk has been at the heart of the resurgence of our Americas region in recent years. He has driven up our deal pace and taken the Americas hotel development pipeline to record levels. His extensive experience both inside and outside the hospitality industry, combined with his commercial acumen and drive for results, made him the right choice to take our EMEA business up to the next level." In his 20-year hospitality career Kinsell has held a variety of senior positions in the hospitality industry including time with Holiday Inn Corporation and ITT Sheraton. From 1998 he spent four years outside the industry in COO and CEO roles, before re-joining IHG in 2002 as Senior Vice President, development, the Americas. Aged 52, Kinsell holds a B.A in Economics from the University of California, San Diego and a Master of Professional Studies from the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. He is married with two children. Gowers started his career as a management consultant with Arthur D. Little, which included an Asia-based assignment in Singapore. He joined IHG - then Bass - in a strategic planning role in 1999 and was promoted to Executive Vice President, Strategy for the hotels business in 2002. In 2003 he became Executive Vice President of Global Brand Services for IHG and was promoted to Chief Marketing Officer in 2005. Aged 34, Peter is a graduate of Oxford University with a B.A in Jurisprudence (Law). He is married with two children. Appointments to the vacated internal posts will be made in due course. Notes to Editors InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) of the United Kingdom (LON: IHG, NYSE: IHG (ADRs) ) is the world's largest hotel group by number of rooms. IHG owns, manages, leases or franchises, through various subsidiaries, over 3,700 hotels and more than 558,000 guest rooms in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world. IHG owns a portfolio of well recognized and respected hotel brands including InterContinental(R) Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza(R) Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn(R) Hotels and Resorts, Holiday Inn Express(R), Staybridge Suites(R), Candlewood Suites(R) and Hotel Indigo(R), and also manages the world's largest hotel loyalty program, Priority Club(R) Rewards with over 33 million members worldwide. The company pioneered the travel industry's first collaborative response to environmental issues as founder of the International Hotels and Environment Initiative (IHEI). The IHEI formed the foundations of the Tourism Partnership launched by the International Business Leaders Forum in 2004, of which IHG is still a member today. The environment and local communities remain at the heart of IHG's global corporate responsibility focus. IHG offers information and online reservations for all its hotel brands at http://www.ihg.com and information for the Priority Club Rewards program at http://www.priorityclub.com . For the latest news from IHG, visit our online Press Office at http://www.ihg.com/media . For more information, please contact: Sharona Tao Brand Public Relations & Communications Manager Greater China InterContinental Hotels Group Tel: +86 21 2893 3309 Fax: +86 21 2893 3399 Email: sharona.tao@ihg.com
SHANGHAI, China, July 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The9 Limited (Nasdaq: NCTY)("The9"), a leading online game operator in China, announced today that it has, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, entered into an agreement with Beijing Gameworld Tech. Co. Ltd., ("Gameworld"), an online game developer based in Beijing, China, for an exclusive license to operate Field of Honor, a 3D online role-playing game, in mainland China. The term of the license is for three years from the commercial launch date of the game in mainland China. Field of Honor is a 3D massively multiplayer online real-time strategy & shooting game developed by Gameworld. In addition to typical massively multiplayer online game features such as player interaction, teamwork, and customized character progression, Field of Honor offers players the option to play under the "strategy" or "shooting" mode. Seamlessly integrating various game elements, Field of Honor caters to a broad user base and aims to bring a different entertainment experience to online game players in China. Mr. Jun Zhu, The9's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented: "The9's strategy has always been to offer the highest quality games, either from overseas or local studios, to Chinese online game players. We are pleased that The9 obtained the exclusive license to operate Field of Honor in mainland China. With The9's strong operational and marketing platform, we believe Field of Honor has good prospects for success. Going forward, we will continue to further expand and diversify our game portfolio to further capture the fast-growing Chinese online game market." About The9 Limited The9 Limited is a leading online game operator in China. The9's business is primarily focused on operating and developing high-quality games for the Chinese online game players market. The9 directly or through affiliates operates licensed MMORPGs, consisting of MU(R), Blizzard Entertainment(R)'s World of Warcraft(R), Soul of The Ultimate Nation(TM), and its first proprietary MMORPG, Joyful Journey Westz(TM), in mainland China. It has also obtained exclusive licenses to operate additional MMORPGs and advanced casual games in mainland China, including Granado Espada, Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, Ragnarok Online 2, Emil Chronicle Online, Huxley, FIFA Online, Audition 2 and Field of Honor. In addition, The9 is also working on the development of a 3D fantasy MMORPG game, Fantastic Melody Online(TM). Safe Harbor Statement This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates" and similar statements. Among other things, the business outlook and quotations from management in this press release contain forward-looking statements. The9 may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Forms 20-F and 6-K, etc., in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about The9's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, The9's limited operating history as an online game operator, political and economic policies of the Chinese government, the laws and regulations governing the online game industry, information disseminated over the Internet and Internet content providers in China, intensified government regulation of Internet cafes, The9's ability to retain existing players and attract new players, license, develop or acquire additional online games that are appealing to users, anticipate and adapt to changing consumer preferences and respond to competitive market conditions, and other risks and uncertainties outlined in The9's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual reports on Form 20-F. The9 does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law. For further information, please contact: Ms. Dahlia Wei Senior Manager, Investor Relations The9 Limited Tel: +86-21-5172-9990 Email: IR@corp.the9.com Web: http://www.corp.the9.com
GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman, July 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- O2Micro(R) International Limited (Nasdaq(R): OIIM; SEHK: 0457), a leading supplier of innovative power management, and security components and systems, announced that it has reached an agreement in principle with Sony Corporation, Sony EMCS Corporation, Sony Corporation of America and Sony Electronics Inc. that resolves all of the outstanding issues between the companies in the litigation currently pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas (Civil Action No. 2:05-cv-00211-TJW). About O2Micro Founded in April 1995, O2Micro develops and markets innovative power management, and security components and systems for the Computer, Consumer, Industrial, and Communications markets. Products include Intelligent Lighting, Battery Management, Power Management, SmartCardBus(R) and Security products, such as VPN/Firewall system solutions. O2Micro International maintains an extensive portfolio of intellectual property with 7,429 patent claims granted, and over 9,000 more pending. The company maintains offices worldwide. Additional company and product information can be found on the company website at http://www.o2micro.com . O2Micro, the O2Micro logo, SmartCardBus, and combinations thereof are registered trademarks of O2Micro. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Mitchell Benus Director of Investor Relations O2Micro Tel: +1-408-332-1749 Email: mitchell.benus@o2micro.com
GLASTONBURY, Conn., July 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- TopCoder(R), Inc., the leader in online programming competition, skills assessment and competitive software development, today announced that Yiming Liao of China won the TopCoder Studio Design track of the 2007 TopCoder Open Sponsored by AOL which took place at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 29th. This marks the first time a graphic design competition has been included in a TopCoder program of events. Liao, also known by his TopCoder name yiming, is from the Nanshan District of Shenzhen and employed by the China Merchants Bank. He won the $15,000 grand prize for his successful submission of a redesign of the TopCoder Studio home page (http://studio.topcoder.com). To view his TopCoder member profile please visit ( http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=MemberProfile&cr=10481546 ) . This year's 2007 TopCoder Open sponsored by AOL attracted more than 4,600 registrants from TopCoder's community of 116,000 members representing almost every country on Earth. An elite group of 77 finalists were invited from around the world to Las Vegas to compete in computing science disciplines such as algorithms and software component design and development as well as graphic design. About TopCoder, Inc. TopCoder is the recognized leader in identifying, evaluating and mobilizing effective software development resources. Through its proprietary programming competitions and rating system, TopCoder recognizes and promotes the abilities of the best programmers around the world. TopCoder software harnesses the talent of these developers to design, develop and deploy software through its revolutionary competitive development methodology. TopCoder's methodology emphasizes thorough specification and design, distributed development using reusable components, and a rigorous quality assurance review process that results in higher quality, lower cost software solutions than traditional software development methodologies. For more information about sponsoring TopCoder events, recruiting TopCoder members and utilizing TopCoder's software services, visit http://www.topcoder.com/ . TopCoder is a registered trademark of TopCoder, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Jim McKeown TopCoder, Inc. Tel: +1-860-633-5540 Email: jmckeown@topcoder.com
GLASTONBURY, Conn., July 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- TopCoder(R), Inc., the leader in online programming competition, skills assessment and competitive software development, today announced that Yiming Liao of China won the TopCoder Studio Design track of the 2007 TopCoder Open Sponsored by AOL which took place at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 29th. This marks the first time a graphic design competition has been included in a TopCoder program of events. Liao, also known by his TopCoder name yiming, is from the Nanshan District of Shenzhen and employed by the China Merchants Bank. He won the $15,000 grand prize for his successful submission of a redesign of the TopCoder Studio home page (http://studio.topcoder.com). To view his TopCoder member profile please visit ( http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=MemberProfile&cr=10481546 ) . This year's 2007 TopCoder Open sponsored by AOL attracted more than 4,600 registrants from TopCoder's community of 116,000 members representing almost every country on Earth. An elite group of 77 finalists were invited from around the world to Las Vegas to compete in computing science disciplines such as algorithms and software component design and development as well as graphic design. About TopCoder, Inc. TopCoder is the recognized leader in identifying, evaluating and mobilizing effective software development resources. Through its proprietary programming competitions and rating system, TopCoder recognizes and promotes the abilities of the best programmers around the world. TopCoder software harnesses the talent of these developers to design, develop and deploy software through its revolutionary competitive development methodology. TopCoder's methodology emphasizes thorough specification and design, distributed development using reusable components, and a rigorous quality assurance review process that results in higher quality, lower cost software solutions than traditional software development methodologies. For more information about sponsoring TopCoder events, recruiting TopCoder members and utilizing TopCoder's software services, visit http://www.topcoder.com/ . TopCoder is a registered trademark of TopCoder, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Jim McKeown TopCoder, Inc. Tel: +1-860-633-5540 Email: jmckeown@topcoder.com
DUSSELDORF, Germany, July 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- -- Through the joint venture, Gerresheimer expands its leading position in the field of life science research. -- CEO Dr. Axel Herberg: "The joint venture is an important part of Gerresheimer's growth strategy and allows both companies to profit from market and production synergies." -- Kimble Chase Life Science and Research Products LLC had total sales of around EUR100 million in 2006 (pro forma). The formation of the joint venture was finalised yesterday. On 20 March 2007 Gerresheimer had already announced the establishment of the joint venture with a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (TMO) in the USA. The outstanding conditions, particularly approval by the antitrust authorities, have now been fulfilled. With a 51% share Gerresheimer has a majority interest in the new company "Kimble Chase Life Science and Research Products LLC" (Kimble Chase). TMO holds 49% of the shares. The joint venture specialises in the development, production and marketing of life science products and employs around 1,500 people in seven locations. Gerresheimer contributes production plants in the USA, Mexico and China and TMO production plants in the USA and Germany. The company is based in New Jersey/USA. Its products are used in industrial pharmaceutical research and are largely marketed under the trademarks Kimble, Kontes and Bomex. In the financial year 2006, sales by Kimble Chase totalled around EUR100 million (pro forma). "The joint venture marks another important step by the Gerresheimer Group on the way to becoming a global pharma & life science group. In this way we will continue to pursue our growth strategy in the future and offer our shareholders an attractive investment," says Dr. Axel Herberg, CEO of Gerresheimer AG With Kimble Chase the Gerresheimer Group employs around 10,000 people in 37 locations around the world and approaches a total sales level of EUR1 billion in 2007 as planned. Since 11 June 2007 Gerresheimer has been listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt stock exchange, following one of the largest flotations of the year with a total issue volume of around EUR1 billion. Note to Editors You can request photos on this topic via our homepage. If required, we can also send you high-resolution data. Reprint free of charge. Please send specimen copy to Gerresheimer. Gerresheimer is a pharmaceutical & life science supply and services company with market leading positions of specialty products made of glass and plastic. Gerresheimer owns 37 production sites in Europe, North America and Asia and employs approximately 10,000 employees worldwide. For more information, please contact: Burkhard Lingenberg Director Corporate PR & Marketing Tel: +49-211-6181-250 Email: b.lingenberg@gerresheimer.com
BEIJING, July 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Telestone Technologies Corporation Ltd. ("Telestone") (Nasdaq: TSTC), a leading developer and provider of wireless communication coverage solutions based in the People's Republic of China, today announced that, through its variable interest entity, Beijing Telestone Wireless Telecommunication Company Ltd., the Company has entered into a Stock Transfer Agreement to acquire 100 percent of the equity in Shandong Guolian Communication Technology Co. Ltd. ("Guolian"). According to the agreement, on the closing date, Guolian will receive 800,000 shares of restricted common stock of Telestone and $500,000 in cash. One year following the agreement, Guolian is also eligible to receive an additional 100,000 shares of restricted common stock in Telestone subject to it meeting certain performance thresholds. Guolian is a leading provider of wireless coverage integration services for carriers in Shandong Province, China. Guolian has strong ties with various wireless communications operators in Shandong Province and maintains a leading market share amongst wireless coverage integration solutions within the region. "We are delighted to have reached this agreement with Telestone. As one of China's leading providers of wireless coverage solutions, we will benefit greatly from their technological leadership and the depth of the products and services that they offer. We look forward to passing on these benefits to our existing customer base and strengthening our position as a leading wireless coverage service provider in Shandong Province," commented Mr. Lian Renguang, General Manager of Guolian. Mr. Han Daqing, CEO of Telestone, said: "Our acquisition of Guolian will give us greater access to the Shandong market through Guolian's strong customer relationships. Telestone will continue to seek to grow its market share in China through both organic expansion and acquisitions that we believe will be value enhancing to our shareholders." About Telestone Technologies Corporation Telestone provides wireless communications coverage solutions primarily in the PRC. These solutions include products such as repeaters, antennas and radio accessories. Telestone also provides services that include project design, project management, installation, maintenance and other after-sales services. Telestone currently has approximately 556 employees. Additional information on the Company can be found at http://www.telestonecorp.com . Statements about the Company's future expectations, including future revenue and earnings and all other statements in this press release, other than historical facts, are "forward-looking" statements and are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time. The Company's actual results could differ materially from expected results. In reflecting subsequent events or circumstances, the Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements. For additional information please contact: Todd Li, Board of Directors Officer Telestone Technologies Corp. Tel: +86-10-83670088 x1201 Email: liluqiang@telestone.com Sissi Wang, Board of Directors Officer Telestone Technologies Corp. Tel: +86-10-83670088 x1203 Email: wangxiaolin@telestone.com
BEIJING, July 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- PacificNet, Inc. (Nasdaq: PACT), a leading provider of gaming technology, e-commerce and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services in China, announced today that the NASDAQ Listing Qualifications Panel has granted the company's request for continued listing on The NASDAQ Stock Market, subject to the condition that on or before September 27, 2007, the Company shall re-file a complete Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006; any required amendments to its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2007, and all required restatements. In addition, the Company shall file its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, and its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, in a form acceptable to the SEC, with appropriate audit opinions. In support of its decision, the Panel also notes the difficult position that the Company was placed in by the late notification from its previous auditor, Clancy & Co., of its resignation, the apparently untimely and incomplete communications from Clancy regarding the concerns about the Company's stock option grants, and the withdrawal of prior years' audit opinions by Clancy. Further, in the likely event that Clancy does not reinstate the prior years' audit opinions, the Company's new auditor will need substantial time to re-audit those years. As previously announced, the Company's prior independent public accountants have withdrawn their audit reports regarding the Company's financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004. The Company had a hearing with the NASDAQ Listing Qualifications Panel at which time it presented a plan of compliance with respect to the timeline for the re-instatement of audited financial statements for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, and the filing of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006. The company is working diligently to meet the above deadlines. As such, PacificNet stock will continue to trade under the ticker symbol "PACT". About PacificNet PacificNet, Inc. (http://www.PacificNet.com) is a leading provider of gaming technology, e-commerce, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in China. PacificNet's gaming products are specially designed for Chinese and Asian gamers with focus on integrating localized Chinese and Asian themes and content, advanced graphics, digital sound effects and popular domestic music, with secondary bonus games and jackpots. PacificNet's gaming clients include the leading hotels, casinos, and gaming operators in Macau, Asia, and Europe, while ecommerce and CRM clients include the leading telecom companies, banks, insurance, travel, marketing and business services companies and telecom consumers in Greater China such as China Telecom, China Mobile, Unicom, PCCW, Hutchison Telecom, Bell24, Motorola, Nokia, SONY, TCL, Huawei, American Express, Citibank, HSBC, Bank of China, Bank of East Asia, DBS, TNT, China and Hong Kong government. PacificNet employs about 1,200 staff in its various subsidiaries throughout China with offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macau and Zhuhai China, USA, and the Philippines. Safe Harbor Statement This Company's announcement contains forward-looking statements. We may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in our periodic reports to the SEC on Forms 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, etc., in our annual report to shareholders, in our proxy statements, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by our officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about our beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, and therefore you should not place undue reliance on them. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, PacificNet's historical and possible future losses, limited operating history, uncertain regulatory landscape in China, and fluctuations in quarterly and annual operating results. Further information regarding these and other risks is included in PacificNet's Form 10K and other filings with the SEC. Contact: PacificNet USA office: Jacob Lakhany, Tel: +1-605-229-6678 PacificNet Beijing office: Ada Yu, Tel: +86 (10) 59225000 23rd Floor, Building A, TimeCourt, No.6 Shuguang Xili, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100028 PacificNet Shenzhen Office: Tel: +86 (10) 33222088 Room 4203, JinZhongHuan Business Center, Futian District, Shenzhen, China 518040
-- The FDA and USDA announced today they have approved LISTEX(TM) P100, the natural bacteriophage product against listeria, as GRAS (generally recognised as safe), for all food products. WAGENINGEN, Netherlands, July 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In the fight against Listeria, one of the most dangerous food pathogens, US food processing companies can now apply a novel yet natural tool: LISTEX(TM) bacteriophages. The FDA and USDA have approved this product from The Netherlands as GRAS, based on extensive safety and efficacy data and organoleptics tests confirming that LISTEX(TM) is safe and has no impact on taste, smell, colour, and other physical properties of treated products. Bacteriophages ('phage') are the most abundant micro-organisms on earth. Fresh water and seawater can contain as many as 1 billion phages per ml, while in fresh and processed meat and meat products, more than 100 million viable phages per gram are often present. Phages are harmless to humans, animals and plants, and target only bacterial cells. They are extremely specific in regard to the bacteria they recognize. The LISTEX(TM) bacteriophages target only Listeria bacteria (leaving desirable bacteria in place), and are easy to apply in production processes. In October 2006 the FDA had already proclaimed GRAS for LISTEX(TM) against Listeria in cheese. The extension to all products susceptible to Listeria, opens the door for the meat and fish industry to apply LISTEX(TM). Earlier this month, the Dutch designated inspection office SKAL confirmed the 'organic' status of LISTEX(TM) under EU law, as a result of which it can be used in the EU in regular and organic products. EBI Food Safety's CEO, Mark Offerhaus, "Food Safety now tops the agenda of US food processing companies and consumers, who are insisting on `green' solutions, rather than chemicals. Natural bacteriophages prove to be a unique solution, where increased safety does not come at the expense of product characteristics. US food processors can now benefit from LISTEX(TM), like their European counterparts." According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Listeriosis, the disease caused by Listeria monocytogenes, is one of the most severe food borne infections, with a mortality rate of 30%. It can take weeks after exposure before an infection becomes apparent. The US Food Safety and Inspection Service maintains a zero tolerance policy for the bacterium, which grows at refrigeration temperature and is omnipresent. Risk groups include the young, old, immunocompromised and pregnant. About EBI Food Safety EBI Food Safety ( http://www.ebifoodsafety.com ), located in Wageningen ("Food Valley"), the Netherlands, develops and markets natural bacteriophage products against dangerous food pathogens and is viewed as product leader in this field. In 2006, the company was honored with the Technology Innovation Award by Frost & Sullivan. In 2007, the company was elected as one of Holland's 25 most promising young enterprises by FEM Business Magazine. The company's scientific network includes collaborations with universities and research centers around the world. For more information, please contact: Mark Offerhaus, CEO EBI Food Safety Tel: +31-654-913-176 Email: m.offerhaus@ebifoodsafety.com, or info@ebifoodsafety.com Web: http://www.ebifoodsafety.com
Becomes the World's No.1 Provider of Mobile Entertainment, Information, Messaging and Marketing Services MILAN, Italy, July 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Buongiorno will pay Euro 129 million to iTouch shareholders, of which Euro 73.7 million in cash and the remaining in shares. Additionally Buongiorno will absorb the current Euro 12 million net debt of iTouch. Banca IMI (Intesa Sanpaolo Group) will arrange a Euro 115 million loan facility for Buongiorno to fund the transaction. After the acquisition, Buongiorno will have a team of more than 1,100 professionals in 20 countries and will deliver services in more than 40 countries. With 2006 pro-forma aggregated revenues of Euro 318 million and pro-forma EBITDA of Euro 39 million, the Company will become the largest worldwide player in the mobile value added sector. Oak Investment Partners and Goldman Sachs will become shareholders in Buongiorno. Buongiorno S.p.A. (MTAX STAR, Italian Stock Exchange: BNG), a leading multinational operating in the digital entertainment market, has signed today a definitive agreement to acquire 100% of the share capital of iTouch Ventures Limited. "The acquisition of iTouch is another hugely important step in Buongiorno's strategy to build a global organization. The two companies together have a truly worldwide footprint with a strong presence in many key markets including the US, the UK, France, Spain, Italy, South Africa, Australia, Benelux, Mexico and Brazil. Given its global presence, diversified product portfolio and complementary channels, the combined entity will be in a very strong position to benefit from the significant expected market growth in the Mobile Value Added Services sector. Additionally Oak Investment Partners, Goldman Sachs and the iTouch management team will become shareholders in Buongiorno. We are delighted to welcome them on board and to start working together to further accelerate our plan to generate significant shareholders returns," comments Mauro Del Rio, founder and Chairman of Buongiorno S.p.A. Founded in 1995 in South Africa, iTouch is a market leader in the distribution of mobile entertainment products and services. iTouch has offices in 13 countries and distributes its content in 23 countries, having access to over 500 million mobile users through a flexible multi-channel strategy. The business markets its products directly to consumers through its own brands and also through extensive relationships with media partners and mobile network operators. iTouch has made strong financial progress since its Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 2000 on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), has in place solid financial control procedures and is managed by an experienced and motivated team that will remain with the combined Group following the acquisition. iTouch de-listed from the LSE in June 2005 following the acquisition of the company by For-side.com in Japan for GBP 184 million but is now privately owned following a management buyout in February 2007. Current investors in iTouch include Oak Investment Partners with 40% of the ordinary shares and Goldman Sachs with 20%, as well as the management team. The value of the transaction is Euro 141 million. Buongiorno will pay Euro 129 million to iTouch shareholders and will absorb the current Euro 12 million of net debt of iTouch. The consideration will be satisfied partly in cash and partly in new Buongiorno shares to be issued to iTouch shareholders in exchange for iTouch shares, pursuant to article 2440 and 2441 of the Italian Civil Code. The cash component, for a total amount of Euro 73.7 million of the total consideration, will be funded by a new loan facility arranged by Banca IMI S.p.A. (Intesa Sanpaolo Group) for a total amount of Euro 115 million. The contribution in kind is to be settled by issuing 15.4 million new shares in Buongiorno (at a share price of Euro 3.59 per share) with a par value of Euro 0.26 each, reserved for the shareholders of iTouch, arising from an increase in share capital to be approved by Buongiorno's shareholders in an upcoming Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting to be convened for this purpose. The total amount of Buongiorno's fully diluted outstanding shares post transaction will be 106.2 million as per the Treasury method. "The combination of Buongiorno and iTouch creates the undisputed No. 1 player in the mobile entertainment market worldwide. More than 1,100 strong professionals will now become one team and will be able to align their skills, creativity and passion behind a common goal of bringing digital entertainment experiences to 1 billion people worldwide by 2012. We are looking forward to the integration of the two groups that will lead to an even better service for our customers, even bigger professional opportunities for our people and even more exciting perspectives for our shareholders," comments Andrea Casalini, Chief Executive Officer of Buongiorno S.p.A.. "The mobile VAS market continues to offer major opportunities for development and requires increasing size and global scale. We are excited to jointly address the market with Buongiorno. The joint entity will be the pre-eminent player in the sector globally, leading the way in the 3G revolution which is reshaping the traditional mobile content and services sector," comments Wayne Pitout, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of iTouch. With 2006 pro-forma aggregated revenues of Euro 318 million (1) and Euro 39 million EBITDA (before exceptional expenses) the newly formed Group will be the leading provider of mobile entertainment, information, messaging and marketing services globally. The combined company is expected to benefit moreover from fixed cost synergies and scale, achieving tangible margin improvements and a reduction in business risk due to a balanced multi-channel approach and improved geographic reach. The company will provide further details on the operational and income statement impact of the transaction with respect to its targets for 2007 and long term plan after the closing date. Further details relating to the transaction will be included in the documentation to be made available to the Italian Stock Exchange, Consob and the Shareholders in accordance with Italian laws and regulations. The closing of the acquisition of iTouch by Buongiorno is subject to certain conditions precedent, among which the approval of the dedicated capital increase by the General Shareholders' meeting of Buongiorno and the absence of material adverse change with respect to the transaction. It is intended that following the closing of the transaction Wayne Pitout will join the Board of Buongiorno as an Executive Director, together with a designee of Oak Investment Partners. Wayne Pitout will be in charge of M&A activities in the new combined entity. The total number of shares are subject to the lock-up agreement in the purchase agreement, which shares will represent approx. 14.5% of the post-dilution share capital of Buongiorno S.p.A.. The lock-up commitments will last 180 days as of closing with limited permitted sales by certain shareholders prior to the expiration of the 180 day lock-up. Bonelli Erede Pappalardo acted as legal advisor, UBS Investment Bank as financial advisor to Buongiorno for this transaction and Banca IMI and UBS Investment Bank as advisors for the financial structure of the deal. Simmons & Simmons and Finn, Dixon & Herling acted as legal advisors to iTouch. (1) Total revenues are calculated as the sum of Buongiorno revenues (Euro 191.8 million) plus iTouch net revenues effected for network operator share (GBP85.6 million converted to Euro using a GBP/Euro exchange rate of 1.47). For more information, please contact: Investor Relations, Michaela M. Carboni, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +39-02-58213541 Email: michaela.carboni@buongiorno.com PR and Communication, Corporate Global Lucia Predolin, Head of International Marketing and Communication Tel: +39-02-58213504 Cell: +39-335-7540418 Email: lucia.predolin@buongiorno.com
NEW YORK, July 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Energy Investors Funds ("EIF"), an established private equity fund manager that invests in the energy and electric power sector, today announced that it has successfully closed the firm's seventh institutional fund, the United States Power Fund III, L.P. with US$1.35 billion in commitments, exceeding the $1 billion target established for the fund. Investors in US Power Fund III include ABP Investments, Contra Costa County Employees Retirement Association, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, John Hancock Life Insurance Company, Mayo Clinic, New York Life Investment Management, and University of Toronto Endowment Fund and Pension Plan, in addition to other corporate and public pension funds, funds of funds, endowments and foundations, insurance companies, banks and financial institutions, and family offices. The global investor base represents the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia, with 43 investors in total. "We had a tremendous response from the investor community for US Power Fund III," said John Buehler, Energy Investors Funds Managing Partner. "The power market in the United States is still extremely vibrant and investors responded to our experienced team and 20-year track record as an innovative private equity investor in this sector." US Power Fund III, EIF's largest fund to date, will continue the firm's strategy of acquiring U.S. power and energy generation and transmission assets with long-term off-take contracts. The fund seeks to maximize returns to, and achieve liquidity for, its investors through regular cash distributions and proceeds from the sale of assets. This investment strategy has remained consistent throughout the firm's history. The firm relies primarily on its own sourcing for deals, rather than participating in auctions. "Our investment philosophy is as relevant today as any time in our history due to the rising energy costs and increased demand for electricity, which calls for the construction of efficient, low-emission power assets," said Herb Magid, Energy Investors Funds Managing Partner. "We will continue to invest across the spectrum of power assets, including assets that are in the development stage as well as facilities that are under construction or already in operation to create a portfolio of geographically and technologically diversified assets." "Our deal pipeline remains strong and is growing due to the increased need for utilities and development companies to seek outside financial partners like EIF to help build assets," said Terry Darby, Energy Investors Funds Managing Partner. "As the country's power infrastructure ages, and recent energy policy changes nationwide call for the development of cleaner power plants, we should continue to see robust opportunities to put capital to work for our investors." US Power Fund III has already made an investment in the Green Line development project. Bingham McCutchen served as legal advisor. About Energy Investors Funds Energy Investors Funds was founded in 1987 as the first private equity fund manager dedicated exclusively to the independent power and electric utility industry. Its consistent, proven investment strategy is to create geographically and technologically diversified portfolios of electric power-related assets that provide superior risk-adjusted equity returns with current cash flow and capital appreciation. As investment managers Energy Investors Funds seeks to mitigate commodity risk (fuel and electricity) by focusing primarily on acquiring power assets with long-term off-take contracts. Energy Investors Funds has mobilized over US$3.3 billion in capital, and currently manages six private equity funds from its offices in Boston, New York, and San Francisco. These funds have made over 90 diversified investments with a combined underlying asset value exceeding US$5 billion. For more information visit http://www.eif.com . For more information, please contact: Alex J. Stockham Rubenstein Associates Tel: +1-212-843-8297 Email: astockham@rubenstein.com
EL SEGUNDO, Calif., July 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In terms of cost, iSuppli Corp.'s teardown analysis of Apple Inc.'s iPhone offered few surprises, with its Bill-of-Materials (BoM) closely conforming with our preliminary functional estimate issued in January. However, in terms of suppliers, the iPhone is packed with surprises, with newcomers Infineon Technologies AG, National Semiconductor Corp. and Balda providing key components in the product -- along with established component makers like Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. -- according to iSuppli's Teardown Analysis service. "iSuppli's teardown, conducted this weekend, determined that the 8Gbyte version of the iPhone has a total hardware BoM and manufacturing cost of $265.83, generating a margin in excess of 55 percent on each 8Gbyte iPhone sold at the $599.00 retail price," said Andrew Rassweiler, principal analyst for iSuppli. In January, before iPhones were available for physical teardown, iSuppli estimated a $264.85 hardware BoM and manufacturing cost for the 8Gbyte iPhone. Note that these costs do not include royalties and logistics expenses. iPhone Semiconductor Winners Infineon, a new supplier to the iPod family, was among the biggest winners in terms of semiconductor content. The German semiconductor supplier contributed the digital baseband, radio-frequency transceiver and power-management devices, providing much of the core communications capability of the iPhone. Altogether, Infineon's silicon content accounted for $15.25 worth of the iPhone's BoM, representing 6.1 percent of the 8Gbyte version of the product's total cost. National's contribution to the iPhone BoM is relatively small, with its lone chip in the product costing $1.50, which represents less than 1 percent of total product cost. However, the part-a serial display interface-represents an important design win for National, which has never had a part in an iPod. TPK Solutions (Balda) gets touch screen module, Epson gets display One of the key features of the iPhone is the display, and the supplier for the display module in the model torn down by iSuppli was Balda of Germany in association with its partner TPK Holding of China. The module costs an estimated $27, representing 10.8 percent of the 8Gbyte model's cost. For a complete version of this report, including a table presenting key component suppliers, please visit: http://www.isuppli.com/news/default.asp?id=8117&m=7&y=2007. All Information and Intellectual Property Contained Herein is the Sole Property of iSuppli Corporation About iSuppli Corporation iSuppli Corporation is the global leader in technology value chain research and advisory services. iSuppli provides market intelligence services for the EMS, OEM and supplier communities in addition to servicing consumer electronics and media concerns. Services afforded by iSuppli range from electronic component research to device-specific application market forecasts, from teardown analysis to consumer electronics and from display device and systems research to multimedia content and services. More information is available at http://www.isuppli.com . For more information, please contact: Jonathan Cassell Editorial Director and Manager of Public Relations iSuppli Corporation Tel: +1-408-654-1714 Mobile: +1-408-921-3754
HONG KONG, July 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Following a series of events with the theme of "Worldwide ABAS -- success with globalization" held in Europe and US from Mar to May, ABAS held a seminar with the same theme in Hong Kong Scout Centre on 26th, June which attracted attendees from electronic and plastic industry. Held by ABAS and its 48 partners in 26 countries via exhibitions, seminars and customer forums worldwide, the events aim at promoting the application of ERP system in SMEs globally. This seminar invited Mr. Peter Forscht, COO of ABAS Software Ag Ltd., and Mr. Vincent Lau, COO of ABAS Business Solutions (PRC) Ltd. to introduce global ABAS ERP application, ABAS' industry advantage, business prospect and local support. As one of the founders of ABAS, Mr. Peter Forscht said: "Since its foundation in Germany in 1980, ABAS has been focusing on developing international market. During the past few years, ABAS ERP has become one of the most successful ERP softwares in international market. We serve customers from automotive components, electronic, plastic, sofa industries etc. With the development of international trade, ABAS develops its business. In the past 4 years, the installation of ABAS ERP has increased by 48.4%. In 2007, our aim is to achieve an increase of 11%." In the era of globalization, enterprises need to use global resources extensively. As a multinational, ABAS experiences in handling international projects. With the success in international field, ABAS decided to help customers manage scattered business operations in different countries, integrate value chain, achieve business objectives with ERP and ultimately promote the widespread application of ERP system. In China, ABAS has been making its great effort to promote the application of ERP system in SMEs. Mr. Vincent Lau said: "We've been helping our customers and manufacturers to plan and implement the interconnection and integration of information systems between Mainland China and Hong Kong, sort their internal progress to make it accord with policies requirements since the release of new policies on Processing Trade, which provide them with huge support. "Additionally, Chinese government released new policies which reduce the tax-rebate of garment, toys, papers, and plastics industries etc. on 19th, June, which would impact manufacturers in these industries. From a long-term perspective, based on the increasingly great pressure on trade balance, cancellation of export tax-rebate of most products will be a trend. Enterprises should make early plans." About ABAS ABAS Business Solutions (PRC) Ltd is a recognized leader in delivering collaborative ERP solution. It was founded in Hong Kong in 2003 and established branches in Shenzhen and Shanghai afterward. It aims to provide comprehensive ERP software and IT services from consulting to software development & support to SMEs in China. Now, we have over 1900 customers with 36000 users worldwide. For details, please visit our website: http://www.abas-prc.com . For more information, please contact; Ms. Helen Fan Tel: +755-3333-6322 Email: Helen.fan@abas-prc.com
JIANGSU, China, July 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Solar Inc. ("the Company") (Nasdaq: CSIQ) today announced that it will hold a conference call with investors and analysts on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 (in Jiangsu) at 9 p.m. to discuss results for the Company's second quarter 2007 and business outlook. This will be 9 a.m. in New York on Tuesday, August 14, 2007. The news release announcing the second quarter 2007 results will be disseminated on August 14, 2007 before the NASDAQ stock market opens. The dial-in number for the live audio call beginning at 9 p.m. (in Jiangsu) on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 or 9 a.m. (in New York) on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 is +1-866-202-0886 or +1-617-213-8841 (international). The passcode is 62629322. A live webcast of the conference call will be available on Canadian Solar's website at http://www.csisolar.com . A replay of the call will be available 1 hour after the conclusion of the conference call through 11 p.m. on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 (in Jiangsu) or 11 a.m. on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 (in New York) at http://www.csisolar.com and by telephone at +1-888-286-8010 or +1-617-801-6888 (international). The passcode to access the replay is 54310460. About Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar module and customer-designed solar application products serving worldwide customers. CSI is incorporated in Canada and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China. Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a major global provider of solar power products for a wide range of applications. For more information, please visit http://www.csisolar.com . For more information, please contact: In the U.S. David Pasquale The Ruth Group Tel: +1-646-536-7006 Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com In Jiangsu, P.R. China Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer Canadian Solar Inc. Tel: +86-512-6269-6755 Email: ir@csisolar.com
SHANGHAI, China, July 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- As of today ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (with its subsidiaries "ZhongDe Group") will be traded on the Prime Standard at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as the holding company of a company which operates solely in China. This was the first public offering in Germany of shares in a company which operates in China and the first indirect listing in the highly regulated Prime Standard of the German Stock Exchange. The ZhongDe Group is a leading manufacturer of waste incineration plants for clinical and household waste in China. Since 1996 it has sold over 170 waste incineration plants to customers in 13 provinces throughout China, 112 of which were sold in the last three business years alone. The domicile of the holding, which manages the business in China, is Hamburg. Including the Greenshoe options up to 4,185,264 no-par value ordinary bearer shares have been offered for sale by way of a public offering in Germany and Luxembourg and by way of private placements to institutional investors outside Germany, Luxembourg and the USA. Of these up to 3 million shares stem from a capital increase and up to 639,360 from shares held by various selling shareholders. Up to 545,904 further shares were earmarked for a Greenshoe option. At EUR 26 per share the placement price was at the upper end of the price range of EUR 23-26. ZhongDe's IPO heralds a new direction for Chinese investments abroad and underlines the importance of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the procedural and cost advantages in direct competition to other major stock exchanges, such as London and New York. Historically, most Chinese companies have sought listings on US exchanges, but especially for medium-sized firms an IPO in the US is now often perceived to be too costly. Being Europe's biggest market, Germany presents itself as an attractive alternative for Chinese companies planning to go public on a stock exchange outside China. Frankfurt offers Chinese companies an excellent entry point to the European capital market through its low capital costs and high liquidity. It is expected that quite a number of Chinese companies will list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the coming months. An experienced team of lawyers from CMS Hasche Sigle operating in close cooperation with the CMS office in Shanghai acted as issuer's counsel, providing ZhongDe Waste Technology with comprehensive advice on the IPO. The team drafted the prospectus in English and handled the BaFin clearance procedure. Sal Oppenheim jr. & Cie. KGaA was the global coordinator and sole bookrunner and was advised by Dewey Ballantine acting as underwriters' counsel. Sal. Oppenheim and the Bank of China International acted as joint lead managers for the IPO with CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets as co-lead manager. The selling agents were Bayerische Landesbank, comdirect bank AG and DAB bank AG. Advisers to ZhongDe Waste Technology AG CMS Hasche Sigle Dr Henrik Drinkuth, partner, Hamburg (Capital Markets and Stock Corporation Law, Lead Partner) Dr Andreas Zanner, partner, Frankfurt, (Capital Markets and Stock Corporation Law, Lead Partner) Dr Ulrike Gluck, partner, Shanghai (Chinese Law) Dr Martin Kniehase, Frankfurt (Capital Markets) Holger Hirschberg, Frankfurt (Capital Markets) Dr Rupert Doehner, Frankfurt (Stock Corporation Law) Benjamin Kroymann, Frankfurt (Chinese Law) Dr Hilke Herchen, Hamburg (Stock Corporation Law) Jeanette Yu, Shanghai (Chinese Law) Karen Wang, Shanghai (Chinese Law) Kevin Wang, Shanghai (Chinese Law) David Yuan, Shanghai (Chinese Law) Dr Falk Lichtenstein, Shanghai (Chinese Law) Ann Chen, Shanghai (Chinese Law) About CMS Hasche Sigle: CMS Hasche Sigle is one of the leading German law firms with more than 480 lawyers. It covers the entire area of commercial law and provides legal advice to major German and international companies from a wide spectrum of industry. It has offices in Berlin, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich, Stuttgart, Chemnitz, Dresden, Brussels, Belgrade, Moscow and Shanghai. CMS Hasche Sigle is a partnership of lawyers and tax consultants; for register details / list of partners see http://www.cms-hs.com CMS Hasche Sigle is a member of CMS, an alliance of leading independent European law firms. With over 595 partners, a total of 2,000 lawyers and tax consultants and around 4,200 support staff we advise our clients at commercial locations in 48 business centres in Europe and further afield on legal and tax issues. In addition to CMS Hasche Sigle, the following firms are also members of the CMS alliance: CMS Adonnino Ascoli & Cavasola Scamoni (Italy), CMS Albinana & Suarez de Lezo (Spain), CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre (France), CMS Cameron McKenna LLP (Great Britain), CMS DeBacker (Belgium), CMS Derks Star Busmann (the Netherlands), CMS von Erlach Henrici (Switzerland) and CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz (Austria). CMS has 58 offices in 25 countries around the world. For further information on CMS Hasche Sigle see http://www.cms-hs.com and on the CMS alliance see http://www.cmslegal.com . For more information, please contact: Contact CMS Hasche Sigle: Dr Henrik Drinkuth Tel: +49-40-37-630-327 Email: Henrik.Drinkuth@cms-hs.com Dr Andreas Zanner Tel: +49-69-71-701-139 Email: Andreas.Zanner@cms-hs.com Elmar Salinger, press and public relations Tel: +49-30-203-60-1208 Email: Elmar.Salinger@cms-hs.com
HSINCHU, July 5 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the "Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO) today announced preliminary consolidated June 2007 revenue of NT$38,882 million and unconsolidated net sales of NT$38,881 million, both increasing 9.5% sequentially and representing record-breaking revenue in two successive months. On a year-over-year comparison, consolidated and unconsolidated June 2007 revenues increased significantly by 112.3% and 112.4% respectively. 2Q2007 unaudited consolidated and unconsolidated revenues broke the hundred-billion dollar milestone, totaled NT$105,935 million and NT$105,929 million respectively, increasing 31.2% and 31.3% respectively from 1Q2007, and both representing a significant 74% Y-o-Y growth. Shipments of large-sized panels(a) used in desktop monitor, notebook PC, LCD TV and other applications for June also set a new record of 6.84 million units, up 5.1% from the previous month. Shipments of small-and-medium-sized panels totaled 12.26 million, a 15.1% sequential growth. AUO shipments of large-sized as well as small-and-medium-sized have broke the record for four consecutive months. Preliminary shipments of large-sized panels for the second quarter was 19.48 million, a 22.2% rise from 1Q2007 and a 92.2% Y-o-Y growth, while shipments for small- and medium-sized panels also increased to total 32.23 million, a 45.6% increase from 1Q2007 and a 78.3% Y-o-Y growth. (a) Large-size refers to panels that are 10 inches and above in diagonal measurement while small- and medium-size refers to those below 10 inches Sales Report: (Unit: NT$ million) Net Sales(1) (2) Consolidated(3) Unconsolidated June 2007 38,882 38,881 May 2007 35,503 35,499 M-o-M Growth 9.5 % 9.5 % June 2006 18,318 18,309 Y-o-Y Growth 112.3 % 112.4 % Jan to June 2007 186,655 186,623 Jan to June 2006 127,148 127,121 Y-o-Y Growth 46.8 % 46.8 % (1) All figures are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Taiwan. (2) Monthly figures are unaudited, prepared by AU Optronics Corp. (3) Consolidated numbers include AU Optronics Corp., AU Optronics (L) Corporation, AU Optronics (Suzhou) Corporation, AU Optronics (Shanghai) Corporation and Tech - Well (Shanghai) Display Co. About Au Optronics AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO") is one of the top three largest manufacturers* of large-size thin film transistor liquid crystal display panels ("TFT-LCD"), with approximately 20.1%* of global market share with revenues of NT$293.1billion (US$9.0bn)* in 2006. TFT-LCD technology is currently the most widely used flat panel display technology. Targeted for 40"+ sized LCD TV panels, AUO's new generation (7.5-generation) fabrication facility production started mass production in the fourth quarter of 2006. The Company currently operates one 7.5-generation, two 6th-generation, four 5th-generation, one 4th-generation, and four 3.5-generation TFT- LCD fabs, in addition to eight module assembly facilities and the AUO Technology Center specializes in new technology platform and new product development. AUO is one of few top-tier TFT-LCD manufacturers capable of offering a wide range of small- to large- size (1.5"-65") TFT-LCD panels, which enables it to offer a broad and diversified product portfolio. * DisplaySearch 1Q2007 WW Large-Area TFT-LCD Shipment Report dated May 5, 2007. This data is used as reference only and AUO does not make any endorsement or representation in connection therewith. 2006 year end revenue converted by an exchange rate of NTD32.59:USD1. For more information, please contact: AU Optronics Corp. Corporate Communications Dept. Rose Lee Tel: +886-3-500-8899 x3204 Fax: +886-3-577-2730 Email: rose.lee@auo.com Yawen Hsiao Tel: +886-3-500-8899 x3211 Fax: +886-3-577-2730 Email: yawen.hsiao@auo.com
SHANGHAI, China, July 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance Media ("XFMedia"; Nasdaq: XFML) yesterday announced it had acquired a 100% interest in Convey Advertising Company ("Convey"), a major outdoor advertising operator in Hong Kong and across southern China. The acquisition expands XFMedia's outdoor advertising network to seven additional cities and includes significant high traffic and key transit routes linking mainland China with Hong Kong and Macau. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200704262018.JPG ) Founded in 1986 in Hong Kong, Convey has advertising rights to over 3,000 outdoor media assets, 2,000 of which are exclusive. These outdoor media assets include traditional outdoor billboards, LED and LCD boards and others in Dongguan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Foshan in Guangdong province, Hong Kong and Macau in the south and Tianjin in the north. The company's main strengths are in the wealthy southern China cities, particularly along the border-port gateways through which millions of mainland Chinese pass each year on their way to the prime shopping and gambling destinations of Hong Kong and Macau. In 2006, Guangdong province ranked number one in China in terms of GDP, which amounted to one-eighth of the entire country. Its USD 336 billion of GDP was higher than the combined GDP of Hong Kong (USD 187.1 billion) and Singapore (USD 138.6 billion). According to The Tourism Boards of Hong Kong and Macau, there are 12.5 million and 10 million travelers from Mainland China to Hong Kong and Macau respectively every year, and 83% of them go through gateways at border ports of Guangdong province. Convey has a 20-year history and has secured the most strategic billboard space in Hong Kong and along the gateways through to mainland China," said XFMedia's CEO, Ms Fredy Bush. "I am delighted we have the opportunity to work with Convey Chairman Mr Mak as he is one of the most experienced professionals in the outdoor industry in Asia." "The acquisition of Convey will significantly strengthen XFMedia's advertising platform and enhances our ability to reach China's key high net-worth demographic. The Hong Kong and southern China markets are very important, and this acquisition provides us with very high profile access to these areas. We believe the outdoor advertising market has strong potential and good synergies with other elements of the XFMedia platform," Ms Bush added. Convey is a pioneer in developing innovative and high-technology outdoor advertising solutions, offering the High Power Visual Projection System, which allows large scale visual displays on architectural surfaces, and the Patented Mobile Inflatable Billboard, which creates impressive product and branding effects. To see or download some billboard samples, please visit http://www.xinhuafinancemedia.com/uploadedfiles/advertising/billboards/070202/ . Convey's Chairman Mr S.T. Mak said he was confident that Convey would be able to expand its advertising asset portfolio in key mainland China markets as a result of the new arrangement with XFMedia. "The supply of outdoor advertising space in China is limited, and I believe the price per billboard in China will continue to go up. We expect that the growth potential is even higher with the technological support we can provide to better utilize the advertising space," Mr Mak said. Mr Mak and other key Convey management executives have signed five-year employment contracts with the company. Convey has a total of 65 employees. The transaction was closed on July 2nd, 2007. Under the agreement, XFMedia has acquired control of Convey through the purchase of 100% of the shares of its holding company Good Speed Holdings Limited. XFMedia has made an initial cash payment of USD 33 million, and may make further payments in cash and Class A common shares of XFMedia depending on Convey's financial performance in 2007 and 2008. The transaction is expected to be accretive to XFMedia's earnings per share in 2007. XFMedia's Advertising Group creates and places advertising with integrated campaigns that reach television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and outdoor media in China. In April, the Advertising Group expanded its outdoor media assets in the Beijing area, with an exclusive agreement to sell advertising onto 2,000 new public service billboards in strategic locations throughout the city. About Xinhua Finance Media Limited Xinhua Finance Media ("XFMedia"; Nasdaq: XFML) is China's leading diversified financial and entertainment media company targeting high net worth individuals nationwide. The company reaches its target audience via TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and other distribution channels. Through its five synergistic business groups, Advertising, Broadcast, Print, Production and Research, XFMedia offers a total solution empowering clients at every stage of the media process and keeping people connected and entertained. Headquartered in Beijing, the company has offices and affiliates in major cities of China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinancemedia.com . Safe Harbor Statement This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," ``confident'' and similar statements. Among other things, quotations from management in this announcement contain forward-looking statements. XFMedia may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on forms 20-F and 6-K, etc., in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about XFMedia's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Potential risks and uncertainties are risks include but are not limited to, the risk that the China advertising market including for outdoor display may not grow as expected and other risks, outlined in XFMedia's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its registration statement on Form F-1. All information provided in this press release is as of the date of this release, and XFMedia undertakes no duty to update such information, except as required under applicable law. For more information, please contact: Ms. Joy Tsang Tel: +86-21-6113-5999 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinancemedia.com
SHANGHAI, July 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Chief Executive Officer of Xinhua Finance Limited (TSE Mothers: 9399) and Xinhua Finance Media Limited (Nasdaq: XFML), Fredy Bush, today issued the following statement to shareholders of both companies: Dear fellow shareholders, Xinhua Finance Media Limited ("XFMedia") and its parent, Xinhua Finance, were again the subject of a media story that requires me to clarify certain inaccuracies and misperceptions. I will not let these media reports distract us from our very intense focus on our business. And you should know that the business remains strong as is evidenced by XFMedia's announcement this morning revising upwards its revenue guidance for second quarter 2007 from $23 million to an anticipated range of $27-29 million. In addition to the information below, you can read a letter which went out to my staff on July 5, 2007 which is available on our website at http://www.xinhuafinance.com/employee-letter-070705 . -- Over the years the media has criticized Xinhua Finance as being too close to the Xinhua News Agency and the government of China; now they are criticizing us for not being close enough. The fact is, we have a 20 plus 10 year exclusive agreement signed in 2000 with the China Economic Information Service of the Xinhua News Agency and that has not changed. This has been publicly disclosed on numerous occasions. -- Xinhua News Agency has always had its own financial services division, and it is called the China Economic Information Service of the Xinhua News Agency. Their recent announcement concerned an upgrade of those services. And, contrary to suggestions in the Wall Street Journal, they are not involved in indices, ratings and so forth. Again, this is publicly disclosed. -- The media also have attempted to dispute my role in the founding of Xinhua Finance and how this company achieved the success it has experienced to date. The fact is I was both a founder and early investor. The information regarding the establishment of the company is recorded clearly in the company's public registration documents. The track record of the company, the valuable business relationships we have established, and the financial performance we have achieved speak for themselves, and we are very proud of these important accomplishments. -- I want to point out one of the misperceptions in the article that is very important to me, even if it may seem innocuous: I have never attributed the success of Xinhua Finance solely to my own personal persistence and determination, but instead to that of my entire team. -- The article also attempted to cast a shadow on me personally. Even insignificant facts like the color of my car, the size of my home in Hawaii, and what my staff calls me were inaccurate. In English, my staff calls me Fredy, and in Chinese, because of my hair, some jokingly call me "mian mian", which means instant noodles. But I'm not going to dignify other inaccuracies about my personal life, supposed nicknames and long-ago family tragedies with further comment. As a shareholder of Xinhua Finance and XFMedia myself, I want the staff to spend its time on building the business and shareholder value, and that is what I am focused on doing. I welcome any suggestions you would like us to consider as we continue to move our company forward. I truly appreciate your ongoing support. Best regards, Fredy Bush Chief Executive Officer Xinhua Finance Group About Xinhua Finance Limited Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial information and media service provider and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance's proprietary content platform, comprising Indices, Ratings, Financial News, and Investor Relations, serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors worldwide. Through its subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media Limited (Nasdaq: XFML), Xinhua Finance leverages its content across multiple distribution channels in China including television, radio, newspaper, magazine and outdoor media. Founded in November 1999, Xinhua Finance is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . About Xinhua Finance Media Limited Xinhua Finance Media ("XFMedia"; Nasdaq: XFML) is China's leading diversified financial and entertainment media company targeting high net worth individuals nationwide. The company reaches its target audience via TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and other distribution channels. Through its five synergistic business groups, Advertising, Broadcast, Print, Production and Research, XFMedia offers a total solution empowering clients at every stage of the media process and keeping people connected and entertained. Xinhua Finance Media Limited is a subsidiary of Xinhua Finance Limited. Headquartered in Beijing, the company has offices and affiliates in major cities of China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinancemedia.com . Safe Harbor Statement This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates" and similar statements. Among other things, statements made about XFMedia's strategic and operational plans, projected revenues, contain forward-looking statements. XFMedia may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about XFMedia's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to the following: our growth strategies; our future business development, results of operations and financial condition; our ability to attract and retain customers; competition in the Chinese advertising market; changes in our revenues and certain cost or expense items as a percentage of our revenues; the outcome of ongoing, or any future, litigation or arbitration; risks associated with recent adverse press articles, the expected growth of the Chinese advertising and media market; and Chinese governmental policies relating to advertising and media. Further information regarding these and other risks is included in our registration statement on Form F-1, as amended, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. XFMedia does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law. For more information, please contact: China Joy Tsang Tel: +86-136-2179-1577 or +852-9486-4364 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com United States Eric Andrus Tel: +1-646-805-2010 Email: EAndrus@rlmnet.com
-- GSMA Calls for Entries to the Asia Mobile Awards 2007 MACAU, China, July 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The GSMA today launched the Asia Mobile Awards 2007, a new awards programme for companies across the mobile value chain that serve users in the Asia region with compelling mobile content, products and services. Categories include Mobile Entertainment, Mobile Advertising, Social Networking, and also Mobile Broadband Device. The awards are now open for entry and will close on Friday 28th September 2007. Presentation of the awards will form the climax of a special gala dinner at the Macau Tower Entertainment & Convention Centre, on Tuesday 13th November 2007, as part of the GSMA's Mobile Asia Congress (12-15 November). Full details, including rules, eligibility, criteria and entry forms are available, along with table booking details at http://www.asiamobileawards.com . Judged by an independent panel comprising journalists, analysts and academics from across Asia, the awards are open to players from across the industry that provide mobile products and services that are commercially available in at least one Asian market. Categories in the Asia Mobile Awards `07 are: Category 1: Mobile Entertainment Awards a) Best Mobile Game b) Best Mobile Music Service Category 2: Best Mobile Advertising Category 3: Best Mobile Social Networking Service Category 4: Best Mobile Broadband Handset/Device "These awards have been created to recognise leadership and reflect the sheer pace of progress and growth across Asia's diverse mobile communications markets," said Rob Conway, CEO of the GSMA. "Our aim is also to showcase the hottest entertainment related content developed for the fourth screen, as well as devices that enable rich multimedia to capture the imagination of users throughout Asia." In addition, the GSMA's Innovation Awards are now part of an ongoing Mobile Innovation Programme that aims to help thousands of small and medium-sized companies developing innovative mobile products and services to reach mobile operators, and bring their innovations to market. Four mobile innovation awards will also be presented at the Mobile Asia Congress in Macau as part of a Mobile Innovation Summit. One overall winner will be selected for presentation at the gala dinner in Macau. Deadline for entries into the Mobile Innovation Awards is 14th September. Visit http://www.mobileinnovation.org to find out more. The new Asia Mobile Awards complement the GSMA's annual Global Mobile Awards at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (formerly the 3GSM World Congress), which will open for entry from 1 September 2007. About the GSM Association: The GSM Association (GSMA) is the global trade association representing more than 700 GSM mobile phone operators across 218 countries and territories of the world. In addition, more than 200 manufacturers and suppliers support the Association's initiatives as key partners. The primary goals of the GSMA are to ensure mobile phones and wireless services work globally and are easily accessible, enhancing their value to individual customers and national economies, while creating new business opportunities for operators and their suppliers. The Association's members serve more than two billion customers -- 82% of the world's mobile phone users. For more information, please contact: For the GSM Association: Mark Smith or David Pringle Tel: +44-78-50-22-97-24 / +44-79-57-55-60-69 Email: press@gsm.org
FRANKFURT, Germany and SAN DIEGO, July 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Paleo Entertainment, a new independent development studio based in San Diego, California, today announced that they have begun developing an original FPS game entitled "Merchants of Brooklyn" which will be powered by the new CryENGINE 2(R) middleware from Crytek. "Before licensing the CryENGINE 2(R) for our new project," said Troy Latimer, President of Paleo Entertainment, "we looked carefully at all our options, and concluded no other engine could produce the kind of AAA quality game we were aiming to develop, nor were any other toolsets as advanced or user friendly as the ones delivered with the CryENGINE 2(R). The combination of the best rendering and physics engine of any middleware available, together with the powerful Sandbox 2(TM) editing system, was what lead us to decide to license this technology from Crytek rather than attempt to develop an engine ourselves, or license something from another 3rd party. With this agreement in place, we can immediately begin to move forward with prototyping our game, secure in the knowledge the engine will be able to handle everything we need, while the tools will give us the creative freedom to build the kind of next generation game no one has been able to make until now." "We are very pleased to welcome Paleo Entertainment as our newest engine licensee and proud to be their technology partners" said Faruk Yerli, Managing Director of Crytek, "their bold ideas and unique art style showed us that they had the talent and vision to create something truly original which would stand out on its own merits, and also utilize many of the features of our engine in fresh and innovative ways." About Crytek GmbH Crytek GmbH ("Crytek") creator of the multiple award winning next-generation first person shooter Far Cry, and the upcoming blockbuster hit Crysis, is an interactive entertainment development company with its headquarters located in Frankfurt/Main, Germany and additional studios in Kiev, Ukraine and Budapest, Hungary. Crytek is dedicated to creating exceptionally high quality video games for the PC and next-generation consoles, powered by their proprietary cutting edge 3D-Game-Technology CryENGINE 2(R). For more information about Crytek, please visit http://www.crytek.com . Developers who are interested in obtaining a commercial license for the CryENGINE 2(R) middleware should mail their enquiries to cryengine@crytek.com About Paleo Entertainment, LLC Paleo Entertainment is an independent video game developer located in San Diego, California. From humble beginnings as a modding team, Paleo Entertainment has grown into a passionate team of AAA game developers. They are committed to the creation of fun and engaging next generation titles. Their upcoming FPS title, "Merchants of Brooklyn", will take advantage of Crytek's CryENGINE 2(R) to deliver engaging, fast-paced, futuristic mafia action mixed with Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnon clones. For more information about Paleo Entertainment, visit http://www.paleoent.com . For more infomation, please contact: Harald Seeley, Engine Business Manager Crytek GmbH Tel: +69-219776669