2007年06月27日 【報道関係者様各位】 犬の高齢化社会。アンチエイジングを求む検査に需要 ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ 約6万人の検査実績を持つ民間検査研究機関、ら・べるびぃ予防医学研究所
近年の生活環境の向上を背景にペットの寿命も年々伸び高齢化が進み、現在約半数が7歳以上の高齢犬と言われ※1、 *1:ペットフード工業会「第13回犬猫飼育率 全国調査」(2007年)結果より -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ◆検査を求めるニーズの背景 また近年種類が増え、悩み選んだペットフードなどが愛犬にどう影響しているのかを知りたい。
<この件に関するお問合せ先、及び資料ご請求先> ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ 【会社概要】 |
2007年06月27日 プレスリリース
◆商品について ◆特徴 お客様に喜んで頂ける「楽しめる保冷材」として贈り物用、企業様のブランディング、販促品としてご利用頂けます。 また、ギフト用洋菓子添付に限らず美容用、医療用、イベント用など、オリジナル保冷材に関しては幅広く対応しております。
2007年06月27日 配信予定CM:
インターネットによる情報供給サービスの ◆ 「Pingoo」(ピングー)とは ◆ ◆ サービス内容 ◆ 【Pingoo :ピングーの仕様 】 主な効果: 主な機能: (PingooCM配信共通機能) 【 動作環境 】 ※記載されている製品名等は各社の登録商標あるいは商標です。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.ダブルブレインについて ● 本件に関するお問い合わせ |
2007年06月27日 報道関係者各位 国内最大級、溶岩浴の総合情報サイト『溶岩浴ナビ』オープン ◇主な検索機能 溶岩浴とは、その名のとおり、地面から噴出した溶岩を利用しており、岩盤浴と類似しているため、その差異については施設ごとに違いがありますが、大きな違いは溶岩浴で利用される溶岩には天然の鉱物が豊富に含まれており、ミネラル分が豊富といわれております。 健康と美の関心の高まりを背景として、岩盤浴同様、溶岩浴も男性から女性まで一つの産業として根付いてきております。新陳代謝を促進し毒素を排出する(デトックス)、心の安定、健康維持の向上などさまざまな効果が期待できるため、美だけではなく健康志向の高いユーザーへ人気が高まっております。 当サイトは提携アフィリエイトパートナー(個人サイト、ブログ、企業のHP、その他優良ポータルサイトなど)約20000サイト以上にリンクまたは紹介していただいたり、当社が得意とする関連キーワードの上位に表示するSEOの知識を活かし、大手検索エンジンの上位表示対策などにより幅広い層のユーザーに訴えることが可能です。 『溶岩浴ナビ』概要 本件に対するお問い合わせ先 運営会社 |
SHANGHAI, June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL"; TSE Mothers: 9399; OTC ADRs: XHFNY), China's premier financial information and media provider, today announced the launch of the Xinhua Finance eziData China Consumer Confidence Index (CCCI), a new barometer of Chinese consumers' changing outlook toward the macro-economy, pricing and living conditions. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif ) The CCCI is produced in conjunction with Dr. Richard Curtin, Research Professor and Director at the Institute of Social Research of the University of Michigan, a globally recognized authority on consumer sentiment research, who also conducts the well-known University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index. Dr. Curtin has conducted or been involved in many consumer confidence surveys in the United States and other parts of the world, and is providing guidance to ensure the new China index meets international standards. The monthly updated China Consumer Confidence Index is designed to be the most frequently released consumer confidence index by an independent third party research operation in China. The CCCI is composed of two sub-indexes, namely, the current index and expectations index, covers four key sectors (real estate, durables, automobiles and stock investment) and offers detailed demographic data on age, income level and geography. An effective measurement of consumer behavior, the index is intended to enable financial professionals, analysts, and strategy and policy makers to keep closer track of trends in the Chinese consumer market and to understand the market directly from the consumers. "The launch of this new product represents our continued efforts to bring international standards and best practices to China and enhance the transparency of the market," said Ms. Fredy Bush, CEO of XFL. "Over the last two years, we have been expanding our capability from serving financial institutions to professionals in China who require market intelligence and investment information. We are glad to be able to utilize our expanded capabilities and integrate our subsidiary's research expertise in providing a new tool for understanding China's consumer market," she added. The index has been developed through a partnership between eziData and XFL subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media (Nasdaq: XFML), leveraging Xinhua Finance Media's market research capabilities and Xinhua Finance's well-established brand reputation and distribution channels. eziData is a local provider of China consumer data, serving both financial and consumer market participants. "We are proud to work with Dr. Curtin of the University of Michigan with the support of Xinhua Finance family," said Ms. Kathy Chen, President of eziData. "I am confident that the University's highly recognized methodology in consumer confidence indexing and Xinhua Finance Media's expertise in China's consumer market can be effectively combined in the customization of a tool that reflects the real situation within China and fulfills the requirements of sophisticated users." The survey for the index is conducted in 50 top cities across mainland China, targeting demographics with strong consumption capacity. The index results are released on the last Wednesday of each month. The results of the latest June survey indicate that Chinese consumers showed a slight confidence decline due to growing concerns over recent price increases, including the spike in pork and egg prices during the month. A summary of the first survey results is attached. For more information about Xinhua Finance eziData China Consumer Confidence Index or to subscribe to the latest monthly survey report, please contact us via info@eziData.com . Methodology Xinhua Finance eziData China Consumer Confidence Index is produced in association with Dr. Richard Curtin, Research Professor and Director of the Consumer Sentiment Surveys at the Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan. The index is based on a monthly survey of 1,500 Chinese households via stratified random sampling in 50 representative cities across the eastern, middle and western parts of China using the well-established methodology of the University of Michigan. All data is collected via computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). Index of April 2007 survey is set as the benchmark (100). Notes to editors: About Xinhua Finance Limited Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial information and media service provider and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors through five focused and complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial News, Investor Relations, and Distribution. Founded in November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai, with offices and news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . About eziData eziData is a local provider of China consumer data, serving both financial and consumer market participants. It aims to serve global and local business professionals with decision-making tools that relate to consumption in China and conform to international standards. eziData's comprehensive portfolio of high-quality consumer data products, which includes a structured real-time databank, delivers a broader and more insightful view of the market. For more information, please visit http://www.eziData.com . For the appendix, "Xinhua Finance eziData China Consumer Confidence Index Survey Summary in June 2007", please refer to http://www.ezidata.com/pages/public/ccci/latestIndex.jspx . For further information, please contact: Xinhua Finance China: Ms Joy Tsang Tel: +86-21-6113-5999, +86-136-2179-1577 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com Taylor Rafferty (IR Contact) Japan: Mr. James Hawrylak Tel: +81-3-5444-2730, Email: james.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com United States: Mr. John P. Dudzinsky Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Email: xinhuafinance@taylor-rafferty.com
OULU, Finland, June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Freescale Semiconductor and Hantro have signed an agreement to license Hantro's Multi-format hardware video codecs. The combination of Freescale's system on chip solutions and Hantro's codecs is expected to provide mobile handset users a feature rich video experience with high performance capabilities and low power consumption. Optimized for low power and high performance, Hantro's 6280 and 7190 multi-format hardware video IP products are an excellent choice for multimedia enabled chipsets. Various configurability options allow the IC vendors to tailor the IP cores to meet the application specific silicon area and performance requirements. Supporting all the major video and still image formats (H.264, H.263, MPEG-4, VC-1, and JPEG), IP cores enable video services from low-cost feature phones to high-end Mobile TV or Personal Media Player devices. Ultra low power designs enable up to HD 720p resolution video capture and playback in battery-operated wireless devices. "Hantro's multi-format hardware video IP products are designed to meet the high performance standards of our baseband products, while providing the ability to optimize silicon area utilization," says Tom Deitrich, vice president and general manager of Freescale's Cellular Division. "Freescale is one of our largest and most innovative semiconductor customers," says Eero Kaikkonen, CEO of Hantro Products Oy. "This licensing agreement further strengthens our relationship with Freescale, and together we can help ensure the mobile phone market will be served with even more competitive products than before." About Hantro A leader in multimedia technology for mobile devices, Hantro's designs have been incorporated in over 200 million handsets worldwide with customers in the US, EMEA and APAC markets. Provided as intellectual property and delivering optimal value and performance, Hantro's portfolio includes hardware and software MPEG4, H.263, H.264/AVC and VC-1 video codecs, audio and still image codecs as well as integration platforms and applications. Uniquely positioned to deliver technology solutions for silicon providers, device manufacturers and network operators, Hantro enables camcorder, media player, video telephony, mobile TV and more. For further information please visit http://www.hantro.com . For more information, please contact: Tony Hope Director of Marketing Tel: +35-844-023-5107
LAKE MARY, Fla., June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- FARO Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: FARO), the world market leader in portable computer-aided measurement arms and laser tracker sales, announced that its FaroArm and FARO Gage will be compatible with Q-DAS SPC Link, the commonly used and well-respected Quality Control software package required among many automotive manufacturers and suppliers. "Adding Q-DAS capability gives our portable CMMs a rare advantage," FARO President and CEO Jay Freeland said. "Our customers can now interface with one of the most respected and powerful statistical software packages available." Q-DAS' main focus is on quality management applications that support the current international standards, as well as relevant industry guidelines. It is considered the leader in statistical analysis using their CAMERA method - Collecting, Assessing, data Management, Evaluating, Reporting, and Archiving. "FaroArm and FARO Gage users can seamlessly transfer measurement data into SPC Link, enabling them to evolve customized solutions," said Q-DAS President Tom Stewart. "In addition to generating time-/event-driven reports, the software has a Real-Time feature which allows others to monitor processes on-line." The FARO Gage and Gage-PLUS are used to prove that outgoing and incoming parts are up to spec, thus reducing scrap, re-work and labor costs. The FaroArm takes the FARO Gage line's capability to the next level by creating a 3-D "blueprint" of a part - or of machine components that make parts - enabling users to perform CAD-to-Part analysis, or even reverse-engineer custom parts. Although approximately 25 percent of FARO's customers are in the automotive industry, Q-DAS SPC Link will also be of value to its machinery and general industrial base. For more on how the Company's technology serves various industries and applications, visit http://www.FARO.com . About FARO With more than 13,500 installations and 6,500 customers globally, FARO Technologies, Inc. designs, develops, and markets portable, computerized measurement devices and software used to create digital models -- or to perform evaluations against an existing model -- for anything requiring highly detailed 3-D measurements, including part and assembly inspection, factory planning and asset documentation, as well as specialized applications ranging from surveying, recreating accident sites and crime scenes to digitally preserving historical sites. FARO's technology increases productivity by dramatically reducing the amount of on-site measuring time, and the various industry-specific software packages enable users to process and present their results quickly and more effectively. Principal products include the world's best-selling portable measurement arm -- the FaroArm; the world's best-selling laser tracker -- the FARO Laser Tracker; the FARO Laser ScanArm; FARO Laser Scanner LS; the FARO Gage, Gage-PLUS and PowerGAGE; and the CAM2 family of advanced CAD-based measurement and reporting software. FARO Technologies is ISO-9001 certified and ISO-17025 laboratory registered. Learn more at http://www.faro.com About Q-DAS Q-DAS is an international software company focusing on Statistical Analysis, SPC and Reporting Systems for every type of manufacturing industry. The Company's products encompass the complete software toolkit necessary to effectively define and implement Six Sigma manufacturing strategies. Q-DAS Incorporated, the North American subsidiary founded in 1998 by president Tom Stewart, is located in Rochester Hills, MI and provides services such as software distribution, training, hotline and on-site installations for our North-American customers. Learn more at http://www.q-das.com For more information, please contact: Darin Sahler Global PR Manager FARO Technologies, Inc. Tel: +1-407-333-9911 Email: Darin.Sahler@faro.com
SHANGHAI, China, June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif ) Indicator Value Change May 2007: 251.1 April 2007: 251.1 Month-to-month change: 0.0% May 2006: 182.5 Year-to-year change: 37.5% Click http://www.xinhuafinance.com/en/charts/ipo_rpi/0706/ipo_chart0706.jpg to download the chart. Highlights The IPO indicator stayed at its high of 251.1 at the end of May, unchanged from the previous month. Four stocks were added to the indicator, three of which were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the fourth on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Analysis Of the 107 equities included in both the April and May indicators, fifty-six dropped in price, fifty increased, and one remained unchanged. Energy stocks continued to be the main contributors to the indicator's value. China Coal (H share, 1898), Datong Coal (A share, 601001), and Pingdingshan Tianan Coal (A share, 601666) represented 43 percent of the increase in the indicator's market capitalization. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC; A share, 601398; H share, 1398), China CITIC Bank (A share, 601998; H share, 0998), Industrial Bank(A share, 601166), and Bank of China (A share, 601988; H share, 3988) accounted for the largest drops in market capitalization in May, but these were not enough to lower the value of the indicator. Methodology A stock's float-adjusted market capitalization over time forms the basis for indicator calculations. Stock dividends, stock splits, special dividends, share consolidations, repurchases, spin-offs, and combination stock distributions may trigger adjustments to the indicator values. Only companies incorporated and domiciled in mainland China that go public on the Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong stock exchanges are included. Companies are removed from the indicator after twelve months. Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators The Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators provide investors, analysts, and financial professionals insight into China's money and capital markets. Five of the eight indicators have been launched since November 2006: the Renminbi Pressure Indicator, the Chinese IPO Indicator, the Market Adjusted Debt (MAD) Indicator, the Banking Strength Indicator (BSI), and the Adjusted Trade and Finance (ATF) Indicator. The remaining three indicators (the China M&A Indicator, the China Privatization Indicator, and the China Corporate Governance Indicator) will be launched later this year. Time Period Coverage and Frequency New companies are added to the indicator as soon as they are listed, while current companies are removed after twelve months. The IPO Indicator has a base date of December 31, 1997, when the indicator's value was set equal to 100, and covers the period from December 31, 1991, to the present. Values are calculated on a monthly basis. The indicator for each month is released in the third week of the following month. Sources of Data The real-time and historical trading data used in the construction of this indicator are provided by Bloomberg and Xinhua Finance; underlying information used to calculate the float ratio is obtained from a variety of sources, including Xinhua Finance's subsidiary Mergent, stock exchanges, regulators, and the companies themselves. Corporate actions are sourced from Xinhua Finance, regulatory filings, and news services. To view additional information, visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com/indicators and http://www.milkeninstitute.org/chinaindicators . Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial information and media service provider and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors through five focused and complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial News, Investor Relations, and Distribution. Founded in November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai with offices and news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . The Milken Institute is a nonprofit, independent economic think tank whose mission is to improve the lives and economic conditions of diverse populations around the world by helping business and public policy leaders identify and implement innovative ideas for creating broad-based prosperity. The Milken Institute has extensive expertise in China and conducts ongoing research on China's banking and capital markets. It is based in Santa Monica, Calif. For more information, please visit http://www.milkeninstitute.org . For more information, please contact: Xinhua Finance China Ms. Joy Tsang Tel: +86-21-6113-5999 or +852-948-64363 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com Mr. Scott Zhang Tel: +86-21-6113-5996 Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com Japan Mr. Jiong Sun Tel: +813-3221-9500 Email: jsun@xinhuafinance.com Taylor Rafferty (Media contact for Xinhua Finance) Japan Mr. James Hawrylak Tel: +813-5733-2621 Email: James.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com United States Mr. John Dudzinsky Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Email: John.Dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com Europe Faisal Kanth Tel: +44-20-7614-2900 Email: Faisal.Kanth@taylor-rafferty.co.uk Milken Institute Ms. Jennifer Manfre, Associate Director of Communications Tel: +1-310-570-4623 Email: jmanfre@milkeninstitute.org
SHANGHAI, China, June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif ) Indicator Value Change March 2007: 202.7 February 2007: 200.1 Month-to-month change:1.30% March 2006: 180.2 Year-to-year change: 12.46% Click http://www.xinhuafinance.com/en/charts/ipo_rpi/0706/rpi_chart0706.jpg to download the chart. Highlights In March 2007, the Renminbi Pressure Indicator (RPI) score increased by 1.30 percent as China's foreign exchange reserves rose to US$1.20 trillion. The interest rate rose 0.27 percentage point as the government tried to slow down investment growth. Analysis Yuan appreciation and mounting foreign exchange reserves continued to push the RPI higher in March to 202.7, or 1.30 percent over the previous month. Foreign exchange reserves rose by US$44.7 billion in March, which reflected a 50 percent increase in China's trade surplus in February. This was the second-largest value increase since the revaluation of the yuan in July 2005. For the period, the increase in foreign exchange reserves accounted for 1.28 percentage points, while exchange rate appreciation accounted for 0.02 percentage point. In regards to the April and May values, although foreign exchange reserves are not yet known, the monthly yuan appreciation rate grew to 0.40 and 0.69 percent, respectively (from 0.07 percent in March), while the interest rate was unchanged. The trade surplus declined to $6.9 billion in April before growing to US$16.8 billion in May. Despite the 8.18 percent yuan appreciation since July 2005, the growth in trade balance and foreign exchange reserves has shown no sign of slowing down and will likely continue to drive the upward movement in the indicator. Methodology The RPI is based on a monthly examination of the interaction between the following variables to compute overall cumulative exchange rate pressure: the percentage change in the spot exchange rate, the percentage change in foreign exchange reserves, and the change in domestic interest rates. The indicator measures the pressure on China's currency relative to the U.S. dollar. It is set equal to 100 on January 1, 2000. Increases in the RPI reflect appreciation pressure on the renminbi (RMB). Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators The Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators are aimed at providing investors, analysts, and financial professionals deeper insight into China's money and capital markets. Three of the eight indicators¨Dthe Renminbi Pressure Indicator, the Chinese IPO Indicator, and the Market Adjusted Debt Indicator¨Dwere launched in November 2006. A Banking Strength Indicator and Adjusted Trade and Finance Indicator were launched in April 2007. The remaining indicators will be launched later this year. Time Period Coverage and Frequency The indicator covers the period from November 30, 1980, through March 2007. Data are available from the Milken Institute upon request. There will be a two- to four-month delay in reporting values for the indicator, depending on the release of information from authorities in China. Sources of Data The data used in the construction of the indicator are obtained from the International Monetary Fund, People's Bank of China, and State Administration of Foreign Exchange. To view additional information, visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com/indicators and http://www.milkeninstitute.org/chinaindicators . About Xinhua Finance Limited Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial information and media service provider and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors through five focused and complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial News, Investor Relations, and Distribution. Founded in November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai with offices and news bureaus spanning 11 countries worldwide. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . About the Milken Institute The Milken Institute is a nonprofit, independent economic think tank whose mission is to improve the lives and economic conditions of diverse populations around the world by helping business and public policy leaders identify and implement innovative ideas for creating broad-based prosperity. The Milken Institute has extensive expertise in China and conducts ongoing research on China's banking and capital markets. It is based in Santa Monica, Calif. For more information, please visit http://www.milkeninstitute.org . For more information, please contact: Xinhua Finance China Ms. Joy Tsang Tel: +8621-6113-5999, +852-948-64363 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com Japan Mr. Jiong Sun Tel: +81-3-3221-9500 Email: jsun@xinhuafinance.com Taylor Rafferty (Media contact for Xinhua Finance) Japan Mr. James Hawrylak Tel: +81-3-5733-2621 Email: James.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com United States Mr. John Dudzinsky Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Email: John.Dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com Europe Faisal Kanth Tel: +44-20-7614-2900 Email: Faisal.Kanth@taylor-rafferty.co.uk Milken Institute Ms. Jennifer Manfre, Associate Director of Communications Tel: +1-310-570-4623 Email: jmanfre@milkeninstitute.org
PR Newswire's Latest Expansion Will Provide Companies Within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) With Access to Leading Communications Services LONDON, June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- PR Newswire, the global leader in commercial news distribution, today announced the launch of its Dubai operation, which will provide companies within the DIFC with access to PR Newswire's leading communications products and services. (Photo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200706270932.jpg ) "Dubai is experiencing unprecedented economic development, and many new organisations are establishing roots in this prosperous and growing emirate," said Lisa Ashworth, CEO, PR Newswire EMEA. "These organisations, and those with established businesses, have significant communications needs, and our more than 50 years of experience makes us uniquely positioned to assist them." PR Newswire's news distribution, media and investor targeting services are well placed to help organisations within the DIFC to establish their brand, build their investor base, and communicate their stories to the media, customers and investors, locally and globally. PR Newswire has been extremely successful in building a local presence and investing significant resources in various countries around the world. PR Newswire Middle East Ltd's plans include hiring significant numbers of new staff; investing in additional products and services that meet the specific needs of local customers; and opening a second office with sister company, CMPi in Abu Dhabi. Jeremy Derenne, PR Newswire's EMEA Sales Director, commented, "Because of the sophistication of businesses based in the DIFC, we expect to see a strong interest from organisations in the use of digital media in public relations and investor relations communications. PR Newswire has experience with digital delivery of content in other similarly advanced markets throughout the world, and we look forward to bringing these services to customers in Dubai." PR Newswire is committed to expanding its business into high growth regions where communication is key. Recently, PR Newswire Europe announced strategic partnerships with Les Echos (France's leading financial newspaper) and OMX (the Nordic Exchange) to assist local businesses with distributing their messages to local and global audiences. About PR Newswire PR Newswire ( http://www.prnewswire.com and http://www.prnewswire.co.uk ) provides electronic distribution, targeting, measurement and broadcast services on behalf of tens of thousands of corporate, government, association, trade, non-profit, and other customers worldwide. Using PR Newswire, these organisations reach a variety of critical audiences including the news media, the investment community, government decision-makers, and the general public with their up-to-the-minute, full-text news developments. PR Newswire has offices in 11 countries and routinely sends its customers' news to outlets in 135 countries and in more than 40 languages. Utilising the latest in communications technology, PR Newswire content is considered a mainstay among news reporters, investors and individuals who seek breaking news from the source. PR Newswire is a subsidiary of United Business Media plc of London. For full information on PR Newswire products and services email marketing@prnewswire.co.uk or go to http://www.prnewswire.co.uk
* Phase 1 Includes Promotion of TiVo's Localized Personal Video Recorder (PVR) Products In 5 Major Chinese Cities BEIJING, June 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- PacificNet, Inc. (Nasdaq: PACT), a leading provider of gaming technology, e-commerce and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services in China, announced today that its subsidiary, PacificNet iMobile, has entered into an agreement with TiVo Greater China (TGC) to market their PVR/DVR products and services in China. Under this agreement, PacificNet iMobile will promote and distribute TGC products in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou as well as other major cities in China. PacificNet iMobile will expand its marketing channel from online sales to user trial activities. Leveraging PacificNet iMobile's ecommerce expertise in China and TGC's advanced technology and sales support, the two companies will provide quality PVR/DVR products to consumers across China. PVRs or Personal Video Recorders (also known as a "DVR" or Digital Video Recorders) improve home entertainment by providing consumers with an easy way to record, watch, and control television. DVR/PVR records broadcast television programming in a digital format on a hard disk drive rather than on a medium such as a VHS tape, allowing viewers to pause a live broadcast or replay video from a buffer, as well as the recording, timed-recording, and playback of their favorite television broadcasts. Established in 1997, TiVo has experienced significant growth as its products have proven popular with consumers in many markets worldwide. TiVo devices have evolved steadily with many new features such as DVD recording, commercial skip capability, sharing of recordings over the Internet, and programming and remote control using PDAs, networked PCs, or Web browsers. TiVo can be set to auto-record according to a programming timetable with 80GB of memory for up to 90 hours of recording. TiVo's many features have proven a complement and enhancement to the overall home entertainment experience. PacificNet iMobile currently has about 200 staff in China and operates its e-commerce business via two internet portals, "www.iMobile.com.cn" and "www.18900.com", and a WAP portal, "17wap.com", for mobile phone browsing. iMobile has the largest mobile user community in China, with over 3.4 million registered users while "18900.com" is the leading Internet e-commerce distributor of mobile products in China with logistic centers and partners covering 25 provinces and 72 major cities throughout China and service coverage for 1875 cities in China. In addition, iMobile's "18900.com" is the designated internet distributor for Motorola, Nokia, and NEC's mobile products in China. Liu Lei, PacificNet iMobile's General Manager, stated, "We are pleased to become partners of TiVo Greater China (TGC) and to help them promote their products in mainland China. TGC PVR provides interactive personal entertainment services through existing broadband and cable TV networks. It enhances the traditional passive way of watching TV. With a PVR, viewers are no longer constrained by the timetable of TV programs as broadcast by TV stations. Instead, PVR users can view whatever they want, whenever they want to watch it. We will use our expertise to help TGC boost its sales and increase its popularity among consumers in China." "We believe that the opportunity to work with one of the leading consumer video electronics providers in the world is substantial," said Victor Tong, President of PacificNet. "PacificNet iMobile has demonstrated its ability to support a wide range of online and offline marketing initiatives. With the growing demand for innovative consumer electronics in China, we feel that the potential to generate strong revenue from this relationship is significant. PacificNet iMobile's nationwide e-commerce and customer service centers, covering 40 major cities in China represent an opportunity to enhance PacificNet's e-commerce and CRM services network in China." About Tivo Greater China (TGC) TiVo Greater China (TGC) is a close partner of TiVo Inc. (Nasdaq: TIVO) headquartered in California, USA, TGC has the exclusive operation right to provide TiVo-based Personal Video Recorder (PVR) services in the Greater China and Singapore region. TGC (Shanghai) Inc. is in charge of related business issues in China. With the technology, service expertise and operation know-how gained from TGC Inc.'s largest shareholder, TiVo Inc., TGC designs & manufactures new DVR platforms as well as integrating DVR functionality into other consumer electronics devices. TGC Inc. is the exclusive TiVo partner in the Greater China (China, Hong Kong, & Taiwan) and Singapore television entertainment markets. TiVo and the TiVo Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of TiVo Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. About PacificNet PacificNet, Inc. (http://www.PacificNet.com) is a leading provider of gaming technology, e-commerce, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in China. PacificNet's gaming products are specially designed for Chinese and Asian gamers with focus on integrating localized Chinese and Asian themes and content, advanced graphics, digital sound effects and popular domestic music, with secondary bonus games and jackpots. PacificNet's gaming clients include the leading hotels, casinos, and gaming operators in Macau, Asia, and Europe, while ecommerce and CRM clients include the leading telecom companies, banks, insurance, travel, marketing and business services companies and telecom consumers in Greater China such as China Telecom, China Mobile, Unicom, PCCW, Hutchison Telecom, Bell24, Motorola, Nokia, SONY, TCL, Huawei, American Express, Citibank, HSBC, Bank of China, Bank of East Asia, DBS, TNT, China and Hong Kong government. PacificNet employs about 1,200 staff in its various subsidiaries throughout China with offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macau and Zhuhai China, USA, and the Philippines. Contact: PacificNet USA office: Jacob Lakhany, Tel: +1-605-229-6678 PacificNet Beijing office: Ada Yu, Tel: +86 (10) 59225000 23rd Floor, Building A, TimeCourt, No.6 Shuguang Xili, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100028 PacificNet Shenzhen Office: Tel: +86 (10) 33222088 Room 4203, JinZhongHuan Business Center, Futian District, Shenzhen, China 518040
Contract revenues expected to begin by mid-August NEW YORK, June 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Network CN Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: NWCN), a Chinese media and travel network company headquartered in Hong Kong, today announced that it has entered into an agreement to operate 52 two-sided rolling poster frame outdoor advertising panels located in the pedestrian mall on Nanjing Road (Nanjing Lu) in Shanghai. Network CN plans to convert 28 of the poster frames into LED digital video panels. Network CN will also convert the remaining 24 displays to bigger rolling light boxes to match the size of the new LED digital video panels. The agreement, which could generate revenues for the Company by mid-August, 2007, extends through January, 2011. It was signed between Shanghai Chuangtian Advertising Company Ltd. and Network CN's subsidiary, Shanghai Quo Advertising Company Ltd. "All the panels are located in the pedestrian mall on Nanjing Road, which positions them ideally to capture the attention of our clients' target audience. Together with the rights to two mega-size digital video billboards that we obtained in May 2007, we will have rolling light boxes, roadside LED panels and mega-size LED billboards covering the whole of Nanjing Road's pedestrian mall. This is another significant milestone in the expansion of our media network business in Shanghai, one of the key metropolitan areas in China," Godfrey Hui, Chief Executive Officer of Network CN, commented. "We are committed to creating value for our clients by leveraging our network coverage of the most exciting, highly visible areas in metropolitan China, spanning Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Wuhan." Nanjing Road is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Shanghai, with more than 600 stores, restaurants and art galleries. It is the "Number One Commercial Street in China" in terms of total annual revenues. The prominence of Shanghai is growing as the 2010 Shanghai Expo approaches, spotlighting the Company's outdoor media presence. "With the world-class events scheduled to take place in China in the next few years, we have secured a first-mover advantage in providing the highest-profile exposure for our clients' advertising," Mr. Hui added. Please visit the Company's website (http://www.ncnincorporated.com) for more details. About Network CN Inc. Headquartered in Hong Kong, Network CN Inc.'s vision is to build a nationwide network in China that serves the needs of a variety of customers. The Company operates a Media Network, a Hotel Network and an e-Network. As of March 31, 2007, the Company had obtained rights to install and operate 540 roadside digital video panels and 2 mega-size digital video billboards in the PRC. The Company also had five 2 - 4 star hotels in the PRC and roughly 730 hotel rooms under management. This press release includes statements that may constitute "forward- looking" statements, usually containing the word "believe," "estimate," "project," "expect," "plan," "anticipate" or similar expressions. Forward- looking statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. Factors that would cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, continued acceptance of the Company's products and services in the marketplace, competitive factors and changes in regulatory environments. These and other risks relating to Network CN Inc. business are set forth in the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 21, 2007, and other reports filed from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. By making these forward- looking statements, Network CN Inc. disclaims any obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release. Source: Network CN Inc. Company Contact: Stanley Chu, General Manager Network CN Inc. Tel: 1-852-2833-2186 Investor Relations Sean Collins, Senior Partner CCG Elite Tel: 1-310-477-9800