

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。






 株式会社エルモ社が1993年から2003年までに製造し、株式会社 エルモ社、株式会社 学習研究社、セイコーエプソン株式会社及び日本ビクター株式会社がそれぞれの商標にて販売した、書画カメラにおきまして、資料照明用ランプ(蛍光灯)を正しく装着されていない状態でご使用いただきますと、発煙および発火に至る可能性があることが判明したため、無料にて点検・改修を実施させていただくことになりましたので、お知らせいたします。




NECなど、全5色から選べる個人向けノートPC「LaVie L スタンダードタイプ」を発売

個人向けノートPC「LaVie L スタンダードタイプ」を商品化


【 新製品に関する情報 】


 NEC Directでの販売:http://www.necdirect.jp/note/catalog/

 NECならびにNECパーソナルプロダクツはこのたび、全5色のカラーバリエーションから選べるモデル(注1)など、個人向けノートPC「LaVie L スタンダードタイプ」7モデルを商品化し、本日より販売活動を開始しました。


 さらに、Web直販サイト「NEC Direct」では、店頭販売モデルの5色に加え、同サイト専用のオリジナルカラー「グロスブラック」を選択できるほか、OS・ソフトウェアの起動を高速化する「ハイブリッドHDD」を搭載可能とするなど、幅広いユーザニーズに対応するオリジナルの選択メニューを用意しています。


 3.「NEC Direct」では、ハイブリッドHDDなど、独自の選択メニューを用意



●地上デジタル放送の携帯・移動体向けサービスである「ワンセグ」放送の視聴・録画に 対応したモデルを用意(LL590/KG)。PCでワンセグを視聴するだけでなく、ワンセグ対応携帯電話で録画した番組をSDカード経由で取り込むこともでき、携帯電話で録画した番組の再生や分類・整理ができるなど、携帯電話との連携も強化。
●PCの電源を切った状態でも、USBポートに接続したアップル社製 iPod(R)への充電ができる「パワーオフUSB充電機能」を新搭載(注6)。
●先進のデュアルコアCPU「AMD Turion(TM)64 X2 モバイル・テクノロジ」採用モデルを用意(LL570/KG)。CPU負荷が高まるビデオ編集や複数ソフトの同時使用などの場合でも、快適に利用できるよう高い処理性能を追求。

3.「NEC Direct」では、ハイブリッドHDDなど独自の選択メニューを用意
●Web直販モデル「LaVie G タイプL スタンダード(s)」では、店頭販売モデルのカラーバリエーションに、上質な艶感を持つオリジナルカラー「グロスブラック」を加えた、計6色から選択可能。
●液晶・CPU・OSといった基本的な仕様のカスタマイズに加え、高速な読み書きができるフラッシュメモリをHDDと組み合わせ、パフォーマンスの向上に貢献する「ハイブリッドHDD」の選択も可能。さらに、最新のワイヤレスLAN規格「IEEE802.11n Draft2.0」や最大4GBまでの増設メモリの選択など、より快適な動作環境を実現できるメニューを用意。



以 上

(注1)LL550/KG(パウダーホワイト)、LL550/KG6RD(ガーネットレッド)、LL550/KG6BL(ベリーブルー)、 LL550/K6GN(リーフグリーン)、LL550/KG6PK(シュガーピンク)の全5色を用意。
(注2)平成19年4月発表のLaVie C、LaVie L スタンダードタイプ。
(型名 LL590/KG、LL570/KG、LL550/KG、LL550/KG6RD、LL550/KG6BL、LL550/KG6GN、LL550/KG6PK)
    iPodは、Apple Inc.の商標です。



 NEC Directでの販売:http://www.necdirect.jp/note/catalog/

【 本件に関するお客様からのお問い合わせ先 】
 電話番号:フリーコール 0120-977-121




 エレコム株式会社(本社:大阪市中央区、取締役社長:葉田順治)は、ヒューレットパッカード インクジェットプリンタのインクカートリッジに対応する詰め替えインク“THH-130”と“THH-134”を8月下旬より新発売します。

 “THH-130”と“THH-134”は、ヒューレットパッカード インクジェットプリンタ用インクカートリッジに対応した詰め替えインクです。リーズナブルな詰め替えインクは、プリンタのランニングコストを大幅に抑えることができ、大量の文書や、インクジェットプリンタで写真などをプリントする人に特にお勧めの商品です。カートリッジは流用し、インクだけを詰め替えて使用しますので、ランニングコストが大幅に削減でき、たいへんお得です。






●ヒューレットパッカード インクジェットプリンタ用インクカートリッジの詰め替えインクのキット 

 HP129・130用 詰め替えインク〈顔料:ブラック〉 “THH-130” ¥2,100(税込) 本体価格¥2,000 
<対応プリンタ> ※2007年7月時点 
 Photosmart C4180、C4175、D5160、8753、2710、2610、2575、2575a / 
 Officejet 7410、7210、6310 / Deskjet D4160、6840、5740 

 HP134・135用 詰め替えインク〈染料:3色セット〉 “THH-134”  ¥2,520(税込) 本体価格¥2,400 
<対応プリンタ> ※2007年7月時点 
 Photosmart  C4180、C4175、C3180、C3175、D5160、2710、2610、2575、2575a、8753、7830、475、385、335、325 /  
 PSC 2355、1610、1510 / 
 Officejet 7410、7210、6310、6210/ Deskjet D4160、6840、5740、460c、460cb 




 BASF(本社:ドイツ ルートヴィッヒスハーフェン)はこのほど、速放性製剤のフィルムコーティングで使用される新たな医薬品添加剤として「ポリビニルアルコール・ポリエチレングリコール・グラフトコポリマー」(製品名:コリコート(R)IR)の日本での承認を取得しました。



 BASFはさまざまな有効成分や医薬品添加剤の製造・販売を行うとともに、医薬品業界向けに受託合成サービスを提供しています。製品は最新の技術を利用し、最高の品質基準とcGMPガイドラインに準拠して製造されています。詳細については、 www.pharma-solutions.basf.com をご覧ください。

 BASF(ビーエーエスエフ)は「ザ・ケミカル・カンパニー(The Chemical Company)」を標語に掲げる世界の化学業界のリーディングカンパニーです。BASFの製品群は、化学品、プラスチック、高機能製品、農薬・ファインケミカルから、原油や天然ガスに至るまで多岐にわたります。あらゆる業界のパートナーとして信頼されているBASFは、高度なソリューションと高品質な製品によって、顧客のさらなる成功をサポートしています。BASFは、新技術の開発を通して未来の課題に取り組むとともに、新たな市場を切り開いています。また、経済的な成功、環境保護、および社会的責任を果たすことで、より良い未来に貢献しています。従業員数は約9万5,000人、2006年度には526億ユーロ(約661億ドル)の売上高を計上致しました。BASFの株式はフランクフルト(BAS)、ロンドン(BFA)、ニューヨーク(BF)、チューリッヒ(AN)の各株式市場において取引されています。BASFのインターネットホームページアドレスは www.basf.com です。BASFジャパン(株)のホームページのアドレスは、 www.japan.basf.com です。




キヤノン インクジェットプリンタにマルチに対応する詰め替えインクを発売

 エレコム株式会社(本社:大阪市中央区、取締役社長:葉田順治)は、キヤノンインクジェットプリンタのインクカートリッジにマルチに対応し、1回分の使い切りタイプで、初めての方にも気軽に試せる「カンタン詰め替えインク ド.レ.ミ」“THI-C003シリーズ”を8月下旬より新発売します。

 「カンタン詰め替えインク ド.レ.ミ」は、キヤノンのインクジェットプリンタのインクカートリッジにマルチに対応し、簡単にインクの詰め替えができるようにしたことで、ご好評をいただいているシリーズ商品です。リーズナブルな詰め替えインクは、プリンタのランニングコストを大幅に抑えることができ、インクジェットプリンタで写真などをプリントする人に特にお勧めの商品です。

 “THI-C003シリーズ”をはじめとする「カンタン詰め替えインク ド.レ.ミ」は、インク量が1回分の使い切りタイプになっていますので、インクの詰め替えに初めて挑戦する方にも気軽にお試しいただけるようになっています。インクの詰め替え方法もシンプルで、インクカートリッジに穴を開けて、詰め替えインクを注入するだけなので、とってもスピーディで簡単に詰め替え作業を完了することができます。面倒だった注入口の穴開け作業も、付属のギザギザ刃を採用した「注入口開け治具」により、従来よりもさらに穴開けが簡単になりました。また、初めて挑戦する方に安心して詰め替え作業をしていただけるように、図を豊富に使った分かりやすい取扱説明書が付属しています。













【 お客様問い合わせ窓口 】
 TEL:0570-084-465 FAX:0570-050-012






 エレコム株式会社(本社:大阪市中央区、取締役社長:葉田順治)は、デジタルビデオカメラをひとりでも、子供連れでも、気軽に持ち歩けるようにデザインしたビデオカメラケース“DVBシリーズ” 6製品を8月下旬より新発売します。












(* 製品画像、製品概要などは関連資料を参照してください。)




三菱冷蔵庫 新商品発売のお知らせ

 三菱電機株式会社(執行役社長:下村 節宏)は、家庭用冷蔵庫では世界で初めて(※1)、食品の細胞破壊を抑える瞬間微粒子凍結の「瞬」冷凍を搭載し、高品質な冷凍を実現した冷蔵庫2タイプ6機種を、9月25日から順次発売します。

【 発売の概要 】
 ※ 関連資料参照

【 発売の狙い 】
 当社は今回、食品を載せたままで棚の高さを自由に変えられ冷蔵室内のフリーレイアウトが好評の「空間上手 動くん棚」をさらに使いやすくするとともに、家庭用冷蔵庫では世界で初めて、食品を瞬間微粒子凍結させて細胞破壊を抑える高品質な冷凍を実現しました。

【 新商品の特長 】

2.冷蔵室のフリーレイアウトを実現した「空間上手 動くん棚」の収納力・使い勝手をさらに向上
 食品を載せたままで棚の高さを簡単に調整できる「空間上手 動くん棚」は、冷蔵室の空間を食品の高さに合わせて自在にレイアウトできます。背の高い食品などを収納する際に、既存の食品を他の場所に移してスペースを空ける煩わしさを解消するだけでなく、重い物の出し入れにも使いやすいと好評を得ています。


【 環境への配慮 】


【 お客様からのお問い合わせ先/資料請求先 】
 TEL 0120-139-365



~ 1年もの一口100万円の定期預金金利が0.94%(税引前)に ~

 インターネット専業銀行のイーバンク銀行株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:松尾 泰一、以下「イーバンク」)は、本日まで実施しているボーナス金利キャンペーン終了後の定期預金金利を改定し、以下の金利で提供いたします。



以 上


コニカミノルタ、オフィス向けデジタルカラー複合機「bizhub C353」など3機種を発売

操作性向上を追求した新コンセプトデザイン採用の「bizhub (ビズハブ)C353/C253/C203」

 コニカミノルタビジネステクノロジーズ株式会社(社長:木谷 彰男 以下コニカミノルタ)は、デジタルカラー複合機の新製品として、「bizhub C353」(カラー/モノクロともに毎分35枚※)、「bizhub C253」(カラー/モノクロともに毎分25枚※)、「bizhub C203」(カラー/モノクロともに毎分20枚※)の3機種を2007年9月3日より発売いたします。

 商品名           bizhub C353   bizhub C253   bizhub C203 
 標準価格(税別)     1,600,000円  1,270,000円  1,080,000円 
 搬入設置料金(税別)  50,000円 
 発売日           2007年9月3日 
 目標販売台数(国内)  50,000台/年間 

 今回発売いたします「bizhub C353/C253/C203」は、bizhub C550などの上位機種に搭載している豊富な機能と高生産性を継承した、オフィス向け普及クラスのデジタルカラー複合機です。
 「bizhub※1」シリーズに搭載され好評を得ている統合制御システム「bizhub OP」※2に更なる改良を加えたファームウェアを新開発のエンジンと組み合わせると共に、操作性の向上とユニバーサルデザインを追求した新デザインコンセプトを採用し、これからのオフィス空間との調和を目指しています。

 さらに、Windows Vista※4のDPWS(Device Profile for Web Service)プロトコルへの対応のほか、XPS(XML Paper Specification)ファイルに対応したスキャン機能やダイレクトプリント機能を搭載し、Windows Vista※4との親和性を高めています。


※1「bizhub」は、「活躍するあらゆる人々を、さまざまなビジネスシーンの中枢、中核を担う存在にする」という基本コンセプトが込められたコニカミノルタ デジタル複合機の商品ブランドです。 
※2オフィス環境とITの進展に柔軟に対応する新制御システム「bizhub Open Platform」。全てのデータとジョブを統合制御し複数ジョブをリアルタイム処理する「bizhub ARCHITECTURE」。統合プロトコルの採用とAPIの標準化により関連アプリケーションの開発、カスタマイズが容易になる「bizhub Open API」。各種記述言語とプロトコルに対応し統合プリンタドライバによる操作性の向上、高速・高画質プリントを実現する「EMPERON PRINT SYSTEM」、の3要素から構成されています。 
※4Windows、Windows Vistaは米国Microsoft Corporationの米国および他の国における登録商標または商標です。 



 次世代ネットワークのIPv6に対応したネットワークプリント機能やScan to E-mail/SMB/FTP/BOX、TWAINスキャン機能を標準搭載。また、各スキャン機能とFAX送信などを1度の操作で同報することが可能なユニバーサルセンド機能を装備することで、オフィスワークの効率化に貢献します。

3.Windows VistaのDPWSプロトコルに対応
 Windows Vistaに搭載されているDPWS(Device Profile for Web Services)プロトコルに対応。ネットワークに接続されたbizhub C353/C253/C203は自動的に検出され、必要なデバイスドライバも容易にインストールすることができます。Webサービスを利用した効率的なプリントやスキャンが可能です。

 スキャン機能では、カラー・モノクロともに毎分70枚(A4ヨコ、300dpi)の高速読み込みを実現。紙文書の電子化促進に貢献します。さらにWindows Vistaの標準ドキュメントフォーマットであるXPS(XML Paper Specification)にも対応。紙文書をスキャンする際、XPSフォーマットに変換してPCやサーバへ送信することができます。
 また、同梱ソフトウェアのPageScope Direct Printにより、PDF/TIFF/JPEG/XPSファイルなどをデスクトップアイコンにドラッグ&ドロップするだけで、アプリケーションやプリンタドライバを介さず、ダイレクトにプリントすることができます。



 オンデマンド・プリント市場向けカラー高速機「bizhub PRO C6500」にも採用されている、低温定着が可能で従来よりも更に粒形を整えた新開発の重合法トナー(デジタルトナーHD)の採用により、こすれや剥がれに強く再現性の高い出力を実現しました。

 また、これらの利用状況は「PageScope VISUALCOUNT-MASTER」(別売)を利用することで、サーバへデータを自動集計してグラフ表示を行えるので、機器の最適配置や部門の経費処理に役立ちます。


 ※カラー原稿の送受信は、IPアドレスFAX / SIP-FAX機能に対応したカラーbizhubシリーズ間でのみ行えます。 



VGJ、特別仕様車「Polo fein」を発売

フォルクスワーゲン、特別仕様車『Polo fein』を発売

 フォルクスワーゲン グループ ジャパン 株式会社(略称:VGJ、代表取締役社長:梅野 勉)は、同社のプレミアムコンパクトモデルであるポロに特別仕様車「ポロ ファイン」を設定し、本日8月21日(火)より全国のフォルクスワーゲン正規ディーラーにて販売を開始します。


 今回発売する「ポロ ファイン」は、ポロのラインアップで最も人気の高い、ポロ 1.4 コンフォートラインをベースに、フロント フォグランプ、クルーズコントロール、女性からのリクエストの多いシートヒーター、専用パターンのファブリックシート、ブルーステッチがアクセントとなるレザーステアリングホイールなどを装備し、特別感と上質さを演出しているモデルです。“Fein(ファイン)”というネーミングは、「上品」、「洗練」、「繊細」などを意味するドイツ語で、今回の特別仕様車のターゲットである20代後半から30代の洗練された女性をイメージして設定しました。 販売台数は、全国で1,000台。ボディカラーは、リフレックスシルバーメタリック、サマーブルー、フラッシュレッドの3色で、価格はこれら特別装備を採用しながらも、ベースであるポロ 1.4 コンフォートラインと同じ195万円と大変魅力的な設定といたしました。



「ITmedia +D Shopping」に製品人気ランキングを導入

 株式会社ベンチャーリパブリック(本社:東京都港区 代表取締役社長:柴田啓 以下 ベンチャーリパブリック)は、アイティメディア株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区 代表取締役社長:大槻利樹 以下 アイティメディア)と共同運営している価格比較サイト「ITmedia +D(プラスディ) Shopping( http://shopping.itmedia.co.jp/ )」において、製品カテゴリ別人気ランキングを導入しました。

 「ITmedia +D Shopping」は、PC、生活家電、デジタルカメラ等の製品の価格を比較することができる、月間約100万人の利用者を持つウェブサイトで、ベンチャーリパブリックの運営する価格比較サイト「coneco.net(コネコネット)」( http://www.coneco.net/ )のデータを掲載しています。

 この度導入する製品カテゴリ別人気ランキングは、液晶テレビやデジタルカメラ」等、「ITmedia +D Shopping」内で取り扱う300種類以上の製品カテゴリごとに、当該商品の紹介ページへのアクセス数の多い順に上位5製品を掲載するものです。上位3位までの製品は画像付きで紹介しており、ユーザーは商品のイメージをよりわかりやすく把握することができます。ランキングは毎日更新され、ユーザーからの注目度が高い製品の動向をリアルタイムに反映します。ランキング機能の追加により、ITおよびデジタル関連製品の購入を検討するユーザーに対し、“市場でどの製品が注目されているか”という購入決定に役立つ指標を提供します。



 アイティメディアは、IT関連分野に特化したウェブサイトにて情報/サービスを提供するオンライン・メディア事業を展開しています。月間約1,000万人のユニークユーザーを擁し、IT総合情報ポータル「ITmedia( http://www.itmedia.co.jp/ )」、ITエキスパートのための問題解決メディア「@IT(アットマーク・アイティ、http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/)」をはじめ、目的やターゲット別に数多くのサイトを運営。ITのあらゆる領域をカバーし、各分野の専門的なコンテンツをいち早く提供することで、読者と企業の皆様のさまざまなニーズに応えます。

 ベンチャーリパブリックは、インターネットを利用した「価格比較サイト」、および特定の分野に特化し消費者に対する購買支援サービスを提供する「購買支援型バーティカルポータル(サイト)」の運営を行っています。サイト利用者数は590万人。パソコン・家電製品などの価格比較サイト「coneco.net(コネコネット)」( http://www.coneco.net/ )、商品レビュー投稿型SNSサイト(ソーシャルネットワークサービス)「conecoクラブ(コネコクラブ)」( http://club.coneco.net/ )、旅行専門の比較ポータルサイト「Travel.co.jp(トラベル・シーオージェーピー)」( http://www.travel.co.jp/ )、携帯電話にて格安航空券などの価格比較ができるモバイル旅行サイト「格安航空券比較-Travel.co.jp携帯版」( http://mobile.travel.jp/ )、カタログ通販商品の検索・比較サイト「通販.ne.jp(通販・エヌイージェーピー)」( http://tuhan.ne.jp/ )、オンラインショッピングなどを通じてリベートが獲得できる現金還元サイト「小判」( https://www.coneco.net/point/ )などが運営されています。

*1 グループ内で運営する「coneco.net(コネコネット)」、「通販.ne.jp(通販・エヌイージェーピー)」、「Travel.co.jp(トラベル・シーオージェーピー)」、「小判」における合計月間ユニークIP数


●アイティメディア株式会社( http://corp.itmedia.co.jp/ )
・本 社:東京都千代田区丸の内3-1-1 国際ビル8F
・代表取締役社長:大槻 利樹
・設 立:1999年12月

●株式会社ベンチャーリパブリック( http://www.vrg.jp/ )
・本 社:東京都港区西麻布4-3-11 泉西麻布ビル2F
・代表者:柴田 啓
・設 立:2001年1月


ウイングアーク、丸善に多次元高速集計検索エンジン「Dr.Sum EA」など提供

大規模データ集計に対応する「Dr.Sum EA」「Dr.Sum EA Visualizer」を採用

 Form&Dataのウイングアーク テクノロジーズ株式会社(以下、ウイングアーク テクノロジーズ、本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:内野弘幸)は、丸善株式会社(以下、丸善 本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長:小城武彦)が、リアルタイム集計が可能なデータ分析ツールを導入するにあたり、ウイングアーク テクノロジーズの多次元高速集計検索エンジン「Dr.Sum EA」および「Dr.Sum EA Visualizer」を採用、導入したことを、お知らせいたします。「Dr.Sum EA Visualizer」は、「Dr.Sum EA」で集計されたデータを、多彩なチャート機能やグラフィカルなイメージでポータルに表示し、データの可視化をはかるツールです。

 そこで、丸善はデータ分析にかかる作業負担を解消するために、リアルタイム集計が可能なPOSレジへの切り替えと時期を同じくして、業務データ分析システムの再構築を検討。そこで、処理スピード、コスト、操作性や拡張性など、山積みする課題に全て応えるデータ分析ソリューションとして、ウイングアーク テクノロジーズの「Dr.Sum EA」「Dr.Sum EA Visualizer」を採用、導入し、高速かつ自在なデータ活用環境の構築を実現しました。現在、丸善で社内向け集計システムの利用者は約1000人、予算管理や在庫管理など販売計画や経営戦略に有効なデータを「Dr.Sum EA」で活用することで、業務効率化と営業支援に役立てています。
 また集約されたデータを基に、「Dr.Sum EA Visualizer」を利用した出版社向け販促ツール「MCS(注1)」を展開し、出版社への情報サービス提供を行うことで、出版社とのスムーズな情報交換や商品調達の円滑化を実現しています。現在MCSを利用する企業は約80社、今年度中には150社に導入される予定です。

 丸善が「Dr.Sum EA」「Dr.Sum EA Visualizer」を採用した理由は、以下の通りです。

 分析システムに「Dr.Sum EA」「Dr.Sum EA Visualizer」を導入した効果は、以下の通りです。

 かつては業務運用上の問題をかかえていたデータベースは、「Dr.Sum EA」の導入により業務効率化、営業支援、顧客満足度の向上に大きく貢献しています。今後は、共通データベースを活用し、店内でお客様自身が操作を行う書籍検索用の端末「Mサーチ(注2)」への展開も検討しています。丸善は、より精度の高い商品管理プロセスを確立するため、今後も全社的なデータ活用環境に取り組んでいます。

 なお、丸善様のDr.Sum EA導入事例詳細については下記URLをご参照ください。

注1:MCS(Maruzen Communication Square)


[丸善について] http://www.maruzen.co.jp/
代表取締役社長:小城 武彦

[ウイングアーク テクノロジーズについて] http://www.wingarc.com/
 「Form&Data」のウイングアーク テクノロジーズは、大手SI企業や企業の情報システム部門が取り組むシステム開発と現場業務の効率化をはかるため、「帳票、レポート、ドキュメント」の分野に特化したツール・ミドルウエア製品、サポート、導入支援、トレーニング等のサービスを提供します。とくに、情報システムに共通する「データ」のINとOUTに対して、業務に見やすい「フォーム」を使ったユーザインターフェイスによって、ソフトウエアの組み合わせによる短期システム構築と、わかりやすい業務の運用を実現しています。
 ・「Dr.Sum EA」【データ活用】業務に蓄積されるデータの高速な集計分析と可視化

社名:ウイングアーク テクノロジーズ株式会社
代表取締役社長:内野 弘幸





「『カルピスフィーズ/ライトスタイル』フルーティーレモン」 新発売







【 商 品 特 長 】




 三菱重工空調システム株式会社(社長:岡 博、本社:東京都品川区西五反田7-25-5、三菱重工業が100%出資)は、1時間あたりの加湿能力が350ml(木造和室6畳向け)、600ml(同10畳向け)および1,200ml(同20畳向け)の新型加湿器3タイプ5機種を10月1日から発売します。









NetAlter Software Ltd Figures in the Red Herring List of Finalists for the 'Red Herring 100 Global' Awards 2007
November 21, 2007

The Most Promising Private Technology Ventures in the World
to be Celebrated at Event in Seattle, Washington

    SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Nov. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Red Herring Magazine announced today that NetAlter Software
Ltd has been short listed for the Red Herring 100 Global
2007 Awards. 

    Red Herring 100 winners and finalists from North
America, Europe and Asia of the last three years were
eligible for this award.  The Red Herring editorial team
used a very competitive process to whittle down this pool
of 1800 eligible promising companies to the 200 finalists
of this first-time award. Evaluations were made on both
quantitative and qualitative criteria such as financial
performance, innovation, management, global strategy, and
ecosystem integration.

    The names of the 200 companies short-listed as
finalists for the "Red Herring 100 Global 2007"
can be found online at
http://www.herringevents.com/global07/index.html .

    "The 200 finalists we selected from around the
world are all excellent contenders," said Joel
Dreyfuss, Editor-in-Chief of Red Herring. "They are
exceptional companies with smart and innovative platforms
that attest to the importance of technology in today's
global economy."

    NetAlter Software Ltd has made the final group because
of its outstanding achievements, and Red Herring Magazine
is honored to announce it is one of the most promising
technology firms in the world. 

    "We are delighted for having being declared as the
Finalist for the Red Herring Global 100 award and hope to
live up to the challenges that lay ahead of us," said
Rajesh Rathod, CEO, NetAlter Software Ltd.The finalists
companies will be celebrated at the Red Herring Global
event in Seattle, WA, on December 3-5.  The 100 winners
will be announced at the Award Ceremony on December 4.

    Red Herring Global is an exclusive event honoring
cutting-edge private technology companies from across the

    About NetAlter Software Ltd

    NetAlter Software has been a pioneer in developing
innovative solutions for social and business networking. 
It has already developed or is under various stages of
prototype development 7 different products and plans to
develop a secured P2P Browser which will offer an
alternative to present web based applications and
solutions.  Presently, NetAlter Software Ltd is looking
development and financial partners to develop and market
the products and services.  For more information, visit
http://www.netalter.com .

    About Red Herring

    Red Herring is a global media company uniting the
world's best high technology innovators, venture investors
and business decision makers in a variety of forums: a
leading innovation magazine; an online daily technology
news service; technology research, and major events for
technology leaders around the globe.  Red Herring provides
an insider's access to the global innovation economy,
featuring unparalleled insights on the emerging
technologies driving the economy.  For more information,
visit http://www.redherring.com .

    For more information, contact:

    NetAlter Software Ltd:
     Gurudatt Shenoy
     VP, PR and Communication
     Tel:   +91-9821-140-603
     Email: gurudatt.shenoy@netalter.com

CSC Appoints New Executives to Lead Asia and Australia Operations
November 21, 2007

    EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Nov. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Computer Sciences Corporation (NYSE: CSC) today announced
that Mike Shove, 50, has been named president of CSC's Asia
Group, effective Dec. 1. He replaces George Bell, who is
retiring. Shove currently serves as president of the
company's Australia Group. 

    Nick Wilkinson, 45, will replace Shove in Australia.
Wilkinson currently serves as vice president of Chemicals,
Energy and Natural Resources for CSC's Global Outsourcing
Services organization. Both he and Shove will report to CSC
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Michael W.

    Shove will be based at CSC's Asia headquarters in
Singapore and responsible for the company's operations and
clients in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,
Singapore and Vietnam. 

    "Mike has proven his ability to grow revenue,
enhance profitability, increase customer satisfaction and
grow our client base through significant local wins,"
said Laphen. "His experience and track record make him
ideally suited to take on an expanded role in Asia. Nick
possesses the broad skills and global experience to lead
our Australian operations. His natural resources and
defense sector expertise will further strengthen our
efforts to expand in key vertical industries."

    Before assuming his current position in 2003, Shove was
vice president of Enterprise Business Solutions for CSC in
Australia. In this role, he was responsible for the
integration of all applications services business into one
integrated delivery organization. He joined CSC in 1999
through the company's acquisition of GE Capital IT
Solutions. Previously, he worked for Digital Equipment
Corporation. He holds a Higher National Diploma in Business
from Kingston University, London, in the UK. 

    Prior to his current role supporting key clients like
DuPont and Shell, Wilkinson was global account executive
for CSC's United Technologies Corporation account and
earlier served as the CSC account executive for BAE
Systems' Military Aircraft and Support Services Group.
Before joining CSC, he spent 10 years as a logistics
officer in the British Royal Air Force. He has a bachelor's
degree with honors in politics and economics from the
University of Manchester and an MBA degree from the
Business School of the Open University, both of the United

    About CSC

    Computer Sciences Corporation is a leading global
information technology (IT) services company. CSC's mission
is to provide customers in industry and government with
solutions crafted to meet their specific challenges and
enable them to profit from the advanced use of technology.

    With approximately 87,000 employees, CSC provides
innovative solutions for customers around the world by
applying leading technologies and CSC's own advanced
capabilities. These include systems design and integration;
IT and business process outsourcing; applications software
development; Web and application hosting; and management
consulting. Headquartered in El Segundo, Calif., CSC
reported revenue of $14.9 billion for the 12 months ended
March 30, 2007. For more information, visit the company's
Web site at http://www.csc.com. 

    For more information, please contact:

    Computer Sciences Corporation

     Mike Dickerson, Director, Media Relations, Corporate
     Tel:   +1-310-615-1647
     Email: mdickers@csc.com

     Sheila Dhillon, Manager, Corporate Communications, CSC
     Tel:   +612 9034 2041
     Email: sdhillon@csc.com

     Bill Lackey, Director, Investor Relations, Corporate
     Tel:   +1-310-615-1700
     Email: blackey3@csc.com
Songdo International Business District Subject of Largest Financing in Korean History
November 21, 2007

$2.7 Billion Financing Agreement with Shinhan Bank
Consortium Will Result in Accelerated Development of Songdo

    INCHEON, South Korea, Nov. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    New Songdo International City Development, LLC today
concluded a $2.7 billion syndicated financing agreement
with arranger Shinhan Bank and 12 other participating
banks, thought to be the largest such real estate financing
in Korean history. New Songdo International City Development
(NSIC), a 70/30 joint venture between New York's Gale
International and POSCO E&C, is developing the 1,500
acre Songdo International Business District in Incheon,
South Korea. Songdo International Business District (IBD)
is both a Korean national project and a unique
international partnership, although one that remains
essentially a private initiative.

    Shinhan Bank is directly funding nearly $1.7 billion of
the $2.7 billion financing. Other participating institutions
include the Industrial Bank of Korea (IBK), Hana Bank, Kumho
Life Insurance, the Korean Federation of Community Credit
Cooperatives (KFCC), Tong Yang Life Insurance, The Daegu
Bank, Jeon Buk Bank, the Kyong Nam Bank, Pusan Bank,
Shinhan Life Insurance, and Dongbu Life Insurance. The
financing will be used to purchase an additional land
parcel that is critical to the Songdo IBD master plan, as
well as fund construction and the development of additional
Songdo IBD facilities.  It also is expected to be used in
part to consolidate and repay prior financing. 

    The financing will accelerate commercial development in
the city, and help attract further domestic and foreign
investment. Songdo IBD's commercial center offers 45
million square feet of office space in key projects such as
the Northeast Asia Trade Tower, Gateway Center and
International Plaza to leading Korean and multinational

    Stanley C. Gale, Chairman and Managing Partner of Gale
International, said, "This historic financing will be
a catalyst, opening the gates of investment from domestic
and foreign concerns. Songdo is moving full speed

    John B. Hynes, III, CEO and Managing Partner of Gale
International said, "Currently we have $5 billion of
construction underway in Songdo IBD, representing 45
separate buildings in 12 project areas. This financing will
enable us to purchase the remaining 300 acres of land from
the city and to jumpstart the next phase of our development

    Shinhan Bank's Vice President Lee Hyuwon said,
"Songdo IBD will be a growth engine for Korea's next
generation. Shinhan Bank will do all it can to help make
sure this happens."

    POSCO E&C Senior Vice President Cho Yong-kyung
said, "Through the strong partnership between Gale
International and POSCO E&C, the IBD has shown visible
progress in the past two years. Core facilities are well
underway, and I am sure that the current project financing
will enable the continued, steady development of Songdo
International City."

    Gale International is a premier international real
estate development and investment company headquartered in
New York with offices in Boston; Irvine, California; Seoul
and New Songdo, South Korea.

    Songdo IBD, "The Gateway to Northeast Asia,"
officially opens in August, 2009 as the first new city in
the world designed and planned as an international business
district. This $30 billion, 100-million square foot,
master-planned metropolis is thought to be the largest
private real estate venture in the world. Songdo IBD will
be connected to the Incheon International Airport, one of
the world's busiest, by a new 7.4 mile highway bridge; and
linked by subway to Seoul, just 35 miles away.  It is
estimated that Songdo IBD will be home to 65,000 people and
that 300,000 will work there. Songdo IBD is located within
the Incheon Free Economic Zone. 

    Songdo IBD will offer every conceivable amenity
including a world class hospital, an international
preparatory school, museums, a 100-acre Central Park, and
the Jack Nicklaus Golf Club Korea. Songdo IBD will be 40
percent green space, and long-term sustainability and the
minimization of the city's carbon footprint have been
considered in every design and engineering decision.
Indeed, Songdo IBD was recently named a "green
urbanism" pilot project by the U.S. Green Building

    Songdo IBD's iconic 65-story Northeast Asia Trade Tower
will stand as Korea's tallest building and the stunning
"Convensia" Convention Center will be Korea's
largest column-free space. The project will include
forty-five million square feet of office space, thirty
million square feet of residential space, ten million
square feet of retail, five million square feet of hotel
space and ten million square feet of public space. More
information can be found at www.Songdo.com. 

    For more information, please contact:

    Gale International

    International and U.S. Queries:
    Mary Lou DiNardo
    Tel:   +1-212-909-0340
    Email: tkpr1@aol.com

    Domestic ROK Queries:
    Hyewon Chang
    Tel:   +82-2-6260-3353
    Email: hwchang@galeintlkorea.com

Aleris International, Inc. Announces Definitive Agreement To Sell US Zinc for $295 Million
November 21, 2007

    BEACHWOOD, Ohio, Nov. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Aleris
International, Inc. announced today it has entered into a
definitive agreement to sell its Zinc business, which
operates under the name US Zinc, to affiliates of
Votorantim Metais Ltda. for $295 million with certain
adjustments for working capital and other items.  Closing
is subject to regulatory approvals and customary closing

    US Zinc recycles zinc metal for use in the manufacture
of galvanized steel and produces value-added zinc products,
primarily zinc oxide and zinc dust, which are used in the
vulcanization of rubber products, the production of
corrosion-resistant paint and in other specialty chemical
applications. US Zinc operates six zinc facilities in the
United States and a newly built zinc oxide facility located
outside of Shanghai, China. 

    Steven J. Demetriou, Aleris's Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer, said, "The sale of US Zinc will
allow Aleris to focus on our core Aluminum business.  We
plan to use the net sale proceeds to reduce leverage.  I
would like to thank the US Zinc team for their significant
contributions to Aleris."

    Aleris International, Inc. is a global leader in
aluminum rolled products and extrusions, aluminum recycling
and specification alloy production.  Headquartered in
Beachwood, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, the Company
operates 55 production facilities in North America, Europe,
South America and Asia, and employs approximately 9,100
employees.  For more information about Aleris, please visit
our Web site at www.aleris.com. 


    Forward-looking statements made in this news release
are made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  These
include statements that contain words such as
"believe," "expect,"
"anticipate," "intend,"
"estimate," "should" and similar
expressions intended to connote future events and
circumstances, and include statements regarding future
actual and adjusted earnings and earnings per share; future
improvements in margins, processing volumes and pricing;
overall 2007 operating performance; anticipated higher
adjusted effective tax rates; expected cost savings;
success in integrating Aleris's recent acquisitions,
including the acquisition of the downstream aluminum
businesses of Corus Group plc; its future growth; future
benefits from acquisitions and new products; expected
benefits from changes in the industry landscape; and
anticipated synergies resulting from the merger with
Commonwealth, the acquisition of the downstream aluminum
businesses of Corus Group plc and other acquisitions. 
Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements
involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results
could differ materially from those described in the
forward-looking statements.  These risks and uncertainties
would include, without limitation, Aleris's levels of
indebtedness and debt service obligations; its ability to
effectively integrate the business and operations of its
acquisitions; further slowdowns in automotive production in
the U.S. and Europe; the financial condition of Aleris's
customers and future bankruptcies and defaults by major
customers; the availability at favorable cost of aluminum
scrap and other metal supplies that Aleris processes; the
ability of Aleris to enter into effective metals, natural
gas and other commodity derivatives; continued increases in
natural gas and other fuel costs of Aleris; a weakening in
industrial demand resulting from a decline in U.S. or world
economic conditions, including any decline caused by
terrorist activities or other unanticipated events; future
utilized capacity of Aleris's various facilities; a
continuation of building and construction customers and
distribution customers reducing their inventory levels and
reducing the volume of Aleris's shipments; restrictions on
and future levels and timing of capital expenditures;
retention of Aleris's major customers; the timing and
amounts of collections; currency exchange fluctuations;
future write-downs or impairment charges which may be
required because of the occurrence of some of the
uncertainties listed above; and other risks listed in
Aleris's filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, including but not limited to Aleris's annual
report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2006, particularly the section entitled "Risk
Factors" contained therein.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20050504/CLW056LOGO )

    For more information, please contact:

    Aleris International, Inc.

     Michael D. Friday
     Tel: +1-216-910-3503

     Joseph M. Mallak
     Tel: +1-216-910-3455
KEMET Presents Asia Sales Growth Award to J.C. Tally
November 21, 2007

    GREENVILLE, S.C., Nov. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- KEMET
Corporation (NYSE: KEM) today announced that it has
selected J.C. Tally as the recipient of its FY2007 Asia
Sales Growth Award.  This award is focused on sales growth
year over year in terms of absolute dollar value and

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20071120/CLTU048 )

    "We are delighted to present this award to J.C.
Tally," said KEMET's Vice President, Sales -
Asia/Pacific, John Schneider.  "Our product line
continues to expand, and our partnership with J.C. Tally is
vital to KEMET's future success."

    "Both companies continue to invest in the growth
of our relationship, and we feel confident that we can
build on the success of FY07," adds Schneider. 
"There is no question the coming year will present
many challenges for both of our organizations, but working
together as a team, we will succeed.  We thank J.C. Tally
for their commitment and dedication to growing with KEMET
in the Asia marketplace."

    KEMET Corporation applies world-class service and
quality to deliver industry-leading, high-performance
capacitance solutions to its customers around the world.
KEMET offers the world's most complete line of
surface-mount and through-hole capacitor technologies
across tantalum, ceramic, aluminum (organic and
electrolytic), film and paper dielectrics. KEMET's common
stock is listed on The New York Stock Exchange under the
symbol KEM. Additional information can be found at

    For more information, please contact:

     Dean W. Dimke
     Director of Corporate and   
     Marketing Communication
     Tel:   +1-864-228-4448
     Email: deandimke@kemet.com

Spirit Chief Executive Jeff Turner Speaking at Credit Suisse Conference
November 21, 2007

    WICHITA, Kan., Nov. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Spirit
AeroSystems, Inc. (NYSE: SPR) President and Chief Executive
Officer Jeff Turner will speak at the Credit Suisse
Aerospace and Defense Conference on Wednesday, Nov. 28, at
approximately 10:45 a.m. Eastern Time.

    Turner's remarks will be webcast at
http://www.spiritaero.com/investor.aspx. Individuals are
advised to check the web site ahead of time to ensure their
computers are configured for the webcast. 

   For more information, please contact:

     Philip Anderson
     Investor Relations
     Spirit AeroSystems
     Tel: +1-316-523-1797

Citi and Saxo Bank to Launch Citi-FX Pro for Private Client Access to World Class FX Trading
November 20, 2007

    NEW YORK, COPENHAGEN, Denmark and LONDON, Nov. 20
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Citi today announced plans to launch
CitiFX Pro, an online foreign exchange (FX) trading
platform, in collaboration with Saxo Bank, the
Copenhagen-based online bank. Two global leaders in their
own fields, Citi and Saxo have come together to pool their
capabilities and offer FX trading to sophisticated
individuals and smaller institutional traders. 

    CitiFX Pro will offer Citi's clients an opportunity to
take full advantage of the world's largest financial market
with access to the same level of data and trading technology
as institutional traders. Subject to regulatory and other
approvals, CitiFX Pro is expected to begin operating
shortly in the US market and will be rolled out in selected
countries around the globe during 2008.

    FX trading is increasingly attracting interest as a
product for active traders. With CitiFX Pro, Citi will
offer the sophisticated client access to robust FX trading
capabilities with more than 150 currency crosses in a
market with a daily turnover of more than US$3 trillion
according to the latest BIS report.

    Jeff Feig, Citi's Global Head of G10 Foreign Exchange
said: "We believe providing FX execution service to
sophisticated individual traders and small institutions
using state-of-the-art online tools is a natural extension
of our global FX product suite. We are excited at the
prospect of expanding our client base and developing new
relationships in this emerging client segment. We have
chosen to partner with Saxo Bank because of their long and
strong dedication to online trading."

    The agreement between Citi and Saxo Bank brings
together the best of two worlds for the sophisticated
individual and small institutional trader - the strength
and security of the world's largest bank and the excellence
of product and service delivery from the foremost provider
of online FX trading.

    Kim Fournais, co-CEO and co-founder of Saxo Bank, said:
"We are delighted with this alliance. Private traders
will now be able to take full advantage of Citi's global
presence, authority and reliability and Saxo Bank's
technology to trade FX virtually anytime. This will provide
better products, prices and services to a growing audience
of globally oriented investors and traders."

    By joining forces with Saxo Bank, Citi, in addition to
best in class liquidity and service, will be able to
provide its clients with a user-friendly online trading
platform and a tried and tested track record. A pioneer in
the online investment trading market, Saxo Bank has over
the last decade accumulated valuable knowledge and
expertise in supporting the online trading needs of a
global client base. It has established a global reputation
for providing award-winning technology along with
outstanding product and service capabilities to support its
White Label Partnership concept.

    Lars Christensen, co-CEO and co-founder of Saxo Bank
commented: "The combination of Citi's world class
product infrastructure, global brand and size with Saxo's
best of class facilitation and technology will change the
way global capital market products are being distributed
and serviced worldwide. We are very encouraged by Citi's
commitment and professionalism. This is a winning
proposition for everyone involved."

    Citi's entry into the rapidly growing margin FX
business is an important strategic decision. Saxo Bank is a
global leader in online FX trading and its SaxoTrader
trading platform has won numerous international awards.
CitiFX Pro has been developed specifically for Citi based
on its specifications and needs.

    Sanjay Madgavkar, Global Head of FX Margin Trading,
Citi said: "CitiFX Pro will provide
institutional-level online trading services to a wide range
of clients. The FX market is very attractive for active
traders and we believe we can provide a best-in-class
platform and liquidity to this client base. We believe our
global presence in the FX market, combined with Saxo's
proven abilities will provide a winning product for clients
seeking to trade in the Margin FX space."

    Citi and Saxo Bank invite the media for a press
conference November 20, 9:00 AM at Citigroup headquarters
in New York City at 390 Greenwich Street, 4th floor.

    Media can also call the following numbers to
participate in the press


    Domestic: 866-787-9071

    International: +1-706-634-7245

    Conference ID: 24857488

    About Citi

    Citi, the leading global financial services company,
has some 200 million customer accounts and does business in
more than 100 countries, providing consumers, corporations,
governments and institutions with a broad range of
financial products and services, including consumer banking
and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities
brokerage, and wealth management. Citi's major brands
include Citibank, CitiFinancial, Primerica, Smith Barney
and Banamex. Additional information may be found at
http://www.citigroup.com or http://www.citi.com.

    About Saxo Bank A/S

    Saxo Bank A/S is a modern investment bank specializing
in online investments in international Capital Markets.
Saxo Bank enables clients to trade currencies, shares,
CFDs, futures, options and other derivatives, as well as
providing portfolio management via our online trading
platform, SaxoTrader. SaxoTrader has been developed by Saxo
Bank and is available to today's investor directly through
Saxo Bank or through one of our global partnerships, where
it forms an integral part of their infrastructure. One of
Saxo Bank's significant areas of business is White
Labelling. This involves the bank's online trading platform
being customized and branded for other financial
institutions and brokers. Saxo Bank has more than 85 White
Label Partners and thousands of clients in over 177
countries. The bank's website http://www.saxobank.com
receives approximately 65,000 visitors every day. Saxo Bank
currently employs more than 1,200 employees from 57
different countries.

    Saxo Bank has its headquarters in Copenhagen, with
operating offices in London, Geneva, Zurich, Singapore and
Marbella. It also runs a representative office in Beijing
and an IT development center in St. Petersburg. 


    Media inquires:

    Danielle Romero-Apsilos,
    Jeffrey French,
    Saxo Bank:
    Kasper Elbjorn,
    Fleming Voetmann,

The9 Limited Announces Board Approval of Buy-back of Up to US$50 million of its Shares
November 20, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Nov. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The9
Limited (Nasdaq: NCTY) ("The9"), a leading online
game operator in China, announced today its Board of
Directors has authorized a buy-back of up to $50 million of
its American Depositary Shares, each of which represents one
share of The9's ordinary shares.  The company will buy the
shares in the open market and expects the purchases to be
funded from existing cash reserves.

    Jun Zhu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The9
said, "Our business and competitive position in China
continue to be strong and therefore we are confident of the
company's future performance.  We think that the current
shares price level do not reflect the company's value and
potential.  Mirroring this confidence, our board of
directors has authorized the company to repurchase up to
$50 million of its own stock.  We believe that this is a
good investment opportunity for the company to repurchase
its own shares at the prevailing price level."

    About The9 Limited

    The9 Limited is a leading online game operator in
China.  The9's business is primarily focused on operating
and developing high-quality games for the Chinese online
game market.  The9 directly or through affiliates operates
licensed MMORPGs, consisting of MU(R), Blizzard
Entertainment(R)'s World of Warcraft(R), Soul of The
Ultimate Nation(TM), and its first proprietary MMORPG,
Joyful Journey West(TM), in mainland China.  It has also
obtained exclusive licenses to operate additional MMORPGs
and advanced casual games in mainland China, including
Granado Espada, Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, Ragnarok
Online 2, Emil Chronicle Online, Huxley(TM), FIFA Online 2,
Audition 2 and Field of Honor.  In addition, The9 is also
developing two proprietary MMORPG games, Fantastic Melody
Online(TM) and Warriors of Fate Online.

    Safe Harbor Statement

    This announcement contains forward-looking statements. 
These statements are made under the "safe harbor"
provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995.  These forward-looking statements can be
identified by terminology such as "will,"
"expects," "anticipates,"
"future," "intends," "plans,"
"believes," "estimates" and similar
statements.  Among other things, the business outlook and
quotations from management in this press release contain
forward-looking statements.  The9 may also make written or
oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to
the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Forms 20-F
and 6-K, etc., in its annual report to shareholders, in
press releases and other written materials and in oral
statements made by its officers, directors or employees to
third parties.  Statements that are not historical facts,
including statements about The9's beliefs and expectations,
are forward-looking statements.  Forward-looking statements
involve inherent risks and uncertainties.  A number of
important factors could cause actual results to differ
materially from those contained in any forward-looking
statement.  Potential risks and uncertainties include, but
are not limited to, The9's limited operating history as an
online game operator, political and economic policies of
the Chinese government, the laws and regulations governing
the online game industry, information disseminated over the
Internet and Internet content providers in China,
intensified government regulation of Internet cafes, The9's
ability to retain existing players and attract new players,
license, develop or acquire additional online games that
are appealing to users, anticipate and adapt to changing
consumer preferences and respond to competitive market
conditions, and other risks and uncertainties outlined in
The9's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission, including its annual reports on Form 20-F. 
The9 does not undertake any obligation to update any
forward-looking statement, except as required under
applicable law.

    For further information, please contact:

     Ms. Dahlia Wei
     Senior Manager, Investor Relations
     The9 Limited
     Tel:    +86-21-5172-9990
     Email:  IR@corp.the9.com
     Web:    http://www.corp.the9.com
Alibaba Group Launches Online Advertising Exchange Company Alimama
November 20, 2007

Alimama Allows China's Web Publishers and Advertisers to
Trade Online Advertising Inventory

Localized Business Model Designed for China Market

    HANGZHOU, China, Nov. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Alibaba
Group, a global e-commerce leader and the largest e-commerce
company in China, today announced the official launch of
Alimama ( http://www.alimama.com ), an online advertising
exchange which allows web publishers and advertisers to
trade online advertising inventory.  A wholly owned
subsidiary of Alibaba Group, Alimama has emerged from its
100-day beta period as China's largest online advertising
exchange platform and well positioned to help small- and
medium- sized web publishers monetize the estimated 80% of
web site traffic which goes unmonetized in China.

    Since launching the beta version of the marketplace on
August 10, Alimama has already signed up more than 150,000
small- and medium- sized web publishers and 135,000
personal blogs, covering more than 1 billion page views per
day.  The exchange has over one million registered users
with an inventory of more than 380,000 advertisement
positions available for purchase, with transactions for
more than 20,000 advertisement positions occurring each
day.  Alimama continues to grow at a rapid rate, adding
4,000 small and medium sized websites and 10,000 personal
blogs each day.

    Alimama is the newest innovation to come to market from
the Alibaba Group, applying the Group's expertise in
operating online marketplaces to the trading of internet
advertising inventory.  Building on Alibaba Group's strong
track record in pioneering e-commerce communities among
China's highly fragmented small- and medium- sized
businesses, Alimama's growth is expected to encourage the
growth of the Alibaba Group's five other wholly-owned
subsidiaries which operate in distinct, but complementary
areas of e-commerce.

    Alimama's unique business model is designed to meet the
needs of China's fragmented market for online advertising,
providing a system that is transparent to both web
publishers and advertisers.  To use the service, publishers
register on Alimama.com to provide a description of the
advertising inventory for sale, as well as the pricing
models based on which the inventory can be sold, such as
pricing based on impressions served, clicks or other
actions by Internet users.  Advertisers review the
information posted by publishers, along with independent
website traffic data.  Once they've decided to buy the
inventory, they simply click "Purchase" and
follow the steps to upload their ad.  Current advertisers
include large companies such as Bank of China and small
advertisers, such as restaurants and shops.

    "No longer will 80% of China's website traffic go
unmonetized," said Jin Jianhang, an Alibaba Group
spokesperson.  "The launch of Alimama makes web
publishing commercially viable for China's more than one
million small- and medium-sized web sites.  At the same
time, advertisers now have an affordable way to reach
targeted audience groups on the growing number of
specialized websites and blogs in China."

    About Alibaba Group

    Alibaba Group is a global e-commerce leader and the
largest e-commerce company in China.  Since it was founded
in 1999, the Alibaba Group has grown to include six core
member companies:

    -- Alibaba.com -- Alibaba.com is the Alibaba Group's
flagship company and 
       the leading B2B e-commerce company in China, serving
small and medium 
       sized enterprises in China and around the world 
    -- Taobao -- A leading online shopping marketplace for
consumers in China 
    -- Alipay -- China's leading online payment service 
    -- Yahoo! China -- A search engine and lifestyle
portal, acquired from 
       Yahoo! Inc. in October 2005 
    -- Alisoft -- An Internet-based business management
software company 
       targeting SMEs in China 
    -- Alimama -- an online advertising exchange for web
publishers and 
       advertisers to trade online advertising inventory in

    For more information, please contact:

     Porter Erisman
     Vice-President, Corporate Affairs
     Alibaba Group
     Tel:   +86-138-1782-6630
     Email: porter@alibaba-inc.com

World's First Webmail-Integrated Proofreading and Translation Solution by Chinglish.com Ready in Time for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
November 20, 2007

    CULEMBORG, Netherlands, Nov. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Today Chinglish.com launches a brand new release that
provides the world's first webmail-integrated proofreading
and translation service for speakers and learners of
Chinese or English. Chinglish was already providing the
only webmail solution that allows users to switch and
translate between simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese,
and English at the click of a mouse. The new Chinglish
release supplements this high-tech infrastructure with a
one of its kind human proofreading and translation

    High-tech framework with Chinese and English
proofreading and translation

    Because Chinese is becoming an increasingly important
language in the realms of international business, study,
and tourism, Chinglish.com integrated a user-friendly
proofreading and translation service to its portal. With
this innovative feature, Chinglish.com continues to narrow
the communication gap between China and the rest of the
world. The service works by simply clicking the button
"Proofread" after composing an email in Chinese
or English. A proofread version of the message is delivered
to the user within 24 hours. The new Chinglish release also
comes with a human translation service. Requests can be
submitted to the system without forms to fill out.
Translations are promptly delivered to the user's email
account. This saves the trouble of communicating through a
consultant or translation agency. All Chinglish
proofreaders and translators are native speakers of Chinese
or English. To utilize these services, users simply open a
jade account. Credits are automatically deducted from this
account uponcompletion of each proofreading or translation

    Unique set of Chinese-English communication tools

    Chinglish.com is a Chinese-English communication
website built around a proprietary bilingual email system.
Besides the new professional proofreading and translation
service, the unique features include free machine
translations and bilingual email accounts, email addresses
with names in Chinese characters, single sign-on forums,
and a web-based input method editor. The latter allows
users to write emails in Chinese outside of China. The
Chinglish mission is to make Chinese-English communication
easy by providing a broad range of user-friendly online
communication tools.

    I: http://www.chinglish.com

    For more information, please contact:

    In China: 

     Yu Yang, Communications Department China 
     Tel:   +86-10-65252795
     Email: information@chinglish.com

    Countries outside China: 

     Nienke Harmsen, Communications Department
     Tel:  +31-649896157
     Email: information@chinglish.com

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